HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 2008-9-8 CASTILE Robert I Subject: Location: Arc of Lane Co. and Children's Choice Montessori DSD616 J-W !Z~~~~ rY fltW"17 4 Start: End: Show Time As: Mon 9/8/2008 9:00 AM Mon 9/8/2008 10:00 AM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded GERARD Alan; MILLER Liz; PARMELEE Brian; CWJLE Robert; PUEN~avid; GORDON Gilbert;_SP_ConfRm616 . (}/ ~.!Y'4Tl17J;/ ~ J-. '( /:f- This is a short meeting to discuss the status of the ARC bldg on 42nd street. The Fire Marshal's Office has been asked to do a licensing inspection for a day care but there are questions whether Land Use approval has been given and the status of the building permit for the remodel. The occupant is getting confusing messages from the city. Required Attendees: A similar situation exists for the montessori school on 5th street that is in a similar situation and needs a change of occupancy before they can occupy. I would like us to all be on the same page so the customer has a clear understanding of the requiremements for their respective projects. ~~~ ~c! 1f~ FC-~ ~~ ~ -ro- S-d ~ 0~~'tJCC- M M vV<>"e rdl/~ :(;~. Ae. k CASTILE Robert From: Sent: To: Subject MILLER Liz Tuesday, August 19, 2008 12:43 PM CASTILE Robert FW: The Arc Parking Plan FYI ----~Original Message----- From: Angela Phinney [mailto:angela.phinney@arclane.org] Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 ~2:44 PM To: MILLER Liz . Subject: RE: The Arc Parking Plan No worries with the re-zoning. We are not operating a school, it is childcare only. I misunderstood "the program. We will only have daycare, and afterschool~ programs. Angela -----Original Message----- From: MILLER Liz [mailto:lmiller@ci.springfield.or.usJ Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 10:08 AM To: Angela Phinney Subject: RE: The Arc Parking Plan Angela, I have attached the Discretionary Use application, Site Plan Review application and Fee Schedule. 1111 ask the Planning Supervisor about the plan/zone conflict tomorrow and see what he suggests. rIll give you a call tomorrow afternoon. I'll go ahead and' get the MDS/LUCS ready for the remainder of the uses. Liz -----origina"l Message--,:..-- From: Angela Phinney [mailto:angela.phinney@arclane.org] Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 8:53 AM To:. MILLER Liz Subject: RE: The Arc Parking Plan I suppose we will have to put the school on hold until We can resolve"the zoning conflict. So for now we will only do the rest of our business. Who do I contact. - or what steps do I take for the Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review? Angela -----Original Message----- From: MILLER Liz [mailto': lmiller@ci. springfield. or. usl Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 12;09 PM To: angela.phinney@arclane.org Cc: JONES Terry (Tara); DONOVAN James; CASTILE Robert Subject: RE: The Arc Parking Plan. Angela, I cannot approve- a public or private elementary school under the MDSjLUCS process. The Springfield Development Code requires this use to be reviewed under a: Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review. In addition the northern parcel of this development (along E Street) is designated Heavy Industri~l in the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. In order to process a Site Plan Review on this property the conflict between the plan and the zone would need to be resolved. ' Please let me know how you want to proceed. We can review the daycare, pre-school and ARC offices by amending the current MDS/LUCS you have for the property. Liz Miller . Planning -----Original Message-~--- 1 From: angela.phinney@arcl~ne.org [mailto:angela.phinney@arclane.org] Sent, Thursday, August 14, 2008 9,53 AM To, MILLER Liz Subject, RE, The Arc Parking Plan Yes, it is an actual school and includes afterschool care. We will have our adult programs