HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-6-5 ~....... ~yrtl \1- Geotechnical & Conslrucfun Services Compressive Strength of Concrete . (ASTM C 39) Ilil'llml;.lt~1"UIIIJl'.lfl-' CLIENT - Mr. Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon 97403 PROJECT L TD Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon B,P, NO, COM200B--00440 j , DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION .05,08-09 _ CAST BY M, Meyer , 4900 psi 4000 psi ' SACKS 39685() CEMENT 7,0 MBAE - 90; GLEN 3030 1 TICKET NO, 58008485 60" F YARDAGE 9,0 OF 38" F WEATHER Clear Colored crosswalk paving at east end of pedestrian walkway. DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, 06-05-09 2087170 6417 DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE 05-09.09 4" x 8" ESG 3/4" 5 1/2. 6:25 AM ASTM C31 AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE ,OF DATE (DAYS) (IN,') (LBS\ LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSn (PSI) TEST FRACTURE- 05-15.09 7 12,56 8,41 ' 74430 I 5930 9:00 AM 2 I 06.Q5.09 28 12,56 .8,46 97240 I 7740 7:30 AM 2 I 06.05-09 28 12,56 8,45 92335 I 7350 7545 . 7:35 AM 5 I Hold I I ."'1 - End Cones 2 - ConelSplil 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: Ih ,-;f,/7,.. ~ Michael L. ~e7 Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw. Mark Young (em ail) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard. Tina Guard (emaii) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield. Denny Wright (em ail) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such. information contained herein shall nol be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FE! Testing & Inspection. Inc.'s ....,..itten authorization. 7ffJ rwv CaneIIAvenue' Cavalro;, Qeg:x197330' phone (541 ) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAiIp:rlRood' Eugene, Qeg:x1 97402' r:rone (541) 684-3849 'fax(541)684-J851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2' Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844, fax (541)382-4846 \:1 A'1..r~ ~rtl Geotechnical & Constnrlon Sffi.ires Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) 11:r.'IJtlrr;..tl~':i~'I(IJ~*m. CLIENT Mr, Joe McCormack PROJECT L TD Gateway Mall Station DATE 06-04.09 Lane Transit District 3000 Gateway Street PROJECT NO, 2087170 PO Box 7070 Springfield, Oregon REPORT NO, 6414 EUgene, Oregon 97403 B,P, NO, COM2008-00440 DATE CAST 05.07-09 CAST BY A. Fensterrriacher DATE RECEIVED 05-08-09 STRENGTH REQUIRED 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x 8" STRENGTH PLACED 4000 psi SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 396850 CEMENT 7,0 MAX SIZE AGG, 3/4" ADDITIVES AEA AIR CONTENT 4.5% LOAD NO, 1 TICKET NO, 58008446 SLUMP, 4. CONCRETE TEMP 660 F YARDAGE 10,0 OF TIME 8:45AM AIR TEMP 510 F WEATHER Partly Cloudy SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION North and south sections of crosswalk between pedestrian walkway and station. LOAD 1 SAMPLED ' From north side AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) (IN.2) (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTURE- 05.14.09 7 12.56 8:46 74035 I 5890 I '9:10AM 5 06.Q4-09 28 12,56 8:47 93325 7430 8:30 AM 6 06-04-09 28 12,56 8:43 92100 I 7330 7380 I 8:35 AM 5 Hold I ..1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: fJ, ,x'. {Jw, ___ Michael L Me(/;; Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw. Mark Young (email) Ang Engineering. Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard. Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (em all) MLM:sc ThIs report andlor enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom il is addressed and pertains 10 the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shalf nol be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FE1 Testing & Inspection, Inc,'s written authorization. 7fiJ rw CcmeII A'.\3flJe' Cavallis, Oregon 97330, pt-ooe(541) 757-4698, lax (541) 757.2991 29540 BAipo1 Road, Eugene, Oregon 97402, pt-ooe(541)684-.3849 , lax (541)684-3851 630fiJ Corpor;,te Place, Sutte 2, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844, fax (541)382-4846 ~ SfEt ~ ..;.d & Conslr\.dDl Ser.;;es Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) AWI....:v.:ft:lllklil\lflltm.. CUENT Mr, Joe McConnack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene. Oregon 97403 PROJECT L m Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield. Oregon DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, 05-28-09 2067170 6393 B,P,NO, " COM2008-00440 SACKS CEMENT R. Ma~ama DATE RECEIVED 05-01-09 SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x8" SUPPLIER