HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 2002-6-4 Job# 02-00643-01 . ~ ./ . Page 1 of 2 ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON COMMERCIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Job NUl!1ber: 02-00643-01 , Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 6251 Main St Spr Assessors Map#: 17023431 Lot: Block: Addition: Tax Lot #: 04000 Subdivision: * Owner: Address: Adelaida Wullschleger 2708 Saint Lucia Ave Phone Number: 541-338-4976 City/State/Zip: Eugene, OR 97408 New Value: $0 Scope Of Work: Curbcut Curbcut and Curb replacement Odot permit #50660 Contractor Type Contractor - ROW Contractor Sells Investments & Const 86100 Sells View Drive, Eugene, OR Registration # Expiration Date Phone 541-935-2565 Quad Area: # Of Units: , Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: , To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726.3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a,m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a,m. will be made the following working day, CC-Close & Replace CC-Standard Required Inspections I Public Works I -After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete -After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? 0 ,Area (Sq. Feet) I Main: ' Accessory: # Of Stories: Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): Proposed Units: Total: .. . Job# 02-00643-01 . Page 2 of2 Value/Quantity Fee Amount Fee Paid On Receipt# Public Works 06/04/2002 9361 06/04/2002 9361 1 1 $75,00 $30.00 $105.00 $105.00 New Curbcut Curbcut Repair Total Public Works Grand Total By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and corect, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, applicable City Standard Specifications and Drawings, and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this project. The City may inspect the work site described in this permit at any time during a one year period following the receipt by the City of Springfield notice of completion of the described work and specify, at the City's sole descression, any additional restoration work required to return the site to a standard acceptable to the City, The permittee will be notified in writing of any work required and will have thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to complete the work. Work not completed at the end of the thirty days will be performed by the City and the costs will be billed to the permittee, I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that the project \~~~~S~~~~~~~~~~le fr~;h\t~eet, and ~ app,oved set of plans will remain on the site at all times \~\~~\\\~~, ~W~\~'" \ ~~ lo-;l\-O"'2. Sign~ l - Date :D :3: -l -l Cl:>::J :>::JDD m-lZ C") rr1 0) 0..# o ..C,....,j.. :D I"-..J c:: 0 co z~ :c B> I 1--4(''") 00 JTJ ::c f-l .p. 0 ;0:00' 0 .. ZU1I'.J....o OG'). OL..J l':i"'-fTI00o- t'...:J..C)f'.,)f-l ., 0'- ,,<:f/fftJ/i;.~(, ~~I;;~~~'.\".~':-," \~\C\ . "~~.~""lC ~ ~1,';:';'~~$"'Jf.i':~!;':' ' \i~l~;/4! If;,:> ~ JOOnAKil2haI.1e.;M.D.GM.mr -Department of Transportation District 05 Maintenance Office 644 'A' Street Springfield OR 97477 Phone: (541)726-2552 Fax: (541)726.2509 j :j , , March 18, 2002 Adelaida Wullschleger 2708 Saint Lucia St. Eugene, OR 97408 Subject: Extension Agreement for Construction Permit #50660 ' McKenzie Highway; at Milepoint 6.81 I, Adelaida Wullschleger, agree to extend the time available to construct the above, referenced approach to July 31,2002 as outlined in OAR 734-051-0240. IMtwlDvYJItd&eJtr- av#~k~' /vP tI ' Signature - Authorized OOOT Represent~tive Signature - Applicant Return this agreement by no later than 5:00 PM on (February 28,2001) to: District 05 Maintenance Office Attn: Jeffrey Lange ' 644 'A' Street Springfield OR 97477 A copy of this agreement with authorized OOOT signature will be returned to you upon receipt of your signature. Best regards, cc: to file Uu.-~ ~" MAR 2 ,,' zoot" O. " :;,...., ~~;tgC: ',' ,- < ;;,~~Appl\catlon Id: 1372 HIghway NWnber: 015 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A STATE HIGHWAY APPROACH MUePolnt: 8.81 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1r .~. . :.:.~.:,..W>"';S'f.l'J<t'$',),-;'';1.'1/:-.t .- " .;. .. ~.m ':1' ffi'i1.,~.&/~~f.-~.fAt:';'-:':"'-;".' ..,:: ,I " ' ~~~f~i~~p~~~;;~;9/2001 .'_"~;';:"\ '~~..-.,,,:'~t~;;:,~ ". '_.;.' ,..: _n;':...,..-,.' -,'."','", . ~: ~w:<?:;r6f~i:r""~':;~t~~\~St:2~~~~"r~: 'i',:' .. r;y>:~[~t;I:?,~JAdel~~~~ ~UI~~~~~e!. ,~: ," ' " .. "~f.~~'lf~~~~:it'f t~~f~~t~)t~~~~.~..;,.~-; "',- ',:'. 1"(".1~:t1"':.'"'