HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-5-14 .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 6345 Main. Sprinofield. OR 97477 ASGssGors Map # 17-02-34-42 Ta:: Lot # Subditr'~sion: Ctmer: Ron Copeland 411 Cascade Drive Spri n9fi e 1 d, OR Address: City: n n IxXl n ,V",",l Addi ticn 4600 Pr.ane: 726-0630 wk: 726-195 Zip: 97477 Describe f/ork: Extend room upstairs 4 feet Remodel Habits Hor.'It1 Date of AppHcation ~-1 ?-R? Conr:ract01'8 VaZus \i.flnn. nn Address . Rece-:.pt .'! \':)q()L(~ " Buil di ng Permit 4 % Electrical Permit 4 % Pl an Check Fee $28.00 1.12 15.00 .60 8.40 $53.12 ~ ,~ SiW..iJJ uxX.j, ~ Dare: '-/ , ""r T'i-- n.!,l-.J Lise. # E:r:oircs Phone G_ra! nwnpr PLwnbing I Electrical ronp 1 ;mrl I=' 1 prt. ri r I l4echar.ica! l. Const1"'Ucticn f.ends1" ft is the resFonsibility of ths permit hcZd4z0 to see that aU inopecticns al"6 r::ade at the proper tim~1 that CJCCh cddre88 is !'eadab~e f'N;m the street. and that the permit card is mated at the front of ths property. JrBkiZ4.ing ~1Jidor. approved FLan shct.Z. remain on thE Buil.ding $it$ at aZl. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'..QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nwr.ber, job atiacss, type of ir.:;;pec-;icn l'aquestcd a;>".d when you win be ready for inspeotion, Contractors or Owne::"s name c.:n.d phone number. Requests l'ecei~'ed before 7:00 <Z'1 :..>i.T.Z. be made the same day, requssts made aft~ 7:00 am wiZZ be made the next :.JOl'kin; day. Reauil'~d [~ROPcticn8 O SITE INSPECTION: 1'0 oe maae alter excavation, but ['nor to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB ?U',~fBING, ELECTRIC~1L & /-fECHA,JICAL: To be made bejor6 any work is ~ovcred. O FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after tl'enches are exc~Jated and forms are el'ectad, but prior to pouring ccncret~. '!D UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. WATER, DRAINAGE: To be rrc:ie prior to fa- 1. ir.g ~enches. O. UNDERFWOFi Pf,UMBEIG & l.fECEANICAL: ~ To be made prior to t.n3taLl.ation of [tOOl' insuLation or decking. o POST AND BEltl,f: To be made prior to ins~Z,l.ation of fl,oOl' insulation 01' decki"!;. FlOUGH PCW1Blt-lG, Ef.,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No '.Jor ~.. "'_ :.." 'cot.'6red w:tiL these inapectior.s hcve beer. made and cpPl'-:Jved. E'I.f?EPLACE: Prior to pLacir.g faaing matePiaz,s and before framing inspec- tion. [g] o [M] FRA1~ING: Must be requested after approvaL of rough pLwrhing, aLectri- aal & mechanicaL. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. r.r'..lst be . c:omptetcd. No wor-k is to be con- '. aeal.ed until this insvection has . be~ made and approved. rOW" City, Desigr.ated Job Nwnba Is: IX~'-;;] X INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after atL insul..:::.ti:m w.d ,'. required vapor ba2"1'"'iers erre in p lacs . but esfol'e any l.ach, !lYpsum board cr wU covering is applied, and before any inaul.ation is conceal.ed. r::I DRYWALL INSP~CTrON: Tc be made ~ after aLL d:ryt;al.L is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. Location, bcnut beama, grouting or verticaLs in ~cordance !Jith U.B.C. Section 2415. O ',./OODSTOVE: After instaLlation is ccmpLeted. o o CURB & APPROACH APF!ON: Afte.... forms are areated but pPior to pou.ring ~rete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all. con- crete paving t.1ithin street right- of-wc.y, to be made after aLZ exca- vating crJTrpLete & fOr::1 work & zub- base matenaL in pZaae. 