HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2008-9-16
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From: GERARD Alan
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:39 PM
Cc: CASTILE Robert; GORDON Gilbert
Subject: RE: The Arc
They have submitted more info from their.design professional. A.key piece.you may not be
aware of is that there are at least two adult clients that are incapable of self preservation
identified in their documentation from their design professional. They are. questioning the 1-4
based on the small number of that type of individual and have the question before Robert now.
Regardless, our role is towait and see what determination on occupancy is finally arrived at.
That is the BO's responsibility (there also may be planning issues that Robert has to consider
as well). Then our role is to wait and once occupancy is determined, plans submitted, reviewed
and construction completed and a C of 0 issued we can then conduct their licensing
Gilbert will do the plan review and construction inspection on our behalf in concert with DSD
Building Safety. You can help, if Angela asks, by guiding her to consult with Robert if she
needs clarification and you could also explain where your inspection fits in the process. As you
know many believe the Fire Marshal is the ultimate authority in these matters - she may be
mistaken in that belief.
Alan Gerard
Deputy Chief - Fire Marshal
City of Springfield Dept. of Fire & Life Safety
225 5th Street
Springfield OR 97477
(541 )-726-3737
From: PARMELEE Brian
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 11:57
SUbject: FW: The Arc .
I"am confused wilh what Robert told us yesterday regarding the ARC of Lane Counly. They still plan to provide
day care in the afternoon and vocational training for the adults in the morning and early afternoon. I do nol
understand how this business is an 1-4 instead of a B and an E occupancy. We probably need to have a sit down'
with ARC, Robert, you and me.
From: Angela Phinney [mailtci:angela.phinney@arclane.org]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 11:54
Subject: The Arc dv"b
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Brian, .
!' really appreciate alllhe help you have given me on this project. I really hope we can gel this resolved. '1 have
attached a copy of the letter that was sent to Robert re: our Adult program.
From: GERARD Alan
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 7:09 PM
'To: CASTILE Robert
Cc: PARMELEE Brian; GORDON Gilbert
Subject: FW: The Arc of Lane Counly
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Roberl, my recolleclion is that Kenl is required 10 submil a new plan sel thaI addresses the change of occupancy
issue and that all of the correclions we noted (egress etc) and any we didn't nolice will be correctly drawn. As a
condition of your determination that an I occupancy is not necessary we will review lhe evacuation pian to ensure
it meets Chapter 4requirements and is appropriate for the use. Brian and Gilbert will both review ( Brian for
famiiiarily and Gilbert for Code compliance and sign - off).
You and we will then review lhe new submitted plans for the change of occupancy, inspecl and you can grant a C
of 0 if all is right. A reminder; Gilberl still has to do a Final Fire on that as well as an acceptance test on lhe alarm
system prior to you issuing a C of O.
After all that ARC can schedule a Licensing inspection by Brian.
If I have lhis wrong please correct me. If I have it right please confirm.
Brian will not provide advice or consultation to Angela ( or anyone from ARC) unlil you haye signed a CofO -
juridictional authority is clearly in lhe hands of DSD at lhis point.
I think Angela is a little premature based on whall heard in that meeling. I went out on a iimb suggesting thaI the
Evac plan was a reasonable approach to ensure that an I occupancy was nol the appropri.ate occupancy
classification for her building and I appreciale you jumping on that as a condition of proof for you to solve lhe
From: Angela Phinney [mailto:angela.phinney@ardane.org]
Sent: Wed 11/12/2008 4:34 PM
To: CASTILE. Robert
Cc: PARMELEE Brian; denni.l.galloway@state.or.us; RING Pam (SMTP); kent@awjarchitects.com;
kens@windermere.com; GERARD Alan; jmurdock@ci.springfield,or.us; Oregonsooner@corncast.net
Subject: The Arc of Lane County
I want to thank everyone for taking the time to meet last week in regards to The Arc's change of occupancy
issues. I wanted to confirm the oulcome of the meeling was that the final steps Robert needed from The Arc was
an emergency evacuation plan. We turned in the paperwork last week. Kenl received a call from Robert on
Monday morning that he needed Kent to come down to the city and fill out a building permit and a change of
occupancy form.
I had a little confusion when I went 10 fill out the paperwork as the front desk did not know why I needed a building
.permit, since we are not building anything. At the lime they did not know what 10 charge me for the application, so
I did not turn it in. I was told the paperwork for Planning is already complete. I am assuming this is the agreemenl
I signed for Liz in August. .
Robert talked with Brian and Kent today, November 12, and said that what he needed was' a drawing of our
evacuation route completed by and slamped by a licensed architect (ie. Affolter. West and Jones) Kent is working
on, that and plans on having the drawings ready for submittal on Thursday afternoon. I will submit lhe drawings, fill
out a building permit wilh a fee of $391.93.
.' ,.
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Myunderslanding-is that this is the final step to complete our change of occupancy status so that we can get our
final and proceed to conlact DHS for our Childcare license. If this is nol correct, or if there are addillona' things
that you require of me, please let me know in writing so that I can rectify the issues immediately_
Thank you once again for giving me your time to meel and clarify the issues regarding occupancy of The Arc of
Lane County. .
Angela Phinney
Assistant Executive Director
The Arc of Lane County
(541) 912-7432 cell
(541) 343-5256 ext 110 Main
(541) 343-4387 fax
11 /13/2008