!1~' .,-,,' - ~-..'.'" ..-'!<(. ,~ ... ""1ff <_!.- ::I~,"'!":r. ~'i.,.,;",'';\;''>I\':5':\t"<M:;'h!l?~J.!.,-:.' '" iI'..~,"" :'Y:J ::;, 47 Lynnbrook Drive:,':"':' ~~ '"', ," ,. '.' "J '"".' 'O';;" ",' ;',f,,i ~ugene OR, 97404 'f, ' .-". ..' ....',.. '1~:"''':'/,5,:?-.I< ~. .' .,',",. .....(.. , _.,:'.' ,".. r!....._. '. .,' F~ :~;~~(!?~~,;~,~~::: '. ';~~11483~528< ""/5411483-1950 ,S~~$l~'Jlt'ThiS PI~c:ard should be posted and visible from the highway at ,3-1 L -. ", " , , 'all times during construction. Jlt~;~j; :'!:;'~~1.t~~ri"\/,,., ., ," ,',,' , ,For inspection, call "'.:>;...~;\ . ~':. .. Permit No: 50660 ,', Completion Date: 05/30~2002. : '. i " ....:.., " ' ICowIty. Lane I HighwaY. McKenzie - 6.61 LandmJ,rU: 164.5' woatot 83rd Street .TwMhp: 17 "Ol"' -.. 34 Routo: ORE128 ~OK HWy. N.u f'OfMfl: R N 0,' Property Infonnatlon - NIA Eno_- 298+86 ,'--' ,:'., ~ ".,,"," , (541) 726';2552, . Prlntod: O5I2!l12OO1 09:43:49 AM ',,/ ) .,,',;;~~'~~r',:"(' :',': .::';.:'. : .. PERMIT NO: il:: 5 06 6 0 . ""..... Application Id: 1372 Highway Number: 015 Applicant Infonnatlon Neme: Adelalda Wullschleaer Company. Acldre..: 47 Lynnbrook Drive Eugene OR 97404 I Phof5411 463.9526 FAX: 15411463.1950 . I.M~.IJ: Insurance Infonnation Company. Policy No; Amount PolIcy Bttgln: PolIcy End: Perfonnance Bond Infonnation I Company: I Bond No: Amount . Property Owner Infonnation I NAdelalda Wullschleger I Company. Address: 47 Lynnbrook Drive Eugene OR 97404 USA Phone: {541 I 463-9526 ,e",", FAX: 1541\ 463.1950 P;VZ'~ tdJ /IJ~ Local Agency ApprO'lDI ~f reciulred) , CHAMPS. d_rpfJlsrmICapprch_con '. .. ".-'-'~'~u",,,,,,__.n"_._.__.__._ a.!GCWMPAltTWNrrJIII JIItANSIICIlIfTAnor. PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A STATE HIGHWAY APPROACH MlIePolnt: 8.81 Completion Date: 06/30/2002 ,r Property Infonnation Plan View """- NIA '" IV Section: 34 ~ ~~~ Lane ' 17 Hluhway. McKenzie MllePolnt Engln..rlng Stlition: 6.81 298+86 landrnar1ca: 184.5' west of 63rd Street RO~.: Route: ORE126 Side oi Hwy. R Ne; Forest7: N '= ---- /F --- ' -.._- --- Tax Lot Infonnation 14000 Specification Wk!lh (W): 24.00ft Radius 1 (R1): .00ft """'no lmt (P1): .00ft ISU"~): 34.00ft leu"",,, None I Sub Bne 0...: I..ji"~~: - 0 Aggregate Base (314" - 01 lwef eru: Thlckn...: 12.001n "'- c....(Dd): .00ft AngIIlCA): 90.0000 Radlu1l2(R2): .00ft PrAng lmt (P2): .00ft RJW (llMl: .00ft DIem: .001n Len: .00ft Thtel<neu: We.r CrM: Plain Concrete, Undowelled "'- 6.001n Instructions Issuing of permits under these regulaUons Is not a finding of compliance with the statewide planning goals or the ecknowledged comprehensive plan for the erea, Pennits sre Issued subject to the approval of city, county or other govemmentalagencles having authorlty to regulate land use by means of zoning end/or building regulaUons. It shan be the applicants responsibility to obtain any such approvals Including, where applicable, local government detennlnations of compliance with statewide planning goals. (OAR 734-051-0130) All materials and wor1<manshlp shall be In eccordance with 1996 Oregon Standard SpeclficaUons for Highway ConstruCtion. The Pennlt Is Issued subject to the provisions of Oregon Admln'slratlve Rules 734-051-0010 through 734-051-0480, which ere by reference made a part of this pennll; and which are In effect at any particular Ume In the duraUon ollhe permll. -Dife r:::J ;g, J-():) I ThIs pennlt Is not valid until sIgned by a duly authorized reoresentatlve of the Oreaon Deoartment of Transoortatlon. Authorized ODOT Signature I Date ///t./d'.21 f ~6 /= .k '-'- ,,~'l?Y}I" I / Printed: 05IlW2001 02:~9:31 PM ' Page 1 or1 * '(:::~'" 0.... /~""'~ \ ' jCs_ \ <<.-.~ ~ lmnn. 7 =~ - '. . ;. * S..GlIllral N,,,, . 2.4rn~ ~"~:"8J OPTION A PARTIAllY LOWERED S'DEWALK c_CurOElCJlO"".Up.KlZ'o.02) b_c,O.0a33 I ~ ~ . ~ , 77,.....~ if~lllmln. .. "7 1.3;N~ ..!!:...Vat. ,L 2.41l'1~ ' -/ ALTERNATE SLOPE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL G <70~", 1 T~^J ~C~~~~l ,,-" ~ 1-225 17Smmnonn. FOR DRIVEWAyg Wlnl MONOlITHIC CURB" SIOEWAJ..I< (For dlrtt-II rIlIC"-' _ DIu. No. R07'OO" StdlanA-AOI'B-8,..~-,..) '. .. * fA",_ "...., 25mmlpma.--/ .-/ tnnwnl'lOl'fll, .. fA",_ ) :IJ " ..., f!5 *9"0...... -, OPTIONB FULLY LOWERED SIDEWALK :;:0.. fl -"...." , I r;" T-- ::=~~t: -~,:"-",:-- L. P.c.Cancir* S~~de_~ (SteCJ__Noee2) TABLE" .....- w x ..1,.1 u I ..1..1..1 ,,' '" w.\ol1TllltWl '" s.e 4.5".1 4..4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 U ~1 ~1 ~l ~ l1 ~ &1 ... 0.' 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