ESG 7,0 MAX SIZE AGG, 314" AIR CONTENT 2103682 SLUMP 4" 10,25 OF 122,0 TIME 8:30 AM Partial Clouds SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 DATE CAST (" 04-30-09 STRENGTH REQUIRED \:4000P~i' STRENGTH PLACED : 4000 psi' PRODUCTCOOE \3~50 ADDITIVES Super plasticizer LOAD NO, 3 TICKET NO, CONCRETE TEMP 75" F YARDAGE AIR TEMP 47" F WEATHER POUR LOCATION West bus lane (except north end), Set 1 Approximately 40' from north end, CAST BY LOAD 3 SAMPLED AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAl COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYSI ON.') (LaS) . LOAD (LBSI STRENGTHlPSn (PSI) TEST FRAcTURE- 05-07-09 7 12,56 8,52 I 70115 ,- 5580 4:10PM 2 05-28-09 28 12,56 8,49 90100 .7170 2:00 PM 3 05-28-09 26 12,56 8,51 90290 .7190 7180 2:05 PM 4 Hold, '.1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Spill 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (lop or bottom) REMARKS: Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of on"site te.t results, Reviewed By: /7, '"t ,IlL... ----- Michael L ~~yer Technical Manager 0: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (em ail} Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contractlng- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (email) MLM:sc This report pndl0( enclosed tesl dats is the confidenti~1 property of the cfient 10 whom II is addressed and pertains to the spedfic process and/Qr malerialevaluated. AS $ur.h. Information contained herein shaU not be reprodUCEld in pan or full and/or any pan lhereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s 'M'ltten auttlorization. 7fIJ WV 0:meI A"",,"-,,, ' CavaIs. (ng:n97:m' Jilooe (541) 757-4008 ,fax (541) 757~ 29640 BAiIut flm:t ' Eugt:re, ~ 974Cf.!' pI-cre (541) 684-3849, fax (541 )684-J851 63050 Corporate Place. SUIte 2, Benet Oregon 97701 'phone (541)382-4844' fax (541)382-4846 Mr, Joe McCormack lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene. Or$(jon 97403 SfEl ,mllbl:lr.~.:,.,,,,...V',~.IJ\,,,,hJ,,,, CUE NT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 9 SAMPLED ) 0L , ~ , ,;..;; & O:n;lrucfun SeM:es Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) PROJECT L TD Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 05.28-09 2087170 6394 B,P,NO, C0M2008-00440 " CAST BY R. Ma~ama DATE RECEIVED 05-01-09 SPECIMEN SIZE 4"x8" SUPPUER ESG 7,0 MAX SIZE AGG, 3/4' AIR CONTENT 58008357 SLUMP 53/4' 11,0 OF 122,0 TIME 10:00 AM Pariial Clouds SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 04-30-09 4000 'psi {OOO psi 396850 Super plasticizer 9 TICKET NO, 73' F YARDAGE 56' F WEATHER West bus lane (except north end), Set 2 ApproXimately 50' from aoulh end, SACKS CEMENT AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAl. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH nME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYSI (IN.'1 (LBS) LOAD ILBSI STRENGTHIPSIl (Psn TEST FRACTURE- 05.Q7.09 7 12.56 8,50 64725 5105 3:30 PM 4 05.28-{)9 28 12,56 8,50 88440 ,7040 1:50PM 5 05-28-09 28 12,56 8,51 87620 6980 7010 1:55PM 5 Hold .., - End Cone. 2 - Cone/Spin 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of on-s~e test results, Reviewed By: (JI. --;(,~ ---- Michael L, M:yer r Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (email) Ang Englneering- Jok Ang (am ail) Balzhlser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright {em ail) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed te,t dtd.tl is !he confldential propertY' of the client to vkIom h Is addressed gnd PEtrtains to the specific pr<>Ce55 and/or material evaluated, A'!J $uch, Information contained hel'8ln shan not be reprodUC8d In part Of full end/or any part thereof be dr,cIQsed without FEI Testing &. Inspection. Inc,'" written euthorization, 750 rm Canet Awrue' CovaIs. Oegr19733J' ptrre(541) 757-4ERl' falC(541) 757-2001 29540 B Aipcrt R<m' Elqre. Oeg:n 974l!2' pI-a1e(541) 684J849. Bx (541 )684-3851 63050 Caporale Place, Suite 2' Bend, Oregon 97701 ' phone (541) 382-4844 ' laX {541 )382-4846 SfEl tt Geotechnical & OJnslructm Servires Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) .1:"'llilrt:'iltl.':':llllh'.lUtI CLIENT Mr, Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon 97403 L TD Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon 05-15.09 2087170 6417 DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, PROJECT B,P, NO, COM2008-00440 ' \ DATE CAST 05-08-09 CAST BY M, Meyer STRENGTH REQUIRED \ 4000 psi "- STRENGTH PLACED 4000 psi SACKS PRODUCT CODE 396850 CEMENT 7,0 ADDITIVES MBAE - 90; GLEN 3030 LOAD NO, 1 TICKET NO, 58008485 CONCRETE TEMP 60" F YARDAGE 9,0 OF AIR TEMP 38" F WEATHER Clear POUR LOCATION Colored crosswalk paving at east end of,pedestrian walkway, DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE TEST DATE 05-15-09 06-05-09 06.05.09 Hold AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 WEIGHT (LBS) 8.41 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.