HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Complaint 1977-10-14 ~l'IUNlirU;LJ) l'UUL1G VIORKS DEPARTMENT p- 17'--67- ..2" c; ~ken By ~(l'11 S'@d,'" eo..,'",n' Fo", , . v;: t ~ :~'o-/' 3 1'L", 3S0 Location of Complaint ~ (\~f.e,lC iP/19 Mrl'~ S{-, .'ype of Complaint fl.\l\ rl/7lilYl - ~ . ~D&5 "J ~j,cl1 ~\.pAb:. c>~ h".f-IWo~-,J .wR- ~ ~ - :+I- ~"''i om ,/-JM;. , _ i( A~" Owner of Property <' IV t'\\ l:-lY\ '>'\Ul.'A <. - I" I C;; I >>1 tI / 11 sf ' B v. - Complaintant's Name _ 0,h~~ ~Q --;/etjJ 1Lt0i.. ~ 3""1 2 ~o.s-t. Complaintant's Address ~ ~ 3, . tne - fill ff)~ '~~e~r:d-t:---~-----------------*~~- ..: ~'J~~ Person Conta:ted /lM./AI<P _ k p Action Taken, '-J/Jj ~(a:;/;0.~,-,) . '-1LD Jtp""j- ,UJ~ ~~ : ~ ~ .iA~rd in t?A~ ~'hJ ~(O';tq W~ (~r/Y---j' ~ ~U ,(" - I . / By I-eIL (j~ . SlA-bSty~~- (6n-'fJ~ . .pate /(?- /4/17 Time 3:00 p~ 6 r~ ~()A"'---r I 'P crt; ytv..~L- PW-93 -'- --- - - - -, - _.' ,f"i/ll SPRINGFIELD PUllLlC WORKS DEPARnUCNT Standard Complaint Form ~ /J I. , PW-93 Taken By, /f~r DatejO-,;J.!5-17Time -4 ; OOf/'Y\. , .""" "fC=,I""' G141 ~ S1kEL Type of Complaint k?o::f ~- D Owner of Property ~J' m?m~-J2.E:=-Q_-z1:--- Complaintant's'lame ,S{2fld '_ i(i~ ~/V'-cr' ~ Complaintant.'s Address-2k.2 N, 2-'6:!:5. J~1 \ .Phonc..2_:L 7.-=-.iLI 2- /- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Referred to ~ L/L,h)r I'~ Person Cont~cted_/J6.fdi.d-f^) / ~ hr {~ ~_:lJ1.h-- ~ .tio.n TakC::;"'CJ.{1[, ~~~ (~'LJ 0./ f/l/l.....'--: ~ ~-- ~"'lA,-ko~r-J~~ -~~~ B V~.,. Date__./~ -cil-Il_~~ Time~Zi~9i?~ . (i -r- ~l f / \ 1"- [, - '- . 6149 MAIN STREET October 14. 1977 . --- ~-- ~1. 6149 MAIN STREET October 14, 1977 r' r \ I l I 1 .J . . r. ~.." ,.r{, " " l~ . . ..~ ' f ., . 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CITY,OF SPRINGFIELD ~Iarch 9, 1~)7~J ~lemorandum to: Joe Leahy, Assistant City /\ttorney From: Sally Johnson, Environmental Inspector )C( Re: 6149 H"in Street, 4'10 North 36th Street, ISSO.J Street * t. 6149 Main StreethFor your inform"tion, enc!ose,1 miners of the IInit~ loc;lt'cd at 6149 }!a.ill StTcct. agreemcnt CiS stated in this letter, is " letter from the I~c Ilave caine to ~lll 2. Also, for' YOltr records, the ten:Ult at 'ldO ~!orth ~6th Street h"" comp1 icd with your letter of ~Iarch 1, 1979 "nd has removed the junk ,,"d garbage from the prope~ty. 3. I wrotc to ~;r. Phi I Gillette of ISBn ,J Street on February 6, ]~)79 regardi.ng removal of ;lcculllulatcd hOllsehold ~~;Jrb;Jgc 011 I,-is property. Hr. GUlette removed the garbage at that time, but: continues to allow it to accllmulate For long peri.ods of time (see ;1t:t.acheJ copy of City Code "hi c.h add resse" storage and rcmov:t I of ga rb"gc), I fi nJ th i.s sjtuatioll to he ;l cont'intlal problcm \vhi.ch is vcry diFficlIlt, to de:II with. Perhaps h'e C~Jn .dcv,ise somc kind of form letter similar to the 'portablc sign' letter. Please advise. . March 7, 197' Ronald B Clark Superintendent of Building Department of Public Works City of Springfield Springfield, Oregon 97477 SUBJECT: Duplex(units 2 & 3) 6149 Main ST. Springfield RE: Our conversation of Wenesday March 7, 1979 Your letter of November 29, 1978 by Sally Johnson Dear' Ron: This will confirm our conversation of March 7, 1979. All items of Ms. JortBon's letter have been complied with except that of Item iI, the replacement of the foundation under units 2 and 3 (a duplex). There are no known dangers to health and saftey on the property. As regards the foundation replacement for units 2 and 3 (duplex) we have obtained estimates;~' They range in price from $3700 to 6500. . It is our intention to replace the duplex with another structure within the next,five yea~. We feel that putting the above sums into the foundation wou~d be impractial. Since in addition to the above costs there is anothe~~ost of $500+ for the necessary plumbing if the,building i\ta~for the foundation. ': ;~This wili~~e~ve as our intention and agreement with the A'City of Spring~~eld that within five years from t~is dat7, March 7, .,.