HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-5-5 r ;~ , .. RESIO.TIALu APPLICATION/PERMIT 22~ North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon. 97477 I Bui1ding Division 726-3753 I I /I /f/ I Q.;"o~: 1.d?/nrU~ L;ZttA-t1~fL/ I Addross:! ~ < 7!? }Jf ~ I City: I I ~ I Job Location: ~ I ASD68aor~ Map I Subdivision: 4 < q 1J5 mtfJ.#/ #1'70;} 34'<1.3 i , i I , I~' .. , 1 PI,' In 'n n I Addi Hen I RemodeZ I Uobile Homo . ,"" _~t6 0 App"t.catt.on Contractors 5 -5 ,'llJ '~ral , PZwnbing I Electrical I Nochar.ic.%Z . ~ -(1/ ILl A / ConstJ"Uction Lender Tax Lot # (}!Jf'IJ( .~ Rcce~pt '!/. B ~v, 35"<6 , Pr.one: 7if6-13?3 o zip: Describe r.1ork: .~iN'e Value Add:res8 /~U-()L * S-S-fb (l-C~ Signed: Date: Lise. # ErDil'CS Phone It u tJur responsibility of ths permit holder to see that aU inDpections are made at :he proper time~ tJ-.at DCCh .:;ddrsSB is readahZe froom the stzoeet. and that the permit card is 7.ocated at the fPOnt of tM property. *Bui!ding- Diui::ior: approved plan shatz. remain on thE Building Sit:;: at all times. P.?OCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccorde2~) state YOU!' City designated job mqr:ber~ job addrcss~ type of in3pee-;icn t"equcstcd ar.d when you will be roeady for inspcction~ Contractors 01' OI.mers name and Fhone number. Requests received before 7:00 a::7 :..'ilZ. be made the same dc.y~ requests made after 7:00 am will be made the nczt :JOrking day. Reaui'l'p.d Tnsru?cticn."1 _. O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation~ but priOl' to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH/J..NICAL: To be made before any . wol'k is ~ovcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be nr:zde afte::- tl'enches al'e excavated and forma are eroected, but proior to pouring concrete:. UNDSRGROW.rD PLUMBING. SEWER, W.4TER. DRAINAGE: To be nn:ie prior to fi 7.- lir.g trenches. . ; o o UNDERPWOR PLUMBING & NECHANICAL: To b9 made prior to in3tallation of floo~ insuLation or decking. poST lAND BEAM: To be made priero to instaUation of floor insulation or dsckirv;. ROUCH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL ,I; MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOl,'ered .w:ti7. thcs9 inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: FTior to plaair.g facing materials and before framing inspec- twr:. 0'1 PRAJ.!ING: Must be roequested aftero approval. of rough pl.wr.bing~ el.ectri- 001. & mechanical. All roofing braeing & chinmcys~ etc. l1r..lst be :'compl.etcd. No work is to be con- ....~.Ollal.ed until this inspection has '\' boon made and cpproved. o o D Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: U. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insul.ati::m w..d '. rocquiroed vapor barriers are in place . but before any lath, gypsum board or LXlU covering is appUed~ and befors any inaulation is conceal.ed. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU d.rywU is in place~ but prior to any taping. O'MASONRY: Steel. location~ bona. beam3~ grouting or vertical.s in accordance wi th U. B. C. Section . 2415. ~ WOODSTOVE.:' After instal.lation is pccmp~eted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fol'tTls are erected but prior to pouring C07'larete. 3bOdr/( DEUOLITION OR !.:OVEr; BUILDIiJGS ~ Sanitary se'.Jer capped ~t p:..opel'tb. lir:e ~ Septic tank p~~ed and fiZl.e~ uith gra~e~ :J Pinal - fl'hen above ite.'71s are cc."rrpleted ar~ when demoZition is complete or stru~- ture moved and premises cl.eaned up. Mobile Hcmes =:J Bl.oaking and Set~up =:J PZumbing connections scwero and water ---, El.ectrical Connection - Bl.ocking~ set-up --.J and plwnbing connections nr...st ce approved . before requesting electrical. inspection :=J Accessory Buiz.ding I. Final. - After p~rches~ skirting~ decka~ ~ etc. are completed. D All prooject c011ditions~ such as the installation of street trees, aO,"."1plation of the l'€quired l.andscapir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied beforB tJ:e BUIWI/lG PINAL can be requested. 