from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm at the same time the children will be in class. The adults' leave the building and ALL the rooms will be utilized at that time for children ages 4-18 until 6:00 pm >-- Original Message -- . >Subject, RE, The Arc Parking Plan >Date, Thu, 14 Aug 2008 09:28,37 -0700 >From: "MILLER Liz" <lmiller@ci.springfield.or.us> >To': IIAngela Phinneyll <angela. phinney@arclane.org> >. > >Thanks Angela. I think I can figure that parking ratios from this plan >and description now. I only have one question on Room 117 - Elementary >schoo~ ages 5-12. Is this before and after school daycare or is it >actually elementary .school instruction? > >Thanks, > >Liz > > > > > >From: Angela Phinney, [mailt6:angela.phinney@arclane.org] >Sent, Wednesday, August.13, 2008 6,31 PM >To, MILLER Liz >Subject, REi The Arc Parking Plan > > .> >1 have .attached a revised building plan and ,a description of how the >space is used. > > > > >, >From, MILLER'Liz [mailto,lmiller@ci.springfield.or.us] >Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4:06 PM >To: Angela Phinney >Subject: RE: The Arc Parking Plan' > > > >Hi Angela, > >Thank you for the floor plan and parking lot plan. The square feet >listed on the floor plan helps, but I .still need more information about >what all the proposed and current uses are. > >Is the.- training room for adult care or part of the daycare? > >What will be occurring in the areas marked classroom. For Pre-schoof' >adults? > >What is occurring in the rooms marked with peoplers names? > >Who uses the art room? > 2 >1111 need a list of all uses occurring at the site and the proposed uses >including all uses the new tenant is proposing in the sp~ce. > > > >1 received your voice mail yesterday afternoon also. Our code does 'say >that Child Care Center's outdoor ,play area shall be enclosed by a 6-foot >high sight-obscuring fence (Springfield Development Code 4.7-125). > > > >Thanks, > >Liz Miller > >Planning > > (541) 726-2301 > > > > > > > >From, Angela Phinney [mailto,angela.phinney@arclane.org] >Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 3:06 PM >To, MILLER Liz >Subject: The Arc Parking Plan > > > > > 3 CASTILE Robert From: Sent: to: Cc: . Subject: MILLER Liz 'Thursday, August 14, 2008 12:09 PM angela.phinney@arclane.org . JONES Terry (Tara); DONOVAN James; CASTILE Robert RE: The Arc Parking Plan Angela, I cannot approv.e a public or private elementary school under the MDS/:LUCS process. The Springfield Development Code requires this use to be.reviewed under a Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review. In addition the northern parcel of this development (along E Street) is designated Heavy Industrial in the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. In order' to process a Site Plan Review on this property the conflict between t-he plan and the zone would need to be resal ved. " Please let me "know how you want to proceed. We can review the daycare, pre-school and ARC offices by amending the current MDS/LUCS you have for the propert~. ' Liz Miller PlaIlning ---~-Origihal Message----- From: angela.phinney@arclane.org [mailto:angela.phinney@arclane.org] I Sent, Thursday, August 14, 2008 9,S3 AM To, MILLER Liz Subject, RE, The Arc Parking Plan Yes, it is an actual school and includes afterschool care. We will have our adult programs from 8:00 am - 2:0Q pm at the same time the children will be in class. The aduits leave the building and ALL the rooms will be ~tilized at that time for children ages 4-18 until 6:00 pm >-- Original Message -- >Subject, RE,The Arc Parking Plan >Date, .Thu, 14 Aug 2008 09,2.8:37 -0700 >From: IIMILLER Lizll <lmiller@ci.springfield.or.us> >To: llAngela Phinney" <angela.phinney@arclane.org> > '> >Thanks Angela: I think I can figure that parking ratios from this'plan >and description now. I only have one question on Room i17 - Elementkry >school ages 5-12. Is this before and after school daycare or is it I >actually elementary school instruction? > >Thanks, > >Liz > > > > > >From: Angela Phinney [mailto:angela.phinney@arclane.org]" >Sent, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6,31 PM >To: MILLER Liz >Subject: RE: The Arc Parking Plan < > > > >I have attached a revised building plan and ~ description of how the >space. is used. > > 1 > > > >From: MILLER Liz [mailto:lmiller@ci.springfield.or.us] >Sent, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4,06 PM .