~1979 ~ agree to have completed one of the follow~ng act~ons: ~taken out permits for the demolition of units 2 and 3 (duplex). and demolished the duplex. 2. taken out building permits to replace the building. 3. taken ont permits and installed foundation under the duplex. cordia~:;y 1 11 /J It 1hW/)~,jL Neill hblland '-- I! <'1-/-//, 1/ Iflr./-( YYL!(;Zej ~l\~' t--\CMol---. Ve~a Holland Susan K. McManus Neal and Venetia Holland 3439 Storey Boulevard Eugene, Or. 97405 484-0804 Susan K. McManus 6151 Main Street Springfield, Or. 97477 726-0740 copy: Ms. Sally Johnson .~,/ ...r.:, , . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS November 29, 1978 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Ms. Sue McMannus 6151 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Ms. N.R. Holland 3439 Storey Boulevard Eugene, Ore9on 97405 * SUBJECT: Notice And Order To Comply With The City Of Springfield Housin9 Code Dear Ms. McMannus and Ms. Holland: As a result of our meeting on November 22, 1978, this is to confirm our representation to you regarding repairs at 6149 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. The following items need to be cor.lpleted in order for the structure to have compliance with the minimum requirements of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield: .. J "'-...... -. -,- . . Page 2. Housing Code Compliance Items #2 and #3 must be completed by December 8, 1978. Foundation plans must be submitted also by December 8, 1978. A time limit for the foundation installation will be decided upon at the time of the plan approval and permit issuance. Please direct all further inquiries to the Building Division at 726-3753. SincEjrely, . A-L(T(l-L,,~/~ Sa lly JOhns'Zt.- Environmental Inspector cc: Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Lorne Pleger, Senior Plans Examiner Joseph Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Enclosure SJ/ct . . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY November 9, 1978 223 NORTH A STREET SU ITE 0 746-9621 Ms. Sue McMannus 6151 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 Ms. N. R. Holland 3439 Storey Blvd. Eugene, OR 97405 Subject: Notice and Order to Comply with the City of Springfield Housing Code * Dear Ms. McMannus and Ms. Holland: This will supplemerit earlier. correspondence which you received from the City of Springfield and discussions that you have had with the City of Springfield regarding the violations of the City of Springfield Housing Code which exist at 6149 Main Street, more particularly described as tax lot 3400, Lane County Map Reference, 17-02-34-03 in the City of Springfield, Oregon. Our records indicate you to be the owner of this property. Over the past several years, personnel from both the City of Sprinfield and Lane County have made numerous health and safe- ty inspections of the property at 6149 Main Street. The pro- perty as in the past, continues to be the site of numerous vio- lations of the City of Springfield Housing Code. Recent in- spections reveal that many' of the hazards which ,have