HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 5/22/2009 , ,~ -:\ " ,. i' il d'lmcriclllJ 7ir1c Qroup Escrow No. 000 12096 WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) TIMOTHY K. BOSS Inu DELANEA K. BOSS, Husband aud Wire l15 TCnllnh by the Entirely, herein caJkd groutor, convey(s) to JAMES 5. MCKEE and KATHLEEN C. MCKEE, Husband IInd Wife as Tenants by the Entirety all thai real propcny situated in the County or LaoI'., SLUe ofOrq:oll, described il5: See Exhibit A Il[t;ac:hed hereto Ind mad I'. II part bertor. and covenant(s} thaI grantor is the owner of the above described property free of all cllc-umbra.nces except CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD and will warrant and defend the same against all persons who !T'l.2y lawfully claim the same, except as shown above. The true and actual consideration for this transfer is $370,000.00.- Dated Much 19, 2001. ~ TLVlOTIlY (ufoss /-? lJdalf//l y ~ DELANEA K. BOSS STATE OF OREGON, County of LANE) ss. On this 3 - \ q - D \ pmonally appeared the above n~ TIMOTHY K BOSS and DELAI'.jEA K. BOSS and acknowledged the foregoing instrurm:nt to be hblher/~olunury act and deed. I} OFACw.. SEAL J,AREN ROSE ~ lIJ'TAAYP1JBUC-OOfGCI'I '.. COMMSSlOliNO.313603 wtCQ.I.il.SS(JtElmfSJJI"E 15.ZXl2 ~/O Lftary ~:li:;:r ~on My commission expires: The dollar amount should include cash plus all encumbrances existing against the property to which the property rerruins subjecI or which the purchaser agrees to payor assume. WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) STA'"J:C-.OC.L\ll.C='-- . DIvision of Lan. County Chi.f O.puty CI.rk C..d. and Records TThiOTHY K. BOSS and DEI.AJ'I,'EA K. BOSS Cow I 131.00 reeol TO Send Tax Statements to: JAMES S. MCh.'EE .od KATHLEEN C. MCKEE 1742 DEL ROSE AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 page Vi Title , Bv nepuIY After Recording Return 10: Amuion Tille Crllllp 560 Counlry Club Park"'.y _liD, 97-401 Eur;tnc, OR _Vl___f"""SOCXl3O<I_,O'I2J.OIII PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 2 2009 ,.,. . "-".. ., ...,','..-"...........-...........-........ - . -,,: , . ExhibilA j Parcel II of land Partition Plat No. 93-P0441, as platted and filed in Official Records of Lane County, Oregon.(aka Lot 14,Grantlvicw Estates) EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion dedicated as Del Rose Avenue by that Instrument Recorded January 13, 1994, Reception No. 94-02975, Lane County Official Records. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 . ..; '. . I I \ ,I :, J' '" 17- ?-.;.....t JAN131994 /QlciR 1...__""'. ,', "\11 ..J.I:l.......i-<'t....U ..,-'''"''"'_....... ._~........ '.. ~~ilC:7.~:~-,,,, 6c Y:.-r J 9~ t/L).f , ORIGINAL l1. 940Z97S DQDIC\.TlCII OJ' ... KlIILIC IlOAD ~ 1l'~IH.", !'!t'iI.HANY ~~d nmr'i"'TTNA. "-""''''''1''''' pli:tI}lIS! WART""mlE:1i: ~nd D!;'.oRE<; J \lAIn'1:~!i" aR.l\.NTOR3, gunt and .;l.dicate to UlJfI COC1lfi"'I, GIUUiTlU:, pQlitical IlUbdJ.Yi.loa at tn. Stat. at Oregoo, .. public rGAd ...-ut OQ and rJ"'"Ir the to.lloorUl4 "ucri.bed p~rty: A parcel ot land lying in ~ S()O..It.h_at. Ona-qu.utar of Section ]4, Town_hip 17 South, R&n~ ] v...t at tne will...tt. ....ridlan and being.. pardon ot the t.ract at loand co::rreywd to lI:.rl L. KCi;l~y and Chriltlo.a. ,. lI&cllltaDy. ~. ~. w.na.w.-. and Oelor.. J. Wa.rtacD.& by th.at ~rt.&in o..d aacordAd on Real 172Q.R, Record-c'. Recaption ~r '1.7~47. 1.&0. count:y Or0900 o.ad ot-corda, ....id parcwl b41i.ng .. .trip of land '0 t..t wid. d.acri.bed .. lollowa: 549innin9 at the t.&n.. Count.y Br.... C&p lU.Ilt.iog t..no. SQo.l~.1; Cornar ot the Felix Scott, Jr. Dcnatioc L&n4 Cla!. Juab&r 51 in SI<;t:ion ]5. Tc:.........hip 17 SouUl, Jl&nql J Ve.t at the wi11..-1:t. KoIridiU1; tl,.ne. lfonh O. 0)' 4]. "-It 'I'J.U t.et to an iron rod with U1 .1..-io.... ell' _rkAod .&....-t. L1IM Sp.ne.r"; thene. ~ort.h O. )0' :H' '''It 161.1' t..t t..CI a 51' inch iron rod "ith .. pll.tie cap _rk.d 'N..' ~ Ill"; th.ne. North ". 42' 1]" W..t 5".'7 tl.t; th.l:IC'I ltort.b. O. 0" II" W.'l: 114." t.ll: te th. Tru. peint of &.9innLa9/ ~ thanes North I"~ 42' 12' w..t 111.11 t.st; t.hIll.C'I JIortb O. 0'- 01" W..C ,'0.00 tast; thODe. SO\1U1. .,,, "2' 12" K.&1l: lSl.U tilt; th..nc:s South O. 0" I'" hac '0.00 t.et to tbI TrlM Point ot aeginning and chlr. .ndJng, .11 ill. Lane COull.~, Or",>"" "l"b.r. ia DO eona:ic1aration tor t.hia d.d!c:aciCEl. Tha d..c:ription u..d h.r.i::! i. b4a.d orl . .urvsy to be tiled in tlMo Otti~ ol tha t..an. COWlty SuI'V'ftyor. It bling th. intl-tl.t h.r.in to cr..t. . '0 t~ wi~ public: r~d .xtlnaioe ot Dalro.. AVIOU., COWlty Road ~r 1'01, ~~ it pA"'" throug.h the CR.ANroR'S property. Said p.a.rC'll beio9 torlv.r <:adic.lt..d to t.ha Ia' ot tb. ~lic tor road pu.rpo..l and grant.in<;l . pul:Ilic ~ ,"-.De. Ded.1cat!.on: Public Ro&d (Dalro.. '~"'-"PUIIJ A.tt..r r.cordJ.ny rat\lZ"D co: t.&l:I. County ~, PS1l, ~, ca ,"01 s.J/_l, P'9I 1 ~ :z II ,I 'I PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 .....!.'h. ...------~. .. :...__:::..._:.......';.s;.::._;...-:.~:.:...;.:... .. . . . ..,.:'---.-...... " .~ , '., l ". ,.",.,~...,.~.~ '-.' -~'.'.""-""" . ,~""""r-/':,"J_,;"..., JAN 13 1994 Iq {'d.R '_',..':.I/.,..a.JJ"JI~..:-.~.......,....,,~r.. \ 9402375 , ORIGINAL /J'/;?Y' or 7'l':'-.~":.vd-''' D.c.d t.hh _ ---o..y ~./Lf... J'r~ 1"J. . ~/M'Ua..... ~{..:... ;..:_L:hJ->_<, , ;L-;v~ jJ.l~,j) <<j;> 1~ S'U.,...o..~) CCXJl'rTT 0.. un l... On IJ~/"..)A.e /y , 19'3, ~ncnally appund t.M &bc7v-.,.~ .c:4..!C. L. /7~r/_~'''''.J ~-_.---r-/ L. ..4'l/".l72::VdcE .F &;.-.........2LS T /'/.p"'??'2:""'/d6~ &..Cd ac.kn.o"hd/'~.~' th. tor::I::~on/t t~;;:;:zl: :;7';; N01~a'u~~l' tlot...ry Public ror on'icr:l//..-' _ -.. COI''''''S::;I(lN,.o,OI~~ rry Ca:m.1..ion e;o:;pir..: / /r17~!:. U'YCOl.U.llSilCJooLlPlnUN<:N.a 1_ ..~~~~/.:fr/#.N r-. /"?-.:E/...../~..A./r .))e...v"..,<.f S1'ATIl:O"O~l co:JNrt 01' u...u: ) _ . "" , 1))J, per.~lly app.ared the abovs.~ and aC~o..lod'i.d the tore'ioing inat~ot to be ... voluntary act beto~ ..: "Otary Public ror ere90D Hy CCVlI:l_L..ilXl expiraa; Ci:PARn1&NT 0.. PUBLIC WORJ:S uum KANAC~ CI'VlSICZf Tho Board or Commi..toner. hareby .ec.pta thi. dedicatiao a& d...criboad b..rwi4. App~d 1A::r '11 _' 1"3 ::~"l. ~ ~ 7.~ (r.mcnu .~~~ o.d!cat.iOD; PubHc Ro&d. (o.l~. A.......,...,.) SJ/_>l; Pa~ l o.t l \-- PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 _n.' .. ~: ';'::"._;:"::::-'.' ':...... i I" , . , ~,..... . .... .. , . ! " -- , JAI/1JIQ0' Iq{ " ,J" . "R __' do. 91102975 ATTACHMENT Seclion 24 1:17S. R-3 W.W.M. LANE COUNTY NO SCALE ORIGINAL J _.~""::... \1' I '! ,.' '-,-- ~; ,.. ___ '14=~' r'.l v""'" _ .-_' '- ' v....~_ ! . i'=::",.a-~---- .$T"~ , .' __n___.__~ _ rI<-.O~~'*=l'"" .: p .: , I' l' I A. ' 1 I: I 1 i ~ Ii / I : '/ . ~'. I~~l ~. t1\: I \ I ' ~l' \ t~ ~ ,I ' ~ Q a ~Il i ~ Ii t' &f,-lJJ ~,~ : ' : 1~-.::..7";' VICINITY'MAP / , ~l: ! f lOBE 7ji. Jf, i' ~\::r~~?J.7 ~: I DEDICATED, ,.: ~':: \of J:1;pj.;~ '", ' ~I ; i," ',\='1""'" ~'-:;".' "-:.s.l~----- , . I " ~', '.,..".....~. _.;':1! ~/ I. ' ,', -~./,,".~" , ""vE.....V'" .," - 4"''''' li~ \ \" ;___nUn-~ II~l-' "lc\i J.~",I\ ;.~ 1-'~ . ~ ___n,>,:,' ',. ,,; . L ,'. , II \' I!' "-1\"'.. I .:' ,~. . tt _-' "., 1 \j J ~ I ~ ~: 11l: _r; \;:_ ______, 'J!. :1.(... -- "-- T ,.:-~:::.._~,). I ~. N ~ ~ . ". ( >' a ~ I / d - PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD ; MAY 2 2 2009 .-;~; ~~-~~;~'.M"'~t"?f' ~->I:.ct.........~......~..._>..... .~~.'"~.,~-:-.- .....-~. .-.~. ~ , , '--"-- ~ J WA Y-14-65 :i 2 2 1 5 - A RFe 1.5(1 L i ! I I I i I 3301 CONVEYANCE Of EASEMENT FOR V^lUE RECEIVED T, Peter R.~.~k1 a ~1nt1e ~ herein referred to a~ grantors, hereby grant, bargin, eel I and convey unto R!l.y Warner herein referred to as granteea, an easement over, across and under the fol lowing de.crib.d land. and real property, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point 986.99 feet North and 752.68 feet North - 890 42' 35" Weat fro," a point where tho Ea"t Iln. of tha Wlllla.. C. Spencer Donation land CI.I.. No. 50 In TownDhlp 17 South, Range 3 We.t of the WI Ileaetta Merldlen, Intoreaat. the Ilna between Sections 24 and 25 of aald Townahlp and Range, run thence North 890 42' 35" West 5.00 feet, thonee North 2170 fe.t .or. or laaa to the Isft bank of the McK.n~i. River, th.nc. Ea.terly along- s.id b.nk upatre.. 5 f.et DOre or l.a. to a point North of the Point of Beginning, thenca South 2170 f..t DOre or Ie.. to the Point of Beginning all In lane County, Oregon. Alao a con.truction ea....nt 15.00 foot In width .nd adjac.nt to the Ea.terly boundary of the .bovo doDcrlbed o.....nt. S.id .....ent to be void upon co-pl.tlon 0' the In.t.1 latlon of dr.intil.. Oated ;};(...., IZ- ~~ r- - l - X _t(i::;f, EU, (Sea') Peter Ro a."..1::1 (See I ) (Sui) (Su' ) Parsonftl Iy azpeared the above naMed ?t:TtlL '~"P "'I(.O"""~K.II A -e..,~ ~AN .nd .cknowl.dged the foregoing Inatrument to be aat and deed. Before ..a I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 STATE OF OREGON, County of lane, ... .. ....~- ,~- L L 4({!L Notary Pub"e for voluntary Oated :::!r.._ IZ My Co=--r;;Ton Expira. J.. A. o. 19~ , <<:\(-.., Ora90" -'. &)I-/~ 4~ -441 ~1-J'I'H''1 7:a - 4-4-:1.. / 9il:::i089G NOTICE or J.NHUATIOH .&.CR.U.KDrT ~'~orICE: IS CIVEN THAT <;" r~" A.. "h-"" tJ..{tjn.,.-""" I h~relnilter r"t<cc(d to .~ Ih_ Ovner and lne ~llY ot ~pcJnitl.JO. & _unlclpaJ corporAtion ot lh. State ot Oregon, h.reinatt.r n.hrnrd to IS the CIIY, 'on th. d.)' of :r...~S. 199:t. t:nrt:u'd into an .rr...."nr lovern1nl an a.nnu:atTOn 10 tht: City 01 f.a1 property identIfi.d as Tax Lot , AIs,ssor's Hap 1~-OJ.-1.'r:fl-f'" .' .. ha:~l d'uccipdon 01 'oIlll(h I. atttch.d u [ll.hlblt A .and lncoCporato:d by reterenca, h,rclp. ~v+ JUL 1.11994 I 1970R .- .., Th. us. and developacot ot the above properly Is (ovcrn.d by the Icr.. and condition. of Ih. Consent (0 A.nncxat1on docu..tnt :dgntd by tlH: Qvnu" and the Clly. Tl'a Con.nnt 10 Anntx.aclon dacu...n! Is filed In th. Oevelopernt Services Division of the City, 10 vhlch rdHence Is hen:by ".Ide lor &11 Il..;Itters .nd thlna:' Ihertin contAined. TI\1I 8 Ilrcc~ent if blndlna: on [h~ Ovner's heirs, .~.l.n~ .nd successors In loteresl to the g 'ro~rty. ~ As used herein, the stnrul.r _h&ll include the plur&l and th. plurll shAll lnclude the _1n.(Ubr. x In \,/ItliESS ....HEREor, the Ovner hu; set their h.nd and ual th1l it :T'\...u~ . 199~. .~ ,to' ^ y\".v ~y: By: d.y 01 !!~;U..ll'94!(O.:R[C ~.U.ll.94!(D..:."'Pil.HJ . :n.OJ lO.OO := Ovner Wner z ~ i:: ~ Addre~s ,-, r. '" STATE or;(~~o~. County of tAne ) .s. pcrsonal~~ppcared before ~ this vithinn.ued Iclu1ovlcd.cd the loreiOln&: ;nstr~nt to l><t tne;r vo!u:\tary .leI &1\0 J,ddru:J d&y 01 . 199 ""0 - 0.... tho /'loCHY l"u01Jc tor Or.ioo Hy COIO.::dssion Explru: III VITI<ESS Io'HDtror. dAY 01 the DIrector or Dcsitylec has UI thtir hAlld and se.l this 199_ 1Iy: Ptvelop~ent 5erVlces Director STATr Of OREeON, County of lAne ) ss. Puson.Jlly .JpP".Jred belor. IlC tbis dlyof "ilhillnalO"d ~clu1ovlcd,ed In" toregoln. InSI rvc;:ellt to be tlle.lc VOLuntArY .199 ""0 - let ano dH-<:!. tho ~ot.Jry rub1:, tor Oregon Hy eolt.'lllssion u;:dresl Thi:s Nodee of "'irHt>en[ sh.Jll be recorded by the OV"l'lcr 11'1 the Dced:s Uld Records OtpH[llIenl It the l..i.ne County Counhou:se. The orl6in.Jl of thi:s !Jooeul>t:nt sh'all 'be refurned to the GcvelopllH~nt ServIces Ch.:p.Jrt::lI~nt, City of ~prin8'fleld, 22::' nfth Slrcet, Sprln.field, OR 97~77. Thill: record.Jtion of this DoCll~llt sh..Jll t>-t considered liotice of A6P:<:lIen[. NOT!ct OF AI'fNEXATIOfi AGRrLW.'T " '909 j~~. 2 .-"' :~,f ~~ '~. '> PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 2 2009 ., ..~~, ' "-., S4::i0896 JUL 111994 STAn:M(NTOFOWN~ NonCE OF ANNEXATION ACREDo1D{T AlTAo.....llJ.U-ll l 1 100 following individwJI &I1d enLiry O....'Il 100"/. ortm: propttty propoou...rl in the a.tU.cb<<1 Lnl\(:X.l(ion agreement with lhe City of Springficld: I. Earl L. &. Christw f. Mc:ElJuny 2600 North] I 5t. Springfidd, OR 97477 2. DcnnU L. &: IXlOfC3 1. Wartcnbce 2742 Locwt Springfitld., OR 97477 J. Development R~u(ce Corporalion 975 WilLgiJlespic RoAd Eugene, OR 97401 'id/f'1 c; i/,~ . ~ -' J.,{~fl"._ LL~/uJM~ ~j/ U),,,"~J= ~/-'I"',"...~..a ({;rJp...La GM,~,.v _"...... r.. ?j......'