HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-12-30 j ., '''' 0'....... . .J"1....J..."..."v....VU " ~Dlail: mareie@sellsinvestments.com or visit our web site at: www.sellsinvestments.coIl! /WEB and DBE Certified. Certification Nwnber 2837 8(,100 Sells <()I2W <])rive, lEugeM, QlIt. 97402 lJe~ Office, 541-9S5-25b5 Cf4)(: 541-93S-6IOb (Margie) Cellular: 541-520-2090 ,CCB 124591 FYr- . December 30, 2002 '* Sent by fax Re: 6251 Main Street, Springfield, 4-Plex. 0..."", ~703 14-pages Dear Touy'Building Inspector. Good morning, this letter and fax is in regards to the above address and pennit. I met with Bob Barnhart before Christmas at the job site, in regards to the issue of the fire wall and he stated that in his opinion I needed a 2 hour fire wall when penetrating the plumbing. And I was advised by Mr. Bob Barnhart if I had any questions on this issue to contact Mr. Ewell Davenp<lrt. So I have done that. This is the letter that I received from Mr. Davenp<lrt along with the building codes. I was very excited to find out that we are only going to need a 1 hour and not a 2 hoUr. ; ; Would you please call me at my office at 541-935-2565. I have contracted my plumber, Kevin Cohen,. and my Dry wall Contractor in order for them to be standing by so they can do what is ever necessary to come to code so I can carry on with my inspections that are needed to carry on with my project. I have lost 2 weeks already because not knowing weather I was, 1 hour or 2 hour and because of the Christmas Holiciays. Tom, I need to get back on track and get this job running again. Would you please help me in getting this accomplished. This is my iust big commercial job and I do not want to make any mistakes, because I heard they can be very costly. And I want to do a good job. So if you would please contact me as soon as possible so I may continue to pursue getting things going again. Thanking you in advance for your ... u~.pt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Margie E. Sells General Manager/General Contractor FROM : SELLS INVESTMENTMENTS LLC FAX NO. : 5419356106 Dt:.C-19-2092 03 U,,2 ~M (.~LL..~ DtlVEI-JI'O~T Dec. 30 2002 ~4i." :.c!.6l'16 11:09AM P4 ""_~l !) . . . E...u eo--. Bulldlft&Doois> :Ill,. 8..1'It.. 51; ..n..y, OR P'7J22 ill_(l41) '''.:30) B;W8Jj' '''~' ..",..""",',...'. BuildingO Des' '" .," " .of'" ,......,'-. . ',.." ,", .' , : ," it: < ," ""',' :. ',' , 19t1. '. .. ',' .' . :', . ' ," DeclcmlleI' 19,2002 M3. Mqio Sella Sells Tm. .."_ .".s & Consuuction, me, 86100 Sells View Drive E''r'''' OR 9140% Dear Margie: In '. "., ...,,,sw your q\lOltion regarding whelherthe inspeaor(1) is oorrea in questioning the r"'lWremeJIl for the 2 (?) hour lire resistive tloor/c:cilJng assembly llIId the 1 hour fire resistive plU'ty wall assembly for the WuIlsebleger 4--plex t call yoill' _tion to the following: 1.' She<< AO,! of the IlOtlBtruot;on documents, ~".,~ ANALYSIS, specifies , the fo1lowi!lg oecupanoy separations: .. a, lhr. .,""...:00 Rl/tJ1 (residence/auage) b, lhr separation between unit. (party wall) c, 1 hr floor/ceiling (unit separation) d. Ihr utic sepanulon (drat\ stops) 2. Detalll/A3.1 OD sheet AJ.I of the construction doeuments specifies the assemblies. ."L .1 to meet the lbr,requirenl..... 3. The attadIecI sheets &om the 2000 edi1ion of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code (1997 UDIf'orm Bui1cIing Code with Oregon attachments) dclinca1e 1IIe dcllllitioft of'the building type (apartment) 9IId the .pecial provisions tbr construcUon within which are found the requirements for 1m conBtnllrtiolL Yourroview of these documents wl1I eIarify how the oode reqt:. ,.,.."..:.. for tire rcllrtlve ....._.Icuon apply to the 4-plex, how the buUdins has been designed to c:omply with theae requin:ment. and the flld that the lnspootor <') you tpoke to does not lcnow what be is taIklng about in this instance, 1 feel I DIIISt caution you to pay very care1iI1 aUClltion to the requirements of the Oregoa Swotural SpeciAlty Code, especially as It pertains to fire resistive COIIStructlOtJ. It can be very oonfUsing and quite unfumi1iar to someone who '~':~~~~~~1\~"""".' ......., ,.... FROM : SELLS INVESTMENTMENTS LLC FAX NO. : 5419356106 :EC-19-20.a:, I:!:!:; In I'M ,.ELL. tI"'VE"lI'O~T Dec. 302002 11:10AM P5 541.'7 2:;<3:; F>.02 ;;" o..;.mIJu 19. llXll P~l IIlU111y COIl8tnlt;b buiIdiqB 1lIlder the requirements of the Oregon One and Two FIIIIily DwelIIna Code. YtlU would be weD Idvilect to obtaiD a copy of tile Oregon StnK;turaI Specialty C9de 8lld to "'''''''!'' 10 use SlIbcoatral:lon IIltlliIi8r with its provisioas as they can in4uence tIOl 0lIly ~ requirements but also mKlwli41ll, elmrir;allllld plumbing requiremellts as well. All omission of any of these requiremems can result in a fililure orllle building to. peas the required illSpectlOIl8. Ai il ofteIl the CII8I!, it il leBS coiitly anti easier to build it correctly the flnt time than to have to go back 8Ild corre\:t it later, ram,. .,,; : ," to your desire to save our client money, Un1bnunately the tire resistIve ..__ Jctlon reqlli. ____ are ncn within our capacity to ohange, Please do not hesirate to calIlfl can be ofhelp in the flltuie. SWereIy. C ,~. . 'l'I -, EweU Davenport P,S,: Tile Ihr colllUUction of tile Eaa\ exterior wall oflhe buildlng is required due to di~ from the p..p-.J line IIId Is not AD lXlllIlPllDOY related requirement. F. Alda W1IlI..:J;..... , '.