HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1986-7-16 r'~ . 1.03/5 tlJr~UI ~ Me- '-SPRINGFIELD .. ~ .. ., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department Carr'ie ./. Des IeI' P. O. flox 1228 Eugene, OR 97440 ~ '> , . 1.:~ Dear MR. De,lIer: 16 .July 1986 Cindie Harmon asked me y~ster'day t.u wrilE" you with spp.cific:s ~'eg:arding Spring- field's trn,,-cul.ling- ordinance. Article 38 of the Development Code, Tree Felling- Standards, applies in any situation where: l. a property owner is cuttin~ morc than 5 trees in " calendar yeAr ft'om a lot or abutting lot.s under common ownership t.hat is 20,000 sq. ft. in si7.e or larger; ~rgj 2. the trees are 8" or more in diameter. If your clearing plfln exceeds these thresholds, you are required to submit a permit application. The!'e is no fee for this application, and it will likely sail throu<!'h in this situation. Section 3fl.O~0 {in the "ttached Article} tells what YOll need to submit as the application. It will be reviewed at the staff level: not as fl public heflring. Approval can probably be given within I or 2 days. If yoU have any questions about this Article, please do not hesitate to call me. Cindie and Gre" 'Ylol.l will be assist.ing' you with any other issues regarding your development. Good luc:k with your tree farm. Cordially, E:1wLE.. fJe.WHCC;s.c Bruce Newhousp. Associate Planner ~: G\V'J)~ 103\ 5 Mo..t V\ t IJ 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 '" . . ,~ Carrie J. Desler P. O. Pox 1228 Eugene, OR 97440 June 13, 1986 ~-,-- ---~~ Cynthia L. Harmon City of Springfield Planning and Development 225 North 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: 6315 Main Street/Christmas Trees Dept. ~~~ro~1 I .~ ~-' .~~~_ U Dear Ms. Harmon: Please note the enclosed letter from Doug Tistadt outlining the Forest Service's involvement. Several questions came up during the lease negotiations that remain unanswered and your assistance in resolving them would be appreciated. 1. What procedure do we follow to comply with City of Springfield requirements. 2. What is the fee structure. 3. What is the time requirement for approval. 4, Does Springfield have a tree cutting ordinance that would apply to clearing and planting Christmas trees on this property. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerel~ yours, ) ~~ Carrie J. Desler, Trustee CJD Family Trust Ehclosure ~;.I:f)~~;" VI ~ ~'':' .= \,'" ~..'" ". " dig' . . VICTOR ATlVEH """"""" Forestry Department WESTERN LANE DISTRICT P,O. BOX 157, VENETA, OREGON 97487 PHONE 935-2283 June 3, 1986 1% 1.1s. Carrie J. Desler PO Box 1228 Eugene, OR 97440 Dear. ~ls. Desler; Site"preparation of brush and/or forest land requires a Notification of Operation permit obtainable from any office of the Department of Forestry. There is no fee for this permit. The Eastern Lane District office is located at 3150 ~Iain St., Springfield (726-3588). This permit is required 15 days prior to any logging or site preparation activities unless waived by a forest practices officer, who will be located at the Eastern Lane office. The planting, maintenance and harvesting activities involving Christmas trees do not fall under forest laws and regulations. Once your brush or forest land has been converted to Christmas trees, our Department falls out of the picture. If you are planning to plant more than 10 acres to Christmas trees, you may qualify for the Western Oregon Small Tract Optional Tax law, which is an alternative property tax to the farm-use tax law. Please contact me if you desire more information about this. Sincerely, ~"':lC6::eg~ Doug Tistadt Service Forester , to?:' \ 'c:, iV'\. l\.1 F\ rl , . .. . PRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department May 29, 1986 . Ms. Carrie J. Desler P.O. Box 1228 . Eugene, Oregon 974Ml Dear Ms. Desler: ~ Subject: 6315 Main Street - C1ristmas Tree Planting I am pleased to hear you are .t'~~~eding with your l-'~uJ:-VsaL a nice diversion \>hen driving along Main Street. The trees will be With regard to the City's regulations, there are 00 pennits or applications required for this. proposal. You rray begin this endeavor at your convenience. The cnly requirement the City has is the driveo..e.y to the existing residence I1Ulst be maintained at a minimun width of 12 feet (this does not require anything other than your ""rd that the driveo..e.y will be maintained). I am unfamiliar with the State of Oregon's regulations, hoNever, I made a few phone calls and v.e.s told the perscn Y9U need to contact is Service Forester D;>ug Ti.stadt of the Western Lane District State Forestry Department.. Mr. Ti.stadt can be contacted by calling 935-2283 = by-writing him at 8795121 Terri toria1 lbad, Veneta. Best of lu::k in your endeavor. If I can be of further assistance please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Cynthia L. IBDnon DevelutA.""'