HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1983-7-5 . .. RESIDENTIAL" AP? r,; CATION /FERMIT 225 Jorth 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 37477 Building Di~i3ion 726-5755 SPRINGFIELD"" , .:ob ::.oc.::.ti::m: \."iJ II J?7a4v ".1-1. \i\D~~r~~';\ n[.Qllf~ A8~eSGOl':: .l!ap ., S:J:d~;J";3::Cr:: Tc;:: Lot II ~".r: J)(Y)0 ~~ 1~~ Add.-<S3: ,<;() / )n~~.-IT Ci"'J: ~/" fUcf r-::v.;-~ , n Add";:::,n n Ro?mocet n .'ta:''';!~ :=lema Pr.an.e: Zi?: '1.1l/? 7 Descr'i.be !lork: ~'LL,JiJ /2u~<; L .yl It: i.1I t:h(l res?OTloibi1.i.:y of' ths permit hoZda:r" to see that: at!. inspections are .-:;ade at the proper timc~ t,T-oat iJ.{;cn ddress is l'ea.::::az,Ze ;"rom tM street) and :-nat the permit c.:z...--d. is z...."Cated at the [l'Cnt' of the proDerty. .tEui!.C:......g :r.:Ji::.o:-: cp::rot:e.d p!an sr.::lZ r~.a::n on t;..e E:J.iZding Sit;:; at aU times. P.'?OC2!)!J:~g PQR D1SP:':C1'!0!1 ,:;'!'OU~ST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccorCexoJ state your City .iesigr.a.ted .iob n.umber, r~~~cstcd a~~ when yell wi~Z ~c ~e~dy jor ir~pcat";an) Cor.traatcl's or ~~e~s r~e erA ~hone number. :.'ilL be rr,ade :;11; scr.:e d.c.y~ request3 mc::"e a/:wo 7:00 an will be made the ~t :;orkin.; day. . ffi 110~'71 ra:e of App~i~:icn ::"ntrec;o;:"s 7- s -'(?-z, GeneraL Plumbinq ::lectr";c~t ,VlJchcr.ic= l P~..,f / d-.J7 t? Const~~c~ian !~~'er _O:!,.....J~'=..l( :"'~""i?f'O~~r."._q O S;7~ I:,'S?E-'::':.]N: to be r.rzc.'a af:~r ezcav.::ti.;;n~ .;u: prier :: SQ: up of ft;)1"ms. o U:'[)'=PSl,.:..3 ?!.:'::.f3!.'lG, ?LEC':'.~It;,l!. ~ ,\-::Cr.:~);;t;:.i.: To be rrde be:'v'!'~ eny work is ~a",):;!'!'ed. o F'CC'!'~;G ~ ?C!..':l[)AZ':':.'I: '!o ce ~~ af~~r :~encr.2S ~e ~c~Jat2d ar~ f:;~s ere arec:.zd~ .::u: pr-;cr :0 pourir~ c::n~et~. CJ U.'!DtRr;.':!crJ.'." ?:.r.;.'.!2!::C. SE".J:R, ::.'.17!R. DRAI.'.'AG~: :'0 be r::a::e prier :;0 /i:'- Ur.g :rer.cr,..3S. o U.'l~!R::CC.~ !'!Jl....'9T:1G { ,'.'::':.".!..U:C~~: r~ .;e ~-CB vricr :0 ~n~::ai~~~on of f!aor i"su~;ian or ~ec~ing. ?JST AND 3~A,'.{: To;,e rrde ;:':-;01' ;a ::r.s:cli...:::ion oJ.- floor ir.3t.:Za:icr. or ""okin;;. o o ::~7.:'J.".f. ?':.~~~~!__.'c. ?':.z:::'.'~!'::.!. ~ ...fE:C.1- A~: ~o ~~r~ ~~ ;Q ~c ~0~2re~ ur.;~Z :r.e3~ ~r~~e~:~cr.3 h=~~ ~qp'r. ~aie =r~ =??r?~€=. F::~::?!.~';!: ?r-:.ar:a :r.e;.aria!s er.d !JGlcre :ior.. o ;kdr.g fr~r..g ~=.C"'~na ~1'13?eC- o PP.!J..'~:.'Ir;: MU.3t be :oequeo'C€d ef';.zr C??~o!",:;~ of r~git ;l-U1':"":'i.r..g~ 2Z.zC:r"';- caL .$ .~ec;..ani'::l~. ..H,~ nol~r..g brccir~ ~ ~hiT.r.~Ys. .zt.:. ~~sc be ccmtl~e:cd. .'10 -..;,;:Ir< is to b.e C011~ . CBc.'Zold :u::i~ :1:i3 ir.~oec~cn ;..a3 . b.e71 ,'r.fJd~ !:J'ti .:t'in'?t..'ed. VaZue Address ~l/ '7 'LJ,J;.f Ao//cf' .. I . . .,coe:oo' a t.i2/% s;~~ "),0.0 Your City. Desigr.ated Job Numb€!' I3: o ElSULAT!ON/V/tPO.9. 