(PSIl' ,5930- . AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) 'TIME OF TEST 9:00 AM AREA (IN.'l 12,56 TOTAL LOAD (LBSl 74430 05-09-09 4" x 8" ESG 3/4" 5 1/2" 6:25 AM ASTM C31 TYPE OF FRACTURE- 2 "1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) 3 - Columnar REMARKS: Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: A,x.~ Michael L.' Me!6r Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (email) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (email) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process andlor material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full andlor any part thereof be disclosed without FE! Testing & Inspection,lnc.'s written authorization. 7ffJ WI CanelAven..e' CavarIS, Oeg:n 97330, phooe(541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757.2991 29540 B Airpat Road ' EL.gene, Oeg:n 97402 ' phooe (541) 684-3849 ,fax (541 )684-;J851 630ffJ Corporate Place, Suite 2, Bend, Oregon 97701 : phone (541) 382-4844, fax (541) 382-4846 ~Pr-. ~.ftJ \kf Geotechnical & ConStrudion Servires Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) 11."mrr;.I~~~:J~'llImIlJ~I. CLIENT Mr. Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon 97403. L TD Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon 05.18.09 2087170 6429 DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, PROJECT B,P, NO, COM2008'00440 \ ' DATE CAST 05-11~09 CAST BY D, Delatte STRENGTH REQUIRED C" ~4000,psi STRENGTH PLACED 1...4000 psi SACKS PRODUCT CODE 396850 CEMENT ADDITIVES Sun baked clay color LOAD NO, 1 TICKET NO, 60013164 CONCRETE TEMP 65" F YARDAGE 6,0 OF AIR TEMP 66" F WEATHER Overcast POUR LOCATION Crosswalk strip at north end of west bus lane, DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR CONTENT. SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE 6,0 TEST, DATE 05~18-09 06-08~09 06--08.09 Hold AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 TOTAL LOAD (LBS) 82000 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIME OF TEST 11:25AM AREA (IN,') 12,56 WEIGHT (LBS) 8,72 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTHIPSIl 6530 / *"1 - End Cones 2 - cOne/Split 05-12-09 4" x 8" ESG 3/4" 3" 12:55 PM , ASTM C31 TYPE OF FRACTURE- 5 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) 3 - Columnar Reviewed By: ;JJ.'I.~ Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager - c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (ernail) Ang Engineering. Jok Ang (ernail) Balzhiser Hubbard~ Tina Guard (ern ail) Brown Conlracting~ Adam Hughes (em ail) City of Springfield~ Denny Wright (ernail) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the. client 10 whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific . process and/or malerial evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEr Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. 7fJJ MN Cane! AIIISnJe' OJrvaIlis, ()eg::n 97330, pho1e(541) 757-4698' fax (541) 757~2991 29540 BAirpo1 Road . Eugene, ()eg::n 97402 . rrrre (541) 684-J849 ,fax (541) 684-3851 630fJJ Corporate Place, Suite 2, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844, fax (541) 382--4846 &fEI. tt Geotedlnical & Construdi:Jn Services Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) '1.'11M"':"I~""'~:"llll\'.I~[. CLIENT Mr. Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon 97403 L TO Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon 05-14-09 2087170 6414 DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, PROJECT B,P, NO, ,'COM2008-00440- l._ DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION 05-07-09 CAST BY A, Fenstermacher DATE RECEIVED \ , -4000,psl- SPECIMEN SIZE (jooo psi SACKS SUPPLIER 396850 CEMENT 7,0 MAX SIZE AGG, AEA AIR CONTENT 1 TICKET NO, 58008446 SLUMP 66' F YARDAGE 10,0 OF TIME 51' F WEATHER Partly Cloudy SPECIMEN STORAGE North and south sections of-crosswalk between pedestrian walkway and station. LOAD 1 SAMPLED From north side TEST DATE 05-14.09 06-04.09 06-04-09 Hold WEIGHT (LBS) 8.46 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI)- 5890 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIM E OF TEST 9:10AM AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 AREA (IN.'! 