HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5766 11/21/1994 . . . \' ,\ ORDINANCE NO. 5766 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 2 "PARADES" OF CHAPTER VI "TRAFFIC" SECTIONS 6-2-1, 6-2-2-, 6-2-3, 6-2-4, 6-2-5, 6-2-6, 6-2-7, 6-2-8, 6-2-9, 6-2-10 and 6-2-11 OF THE SPRINGFIELD CODE PERTAINING TO PARADES. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Article 2 "Parades", Chapter VI "Traffic", sections 6-2-1, 6-2-2-, 6-2-3, 6-2-4, 6-2-5, 6-2-6, 6-2-7, 6-2-8, 6-2-9, 6-2-10 and 6-2-11 is hereby amended as follows: "6-2-1 Definitions. (1) "Parade" is any parade, march, foot race or walk, bicycle race or run, ceremony, show, exhibition, pageant or procession of any kind, or any similar display in or upon any street, park or other public place in the city where the activity would result in the obstruction or impeding of ordinary and usual movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or in impeding and unduly restricting other ordinary public uses. (2) "Parade Permit" is a permit required by this code. (3) "Person" is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. (4) "Application Fee" is a nonrefundable fee required for the processing of an application for a parade permit. (5) "Extra-ordinary personnel, materials and services charge" is the sum total of the costs related to the management by the City of Springfield of the parade that are in excess of the management costs of the City of the ordinary and usual movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic and other ordinary public uses. The extra-ordinary personnel, materials and services charge does not include the nonrefundable application fee. The extra-ordinary personnel, materials and services charge shall be calculated pursuant to the procedures outlined in section 6-2-5. 6-2-2 Permit Required. (1) No person shall engage in, participate in, aid, form or start any parade unless a parade permit shall have been obtained from the Chief of Police. Ordinance - Traffic/Article 2. Parades - 1 - . (2) This section shall not apply to: (a) Funeral processions. (b) Students going to and from school classes or participating in educational activities, providing such conduct is under the immediate direction and supervision of the proper school authorities. (c) A governmental agency acting within the scope of its functions. (d) Activities under the auspices of, sponsored by, authorized or permitted by another governmental agency to be conducted primarily upon property under the control of such other governmental agency. (3) If the parade is part of or will include a special event as that term is defined at section 8-8-1 of the Springfield Code, then a special event permit shall also be required in addition to the parade permit. The City may require other permits if the parade is a part of or will include other activities requiring permits or licenses under the applicable sections of the Springfield Code. A determination of whether other permits are required shall be made during the review process under section 6-2-5. . 6-2-3 Application. (1) Applications for parade permits shall be made in writing to the Chief of Police on a form supplied by the City of Springfield at least ten business days prior to the intended time of the parade, unless such application processing interval is increased or waived pursuant to section 6-2-4. The application shall be submitted with a nonrefundable application fee of $75.00. The application fee shall be waived by the Chief of Police for indigent applicants. The Chief of Police shall require an indigent applicant to sign an oath of indigency on behalf of the person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind that is applying for the parade permit. (2) Applications shall include the following information: (a) The name, address, an~telephone number of the person responsible for the proposed parade; (b) The date of the proposed parade; (c) The desired route including assembling points; . (d) The number of persons, vehicles, and animals which will be participating in the parade; Ordinance - Traffic/Article 2. Parades - 2 - . . . (e) The proposed starting and ending time; (f) The signature of the person designated as chairperson; (g) Any arrangements which the applicant has made with respect to traffic control, parking, fire suppression, restrooms, use of City facilities, crowd control and blocking of any streets, alleys or sidewalks; (h) The applicant's arrangements for litter control, site cleanup and trash removal; and (i) Whether or not the applicant has obtained liability insurance for the event. If such insurance has been obtained, the application shall indicate the policy face amount, the policyholder(s), and all additional insured and loss payees. (3) The Chief of Police may require such other information as the Chief of Police deems reasonably necessary to determine that the permit meets the requirements of this Article. 6-2-4 Increase or Waiver of processinq Time. (1) The Chief of Police shall base his or her decision to waive or increase the application processing interval on the following criteria: (a) Whether the size of the proposed parade is such that additional city resources are required and scheduling of the allocation of such resources requires further time; (b) Whether additional time is needed for parade organizers to inform the public of the proposed parade in order to avoid public inconvenience; (c) Whether additional time is needed to determine whether public safety will be endangered or the general public will be seriously inconvenienced by the proposed parade; and (d) Whether additional time is needed to consider an alternate route, time, or date for the proposed parade. (e) Whether the parade is part of a special event or other activity requiring a permit needing a longer processing time for approval. 