HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 2009-6-16 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00868 ISSUED: 06/16/2009 APPLIED: 06/16/2009 EXPIRES: 12/16/2009 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 3315 MARCOLA RD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702300001917 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Sidewalk TYPE OF USE: Repair Industrial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SIdewalk repair Owner: KINGSFORD MANUFACTURING CO Address: PO BOX 24305 ATTN TAX DEPT OAKLAND CA 94623 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Contractor WILDlSH CONSTRUCTION CO License 695 Expiration Date 10/22/2011 Phone 541-485-1700 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Units: Primary Occupaucy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: . Sprinkled Building: Lot Size: Sq Ft I st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft GaragelCarport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: nla I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I . REQUIRED PARKING ATfENTION:Ore~t\ID'J reqUlrlils you t:J follow JUles adoplNI~afpRmgon LAility IJotilication Center. Tcho8111Il~lIles are set 101 n OAR i52-OO1..oo10 ttlmugh OAR 9&2-QO )090. You may ~taiIl ClOPie5 (;II Ute r.s I I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I ......'''tI motrl;e,_. {lW\9: m. '."pnGfMil ntmeer Igr the OPeton utility Notil~ Sidewalk Ty~" -AOO-'~:2-23.tA), Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: 0/0 of Lot Coverage: Frontyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Sethack: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instru~~fICE: Notes: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AlJTHORI7Fn IINnFR THIS PFRMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANulJl~tU rUIi I ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. I Valuation Descrintion Downspouts/Drains: Description Type of Construction $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Pa2e 1 0\'2 225 Fifth Street Springfi~ld, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone :~A7F; jj,. '" ~_..' City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2009-00868 COM2009-00868 COM2009-00868 Payments: Type of Payment Cash cReceintl RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000457 Date: 06/16/2009 Description Sidewalk Permit Sidewalk Permit + Addtl Sq Ftg + 5% Technology Fee Paid By WILDlSH Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Ikw In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 10:05: ISAM Amount Due 88.00 24.00 5.60 $11 7.60 Amount Paid $117.60 $117.60 6/] 6/2009 ~~LJ?,! --: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00868 ISSUED: 06/16/2009 APPLIED: 06/16/2009 EXPIRES: 12/16/2009 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541.726.3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Total Valne of Project Fees Paid I Fee Description + 5% Technology Fee Sidewalk Permit Sidewalk Permit + Addtl Sq Ftg Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $5.60 $88.00 $24.00 6/16/09 6/]6/09 6/16/09 3200900000000000457 3200900000000000457 3200900000000000457 Total Amount Paid $117.60 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Reoll~red InsDections I Sidewalk - Curbside: After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NOOCCUP ANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance 'with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at th[eont of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction, , (!f7/L r-2. ' Cl () /16 / 0 <) 10~r orcontra~ig~ [Date Paee 2 of2 " ..,' . , . " . ': , , : f"J :r ,~~ . .~Ii JJ .;,. ". :', -:,' ',-, ,~:. "', :-. ,'. '_ "~.',..' " <." LJlfJJ(J.I,'vpnnf[Pa..~u '".-". ,~' :'0'" ',:.". ..' ....'