HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-1-4 . . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department w.nu.r.LmJ L1>n= Pastor or Qmrch Secretary Olari ty Baptist O1urch 6364 Main Street Springfield, OR. 97478 Our records indicate that on January 4. 1984 , you suI:lnitted plans for the l'LU!^'Sed construction of a Canpletion of 2nd floor area for office use to be located at 6364 Main Street , Spring:field, Oregon. 'Ib date, the plans and required permits for this construction have not beed obtained. '!he Springfield Building Safety Codes Administrative Code states that "Applications for which no pennit is issued within 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official." The Code further states that, "The Building Official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days upon request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action fran being taken. No application shall be extended I!X)re than once. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee.", . . Please check the a,.,,.,Lu,.,Liate box below,. indicating which option you prefer, and return this fOlll1 within ten (10) days fran the date of this letter. . />> Please destroy the plans and all related infonnation regarding the above ,.,LV.".,sed construction. u Please hold the plans in your office and I will pick then up within the next five (5) days. If I have not picked the plans up within this time period, I understand that they will be destroyed. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me between 8: 00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 726-3669. Sincerely, lDrne W Pleger Plans Examiner ,... ,225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 ........ - ,........""- P 329 969 998 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) I SENTlQ P t astor or Church Secretar ~ CI")-lri TV R;ln+~ c:t- rh"..,...h ~ STREET AND NO. lli:, 6364 Main St \I. p 1i:O.,STATEANDZIPCODE Springfield, OR " , - :l- POSTAGE -, 97478 :J"d ,5' CERTIFIED FEE ~ c ~: .....l Q o-l) U () .. w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w w ~ u ~ ;;; ... ~ :E w ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ... ~ z 0 ~ ii: ~ ~ z 0 B I SPECIAL DELIVERY f\ I RESTAICTEDDElIVE~Y &\1 w I SHOW TO WHOMAttO---' '%7 ~ OATEOELlVERED' Y !Jj SHOWTOWHOM,DATYI',!-. ~\ t: AND ADDRESS OF I~ ,~ ED DELIVERY fo3 SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE a: DEUVEREOWITHRESTRICm I DELIVERY 5 ~~~g ~rg~i8t:~ ~~fH RESTRICTEOOElIVERY , 'I " , , '" ~-- '" 10" " 1.1.,"7 I TOTAL POSTA~ND FEE~ Ii. <( 8 ., M POSTM~~"DA":E- "'''::~' ,>, ':~"i ~\''\ '\'vp\ Ji~f .", \ " ) '\ '" "V r:. """\ ~V(?).I, " '~;:::~~ ; A t'~ ,I .''t' .------(. ;/ ~. .' E 5 u. '" 0. '. ...'" - .' 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Consult postmaster for fees and chICk baK(81) -< for service(s) requested. ! 1. g Show to whom. date and addreSs of delivery. ,Jlir. 2. 0 Restricted OeliverV. e ! 3 Article Addressed to: Pastor or Church Secretary Charity Baptist .Church 6364 Main St. Springfield, OR <> ,.., in <:7 4. Type of service: o :-:..:.....J 0 Insured Ii<J Certified 0 COD o Express Mail Article Number "ltA <'j"1'il P329 ,;;~ ::5 .- C> ~ " ~ "U ~ ~ , 9747U I s n III ~ Z III l'l m ~. Always obtain signature of addressee .m.agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. SignatUre - Adm.see X--?,-. /::L.o,.~ 6. Signature - Agent ~ X 7'$&7& 8. Add_sAdd_(ONLYIf~_1fJtf1GlJ 6~"". V,,?'- <.~ .o~ . p'. -'. . .,... . - , . r.:- UNnEDSTATESPOSTALSERVICE'J Q. OFRCIAL BUSlNW " . :. / SENDER INSTRUCTIONS'- ' ...- PrInt_r name.llIld-. _ ZIP Code In the IpI!!8 bekM. . eom.....1tlIms 1.2.3._ 4 onthe_. . AtbICb to front of IrtIcIe If _ perml\a, lIlIllIIwIIe d1xto bacIl of..... . EndaneIrtlcle'1lelumIlllclllpt"'1Jl1 l..r' ton_. R~RN . 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