0I11AL PWNBIlIG JZl FINAL MECHANICAL =:J PINAL ELECTRICAL ~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final. Plumbirra El.ectrical.~ and Mechar.ical Inspections havo been made and appl'ovad. o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For a'Ll con- orete paving within street right- o f-t.x:.y ~ to be made after a Zl exca- vating compl.ete & fo~ work & sub~ base material. in place. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST!fEflT TO BE NADE AT NO COST TO CITY I PaFe 1 of 2 D PENCE: When compl.e:te -- Provide. gates or movabl.e sections through P.U.E. . D JOB Nc:QrnO,?;/( Zone: Lot Sq. Ft:;. S of lot COlJerago .II of Stones Total Height Topography I lITEM I SQ.FTG X Main I I CcJoace I Carvo:rt I ,1cceBsoru I I I I TOTAL VALUE I fvat..Ue) IS. D.C. 1.5 x Building Permit State Su:t'cha:rge Total Cha..."'ges lITEM I Fixtures I i Residential (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewer' ! fIatsI' i ! I NO. I I FEE Plumbing Perrd t State Surcr.arge Total CharGes j-:TEU I Re.']. So. fto. !Now/Extend Circuits iTempol'ary Service I NO. ; I I I I I I Ele=triaal Permit State Surcharqe Total Cha.1'ces I ITEM 11/0. I I I I I I I I I I I ]'UI'n:lce ETU'S Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I i Woodsto:;e Perrrrit Issuance Meohanical Per>nrit State Surcharae Total Cha:r>oRfl : -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC"~rit1/ De'D03it I Storage I Matntenan.::!e I Permi t Tota 1. ChaPQcs ;Cu1'bcut , I Sidewa lk , ; Penoe ~ EZectl'ical Label Mobile Home ; j TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:"* SOLAR .ESS Occupancl/ Gre...,,: WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac Value CHARGE FEE I I I I I I i CHARGE FEE I CHARCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (<<';.00 I I .&0 I 1/5.hV I. I /5.&0 ,...~<:: " REQ.- L-COG"l' " Ttroe I I I I -I J / This pernrit ilJ granted on the express condition that the sa"id construction shaZZ~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinar~e adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . ~Ar/~ a~~ Signad ;7" ~ Date I Lot Faces - I I P.L. jNOl'th lEast ISouth jWeBt Type/Cor.st: . I I Enerau Sources Heat I Access. I Wate?' l{p.atp'T' I I Range I I Firevlace I I Wood:; tove II No person shatz construct, install, atter 01' change any r.elJ 01' e--isting plumbing 01' drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr.at a person may dc(-- pZwnbing work to property which is OIJned, leased 01' opel'ated by the appli-... cant. ,~... ~ Where State Lazu requires th.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the. Electrical Contractor. r \... I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pennit, and do hEreby certify that all infoT'mation hereon is true and aorrect, and I T..ll'ther certify that any ar.d all work pel'for:ned shall be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the city of SpPingficld, and th~ L<r...;s of tha >+ State of Oregon p~l'taining to the work cescPibcd herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wi II be rrr::zde of any StruCtW02 wi thout parmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that ~ly contractors ar~ employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project Bedrooms: Setbacks I House I Cara.ae i I I FeGs Building Value & Permit I I I ,. . I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReadpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit I I. I I I I I I I I. Electrical Permi t Mechanical Permit PLan Examiner uar;e '--. $'-$-3"6