.... ~t Coordinator . ~ CC:~RESS') ~ Q1 CHR-1 .225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 , ~,j . . Y;:;1\ Carrie J. Desler P. o. Box 1228 Eugene, OR 97440 M3.y 23, 1986 Ms. Cynthia L. Harmon Planning and Development Dept, 225 North 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: 6315 M3.in Street - Christmas tree planting. Dear Ms. Hannon: Thank you for your letter of M3.y 15, 1986. Please be assured that retail sales are not planned for this property. The clearing, cultivation, planting, and maintenance of this property is planned until such time as the Christmas trees may be harvested. I have entered into the lease agreement on the strength of your letter and would now appreciate knowing, step by step, what needs to be done in order that all city or state require- ments are complied with. Please be specifiC and provide fee schedules for permits, etc. Sincerely yours, ~~ ,VuL-i/L-- '. Carrie J. Desler, Trustee . CJD Family Trust CJD:klp , .' . ~ . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department " '. " May 15, 1986 ~, r. " "," ",. ....' ..... . ,,~, . ~.~f~:~s ,',I,l Ms. carrie J. Desler P.O. Box 1228 Eugene, Oregon 97477 /., , Subject: ~ 6315 Mairi street. Christmas Tree Planting Dear Ms. Desler: ':..: ,',: .,..::.t~~..:.. J I " ~," ',' '-~l '{~ . '~J~:.'" .' "":', ';::"0... This letter is in response to your inquiry to lease property lcx:ated on Assessor's Map 17-02-34-3121 'lax Lots 4100 and 451212 fur the cultivation of "" Olristmas trees. .. .:. ,. ..,/.\,.'.,.... ,. .J r , '. ~. . ,1 J .~ . . As you stated, the pr,,~;"y is cUITently zoned IDR-Low Density ResidentiaL '!he Springfield Develv!-""".t O:x'Ie, Article 16, Section 16.1212121 (6) permits ..c....,.,~_ial agricultural cultivation on greater than 5 acres of undeveloped land". As long as 5 acres of this "'~">,~rty ranains undeveloped it can be used for the cultivation of OlristInas trees. '.\', '!he existing house, if it ranains as a dwelling unit, nust maintain adequate access fran Main Street. If further division of the property occurs all harvesting shall be perfuIIlled at f that time as there will no longer be 5 acres of undeveloped land. .... . You should also be aware that this zoning (LOR) prohibits retail sales fran the ....v~y. '!here will be no pre-<::ut C1ristmas tree or U-cut C1ristmas tree sales penni.tted fran this >,~v~_y. or' Please feel free to call me at 726-3759 to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, Cynthia L. B:um:n Developnent Permit Coordinator " cc: Aul.J=5 READER GI CHR-l .225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753. . . . ..... .-.' .!.A .. ~.".' - . "" '.- .-. '.l .-r' '.'-...:.L ..-, .'..,,' ,I . . C,rrie J. Desler P. O. Pox 1228 ElJgene, OR 971140 M3y 8, 1986 City of Springfield Planning Director City Hall Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Christmas Tree Planting. To whom it may concern: I represent the beneficiaries of the CJD Family Trust, the recorded owners of approximately 7 acres of property fronting on the McKenzie Highway (legal description and maps attached). We believe the property is zoned RL PUD and will require permission to grow Christmas trees on the subject property. The current economic situation will probably weclude development of this proper'ty for residential pUI'poses before ten years. We have an opportunity to lease this property to the ~adO\'lView Tree Farm for ten years and not only insure contract maintenance, but . generate seven hundred dollars a year to help defray taxes. Please respond as to your opinion of this proposal and outline the following: 1. Process necessary to accomplish our purpose. 2. Cost of acquiring the necessary approvals. 3. Time and sequence necessary in accomplishir~ the process, Please feel free to write if additional information is required as the ~adowview Tree Farm would like to begin preparing the land for planting this fall, Thank you, I' . --.. 1f,'J ./" ~,l/ /. ~.-<.-o "I../.i':~ e- Carrie DesJ.er CC: Meadowview Tree Falom c/o fun Wall Enclosures: Two M3ps Proposed Lease Legal Descr'iption ~ '. . ";;.,Ji,t;~ftl.Y~:~~~~~~~~f~~~;\~~~..~~~:~.~T~J\/~~t7~ ,~,;" !l;,A275".'~.6 _~:;:.I"!, XS'4.' US 126 . 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U) ; N<tI'P............-.J~J'I. _,,,,..-..' _.....-. }.I.J1'" .. ,'. I {Lj\'\1U D . : ..., , , t ~ .