820471 DEMOLITION OR gaVE!] 3UILDIilGS :J Sani ~ary seuer zapped. ::::t P~OP~l't-~. Line :=J Septia tank rr...Loyed and /-=-Ll.ad uith ~~:.:et :J FinaL - rntErn ahcve ite.~s are cc.~Leted . .; ....... 4... ... ar.a ~hen ~e.~~~~t.On ~s camp~e~e or s~~~::- ture moved a:nC prc:m.ses zl.eane.:i up. Mobi Le Hcmes :::J BLocking and Set-~p :::J PLumbing connections ~- sewer ar.d water :::J ElectricaL Connection ~ BZocking, set-u? and pLumbing connections ~~st be approvac before requesting electncaL inspectio~ ~ Acaessor:,' Building :J FiY'..::zL - Il.ft<Jl' ;'Ql'cr.es, sid.rting, decks, etc. are ccmple~~d. o AtL project conditions, such as the instaLLation of street trees, c~~Lct~n of the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL e'en be l"zq'oJ.est.zd. o FIliAL PLU/-fBIIIG o FIliAL f.fECHANICAL [XX] FINAL ELECTRICAL ,0 ~ PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested aftel' the :inaL Plwr:bing EleatncaL, and Mecha.r.icaL Inspection3 r.a.va been made and approved. O ITlICE: When co...tpL..te -- ProvUle gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. o A-ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBDE, ADJUST,'!E,'JT TO BE gAVE ItT NO CCST TO CI'I'Y I P::.ge of 2 I JOB NO. I Zone: R A Lot Sq. Ft;;. S ,r !.at C""erage ~ of StoPi6S TotaL Height Topography I lITEM I ,'.hin Icc::roace t Carvort I jAcaessol"tJ Additi on TOTAL VALUE Is. D.C. (va"uc) 1,5 ::: Eui !ding perm{. t State Surcharge Total Chargea lITEM !F-i:rtuzoes Residential (l bath) Sarr:i. ta.ry SerJtJl' Water Plumbing Pem:i t Stats Surar.apge Tata! Charaes ,lITEM Res. Sa. fta. NQU/Ertend Circui ts Temporary Service EZeat:l"i.cal Permit State Sur::!harQS Total ChaPces 11TSM I Purn:Ice ETU'S Ezhaust Hood Vent Pan I iliwdsw.J6 Permit Issuan.ca M{l:::hanical Perr:ri t Stats Surchcrae 820471 I SQ. FTG I I ~4 OCCUIXmC'<4 Grou:J: SOLAR .SS R3 existino 2 I NO. I I I I , FEE I NO'j I I , I I I I !lC., I I I I PEg Tat:n l Chtrrap-s I -- EllCROACHNENT -- !se~~~ DZD03it I Storage I""ain.t~e Permit Total Char-:rcs I Curbcut I sid8wo. lk Ip~e I nectl'ica 1 j .\lobi 18 Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Label LOT TYPE 2- Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sao x , I I I $4.000.00 Value $28.00 1_ 12 $29_12 CHARGE FEE CHARGE ! I $15.001 I I '1;1 ~.nn I fin ctl c; &::n .... CHARCE PC!le 2 " \/_N I T..,P8 REQ.- L-COG~ T:roe/Cor.tJt: Bedrooms: I En8I'au Sources Heat I Lot Face' - I I P.L. INorth. lEast South IWest Sgtbacks I House I Caraqe ii' I I I I I I - Access. I I II II II Watgro_ tJ""f:t!", Range ,- . - Fire'O Zace WOOd.3tOVB Fees Building Value & Permit This permit in granted on the e--press condition that the s,did. construction shaH, in aU respects, conform to the Ordinance ::r.dopted by tha City of SpringfieZd, incZuding the Zoning Crd:nance, reguZcting the ccnst~~cticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. . Iplan