(/~7L:P.1k.r.H~r-' In WI"I1'fESS WHEREOF, the aoo\o'e owner hanet their ~ ~ sa./lhU r/!:!: 6'~ ,199-1. STATE OF OREGON, County oELane) >>.,..:_ Pcnoni\Jly apparod before me litis /:,-7" day of UII~ , 1994, thewithinlUtTlcd ~,,'<...-^, //.i::/'-r7') J wooJ..Cknowl<:rlgcd the foregoing inwumerrl to be their voiinury lct and deed. I"""" woo..""" r:-:: :.\ :C1VHI~( l.L I~HOlJ ~'i.;;) J'~'~~,::,f~,~~~O:~~ l'YC.'::'.:C:.,;'O:lfJ;"lltSJU"C:'lI.11'90 The ~\'e O'>lmers. own ru.l profX1"TY id01tified u foUows: "'yof Dr", ,^f1~2 rLii_ -.",Lit,\c--- ~arYPu~i' of Oregon -;-. My commiHion expires: (, /)~ , Q 0 Mlp )7-03-14-0-0 Tv; Jot 706, Tu lot 707 and the southern portion ofTu:: 101705 ....ithin the UrbJJl Growth Boundry. See lll~che.d drawing indiaring anneX I1"ea- Leg..! description: see aruched Exhib1J. ^- , 1970R PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'o- MAY 2 2 2009 o r >:~~'~J.;, " -...... ""'CI ;::c rT"I . s: ~ :=< c:=: CCII .... s:: N> ~ ,...., r-- = ;::c = r.t:l rT"I ('") d \.;: 'lI \ \ <. ..... /7"~..s-r~T , ~.. ......~.o.o.a.:r_ ,($s..,'.olI<: ...-...,,,..-.... ,~- n-1 III ~<>O, ,~. 'Ii '\~. ,: \ , \ ,1 < II ~ ,~'" \ \: I ~ I ~ ~ ' , \\~, "",~ I' ",l ,1' ~ ~: ~ ~, \ ~ ~: f\ :~t ,~ ~~l ~ l ~ r-.. ~ I I '" " ,,~ I I' ' \ 1 1 ... "I ," ~~ I ~ . rJ. .)0,. \. , I '\ t" 6\ " r.,;1~~N~....I".".<l. .r -.;::~ ~ ~ _ 0\ .-.. _I r1 il,~: . ~ "./ , ] "-3~ I 'L.;-~I( ,~~ i~;! ~I ,~'" - -(\- .-n-;.le7...----~\-r--~. #, ~lf' .. -. :J"':::;""-:"# I -=~ I' I ......'::..~ t \ ~ ~ ~ ~; Eo~. -L.J' _..u_~;._.;.---.: .-....-.G::;u.; ! f--~..r"~.- ~. ~ "><il."'- s t : il :'- t \ ' I r -\',. , ",' 'n ., ".. 'i \ ...~.o ,..~ft:l. ~o ......_ \.'1<> _' ..,.., _... J" c:>.:>Oo..;-v".E ~'<=7..J"o. _" ....~ ~ ~ " GRANnVIEW ESTATES No. 17th Placo & Dol Rose. Sprlngnold, OR ElflL. ~cEIt\lny O''''''IL,W''''l'Itlu 4a4-M93 Yy\ 741. \~9 Hm 4e~.-M~e W\ 740-1e17 Hl:n ~ ... (.If o c.c t-' C'l .~ )~ \, " ~ I j I, L- c: r- .... >- '<0 <0 p.. ;,D -J 0 ;JJ , 945U89G JUll,11994 1910f . ". ;':" -".... ;:, ~.. . '.' , .".' . '~." . ',,' " .,:. ',' B~ a1 tho Uno Co'D1ll)' Bnu c.p In I nwnw:u:r:u: cut: Cl.llb:lg the $auilrwt:st corc.t:r ofmo FJor. ScatlJi:. Do::l.tticmLand Ollm.No. H. in $ea:i.c:l. 2.:S, TO'W"'...s.hip 17 Saurh. Rmgc) West of th.I:~M~t1x::=tI North 0" OJ' <lJ.We:;;a:229J.19f:atol.l1irunrod.....i:th.ll11in.dl. ~.,1IU=p I:D&I:kod"'&s::1...ina SppD:f-; thalCONanh Q"" 30' :Z".bu i62..16 fea to t 5/8 Ind1 1:-onrod-'iliIP1u:rico.p~r"}lESS PLSK.81";rll.cJceNarth89"41' 12"West.J9J:OJftc:c to \hl: TRUE pOlNfOF BEGINNING; d:.oa: Clm"l::b.~ Nonh 8.9" 42' IT Wen: 365.05 U:ct; ~ Norlh~ OS 08'" w~ 1050.00~1:h..c::J..ceNart:!14. 56' ~l. Eut: 3n.7!je.cr~t.b.c1cc Sourh CJ" G6' jS" Easxl150.00 fret 10 thJ: 1RUE POINT OFBE.GiJ',"'NING.,iD LmlI~. 0lqc:L. ~9.D.acrea. ,C< ::"1 -;; ~~1 . .., ~-= " ! C1 ~~1 " OJ ~ 0: < ,d ,y';: ~ G '" ~ _v " !::] 11) rj ~~ : .,-- l"- Ou ..... '::-"- ~ H :iJ 00 ~.;; ;: ;J. en 0<- oS i- ~ :j .,-- Ii ~ ~ .0' uu , 0 .:l-.. = ! " .u ...:us. jj . L I " "';'c" PRE~SUBMITTAL RECID MAY 2 2 2009 ~'" ~~~+ ',/ t;:l,-7-t'11'.j.7 9450897 91-1-ub CI$';' ~L/-/ .,' , 7'~-~V-L JUl1 t 1994 1970f\ ,/ \' I J I \/Alvv, or IlK! UtlIT Ori C;Xl?m:N1' TO VCHnA.rIOf'f J..H ADOfJmtn1 TO lllK ~SOIT TO J.NNE.I4TICl'I [)()CUl{JJ(T VHE!lEAS, the Ovnt:r lu, .xt:cutC!d a Con:u:nt (0 Ann..xatlon docu.cnt to the Cl1Y on tht: d:ayof ;T{11.'c. , 199Y, III:nutt'd 1nlo.n a.(r__'U &,overnln( ..nl'ii'ilUJltlon 10 the City or tt'Jl! propnlY Idtnllthd .. Tax LO{ , Assessor's H1p li-(rJ- :tl,.-n-o ' .. hra1 d~scr1pt10n of IIhlCll JS attlched as Exhibit A ana incocpotai...a DY rUt:Ullce, h.r"Jn. am;! h attacbt::<:l h..retol wd ~Hl.l.,11'9.qjjlJ:Jl:EC 1:;.00 VEEREAS, for tht: purpose of authoddn[ an aMf::Ladon under ORS 222.170 or undcr a proceedJ"... Inl11.ted by OilS 199.'90, only ~utn:t:ntJ of Cons..nt to Ann~tiO<l v!lien .In: flled vlthln an"y one y".r period shall bt: .ftHt1v.., (Jnle.. . ."paral. ~ vrl tten lJ",jvrr ol Ti..t: LiQlt dOClUlt:nt forgo In&, th.. on..-y...[ pC!rlod or prt:scrlblfli: ~o'".. oth",c p..rlod ol dIU h:u ~n ent",red Into b..tvt:..n &.II ovn",r o~ J..nd' ..nd th", i= CltYI a.nd . ~;u..'.l:.9-1KO:1'f1.H:) ~ 3 ~ C 10.00 lJHERL\S, lhe OvnH, by sIgning this .....lvH of tI_ L!1I1t. ."llLcOOlp1y ....ith the ten_, of the Const:nt to Aruaxallon docu_cnt lO thaI th.. Conlent to ~{lon ~ocu~ent ....111 b", effect1vc vlthou( retard to tht: on.. y..~r 11_1tatlon under Or~~on hv. ~ l'lO'" THEREfORE, 1n cOM.l:lderat1on for the CllY'l aguelllent that {bf" (Nn",r'J: ~ Property ~Y receive municipal .su'vices fro~ tht City .a.nd the Qvrit:C l:I..Iy undcrtue :::l deve!opQent of the Property in lccordanCt' vI eh the SOC ~d o!hu .ppl1calJlc C1 tJ' plans, policles- .nd ltand.ards and ."lth the re-qulre.lllentl of Lanc CoOnty, the (}vn..,r ~ hereby ..grees to vaive the one yur potriod, punuOlnt to OitS 222.173. Th1.s "".her of Tl"e LJ.Illlt is binding upon the Ovner, th.. Ovner'l hdu, &.5sl..,s and lUCCC:UOrJ: in interest to the Property posus::;.,d by the Qvner, Qvn..r Ovnerhusf"t th~.Pld 199_, i"'-V / '" .-f'i'" and sw (his day of In ilITI1I:55 il!:E.REOf, the By: / Ovner ;'OOr"ss ....,crc-;s.s )t;~ STATE Of OREGO , County of Lane ) ". Personally 1pp~ared bdoa _ thl:> .' 1 t h 1 n n~,,~d ackno\lle~l:ed t.'u' toreiolog lnHruc:ent to be tlH::r vOllmt1ry ..ct .....'10 , 199 vh. de.f:od. the d1Y ol ~o{..ry rUDL1C lor Uregon l'ly Co=.d:>$ioo E.xplre.s: ThLs V~jver o( Time Ul'li t sh",l1 b<t r"cor~ed by the o.llCf :In the De",d.-> aDd ~cords Depart"'enl .at the Lane Councy Courlnouse. Th.. odgil'...J of this: Docu_41ot dull b-c returned to the Devdopment S..rvicf"s o...pHtllent. City of Springfield, 115 ntch Slreel, SprIngfield, OR 97~77. UAlVIJt or TIME UKIT ~908 I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D- MAY 2 22009 JUL1l f994 ICJ70R .... .. 3450897 STATEMENT Of" OWNERS WAIVER Of TI;'\fE UMIT ON CONSENT TO AN;-.i[XA TJON AN ADDENDUM TO THE CONSENT TO ANNEXATION DOCUMENT AITACHMENT1' The following individu.~.h and c.ntilY own 100-10 oftne proJX11y propos~ in the uu.c.hed agrccmcnt with the City ofSpring1icld: I. Earl L. &. Christina F. McElhany 1600 Nonh J I 51. Springf>cld, OR 97477 J) fA 'f./i.Yu. rJ"",r.;.. c1. ;!:. . ./)~i~ ".\.;.-v.JA \) 11j~.,Ti,,",J..u..c U ~,".4Yh?~~ i:Jt f,J 1M -<'/7/ (J/"I-tlA~ 2. Damis L. & Ddoro J. Wartenbee 2742l..ocusl Spring.fidd.. OR g-]4077 J. Developmc11t Rcowce Corporation 975 Willig.ilfespic Road Eugc:nc; OR 97-401 In WITNESS WHEREOF. the .tbovc OWTICf hAs 5.d their !and and sca11his Il~ ~"l^C:: ,1994. liayof ST ^1C OF OREGON, CounlY ofLt.." ) 1.1-1.-<... Pc:rwn.;llly "'pparcd before me this \) \- lhe within n.amed ~ _1\;" " IllC forq;oint: instrument 10 be their voluntary ad ;md deed. dlyor .,h),("\";- ,199<4, .....ho ad,:nowledged ~. OHICl.Alsc...o.l '::;::', r.lS!r"IK(.t.L lll~IQU. .~ IOOT/IlYPIJ8t.IC.OO(CON CO',~""SSIO<-l'IQ01~ UT co.....'ScION Ol>lflf~ JI.IN(1S. '9'Jll L~_j." ..l~~' _p (1.-::1_ Sl-blc.... !,\'6ury Public ofOrt80n My commi~s.ion cxpircs: -l., \"-L-fo,\~'-o ~ WovC Owna"5 own ral property identified lLJ fol.lows: Map 17-03-24-0-0 Tv; lot 706, Tax Jot 707 Uld the ~lhun portion oCTu lot 705 within the UrtHtn Growth Boundry. l<pJ d=ri ption: ><< >tUcl><d Exhibit A. ~. ~-;;t . '::--~,.. -..?~:. ..:;.:....: :i j .. ~1' < PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 1- , ',: 9450897 " .' JUL 1 t 1994 I H~0i\ I Bceizming D tho L.<<ne Cotmry Bnu up .In . monu.mm1 CJ.Sl':; m:ub I!: the ~ corut:r c! tbc: FdDl: Seattle. :Dons:ianLmdOUmNa. ~l.in Sc:::ti=.2.5, T~ 11 Sou:th.lt2n.&eJ Wm of the~Maid.UD..;~ NonhO"03' '43.Wc:stl!93,19fe.etto:t.l1irimrodwCt~'1izu::f:L :al.a:rJi:Dumop ~ -Eu:z Un. Sp<nCd.~ t:hcn.ceNarch ~)\J 2A- utt 16'1. 16 frtt to a SJ8 ind:. jrOQ rod ~ J pluDe up n:cl:.cJ ~S PLS &:11"; tb..cD~ Nonh 89" 41' u."West 393.03 !bat to'" UUJE POlNTafBEGWllNG; <h= <=tinw> Nonh l\9"' 4I 12" w.it 365.0j L>c<; thc=o Nc:rthi1" 06' 08'" W~ 10.50.00 li.et;thmccNarrl174" 56 :uw &u'317.78 foe:r.; tb:::ncc$oadlCf' 0(} Ii"' East J 150.00 f=1 to th.c TRUE POINT OF BEG:[t.."NI.NG. ia r..m. Cc=ty. 0:n::pJa. ~S9:n.t.c:r8&. < ,< " , . '1 ~~- 1 -L r" .- r- ~11 ~ . ~ a:: < C1 g r if ~ ., 2~ ClJ OJ .... o~ 0 r.:1 ., l'-- ~_J! i <~ lJ'1 00 ~~ co ;J: O'l & ~ .;- ~~ 0,01 :j .... :Jl ""1': uu 1 , , ~u :3~ = . " . ,-, ::~- ;:~,. I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 -, .':''-'" rf'J'f;7 (1- 3-d~ ~~-.J-. ~ / -/~ q.1~ ~'1l . 9~~4t,L~ JUL,11 1994 1970f I)~ I~ 9450898 . ~ I amsmr TO ..vlHaATlOff FOB. U1-10 tlRRJJf FRINCl ovuur DISTRlcr tl.Orunn: Tal Th. City of Sp~lnill.1d. a .unJclp.l corporatIon of the Stlre of Orlion, ht'reJnaftcr uhrr~ to.. City. This 11 .. Conuflt to Annex.-tton by Sf, ">Trl",,,,,,,,,.."( .' lar~jnit tee retcrriRd (0 I. Ovnar. RECITALS I The Ovnc' r.prc'iRnt. the lollovlnil Z~JLLll'94110MC 15.00 L The Ovn",r possesses (('11.1 prOptety, htrtlnafter referred to IS Proptery, _or. p)nlcuLHly descrlb('d In Exhibit "/0.", Utachtd heu[o .nd lll.Ild. . part h"uol, locaad outside City IJ;nlts, but vI thin the adopted Urbl.fl Crovrh Boundary deplctt'd In the EUit'ne-Sprlnifleld Hctropolitln Art. Gtc.'.l Plan. 8 '" " ( ~J :;: Tnt' Uf-IO Urban frJnit' Overlay District d..cribt'd In Article 29 ot th. Spr1ndleld ~vclopClent Code, hereinAfter ulcrred to 'loll" 5D:, h&l; b-c:en appl1.-.d to Propt'ny. ~n.'l..11'9"l(02PFt.HJ By the" terms of SOC, SectIon 29.070(1)(..), this ConHnt to Annuatlon, hereInafter referred to ;J,S thl... Doc\,l~nt, b rCQuircd .s A precondition to .110'-' of the l&nd use ..ctivity or development de~ired by the Ovner. 10.00 o ~GREEHENT: The Ovner consena ... {ollovs: ~l. The Ovner irrevoc&bly consent. to annexAtIon of the Pro~erty to. the City In consideution for the ..110YVlce by the City of. a hnd lue activity or developClIcnt. 2. Tht' Ovnt'r consen[,s th..t the City Coundl, in its sole discretion, nov or at .ny t1=e hcreafter, lIl..&y adopt .II. resolution initiating Innl'"xltion under ORS ORS 199.~90 ..nd 222.170 or any othcr Ipplic..ble lav or S(Atvte. Thl'" Ovner consents to inclvding in such proceeding ..ny other land the City CouncIl "'IY direct or ...hick the Ovner h..s petitioned and consented to the ~nexAt10n. J. The Ovner understands and consents th..t thls Docuoent ~y be used by the City to meet the r("Qu.ire~enIS of ORS 199.~90 OI.1ld ORS 222.170. ~. The Ovner also lrrevoc&bly avthorl~es the City to present thls Document to the lane Coun!y Local Gavern~ent Bovnd..ry Co~ission to initiate any minor boundary cha~ge under ORS 199.~90(1) as ..n interim measure [0 provIde servicl'" to the Propt'rty prior to &nnex.IItion to the City. 5. Th OVncr consents, pursu..nt to ORS 222.115, tha~ the O".ncr Ind Iny a.nd .11 he rs, successors and Assig"ns vith .n interest In the P~op~ny shIll tHo bound by III s Doc\,l~ent ~hlch shall run vlth the Property. cO":'Isnrr TO AfflfEIJ. nON - 1 J I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 2 2009 j ". JUL 1 t 1994 19701'\ " 6. Th. Ovn~r ~hall obtain lh~ City'. Ipprovll {or .ny n~~ land ua. activity or . d.",~lop,.ent, chanie of land u.. Ictlvlt)' or d~"'elop"ent. or Int.n.iflcltion of land Ul"<t activity or d.....1op...O{ of the Prop"'ty. Th~ City 'dlllunt appro",al of the land u~t Ictlvlty or d.....lop.ent if It i1 In c01pllane. \11th appllcabll pllns, pollcit1, and 'tlndlrd. al Inttrprlted by th_ City. 7. In con3ldc:rltlon for this Docu..ent, the.Clty JllrUI thJt the Property"y rlcdvl municipal services lro. the City and th. OvnH ~y undanak. lh. d.",.lop..nt of the Pr.,pecty in accordane. vlth CIIY pll.lu: po11clu and standard} and vlth th. applicablt rtqulre..cnt~ of Lan. County. 9450898 ,. 8. ,h used htr.ln, th. stnlul.u shall Indudt th. pluul and th. plural duall includ. th. l1nlular. Cont.lIpOrJntou~ly \,11th tht eu(utlon o[ this Con:;tnt to AnnO.Atlon, th. OVntr 1. uecudn( I ~eparatt \I.l....r of TI..e 1..!=lItation lara, punuUlt to ORS 222.173. atUched hereto and .ad. pHt ot. IS a condition of s!(nlnli thll Doc~.llt. In \lITIlESS \/HtREOf, the Ollner hIS let the1r "9 - ~~(3 /'lA-~(^" )0 . STATE OF ORtGOH, .County of ~e ) u. Ptrsonall)' appeartd b.fort me this vith!n nallled acknovledtcd (hI loregOln( lnslrucenr to DC h~d a.nd suI this dAY of !y: lIy: CNnH Ovner MIUtSS AddresS day of .199 th. vho - it~. tnelr vOlunt"ry Ioct lJ'lo. ~;ourj' i'ubi~C lor Uft:(On lIy Cooission Ex"iru: In \UT:--IESS ....!lEREOF, tht: Director or Desiii:nee h.lS Ht thdr hand I!ld Hal thIs l{ day of .