12,56 TOTAL LOAD ILBS) 74035 05-08.09 4" x8" ESG 3/4" 4.5% 4" 8:45 AM ASTM C31 TYPE OF FRACTURE- 5 ".1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split. 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: /h. '/.~ Michael L Me,t; Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (em ail) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting-.-Adam Hughes (emaH) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (email) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client 10 whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall nol be reproduced in part or full andfor any part thereof be disclosed YJithout FEI Testing & Inspection. lnc.'s written authorization. 700 NW ComeIIAvenue' Corvallis, 09pl97330' phone (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757.2991 29540 BAirpat Road, Eugere, O9pl97402' phcne(541)684.;J849' fax (541) 684-J851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 ' Bend, Oregon 97701 ' phone (541) 382-4844 ,fax (541) 382-4846 ~ ~~F-~ ~...... - Page 1 of 1 Ir~'II!!rt;.II"'~;'llIIl.lIl. Geoh.: , .:..d & Construdi:Jn SeM:es Daily Field Report Client: Mr, Joe McCormack Project: L TD Gateway Mall Station Date; 05--08--09 Lane Transit District 3000 Gateway Street Project No,; 2087170 PO Box 7070 Springfield, Oregon Report No,: E-22941 Eugene, Oregon Inspector: M, Meyer 10 No,: 0877905-88 ICC Inspection of: Reinforced Concrete Weather: Clear Continuous Inspection; 0 Contractor: Brown Contracting BPNo,; COM2008.00440 Periodic Inspection: 0 Performed inspection on the reinforcing steel in the north section of west bus lane entrance from Gateway Street Rebar was checked for grade, size, lap, spacing, quantity, ties and supports, Slip.dowels were suspended in a wire cage at joint~, Observed theplacement'of 9,O'yards,0lEugene Sand and Gravel 4000 psi concrete in area noted above:,and'9,O.yards 014000 psi cOJicrete'with:sunbaked clay color in crosswalk at east end of pedestrian walkway, Concrete wasplaced,directly from truck and was manually consolidated, Cast one,(1} set four (4) 4" x 8" compressive strength cylinders from colored mix and performed field tests as follows: slump - 5 1/2": concrete temperature - 60F; air temperature - 38F, Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised and was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 03.12--08 and al?plicable workmanship provisions of the LB,C" except if noted above, Reviewed By: A,~,rr- Michael L Meyer Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (email) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting. Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (email) \ MLM:sc This report and/or endosed test data is the" confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or malerial evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full andfor any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. " . 7E1JN-N CcmeIIAvelll,.e' CavaIIis, Clreg:T197330' p>-roa(541 )757-4699' fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airpat Road ' Eugere, Clreg:T197402 ' p>-roa (541) 684-J849' fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, Su~e 2, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844 ,fax (541) 382-4846 Mr. Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon 97403 ~"'~J ~r_ 11:'111'lrt;41lr~'~~'111l\1.liLl!I CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 3 SAMPLED TEST DATE 05-07-09 05-28--09 05.28--09 Hold AGE (DAYSl 7 28 28 ~ Geoted1nical & Construdion Servio3s Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) PROJECT L TD Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, 05-07-09 2087170 6393 B.P,NO, COM2008-00440 04--30.09 ,4000 psi 4000 psi -396850 CAST BY DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE 4" 8:30 AM ASTM C31 R Ma~ama 05.01-09 4" x8" ESG 3/4" SACKS CEMENT 7.0 Super plasticizer 3 TICKET NO, 75" F YARDAGE 47" F WEATHER West bus lane (except north end), Set 1 Approximately 40' from north end, 2103682 10.25 OF Partial Clouds 122,0 AREA (IN.') 12.56 WEIGHT (LBSl 8.52 TOTAL LOAD (LBS) 70115 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH'(PSIl ,/ . 5580 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSIl TIME OF TEST 4:10 PM TYPE OF FRACTURE- 2 I ."1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 - Colum~ar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By:- t1:e'{ i};;- Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw. Mark Young (email) Arig Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (em ail) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (email) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains' to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part Dr full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Jnc.'s written authorization. 