Check Fee: ~fl, 4R Dcte Paid: \'5- J I.j - :><2.. /Receipt #: \.Jq()LI~ ISig>:ed: M.: ~ ) Plumbing Permit No person ahaZZ construct, instaZZ, atter 01' change any netJ 01' e:d.sting plumbing 01' drainage systen in :.JhcZs 01' in part, unless such p8l'SOn is ths Legal possessor of a valid plumber'8 License, except trAt a pe:"son may do pZumbing work to property which is owned, Zeassd 01' ope1'atBd by the appli- cant. I , ' Electrical Permi t Where State LaLJ l'equires tr.at the electrical wol'k be done by an El.ectrical. C~tractor, the 9lectrical portion of this permit shaZZ r.at be vaLid until the label has been signed by the ELectrical ~ontractor. I I I I I I , I I, I I I Mechanical Permit Lorne Pleqer 5-12-82 PLan ZXarrr7,ner J/are I HAVE CAREFULLY gXMtLVED th.e compZatsd application for tJermit, c:nd do hsreby certify that aLL i~fo=r.'.a'tion her60n is trus and ccrrcct, c:n.d I f..a'ther certify that any ar.d all work perfom/ed shall 06 done in ac~or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of tr.e City of Springfidd, and th~ Ur..;s of thG .4 Stats of Oreg,:m pzrtaining to the work dssc:ribad hertr.:n, and :ha:; NO aCC!). PAllCr will be nrlde of any strucr..a>a wit;..a:J.t parmis3ion of the 3uiZding rr;. vision. I further c:ertif~' that (r.1l.y contractors ar.d e::rpl..;yess who aJ"'e in ~Liance ur;th ORS 701. O~S will. be ussd on tms project I I I I J ' I~ '/0 /1/ I 'JJh/7U-/ ~' $53. 1~ . 5 n2d J {- dn?Z/ ~.e .0 RESID'T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ' - Job Looation: 6345 Main. Sorinafield. OR 97477 ABBeeSO". Map # 17-02-34-42 Ta::: Lot # Subdivision: Cl.me-' Ran Caoeland 411 Cascade Drive Springfiel d, OR Add.."ess: City: n n IxXl n 'vP'!.1 AMi ticn 4600 Phone: 726-0630 wk: 726-195 Zip: 97477 Describe rlork: Extend room upstairs 4 feet RemodeL Habits ,70m3 Oats of AppZi.oasion ~-, 7-R7 :':ont'ractors Value ~illlfL nn Addres3 . ?cce~:D1; ,iI. \.')q()LI~ Building Pemit 4 % Electrical Permit 4 % Pl an Check Fee $28.00 1.12 15.00 ,60 8.40 $53,12 Si.qr.}Jvt; .:, - Date: '-'" , ""'r 1'-1-- n,!,l...-J Lise. # E::vires Phon~ GeneraL Ownp r Plumbinq i eleo.rioa! roo,,' ~nrl F1 "rt ri r I Me~har.i.c:::L l. Cons'tl"uction t.~ndel' It is ~hs responsibility of ehs permit hoLder to sss that aLL inopections are ~ade at the proper tim~, tr~t each ~e8s is re~~~~:e [room the 8t1"66t. and that the permit card is T..xated at ehs front of tM prtpe1'ty. "BuiZding Djuicior: approved FLan shazz. remain on tha Building Sit$. at all. times. PROCEDU.'fE FOR IIVSPECTION REOUES7':CALL 726-3769 (rccordcJ state your City designat€d job nw:ber~ job add:toC88~ type.of in3pec-::icn l'!1questcd a:"'.4 when you IJiH be ready for inspcction# Contractors or Ct.mers nc.-ne c:nd phone nwr.bcr. Requests received befcrs 7:00 <::1 ....'iLt. bs made the same dc.y# requests made afta'" 7:00 am !Jizz. be mads tns nat :.x;rkin; day. ,li'P"!J":t,Pr{ r"."I;'"'p'!":,,:t::'''''<: O SI'i'E INSP!C':ION: To be mads aftw excavation~ but pricr to sat up of forms. D. UNDERSLAB PLUMBI,VG. ;':LECTRIC,1L & MECHA,'IICAL: To be made before any wrk is ~ovcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUND,iTION: To be rtr:Lde after trqncr.es ars e::cavated and forms :::tl"e erected~ but priar to pouring cC7'fCret.;. UNDSRGr~O(Rm ?:U,'.fEING,. SS'rlER, ;,>'.1TE.t DrfAINACE: To be rrr:.::.e prior to fii- Lir.g ~enches. O UNDE.':?FLCOR ?LUr.fBI:IG .