-h.J._c.., . 199:1... By ,Jr.l CfI1'- d AWLlI:i clu 1'l<-} Uev~10p~ent ~rVlces ~lrt:ttOr LJ STATE OF OREGON, County of L..an~ ) ,s. 0 d PHson.ally appeared before 1:e this \ day of U<--J . 199.:1. th. lIilhln na:=ed .r.&.Sa...... ,J. Or1I{~cI...((Il.u.-~ vbo ",0001.".d ," '0,",0,"' ,""'"0'0< '0 ;. (f'{." oo'~o,",y/1-\ ~o o~. . \@_. CFF:CI"L~L^L ~J.~ ~.0.A:1(~ - .;;::~ . JMICEI..J","liOH ~LH:i i'lJbii:c loi.,.{jreion - I .y:/. HOT~~.Y~';~~:C-O"EGON Co=lsslon Explr(s: --- CC.....: ':~oI.:u "u'l~ \,j1 CC"J"'SSI('o: :';>'WE ~~C 1" 1_ CONSr..'fT TO ,.\J:~rr.XATIO/'l - 2 2901 I <. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC~D MAY 2 2 2009 ..,,'. JUL 111994 I ICj70R ." 945U1:J98 STATEMENT Of' OWNERS CONSENTTO ANNEXA TION FOR UF-IO URBAN FRiNGE QVERL\ Y DISTRICT fROPERTILS ATTACHMENT J The following individuAls wd cntil~ OWTI 100"/. C'rthc pr-Jpcr1y proposJed in the IlUC.h.ed .gr~menl with !.he City of Springfield: I. wi L. &. Om";'" f. MoElhany f:.. j .( A' ,J L . .- 2600Non.hJISl ~J.""",~J.. ()./61 SpringDcld, OR 97<n / y ~:;;; Dd",c J. W.nrnb<< . f4~:~"~~~J]X; Springfidd, OR. 971;77 cJ Development Roourc'c Corpor~t.ion l:::x..11..J--1 r.,...;-....r Pi!JJ ~ (AVs~,....... 975 WilligiUcspic Ro.!d ~ t:_( /ft'4/L~..... p-~ ~U8cn-e. OR 971;01 / ./ 2. J. In WITNESS WHEREOF. the :Wove o\&,ff)("J' hu Jct their hand and seal this n-f::. ~.ur-:: ,1994. cUyof STATE OF OREGON, Councy o{Unc=) n_-<< . ~enon.-Ulyap~a:!~orcm~lhis /70" day of the....11hinnamcd ,),...<- r r<-~---- lhe forcgoin!; instrument to be their voluntary ~ct wd dcxd. J;.'A):; ,1994. . who acknowJedga:! \~(E) .'~l~:'~~'~~~~cu :(-r:' so~,,~YPuBl(C.~(GON CO~"'SSIC~ '-<0 O\~ ...cou.',s.s'o!-<(l"'~l'SJU"E;>1,\m (j.<..rQ,~, n -/ Sl,f,n~ Nbl~ Public ofOrq;on My com.mis.sion expires' t ~ h p., 10 '-e The above owners OWTI re.;U propd1y identified LS fol1aw1;: ~ MAp ]7..03-21;--0-{) Tax lot 706, TAX lot 707 wd the southern oortion onu 101 705 wilhinlhc Urt.m Grow'th Boundry. LcgJl description: 3-CC lruc.h<<l Exhibit ^- < 1/L ;t-i'lO ~l~ ] ~ f .., :'f7 c- g ~ (fE ;-; ". J .... ~; -. . _ f"';' C g l-a c .J: r ud-,' c ~;:: ~ "") ~ ::J ~= 0: ,..... I"- en ,..... ! .'- ~.~~ E~ ; c" H I UU .13 rn (;l (]] C L1 ~ I PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 r t;J ~n,0 11 ,; j L. , , If :' ~ ..----...- J ;'} - 3;is DEe 061994-2018/1 ~ _I / ~I 4~ ~$~~-lJ 7'1-1&::> 'I.].l/ of: DECURA no" Of COVENANTS '1,';" 4.;1. j -I- S48412G CONDITIONSA;~RRI:5TRJcnONS .:r~ CRANDVJI;W .ESTATES D[V[WrMLNT IN L\N[ COUNTY. OR..EGON roLS DECIARA nON u m.adc OG the dale hacirWler J.et forth by r _ R.crourcc Corpontion., bc::rcin&fta referred to u "Do::.larant." IU:CIT Al.S :.:.:~ :'~:;'.::o . ;>";IIJ;\::,: ~.:; ''';::;.:..) '9";IIQ:.r7a.J :n_oo 10.00 L 8 E " :5 ~ E " c:; CXd.u-ua: is !.he ~o(lhc property known u and hcrci:u.fta tcfmed to u CRANDYlEW ESTATES in we Counfy, Oregoll, and more pmiCIJ:ury dotribed in Exhibit .. ^. 'IUched hereto and !tUde.. pill hcreofby this rderence. D. ~ GRANDVIEW ESTA ITS is. f"eidcfl!w development of tingle-funily leu OCOJpying llu! ruJ property more parucululy dc:scribcd in ExhibiJ "A" IIIlched hano &nd by lbiJ rcfcn::ncc nu.dc. pan naeo( Nothing herein is u\lended lo rcnriCllnc fulure clivU:ion ofujd Iou 100 long .u ujd division ls COns.U..lalt Mlh lhe rn1rUnuJm 1iu rnuictior.j o(lhoI: rcnnC1ioru &Ad .ppJic..a.ble Wld =c nguLuions... ~ ill DcdUL'1l deems it dcsinblc in fu.n.hennce of the purpoK3 Jet 0\11 herein 10 cS1u;lish L~ COVeru.nIJ and rc:uictions which WII apply 10 aJl ro1 property .....;lr.ic the bou.r.:!uics of Gnndvicw EswC1 as cum:ntJy or hcrc:Ula divided into individull Iou. IV. Dc.cl.annt deans il dainblc in funhcnnce o(the ptJrpo1.e1:ld OUI hefeiD to create Ihc: Gnndvicw E:su.tcs ArchileclunJ Review COmmllllX.. ha-eiru.Jla alled "The Coauninee,. to Idmi.nis:c:t" And enforce these CO\l"etW'lU SencraIly and. in pMticuw, 10 r~ pt&rts a.rw::I . spcrific.uions o{building.s, {cnc.es, wills., Landsuping and pl..tnning at 10 loc.alion and a1.alcir dcsigo ofimpl"O'YemenU wilrun Grandview SlJ10. SUBMISSION OF P'ROP.ER1Y NOw TB..E.REFORE, DecLu:uu hereby decl.u~ dUI.al1 oflll.:: propenio dc'scribed lbo~ shJJl be: held, sold &J1d conveyed subject 10 lne following ~ent..1, rC"S1rlcUora. COYen.ltlts Illd conditions which arc rOC" Ine purpose OrprolC'Cflng thc value and desir~iJjIY of; and MUch . s1uJ1 run lNith., lhc real property described in &hibil . A. hcrc10 and slull boc binding o~ an putics having ury right, ti.:Je or interttt in the described propcny or any pl.r1 thereof; their hc:in, SUCCCUOn &nd .a..s.sig:u, and shall inure to lhe bendil or ach C\IoTlO'" thaeof Gnndvinr UuICl D<edan.do.ll orCoodiliolU, Coveo.aQU hd Ral.rictiotU '.arc-l "'.-'- ,~" t... 1 ~. ., ,'. ;', ..: ..,.....M' J ...->~ ~\ .'~t ';"'J:~: ~~, ,'!::~. .--'.:':'.. ~9 ., . '(~ -- . .' '." .. .JIlICr-r-,~~~ PRE.SUBMrrrAC~EC'b MAY 2 2 2009 j i , ; ~' :. ,:- . L . ;." r .~ f !.' t_ " ~ ,. .il. DEe 061994-;2018 ARllCU: , S'IS'I1.26 ~nnhlOM 5<<lioll I - "Owntt"": Shall mean the Ownd" of record, ......naber.one ex more pen.oru or cntir;es. including me dccU.nn1 while owner ~f &Ily '101 or Iolllherein., oil fee Jimpk tide 10 any Lot within the proputia., including 001 not restricted to c.on\n.ct kllcrs.'. &nigm, bein. mutoes or 'gentl, but excluding lOOse h.aving such mltrelt mcrdy &J s.ccurily for the pcnonnance of an" oblig.atjol'l.. For VOling put'pola, owncnhip .h.tJr be b.uc.d upon tide: " 111<1 lime that lha VO(e i.. ~~ . . . StC1JOIll 2 - "Propn1ia": Slu.ll mean md refer to tN.l c.cm.in ria.l property ~Ily dl:scribed a.s Exhibil A. and all improvemolll, re.aJ propa1y &nd iix1:u.res \i.thjch become aJbjoct 10 lhi.s Dedan.tioo under the lermJ Meof. .' . $c:cUOQ J - "Lo,"; SW man & dislinct pucd arrca.! propo'1y desigru[o:J as al.o( on any filU..l &Jld rec.orded JlJbdivi1.ion 'or putition map and 1000lcd willufl the bound..aries of Gra.ndview aula. .:1 S<<tio'Q" - "Laod": Shill me.m l~ Jots within Gnnchiew Esta.le:s whether rd"crrcd to individlalIyoru" the&ggrcg.LlC. Sc:Clion 5 - "Arcbil<<lun./ Review CommillN" WlJ I"I1alIlhc c:ommirlce formed pun.U.3.nllo .A.nide II below &l1d iliaJr fSc referred 10 LI t.b.: Commiu.oe. ARUCLI: II ^rrhi'~rftlnlr 'Rrvinr (";''''~;'l.tI: Sc1:tiOQ 1 - Approval: No nru~ute. wh<1.h<< raid=. lcc.cuory building. 1c:nni.J COW1., swimming pool, !bS polC"1., fCl1CC:1, w..Us., exlcnOC lighting oi otka im~~l, s.h.a.11 be CO~ructed or uainu.i1'lCd lJpon Illy 101 and no ..llen.lion 0(" r~ting 10 ~ pjcriof of.. WUClure llullbe nude: Uld no l..v1ds.caping performc:d unJeu complc:1.e: pan,s. specifications J.nd 10: plJnl lhe:rc:far~ mowing the: exterior de:sign. heighl, building rTU.JetU.J. &n.d coloc s.chemc lhereof, showing the WUcture plollc:d horiz.onlllly 1nd vati.c.Jlly, the locltioo. and Rzr; of doVCW'l)'1. tfl.c: g=;l] pl.a.n ofl.vuhCllping. fencing. w.JIs U1d ....;nd'brWJ.., :..00 the gnding plLo. UuJ] tuvc been lIJbmillc:d 10 U1.d .pprovc:d in wriling by the Commillee: and A copy ofwch pam a..nd ,peci.5c.uions u fina.J.Jy Approved deposited with the Committee:. Whcri fumUhed,. only lhoJe house numbc:n and ou.iJ!xJl(CS which are lpproved by the Commillee: ll-.1l.l be w.c:d and ou..inuin.od in l.he propenjes. . SroioZl1- COlIllIliu<< ~fe[J\~hip: There WU be foor memberi oflhl: Camminec:. ... The iniWJ mo:nbcn ofthc CoO'llT.ruee sha..l.I be: Eul L. McEIhmy Dc::nniIL.WlItc::l::lbo:: Gw. !'<ge Rid ProdCl1 Gnlllodvitw .Estates Dui.ntioll of COllodili.olUo eo,..elUQts a.sd Ra-I.rictiou Fatf. % "'';'' . I_~.,;' .oj' , PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O MAY 2 2 2009 ~ -~-_..- ..~ ~..~,~",~".l-~:~~',,\,,~I~~~.~~~.I~!}]~~~_~ ".,.,-' ,.:, -.'.',' , "_~.~::'."'::~_'~~ ':..,~ :~..."'1 ~.'w-:<~0.?.'.':~~~' '~:.~ t~.~ j , .i .\j .i q -1 -, ! .. :1 ~'...: !- t;~ , " ,. ~j .~.. :{ :? . , . --~'"" -. DEe 06 199HO/8R The: decision ~ 1.11)' three cnanbcn'o{thc C~mmiHce .UaJI be binding; bowC'V'Cf. .pptia.OOlU may be resubmitted. Upon (.a.ilurc oflh.c COrnmillt'C or ill dCJ;gruled reprC"KT1111ive 10 IUC action on .. completed .pplic.&tion within .45'dIYs of wbmiuion" the Ippliulion wiU be dc:cmcd ~ ~Vtl bc:cn ..pptoval. 9484126 Membc:n ofthc Comm.il1ee Uu.lI savG until they reign or IJ1: rqJle.ced by VOlC'O(the CommiUt'C or the Q.....-nc:f'S,. ^ comrninec member nuy be repl.ced by VOle o(thc owncn rcpfaenting KVCnly-five pacelli cXthc lots R.lbjcct 10 Iht:1oC conditions.. COvcn&nU and rcmicrions. In any such vole u.ch 101 sh.V1 receive one VOle. Lot o....-ncn by vote UWl repla.cc any commiuec: monbcr w removed. ^ CQmnUllec mwWcr lNY be ttpl&c.ed by the VQtc aClhe othet" three: mcmbcn dine CornmiUtt. If. vacancy i. erased on tnc COmmillCC due 10 rc:ig.rulion or other c&wc. the rvruining committee: mcmben du.lI k:l0Cl1 rcp~. S<<tiOD J _ AppliulioD for Approval: Ea.ch owner desiring 10 mUc IiLc: or nrucrunJ improvc:mo'lU on his or her lot sJuJl prior 10 requ~in8 a building permit from the Cil)' of SpnngJidd submit 10 the- c:ommiuc:e for .pprcrva.l. ~ foUowicg: .. Two K'U ofpWu, one of which UuJI be rrtJ.ined by lhc Corntnittec, COntaining: i. Plot plan showing 1000ion of propos.ed improvcmo"lll on the lol, and including a deu.ik:dl&ndJ.caplngpl~ u.A1I~ w. F100r plan of alIlcvd.s.; N. Finish noor gn.cIes on a.lllevdl, including puling J:UUCtI.lrej ltld iJJl.ga.. b. O~ ld of specificuions or materU.!s description !ill; c. Sample ofproposod exterior s.iding. wilh UWl applied; ssmple o{rompoution roof materia! color or wood In&teri.a.l. AD plans., specificstions and s.unplcs will be reviewed by tM Con.mitlee, tUing the Requircmcnu and Criteria (Mde IV) lhen in e/TCCl into coru.iderllion lnd s.h&lI notify lhe owner in writing ofapprovd or dis.approval .....-ithin 45 days of wbrniuion. Arr; foOtice of d.i~pprovd sh.alI SUlc the &feu ofdu...pprov.a.l and, ifpractict.bl~ correaivc ft)(.J.SW"C:I coruistm1 with It-.e Rcquir'ancnu .and CrilCn.. 5<<1lon .c _ Scope: In addition 10 the above IUthoril)', the Commiftee ~ aha tuve the llJthciri1y to rru..k:e rcuol'l&bJe interpretations l1ld prospective rulo: concerning I1U.ften govc:roed by lh= <Utrictiom. The Coa".mirtec sJull c:x:cr.cil-C its best judgment 10 see 11-.1/ all improvcmenU. construction. land~ping rnd aItauions on lots ....;thin the properties conform 10 andlwmoniu: with existing surroundings and I1Na\U'CS.. The: Committee shall 001 be liable in d.1.nuge 10 any penon $lJbm:tUng rcquesu for IpprovaJ oc 1.0 IIrf owner v.ithin tl'w: propmies by rCJ.5CO of UI'f action. failure 10 aa. approvaJ or diupprovzJ or failure 10 approve or d.iupprove with regard to SIJch rcqUes:I. . GnQdYkw l'.rtatd DedantkHI of COlldluoru. ConnutJ ud R.cstrictlolU raCt - J i I '. i PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 2 2009 ~ ..... - ~~_. T ~. . ~."7~~ ~ ..' "<"..; \.'..'~'. ~.-..,_'tl,}"""'''~~ ..... .--......,.-. '. .~ i DEe 06199-4-20/3, S48il126 , . ARTICLI: m ~l\fllnlr"I"{"r Rnlrk1It,"J , Src1l0. 1. Raldr-aIW U.c: All lot. u shol4'fl onlhe pl..d ofGrandvi.cw &1110 Uu.ll be used only (0( pri~C1 raick:nLW purpo~. No lradc., buuncu 0( profcwOn Jlull be conducted CX" ~""""""- Only ont: privlte Ung.k ra.mily dwdling. nol cx.c.co:jing two s:tori~ in height. logt1hd" with the OJl.Iomuy outbuildings including a priVate gu..ge (or notlcu t.lun ~ (2) c..an or more than three (J) au (which lTUIy be inc.orpoHted into the main r~dcnc.e) 1lulI be ertcled or ma.iouined on Uly lot. No arpons sh&1l be a1low-ed. Nothing in this s.ection iliI!I p10hibii (i) lCtivitia rdmrl to the: we Of rot!a1 o[oomes and lOll in Grandvir;w 8wn; (ti) the right o(Doc.l.aant or any lot Ol4'flet. upon .pproVll by the Commit1~, 10 cngJge in the narnu.l Ktivitics. and Itongc incident to construction" nWntaance. rcpur, and repbcc:mcnt ofhomnlJ1d olha J!.n.JctUfQ permitted by thd.(: rctrictions; 0( (iii) the right of Iny 014'flC'f to maintlin,,1 pct"SQrW profcuiorW library. handle busineu or profcuioraltde:phone calls, or confer with bu'Wlcu or profeniorW ~illct, cl.ienlJ., or OJsto"nen in the ownds rc..siden!iJ.l unit. n.e, CO.nrniIlOC: liulllpprove wch utivity unl~ it fin.dslht the: activity or rdata:l aaiviUes will " Utvofve I regulM on-sile n<?n.furllly ~ I " be obs.efV1bk outside: or uJce pla.c.e in whole or pm Oo.Iui.:J:c the residence; ul\'ol~ IlOticea.bk busilleU-rdated veNc!.c: u-avd or p.utffia:; b' do ot.bcrwU.c be incompltible with the ~alti.a.l dander, Pace. and u-s.nquilliry of thl:ocighbochood. " ~. ' " Section 2 _ Lot and DweJ1inl Si.u: My future: lot divis.ioa 1iu.!lnot creLle . lot ir."Illler dUll 9,000 ~. ft. without the lpp-roV1l.l ofthc Commill~. Nry fuwre loi'under 9,000 SQ. tl slull be orJy from an orig.iru.lIOI of20,ooo sq. ft. or lCSJ: and 1hill be l.t Jeu:. 