3ARRIER IHS?::CTICN: To be ,7"Klde after all. insuL::t~n a:".d l'C!quired lJapor harriers are in place but beiore any lat1:~ gypsum boa:rd or wU coue1""';n.g i.s appZied, ar.a before any in3U lation is concea Lee.. Siar:ed: d!- 7-S- ~ ~ o DR?1.JALL INSPE:CT!(}.1f: To be r.:ad.e after aU Cr;/!.:aU is in place, but prior to c:rt.y taping. Da:e: I Lise. Ii 4~<1J7 E:oires ?,I...on.. 7</;- 2'2r II ~ l o ,~SO!h~Y: SteeZ z.ocatian~ bor~ beams, grau:i,...q or verticals in accordance ~~th v.a.c. Section 2415. Job adircss, type Requests l'eceit:iJd of ir.3:iec:icn ce/ere' 7:00 ~ D i.iOODSTOIT: cc'':'lp l.z :~d. Attilr insta~Za:io1'1 -:'8 '[)~".!DLITION OR ;',:av::; 3UILD;;;CS =.=J San.i~d se"-'er :':ctpped =.t P:~P~'!'t:t. Zir;;]. .=J Septi~ tank p-.i."ged a."'!d f-:'lla~ ~"ith ;r=::e3 ---, Pinal - T/hen cbcve i.:e;~:s a:re ce;-::ole:ec ~ ar~ ~hen de~~~=ior. is cGm?i.z~e or st~~~- tu'!'e ~oved ar~ ?r~;3iJS :':~e.::ned U? -;'!ooiL~ i!c,~es CUPB & APPRDACH .4P.r:GN: Afte:o forms to pC'"J.r"~"'~ SIDE:rIALi{ & DRI"?ErJI..?: For all con- crete paving ~~~in strlJ~t right- oj-tX:.y, to be mad.a after aU ez:,:c- vating complete & fo~ ~rk & zub- base :r.cteria~ in ?~e. o !!E:NC'S: Wher. compZ...te -- Provide gaces or movable a8cticns through P.l/.E. =:J =:J Blockir~ Gr4 Set-up P!um~ir~ c~r.nect~cr.s 3c:::Jilr cr.d /Jater o ~ EZec~cal Ccnr.ec=~ - BZockin;~ 8et-~? ~ and p~umbing canr.eetians ~~st tiJ ~?'!'cvei before reque8t~ng eZec=rica~ ins?ec:io~ =.J .4c.:::'es3c.,;;,. Euil.iir.g :J Fin=Z - Aft~r ~crcr.Bs~ etc. are c~le=~d. JK-:..r"C-:..ng, dec;:s, o AU r;ro.;.zc: cor.ct.:~ons~ ~:.la:'; G3 :he ~,ns:aUc~~en :>,f $:1'8et ::-r,Jes~ :::.7~a;:;;'.1n of :;it$ required l.andsccpir.g, ctc. ~ .':'fUst ~e sar;~slicd. oO:,,-ore thiJ 3l!I!.DD'G ?!::~L ::.:::n ::e r2(j'J.3s:.zd. o. PI,'!A!. PLUgSI:,'G ~. ;I.'IAL .'.!S~HA..'lICAr. :=J ?!.'IAL !!.EC':'.t::!C':':' ~ o FINAL BUI:DI~C: The Fincl !It!cr;ri~aZ.~ oui .'!e~;..a.--:~;::cl B".'U'" - , t . . . -'e- ~~w~:_~~~~s?ect~Qn .~~s oe reque3~iJa =:~ . .ns?.z~~~~nu ~~va been ~ade ar~ =;prcv~=. :i:a .:'-:.r~~ ?Z:;.r.:bir..; .tALC NA,'lHC!.~S AND CLEANOUTS <'lUST BE .4C::E:SS!3['E~ A[)JlJS7'.'fZ::r ':0 3E .\~10E .1!' NO ~:S'i' TO r:r:'! ?=-=.z oJ" ~ I JOB NO, l=~a: I"" Sq. Ft;. ~ 31 La: :~er~q~ !:; of 5tor-:.es I~ . 1 !J . . ..owa.. ..J1.CI1:; ; - 11",,:,"'';1''':';':'.J !7'!:.J I SQ. .~:C ,~J::in ~":'<::'.'! :.=r=':1'-: I, 1".C.:eS3,r', i , I IS.D.C. 1.5 = ! lO~"AC. :IA!.,,'! 1!.'C!.:..t.;:; ZZAit.di.ng ?e~: StJ::te S:.a'.:n~ge ~o~L ~".a.."'ge3 ! I':~;~f I Fi=:'-..uoes I Resid.zntia1. (1 bath) ISO'i.it.2r'ci 5eue:- I ""'2~ Plumtri.ng Pem t State Surcr..arqe T.:ta! cr.crces 12E,~ 1,0;0. I .~es. Sa. rta. IN~/E%tJnd Cir~~i:s Tl!Jr.'Pcrc:ry S2r"J1.C9 Ele~t~:cal Pe~~ 5t.:te Surcha:roze To-=a.l O.r::t'ces I :?c.~ ?