~ ,'-!ECHANICAL: ~ To os mads prior :;0 t1tstc2Llaticn of f1,oor insulation or dscking. O POST AND 3EA..'.f: To be made prior to insta!.l.ation of {loOI' insulation or deokiru; . 19jxx .r?O!JG~' ?E.W!3r!G.~A MECH- ANICAl,: No ~r~.:~::":~.o?:L<~ot:erea ur.til these i1t3oectior.s have begr. made and appr~ve=. . O FI.f:!E:Pr.ACE: Prior to pZaair.g facing mc:t:eriaLs and b~fore r""raming inspec- tim:. [] [MJ FP.A}fINC: Mu.st be l"equeated aftel" approual. of rough plwr.bing~ electri- caL & mechanicaL. ALL Z"Oof-:.ng bracing !j ch~-ys, etc. m'..lst be . corrrDltfltcd. tlo LXJl"k is to be con- -. cec'-Zed until this inspection has . be~ made and appl'Ql,.ed. Your City, Desigr.ated Job Number IG: ~ INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER nlSP~C'1'ION: ~ To bs made aftel" all. insukti.:m C'l:"'.d '. rfUlU~red vapor cczrre-:.er8 are in p laCtfl . but before any Zath# gypsum boa....-d or wzz. covenng is appU.ed~ and before any inauZation is conceaLed. r::J DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be .'rKllie ~ after aLL drywLz: is in place, but prier. to any taping. O MASONRY: SteeL locatio71.~ bo7ui beamG~ grouting or verticals -:'1'1 accordar.ce with V.B.C. Section 2415. O ;HJODSTOVF:: After installation is acmp~eted. o o CURB & APP.rWACH AP.~N: Afttr:' forr./s are arected but prior to pcur<;ng - .:xm..~ete. SIDEWA[,K. & DRI'lEWt.'!: For aZZ ccn- creta pauing IJithin stl'eet right- of-/,X.y# to be made after all exca- vating ccmpLete & fOr::1 work" sub- bass materiaL in p~e. 820471 I DEUOLITIO.'1 OR ,~:OVEJ 3f.fILDI:lCS ~ Semi:a:ry 8e:.Jer' capped =t p:.op,crt":i tir:e ~ Septic ~k ~~~ed and ;~zz~~ with ;r~~eL ::J FinaL - ilhen abcue it~s are ec.-:rvLeted . .. ~ .... .. ~....... ar.a vhen ~emot~~~r. ~s c~Le~e or s~~~~- ture rr.oved ClJ'Id pr~3es ::lean.ed U? , Nobi Le Hcmes :::J Blocking and S8t-~p :::J .Plwnbing connecticns -- St:LJer ar.d Water :::J Et.ectricat. Connection - Blocking # set-up and plumbing cOT'.nectwns m-..:st te appr:n:aC before requeat:ng electrica.l. inspec::ic:-: =:J .4.ccessol"',i Buit..::.:.ng ::J Fina.L - Aft:!"!' ;:;rcr.es~ SK-:.:oting, de=ks~ st". c::1'e ccmpZl3t&d. o All project ccndi=ions~ Juch as ehe installation of street trees, ~o~ZcziQn of the required Landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisjied before tr.e BUILDING ?D'AL cen be raq-..l9st.2d. o FIlIAL PLUMBING o FINAL l1E~HA.NICAL GXl FINAL Sl.SC':,'?ICAL [] ~ PINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ Building Inspection I:1Ust be requested c.fter- the Pinal. PLun:bin; Et.ectricaZ~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiona r-,ava been made and C.ppl'OV2d.. O !nICS: Wher: compl.te -- Providtfl gates OI' :novabt.e sscticns through P.U.E. o "AU, MA!lHCLES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSISLE, ADJUST.'