7;500~. d in sUe. . The Ooor Ita o{thc main s:tIUdurc., cxdus.ivc orone story open porches and pn&e1, Yu.11 beooc ku than one thous.a.nd eight bi.mdred (1,800) SQuare feet for. one JJ.Of'j bous.e I.nd not leu tlu..a two thou.u.nd (1.000) sq~ fed tollllivi.ng uca for. fWOo-~ry boose. A ~lit-Ievd dwdling may be considered I one story dwelling (Of the purpol-C of quilifying ror the minimum GOOf lfU bttcin. AIry s:tructuro under 2..000 sqUllC foct oflivins splCC Uu.lI have l.ll. IIUchcd tk-ce (J) car &&raic. -'; S<<cIOQ J _ E.ucmcntJ; Eu.e:me::m; for iJUu.ll.lIion and zmintenmce orutilitia and drWuge aciIitics arc rc::u:cved u shown OD lhe recorded pw. S<<tIOQ" _ E1<<tric Di..!.tribul~Q: Electric distribution fWlitics ~J b<: ~ and wbjea to the poLicia and proc.eduro of the Eug= WJJ.er and FJectric Board 00w in existence.. or beretftCf' ameodcd. $a:tioa.s _ Acccuory Struclun:1: No S1n.Jcture orllcmpon.ry clun..cter, tnilc:r, bue:ment. putly fini.s.hcd hou.s.c. W.d. vngc. bun Of other outbuilding siu.1I be u.Kd on arry lot Gra.Ddylt"Wuu.tel~. or COlldiuons, CovenADU a.Dd Rat.ric1iolU Pace -.. I PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 , ...,... ~ ~~~:.~",..,,,,::-.'r~~~:~:.;;~\-r~;~:..:'.'-'.'~~'.~~'".--":, .'. ...,.~..~.\,~,.~:",f~.~~;~~.~ -.. 1 ; t f I- t i . 1./...:.... " ?~ i" i DEe 0619901)/8/ . ~<1H112(; ~t any tunc u. re.sidcncc.. either Icmpon.n1y or p<:m1.lflcmfy. Thit Kdio(l1JuJ1 1\01 be corUU\ln:! 10 prohibit colUtruoion of. pnv,l,!c greenhouse. stonge unil, pri~IC swimming pool Of' other priv.uc alhlcti.c UcililY, oc t~ g~n'8c for I recrclliorul bo.u or vehicle as long as lhc iml'fOvmlcnC tw b<<n .IpPfovcd by the COmmillc;e and it Olh.c-rwise in confomuocc wilh lhis dec1.ll'Ifjon and applic.a.bk: lIws and rcgul.uionl., so long as the Uu, Ioolion. and daisn hu: fim ban .pprovaj by !be Commiuoe. 5<<lio" ,- ^nl~nn" ud othcl'" C'quipmCDf: Ex1ern.allcJevi~on anl~ radio UJ1cnra or to\OO'cr. "tdlile rttcivd' dish, Olher J.Il1C'l'UU ~d sow coJleaorl11u1l bC' approved by lhe Comroiurt: and .1lull be pI.a.c.ed out of vic...J " d.c1ermi.ncd by the Commiuoe.. S<<lioll 7 - AnirnalJ Umilt'd: l'Jo kcnnd.s or avi.uic &Ie allowed wilhoul the s.pprovaJ of the CommiUl:'l:. No dUrr, table.. bun. hutch. or WUTcn ilia1! be: en:cted or m.a.intWw::d on any h.. Thit rou1ctiOfl stu.U 001 be: construed 10 prohibit ordirury hous.cho!d pen In" arc kept in full compll1nCc"With aJI.pplio.blc lawl and tcguJ.uiotU aM flul do not cormilule any ~ :ilnnoy~nce. objectioruble noiu: or odor. Evcry pcrs.Qn bringing or k.eeping &n aninuJ in Gandvicw ut4llcS JlulI be liable uncle( Ihe I...w, of the SUle of Oregon 10 Cl;ch and .all p<:rsoru for any injury ().f IU.m..aj;C \0 pa5.0M O{ propcny au:..cdby wch aninul. All &nirnih !lU..il1l.Lined in . Lot UWl be keyt either within 1.11 enclosure, yz.rd or palio, Of on " le.uh being held by. per3;On Clp..ble of corurolling the wirraI. and owner} ,h.lJ1 promptly remove 1.l1 mil1"Ul WCld. TIw: Committc:c [Il..Iy oUblish rules fun.hcr defining ownd" rcspolUibilitics conc.c:ming p<::13 and LImiting the cumbct and typo of pC13 allowed. Sfction ,_ Trrc:s: All tree ~j.acc:nt (0 the me-eu &Ie 10 be rruintained try the lot owner ..nd pruned \0 u.andudJ K1 by the Commil!tt. Su<h Ired *WI not b< removed wilhout approval of the Commi.uec.. Seellon' _ Nuiunct: No noxious or offauivc tnde or IC".iviry sJull be c.uried upon any 101. nor WlIl1I)'thing be done thCfNn which may be or become w annoyu.ce or 0I.liu.ncc. lO the ncishborhood. . 5<C1toll 10. Si'IlJ: Unless wrillcTI J.pprov.a.l is flf"St oblaincd from the Comrnill=. no Iign of Uly k.ind UuiJ be dispLayed 10 the public froin 111y lot. CJC:eept I) profcuioruJ sign afnot more ltan I g- x 36- a.dvcrt.is.ing the 101 for uk or ligns used by the developer 10 advC:t1.ise lhc lot during constfl.lC'tion or we period. During c0l1.51ruClion of the re1.idC\ce, ~ gcnen.l cofl1nC1or ll'Uy di5pl..ay s;g.n.age coru.i..gent with thc-:.c covcruntJ oI.lld the Springfield City Sign Code. $ediOll J 1 _ DninJlEe: Eu:h OWl'ler. their heirs, succ.os.o~ and u.cigru of llot in uid development 19ree thaI they will nO! in my w..y interfere witn the ~Lblis.hed drairuge ova their 101 .and tlul l.hcy will mUe adequ..tc provi$ioru"for propeny dr.lliugc for the bendil of all &!fec1ed lots. For the purpo:s.e: her-roC. .olablis.hed rlr.a..inasc is defmed u the dr.a.in.age which occurred .1 we time lbc ovcnlI gn.ding ofs..a.id development wu complcted by the undersigned dccl.n.m.. S<<1loa 11- R.duu: No Iou J1uIl be used or rrulnlained u . dumping ground for r~. Trash. gubage and otha wl.S'le !JulI not b(; kepi except in uniury conl.unct1 emptied wed::Jy. All incinenJOl"l. g.ub.ge C3.11S or olhcr equipmenl for the swrage of or dispouJ of such lrUteri.als l.\.a.I] be kf"Pl i.n. clan and s.aniwy rondition endos.ed by fenCC1 lhal screw them from Jig}\[. All Gf'1IDdview uUtt:S Dec:l.anlklll of Coadilioru, Un-tn&J1U a.ad Reslrictiotu PJlte -.5 ~- ........:.:---..w .~ , . ." ',.l:.'l'<.~"~:.~'.;: ',:,. ';~_' ~ {\,-1. '. . . ,. ~_",""""o,:~ ':"-',~.' -=","'~"-"'''.' ;:>1, ... . -""'" "~.,,~ PRE.SUBMI1TAL REC'D u----MA~' ~ 4 ZGDS [ DEe 06 1994-;zo/SR c.onlraaon muu mainujn a dc.an and orderly cOfUUUCtion sile. Duting the pcri~ of colUlt\lC1ion.uw:t dc;vdopmcnl ofthc pl.II.lhis pro\-iuon will nol.pply 10 !he d9datuu.. ~q/)'1126 . .... 5<<lIoa IJ. Vcbiclu; ThtK c.ovcn..nu haeby include I rC"J.lriC1ion OIl parlUnS for _monr Itw, . 24 hour period on the dediC-IJcd l.trects IOI.idun the propcrtiC"J. DYldoor parilng. ~0nIgc. and mainl~ ofbo'lS. campen., tt.a.i1c:o. R Vs and similu pcrsonaJ propc:ny UWI be reWiacd 10 p.vcd ueu, Uullll()( be doser 10 the ~reet ~ S (<<1 behind the Crone oflhe pnge. aM l1WJ. be cnlLrcly blocked from off-toe ";CW by I suitable: SCJ<<:n Of fcnce. Storage orury IOnd of ioodJ.. maclandis.c; nuJc:ria.l. fuel. suppliel or nudUnery s.h..UI be wiihin wa1Is o(lhe building. 0( enclosed by tig.h.t fcncQ that c.ompk1dy s6ecru it from s.ighL. .' Seolon U. LandKJlpinr: Yuds s.ha.I.l be b.nd)Oped not morc: Itan 60 day; afla tin..tJ inspection cxccpc wJ\en OCOJpl11cy occurs afla October I and before: ~~y I. Yards dcliVerc:d to CKCUpUloC)' during inclement wUlner Wll be Wld~pcd nol more: Uun 60 d..)'30 afler May I. YUdl UuJI be ~I.a.jned in J nul and dUll condiu.otl and gn.u :!.h..a11 be wuered ~ asl rq;ular:ly. Land.sGlpi.ng Uall be approYed by the Commina:. 5<<fion IS: BUlinlud Ai; Condilionioc: Exlerior lit tOndi\ionU;g or haling uniu including window mounted &ir c.onditionen sJuJJ not: be vi~bJc: from lhe stroet. &rid' nuy POt be irrst~led withoul the prior IpprOV&! oflhe Commin.cc.. . . 5<<tioa 16- PnJptt1y mliQlrnaIlCC:; E.uh 0\.lIl'l0er a:nd oc.cup&lU stull ~ r~porWble.for. nuinl~nirtg I.1\d keeping in good order and r~.w- It\(: o:u:rior oflN.t OWTler or OCct.IputC's dwelling. including lfl}' sange and y.ud ....ithin lotlin.es. Required nuinterunce s.h.aI1 include., ~1 oot be: limited to (i) rrWnlC'fl.lnC.t of.t.ll p.ulcing IJ"eu, priv;ue drives, curbs &rid ~~ in I. de.ul &rid we condition. inc.Judi11g cleaning, rep.t.iring.l.Jld reruiping u often u nor::.cu.uy; (Ill nuint~ ofl.Jnds.caping in an ,1Un.cti\'e nul.., ordffiy. trimmed. and cu[ COndilion at.n times. (ree ofbrus.h. weeds. and debris; (iii) ckuUng. nWnter.1tlCC,.lnd rc:1unping o~I1lY cxtem..t.l" lighti.~.g liX1ures: &nd (iv) maintm.ln<;e' or roof1., w1.lls, windo~ and ex1erion ofbuilding.s io .lfI aJl~ neal.., and fuGy funa..ioraJ condition JJ &II times. S<<-tioo J7: Couslruc1ioQ; COnstruction of me primary re1idcn.::e sJ-..al1 begio nol J.l1er l!un lhree (3) yars from purclu.sc o(Jot from lhe DecluUll. Once Ihe c,.mJ1ruction period orany residence or a.ddit.ions b..u ~U(ed, it m~ be compleled within eigiu (I) monlM. Any dwys tr'I...C;t be Ipproved in......nti:1g by t.ht: Comm.illec. . Sectioa IS - Other: When lhes.e COVClUJ1U CO nOI cava I sinulion. rules ~ regul.1l.iont of we County, if that applioblc. or the reguJuior..s of the CilY ofSpringficld, ifthen a.ppliublc, sfuJJ gOVUl1. l.n III c.ua whae thae IJ"e c.on,!,]i..,ing rules Wowing J dilfen:ncein requirements. ' the more suiet o[the twO is to be used. The: decis.ion oflhc: Committee shill govern in dc:termin:ing wSc.h rule: is ~ s:uia. .. Gn.lldYkw Lrt.alcs Dc:cbnl.io. o( COlldit1oru.. Conn.als .cd Rafric1loQS P.~. , -.::,- '., .,~. I '. ':1' .j jl ~ '-.......~ ........._ . ',':1, ':"'. "",.! ;',:, .;~'.'_", '~~ ~~._'" "~"~"~:~'~"'1,~-::- PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 2 2009 ; , , A \ DEe 06 1994-20131\ ARTICLE.IV S48412fi R....,,;....rnr..." "nd Crilrrit Upon wbmiuion o(pWu to the Commiltee by an oWT\d u KI fonh in. ArUck U. .approval M diu.ppco....u will be buo::l upon the foUo.....;.n& requirements sod crit.m.....: $<<lioll I _ IJci,hC: All bul1din&s llull be one ~Of)'. two rtory Of J9lit kvd.. tnd (he rnuimum bcig.h1 slWJ be:: wbjcct to approv.! by lhc Cerow/uee. $C"CIKJa 2 _ Sid iDe ..ad Roolint: All ckv~lionJ ofhomc1 are [0 n..ve doublc-WJll colUt1\Jction utilizing wood ~ding. ",ilh up siding on all w:aJIJ or alha' .pprovcd ~ding llU1nWs.. New or rep~ roofmg nulaWJ Uull be limited 10 concrete: tile or cntain 30 plus yat. minimum 323 lb.. rornpOsiuon. Wood llukc:s.. mcu.l or other u1.iLW1 roofing are prohibited. $<<1ion J . Elunar Colon. \\'indoW1: All CX1crior plinl colon &fld ~IU slulI be wbject \0 approval 'try !he CoUllTlit1~ \0 't-e ~ \.lpOl\ lhc nyk o[thc improvancfll.. All ....;MOW'1 mill be vinyl ,wodiu:d or painled. $<<tiOD" _ FcaciDI:: No fencing sh.ill protrUde pu.l the froot of the ro.ideocc: and JluIl be of" stl.tldud wood dWg.n. approved by the Com.mlllec. Interior fencing ,hall b<: oLa -good neiGhbor" ddign. w~cby bolh s,idc3 ofW fence: arc the wn-:. Scc1io.o S _ Brick: E.J,.ch rcs.iderllw building ilull include wrnc: rninim.ll bricb-vorlc in l.hc: front of such dwelling. 1.0 b<: .approvo:l b'y l.bc eorn.rn.it!.ee. Sc-c1ion 6 _ Bout.c Numb-l':n ..ad Yl;rd Uc.hu: E..a.c.h re-s..idcnli~ dwdling sluJ.I h.avc I; su.ndud yud lig.hl with.a three: (J) fOOl briclc~ V1d s.u.nd.ud bn.u light fixture.,..it.h autoau.tX:: pholO c.clI orJoff switdL A:stJ.ridud bfll.1 plJU: with Sired r.umbc:r shall be a.na.ched to the buc. Section 7 _SC'tbJldu JI[1d Lot Covcngc; E.ac.'l home ~hill be: Sdbscl::. ~m of IS fed from the: nares! point oftbe sued. s;idc'oln.li::. 10 (eet from the reu, a.nd five feet 011 och side. The m.v:irrium building ~ ioc!ud1rtg covaed porches. pl\ios and ded:s., u wd.I u g.snga.. slulI be Sa-/. 0( k:s.s of the IOul to< ut1- Sectioo' _ Accd'- ud l\hinten.ancc ofElIlr)"WI;Y: The re:spectfve owncO of each 101 an nsp<lnsJ.clc rOf the. repair and rruinlau.nCC in .. ti.rS! c~ coM-iuon of l.bc driveWJ.ys.. ~iOD , _ W..iver: The Corwr~ttec s.hillluve the wk wd exclusive ri8,.h1 in iu dUact.ion 10 .......a.ivc, in wbole or in put, ury provilion, covenant. cor.dilion..ltS1riction 0( ~jon herein. ifin its di5CfC1.ion U d~crmincd ltul such Action is nec.cuuy to lvoid tunishJp to zny propcrt)' owner, induding the: undcnigned, U1d .....ill not mJlcrially detnC1 from the vtlue of adjoining properties.. Any iro1rumcn1 duJy Iclc.nowledsed by lhe underi.ig.n<:d and rc:=rded in the P\Jblic R.cc.ords ofLi.nc Co., OR. shall be conc1ai.ive c-idcnce of such ddermiru-tioo. md actKxi.. Gn.odYlC"l'r' I"..rtatea ~n.tio. of Conditiow, ConA...atJ a.a.d Jks:tJ'i.cti.gns l"rr;e - 7' 1- I .~~> ~~.<:>"R:?' '.! '.1:;!.~t~, '.I"; . - '':'.~._'..~' ".,~~~~~_..... ~..,~_. '=.' PRE-SUBMIITAl REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 1 i * , , .~ ARTlOLV. .94811.26 C~rt"'1Il ","",bkotJ DEe 0 6 1994-201811 S<<1io. I. uro~C'GItAl: The [)edu'1nt, the Commin<<: oc wy~. sh...D b.- lhc right. to cnforee. by :my r _ _. _ ~_f '''~ at Law Of ill equity, all rcstriaions.. cooditiom... c.ow:na.nU., r~ons.. liens and durga now or hc:rc::afta' imposed by lhe Pf"ovis.iOM of this ~ hilurc: by the Committee Or by' srry ()wnt;r to enforce: any c.ovaarrt ()( rc:s:triaiOQ hacin cooUincd ,h.J.l1 no( in ~ I;'o"Clll be dccrnod . wt.ivd ofthc: rig.h110 do sO lhcte&1\Cf. Ncitbd- Dcd..a.rVll ~ IDe eommilloc noc'" any offiCd oflhc Coo\miuec: Uu1I have: UJ'f pr:n.orul fiab&Iiry ~ actin&: oc UiILng (0 act.. . ThiJ, qu.a1ific.