HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1986-4-15 \ .. RESI"'HI.~L" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 . BuiZding. Division 726-3753 ~. .:>;\.. .~..~ :..' . '. ',... Job Location: l3.'7S- /702 /JIJ.11'1/ N 3'1'- ~ ASlJ68BOl'S Map II Subdivision: Q.me,,: ':"<:. oc::: F ClM.J l.Ja, Address: fz..'1.7..,- M-1~. City: ~'{f, ''':''''01 1. ~.IrL - 'IV ~TR_ ...-........-...----.....-,----............. .._-~.. --- Receipt !i '6 (.,{.. ?J ;).:S' Value Address Lise. It <711" ~ s,~ ,., ';rX. >. PpIIVI2..PJE/.o Ta;z: Lot 6 C)C)~I ~~ ~ t)f!. ,......J.~. /f . 1fJr.. \ , .' '* Deacribe Work: .~ 'pJ~f-~~ .'~~. .~J.. ~~Cl.~-e.- fll0 '000 It ill tn. 1"tlspon.sj.bil.i.ty of ths permit ho'LdJzr to Bee that aU. inDpections are r.rade at fzaom tn. 8t:reet~ and that th.s permit otmi is located at the j'wmt of the property. ItBui!ding /J'f;ui=i<rn approvsd plan B,han remain on tha BuiZding Sit:; at aU times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QIlES~:CALL 726-3769 r"cco"d...J state your City designated job numbe", raquestcd ar.d when you LJiU be ready for inspcct";on~ ContractOl"S or OI.mers ncme end -phone number. wilZ. be m:zde th& 8ame day~ requests made afta' 7:00 am will be made the nczt :.JOrking day; n n n n Addi ticn Remodsl !.fobila Boma Date of Applicati.on C:ontractors Geneml Plumbing ~J(~;"::::-/ ~-'~<.:: i EZectricaZ I Mschar.iccl I J~ t< fI J?, J..I n/Yl. Conatl'"Uanma Limder Reaui~p.d T"Rup.ctic~~ ~ SITe INSPECTION: To be rrr:zde after ~ ucavation.. but prior to set up of I fol'mB. i 0 : UNDERSLAB PW/.fBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be maae before any . work is covered. .. ~' ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATIGN: To be made after trenches are excavated and . forms are erected.. but prior to : pouring ccncret~. D. ,U,"Dr::RGROUND PLUMEING, SF:WER, W,1TE.l? DRAIlJAGE:' To be nn:i.e pnor to fil.- ,Iir.g trenches. 0: UNDERFWOR PLWBING & MECHANICAL: I To be made prior to instal.Lation of '. ,:, floor insulation or decking. 0, PoST AND BEAM: To be made pr>ior to instaHation of floor insulation or . dscki.ng. _ . -." ~ ROUCH PtlP..f8IlJ~"ECTRICAr. ~ MECH- . ANICAL: No ;&':':..8 r;~bc covered #ur.til. these inspections have been mads and approved. ' !D FIREPLACE: Prior to pl.a.cir.g facing material.s 'mid before framing inspBC- tion. \ -a FRAJ.!INC: Must be requeoted after ~ approval of rough pZurr.bing.. eZectri_ ,oaZ & mechanical.. AU roOfing braaing & chimneys.. etc. must be ~~,comptetcd. No work is to be con- ,.~....,.osaZed. until this inspection nas )'.be~ made and approved. ,-._' , r-Ef"./l...... Jr. Pr.one: 71-i-'Z:~ ?3 0/7 ~? 1 . , Siqr.ed: Date: //:0~ 4,J/sfp,t:. Zip: YOU:t' City' DeBigr.ated Job Number 10: rvI INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be mads after all insulation ar.d . - .. required vapor barriers are in place . : but cefore any lath.. gypsum bctU'd or ' wlZ covering is appZied.. and before . aJ'!Y insulation is concealed. .' ~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made ~ after all drywall is in place.. , but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: S:~eZ beam3.. grou~1.ng accordance wi th 241:;. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZeted. location.. bo1ui or verticals in U.B.C. Section o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fo"",s are 91'e:Jted but prior to pouring conarete. Expires 7- I'j'-'><'t" Phone ~Yl'-9:c-r...('/i , ~?