-~,,::c.q ETU'S E=hau.st Hoo.:! j Vent F:::n I . I i/:>ac.s:o:;e Pe!':':":";: I~:;u::;r.ca Med".an-ic:: 1. Perr.r:. t; I I I State SurcJu::oac "I",,~t:'t "1-C""'U'." Z:"C.~.:;AC:;'.'.::::!: 10 . " . l_eC"'..lZ"#~:J ;..<.t::'C31.': $tor'':!ce ,'~~nton".cr~e I P . '. . C1'!':T!.... I Tetel C"'1U:l''':cs I Cur;'C'..l': I Sf.deJaZ;': I ::''i!n.:e , I Ez''?c:l'{..cai. ~eL ! .\fooil.ao Heme I ?OTA~ A.'!OU",? DUE:' . ?==. 2 SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- ";C=-,.J.::a.7".c".J fJt'!:"J.::: l.C':' ':'!?:: Ir.re!":.cl' Corne:" Pcniuzr.dla C-..l L-ae-sac x ,aZue ,':0. Cr..4.RG~ ~.:.;'~_::;GZ ::":.1 CH)J:.CS I I I I I I 17 dO I '7,00 j ~Ot: :~ces I I P.:'. lllo!',;;: 1E'l'19~ ISO''"'';' 1;"'e9~ Fees . L-COG~ ::':::JeIC:;I".s:: 3e:......-;0:':79: 5e~b:z::,i.:9 I ,'0." I :arc=. I : : I II E'1'!3r'r.J SOUr"'JtJs T:J'ce :::e:::.: 1.':"":CI18S. i I I ilce-?'!" ::P"'"':':>!" .=?an:=e :~r'e'O ~cce ;,c;oa.:;:o:;e Building Value & Permit This permit to granted on the e::prtess ~ondi.tion that the sdid. ~ons;::r'"...Ic:ion S~4Zt, in alt res;ccts, ~onf=~ to the Ordinance =do~ted ay ens :i~: :;f Sprir.c~:e!..i. ';nc!:.<.d-:.nc :;:e :;c;n~l".a Crd:I".a'.CB. reO'"...Iu:::i,:a ti:13 C01:3::-:1:::.;';r. ar.d ~;~ of buiZdir4S,~CT~ m=y C~~Ju~?er~ed or revoked at cr.~ t:~e ~;~r. vic- ~:ion of ~y pr:;vi3ior.s of sate Ord~r~tces. I I I I ,. . I Plan Check Date Paid: IR2C<ip. #: ISig:-:ea: Fee: Plumbing Permit lIo pereon ahalt construct, instal!.. a!ter or change GnY neIJ or e=-:.s:-:.r.G' plumbing :;r" drainage syste~ in whole or in ~t.. ur.Zess such ;erscn is the legat possessor of ~ vaLid plumber's ticensB. ~cept tr~t a person ~a~ do ptw::oing :Jork to propert:-:I which is O!.I-n.Bd, taas.ui or cperat2.d by the ~ppt;i.- cant. / / I. I I I I I I I I Electrical Permit Where State l.a.J requires tr.at the et6cw~cat IJOrk be done by an Et.2~trica.l Cant~ctor, the etectlH~at portion of this pe~it shall r~t be ~aZid ur.eiZ the Zahet nas be-en si:Jned by the Etecrncal ~ontrac:al'. I I I I i I I I I , I I I. I I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit Pl.an ~=a;7n.nel" l.:a::ol I HAVE CAREFULLY ::XA.I,.fI:1ED t.t..e ~r;tr.pZatild ~pticar:ion f:;r pe~;:. C1".a de hereby certify thet an i~fo:-r.:a:--::on ;:e!'eon is t'ruil ar.d i'JCr!'CC:, c:r...: ; T.J.r:-her cer-:ij""i :hat any ad a.il. -":ol'k. ;erlo!":'r.Bd shalZ- De do:"lB in ac~:;!'. dance ...nth tha Crdin::nC28 of tit.;! City ~f Springlici.d., and tit.: !.C"";3 of tho State of Orec;;n. nrt.::in-::na to :1:e wor_~ desc-:-;bcc herg~n.. c:r..d the; :to acc:J- PI..'!C"! :.tT.ZZ b~ m::ie oj" c::n.'/3::-...Ii'J::aoa witr.o-.i.: .?03r::r::a3-::.o~ of ti:e ;u.i!dir.g 0--;- vision. 1 further ~e!'t~;~ tr~;- o:"lZy ccn=ractors a;.= ~l;;ye€s w;.~ ~"'B in c~~pt-::ance with CRS ?Ol.aS~ /Jill be used en this pr~jsct t=a X' I Si:;n3d ~Uv-/') 7?1 Da:e U-Jt9-Jll