&1ion slulI ix:>t'limit tb<: risJ'lt of ury Owt>cr 10 enforce these ~ . by ,pCcific r-:'-.~. ._.or. to rCGOVd any thnu.go ~ by arry o<,ha()woa i.a viol.a1Km of thes.e_.___~c.-.~ _._-~ Scc1ioa2. Ritb1o(Entry. Ded.a.n.nt.the.Commi1ttt.OC'"lheir.....--_.,,-~: -.~~ the: right 10 entCf upon the unfcn.c.ed exterior of any Lot during daylig.ht houn (i) to c.ksn oc nuinuin ~pin&. puking areu. d~lys. CX1alor lighting fixtures.. and building, and (Ii) to . Cl"Ifon:e the provis.ioru ofthU Do:J..antioa iflhe (ftmcr ofl.he Lac. bu. failed,to do 10 atta'" rc:;UOG:&bk paticc and _rr_._'-:':'Jo S<<t\.oa J. SC'W'a-.bi.liry: _~d.uigo ofuryoneoflhc$eCQ'VCfW1l.J or~ by judgmaa OC c:.our1 orda: sh.alI in no way affect any othc:r PfovUion.s which sh.all ra:ruio in fu.D f".ofix U>ddf= Sffi:!Qa.c.. TilDe: The ~ and rc:striaiora ofthU'[)edJntioa UuIl f1,.lIl with aDd bind the l1nd,. for . lam o(tw'(;!lf)' (10}}"C:1J"'5 from the diu: this Decl1nuon is rc:cocded. after .....hich time lhcy Jh.ill be: aulOrIUUo.1Iybe cx1cnded (Of .....__~_:._ ~ oCteo (10))'CU1. Tb:i.J, Dccl1ntion m.ay be J.1'O(:Oded by SrI inslrumen:r. signed by 7.5% ofthc owncn and JnJSt be n=n'oi- . . $<<t.ioa. 5. AJD~drDeaC: Subject 10 ury runiutioos Sod forth ~ herein Of in Governing laW! Jnd rcgul..1tiora.. 1M Ocdu1.lion [JUY be a.mcoded ~ arry time by an i~ , ~&flc::d by 75% oftbe tou.! ~ofvol.a oflol owncn bued upon one vote pel" lot.. GrUUMCW EsutcJ 0........:". ' of COlldj[U;.1U.,Uwcu-U ...-.d ~ rq.e-I :-i, ). 1 .' .- ~ .':~,:,::,,,!.+:f~.,, '- Ji(f.f!IRI~W! .... .~... :~~, -:. . ,:\~t<7r:~''oeI;,~~~!;~~~':.7".''.''*~'~4:.."I~:.:~!.: . .... '. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 r j i , i , I . , . ; J ." ..~ ,.; :) . ".< . ,. '- ,.- j':::' f.-: r ~J t~i, j tr 1 t: ~. ~.'~ ~ :~ , DEe 06 19S4-Z/lI&f\ IN' WITNESS WHEREOF. Dc:d.an.nl h.u CJt~cd (hi.J. instrument on ~.J.tb.. dsy at o.,c~~ ,1994. 948Ll~6 SUo< ofOr<aoa ) )u. Cou<<yof LanO ) Dye ;: 11.,p, '5 P'tw' ""'LM""....,..h~ On this J ..I-. iby of n"',....-h..... 1994, Won: me .lppc:ucd Earl L MtElh.&ny,IO me pcnocWIy known. who being duly swom, did u.y th.u he.. the uid Praida1t. 0([:__ .:.-r----': Resoura: COrponlK>d. an Oregon Corporation, md WI ibc: pjd i.n.st.ru.lnem. wu si~ .00 00 bdulf o(p.id cmpon.tion by authority o(lts Boud ofDircaon,. -.nd ~'., - . _.~~- Pid i.ru.Lnunenttobcthcfroeactanddc:cdofWdc...."...... .;...... ~"". ---..... 1 ~; .IOU:tUI'Ol.~ -: ~/J /OOt.;.r.\........:-;'o.w<<<:l'o co~c;z~~>.:O'g.Jo<== - '-:_~.---:.~'~,.~~~ " IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have,~ Id my!u.nd ond "'"'''''''' offici>! >al "" d>y."d 'f<'" 1m ~ wrinao. '7'J.,9if~T: ' Ndt;try Public for Oregon ) . MYt:O~OIlC::Xpires: July S. 1937 G,..Mvicw >:.taUs ~ or CoedlUou. Cn~AtJ ud Ratrlcdou l'qe ~, .~ ".:;, , ~ ...-"' _~ _ -AO ~. ,:1'l-......~.r- <:._1;1 .1_1_..,.~1 )...~.<_I~f<I~.~' )-! . . . .-' ~. , .....".: .':..r~.~~"<;'.>~: .~/~ ~~;~ :.:: ~~~.~~~~. ~~:~1~~~'~~ ~;~ . ,.." .'.'PRE~SUBMrrTAtREbD MAY 2 2 2009 ------- ( I , j ; ~: r i " '.: ~ -;, i '.'.. ~..~ ~ .;(.1 ,', ~ ..---....., ~- DE C 06 t99CZOlSf r;XHI8Ir "A- r~ar~RTY D~~CKI~TIa. 348'l1Z6 Be~tnnln~ a~ ~h. Lane Count~ Br... C.p Honu.~nt ln ~ Honu.ent c... ..cktnq th~ Southw~at corner ot the rcllE ~cott ~ro Oonatlon Land CIa!. No. SI, In 'cctlon 2S, Township, 17 8outh, Ran9c 3 We.t ot the Wllla.ette H~ctdl.nl thence .octb a" e)' 43- Weat 289J_I~ t.~t to an lcon cod wIth an 1. .lu.tnu. cap In a aonuaent ca.. .ack~d "&~st Ltne Sp~ncee-l th~ncc Moc~b eO 30' 24" E..t 1&2.1b t.~t to a 5/8 Inch lron rod wlth . pla.tlc cap ..ek.d -w... PLS 881-1 thenc~ North 6~' 42' 12" We.t 2~.78 t.ct to an 1/2 Inch iron plp~ .arkln9 th~ worthe.at Corner ot Lo~ I, Block So flrat Addl~ton to Yol.nd~ P.rko .a pl~tted .Dd r.corded In Book 40, paqe 140 Lane County Or.90n Pl~t ~ccocd.J tbence contlnue Morth 890 42' 12. We.t )6).25 tc.t to tbe loitl.l polnto .ald point belnq .ack~d by an .xlstinq 5/8 incb Iron rod wIth. plastic cap aacked -W~a. PLS 881"1 thence contlnue Morth 89. 42' 12" We.t. )..5.05 te.t~to . SIB Inch Iron rod 00 the .oat ~a.t..rly boundry ot SectIon AdditIon to D~lroae, as platted and recorded In Book ~5, ~aq. ~~. Lane County Or.qon Pl.~ Record.1 ~hence alon9 .ald c~~~erly'boundry, Worth ,,0 06' 08. V.at. 4)0.13 teet to ~ ~/~ lnch Iron rod .arkinq th~ WorLh.a'L corn.r ot Lo~ ). Block 1, S~cond ~dditlon to Detroce; Lhence cootloue .orth O' 06' 06- W~s~ 944.14 teeL to a 5/8 lnch 1ron rod vl~b . pia' LIe c4p .arked .Robcr~' PLS 1039~1 thence contInue .or~h e' 06' ~8. W.'L .6~5.'7 teet t.o . SIB Inch Iron rod wlth -Robert_ Cap"l th~nc. Wortol1 8'" 15' 44- E:..at 18).02 t.et to . 5/B inch Iron rod with .Roberta Cap.. thence NorLh ,,0 e4. ea" Veat 59,99 t.eL LO a 5/6 Inch iron rod on the South.rly r19bL ot vcy I1n. at HarveMt Lane County Koad ~o. 698; thence a10nq ,ald Southerly line, Worth 80' 15' 44~ Ea.t St.22 t..t LO . 5/8 Inch lron rod wIth. pl..tic cap ..rked ~L.ne County R/V"I tbeoc. along the ~a.terly cnd ot ,aid County Road, Worth ,0 SQ' 4a" We.t 24.00 teet to a poInt on th~ l.ft bank of the Hc~en%l. RIver, .ald polnt beln9 rctertnced by a 5/6 Inch lron rod vlth . 1.112 Inch alu.inua c.p a.eked .CL.~T. South 90 ~0. 48- taat 6."" '.etl thence alon9 .ald bank up.te.... Noetb 1S" 5" 44" I::a.t 142,61 teet to a poInt which i, reterenced t.y . 5/8 Inch eod ~outh eo 06' 18- t..t. 8_00 feet! thence SOll:.he' .,. lS. ..at 2144_00 te~~ to the Inlttal point, beinq In Section 24, Town.hlp 11 South, Ranq. 3 Weat ot the Wllla..tte Herldl.n, Lan. County Ore90n. ~.c.ptlnq th~retro' all that portIon ot the above deacrlbed ~roperty lytnq North ot th~ Ueban Ceovth Boundary Llne .. .ct torth by Land P.rtitlon Plat 10. 'i-pelse, i '" " ::~.._- .-- .--..- .-II ...--:-. ~!-I.s .1- ~",\,""':~''''~.';:(1i'':''1.~'''~ '.....'.\"':.:r~'!.."?"~ :'"'''';''',\~f' .'1, - PRE.SUBMIllAL R~C'D MAY 2 2 2009 l'~,d,t~ i"""". --- '....Tl-. ~- " .... v u "It 'dt 0 ~" " Q. <'),' , I fI') Q) saC'<? I , I \1 I 1 i ~ i l ~ 11 l :;, - I ! Il .~ ::: " :;;;;'.:~T -=T~ i\' :,,~1' .~\. ~~,' 'I ~ f . f 7".;c..:;_ -vr..-n;,' " : ',' ~ ."-TI:"Ew<'T r.""'u/&Qr~ ~ i ~'I " ", 'I I 1 ~), ~ ~: ~:~ "' ?: ! ~ :(< \ ~t1 I ,~~ ~~ ;~J .. ,\:l ~ ' ..... l' I ~11 ,,~ q I \~ ~a0 ~~~I'~II r -, ,', 1~, c':":, n I I ~ ~ ~ ~"\ X i 5IJ1lVElO~S CDlTlflCAn:, ,~ ~ j; .$.J"'Y-"-':/Z[Z/~~C \1II1 '), 1. CHARU5 H. G1JltC R[GlS~Cl UJfl) S\IllVf.;TOR, aCII,(; r1R;T =r SJo/OlUI '.i~ ~ \) ~ . \'., / ON OA~ SJ.V !lVI-r : 1iJ.\I"t CAUSED TO Bt SLlR\.Ut!l .vro I'\AIl.J\fil WI~ Pl10f"'Ol t\J III ~. - /',' .~~ MOff1Jl'lDfT5 ~ fOLLOWING P.>..RT)"TlOH pu.r, BI':C:~NINC A';' nq: l.AJ(f: COUl/TY BR.US \, ;)' "' / [APnIA,l'IOJNIU:l/TC~[lV.Ill(lllGna;SO~T[ORII'DlOfTI\Eru.IXSCOT1' JR. ~. _~.:LL.zr ~~ ~"~Q~l~I~~rl!~:' ~ci'~g~\.~S~i~,~;O~i.~C~~; ~ ., t / ,lJl IRON ROD Hlnl }.Jl I HK"Ii Al.t"l1H<U11 OJ' MAJlICDI -DS:' tour!: !PDKlll" , THOle!: ~ "'~~7..s ",-"",,-r =r....:. ,~ . / NOIlnl O' lO' ..- US':' IGL \G nrr'ro A ~/S UOl ;~ON ~OD WITH A I'U,STIC CAP ~ /"i!'~S-"'-,",$Fo.i' \:) ~,,~ / K.\JUCUJ -llUIS I'LS SU', THnICY HOR'nl U' 4J' n- ~ ~H.97 Fm TO 11it: .~ sr~" ~ I I ( INITIAL 1'011(1'. SAID POIIl'T llI:lWC Kk;J(!:JJ lIT A "S' ~ JO' IROIl ROD, niDla: COlr'rllfUl-: 1I0R~ U' n' ll- WEST l~l.ll f'U."l", DlDia: 1I0101i 0' 06' OS' "=1' \:_______________________1 I :;'O:~ ~'D.~~a~~~~;' ~~ ~~~ ~'~~ O~;~.O~g ~~ (.- ~ ~i::;'~--:;#~c- - I C\JJlV!: 1l1CH'r 1'IliI: C1-101\D or HHI~ aDJIS SO\r.'l-l H' U' 2'- \olEST 'J.n ruT' A '" ~=.L.- <--"".L./'-,,~ \ DI'T.uCl: or 44.31 rm, 'J'}{Da: U:IIG n<<: AllC or A 11~.00 rOOT AADll'S CU'RVl: I ~. s~~z~u~ I l.J':fT In;:r; C'1-l01lC or \oI11C'1-l B.DJlS S01Jlli l~' 19' 1~' WCST n. a I'm' A ;, ':l I ~ ~~ri~~po~:.:.r,1~~a~~~_.m~~u;~~.~ O' O~' La" t.As-r 1l1.S~ f'U."l" TO nil: G $>'"-cf-=r" ~a~n"""'" a ~ " __L__~~_--1-._~ ~ ~ I IUTIJlRIc;m'SOIlTInSPROPDlTTOONOTC<:IST SfIRm./~OJN i_____Z2_-'::.L./________1, " ~ H /: INS'TRllHOo"t NO 93BISSKJ LUr: COUt<T'l O~O:ON DU:::J RU:ORDS I -~ .; g I k-r-rr7" 1 tI, ~ :,. .~ 1 ~ I/f- y- /,.3'........-"""S"9/ ',j lfj; ,(~ S ""v Y<0'M79zz<;>': lI~eGN,*5"-r--",~f,,,rd. ~~1-~ =:~~~--=-_G ~~~'~~r~ (~t.t. ~ ~ t?fl.DN.510-31f6't/?'1:f" \:;':;::'"~,:"_~M ~~~ -'--l "i" ,~\ , , 1 ~\I' r--,,-J I c:..__r_"o ',' . C2__J~; :~z'" """ (7s4......J O""'''.r~) ,,'\ ;:'f'~::l:: . .., ~-';~;~;;~L~~:: 7~::w-,~: ><J', VI ,,~,,~l ~~~~I'i :~~?!~i:;:;?' c<:Fsor'b ...,.""...'os/:: ~~.u 7~cA -----I ~ K ,..v~. ~,,~c L./"-'ury .. . ,";:':OO ......... .... ....... csr2'-">ol~ ~6"".;U:':U'''"' 7$6,~ '_~_:-~~'C; ~ ~$'$ ~ 1--:':=~:'0.'~::;';~;:'~':..L)! < ~;::;:.::~~ ~~~l.~T"'ri;Y;~; ~ l~f.JIri YOLP,;{./Or'9'" \ i ...J/",,-..:c.. / L- ~o ~~~ \ rY:: ~.~=er COl'l or nn: 'fl1lAL PUT AS SHOl-lW O<l;GON 1 ~ ~--""'""" ~f"" IlDlI:ON. ~ .\ DwlB CUllJ f'I'D.m; ~u'''i-lllA..L ~~ ~ N ~~ I( ....,..,,'Y.';.ro. .,/'::.:::"~~/::_.,._~,h CH.AJh_UI "._CUlU:, PWl,412 __.......... _..~ ...-~.e J_~~-"'-""'U"" ~ ~ .0...-......... -:i~/f~-;:,-;:;;'.:";/ ~ J"-'7'.-'7~COL...q R~C> --'0lIl17.." 'I'.-.,J'.--...", c.___no'" -- N \\ . ~ ~n . " 0 S-=<>..,.E/-.'s=' ~ ~ \ ! " W o r o , " < J " , o H " W " " < . o , < J .o.PI'I'OVllS, .....C"E~"q-r~.-q ro~ c>~"-..o:::T/r/O/-J PL-~ 9/-Pol,dO" rXNAL PkRTXTION PLAT 5I'NIMCTIO-Of'l.AIIIIINCCOHMISS10N\ ~t IVJIACOl .. . ....... FDR ~ ~ ~ [).-h::J5 .~~ I!:.1\.HL L. McELHhNY & DENNXS L. WAR'rENI3E::E:: HF'RING'l"""I:E;.LD JOURNA.L' NO. 92-09-~7~ ..kJ!.w.Lc. . ,II LMo'L (OU~"TY S\11l....t;YOR /Z-23-'-3 DAn: l'1J'\,P NO. ~7-03-24. TAX LOT 70& ,t'* SE;c:r:r ON .. . T~7fi, R3W, ~. 9W ~/4 (fi C om sso:s~o~ 'C6HI'ZI':~ ;r-o/f"'O:." OAr~ .5vB,u/rrfD :.:" ':':..,.L 7::4/ \ ND, 00' W:L ":!.'H l: N '.rt-U>::: "WJ:LL:LAM C. BPE::NCE::R DLC LANE COUNTY. OREGON LOW DENB:LTY RES~D~NT~^L/UREAN NOVEMBER 30. 1993 ' ZONING PIUll"ITIOHOI, ,,"D OWNOlS, j ~ 1 ~~------- ~ ...-,.,~-.::.c./~7 \ _ ~ .,;&V....."':"/~.E Z/$.oa \ (I..,~ ~~;:g~0:'Zfifr _._~" < \~ _ ~ ___J_~..:~':'-_~ _ _ __ __ _ _---; L ..d:.LKAlIY. ~ ~ ". 1<AJITDI~n:. h , ". D.~l. l.. "cEL""'Hl ~n<l CHlIISTI"" r. ce/olls L. l-IAIl'1VlSO: ~nd CD.ORES J, ,B l-IILWo,CILLUPIl:MOAll. CUCl':NLOIl. 97101 STAn: or O~rGO" I OWtlF.JlS Df:CU.llATION, '" COUIITlOf lA"E ~'tOW AI.L MDI nUT DJlL l.. tlcD.llA1IY 1-.110 Cl-<lIlSTlNA r. ",[UI.'NY. IiI!B!lAlHlMlll-llfr. M'OoDlH/S L. \./A.ll'TUI5tt.......n nUORES J, HAllTIJlSD:, IiVSll.\/lD .>vro WIn:. ARE TIlE: OWNOlS Of THE: UliO =C~UlUl HDlEON ......0 DID CAVSE TIll; EAJ1[ TO SE p.l.RTlTIONm,\.tIll Pl.ATI"Ol AS SIiOWH IiDll:ON. AIIDTHEV DO KDlEllT DDJICAn; TO 'lltEI'UBl.ICntEJ.oorOOT.PVIlLIClTTll.ITVEASD\Drr5.. ASSHOl<N IlDlEO~. IN ACCORO.vICE TO CHAr>7UI '2, O"[CON IlEVIS!:JJ STAlVl"ES. 6r.j/tnf~ ~L' t'1. CUrfiJ....... [ARL~'. i'tC~ii:Nv;,' C1-<RISTIHA.r.i'tCEl.HAllY -' 11"Lit.J.ibi." ^L, a~T_'" ~.ki:iiTI::NBU: ~:fUJlTIJlaEl: l 1 ,( ,0 51JIl.C~lllm.>vro SIlORN TO IlI'YORl: I'\!: rnu /-I&,L)...y OAYOr :O~c!~d&R. ,ml. I~ -~~' ....................... . .."............CD'.. ~IU>Cw"O,.,:..~:'. u-.""'.< ~M ..</.,,4 ~:"i>;f~.,~- ./ IIMIlATlV-'::, J1-iJ!: PUllPOS[ or ThI15 51JllVCY ..AS TO SI;JlVl:'T.o.IIO CIVIOC O'JJ! CL1E:HTS PMOPl:JlTY ,1.6$"01<11 HDl!;ON Pl:Jl nIT: COIIDITIONS Of APPROVAL ,OR}., UNO P"-"TlTIO" 5l:1~C SPlllHCfln.O'S JOt,;RNAl. 110. ,.-O~-17~. TIns PAllTlTlON 15 or PAAcn. 2 or A PREVIOUS PAllTITIOII ~ICH IotA.S ~PJ!INcrlo..n's JO~'RHAl. liD. '1-10-1 JS IlEIIIC !.AlID PAIlTITIOII Pl.AT I'IIJI'fBDI H-POIBO. UNl: COVm'"f 0110:.011 PU.T ~r:c:OROS AJln ALSO BJ!:IIIC t.AII'E COVWTY SIJll1ll':10RS rIl.1!: UOO: NO. csr JO,'~. ALONG I"IThl1"H1S P.l.RTITION. A PAllCEt. LII/!: A!l.JUSnuJrr 15 1l:11IC ooNE, AS DDI= IY na: 01.0 PA1tCo. LINn; AIIIl na: NOIPARCD.l.INES. nu: lIA~IS or lID./llNCS IS lIAsm ON THI!: SAIO SUINEY PLAT IVJ' IlI::lHG C~r 101'0 AS SMC'*' IiDIJ!:ON. MoL !)!;AIlING '""'0 oISTAHCI!:'S nlOtl TIfE 5.". COllNE:R or TI-ll: fEl.llt SCorf. JR. OLe NO. 51 NOllTl-l ,\.HD ~ TO THE: SOIJJ1-lWEST CORllEJI or TI-ns PA.Il1'ITION AllE J1-lE S.l.i'lI: AS IlEJ>OIl7tD 011 TIlE: SAID CSf 30290 SVllVIT. . ',: < ~ )1 .,: PRI:.~UBMIIIAL RI:(;'L' MAY 2 2 2009 .'. 