750 MN CanelAvenue' CavaIfis, Oregon 97330' plu1e(541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757.2991 29540 B Aiport RoOO ' Eugene, Oregon 97402 ' p-me (541)684-J849 ,fax (541 )684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 ' Bend, Oregon 97701 ' phone (541) 382~ ' fax (541) 382-4846 kL &fEI Geotedrt;aI & Construction Servires Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) 11;.,mlrt;..rlt.,..allllu.ml!!l CLIENT Mr, Joe McCormack PROJECT L TD Gateway Mall Station DATE 05.07-09 Lane Transit District 3000 Gateway Street PROJECT NO, 2087170 PO Box 7070 Springfield, Oregon REPORT NO, 6394 Eugene, Oregon 97403 B,P, NO, COM2008-00440 DATE CAST 04,30.09 CAST BY R. Ma~ama DATE RECEIVED 05-01-09 ,/ STRENGTH REQUIRED) 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x8" STRENGTH PLACED 4000 psi SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE - 396850 CEMENT 7,0 MAX SIZE AGG, 3/4" ADDITIVES Super plasticizer AIR CONTENT LOAD NO, 9 TICKET NO, 58008357 SLUMP 53/4" CONCRETE TEMP 73" F YARDAGE 11,0 OF 122,0 TIME 10:00 AM AIR TEMP 56" F WEATHER Partial Clouds SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION West bus lane (except north end), Sel2 LOAD 9 SAMPLED Approximately 50' from south end, TEST DATE 05-07-09 05.28--09 05.28--09, Hold AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 AREA (IN.') 12,56 WEIGHT (LBS) 8,50 TOTAL LOAD (LBS) 64725 COM PRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSIl , 5105 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIM E OF TEST 3:30 PM TYPE OF FRACTURE- 4 "* 1 - End Cones . 2 - Cone/Split 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: M(3.~I2:~ Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (email) Ang Englneering-Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (emall) Brown Contracting. Adam Hughes (emall) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (em all) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to 'Nhom it is addressed and per:tains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part . theroof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, lnc.'s written. authorization. ' 7fiJ WI ComeIIAvenlJ3' CavalfIS, ()egoo 97330, phone (541) 757-4698, fax(541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road ' Eugene, ()egoo 97402 ' phone (541) 684-J849' fax (541) 684-3851 630fiJ'Corporate Place, Su~e 2' Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846 \1-- ~...... ~ttl Page 1 of 1 11;"'lltl~i.lf"'i1:'111111W!l 8:...k.-":-.. ,rnJ & Construction Servioos Daily Field Report Client: Mr, Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon Project: L TD Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No,: Report No,: Inspector: ID No,: 04-30-09 2087170 E-22897 R Ma~ama 5235029-49 ICC Inspection of: Reinforced Concrete , Contractor: Brown Construction Weather: Partly,Cloudy.: '-,) BP No,: COM2008-00440 Continuous Inspection: 0 Periodic Inspection: 0 Performed final inspection on the reinforcin9 steel for bus lane from exit off of Gateway Street to parking lot entrance, Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement and clearance, Steel was secured using tie wire and was supported above grade. Observed the placemenl of 122,0 yards of Eugene Sand and Gravel 4000 psi concrete (mix 396850), in areas noted above, Concrete was placed by pump and was consolidated by mechanical vibration: 'Cast two (2) sets 'of four,(4) 4" x 8" compressive strength cylinders, ' I Set 1 I Concrete temoerature - 75F I Air temperature - 47F I Slump - 4" Set2 Concrete temperature - 73F Air temoerature - 56F Slump - 53/4" Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) was advised of the on-site test results and was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 03.12-08, Gateway Street Improvement plans dated 07.25-08 and applicable workmanship provisions of the LB,C" except if noted above, Reviewed By: j/J, -;;,~ Michael L. ~~vlJ - Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw. Mark Young (email) Ang Engineering. Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfieid. Denny Wright (email) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection. lnc.'s written authorization. 7fIJ NN ComeIAverue' CorvaIis, Oeg:t197330' phone (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 .29540 B Airpcxt Road ' Eugene, 0eg:t1 97402 ' phone (541) 684-J849 ,fax (541 )684--3851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541)382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846