>To: Angela Phinney >Subject, RE, The Arc Parking Plan > > > >Hi Angela, > >Thank you for the floor plan and parking lot plan. The square feet >listed on the floor plan helps, but I still need more information about >what all the proposed and current uses are. > >18 the training room for adult care or part of the daycare? , > >What will be occurring in the. areas marked classroom. For Pre-school/, >adults? > >What is occurring in the rooms marked with people's names? > >Who uses the art room? > >1111 need a list of all uses occurring at the site and the proposed >~ses including all uses the new tenant is proposing in the space. > > > ,! >1 received your voice m~il yesterday afternoon also. .Our code dges say >that Child Care Center's outdoor play area shall be enclosed by a >6-foot high sight-obscuring fence (Springfield Development Code 4.7-'125) > > > >Thanks, > >Liz Miller > >Planning > > (541) 726-2301 > > > > > > > >From: Angela Phinney [mailto:angela.phinney@~rclane.org] >Sent, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 3,06 PM >To: MILLER Liz >Subject: The Arc Parking Plan > > > > > 2 '0' , , , i , ,oj' i , c SllADE~ ;m:HO.l< ~ ~A>Cr IJ . -=. - ~--5I!V-~!~-~:-- A n~-_m--~--n---;--1 ,"-- . -. /', . ;'..: .... . , ' ,\." ., ',: ~. -,. : _ 101 ()r;~pt.p 105 I.u-.,,, ""'I'^""';.' ' I . . .":, ~. ',-:. ["'A"'.. ?:"~'_~ :: ~.".:;!.:, I [ .:.. )111'":' . "'._/1. 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I r,,1/1 C3 r- ,"- V z., Ms V /3 117 ~~~~~~ / '" Room 100 Room 101 Room 102 Room 103 Room 104 Room 105 Room 106 Room 107 Room 108 Room 109 Room 110 Room III Room 112 Room 113 Room 114 Room 115 Room 116 Room 117 Room CI Room C2 Room C3 The Arc of Lane County Building Usage Plan August 13,2008 Primary Use - Server/Copy/File/Storage Primary Use - observation room for "play lab" - families to be filmed interacting Primary Use - Exercise room for adults w/wo disabilities or office Primary Use - Office Primary Use - Office Primary Use - Executive Office Primary Use - Office Primary Use - Office Primary Use - Office Primary Use - Office Primary Use - Office Primary Use - Office Primary Use - J.;;uncIi.E1l2..m.for-s~:adiilts.wZaiSafiilities.and-:Cnil'clren.(Ln-s~ills) Primary Use -It:liilOreii{i,\'"dults.wLdisabilities ...i\l'fRo'o"m Primary Use - Therapy Room - Max 1-2 child/adult w I on I staff supervision Primary Use - Preschool ages 3-6 max 25:children Primary Use - Preschool ages 3-6 max 25 children Primary Use - Elementary school ages 5-12, max 13 children Primary Use - Training room for staff use Primary Use - Go;;p;'iter.:riili for adults/children'max-6~stiidents Primary U se -1R.'fc:RQom:forchild;:-tY.adITlts_~/w;;:disabilitie~ '. ~2'" '2' CI . Training Room y +-- . 19.5'__ Outdoor Patio Il=-.,,___~__..__._ "';_\9' : '2 '2 142'2j I 'flj C- 101 225 142 '" cia 4l:iIl. t~'~;J t03b ng 'UI' I ~'\.~Ii Pan:ntmg Class "'""'I"iaii" & aJiij'~I\ . .a 104 II' lOti' r-l \ ~03. e\ +- '6'- \.' . "",., i 136" T I Snnitrol Emily t / 266" 102 \8' 'l 0 l Exercise Room ;.. ~ -=: 19' 101. Lobb~ '- / S.erver/Copy Room I 234" \8' o Learning Cf'_nt~r. " C2 _13'-+, C3 1,080" 36' C4 Lunchroom \ t Art ROOIT\2 \1' 204 : + . \8.5' j . T Classroom \ ~I~ v 48'1" ~ / Meeting Room i~i F--' 106 -13--' "riS~~7 Pamela :.... Ben n 8t age ~o ,'" j .~u,?\.a :v~ M .. .. . 30' '" ~ / "\ '" - ., 'V \ I 26' 520" \ .. lY,/ Classroom 643" 33'