~:l'!' TO BE :.!...1DE :!T NO C:JST TO CI:Y I P::;e 1 ot 2 I JOB NO. I Zone: R A 820471 Lot Sq. Ftg. S "I Zct Caverag~ fI. of Stories TotaL Height I Topography I 1=:'1 I,~in I on ""'G ..... ~ . Ca-ace Car":'cr-:: I I AcC'ess.?!'"J Additi on Is.D.c. I TOTAL VALL'E (UC'-uc) 1.5= Building Per.r.it State Sr.a'~ha:rge TotaL C'ha-:ogea lITEM I z:'L--:u:res I Residmtial (1 I Sanita:roJ Seuer Iwctl'!'l' I bath) Pl:q:rbing Perrd.. t State SUl'cr.arge Teta ~ cr.c.raes I :XEM I.llss. Sa. fta. I No;w/Eztend Ciraui ts lrempcrary Service I e'Lec'tM.eal Permit St.:.te Sur~harae Total Cha:roces I '""M Purr..:zce ~J' S I E=haust Hood I Vent Fan I iI:XXSto-J6 I Pezorrrit IS$U.Z11Ca Mechanic:::l ?err.ri t Stat(l Surc~~ 'l'a"tn l Char':1P!1 SOLAeCESS R3 Occur;anc:J Grou:J: existino 2 104 I NO. I FEX 1''10. I I I ""0./ I I I I I I -- EtlCaOACiiNE:!T -- I Sec-.a-':'~ I Storaqe Daro3i:- Mrr';..nt~9 Parmit Tetal. Cha~cs jOur"""" ! SideLxz lk I IF~e ! ::t.eatri.ca l j .\fobi Ze BomB Lc.be l 1 TeTAL ANOU.'lT aUE:" x FEE FSE LOT TYPE L Interior" Coroner Panhandle CUZ-de-sac I I I I I I I $4.000.00 I I I. I I I , . Valu.s $28.00 1.12 $29.12 CIiARGE I I I I I I I I I CHARGE I I $15.001 I I ~1 ~..OO I .fiO I ~g ,:;nl. I. I I I I I I CHARCE I. I I I I I I. I I I I J I I $53_1~ P:::go 2 . L-COG~ REQ.- T:Joe/Cor.st: \I-N Bed:roorns: I I EnercrJ Sources I i !leat I I Wat2r> .!.1(Ultt:!'!" I I Ranqe J I :il'e~7..ar:e I I ilooa:; :ove II TiJr;JQ I Lot Faces - I I P.L, INorth lE"ast' 'ISouth IWest Setbacks I House I Ca:l'aae I I I Aaaess. Fees Building Value & Permit This permi t io ;;ranted on the expl'e88 contii tion that the s.did. constl"Action 8~4Lt, in all ~espccts, confc~ to the Ordinar~e ado~ted by the Cit~ oj Springfield. inc!uding ;ne Zoning Cl'dinar.ce, l'egul.c.tir.g the acnst1'".tc:icn ar~ uce of buildings, cr~ m~y be oucpended 01' revoked at ~1 ti~e u;or. ~ic- Zation of' ~y t'1'o'Utsior.s of said 01'dir..:::nces. I Plan Check Fee: $IL 4[.1 Date Paid: \'5- I t.[- 8. ? IRea<ipt #: \..Jq ()!.../ ;:;t ISig>:ed: 1=4..1 rV'> Permit ) Plumbing No person ehaU constro..lct, instal!, aUer or c1v:::nge a:n.y 1WJ Cl' e:isting plumi:Jing or d.."ainage syste:n in :.Jhol6 or in part, unless such person is ths legal possessor of a valid pLumber's license, except tr.at: a pe:'son may do plur::bing lJork to proper~ which is OlM"r'.ed, leased or operatiUi by the app1.i- oant. I . Electrical Permit flhere State LaLJ l'equil'e8 tr.at the electr-:.ca.l IJCrk be done by an Electrical Cont~ctol', the elecmcal portion of this pemt shall ".ot be valid until the Zabel. has been signed by the El.ecmcal ::'ontrc:ctor. Mechanical Permit Lorne Pleaer 5-12-82 P tan. E=a:m.r.el' L..'a;;e I HAVE CAREFULLY ~XA.I,JI;'lED ;.ie corrrpl-tted appli.cation f~r permie, ~ do hereby certify ehat all i:,,;fo~.ation hereon is true ar.a correct, c:ru1 I t..u"ther certify that any ani all work p2rlo~ed shall be do:-:e in accor- dance ~th the Ordin:::utces of tr.e City of Spl""~7'.gficz.d, and the Ur.;8 of thG State of Creg"n p~rt.::ining to the :.)ark descr'~bcd herein, c:r.d. tha.-: NO OCC!}- 'FlllCY will be trade of any struct'..a-a wit;..o~t pt3rT1tis3ion of the 3uiZding D-:..- uision. I furthel" certif:i that cr.1.ly contractors ar.d e:;rpl..;ye6s who are in ca~liance with ORS 701.05S wiZt. be used on this Pl"ojzct ~'1LuA?U~ , tc"$- () ~~~ , r:9-t:~ ??/ !!ate 'Ie-