been pointed out to you in previous correspondence and discussions have not been remedied. We believe that we have provided you with more than adequate time in which to bring the premises into ~onformance with the City of Springfield Housing Code. At the present time the following violations of the Springfield Housing Code remain ,at the premises: 1. The sight is attractive to and provides breeding ground for rats. Junk and used material remains on the pre- mises. Household garbage and livestock feed is impro- \, .. --..J ~. '. . ,perly stored. 2. The dwelling units are in such a condition that there is no bar to the entry of rats. '.' 3. The bedroom in unit number 2 has nO window or other means of escape in case of fire. .:.~~'.""'\-. 4. The ga~age between unit 1 and unit 2 is dangerously de- teriorated. ..-., . 5. There is no foundation under the structure. The above set forth conditions were pointed out to you in a let- ter dated November 23, 1977, and have not yet been corrected. In view of the lengthy period of time which we have allowed for your compliance without success, we are now prepared to post the buildings as unsafe to occupy. Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building, City of Springfield, will review the property again on December 8, 1978. If the above set forth violations of the City of Springfield Housing Code have not been corrected on that date, Mr. Clark,. .will post the building as a substandard building and unsuitable for oc- cupancy. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY Joseph J. Leahy Assistant City Attorney JJL:bkk cc: Mr. Ms. Ronald Clark ~ Sally Johnsonv ,..., ..,~-. ,. . . . 40 0-1' . ((V (p"- .' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS November 23, 1977 346 MAIN STREET ~~..."!" 7U.375S Ms. Sue McMannus 6151 Main Street Sprin9field, Oregon 97477 ''f/frs- f!al(~ . 1-f<f --tf6()1 CERTIFIED LETTER ~ Dear Ms. McMannus: SUBJECT: Notice And Order To Comply With The City Of Springfield Housing Code As a result of complaints, both the City of Springfield and Lane County have made numerous inspections over the past several years at 6149 Main ,Street, more particularly described as Tax Lot 3400, Lane County Map Reference 17-02-34-03 in the City .of Spri ngfi e 1 d, Oregon. Our records show you to be the owner of this property. . These past inspections conducted by personnel from the Lane County En- vironmental Health Division. the Spr.ingfield Fire Department, and the Springfield Building Division revealed numerous health and safety haz- . ards. More recent inspections, again initiated by complaints received, re- vealed that many of these hazards still exist. This, then is your no- tice and order to'effect repairs as follows: 1. Raw sewage and waste water are emptying onto the ground under the.last unit. All waste w~er mUpt be emptied into the City's sanl tary sewer system,. _ 17 X /€..d.. Conditions that are attractive to rats must be abated: all junk and used material piles must be removed, household gar- bage and lovestock feed must be stored PLoperly inrnetal Hln,-' f. tainers with tight lids._ ?~~ $.17/ F5eJ>1 , The dwelling units must be in such a condition as to prevent entry to rats. 2. '0 3. /2 - ~ -7 7 1J/y~, ~~~ ( /1tt = 1? (~I1IUI.-~ <'/1u 14- ) OU~ 010 ~dv?4.e ~ p~ c ~''1~~ tv7fl,~;1 k- ~~ " i ."1.. C)" r Notice and Order Page 2. . *-' . . 4. 