HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PWE 6/4/2009 i, [City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: _ Site Plan Review Submittal: 0 . -. City of Springfield Phone: 726-3685 Fax: 736-1021 I I ....,...;,', I Applicant Name: Icompany: /Address: "c,~"""",.<";..,...c._.:~,,.,'. -, IAPPlicant's Rep.: Icompany: !Address: . Leonard 1. Goodwin 225 Fifth Street, City Hall, Springfield, OR 97477 .wo. . n,....__ ,"_.. u.. .... Tim Bingham Larie Council of Gove~ents Phone: 682-4410 Fax: 682-2635 ""~"",8:?,:::i,~!~~~:,s.,;:.,,,,~Suite 500. Eug.ene~,<=>,~.~?401 I Property owner:' ,City of Spriilgfield Icompany: N/A !~~.dr~,~~:,_,225 Fiftll SU'ee~City Hall, Springfield. OR 97477 , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17033500 ITAX LOT NO(S): 307 I Property Address: '303 South 5th Street ISize of Propertv: 116,66 Acres IX! Square Feet '0 ! Pro'??:,E!,d N,~~e of Project: Spr~g"field Mill Race Ecosystem Restoration p'?ie,ct IDescriPtion of If you are filling In tlils form by hand, please attach your proposal descrIption to this application. Proposal:, See Attachment A, IExistinq Use: Mill Pond INew Imoervious Surface Coveraqe (Includinq Bldq. Gross Floor Area): 0 ISignatures: Please 51 nand print,your name and date in the ,appro riate box on the next Phone: 726-3685 , - - I I I I I I I I sf I aqe. , Fax: 736,1021 Associated Applications: Ipre-sub Case NO.:Pr(looq - iXOl~ Date: Icase No.: Date: Reviewed by: IAPPlication Fee: $' Jti-(00.?- ITechnical Fee; $ ----- Ipost~qe Fee: $- ITOTAL'FEES: $ _c31Lo~ 'l PROJECT NUMBER: ~.e!t1rtj;:r~r:;J.::;p;l.'o~~..,.,'<I;""~Ir.:W;:::'o'i:I"'>"-";~'2To'.;T;;';::!';',c;,;;:<;';!';;:;;;C';;;'''''''''':.~I"~,~:~,~;::-;:;~ll'~~,~l''';;Z;t~ir''~:\t~:>:itri;i::;:-,,,;;:;;';:';~~r~;(.r\~:':.!),~2t'::!j?~,.r.'T;"-'tE.'.~;I;-,'t!:'..;;;-;i:'''-';':';'''~~ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 taft/lor , Siqns: Reviewed bV:'11 nt.vC1 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 ,> Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application withtt the Owner's origin.al signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undrrsi9ned acknowledg 5 that the Il)!.errnJltlon In this application Is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Sub ittal Meeting. ,/ ./ Owner: ~ ' /. .,'7'" ( _. _' - Date: ~~ /;:;::7c::7 /' ~ature / / Leonard ], Goodfln f~ity of Springfield 'Print '----" Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the oty. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the Information identlfled by the City ,as necessary for processing the application Is provided herein or thelnformatlon will not be provided. If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a .complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Leonard 1. Goodwin for CitY of Springfield Print PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O _ JUN.: 4 2009 t. Revised 1/1/08 Molly ,Markarian , 2, of 10 ATTACHMENT "A"" Springfield Mill Race Ecosystem Restoration Project - Phase II Response to Checklist Submittal Requirements Narrative (Project Description) The proposal represents Phase II of the two-phased "Springfield Mill Race Et'osystem Restoration Project," which is a high priority project for the City of Springfield and the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers, In addition to providing a more reliable and sustainable supply of clean, cold water to the Mill Race for improving essential fish habitat for Upper Willamette Chinook salmon and for supplying water to beneficiaries, such as farmers and drinking water for Springfield residents, the overall two-phased. project wili restore 2.4,3 miles arid nearly 50 acres of Mill Race riparian and wetlands habitat. Phase I is located eiltir,ely outside'the city limits and Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) of Springfield with construction scheduled to begin in spring/summer 2009;,Phase II is located mostly within the city limits - the mqst southerly 500 feet of tax lot 307 is outside city limits - and entirely within the UGB. Construction is expected to begin as soon as permits are 'issued. " The primary focus of Phase II is the conversion of the Booth-Kelly Mill Pond; approximately 45 acres in size, to a diverse eco-system of wetlands, upland prairie, riparian fore'st, and a meandering MillRace channel that will provide Upper Willamette Chinook salmon with direct access to the Main Stem oftheWillamette River. Phase'I1 restorationactiviti~s will occur entirely within tax lot 307 which is owned by the City of Springfield, The following are the major restoration and construction activities of Phase II:" , . Dewater Mill Pond; . Remove and dispose of contaminated sediments; ., Remove, demolish, and dispose of the Carpentry Shed, the Mill Pond Dam and bridge; . Remove