HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-1-9 (.: '-.225,FIFTH;;mET r; ~'\ r:~';['! r~:'"j'i] r'" ELEtlCALPERMITAPPLICATION':,..". ,?'.'..~ ~, ; SPRI!'lGFIEIp, OREGO)'l9747?! _C.J i~ll ['1 [. :- ,; }'. '.. ,. ': , . .:> i ,INSP,ECTION RE.Qlf?ST: 726:27,69--1, il C." i; :, ety Joh Numbcl' (1)2.. -l')~. - '7 -(') I I.,. '\ t O~F\CE: 7~6-3(~?, ' Ii', ['J' I ~~ i-J /1 ',' t; ~. . I'::'" ': ,. , (; ;1,1,; \ 1\,,) ,! ( tiIL"d p.~,COMPLETE FEE SC~DULE BELOW' \-,.,.,)1\)1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION ,.i",.,I(....,'\...1 I' ,0.L ,,,:,,,'> ~..J ~-- 51i:.z.'~:m4.}~\) ~~~.' Q L.-.;-~~-.>::':N~w;Rc;identiai;.Singie:br~-:~"---'~_:" Multi-Famil)' per dwelling unit. Service Included: , LEGAL DESCRIPTION ..I .. /719' 33 31. 6~"t-Of) .i .! Items Cost Sum. . '. \:00 :i:l3IHS\:!8 : 38N\:!H8 . or69G $'G:Q83i:ll!-llj GOOG 60N\:!r:31\:!Q' . ~G~~bOO~JO:#SNlj81 JOB DESCRIPTION r . 1000 sq.ft. or less ~/J, '5~~,1;8~s~(~thefolfo~h additional 500 ). zoning, and does nol require specific land ~!le!l%r portIOn Permits are non-transfl!l'il\~t\hd expire thereof if work is notistarted within 18BaidIy~ ~ Each Manufd Home or of issuance br'ifwork~tIiSpended for I ~OJ -0,"" Modular Dwelling 180 days. f,,' ." : ' J. I ~erv1te or Feeder Authorized Signature ~ ) ) j";, : 2. CONTRACTOR INST ALLA TION ONLY B. Sen'ices or Feeders... \, " ;" f/.ll. / ~/ J Installation, Alterations or .;\ '" Electrical',C,ont;actor '( ~ ~ JfJe"" G/ee.>>-r4-. Relocation: l . > .' . !,C';l Addr: \1n{./t~f:f!~ ~~. ~~;:,> ~ ;~~ ~:~: ~~ ~d~:~p: ,,'a:~~i:i~'~:'< ! .-:j Cil)'h~,~' ~ P!lOne 'I.f':~~.J'i.!;;7"b..", '" 401 amps to,600 amps. $125.00 (I . 0" \ (/.",,'{,,;q',~i;;,.;,;,i.,;.:'6Qlampst6IOOoa~lps ._$163.00~, '. ! Supervisbr Licen~e'Null1ber 30 71pJ!S'!';~'i',:';"j'J;.,over)000amps/voliS;. .' $375.00 . .,', .'~,i EXPiratiLpateV'/j :1/;'<'"')~~~~0,'~j~iJ'feconne~t,ou;r;i~~ii";":" . $,5Q?~ . < :;;:~' -':"J'i~':,,-,~ ji. ",':;'?>~f-~~i:f';fV>~_,:;t1t:,;,...:;fh":_ 'h, cm"porary Services or,:Feeders'..:,.:" ! . [,',,> ",. . 'a,:':7 Gf~f,J~ "'l e' ,," , ' , ,,>., , ,,",.,j<. ,~, " ' '.,..,...,;......,:;......::.,.......'._'....:...,'.......,..'.:.....,:..;':',.,...:'.~,.....;;.'.:..,:,;::,.:..;...,:.:,.. ......:.....",:...':..~.".,.:........~...':.:...:......:.;.,.....,...,..'...'~,...........:,.........'~,. . 1; ,il' ~',i . Constr.C9~ir~'.Nu~.~~:~~;-.'..1b:~i~~/L.,_;;,<:1~;:~J;:'(:~i;:~{~..~r. >4, ~~f+~rl:.~~~2~:1~:It~J~ati-~~ifi[~~e!oc;it:~~-~: ',',..':','. ....:":..~?.~:~'.,_ ~; ;~.' . .~~,~ - :. ~'. -.-'-':,;,;:',:'f~t;'~~,~.~:;~~.~:~;~~r~;~~:~:',.:~l'-\-~:~t{tF:~"~~.~:,:,~-~,~i'R~~1::,{_:,:,~':?~~~';~~~:~ . '.,;( ..<< I.' . . 'ExplfatlOn Date /0 -.2.:f..'c; . '''''':'.' ;:;"""I200~nlps orless.,.'.. .; '. ;'$50.00 ~', "': '~:"_" . " ,,-~t;?:;:20ia~psto 400 %Wp,~ .'i ~ 'i'$?9.QQ i .. S.gnature;ofSupervlSlng Electncl3n ~'--....QyerAOH0600amps:' .i,,,..::........::. $JOO:OO ;"~~i~~6 D. ,~:~;~::::s;~~(~.r I AddressP8'B'r:; 1 i(;}~lJz ( \ O~!li:cUit \ r~l ,I. ". $43~0 ., '.' .. I .. ill' ,./ '.- :'-'CitYk&i:i?tA. ";;~?'~ Ph~n.;.e.q. 42-?PP~ ~;jh;Additio~~{~ir~?i~.orwit~S~/~1f""'; '" ." . --:-0:-, " . ", yo! f ?rFeeder Pe?mL.,~' . , ;$ 3.09 - .. '~'" 'OWN~RINST4LATIOI"r. ""'. ,':/.,,,: I/....--'...~-.-'-=:\. \.,:-', .','( , . ,.. The installation is being made on E. Misccllaneous (Service/feeder not included) ,".' '" . '~ ". . ...... J -.," (, ,-, . ,\.' "' . propertyI. ~\vI) wl~chjs nO,t in;:n.ded " ;-Eaf~i~~t31,lati?r.:J' .: I, \ :,_'" . for. sale,' lease,or rent. r. Pump o\JrngatI~r 'j,. ~$)O.OO _ . 'i Sign/Outline LigI\t!!1g ::' _'$50.00 \' Limited EnergylRes' .' $25.00 ~ . '.' ., '. .'. ~, , . ~Y~~ill~Energy/Cpmrr $4500,-,-- r'. l:-: __ :', ;1....~. " " '.'. l\Iinimum Electric Permit Insflection Fee is S45.00 + Surchat;gcs . . " } I, "' ' \ 4, SUBTOI:ALOF ABO'v{ 2-s~ eo ,\ 'G , 7% State Surcharge ".'. /6.~" l 80/0 Au~nistrati\'~ F~~~-:' I e.72.. .'\ '\"._,1 ".-:.f " 2~ 'j/~ , . '. .. ~ .'. , . $106.00 ,I,' ,It I: f;;. ."- ...... " . " ./ I /~ $ ]9.00 f,'q(; '. .., \ $ 50.00 ~; ! ...."'., .' .~' <. ) . " -.-----,--, ~[ .f .., , , .' ~.. Ownc~~s Sig~ature: . . '~. . ~ ......~.-\ ,. ."" ' " '....i. '. , ~.' \ , " " .". .~ , ':. . ',' , '.....~,,,--~ .....~--,.:.,.....:....-~...._~..,--_:::. ~', ~.-:~,.- :~~.~--_.:.. . ' .......l TOTAL