6149 ~lain Street, 'unit 112 - the Wlrlng in the utility room is not protected. The hot water heater and dryer wires are under- sized. -.f,~ 5. The front entry porclnon UJ1it 112 has deteriorated to the point of being hazardous. ~ 6. The bedroom in unit #2 has no windpw or any oth~r m~ans of es- cape in case of fire. ....l\..Or~,j o...s.;... ~0Ul:iA......1\' The following conditions are violations that have been noted in the past. These conditions must be corrected within one year of the date of this notice. 1. The garage between unit #1 and unit 112 is dangerously deterio- rated._ itSVr\ ~ 2. There were visible signs of rat droppings in the hot water heater closet in unit #2. 3. The bathroom shower in unit #2 is not sol idly hooked to the drain. --n~ 4. unit #2'_~jto.-S ~/.-,' Insufficient heat exists in X 5. No foundation exists under any part of the structure. ~ T~ Building Division of the City of Springfield will be calling you in the "near future in order to arrange for a follow-up inspection of 6149 Ma inS treet to determi ne the degree of improvement of these condit ions. In the meantime, all present or future vacancies shall not be re-occupied until. reasonable code compl iance is gained. Any attempt to do otherwise will be looked upon by the City of Springfield as a criminal offense. Be advised that any person having any record, title, or legal interest in the above mentioned property may appeal from this notice and order of the building official to the Building Board of Appeals, provided the appeal is made in writing and filed with the building official within 30 days from the date of this notice and order. ,{ Please direct all inquiries to the Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, rt6l{{L.CJlI?~ {liL'c)C Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of Building cc: Members Springfield Board of Appeals Springfield Fire Marshal Rich Coots, Lane County Environmental Health Division RBC:ct r . . P.O. Bo); 5626 E' . 0 97' 0'" U[,eue, -re. q.) Dccelliber 17, 1977 Mr. Ronald B. Clark, Supbrintendent of Building City of Springfield ;,,: :~!' :~ i:~' ': Dear I":r. Clark: Be: Sue McManus property at 6149 Main Street Thank vou for 8penJinG the time with me to go over the letter sentlo my daughter on November 23, 1977 reg"rding the above property. Tb i~ Ie t tel' is to let :rou know tbe progres s that hn s been made in correcting the items listed. ~sing the numbers on your letter as reference, this is what bas been done: 1. raw sewage pipe has now. been connected to sanitary system 2. junk & wood piles have been cleaned up, garbage cans have been placed on platform (as per Sally Johnsons suggestion) 3. someone has heen engaged to start' Hork this corning H8ek and will be p13cing poison under the dwellings and then stopping up the holes .,.,;'1{ w;.-'" (n~~'A. 4. the garage is being torn down between HI and #2 Bnd Hhen this is completed the hot Hater heater will be rewired 5. this porch is to be torn down and replaced. Steps to be of treated Hood witt minimum treud Hidtb if 9", rlJaxirnuJl: rise of 8" and a r8iling ,"ill be inst811ed 6. Small room in /12 not to be used as bedroom aud tenants will be informed of this ~'urther items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. j'(n'Itlit. hl-.lc; beetl l~nkcn out fol' Lh:ts .1>,. i:!(o~.,l:~ to stur"C this "'leek See /13 c,bove this has heen bandIed this gas wall furnace has we Hill get estimates for os funds ore available. been hooked up and i8 in operation this work and will handle os soon ~s explained, Cincnco3 31'8 a prob~em. l'le ,viII \oe in touc,h when this work has been co,npleted. Yours sincerely, J!W~ }~r:;:-n j!ct'CCuzF Mrs. N.R. Holland CC: Sue ~1cMBnu8 ~ '71"" ,.'v& " ~;; : .' ~l"", . '.r~ '. , " ,'; ~.., ,~.:-. 