invasive species and replant with native species; . Excavate new Mill Race channel (0.9 milesll.50 acres); . Restore habitat: wetlands (11.20 acres), upland prairie (2 acres), riparian forest (23 acres); . Construct fire protection pond (0,50 acres) and two stormwater treatment ponds (2 acres); . Construct pedestrian trails, boardwalks, overlook (4,8 acres); " . Provide parking,by paving existing crane shed and install,] bike racks, /' The project will not result in ,any' n~w structures, impervious surfaces, or empfoyees, In addition to the 45 acre Mill Pond and restoration area, other existing uses o'ri tax lot 307 include a mix of manufacturing and professional offices to the west of the Mill Pond with associated parking and utilities totaling approximately 16,50 acres, The remaining areas to the south and north are undeveloped '(approximately 54,50 acres) and, at this time, there are no plans for future expansion, Total size of tax lot 307 is 116 acres ' '" The proposal is consistent with the objectives of the Booth'Kelly Mixed UsesDistrict, ie to protect significant environmental resources, and with the City's Local Wetland Inventory and Natural Resources Study that promotes restoration of the Mill Pond. ' d" '; PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 -,,"~.. See Attachment B for a list of Figures. Copy of Deed - City of Springfield is owner of tax lot 307, Copy of a Preliminary Title Report - City of Springfield is owner of tax lot 307. Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 8.5"xll" - See Attachment C. , ' Right-of-way Approach Permit Application - Not applicable: no frontage on ODOT facility Three Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study - The proposal will not create any new structures or other impervious surfaces and, therefore; no additional storm water runoff will be generated by this project. Two stormwater ponds will be constructed in the western corner of the tax lot to provide some level of management for runoff from existing structures and impervious surfaces on the western portion of the site, In terms of how storm water flows will be affected by the overall project, the following is a brief narrative describing existing conditions and expected changes. Under existing conditions, the Mill Race drains local stormwater runoff as well as flows originating from the inlet connection with the Middle Fork Willamette River. When the inlet becomes hydrologically disconnected from the Middle Fork during dry, summer months, water flow is supplemented by pumpi~g. Several stormwater outfalls drain directly to the Mill Race ands to Jasper slough, which joins the Mill Race upstream of the 28th Street Bridge, Diversion pipes at Gorrie Creek and Quarry Creek divert flows from the Mill Race back to the Middle Fork via hydraulic control structures. Under proposed conditions, the inlet would be connected to the Middle Fork for a longer duration than under existing conditions and, thereby, reducing pumping needs, A flow constrictor and overflow weir will be constructed in the'Mill Race Channel during Phase I limiting the flows diverted into the Mill Race under flood conditions exceeding a 2-year storm event to the same flow as under existing conditions. The activities proposed as part of the Springfield Mill Race project include fill and removal of sand, gravel, rock material, placement of large woody debris, and installation of concrete blocks within FEMA Zone AE, The proposed'activities also include excavation of material and removal of an existing stormwater outfall within the FEMA Zone AE Floodway, No other fill or encroachment activities are proposed with the Zone AE Floodway. The proposed activities within the Zone AE Floodway do not result il). an increase in floodway elevations, The project does not affect the local stormwater drainage area discharging into the,Mill Race, As a result of the Mill Dam removal, a given discharge in the Mill Race would result in a water surface elevation up to one foot lower than under existing condition in the area between 18th Street ands Jasper Slough. An excavated channel is proposed within the Mill Pond area and storm flows in this area would result in lower water surface elevations than under existing conditions, The reduction in flood elevations is up to ten vertical feet in the vicinity ofthe dam, . ;' ~ PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'D JUN 4 2009 '" .' ", " An existing 48~inch starrriwater autfall pipe alang the narth bank afthe Mill Pand near the Mill Dam wauld be retained under praject canditians. The project will nat affecfthe quality ar quantify afthe starmwater effluent. On the south bank aftheMill Pand, existing staimwater effluent wauld be 'routed through two. new starmwater detentian/treatmenfpands. The pands . .. . . will be vegetated to. allaw filtratian. Flashbaard riser with.a large vertical range will allaw adaptive management af water levels' anddetentiah times to. aptimize pallutant settling, The pands are designed to. improve water quality and attenuate peak flaws during'starm events, Far mare infaimatian pertaining to. the hydrolagic and hydraulic analysis canducted far the "pre" and "past-praject" canditians far this project, refer to. Attachment D, ' Three Copies of the Traffic Impact Study - Natapplicable: the propasal is :'a habitat restaratian project and, therefare, daes nat result'in the canstructian af any new struCtures or the conversian af existing uses that wauld generate traffic demand. ~'i Seven Copies of the Following Plan 'Sets for Pre-Submittal OREightetm Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal ~, a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions: . Vicinity Map - See Figure 1 (includes watercaurses). Nate: applicable Water Quality Limited Watercaurses and setbacks are: Mill Race (setback = 50 feet) and Mill Pand .. . 1 (setback =50 feet), 'See Figures 2 (Springfield Lacal Wetland Inventory), 4 (sails), 5 & llC (aerial phata shawing what is remaining and what will be remayed), . Flaadplain/flaadway baundaries - See Figure 3, As shawn, there are no. flaad hazard zanes affecting the Mill Pand, , . . Time af Travel Zanes - The mast nartherly portian af the Mill Panel: is affected by a 99-year time af travel zane related to. a wellhead lacated near 1-105 tind Q'h Street. No. !=lther travel zanes affect the Mill Pand area, ' b. Site Plan - See Figure 5 where 2008 aerial phata shaws the existing Mill Pand, surrounding undevelaped areas, and the existing buildings and ather related develapment uses in the western partian af the site, . . Buildings - See Figure 5 far existing structures. No. new strticture~' arepropased . Fences, walls, starage, equipment, trash receptacles, si'gns: Withinlithese categaries af 'uses, trail signs are propased to. be located along the propased pedestrian trails and baardwalk as shawn an Figure 5, .. . Parking spaces: As shawn an Figure 5, the flaor af the existing Cfarie Shed will be I' paved and striped in accardance with City aff7street parking standards including the provisian af ane disabled parking space, The existing Crane Shed!.building will re'main in its current lacatian and candiiian; the anly propased chahge is paving and striping af the Crane Shed flaar. I_ . Develapment Area: No. new structures ar imperviaus surface areaS. are p'ropased. 'New trails and baardwalks are propased as shawn an Figure 5 blit\vill be canstructed with perviaus materials. These perviaus areas represent a very sniiill percentage af the project and are less than ane-tenth af ane percent af the lat area, . Solar Access: No. new structures are propased, f, " :(, i"I' PRE.SUBMITTAL' RECIO ,. JUN 4 2009 . Loading, vehicular, pedestrian circulation. Figure 5 shows the proposed parking area (Crane Shed) that will rely on the existing circulation already provided to the structure. No loading areas are proposed, See Figure 5 for location of proposed trails, boardwalks, and overlooks. ' , ' . Figure 5 shows the various streets and rights-of-way that border tax lot 307, Frontages along each street are: South B Street = 960'; Quarry Street = ],255'; Hill Street = 970'; South F Street = 47'; Railroad Tracks = 2,533'. None of the existing streets have c';lrbs and gutters and, therefore, no new curb cuts are proposed and no existing curb cuts are proposed for closure, ' o Bicycle parking sp'aces - 3 spaces will be provided within the Crane Shed parking structure as required by City development code, These spaces will be designed, located, and constructed in accordance with S~ciion 4.6-]45 through 4.6-]50 of Springfield's development code, . . Existing and proposed transit facilities - None. . Open Spaces, recreational areas, and other public uses. Theoverali Mill Pond area is approximately 45 acres in size and all of it is considered public open space with some recreational uses in the form of trails, boardwalks, and overlooks. o Phased Development - there are no current plans for developing future uses and phases on tax lot 307, c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan o Existing/proposed easements: Given the nature of this project and the City's ownership of the tax lot, no easements are proposed. There may be existing easements associated with existing utility lines and poles. . Existing streets, alleys: There are no alleys. Approximate street right-of-way and paving widths: >South B Street: 50'/25 >Quarry Street: 40'/10' >Hill Street: 40' /0' >South F Street: 0'/20' o Street Lighting: None. . Traffic control, fire hydrants, power poles, etc, No traffic control or fire hydrants are