~- ,! E ~~/ 1._........., . LAND LEASE AGREEMENT ~. "'~ 1. Lessee : ~adowview Tree F'arm & Nursery, Inc. Lessor: CJD F'amily Trust Property Description: See attached legal. Terms of Lease: The CJD F'amily Trust agrees to lease to ~adowview Tree F'arm & Nursery, Inc. designated tillable land consisting of approximately seven acres for the purpose of raising Christmas trees. In consid- eration for the use of said land it is agreed that a fee of $700.00 per year be paid to CJD F'amily Trust by MVTF' at the end of each year beginning December 31, 1986. The duration of this lease will be for ten years or upon harvest of a full crop of Christmas trees. If property is sold before Christmas trees are mature, and lease cannot be reassigned to new owner, MVTl" is to be reimbursed for all costs incurred in preparing soil, planting and farming of trees up to date of sale of property. While on said property, MVTl" will conduct operations in a work- man like manner and operating within the laws set forth by the state of Oregon and the government of the United States of America. MVTF' assumes full responsibility for land clearing, preparation, planting, weed control, fertilizer, and other recognized standard tree farming practices. 2. 3. MVTl" assumes all liability for accidents and property damage incurred as part of said Christmas tree operation. MVTF' is insured with adequate liability insurance and all employees are covered by Workmans Compensation Insurance. . ~ Page 2 MVTF reserves the right to use cormnonly used chemicals necessary in the control of weeds, insects and other pests detrimental to the growth of Christmas trees. No chemical will be used that is not legally registered and labeled by the U. S. government Environmental Protection Agency. The undersigned agree to the terms of this lease and enter into such agreement in good faith on the day of , 1986 LESSER: LESSEE: CJD Family Trust Meadowview Tree Farm & Nursery, Inc. . PARcel I ~ Y[GIIlIlIIlG at a point on the South boundary of the McK~nlie Highway 3456 feet [J~t o( the lIorth",e~t corner o( Stephen Gager Donation land Claim 110. 45, ~oti(lcltlon No. 7079, and 550.84 reet South o( the Ilorthwest corn~r o( said Claim. In Town~hip 17 South, Range 2 Ye~t o( the Yillamette Meridian; thence ;':c~l 204.0 feet; thence South 660.0 (eet; thence [Ht 20~.0 (eet; thence lIorth 660.0 (eel to the Point o( Beginning. in lane County. Oregon. PfJlCEl II ~[GIIlUIIIG a~ the Il 181 12 inch stone marking the location of the Southco1st ,orner o( Lot 3. Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 2 Yest o( the Yillamctte t:eridian. in lane County. Oregon; thence Ilorth 174.7 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line o( the McKenzie Highway, said point being 2.3 feet South o( ! point mJrked .by a cro~s on a stone; thence South 89' 44' West, J66.9 (eet along said Southerly right o( way line to the True Place o( Bcginning; thence South 373.80 (eet; thence Ilorth 89' 44' East. 66.0 (eet; thence South 2B6.2 feet; thence South 89' 44' Yest, 478.55 (eet, more or less, to a point, said point being South 660.0 (eet (rom a point which Is 550.84 (eet South and 3456 (eet East o( the 1I0rthwest corner o( Stephen Gager Donation Land Claim 110. 45; thence 1I0rth 286.20 (eet; thence South 89' 54' East, 347.53 (eet; thence 1I0rth I' 00' Yest, 200.12 (eet to a corner post set in a rock mound; thence Ilorth l' 20' Yest, 176.12 (eet to , point on the ~outherly right of way line o( the tlcKenzie Highway; saId point ..Iso being the' flortheast corner o( lot I, COBBleSTONe SUBDIVISIOII, as plaited and recorded In file 73. Slide 171. lane County Oregon Plat RecordS; thence Ilorth 39' 44' ~ast. aO.eo (eet along the said Southerly right of ~ay line to the. True Place cf Beginning, In lane County, Oregon. LX((PT TlI[RHROI1: That tract described in deed to the City of recorded Harch 15. 1967. Reception /lo. 70346, lanr County Orcgon .L'i-tle Ccunty. Ore90n. Spring( I e Id, Rccords. in FURTHER EXCEPTING THEREFROM: The parcel described as: Oeginning at the 8"10"112" Stone marking the Southeast Corner o( lot 3 Section 34, TownSl'oii> 17 South, Range 2 Yest o( the lIillamette Meridian l~n~' County, ~~egr~n;, thence 1I0RTll 174.7 (ect to a point on the Southerly right o( way line of Ie C .cnlle IIwy. , said point being 2.J (eet SOUTII of d poirit marked by a cross ~~04:' ~~~~e5(j(jt~gnc(e along the Southe~ly right o( way o( sdld McY-enzle IIwy. South . eet to the True POInt o( 8eginnlng' thence SOUTII JI6 II ( t. thence South 8g044' Y 73 a5 . . ee, Ilortherly rI')ht o( est( S' th(e~~.to a point markln') the intersection o( the COOOleST way 0 au Street and the Easterly boundary o( PI oue ~UODIVISIOII as platted and recorded In File 7J Slide 171 lane Count ,:~ Records I~ l~ne County, Oregon; thence along the easterly bound:ry o( sal~ f .zo'o~~r~h t II~~ 12l1e(st 140.12 to a Corner Post set In a rock mound, and /lorth es . eet to a point on the Southerly right o( way of' M K I II? , said point being the Initial Point o( said Cobblestone Subdivision' \~nz e a on~ the Sou~herly .rl~ht o( way of the McKenzie IIwy. /lorth 89"44' East 80,80 ~~c~ to t e point o( be!pnnlng, all In lane County, Oregon, e EXIIIBIT "A"