8 ~ I~"': ~ 1\' ~ " g ~ I "t'i< U j 1395 J.oSJR 9:">18410 TITl.E NO. ESCllOW NO, Tll ACct. NO, 5:LT-19144 S?94-K5154 14"14'40 Jf~ 0.0 'TA!'tlTOll:Y rou (HIDIVlDUAL or CORpORATIOtI) ~Q~~R 03"<r.;II08REC 10.00 UAL L_ IlCll:LH.UO'/~ITI)l.,I" r.xCJ:l.B.).}lT. b....ba:>d &lid ,.,u.. G1rantor. conv.y. knd "'Arr&nt. to !2~; -JJ "'r"'.jIlO8PFao 10.00 TD&OTKT I. BOlli a.nd DIt.Jo.)l'U 1:. a.oll, b....ba.n11 -.nd ..-1.t., o......t... the [ollo...ing d..crit>.d r...l propen:y !r.. ot "ncum.brknCB' 8XC.?t AI .pec1liC.l.lly ..1: forth tar.in: PAAC1I:L II 0' uum PAATITlON PLAT NO. n-?QUl, AS pL.A.rrED AND Flu;::) IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF UN![ COUNTY, OIl.&GON. JlJJ. un 14, G..R.Ur.WH'Jf r:STA.nS, ~~~~.J3'r.;lfG8AC,r F\.JI'{) 20.00 Tb.J,. iO.truaeDt will not .110" ..... ot t.b. property d..c~ibed in t.h1. lo.t~t in ...101.tlon ot .ppl1c&bl. 1....d ..... 1..... a.nd ...<(UI..tion., B.tor. .1go.lo<jJ 0" .cc.'ptin,;! t..bi. i.c.t~nt, th. p....oo .cqulrln9 l.. tltl" to tal p.roplrty .~uld c~.ck with th. approprlat. city or county pl~ln9 dlp...~t to ..._..ify .pproved ....... &.Cd to d.t.na101 a..cy lia1t. 01:1 1..........1t. .".io.t ta..ra1...c9 or tor..t p....ct1<:." I. d.tined in OU.]O,')O. t.nc-,;.:,lbrUlC".: Cav.,ru.nt.., conditio:,:., re.t.rlc>;:ion. and e..ement. ot r.cord And subject to Deed Restrictions as pe~ d~tdched Exhibit -A-. The tru., con.ld.,rllT~lon for thi. CODV..y....'1C. \.- :;"10.000.00 IH"r. ~ly with th_ r.quir.l'rollot. of ORS ,].0]0.). o..l;"d eh!..- ~":J ~( d..I.y of tv11-l,frrl ,1995; it . ,carpont_ grantor. it b..a. c.....ed :Lt.- ru.m<I 1:0 bot .igned hy ord..r ot~board of dirlctor.. /" r:t.fl1 'f lit", _ ~-L. HCE:uv...~ , Qhf-d -1,.;" (] \.H, tV" "j CK2ISTINA F.HC~LHAHY --------- STA7i OF CREGON, County a~ I."'T"P I... Thl. In.-tn;.,,,,,nt "'.. ..ckno...ledg..d b..[orlll m.e on by EAilt. L. HCE~ and CX1HSTINA F.HCEIJU..'<Y My t::~,~~7:~Tn I\\Ahtt .J..J-, "-'-'-' I /r~':>. \,(" .~ r . ~', ~ ''';'./' O~fICI"'L Sf..... LY:: "I'; "-I, CLOU~~ ,,~," ':'-JPl ~ . "P":il)ll lSIC~~:'.'~ ~;,-!;\;'8 :~/~i &ARt. L. HCELHANY J600 N. lIST STRt:lrT SPll.INGFIE~ OR 9"14"11 GlVUITOlI.' g N>>U AND ADDR.ESS Until.. ch.lnga ill r.qu..t.d .11 tax .t,o.t.erfl..nt. .nall ~ .ent to the tollo"Hog- .dd.re...: SAME IlS GRANTER .... TI~I(' BOSS J410 CAL YOUNG ROAD ~~ENR. 011. 9"1401 GlU..N'TSll'S N.AXK ).NO ADDIUSS After recording return to; E'\"ERGll.ED-I !..AND TlnJ! COMPANY OF OREGON 1510 MOHA~~ BLVD SPltlNGP'IX:...:J. Oll. ,741"1 ~~E.SUBMITIAl REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 ~.~~..c_._ ,_.._ '. g~\( 0 J 1395 ;;loS'd. EXHIBIT ..... S518410 Deed Restrictions 1. TIle propelty owner 5h<lll P:1Y for :llld CQI1I1CCllo Cily s;1llir,lIY sewer when sewer becomes aVJilJule (wilhill 300 reel or property). 2. Siling: of dwellinl; unit shJIILJc COllSi51Clll wilh proposed re-divisiol1 lot lilies ShOWl1 011 1he hllurc DcvcloPIIICllll'IJIl (l7DI') covcriJ1!; SJid properly or Willi 101 lincs cil:1llgcs 10 tIle foOl' Jllo\Ved by the Cily or Spl'illgficlJ pianllillg department. 3. No <Iccessory SIn.IChJfes sl1;111 be sited all fllllJrc JOIS lInless it can be shown th;]t tile [ulun: dwelling unit also CJll be siled onlhal parcel. . H. l~ 0 ~~! ... }:2 ~ ~ ! ;:'.1 a: 2l :~"l ... c t ji~ ~ t\l ~ "' It) ~~ g~ ;J; ::j, 0 H '; ~~c '" t\l '0.. u i-~ ~ vv . 3 ~ 11 " ! !.\ :- j\ ~v ~ ...{. i .~h- PRE.SUBMIlTAl REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 , .;.; _._._'-.__......".~~......-..H- __, ...~ ..",.:...---- ,......,;-,'."...- .........--- _.--...._"",. Dlvl.lon of Chi.' Oeput.y Clark L~n. CQunty D..ds .nd R.cord. l00Hi))91O 1111111111[11111111111111111111111111111111111111 e054~5420a4~79200090094 01105/2001 11: 26: 5\ rl1 CASl-lIER ~ SESOO RPR--DTR Cnb:::l st.n--fi $4~.OO $10,00 $11.00 8 @ '" :5 ~ ~ e5 After Recording Relurn a:, PLAGSTAA BJUiJ( c. 5151 CORPORATE: DRIVE ~: TROY, M.I 48098 = PIl!l1U. 00CUHEliTS. KAIL E a To. STOP H-530-J 'f'~ y'I<;'? Escrow 10. I SP04-16591 VI NBCD LOAJI , 999869957 [~"'B.......Tht.UMF<>tAcknowl..dq""""'tl DEED OF TRUST IMIN 100052599986995740 j DEFINITIONS Words used in multiple sections afthis document are dQlined below and other words are defined in Sections J. 11, 13, 18,20 and 21. Certain rules regarding the usage o(words u~cd in this documcnl are also provided in Secti0f116. (A) ..~rtty Instrument" means this documQnl which ~ daled JAlIUA.RI 30, 2004, together with all Riders to this document. (B) YBorrow"r" is J&III... Scott Mc"e. A Karried H.4.D. and Jl:.thleen Celo&te HcJl:oe ^ H.o.rried KOIlIal1 , JOIn TZ!iIAlIICY WITH PULL RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSBIP, ~ Borrowef i!; l:t1e trustor under this Securtty Instrument (C) "lAnd<<" is KQ(ElIZIE: FtOOHl;fG. Lender is a SOUl: PROPRIETOR ORRGOII . SPRIIIGFI&LD, OR 91'11_ organized and existing unde-r the law-:; of lender's address is 1101 16TH ST, (0) "TrullIOle" is E\'ERGR.EElf I.AJlD TITL8 co., E:UGt:JlR. (E) YMERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems. Inc. MEAS is a sC!parate corporation that i'S ;'Icling solely as a nominee lor Lender and lender's SUCC9'Sso~and assigns. MERS I" IhQ bo:IrlQnclaryundvr !hI" Security In..b-um..nl. MERS is organized and existing under tho laws 01 Dulaware, arid has an addrB'SS and lelephone number of P.O. Box 2026, Finl, MI48501-2026. tel. (888) 679-MERS. (F) -Not,," ma.ans the promissory nota signed by Borrower and dated JAJiU1I.RT JO, 2004. The Note stalestnatBorrOW"efoweslender TIiRBE l:IU_DRJro TllIRTl" TBRZX TllOUSAJlD SItVU HUliDRKD AJfD !JO/100 .......................................... .... ........... ......................... ()QllaP.I (U,S. $33],100.00 ) plus interest. 80rr0wef has promised to pay this debt in regular Period;c Payments llJ1d ta pay lt1e debt n full nollatarthan YE8RUARJ: 1, 2034.. OREGOH---SO-.gl.F.rmly-F_nn!. hiI~ IIbG UNIFORM INS"rnUH(NT OIQllO-2C020""",,~Inc. P.goJ1of9 Initlal"~ '{~ ORfDEEO Q2r1 01-30-2004. 15,"5 form 30011 1/111 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 r-""""''''''''~-'''-'<-' , .> " .~_..._......_'~~.__.,,- "-","~_.... ..-. ..~" -....-...-......'" ...........~.,,--'.._._' VI WBtD LOAa' I 999869957 BY SIGNING BELOW. BorrOWQr accepts and :J.gr~s 10 the terms and CQv(!nanb contained in U1is Security InstrumE:'nl and in any Rider exec.uted by Borrower and recorded witll it. ~" ~ ,'&:.",I ""~C~.l) &..., -scot.t HeK... 1<0~ QJ;". 0'\<\~..,) Kathleen Cele~te HcKaa Slate of OREGOK c,n_ty of lAllE: .~""fwlod9.d )>ofm .,. 00 n nuo n.A, i)J?Y'rf:i < L\.~ :-ny\-""t fG"'<"cop ~ ) k'C, Ir";'''(;'>J';\<;''-ti'<:~p~~, ,_ ~ ! 51 ~turo~aria Offic.~ ~~ 1)fflC-fV t1tlot (and R.ank)<:: 'l'hi. in.tn1ZlOlnt by ~ CCRe",,,,, "~. O1CK!EMOGSTAO \ HOT:..RYPlJEltiC.OREGOH - - CO"'MtSSIQtj~3451Ja __~ttM~O?llESJ!Jll:,~.2t'QS ~~-~---~:":'-'- My C~iS6ioo eXpi~o.l c; ?4D~ OREGON--SOnIl~ F~mily-F.....-..Io IIUlFfodd~ M.., UNIFORM Ito/SmUNEIH Form 3GJllli01 l::l1gQQ..2\XI::20"""'0<:0:\J......-m,1nc. Pogo 9 019 OREDEEO 01-]0-2004 15:'5 PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O MAY 2 2 2009 ,~ '\' no VI HUCD LOAD I 9'9869951 (G) ~Prop4r1y" means the property that is described below under th~ haading "Transler 01 Rights in the Prop.....-ty: (H) "LoOllln" means the dvbl evidenced by the Notg, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges duo under the Nole. a.nd al\ sums due under this Security \nslrument, pius inleresl. (I) "Rld"",," milllm. a~ Riders to this Socurity Instrumef1l1hat are i!x(!{;uled by Borrower. The following RidQrs are to ~ executed by Borrower [check box as~licable]: o Adjuslable Rale Rider L.JCondominium Aider [-=.JSecondHome Rider D&lUoon Rider DP\anned Unit Development Rider DOlher(s) [specify] C 1-4 Family Aidsf 0 Biweekly Paymenl Rider (J) ~Applk:8ble Law" means all controlling applicablelGderal. sLaIQ and lOcal statutes, regulations, ordinances and administrative f'Jk>s and orders (that have tho eHecl 01 law) as well 1IS all ~pplicable final, non-appealable jUdicial opinions, (K) "'Communtty Aa&OClation ()uQ1l, FIlHle., .nd As...&am(H'"lb" means aJlducs, lees, assessmerll:; and other charges that are imposed on Borrower Ol' the Ptup"rtyby a condominium associabon, home<>Nnef'3 association orsim~ar organiz.alJon. (l) -Electronic FlJnd.a Tmn~er" means any lnInsler 01 funds, other than a transaction Originated by check, drafl, or similar paper instrument. which is initial<<J through an el~lronic terminal, lejephonic instrument, computer, or magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution 10 debit Of r;redit an account. Such term includes, bUI is not !imitNl 10, point..{)l-sale lrantl\W;, au10mated tell"'r mll.chine transactions, lJanslers inilialed by telephooe, wire translers, and au\omalE!d clearinghouse lranslers. {M)"E5(:l"'C)w Horns" means lhasa Itllms thaI are described in Section 3, (N) "MJa.col1ar.oous ProcCHK:I~t means any compcnsatJon, s(!tTIemenl award 01 damages, or proceeds paid by any third party {other than insuranCIl procgeds paid under lhe coverages describ(!d in Section 5} lor: (i) damagQ to, or destructiol) aI, the Propeny; (iiJ cOndemnation or other laking 01 all or any part 01 the Propeny: (iil) conveyance in lieu of condemnation: or rrv) mi5represef1(ations 01. or omi~sions as 10, the v(l.lue and(o. condition 01 the Property. (0) "Mortgp.'ilo Int;ur.!lncQ~ means insurance protecting ~nder against the nonpaymenl 01. 01 defdull on, tlle Loan. (?) ~PQrlodk Payment- means tlle regularly scheduled amount due jOf (~ principal and inlere-sl under tlle Note, plus (i~ l'lny amounts undef Section 3 01 tllfs Security Instrument. (a) "AESPA" means the Rool Estale Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. ~2601 el seq.) and its implementing regulation, Re-gulalion X (24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might be amended from time to time, or _any additional or SUCCQ$sor legislation or regulation thai govems the same subject matter. As u~ed in this Securrty Instrument. -RESPA- refers to all rcquiremen~ and r~trictlon:g that are imposed in r~ardlO a "lederl'llly relaled mortgage loan" even it the loan does nol qua/fly as a "1ooeral1y relaled mortgag!.'- Ioan- under AESPA. {Rl "'SucCQ5:g.or In lnl~re"t of BorrowM" means any party thai has taken title to the Pro~, whether or not that party has M~umgd Borrower's obligations under the Note and/or lt1is $(;.curity Instrumenl TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERlY The beneticiary 01 this Security ImtnJmen1 is MERS (solely as nominee lor Lender and lender's successOl'5 and assigns} and the liUO:~Ors and assign!> of MERS, This Security Instrumml secures to lef1der: (i) thg repayment 01 the loan, and all renewals, extensions and moditk::aliorn; 01 the Note; and Ii} the perlom1ance 01 DonuWei-'s covenants and agreements unclefll1is Security Instrument and the Note. For ll1is purpose, Borrower ilTe'.'OC<lb!y grants and conveys 10 Trustee, in trust, will1 power 01 sa\(!, lhe 10Howing described property located In \he COlf'!lTl" ITy~ d A-.::o<diog JurbdicWnl 01 Ll\.1fE IN.t.m&ol Ro<;O<dinll Jun..diuO-ll: LECAL DesCRIPTIO:' AnACRED IlKRETO MD MACS: A PART HEREOF APlf '1 1532171 p(lrccJ 11, Lnncl P(lr1ition Plat No. 93-P0441, (IS pl,111ctl and fllcu 1:1 On'lci;]1 Recolus ofL;]ne County; Oregon. EXCEPTfi'JG THEREFROM Lhill portion dedicalcd as Dcl Rose Ave!1l1e by that instrument Recorded Jnnu;JIY I), 1994, Rccefl(ion No. 94-02975, LilrlC COtJIlly Offlciil] Records. ....-hichcurlenllyhastheaddressof 1142 Dclrolio AVE, Springfield, ISl'--IICityj Orngon 91471 (Propef1y Address"'): (~Cod.1 TOGETHER WITH all theimprove/Tl(!nts now or hereafter erected on lt1e propG!1y, and all easements, appunenances, a.nd Ii.xturEls now or hereafter a part of the property_ All replacements and additions sh<lll also be covered by this Security Instrumenl All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the -Property,. Borrower undcrsl.ar1ds and agrelf'3 that MEAS holds only legal litle 10 the inleresls granted by Bofl'UWer in 1his Security Ins\nJment, but. itne<:essary to comply with law or custom, MERS (as nominee lor l(!nder and lender's succesSOf'S and assigns) has the right: to exercise any or all oflhose inleresls, including, but notlimiled 10, \he right to loreclose and sell the Property: and to lake any action required ollender including, but not IImite-d 10, rolgasing and canCllling this SllCUrity Instrum~l BORROWER COVENANTS lhal8orTower i5 lawfully soised 01 the eslale hl..'rcby conveyed and has the right to grant and convl;y the Property tlnd thaI the Property is unencumbered, eJl:ccpt for llncumbrallces 01 record, Borrower warranls and wi~ defend ggnQrally IhQ title to tho Property against alldaims and demands, subject to any encumbrances 01 record, THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unilOfT11 covenants fOf national.use and non.uniform covenants with IImlt&d varintions by jurisdiction to constituto a uniform security inslnJmenl colt'Qring real prop(!rty. UNIFORM COVENANTS, BoITOWCf" and Lender covenanl and agree as !o:lows: 1. Peyrn...nl 01 Principe", IhtcuulIl. Escrow IhlmQ, Pnlp.ym~nl Chargc&, lInd La'g Chelrgglll. Borrower shall pay ....