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Permit Correction Notice 2009-6-19
".-vj'~'~'~?:~Irf-.-~l:Jr~:~~~;'~~u-~'~Jt...w~V(.~~1ft~~~~"'l~'~~~~;n~~.}\;,!",,~fH"~~'ll~i~1iji~~~~~~ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: 6 / J3..J OCf . Job# C 'f - ~W Address:.'It!'O 52 ~'" f'L, Inspection Type:/11o"IAj,,,rllAr~) 110.., (. ;:,....J TO: LOI/1It. or<< Jf (oVJ~/v~, rl/d:>k-7 : p,ov,'Je &,..V"IO.... j,."...... (,&)"'t>"k ~"-/',,. <It> 5IcJ,~ . ; Bf?cA 1'00""" CI'U;" + ~;'y')Y1,-;...~. 'v ; 1 ~. . :/J/leqq,'55 /~~t,';S Me....) .Jo '6.:. wo.Ic.."'-"1+ ~.....qe{v<"<'> 1..'<11-,7 , ~ .. ..." , ../br Itllt I. Yu vOcv..... ; 'i f3.ri) k,.", iA l' ".Is v~ I?/ <t: ~..,/ f'/IIY1D~{, ]-/O.2./W) : f1t.~~ -Iv c,(,I/'..-1 t{ "",.vi p...y I/l'vrf. . " 6fS5i: P. 3/1 tl;f~ //0, 1"2.- 1Vft. 2JtJ. 70 I!, . . " ":' ",.', .. ,', .. " .-' ,","""" \' 7.?6-lfbS-i:-, Correction~ a~d. reinsp~cti~n req~esi: sh,all be ~age'within")O ,calenda; d~ 1-;'9:-->"':'" , Call for reinspection ~yes. DNo.. Inspector (5tYt.rVl /b::"'(u'/~Ph. .... Date: ~ 09 , ';"";"''''IV'''''';'';'''''N';;",Call for inspection. 726-3769",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J~"''''''''Question5 726-3759",,,,,,,,,,';',,,,,,,,,,,,., . ., ," ,~. ~'". ,,__ ,.",,~(. _1-". ,. .;' '1~'.,",..<~"" _ . " ,.;,~, f:,(,'~" ,~~."',::':r~.:,(:;t',.,,,;,~:~..~\J -t(.~;'::'_':;",:'''''_ .:, ,,"~I_~"'<d'__" .... 'f.. ;;;".,:.r, ;.: .~:... oJ., ',,: ",~:t;,,''''''''':>i'''':,~''',,"C'''~; 'r,,~. .' ~-_' .__' ,_<_--:, j,; f.' .,;,~"."i,;I.S_;:,~ )::'