~:.,~+ii: , .<:' .::.':':. ~ '~.~'.:~ ~ '., >:'.::, /;. ~ -" ~~"~ ~::~' +::- .. ".: -~!. . <.:~ ~~, "~r: ~" _ '~~~ . ~l: !,~>':'" ::- ';..:. ,:.::.~ ~1~' '._~/ :'.")::~~~'.':~.~~; ,:~;:_i;'!,'DRIVEWAYISIDEWALK f ;":"'~:~>..:"'PERMITAPPLlCATION' .:;::::~\t'J 225 FIFfH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ENGINEER1NG DIVISJON OFFICE TELEPHONE (503) 726-3753 PERMIT NUMBER: DATE ISSUED: APPLICATION DATE: SITE INFORMATION: LOCA nON OF "YORK: f4:d APPLICANT ADDRESS: PHONE 7 '-fe, ~ '7{'0! I~J TAX MAP' CITY: ZIP: Cj '7 1/1 TAX LOT: OWNER: ADDRESS: PHONE: crr)': STATE: ZIP: REQUESTED PERMITS: o SIDEWALK: AMOUNT OF SIDEWALK IN EXCESS OF 90FT. ....,..'......,.... $88.00 @$O,OB SF, , $15.50 ... =$ "$ .... =$ o SIDEWALK REPAIR:.. o CURB CUT/DRIVEWAY: NUMBER OF DRIVEWAYS_ X ..,..,.. $88.00 1 st Cut = $ o MULTIPLE PERMIT DISCOUNT EA: "......(MAX 2) ... $30,00 2nd Cut =u- (MULll PERMIT DISCOUNT GOOD FOR ONE SITE AND ONE SITE INSPECnON..Qbl.l...:t , APPUES TO 2nd AND 3rd PERMITS ONLY, NOT SIDEWALK REPAIRl. =$ o 5% Technology Fee $ . TOTAL DUE WITI-l PERMIT $ o PROOF OF INSURANCE: $500,000 MINIMUM IF'WORK ISDONE BY PROPERTYOWNER CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 1- CONTRACTOR: ( .) " I rll_ ,\^ Po f.!x", (' ^" <;..1: ADDRESS: 7'i~Y bb") r-\ ('; ,.( ,,"', !\A.,. ('l MI1A/'- o EXPJRATIONOATE: PHONE: L/k\5:'_j ),<<) /(--;/2-2 1201 J - PHONE: '7/ s-- ~ '16.5 \ CONTRACTOR REG/STRA TION NO: PROJECT SUPERyJ~OR; (l,---. \ I LA... INSPECTIONS: AN INSPECTION REQUEST SHOULD BE MADE PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE, .AFTER THE PROPOSED WORK KAS BEEN FO RMED AND MADE READY TO POUR. CURB CUT AND SIDEWALKINSPECTlONS CALL 72&3769 IAECOADER) STATE YOUR OESIGINATED CITY JOB NUMBER/PERMIT NUMBER, JOB ADDRESS, TYPE OF INSPECTION REOUESTED, AND WHEN YOU WILL BE REA(J'( FDA INS FECTlON, COHfRACTOR'5 OR OWNER'S NAME AND PHONE NUMBER. REOUESTS RECEIVED BEFORE 7:00 A.M. WILL BE MADE THE ' SAME DAY, REOUESTS AFTER 7:00A.M. WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORKING DAY. INSPECTIONS ARE TO BE CALLED ,IN AFTER EXCAVATIONS ARE MADE AND FORM.wORK IS IN PLACE BUT PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CALL THE LANE UTILITIES COORDINATING COUNCIL'S "ONE CALL NUMBER" 1-800-332-2344 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING SIGNATURE: AMOUNT RECE!VED: RECEIPT NO: DATE PAID: I RECEIVED BY: By signature, I stale and agee, that I have careMy examined !he completed application 8f\d do he reby certify tha! all inlormation hQ"ein is [rue and coned and I further certifY that illY and all work per10rmed shall be, dene in accordance wilh the Ordinances of the City of Springlield. applica6le Gill' :51andard speaTicaJians and Dra....,n~s, and the raws of l/1e Slale 01 Oregon pertaining to the work described he-ein. I further certify lhal.only COntraclas and employees who are in compliance wllh ORS 701.055 WIll be used on Ihls proJect. . The City may inspecl,lhe work sile described in this parmil alany lime during a one year period 10 lIowing Ihe receipl by !heCily at notice of COl1l~le1iQ{J oIlhe descflbed wQ(k and Specify, aIthe City's sole discretion, any additional, restorallQJ1 WDfk required 10 return the siletQ a slandrod acceptable 10 the CI . The permlnee will be notified In writing of any work required and will nave lnlrty days (30) Irom Ins dale of the nalice to complele the work. Work no! camp eted 011 the Efld _ at the thIrty days Will be perlormed by tlie City a':lo Ihe cosls will be billed 10 !tie permil!ee. \ , t lurther agree 10 ensure thal all required inspections are requesled althe proper lime, Il1al prol eel aduess is rS8da!je from the slreet, and Ihe approved set 01 plans WlII remain on Ihe site el aJlllme~ during construclion. . Signature Dale