0,," " t'~-' (.,.NF} 'FLOofJ...' {N flj-/-T OF," (3A-7tt/2.0rJ~(I17IU'C{)/J1t7/l)(r 7'7fe~i if:" 2.. tO~N uP /'-ITCJI-e'IJ pc..ooR . " ,..,', pf.-{)(),e):};'r: '~ ~. '.'~b<~/N~~ ':~:::;~- ,"leer.' . .' ':!t' Ji}:;.. r,' 'P,eoN7 f~~c/.(' '/1-4S 'IfU6-tf.; ~LG. 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':. ~...,\ i~~ .~.:..~: .~t, .....-..., ;~:;"".., ,~:.. ~~. l,'"l " ~,.' 'h~'~ ~~~ "'''':.,.;M~ .' '\.:'~ '. ......":> -' )' . ~ ". " :,. ,''': .' .\ ,::"; ~ ~...:' , , ,. '- ,-' " , '. .~ '. -: -- ,.., " ...... . . - ~-:.: ''. \ ' '- , , .....'.. ,', .1 '\~-" . ---.-',._-: ' .... ~ .l.. ~ - ,; \ . .. .('.;.,~...' ','( '-.. "'. -, '.,;\ ,. -<~- '\ ':'~........ . " " 'j .. ' " . ...\..... . J. "'_ ~ -, '; '.... -.... ~o,::- ".J.r:-':;. ~ ~.:-. h_...._ -- ..--'-- ...... 1 . .---._:...~~:.._ ..::......:..:.:'--~_..::-.. ."y';;-.~\-' .... :;~-.:.- -:-.-- .- , ,-.~'-:' . r;.-.i.. f,. '''.' ""', \" , ,... '. \ "~.; ,-, ..... o , ,(, . " --;----~- " .... _I ' ~ , , , , , 'I ~ , ; , , )'l J \ '. , ,.' ~' '-....;..; --,', c.. "". ''- , ' $'-~.' '. .' :. ,I" ','. ", o . . P.O. Box 5626 Eugene, Ore. 97405 December 17, 1977 Mr. Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent 01' Building City 01' Springfield " Dear Mr. Clark: Re: Sue McManus property at 6149 Main Street Thank you for spending the time with me to go over the letter sentfo my daughter on November 23, 1977 regarding the above property. This letter is to let you know the progress that has been made in correcting the items listed. Using the numbers on your letter as reference, this is what has been done: 1. raw sewage pipe has now been connected to sanitary system 2. junk & wood ~iles have been cleaned up, garbage cans have been placed on platform (as per Sally Johnsons suggestion) 3. someone has been engaged to start work this coming week and will be placing poison under the dwellings and then stopping up the holes ..;It wire (VL~Ii:A 4. the garage is being torn down between #1 and #2 and when this is completed the hot water heater will be rewired 5. this porch is to be torn down and replaced. Steps to be of treated wood with minimum tread width if' 9", maximum rise 01' 8" and a railing will be installed 6. Small room in #2 not to be used as bedroom and tenants will be informed of this Further items: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Permit has been taken out for this & work to start this week See #3 above this has been handled this gas wall furnace has we will get estimates for as funds are available. We will be in toueh when been hooked up and is in operation this work and will handle as soon As explained, finances .are a probillem. this work has been completed. Yours sincerely, ~ ~ ~ j/otttuur Mrs. N.R. Holland S fDrcvj 61), 4)14- 0'(04 ?A 39 CC: Sue McManus ~,. . . AN1) , ("\ , ,0 11(p' tL' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET November 23, 1977 l;! ~...+1~ 1,~.3153 CERTIFIED LETTER ~ ~. \~\\(;wj-. * Ms. Sue McMannus 6151 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 SUBJECT: Notice And Order To Comply With The City Of Springfield Housing Code Dear Ms. McMannus: As a result of complaints, both the City of Springfield and Lane County have made numerous inspections over the past several years at 6149 Main Street, more particularly described as Tax Lot 3400, Lane County Map Reference 17-02-34-03 in the City of Springfield, Oregon. ,Our records show you to be the owner of this property. These past inspections conducted