6-2-5 Review/Cost Analysis/Insurance and Issuance or Denial of Permit. (1) Upon receipt of an application, the Chief of Police Ordinance - Traffic/Article 2. Parades - 3 - . shall review the application, determine the departmental activity that will be needed for the management of the parade in excess of the management of the ordinary and usual movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or other ordinary public uses, and shall itemize the projected expenses. In addition, the Chief of Police shall route a copy of the application to other affected departments within the city, which departments shall determine and itemize the additional expenses to the City for their respective departmental activity for the management of the parade. The sum of the police department's and each other affected department's costs will be the extra-ordinary personnel, materials and services charge. (a) The Chief of Police shall route a copy of the application to the Risk Manager, who shall review the application for evidence of sufficient insurance and shall require insurance or additional insurance for the parade as the Risk Manager determines is reasonable and necessary. Parade applicants shall be required to obtain a performance bond or present evidence of surety, indemnity bond or comprehensive liability insurance naming the City of Springfield as an additional insured. The Chief of Police, after 'consultation with the Risk Manager, may waive the insurance requirement for an indigent applicant. . (b) The Chief of Police shall provide written notice to the applicant, which notice shall state the amount of the calculated extra-ordinary personnel, materials and services charge. The applicant shall make arrangements with the Finance Director for payment of the actual extra-ordinary personnel, materials and services charge, which actual charge shall be determined after the parade is conducted. (c) services indigent indigent The extra-ordinary personnel, materials and charge shall be waived by the Chief of Police for applicants. The Chief of Police shall require the applicant to sign an oath of indigency. (2) The Chief of Police shall issue a parade permit if the Chief of Police determines that the parade can be conducted without endangering public safety and without seriously inconveniencing the general public. The permit shall be conditioned on the applicant's written agreement to comply with the terms of the permit. No permit shall be issued if the Chief of Police finds that: (a) The time, route and size of the parade will disrupt the movement of other traffic to an unreasonable extent. . (b) The parade is of a size or nature that requires the diversion of so great a number of law enforcement Ordinance - Traffic/Article 2. Parades - 4 - . officers to properly police the line of movement and contiguous areas that allowing the parade would deny reasonable law enforcement protection to the city. (c) The parade will interfere with another parade or other activity for which a permit has been issued. (d) Information in the application is found to be false or a material detail is omitted. (e) The applicant refuses to agree to abide by or comply with all conditions of the permit. (3) If the Chief of Police determines that the parade as requested cannot be conducted without seriously inconveniencing the general public, he or she may issue the permit with approval of a different route, time, or date. (4) Unless the application processing time is increased or waived pursuant to section 6-2-4, the Chief of Police shall notify the applicant of his or her decision within ten business days of receipt of the application. If the Chief of Police refuses to issue a parade permit as requested, he or she shall issue written findings specifying the reasons for the decision and furnish those findings to the applicant with the notification of the decision. . 6-2-6 Save Harmless Aqreement. Every applicant, including indigent applicants, shall be required to provide a save and hold harmless agreement on a form supplied by the Chief of Police in which the applicant agrees to defend, pay, save and hold harmless the City, its officers and employees, from any and all claims or lawsui~s for personal injury or property damage arising from or in any way connected to the parade; excepting any claims arising solely out of the negligent acts of the City, its officers and employees. 6-2-7 Limitation of Liability. This article shall not be construed as imposing upon the City or its officials or employees any liability or responsibility for any injury or damage to any person in any way connected to the use for which permits has been issued. The City and its officials and employees shall not be deemed to have assumed any liability or responsibility by reasons of inspections performed, the issuance of any permit, or the approval of any use of the right-of-way. . 6-2-8 Public Announcements Required. The Chief of Police may require the applicant to specifically inform private property and business owners who might be inconvenienced or affected by the parade. The Chief of Police may also require the applicant to pUblish announcements of the parade prior to the event. All costs associated with Ordinance - Traffic/Article 2. Parades - 5 - . . . informing and announcing the special event shall be paid by the applicant at no cost to the city. 6-2-9 Sanitation and Clean-up. A parade permit may be issued only after adequate waste disposal facilities have been identified and obtained by the applicant. The applicant will clean the right-of-way of rubbish and debris, returning it to its pre-event condition, within 24 hours of the conclusion of the event. If the applicant fails to clean up such refuse, such clean up shall be arranged by the City and the costs charged to the applicant. Such costs will be in addition to the amount of the extra-ordinary personnel, materials and services charge. 6-2-10 Parade Permit Revocation. (1) The Chief of Police may revoke a parade permit at any time after the permit has been issued, including but not limited to during the parade, if: (a) An imminent threat of violence and personal injur.y to the parade participants exists, all reasonable efforts to protect the parade participants have failed, and a request to disband the parade made to the parade organizers has been refused; (b) Actual violence has been caused by the parade organizers; (c) Actual violence that endangers public safety has been caused by parade participants and public safety is at risk unless t~e permit is revoked; or (d) There is a significant deviation from the route designated in the application or approval, or assembly at points not shown in the application or approval, which occurs without approval of the police officer in charge of the parade escort. (2) There shall be no appeal of a revocation made during a parade. 6-2-11 Appeal Procedure. If the Chief of Police proposes alternatives, refuses to issue a permit, or revokes a permit prior to the parade, the applicant shall have the right to appeal the decision to the city Council. The City Council shall set a hearing date within fifteen days of receiving such appeal request. At such hearing the applicant is entitled to be heard and present evidence in his or her behalf. The City Council shall determine Ordinance - Traffic/Article 2. Parades - 6 - . . . ~ whether the denial or revocation of the permit shall be upheld." ADOPTED by the Common Council of the city of Springfield vote of 6 in favor and 0 against this 21st of November , 1994. ~lt-t-~J~ City Recorder REV!E\~fD GY CITY Of SPRINGFIELD RISK MANAGEMENT (~.C, G,~(ll'Jr 16]1-J'{ AAME DATE ~ ~5~_~_~~- o C:\-=J::l\=_2?1.'-\ _ _' (~: . ,~-'.' ::";~~I JI.\'&-'~~'Q~<~" ".- f .1' -." ", ., ,-~ ."". '...... \....~. ~ ~ . . ~ ~ \.. ,.:: ~ .. II . . U Ordinance - Traffic/Article 2. Parades - 7 -