HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5775 03/06/1995 ORDINANCE NO. 5775 (SPECIAL) . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINEMENT PLAN, CHANGING THE PLAN DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL FOR THE NORTHERN 90 FEET OF TAX LOT 1900, MAP NUMBER 17-02-31-24, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: 1 . The proposed amendment is consistent with applicable criteria of the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan, Springfield Development Code, Metropolitan Area Plan, and applicable state statutes and statewide goals. 2. The Springfield Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 1,1995 and unanimously recommended adoption. 3. The Springfield City Council held a public hearing on February 21, 1995 on the proposed amendment. 4. Findings in support of the adoption of the amendment to the Mid-Springfield ~., Refinement Plan diagram are set forth in "Exhibit A"attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference. '-- NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN, AS FOLLOWS: ---~,. . Section 1: The findings set forth above and the findings contained in "Exhibit A" attached hereto are adopted, and incorporated by reference. , . Section 2: The diagram amendment is hereby approved, and the diagram is hereby amended as described in "Exhibit B" attached hereto. Section 3: If any section or provision of this ordinance is found to be invalid, improperly adopted or adopted without supporting findings and evidence, such findings of invalidity shall not invalidate or otherwise affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 6th day of March, 1995, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 6th day of March, 1995. B;J~$ ATTEST: Mayor ~It~ City Recorder . ORDINANCE 5775 Page 1 Jb)~~-\ -.J '-'A~ . _ -'- o. ," _.~-::---=_.~~-:::-__. ~ 1.9 L'15:'. I,. 'y '- . . . EXHIBIT IIAII Page 1 Findin~s- Jo. No 94-12-234 REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT REQUEST STAFF REPORT AND FINDINGS APPLICANT: Willamalane Parks and Recreation District- Jo.No. 94-12-234 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a Refinement Plan Change from Low Density Residential (LOR) to Light Medium Industrial (LMI) for the northern 90 feet of Tax Lot 1900 of Assessor's Map Number 17-02-31-24. The Refinement Plan Amendment request will allow expansion of the existing Willamalane facility located at "E" Street (north of the subject property). The applicant is proposing to expand the existing Willamalane maintenance facility to create a larger lot for outside storage of maintenance equipment. SITE INFORMATION: The subject property is located near the corner of 36th and "E" Street, 680 N. 36th Street (see Attachment "B"). The lot at 3524 "E" Street, contains a small single family residence which is in residential use. The size of the lot has been reduced through a Lot Line Adjustment which was recorded on December 17, 1994. The lot is located in the Adams Plat subdivision which was platted in 1948. The subdivision has had a history of a mix of residential and industrial uses. ADJACENT LAND USES: The adjacent land uses are depicted on the attached Site Map. The lots to the south and west are developed residential properties. The lots immediately to the north are developed as a heavy industrial site that contains a mill operation. The Willamalane maintenance facility contains an office, shop facility, storage and employee parking. The zoning of the subject property (90 feet of Tax Lot 1900) to be included in Willamalane's maintenance facility is Low Density Residential. The parcels located to the north is zoned and designated Heavy Industrial. The properties to the south and west are zoned Low Density Residential, (See Attachment "B", Existing Zoning). The proposed Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan diagram change would re-designate the northern 90 feet of Tax Lot 1900 from Low Density Residential to Light Medium Industrial and allow the expansion of this facility. PUBLIC FACILITIES: This parcel is provided access to a sanitary sewer and strorm sewer lines that is available adjacent to the frontage along "E" Street. Water service is available for the site. Page 2 Findings- Jo. No. 94-12-234 STREETS: . "E" Street is a fully improved street to City standards with curb, gutter, sidewalks and street trees. The Lane County Assessor's map shows the existing Willamalane facility as having access via a 10 foot panhandle onto 34th Street. This access is unused and is currently fenced to prevent access. PLAN DESIGNATION: The Metropolitan Plan designation for this subject property is Low Density Residential (LDR). The Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan designated this lot Low Density Residential. The lot is located on the border of an LMI designation. The Technical supplement to the Metro Plan (1982) states: "In