by personnel from the Lane County En- vironmental Health Division, the Springfield Fire Department, and the Springfield Building Division revealed n~merous health and safety haz- ards. More recent inspections, again initiated by complaints received, re- vealed that many of these hazards still exist. This, then is your no- tice~order to effect repairs as follows: 1. Raw sewage and waste water are emptying onto the ground under the l~st unit. All waste water mu~t be ~mptied into the City's fJsanitary sewer system. - re-p. a...c. I-€.-~ 2. Conditions that are attractive to rats must be abated: all junk and u~ed material piles must be removed, household gar- bage and. l~vestock feed must be stored properly in metal con- tainers with tight lids. tJ-..'vr(.. rv....b Ou-- ~. OVl pt C0t'Foyrn...s:: 3. The dwelling units must be in such a conaition as to prevent entry to' rats. ~' . . Notice and Order Page 2. ; ~149 Main Street, 'unit #2 - the wiring in the utility room is ~ 4. ~ot protected. T e hot water heater and dryer wires are under- , sized. ~5. ,~ front entry ~orch on unit #2 has deteriorated to the point. P' of being hazardous. -re-~ The b:droom in un~t__~ has no wipdow or any other means ~f es- . cape ln case of flre. - ckYl- f- "'-~ a.S a..~cf,n)()~ The following conditions are violations that have been noted in the past. These conditions must be corrected within one year of the date of this noti ceo .~1. ,The garage between unit #1 and unit #2 is dangerously deterio- /f\~ated. -~crL-- -'- ~ . r=u~'I-.p:::-L There were visible signs of rat droppings in the hot water ~. eater closet in unit #2. . , The bathroom shower in unit #2 is not solidly hooked to the ~in-: / Insufficient heat exists in unit #2. No foundation exists under any part of the structure. I ~~ The Building Division of the City of Springfield will be calling yoJJin the near future in order to arrange for a follow-up inspection of 6149 Main Street to determine the degree of improvement of these conditions. In the meantime, all present or future vacancies shall not be re-occupied until reasonable code compliance is gained. Any attempt to do otherwise will be looked upon by the City of Springfield as a criminal offense. Be advised that any person having any record, title, or legal interest in the above mentioned property may appeal from this notice and order of the building official to the Building Board of Appeals, provided the appeal is made in writing and filed with the building official within 30 days from the date of this notice and order. Please direct all inquiries to the Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, ~uaJJ Qfl.~ Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of Building cc: Members Springfield Board of Appeals Springfield Fire Marshal Rich Coots, Lane County Environmental Health Division RBC:ct . . .j w\\\ ~e \" ()~~J <::" - , \)~ , ., '" , !~ ,~- ,~' SPRI~nEtl> ~..- '. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ',- ; fitandard Comolaint Form Location of Complain~ 6149 Main Street #2 ~ - Taken By l'J Lucia Hart Date 7/25/75 Time 3 :30 Type of Complaint Two apartments on one meter (electrical); faulty structure - bathroom floor sinks, there are Loose Doaras, no LOCKS, etc. Owner of Property Kevin McManus Complaintant's Name Josef Tunison Complaintant's Address 640 10th Street Phone 747-0340 l J ..: Referred to Wendell Bartholomew ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , Person Contacted /7-u 2-34- 30- 2,407) . ILl' <T~ /-::5T4r~ LTD 3 ?r.6D f/~;f/E 44~. A~tion Taken By Date ~ AT , , .. ~ I \ .. , ., Time ~ - , . ,__ . t .