~ I ; J j I 1 is readabLe .0 SIDEWALK & DRIt~AY: For all con- crete paving within street right- . of-way, to be made after aZZ e:rca- vating cc:mplete & [orm LXJrk. & sub- ~. base material in plaae.. .. O !'ENCE: When complete -- Provide. gates or movabZe sections through P.U.E. . o ths proper tim~", tr.at QCCh :ddre88 job address.. type of in3pec=.icn Requfsts received befere 7: 00 a::l ~.../}'24./ DEU"LITION DR ;~:OVEIJ BUILDIilGS ~ Sani'tary Se'..J81' ::!apped ::zt ~opc;rt"~' Zir.e .3 Septia tank p:.tr.:ped and fiZ~e~ with grav,el ---, Final. - IVhen abcve items are cc:rrpleted --.J and when der.rolitior. is compZete or strua- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mobiie Homes :J Blocking and Set-~p :J PZwnbing connections -- BCbJBr and rJater --, Electrical. Connection - SZocking.. set-up --1 and plwnbing connections rrr....st ce approved before requesting elec:rical inspec=.ion ~ AcceBsol"b' Builf!ing --, Final. - Aftel' p:Jrcr.es, sk:il'ting.. decks, --l etc. are corrrpleted. . o AZl project conditions.. such as the installation of street trees, co::rpletion of tits required landscc:pir.g.. etc... must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDING FINAL can be raquested. =:J FIlIAL PLUMBING :J FINAL MECHANICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL =:J ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equeDted after the Final Plumbing Eleatrical.. and Mechar.ical Inspectiono have been made and approlJed. I . '. '.. : ~ ..1 t. j 'ALL MANHGLF:S AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE MADE: AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 , . !Z~::B NO. ~()0~!~::~"R'~ESS Lot Sq. Ft,;. j3 '32./ WT TYPE S "f lot CJt}e~g:: ~eriOl" li of Stories Comer Total Height Pcmhandle SQ.;~~'~ / ~ 4.s~ 1~fJ!.1 46'r~ I 360 I .,;"tRc.j}:jPOr:!. I I I I I I~' TOTA& VAWE ' IVC/..ucJ I _ . 1.5 :r: I I/IIP.50 I I 4.~ l/~. I' I. FEE I Cl/ARGE I , I I I I , I I I I I I I I. FEE I CHARGE: I I 2.2..e. I I I I I I~~I I ,'/p I I ~.#J ,. FEE: I CHARGE I I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LtsZL I -:;""20 2. 9 Topogra;;hy ITEM Main Ccrtaae CaJ'"tIOl't ACC8S801"U I I Is.D.c. Building Pe:rmit State Su:f'charge Total Cha.~ge3 lITEM Fi.rturss IRe3idential (1 bath) I Sanita1"J.l SelJ8'!' fwater I Plumbing Pern:i. t State Surc:r.arge Total Charaes lITE/.! Res. So. fta. I Na.;/Eztend Cir>eu.i ts I Temporary Sel"Vice I EZe~tl"icaZ Permit State SUI"::ha:rae Cut-de-sac n I I I I I I I I n I~I I I I .1 Total CharC8S I ITEM ~ I PuJ'"nace ETV'S I I I E::hau.st Hood I Vent Fan I JlOodStO'J8 I Perorrrit Issuanca Me::hanica l Peztrrri t State Surcharae I . I I I I ,. f , 1 I I I X ?JJd 1# ~~_ / ..... S1.gn~ . Total Charaes I ENCROACHMENT -- See-~rit%! D200sit I Storage I Maint~e f Permit I ICUrbcut I SideI.!a lk Total CharacB I Pen::e I Electrical Label I I Mobile Home ~ ! I TOTAL' AMOUNT DUE: 4 rage ~ ~ REQ.- . .. "'" . -, L-COC"- 'f-dpe/Cor..st: Bedroor.:s: I Enero:J SO'.aoces T"oe J I Heat 1 I Water Yp.atp.1' I I Range I I I Firevlace : I. Woo,," tove I Lot Faces - I Setback3 I P. Lo, House I Caraqe INortn lEast I ISouth i? IWeet I PaBs I Acces3. Building Value & Perm i t This permit io granted on the express condition that the said construction 8haZl~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfietd, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstrueticn and use of buildings, and m:zy be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir4nC8s. /Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt #: I Signed: ?5 ?.1 Plumbing Permit No perean ahall construct, instal!, alter 01' change any nelJ 01' e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor' of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe:oson may do plumbing tJork to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. h?w~. State &= ~~!:e~ ~~~ ~~ !lec~:~ ~ki !. done by an Electrical I Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall "'.ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ~~~ #r.. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:for-mation hereon is tl'"Ue and correct, and I t.J.rther certify that any a,...d. all lJOrk perfoM/ed shall be do:-Z8 in accor- dance :vith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the: Lcr..;s of tho State of OregQn psrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be m:1de of any structura without pernrission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that only contra.:::tOl'S and e:nplQyees who are in oarnpliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~"~ LJ. -d-CI ~0 fute