-hen due tho prindpnlol, and interest on, the debt eitidQncoo by the Nole and 'any prepaymenl charg>!s aff lale chargC'9 OACCOH-~!.F&mI+t...f'.",,,,,,,,-rrr-;kl,",,M_uNlroR""!NSmU/olf.NT F<>m13C3111:01 InitialBl~ \l.-~ Cll\lQl1-2~ Onlit1.0oc:um~. In<:. Pegg 2 of g Of\EDEEO 01-30-200i 15.45 PRE-SUBMIlTAl REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 , '. ".' . ~\ .-~--~ Ilmllll\\ 1111\\lIIi\\I\\ \111 1I111 I111 i 1\\111\\11\ 4071749+2 00496490007665 MCKEE. JAl.lE5 DEEO OF TRUST I MORTGAGE Dlvlslon of Chl.f Oeputy Cl.r/< lOOt ntlOl) L.n. C.unly O..d. .nd R.c.,d, I"V. V1 WHEN RECORDED MAll TO; JI"MO'Q.n Ch....S.".. N.A. Il..uJlL",,"S.~~ingKY2-1606 P.O. B.o.. 11606 u:ulngt""'. KY ~0516.1606 1111111111111\\111\\\11111111111111111\\111111111 15100 '07123882.'","""'0430060069 01/111ZOO5 01: 10: 15 p~ RPR-OTR Cnl=l Sl~~ CASHIER 04 530.00 $10.00 SII.00 !;PACE AR(]VF THIS liNE 1'5 FOR RE(:QR[JFR"S USE ONI y. LINE Of CREDIT INSTRUMENT U"-'E OF CREDIT DEED OF mUST.. IAl 1M O~d al T,uS! '. . U~E OF CREDIT INSTRUMENT. IBl TI-", ",..,mum D",,6DOI ~mounl 10 b~ ~~.r>Cod ~".,"'u."II" 11'18 C'~dl( /l.grHm/!fII (~SI12.000.00. lei rn.. ,..m".1 mo :;:,odrt Ao,..mon\ COmm9"C~' an lhe d'l~ 01 !n..lJ.e<J-ol T,un ond Ind. on Jlln. 21, 2020. THIS DEED OF TRUST is do!lto!ld Juno 21, 2005, emong JAMES S MCKEE AND'KATHLEEN C MCKEE, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY, whose addro,s is 1742 DELROSE AVE, SPRINGFlElD; OR 97477 (~Grantor"J; JPMorgen Chase Benk. NA. who,e eddrua i, Home Equity and Con3um",r lending Division. 11' 1 Polaris PlHkwey, Columbus, OH 43240 (Ieferrlld to below ,omatimcs e3 -lander" I!nd sometimero 13 "Beneficiary"l: and OR Sfewer1TiUe Guaranty Co.. whose acdrllss is One Center pointe Dr., Suite 300, Lllku OSW9QO, OR 97035 (referred to below 113 ~Trustell"l. Con""yO"CO on<l G,.n'lo Fo' ~ol".bl<l eo"oJd....""". G,.n'o< cor.~'y' to Tn,.,.. In ,;".1. wllh pOw., 01 ...10. I.,.. It>" Ilo.o.rrt 0' L.r><:io, " lH-tl.fIcla'J.1I 01 G'OnlO", ,lOht tille..nd jOlo,..sl'ln.1'd '0 the 10UO"";"Q d.,crrbed 11,1 p,cP.('w. lCioet"'~' w,(n ~I! C"",,"'" or .<d>'Qq~l'I(lr .r~<;ted o/IIl"ed building'. Implo~om.n,s And li'lure.;.1I ..sement,. ,ignll of ""'Y. and appurten.nces; .11 .....tet. "".r" ";~l. 0'"Kl duen ,""~n (1r.::ludln'J "DC~ ;n'\J1;1;11H "".,n'dilcl'> or ;IIig.tion ';01'>"1: .nd ..U 0'1'>., ,ill"". loy.I,i~.. .nd pror,,. ".I~',''I.l to 1~ '.al P'OP<'<l~. lreluding wilho...l !imit.,lon aU mlne,.ls, all. QU. 1I&o1".,mol and .imLI., IT""",". (the "'Real Property"] 10C~led in LANE ClJunty, Stah) of Or690n: PII.eel 10 Number: 1532777 PARCEl II OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 93-P0441. AS PLATTEO AND FILED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. IAKA lOT 14, GRANDVIEW ESTATESI EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DEDICATED AS DEL AOSE AVENUE BY THAT INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 13, 1994. RECEPTION NO. 94-02975. LANE COUNIT OFfiCIAL RECORDS. The Re...1 Prop9rty or iu address.is commonly known liS 1742 DELROSE AVE. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477. The Rllol Property lax IdentTficOltion number Is 1532777. 'h~elving l..hl. of C,.dil. SIkKIf'.caUy. In ..ddklo. Ie I"'" 'mo,,~t. 'I>"<:;;..,d in m. I~d.b!.d"".. dor""lio... .nd ....,th""l r.m"'tIo... thl. 0..<1 01 Tn..t HC"'.... . ,.~o,v\n.g 1In, of c,.<lI1. wl'>k:h obng..u Lond., 10 m.~. .dvanc.. to G,.n',;" .0 long.. GIOMO' compr... ""ilh .11 tho hmu 01 It... C'.dh Ag,~m.nt. Sucl'> .d~.ncu",,"y bo mad.. ,.p.,d. .nd '""""'" f,em 11m. 10 limo. .croj..:t la m,'fimludon tho! tho 10101 Qul.U"..dlng IH.I..-.ce owlnll.t .ny or>e time. no1 including r",."c. CI'>arg.. 0" ouch balt..c. .,. n...d.n v.ri.ble'." Ol.um.. pl"Ovid..d In Ih. Cle<:IIt Ag'"",""'nl. .ny ,.mpo<ary a....'.l/u. a...... en.,g... .nd any .mount> ,'p.,,<I.<I Of odv."c'" .. plo~\d.d I" .l1n., ".,. lrtdcbl.d"... 1>.,09,oph 0' 0>1. P__I/,"P". ."ell nal ..c.....:! th. C,..di1 Urn;l al p<ovldod In lh. C'o<:Ii1 AgI..m.nl. I, It 'N 1n'.n,i1>n 0' GIS""" o<>d L.n<l., th'l thb Oud 01 T,uo'l ","",,,n.. Ih. b.hnc. ""hundtng under lh. Clodlt AII'..mo"l f'om dm. 10 Dn'MIlfom U,a uo 10 t.h. C'.dlt Limit.... p,ovid.dln !hI. Do-e<I 01 Truol Indlnyln(orm.".I.t.bllln<:.. Grantor ",,,,"mly '~.'gn. to le"de, 1.1.0 kl>O....n IS a"""Ii(;;.,y in tl'>" ~ed 01 T'lISl) .11 0' Gla"'d"~ rlgnl. title. lno Inl.'~" In and 10 all p'~.eM .nd f"lu," I...". of II'>. P,oP.rty ~nd .U Rents I'D'" II'>. P'oP<!r1'y. In .dditio~. Gr.,T10' g,""" 10 L."dt' . Undo,m Com"",(CI.1 COO. Slcul<(y Interut,n Ih. P.'~0n31 P,operty.nd R.m.. THIS OEEO OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND TI-lE SECURIT'l' INYEREST IN lH€ RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. IS GIVEN TO SEC\JR€ (11 PAYMENT OF THE INOUlTEONESS AND (2) PERFO"MANCE OF EACH OF GRANTOR'S AGRE€MENTS AND OBUGATIOHS UNO(R THE CREDIT AGRE€M€HT, TH€AELA TED DOCUMEHTS. AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS OEEO OF TRUST IS GIVEN ANO ACCEP'TE.O ON THE FOLl.OWING TERMS: Po.".....,1 and P.rlo,m.nc.. E~c.P'I'" 00-..,'''''..... p'ov'ded Ln tl'>e. C.ed of T,ust. C,anto, .holl.p.y 10 Ltr>dcI ,II .",ounn 'ecU'ed by tl'>" D.....:l 01 T,uS! U IN!y b.com. duo. and ,,,.~ ~IUC\'" and ;n , I,mely m.n",,' !><,do,m oil of G'an(o". Obli<;latlOn$ un60' 'I'>e C'cd.! AI/''''''''''(. m.. Dud of T",.I..1"'<1 ,'''' RCJ.{NOoc<m>cn". I'o",,,,ion",,,,, ....Inl......"".. 01 u.. P,opet'ty. G,.",O, "'9".' I~.' Cra"\o", pos....'o" Ind'uu of 11>0 p,opecty .I>oll!>e go~e''''''ll b1 Ih. 101l0w;<>\I p'o~i,ion.; Po.....Io"..n<l U.... Untillh. OCCUOllnc. ol.n.hentOI 0.1.,,1t. G/on'Ol "'.Y 1.1 ,em.,n '" PO''''so,on ond conl1ol ollho P'op<:rty: Ibl u.e. o\>C,a,e or ",anall" the Propeny: and lei colleCl t". Ront. I'om lhl P'dO."Y. n... folll,lw,ng o'o~;..on. '01.11 10 tl>,: u.e of I..... P'op.,ry or to Olhe' hm'lot,on, on I"" P'OQ<l'lY. THIS INSTRUMENT WflL NOT ...lLOW use OF THE PROPERN OESCRIBEO IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF "'''PUCAaLE LAND USE LAWS AND IHGULATIONS. 8EFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTlr<jG THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACOUIRING FEE TITLE TO ThE PROPERTY ShGULO CHECK WITH ThE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNN PLANNING OEPARTMENT TO veRIFY Il.PPROVEO USES ANa TO DETERMINE MN liMITS ON LAWSUITS AO...INST FARt..lING OR FOREST PRACTICeS AS OEFINED IN ORS JO.9JO: Ovty '0 "'ooInul". G,.Me' ,""11 m..inu'" IN P'OP<lt'tY ;" gO<>d condition ..-.:1 O'Omplly I>",{o,m aU ,"P"I5. ,"ollcom~..".. .nd "'.I"'e....n" n<tC~'UI')"IO p'",,,,,, m. ~.."". Complaol;. WIth Envtmnmenl.t L..... G,.n,o, 'epresen1S .(',a .....".,,\$ la landlr ll'>~t: 10/ Dunnll I(>~ peHod Or G'lntOl" o",,,"rsh'p ot t".. Pr"~'IY. !"~'e "OJ been no u.e. lIe",,'.!>,1". monuldc'u'e. "O/.g.. t'eMmenl. d"p",.I. Idr..u 0' ""~~'e,"","" ,~ru..., of any H.lI'doCll Subsur>Cc by .ny po..on \In. unde,. .00"1.0' hom I"" P'op~rty: (hi G'a~loI 1\0. no ~nowledge or. or ,,,..son IQ bel'.~e u..t tn..., nu bolon. ".ceplas P'''''''''....'vdO.clo!io<<J'o.na .",-no""ledged by LeNJ.' in w';II1>Q. Ii) ...y!J<u"ho.v,.,I",O"o' .ny En~i'on"",nl.1 L..... 1;;1 .nv ...... ~.....,.oon. ....."ul<>et...'.. .lo....g.. ""."n.",. d;,po..I, ,.1..50 0' th,..,.""d ,."'... 01 .ny foIUorOou1 S...bsl.n<;" on. unll". .OOI.Tl or Item!ho "'opet{~ by ""'V pUOI Owners 01 o<;cup~~t:I 0' t"" P'OPOtly. 0' 1;1'1 any ~ct,,~1 0' 'N..at.""" '-1'Il'lion 0' Claim, 01 any .,n" by .ny p~,son "r."nQ to sucn m.ne..:....a Ie) E'''oPI.. p'e~;au,ly d;,,,loud 10 and oc~no....I."gC<l by Lerode, ,n ..",;ng. ['1 ne"I>." G,onlO'no' .ny t.n.nt. conl,acIO'. .g.n'01 <>lh(), ."'horiad,,.., ollho PrOV<l'W.I'>.U '--"'I. o.ne,",". m.I\U'lOCtUl.. 'lo,e, "ou. d;"""18 01 01 ,..1.... .ny H,"'do", SubOl'~C. on. "nd.', ,bol.Tl Of 1,om tho Plop.orty: .nd J,ll .ny '""h ocfi~1fy ,h.1I b. condVCt." in "omcli.nc. ",.11>.1t oPpl;.,.ble ,.a.,.I. .......nd local I..",.. '"9ul.,10..'.nd ofd'Mncn. incfv<linc ""1/>0"1 I;milalion aU ( L1...~. (jan(Cl I...Uw,hu Ltmd", Ind its Igenu 10 ~nJ.I U/lOn l~ P'OP<lrty 10 mHe .u<;ft n.,..cllol\s .nIl ,..n. '1 G,.mo,', ""P""".. .. L"f'd~. may <.J.~", .pp,opII.,. to U~'~,m'~1 CO'''I'''.nc" 01 ll>e P'OP"'ly ...itl'> 11'>10 MICtiOn 01'''0 Oe"d 01 Tn"l. "ny inopo<:,ion$ or le.n madu bv lende,',r,.1I be 10' Lendel'. !1U'jl<l.e. o"ly ond ,hall nol be co","",,<.J PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'O MAY 2 2 2009 - .' . 't." ,~ LODn No: 496490001665 DEEO OF TRUST IContinuodl Pagll 5 ....., ,he boo Onn"'O 0' "". 0..." 01 lruU. An~ p~..on m"V Ch."'Il" hi, or he' add.... 10' ",we" ...-.d.' ,h., Oeod at. "\.IU by 9'''''''~ lo,m,1 ...,inen nQU~. 101M 0'''''' p"..on or poo.."n.. IDec"y;ng ,Ila, ,,,. PU'~'. 01 I"" "Ill"'. .. 10 ctung. the p.".on . .ddr.... Fo, nollC. G t ~ L.,>de. ;nIO''''''O ., .M \1m.. 01 G,"ntor I CUI'"n, uld'US. Unlcn ot""....lIe p.ov'dC'd 0' '."u",ll by I..... ~ut=...~~ .:~~O:h:-::. ~':~~r any noll<:1I given oy l.....,.. loony G..nIO' i. "MmlOd \0 1M notJcc Il'ven 10 ~11 Ci,enIOI" It ....,U b. ~'.M~'I ...ponlibilOly 10 I.U\he ~,"." (II II'. "",ie'; hom Lend,r. Not....'\MIIM'ng IN 10'.(10."9. rho .dd,eu to' nOllC_ r"r Le"O.. '., JPMotO." Ch.._ 8.,,_. N.A.. 1'.0. Box 901008, Fan Wont.. TX 16101.2008. IOE1HTTY OF i..9'lOEfl. l.nd.... ;. JP~Of\l.." Chl'O a..n~. N,A,,'. (U!'On~' ban.;ng lI'OC;I100n o'gan"O>(j Ind .,;nj"Q unl)~, Ih~ la....' 01"h' Unned SUll~1 01 Amll'>C:'. ..ilh in me;n olllen Iocned '1'1 COI"ml>"~, 01>'0. H.....W..~... A .....'''11' by .nyo.rty 01. b<uc" 01 I prO~'"Oon Ollhi~ Deed olltu1\ S!'l.~ nOI con.mul.. "..'~e' 01 Of o'eIW>Co tt"lc Plft.ye. ,igI'1l01l>1I'........lod.m&r>dnflCleomoh"'..""'lhlh.>lll'0"..iono' Inyo&>"o,o",,,on. Supple.....1 to P...onal P'f'01Hrt't o.r.nitk>n. II .. Ih.. 'nU1\I'I01\ oll.nde, only _10 \I~. I ...:...."v ;1\\O'~" on Ind ":1.,1\ I I,~n on IMI p.erson,ol p'op.rt't eo...id.'.d lIt'u'" lJ(lde, lhot Un,lo,m Commll'C;11 COd. .. .doo:ed ,n 11>8 ,,,,i5d,c,,on """"" !h', O.t'll ot T,u.'," hied 01 ,.co,d II .."... m.r b<: IIrnen<kd I,om l;mlt '0 11m. 0' luCh Olt>.c' "I'ul' <>1 ,,,ch IU".d.."on 1M' dllin.. proP<'fT'I aN"ed 1<> ,..1 uUle """ no ot"e' pa'"o""Ipfo~V. DUE ON SALE. CONSENT BY lENOER. lend., m,y, al l.<\d.... oplion. deell'. .m",<<""te'y duo ~ IlIylDI. III,um. ,ecu'er! by '!'\" o..ct 01 T.u", upon Ih" ..I, Ot \I'IU"'. ""'I!'\ouIl."""" P'o(l' wtlnen co"~enl. otlll 0' Iny p.". of 1M. ~eo' P,ooer'y. Of any ,nt"e51 '," I!'\' Aul F'lop<lrt)'. A '..1. 0' ".MI". melns lhe conv"y""". 01 Aul f><OP<lU1y 01 .ny ,,,hI. lLlI. Of ..,Iefe,t ,n I!'\' Rul f"OpolflV; ..........tN, e<;ol. bo!'l.lllcillOt 1'<1"'\lCoIe; ...."cuM.' "olunt.,y 0' in~olun'"ry: ....MU...' by 011l"9n, SlI.. oeed. ....llnm.n1.... con".&<:I.II"" Co<\!f'''. con"." 'or dolt'll IeUIIX\I.d ;n'Clest ....,,1> I tllm g'UUf ,hln I!'\'" IJI veat.. 1........,pHoncOoM'IC1. 0' by...... .n.........nl, Of Illn.11t or Iny b'f\CIlicil.1 i"lefut in O' 10 UT'f land "ust hold."ll m1. 10 Il1e Rul P,oo.rt)'. O'.bv ,"ny 01'- "",thGd oleon""Ylnc. of ~n .nlCfUllfl Ill. Rul PrOIl"It'f. Ho""."".. &0'. opuo" shall nol bo ....e.se<! by lend.' il,u<11 "'Me'."" p'ol1,bll~ by 1t>P,Clbl. ledo,"1 0' .tote ,"". 10110..-....... P'roviolonl. ,n, 101l0"";ngm",,lIlneou. fl'o~illon' .'" I ~n ol\I\,s ~d 01 ,tust: A..-.dm.tfU. Wl111 i, """""" i" lhi, Dud 01 Trust .t>d in \nO Rel,'ed Ooc~m,n" ., G..ntOt'. cn~~. 'g,umel\( ....i,h len"'" COnc'fni"9 11"><1 mitt." cove,.d by 1\>" 00&<1 01 Tfun. '0 bo .1I.c:,~e. Inf ;h."9" Of lm(:tldmelTl 10 -:his Oud 01 r,uII mu" 00 .n ""flung and m.al be .,Q....d by ....hoe""f ""ill be bound or O~;glled Of :I1e c"a~ 0' .m..t>dm.nt. CApdon H~..:!