~ .. S?RINGFIELrr PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT "- ~~' fltandard Comolaint Form t'/Y1 Location of Complaint. lAM 10 I\~ ,U ^"! ~/t r:-l~^A" , , ~ Type of Complaint_ ~ ~ CM1er of Property ~~ e.tJ?~ ~i.u.d7 Complaint'ant's Name Q'Dn~ D/Y7j1J0~- Complaintant's Address ;;;/(,19 ~Am ~ Taken Byd;;{ ~ .. I Date /tJ- -.J / Time tj, c0. ~ -AA~ ....4rv~_ 1/1 '-- ~k7.h.oj 72t. -1')'Jlfb , Phone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Referred to Person Contacted Action Taken By Date -' Time '. ~ ~ -/re~~$e~~. 6 I '~f'" ~~r ~ ,/ ~ /UJI- -- ~ fY > ~"-e.-. ~ ~/7/ / t;J ~ 1<< ~ /~-L V1(., d-a..-i-:- ,. F/. ~.~ ~ ~~ ;Zcrr/. , . L/-dr;~ ~-o - /~U.t-/I ~ ~~~~. #0.2, -;l~ d7Z~ ~t:.Q../ ' BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION SPHINli~Il:LU ~IHl: Ul:PAH 11V1l:N It , SPRING.D. OREGON " . / ~ INS'PECTION REPORT i~ OCCUPANCY . /'/0 ADDR<CC I'r-I' ",. I' A I." r;:'/'i'~ /l/at,o/ (q) BUS, PHONi= OCCUP. NAMI= HOME PHONE , HOME ADDRt:~c BUILDING OWNER'~ ~A'JeP7dlfe tPc...~:' ~:?<?-0?~?;, , ADDRF<C 1;2 /j' WI fifes D r. E 0'1 eM.... THE FOLLOWING FIRE HAZARDS WERE FOUND ON YOUR PREMISES: f):.:;VT- -r,;,: '. al,->VI"',c",,,Is. /n:'Lcc-lcrl ".{Y'N,L., +,~< r< ,.,!....,;..;, 11t1:, dale- Ih<c. bu;fcl>;,// <. aYe IN 1/""'1"'1 n"y,v , ' , Ii; ''', r)"'r.r' iT' Ie GlklO_fnill t ;,-J. ..(:~u' l/E,),..<< . EC&v-f~ ~t~,Jj he> trcIY~"jJ ~ _ . r .1 f ,,( rlh ~..o ,,~ k,;/-!,'7-; --.-~ /""....1.:-. ._,./ C" I , /-.. V 7-:::... Lr.-::: :.: h. -t_ c..~_ - . r /":'/:-:-.''--:.'''.6.-~---. 17.':::- <~7p" ( ~ .. /-. TOTAL I HAZAR OS NUMBER -' ' DATE 'FQUNn , , /7./ I '7;1; .'-1- INSPECTED BY , / II, /. /"}.''"/-- HAZARDS - ABATED . Date /1 /10 I~.s ~ '/ Type of Inspection Time ~(~;,;~~~ / Time Desired I ~;-,.u" ~_/ /:71C:/liVh~a-</ J... - . I) . Proiect Address /, I f '1 ??1 ~ Remarks 'Jf.,:LJ l..,._ -b /..-JAAj"t.",.., 1../ /I L'/-l- AI l' '( i' I' " yr-, I'. ~,r.i:' JI.. to- ..t-,t-'t. '_lI-'//.~.:: f' ." Owner Contractor ~ . .. ..(....,/1. r..'. .i; t.:! ,f" ',; ......~ . ,'. " ~. .... .'"" t; J ,J l .>_'! ~ 1....,_, , " ..,,'-:."' ..:/;,7r/ /i ',' INSPECTOR'S REPORT Approverf Not Approved Date ~ 1--- s...~k ~, ,. ,.I f" l<- ( ,,} I.' I, /1,./... .1.......... Remarks ::;t." . /. /r ".....,.,._ . ,,. / / , " ~ <: l ~...../"\- " " .. ------- / By /'1# r ~,-<'.f V -.fl.., ~, ~(;2j., . . . .. . . . . - ___hn@Lttl___?!t~___ ____i!~ ??_"':7?_____________________ _____ _______~ ;2.";- ---"2- ____________________ ______________________ ------gt --if~~~ -~ :;St1_1::_Z _4~_~~ $d,~_ -- i- u_.'_ ~~-'--~-~~~~-r- ~ d .--~ .. ...~. 6ffl~::;~ ;1~~;1.?4~~- -- ~_,__fi ... ' f~A<41P'~~~'~= - ~-~~-~?~-~1'/~ .-~~~-~~- - --~~.~~---- ---~--I----------~ ------------ --- ------------ -------- ----- --- --- . ~___ __ _____ __....________________.__ 4 __ __ ____________ _ __ . h_~# ~~~~~- ____~~~~~~__u -fI:!!-~~~, '~~ -~ ~ f/~~~k/~/- __~~--I-~-~---U _ ~/t~_ddL~~~ - tt~ 4.t~.~~&b-~-~~A.~r!)~7~ -u?/~-1_~~-7b- ~~-1&~-z4-Ji~ ii,_~ An( ~ - -~/-~J.:L~--~ ~.d~~~~~-jLij/jj~~, --6..J.{/Vl1 ~~-~--~~A d~~~ ')C,r i:~ _/r~J.td-.&I~:L~~~-- :__ . ~~4.~____ __,.6t~_~ ~~ ~_~ "--_~.-2~/..-/~_ --~~~~~-./~. - --------- ------- -- - - -- - ---It- --z--r-d~-~tTtL~~€-J ~ ~4f)Jl{<=,-___ _ nk;L~~~0~->- ~~~.t-6- ~--,----,- _________ ___ ~ -- - I -_. ------.-.--.-- ------- -----~--------- - ----------- ---- ------- --~~-- - ----_._~----- - ~ --------.- - -., - ---.--. -- -.- -- - -.---- ----- ."