general, no uses smaller than 5 acres are shown on the (Plan) diagram." This statement has historically been interpreted by the City to mean that a Plan designation depicted on the Plan diagram represents a minimum of five acres. The acreage is based on gross land area. inclusive of existing and future public right-of-way. The Metro Plan is a general area plan that does not provide information on a site specific basis. SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CRITERIA Section 12.030 of the Springfield Development Code established Zoning District and Overlay District Change criteria that must be met in order to approve this request. The following findings address each of the criteria: (1) The Metro Plan. . (2) Applicable State Statues. 3) Applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules. The applicant addressed all the necessary criteria in sufficient detail to lend support for the Refinement Plan Diagram change request (See Attachment "C"). RESPONSE TO CRITERIA #1 (1) The Metro Plan. . This request requires the Planning Commission to make an interpretation of the boundary of the Light Medium Industrial designation shown on the Metro Plan. The property in question is at the border of the Light Medium Industrial/ Low Density Residential designations in the Metro Plan for this area, (Please refer to Attachment "B"). The scale of the Metro Plan diagram does not lend itself to absolute determinations. Springfield's refinement plans have consistently translated diagram designations into a site specific format. The refinement plan process uses the diagram as a general guide but detailed translation utilizes such factors as: a) existing development patterns and adjoining uses; b) availability of services; c) transportation services; d) natural and person-made features; and e) Metro Plan policies (see discussion below). Since the applicant is proposing a zone change as well as a refinement plan diagram amendment for this area there is little chance of creating a non-conforming situation unless the decision is inconsistent between the two requests. The following metro plan excerpts are offered as findings addressing the consistency criteria and justification for allowing this refinement plan diagram amendment Page 3 Findings- Jo. No. 94-12-234 METRO PLAN TEXT AND APPLICABLE POLICIES: . ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN ELEMENT- POLICIES "1. In order to promote the greatest possible degree of diversity, a broad variety of commercial, residential and recreational land uses shall be encouraged when consistent with other planning policies." P. III-E-3. The location of the existing and proposed expansion of this LMI use is important to the maintenance of the City wide recreational park system. The central location of this facility and its close proximity to the existing park located on "E" Street between 34th and 35th Street allows easy access for maintenance. The maintenance facility is consistent with the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan policy of buffering residential uses by locating Light medium industrial uses in between heavy industrial uses. FUNDAMENTAL PLAN PRINCIPLES, subsections 4 and 5, page 11-1: "4. Comprehensive plans identify and establish the Plan zoning consistency and recognize the importance of timing concerning implementation techniques. Implementation techniques, including zoning, shall generally be consistent with the precepts established in the Metropolitan Plan, which is a broad policy document for the metropolitan area. The consistency test shall continuously be applied to implementation measures and public actions taken to rectify inconsistencies when the general direction provided by the Plan is modified. A variety of potential solutions to consistency problems exist, including modification, to the Plan or alteration to the implementation techniques themselves." "5. The zoning process shall be monitored and adjusted to meet current urban land use demands through the planning period for all land use categories." . The Fundamental Plan Principles define options for resolving conflicts in zoning and plan designations or expanding designations which are consistent with adopted refinement plans. The request to change the zoning from LOR to LMI would delineate the LMI designation for this lot which is consistent with the general Metro Plan due to the large scale of this document. Staff finds that this criterion has been met and concurs with the applicant's findings. RESPONSE TO CRITERIA #2 Applicable State Statutes. The Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan has previously been found to be in compliance with all applicable state statutes. Nothing in the proposed change would be' inconsistent with any applicable state statutes. Staff finds that this criterion has been met and concurs with the applicant's findings. RESPONSE TO CRITERIA #3 Applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules. . The Mid-Springfield Refinement Plant which was adopted in 1986 and amended in 1987 has previously been found to be in compliance with all applicable statewide planning goals and administrative rules. The proposed change is insignificant as far as these regulations apply. . . . Page 4 Jo. No. 94-12-234 The request is also consistent with the following: Under the "Criteria for Industrial Plan Designation", the plan states the following: The Plan generally states that it is desirable to maximize the development potential of industrially- designated land in the mid Springfield. The following policies provide guidelines for expanding and locating industrial uses within the refinement plan area: 3. Ensure residential uses are visually screened and protected from new industrial development through the site plan review process. 6. Encourage the consolidation of smaller lots in industrially designated areas to allow for efficient and productive use of industrial lands. 11. There is a need to provide for sufficient on-site paved area for maneuvering of trucks and vehicles through the site plan review process. The Mid-Springfield Plan has specific criteria for designating industrial Land. The following criteria must be addressed to determine whether the expansion of this light medium industrial use meets the intent of the plan. 1. Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram shall be applied in designating land for industrial use. 2. Applies only to heavy industrial. 3. Recognize existing light-medium industrial uses, recognize existing light medium industrial plan designations as a buffer between heavy industrial and residential plan designations. 4. Area does not apply. 5. Minimize areas where industrial and residential designations abut. The subject property could be interpreted Light Medium Industrial in the Metro Plan due to the general nature of this diagram. The proposed request would allow a small expansion of an existing Light Medium Industrial use. The light medium industrial area in general has provided a buffer between the Heavy Industrial area located to the north and residential uses to the south and west. The small nature of this request in effect limits the area where industrial and residential designations abut. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: The Refinement Plan Diagram amendment application is consistent with the applicable provisions in the Springfield Development Code, the Metro Plan and the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend to the City Council that this request be approved on February 1, 1995. Staff recommends approval of this request by motion and signature by the Mayor of the attached Ordinance. EXHIBIT liB" i ~ Hp a.\J~ lY\dlJstf'io,J ~~~ L\ 3 \1t M~il.lM \l'\d.\)~t, .. N -- EJ COMMert.\~\ , ' , . D MLcl\\JM D(1'\'7;"1 ~~. 0 \...0 vJ. DU'\~;+j' R...~i4uo1 --- F61 p o.('\L..~ ~ 6rU' 5ftU '''0 o:~ --- --' --.:---- . :.. '",..,.....::::= :,~ C i:1 S t :- e ~ : ~ ~~:=~. ;': ;'.~_. :"\) '-~~!; I,... .==,,- :: ~j..-; t ,: ~.:: C'-=-r---~____ -L-r-, ' r-:~~.J. I I I _ CJ)-~~'~~~ - ---""""'r--~ ..../ :....- r .., ..-.,.--.--r- _ ~ ._ -, _....r- ---- - .,-, r --;:=::;:::::: :...- ~ ~ . I - :==~~f. !~C::~~ -, -:-: . '-<-- (J I ,i~ ._CI ~'::; t;:;- c.c= s . \~'-; ~- ~' :C:=~ /. 0,' ;~I ............".:..""..", ',....' "'~ ~r--~~= =@~~~ .:.- ,~~. - - --- ~.~ :::::-:-:-=- - -- /"~-:::' --=/ -/ I \, --- , ' ----- :! ,---- ;vII D-S PR Il~C Fl tLL) .,il'I\'-:- ~Cr;i"-iLi\V c. '1 => j \ "- L / -\ I .~, I U I, ) I; --- ,'} 8 (- "-" 0 ' I I ~ -'- \1[' 'r-lEn 10. \L''\l._ _' \,~ :.- ') L~~ '~08:- I: ,i"\ .. .-' . PLAN ,DiA~GRAlVt r- EUriENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN PLAN DIAGRAM . CI'he purpose or the Plan DIa(ram and the dellCrlptlona or the land ..... and symbols .hown are eontalned In chapter D-E) . D Low Density Residential I '"if',',;", I Mediwn Density Residential ':r.~t"',~. R High Density Residential II) Commercial III MIgor Retail Center III Heavy Industrial II Special Heavy Industrial 1;!~7' Light-Mediwn Industrial 1,*~11 Special Light Industrial G University/Research ---. Urban Growth Boundary ........Plan Boundary Floating Node I '~~/;:;r Government & Education III Parks & Open Space III Natural Resource I_I Sand & Gravel _ Agriculture III Forest Land l1li Rural Residential II Rural Commercial J '''1''::1 Rural Industrial .f.t....:.~~. ~!!~!fj Urban Reserve ......:'..; II Airport Reserve . Mixed Uses V Refinement Plan ".' ff"-' ~. I." ,,~., -fI'~., ~.,.... ~~. _'f<' ~., ",-.J WIlt'n lIlaklnl-: Land Il~e dc'('i~itllls in areas em't adoplt"(l rt'fi11l'1lI1'1l1 plans. USt'TS should r~rt'" to approprlalt' plans. as 01l:11f1~d In tIlt: Mr:lropolllal Plan. Appc'mlix B. "Hdlllr'llwnl Plans". or 10 rditll'llWll1 plans adoplNi slIhs('qtlenllo,JllIlt" 1~H-l7. . "11, :.~ l 1 AQ(' i ! \~ ~.":-" \ ~ 0 ;::: 4'