\r>g,. Caption ","d'''9' in In,. D...d 01 T,u>! .'e fo' con..ni.n<~ l>U'po.~' Of'ly '''0 .11 "01 10 ~ und '0 ;"":n><cl 0- tl<Ilone lhot p,ov;Slorfl 01 :his 008dOI T,uS!. ",.,tt*'. ,hi.. sl'\llI be no me'QIf 01 IN: ;nlet..' 0' estate Cfut.d by ,,,,, O.ed 01 T,u", w,111 on~ 0\110' ,nlltesl 0' ..lite ,n I~ P'rOpltf1Vlllnv Ilmo hold bv Of lOf;1>o: b.....lilo' ~.,,<1., ;nlnycapac"v. ....""0UII"" w,me"con..nl ollor-..do'. Oo...m1nll Low. TM 109'"''''0''' ....'" be 1I0~"f''''' b~ Ho(l i",cfo...,&d in O<;CO,,,""C. wftl'1 '''''..01 Ilw 1M '''1 '"..... or Inc Slale 01 O..oon O>CCOI to' mill." ,olllld 10' 111 ;nle,nl Ir><! In. ..ponal'on 0' 'na..... ....n-en ,....;~ be Qove,...d by Ir-..<! ,nleto,"l.d on &<:co<d...-.ce ....fl.n 1..,...1 I... (inc'udi"ll. b'" noll,mllld to. .tIlUles. '''il"",o(ln.. ;",.,p,.\I\lO'''. and opon,o",llnd ,'', II"'" or 1"," Stili 01 Oh.O; ,no 121 "'" vll~ilY l<\d .nfOfc.men, 01 loodoD", $eCU"'V in;...., ;., '1'\1 O'OOflfTY. ,.11<1'1 ....'~I b. gu~..nll) b~ Ih. I.... o! 1M S'I" ""nu. ,t.,P'OIlOrt'y il loc.t.d. How.~~'. if IhO.. """ ," I ct....."on ,00<.II ....t.,hOf .ny pto~"ion at ,Me .~,..""'nl" v31id 0' .nfo"..OI.. m. p,ovi"on mat ;s oue.tlO".d ",,;11 b. go""".d by ""Ilic""~.f of lhe go~"ni"g 1131. 0' lede..' )"....i tn., ""auld find 1"" P'O""iOn 10 b. ".I;d Ind enlof~o..ol" ThoI loon """..ctio" wn;"r. ;. ~v'derv;e-d bv It". """ o,*,,, rei. led docum~nn h.. bun .ppro~ed. "'~ Ind ".f>ded, .nd IN n.en..'y documents 11.". b..n Icc.~ltd b~ lerd., in 1tI1 SI3" 01 0."'0. .JoInt _d SO....'.I U.l>Ollty. An obligllion. 01 G..mo, und.' ,,,;. 0....0 01 T'II5I,I'..lI be jo;nl .r>cl i.~.'31. Ind .A "I.'lnt.. 10 GflntOf ,""11"""", ...."'.nd I~.'Y GII"IO'. Th;. "..,.,'" I1>U eeen G"nlOf ''''"'''ll bolo... '. 'uPOf'>S,blt tOf'" obl~lu"n.'" "". O..d 01 T.".,. No WIIv., by t.ndlf. G,.nlO' "ndl"til"as lenaer ....,tt nQIlli~e UP ""V Q! le"I).,', ';gMu unde, lrOl CuI) of T'ull unl... lend" dou 10 in "",ilinll. TM. 1IC1 lhal l.""., dcl,y. Ot oml\$ 10 ".ere... Iny flg'" ""ilt no' "",In lI>ul.nd.' t\u II"'" UP IMI "Qht, 11 le""" do&s &9'''';'' ...."'Lng to <;,,,. up Of'll 0' l.f"def'. "lllll>, ,not dO<l. nOI me.n G..nlol ....,lInol 11.", 10 comply ....,'n In. 01"'" p,o"i..o", 01 this Qo.edOl"ull. GtonlOf 11.0 """.,,.."". II'III,t l.nd" doe. con.."llo I 'I<luell. tt'ludo.. n," mun Ihll Ollnlol ...,11 nQt ..."" to gOlleno,,'i CO"S."llo".n il,"'" S,'ual.on l'IIope.... I..".;n. G'I"tO' lun"'" unde,,,.nd,'f\lIIUSl beelU'" lend., eonoenl. 10 ...... 0' more 01 Gllnl0'.. fI'<1UOS1>, ,nil dOe' not mu'" londe' ""ill b. fCC"'''''' '0 e"n'e<'It to '''v 01 G,.n'o,., I"'uf. fCoUun. G'ln,of "".;~.. pru.nlm,n" d.mlnd 10' p.ym.nl. p,o,..I. 3"" noli" 01 di.hono,. S.~ty. II I court find. IhU .nv p'O~,.tOn 011"" Oeed 01 T,uu i. nol vI',d 0' ~uld "01 Do ...tOtced. ,hll loCI by ,...It ...,n nol mun ttu., 1M. ,ul 01 tt>i. Deed of T'ull ....~II notl>e .ol,d 0' ."to,ced. TM"f.fo,., I CO"" "",ll.n'orce Inl 'Ill ollh. ptovi.ion. 0111'1;. o...d 01 T"," e~.,...f, p'o~,..on of tn,s Deeo 01 T,<>o' m3Y be Iou"" 10 be "wII,d Of un.nlO'COlD'e. Sue,.""" and A..lgn.. SuD)ICl 10 .ny ~mi1OI'''n. nu.o in IT\;. O..d or Ttu" Of' u,n.f" 01 G,.",or', ,nt"..,. thO. Oe~o 01 T,u., "'"II be borv::I"'9 "pon Ind ,nu.. 10 Ih" l>e".r" 01 :t>. p.,'in, ll'leit .ucenlo's and UI'9n.. II 0"'''''''''0 01 11'1. P,opoo,tv lI~com.. lfflled '" I p"'''ln olho, :t>ln GllnlD'. lendef. wHho<J1 notico 10 GllnIO'. ......Y ".., w;11'\ Gllnl"'.' sutCCS'O', ..itn "f",.nce 10 ,,,'. o..d of ,,,,st.<\d I...... l""eblednl" Ily ""'v of lo,l>e...nc. 0' ..1"n"o" w,'1'I0~1 'c1cd"'" Gllmor hom lMe Oel'O""O,," ot Ih.. (Xld 01 T,uno,I;lb,lityuf\Cl"ll'wlndebledn"l1. T"on>oo ta 01.,... fLune.. Time.. 0' I...... ...."". ...,n.I>O,'o,m."".ol I!'\" C"'d 0' T:""I. W........ 01 Ho..-tu.d Eumpdon. G..",O' hereDy ..I..... ."" """".,, 3W "Qnt.~ I"d bo...hu of IN t'v:)m.t"..d e.empI'un ,."", or Ill. Slot. olO,..gon 1$10 l'I'nd.b,.dn... oec....ld by,,,., Ot"d 01 T,u". o.oftnltk>R'. T".loUo...in<;t....o'tl. ,">Kna"o'~ 1011o..."'g "",""inQ. ..."en ~,ed ,ntl'los D.ed 01 Tt",,, a....flcllry. Tne ....ord -g.,n"..c..,y- m..I'" JPMofQ.n CI'I... B..,,~, NA. ."" it> ,UC[..SOt> Ind IU,,""', 80"0....'. H-..e ....o.d -60"0"""" ""'"n' JAMES S MCJ(EE .nd J(An<lEEN C ,'''CIl.~E. """ u ou-..o, poIflon..no ,n,n'". ,i9n,"9 ",,, (;ItOoIAg",e"'."'. Crodl1 AlI'''rnoottt. Th. ....ofd. -C,edil Ag'umen,. meon th. "edi, loree"'."" Gored Ju". 21. 2005, in the odglnel princip..1 amount of $112.000.00 hom G'I"IO' 10 lend". 1000el*''' ....ilMIII '.....,,"".1. 0'. ...."";0"" 01. mo<l.!;c~,;o.-.s of. ,,,fina,,,i"O. 01. conaolidaoot\l of. and .ullSllIuuon. to' It>e promis.o,," /'lell 0' .'il'~m.fl'. Th. "'"ur'", dale ot the C,.d., Agllem.nl i. Ju"e 21, 2020. o....d.1 True\- n..c ....o.d. 'Oud ot T,un. m..n Ini, line 01 C'edL,I...."".....", ","O"ll G,.nlor, l.""o'. a"" T'U.I.., Ind ,nclvOu ""itl'>oV1l;m.~liCln I~ ....'Onn-1enl In<! oecu,i1"l in,,,,..t Pfo"..ion. '.'3UnO 10 1~.0 P.'....nl' P'oP"tTY ..-.:j R.nu. fnWonrn.nuJ La...... 1"" ....o'd. 'En~itonmo"'3Il.....s' mo." Iny Ind aU .f3Ie. IIC.t", .r.d lo(lt :nln."". f"lulu;o,," ""d o,d;".ncn f~""'9 1<> Inl p.ot.et.on oll'1um.n hu'tt.. 0' ,,,. .n~;,onmon'. ,nCIUd,ng w;'I'IoVlI;mi,.uo" I...... COmpf.""'n.;~e E"~t'o"""'nl.1 RuPG"u. Comp""..,ion. """ UI!>~"V ACI 011980... I",."".d. <42 U.S.C. SOCl'lOn 9601." "0. l-CEACtA'). ,... SuP'''U')(] Amendrncnu 1,,1) Ruvrnana'jOf'l...." <>11966. f'f.oD. l. No. 99.499 I'SARA'I. lno l-<uI,dou. M......I. T;lnUIO'"'''''' ....ct..9 U,S.C. S"CI"''' 1801.., _.,...... Rn...u". Con..",.,ion Ir><! Roco",,'v ....el. 42 U.S.C. Socuon 6901. It .cq.. 0< 0'''- .~.!>... .111. Of '"0...11....... ""u. o<noyu'"I'O".~.dp"nulnlln".loo,.n'end""I<lP'o'.C</'>vn1ln"Oil'lnofl""."~~o"",.n'. E...- <>1 o."uII. ,t. ,""ofd. .E~.nl 01 Del.ull' m..n Iny 01 Ih. e.."'" 01 ",IluIt uf Io<'h in "", O..d 01 T,u" .., ''''' ."..n" 01 d.tau/f.......".,or t""O'O<l ot T,uu. ulodno;l ~lIdn..... Tho ..o,d. 'b..unQ Inde!>ledn.,.- m.ln rl'll ino.~'ed",," I)....:nbo<:l ,n v.. bill,no w.", plo~".on 01 ,nos 0.,.,"01 ,"al. a'ent"",. Tho _Otd '0'""10" m.lnl JAMES S MCJ(€E """ J(A,HlEEN C MCJ(H. Ku..-dou.o Sub........... The "ofds .Hlu'<!ous SU!>>llncOl. m.I" m'''''"ft 11'111. o.clU.. 011"". _'"V. (onc.ntro,ion 0' :>Il~"(II. d>om;cll 0' ,,,t.C1>OUI Chltltt,follie.. mlY (IU.. 0' po.. . pru.nt or POle""i.l hUlld 10 hum... """ltl1 Of 111. en~"onmolnl ....hen impropo<1y ......d. VlOt.d, ..0'.... di,po..d or, ~1f'l""lId. ml""IIClu..d. tfln.pa"'d 0' 0\1l4l'...-1... ""nol,,d. TI1. ""ofd. .HIl..do.... Sub............. u...:!... lh<I;, ~.'V b.o,out ,en,.. Ind incfud. "";ll'loull;m;lluon eny Ind IH ho..,dou. or fo.ic .ub.uncu. ,.,..,,,,,.ls. Ot .....11 II dll'i"....d by 0' )i".d ,,"".. \h. En~i,onmenl.lll""', TI'Ia ,e,m .",,,'doul Sub".ncn. Iho ''''''",d"~. ..,'hO'" "m".,"'''. ""\fol.um. ;ncl.,.:j;"llc,ude o<llnd Inv l'ICI'on 1I>~..ollr)(]..b<OS'OI. 1"""0........,0. r... wo'd .Impfo".m.nl" ml'3"'.U 0';""'9 .n!! Il1IUfO ;m",o>,menU. bu,ld""il'. .\fUCIL.tfU. "'ob,le horn.. .'ri..d on PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 2009 '....., .t!-' /'; -----......-----,._-~~~' -'. - .. >- Loan No: 496490007665 DEED OF TRUST (Continuedl p;)gc 6 tI>~ Rul PropeoO'TV. !""tliliu. .dd'll..".. ,epUlee""'nl& Ind OIMr con~uuclion on Ine Real Pro,,"'!~' Ind.b1edo'..-U. 11><1 word .lnd.Oled.......,. '"","n& .U principII. interen. Ind ot~r .mounu. co~,ts Ind Q~P'IU"$ pe~.Ole vnd~' lhe c.-~d<1 Ag'ee.....n! O' Rellted Docum..nU. .1aglm.r Wilh III ""..w.11 at. e~l.ns,on& aI, madlhc."an~ af. eon.olid"lK>f1'.. 01 and l<Jbo.titulioN tor thl Credit Agrumlnl Or Rellua Documenu Ind Iny .moun" ..pondltd 0' advanc.d bV lltr>der 10 d.sch.'~e G,amor'. oblio;lallO'" or It'De"'" ."cu""d by Tr;""l.. 01 Lende' 10 Intolee Gllnl0r'. obIo90(,on, ur'dH' \h.. Deed 01 Tlus!. ~oQa(!'I.' Wilh .nle,"' on ",ch lImOUOU ... p.ovided in t!'li. Deed ot Trust. In .ddll1on. IIf>d ...1'11>0<.11 Umlatlon, lh. I...... 'Ir>d.btedn.ou ""clud.. .U .mourrt:l'kM<1tif"...:I1n the R."olvlnll Unl of C",dlt ~'.lI'"ph 01 thb D<<d 01 T,u.t. Ho...."... tt>o t.rm .Indlot.dn...-'" ."OjlC110 tt>.l\n>ItaOo<w ~dflord In lllll.Jow 01 c..dil Dud 01 T",o1. ...cdon of lhb O....d of Trun. lAnd... Tl"Ie woo-d "l.rd...' muno JPMo'lI"" Ch......8In.. NA. in ,u<:c...ort I"d uoign., Th. words ',ucc."OI3 0' ..s;g'u. "",al> Yny p"r-son 0' comp.ny Ih.t Icou,res .oy inl",..,t In the Cr.&t Ag,.,.,."..nl P.non.1 Prop.rty. The WOIO. -p.roon.. Prope,ty" melo.1I oquipm.nt. fort",... enO Olhe' I."cln III pe',o",,1 ptOP.rty 00.... 0< ~,..Iur 0""".0 bV Qrl"lll'. aod 00.... or t><I,..he" 1t\.cMd or .!i,.ed III tho Rul Prop(rt)': fO{,lethe' ",,\t1 811 8CC.Ulonl., pain. .and 6ddrtio'lIlo. all repl.cem8nts ot..nd all....lllmutLom Ill'. Iny 01 .uch propom; Ind 10000elhe' w,IM .11 proceods l,ncIUCl<'"'9 ""tr>QLI'I IImit.tioo aA ,n'Ulenee prO<:oId. 1M ,eluod, of p,.mium'l trom any ...Ie or olh~, d;.oo.il;on III me PTllP"'IV. . Pr<>pl"fty. The wo.d 'P'OP<lrry' m8.n.collecti"ely tr;., Roal Pfoperry .nd the Poroonll P'oP'''TV Fh.1 PUlPSfT)'. The WO,08 'Rul Prllpeny' mun (he '''II property. irll~Io.tl Ind fights, It funher desc"b8d in mi, DnO of T,~\. R.LII.d O~ntl. The wo,ds -Relll.d Ooc:Uft"Hlrll" meio.M p,pmi.not)' 1'01.., Cloto'it: Jq,e,,"'em.. "'an "ll'UmenL1. env'fOOme"181 l<J'o.meftU. gu."oli... 'ecu,ity .",,,,,,,,,,en13. mOt\;;eIlU. d.eth of trlJsT, s&Cufity deed'. cOlllle'll ,,;onll"\lo. Ind all 11IMI i~lrum"nu. "Il,,,,,merlt' l<'d doCu.....nu. ""hothe, now llr hereottol ..isli"ll, e.IClIted io conMCll11n wft\1 tN Indebtedocs&. Ranto. TM "'Oo'd .Rems. "",8nl.llpfue01.nd lutUlere"ls""v8o",,,.lncofT>e.iuUl's. rov.ltie..P'01it'.8ndotharbfoMfIISO",;ved "llmlheP'O~. Truit.l. Th.: "'ll'O "TrUOIee" mea"" OR Slewln,r.u. GUlril"1)' Co.. whose IOd'." "O<"e Camer Po;nl" Dr.. Suila 300, L.... O.",."a. OR 97035 and eny ,uolmua 0' .ucce..o, 1!ust.u. EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWlEOGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. AND EACH GRANTOR ACRHS TO rTSTERMS. This notice is required by Oregon law. ,Contlary 10 the Notice, however. you will not t)e charged a penalty tor repaying the loan pnor to the date provided for reoayment. You may prepay your eled,t Line Account withouI pilying 0 foe as long a, you do not dose your account. You w,11 be ch.arged an account clOSing fee If you close your Credit Une Account within three \3l years of the date of thiS loan NOllCE TO THE GRANTOR; Do not sign thill loan Ilgra6rntlnt befOre you r!lad ft. Thi, loan agr!loml,lnt prouide, for the peyment of II penlllty it 'fou wi,h to repay tho 10M prior to the dllte p,ollided for repayment in tho 101ln agt&emlilflt. OAANTDR; , C0-~ JAMl!:i s Jj:.Uo. ~, <;). m'-L ,_ "".e:ttl.~"o'. If'> ltATHlHNC MCKt:I:.lnOivIOUllly "\'Y'\C lL. . .. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF Ore,5on. I .f} r,p, STArED~ IS5 On ltl<8 d.y t:.cfoo-. me. t~ 1Jndor'i~nl<l Nolet)' Public. ""..oo.lIy I~"ed JAMES S MCI(E m1IJITHLEEN C MCKEE. 10 me ina"''' 10 be Ihe ;"Chv'O....I& dn<:"~ in ~nd _1\0 encutl<llhe O""d 01 TrV$l. ~r>d Id<nowl.d~ed lhlt lholv &igned tho 0.1<l al T",.t as 11'11;' Ife. ane! voluotln,r Kllodd.....:l. !Oflhe ""II .nd P1J,po.",y,e'';Om~nl'O''ed. GIwn "nd..- my l'>and....d .tfklal.uJ thb 21 s+ " t},';u.J; ~nL., N~'l" I'U:oIk In ...-.d 101 m. ~tJIl1 of Ou.u- d.y.1 .J"ur\l"" .20~. "..idln9U ~12L.;P.J a.- My comm<..""..:.~;::::-ozr '7~,). 9~..liJDl-, Ta; REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE ITo 0.. ".ed only who" obl;g~non& h.ov. bmln p.ia in l<Jlrl Tru!tu T~ ~ors..noHl "' ",e leg.lll~~1 lod holda, 01 ~ lodoota<lollsS SIC1J.ed by lt1i.s lAee! of TIUll. All sum~ ~ecured bv lhi~ Deed 01 Trust h~~ bolen IUly p-'fd ard Slu,I""d. You .rll herebv d".ct.d. 1JCOO P.vment 10 yOu 01 Iny .u!T\.'l aw''''>1 to ~ou unde' \he te,m, 01 th.. Deed 01 T"'>I 0'. pu<.....nt to .ny .ppl..:eb<i no.MS. 10 Clnr:el tho CI.d,1 Agreement .""....d bv INO Deod or T,,,!\ Iwh-Ch is ".I'Vll'r1<! 10 <l 1"",..lhe' wtlh tho:> o...d 01 T......I~. .fld .0 'econvey. W"ho~ ...."~nt't. 10 tho t>"I'U d~....""lod bv the I,"ml or lhi, o...d al ffU",. ~h~ ...l~to f'lOw held by Vau """'" thO. D~<>d ot T,u",. Pl1l.-.;e ma,ll~o ,ocanv.v"nce .cod R~",I~U Documenl' to; o.r:., 8.n.I'IcI.....' By: "" __~_n.'''~..<_,__.-... ....,._ w":-._ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2 Z009