------ ~ ----------- --,------ --'--"- -- " . . lane county . . January 22,.1976 Kevin McManus 6151 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Request of sanitary investigation at 6149 Main Street #2, Springfield. On January 21, 1976 this office received a request to make a sanitary inves- 'tigation at the above' facility owned by you. Investigation revealed that the shower was draining waste onto the surface of the ground under the cottage. This office is allowing you 14 days in which to have the shower drain con- nected to a sanitary sewer. A reinspection will be made on Friday, February 6, 1976. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. JOHN C. STONER R. S ., DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH D1VISION '~~ ') . ,1 /j}'IlJYi/ (}-r(;' ,- /A~/>" ' - . \ ,/.,,- '/ ,,,. BY: Richard M. Coots Registered Sanitarian \ L ( RMC:pv cc: Wendel Bartholomew - City of Springfield \ ENVI RONM['NT AL \ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES , A, K, HOTTLE, DIRECTOR HEALTH DIVISION / 135 EAST 6TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 / PHONE 15031 687,4051 ~ . . ~~~@wB~@JQD~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD .~- December 11, 1978 To: Joe Leahy, Ci ty Attorney IS Offi ce F . l] From: Sally Johnson, Environmental Inspector * Re: Information on 6149 Main Street, 4131 E Street, and the Bull's Eye Gun Shop. Neal Holland, part owner of the units at 6149 Main Street has fulfilled the requirements of your November 9, 1978 letter and my November 29, 1978 letter. All the items listed in these letters have been complied with, except for the foundation, of which plans are currently being cO~Dleted by a licensed contractor. Unless Mr. Holland does not follow through with the foundation plans, the violations will be considered abated. . Your support, which appears to be instrumental in gaining voluntary compliance from the above, is much appreciated! '. Ronald B Clark Superintendent of Building Department of Public Works City of Springfield Springfield, Oregon 97477 SUBJECT: Duplex(units 2 & 3) 6149 Main ST. Springfield March 7, 1979 RE: Our conversation of Wenesday March 7, 1979 Your letter of November 29, 1978 by Sally Johnson Dear Ron: ~ This will confirm our conversation of March 7, 1979. :', All items of Ms. Jortson's letter have been complied with I except that of Item #1, the replacement of the foundation under units 2 and 3 (a duplex). There are no known dangers to health and saftey on the property. As regards the foundation replacement for units 2 and ,3 (duplex) we have obtained estimates:,,' They range' in price from $3700 to 6500. It is our intention to replace the duplex with another structure within the next five yeam. We feel that putting the above sums into the foundation would be impractial. Since in addition to the above costs there is another cost of $500+ for the necessary plumbing if the building is raised for the foundation. This will then serve as our intention and agreement with the City of Springfield that within five years from this date, March 7, 1979 we agree to have completed one of the following actions: 1. taken out permits for the demolition of units 2 and 3 (duplex). and demolished the duplex. 2. taken out building permits to replace the building. 3. taken out permits and installed foundation under the duplex. ~~~ILL Ittt#~ " \/elI'lS.a HOlland SNU )L.N c;~~~ Susan K. McManus Neal and Venetia Holland 3439 Storey Boulevard Eugene, Or. 97405 484-0804 Susan K. McManus 6151 Main Street Springfield, Or. 97477 726-0740 ( ~ ~ r 7" - .::1 copy: Ms. Sally Johnson . .