located on-site; however, there appears to 1:Je fire hydrants located off-site and along, South B Street and, South 7'h Street - refer to Figure 1 ]B, As shown on Figure] ]A, two 115 kilovolt e]ectrical transmission corridors cross tax lot 307, One is located at the west end of the Mill Pond where the pond tapers down to a channel and runs in a north-south direction containing three lines and six power poles, The second corridor is located along th~ southerly boundary of tax lot 307 and runs in an east-west direction for almost the entire width of the lot where it then turns and aligns in a north-south direction along the east portion of the lot and crosses over the Mill Race and continues northward, The power poles are located outside the footprint of the restoration project . Existing/proposed utilities. No proposed utilities. See Figure I]B for water mains. Public water mains are generally available to the site at South B Street and South 7'h Street, and on Quarry Street east of South Sixth Street See Figure 1] C for sanitary sewer and storm water facilities, Sanitary sewer and storm pipes are generally located in the northwest corner of tax lot 307. The only pipe that appears to encroach into the , \ PRE-SUBMIlTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 ., project footprint 'is a stormwater pipe in the general vicinity of the ,Mill Pond Dam. All other facilities on this figure appear to be either manholes, catch basins or outfalls (storm water) and these are concentrated in the most western portion oftax lot 3.07 were there is existing development and uses, d. Grading, Paving, Stormwater Plan . See Figure 7 for Fill/Removal within Wetlands . See Figure 8 for Channel Profiles . See Figures 9A and 9B for Grading Cross-sections . See Figure 9C for Typical Cross-sections . Roof Drainage Patterns: No new structures proposed. See Figure fOA for topographic and drainage patterns. . Impervious/Pervious Drainage Areas: All existing structures/stree,ts/parking shown on Figure 5 are impervious. The proposed activities/uses are all pervious, . Amount of earthwork: Fill = 6,556 cubic yards; Cut = 69,622 cubic yards . See Attachment D for description of drainage conditions pre and ppst-project e. Landscape Plan ' . See Figure 6 and Attachment E for Planting Plan Table. f. Architectural Plans ~ No structures proposed g. On-Site Light Plan - No proposed outside lighting, h. Additional Materials Required - None. Additional Standards/Applications . Riparian Protection - The Mill Pond and Mill Race have 5.0 foot riparian protections, For the Mill Pond, the top of Bank is shown on Figure 5 and is generally located one foot above the ordinary high water line around the perimeter of the Mill Pond. The extent of riparian restoration landward from the existing top ofballk is about 75 feet on the south bank. Along the north bank, the limit of restoration is approximately the location of the existing top of bank, The future top of bank along the north side,will , be located considerably further south than its current location providing a significant riparian buffer from the new channel and proposed wetlands, The buffer width will narrow back down at the wesi end of the pond as the new channel ~ligns with the location of the current channel. The proposed restoration project will result in the protection of and a higher functioning ecosystem thim under curretit Mill Pond conditions. ' . 27 trees will be removed in the most westerly and easterly portions of the Mill Pond/Mill Race, A.TreeFelling pemiit will be submitted upon completion of the pre- submittal meeting. . , - '. . Wetland identification has been submitted to DSL as part of the Mill Race General Authorization permit . A Joint Application Permit for General Authorization for Fish and;Wetlands Habitat Enhancement has been submitted to DSL and the U.S, Army Corps of Engineers, . An LDAP application will be submitted upon approval of the Site Plan Review " request . · Annexation of the southerly portion of tax lot 307 will likely occur if and when that area develops, PRE-5UBMllTAl REC'O' JUN 4 2009 ATTACHMENT B LIST OF FIGURES FOR SPRINGFIELD MILL RACE RESTORATION PROJECT - PHASE" Figure 1, Location Map (Phases 1 & If) Figure 2, Wetlands Study Area Map (Phases 1 & 1I) Figure 3, Flood Zone Study Area Map (Phases 1 & 11) Figure 4, Soils Study Area Map (Phases 1 & 11) Figure 5. Site Plan Review (Phase 1I) Figure 6, Planting Plans Typical Sections Stations: J08 ~ 155 Figure 7. Fill/Removal in Wetland Areas Figure 8, Channel Profiles Stations:) 45 +00 to 105 +00 Figure 9A, Grading Cross-Sections Stations: 155+00 to 131 +00 Figure 9B, Grading CrosscSections Stations: 130+00 to 106+00 Figure 9C, Typical Cross-Sections Stations: 155+00 to 144+00; 143+00 to 138~00; 138+00 to 131+00; 131+00 to 119+00; 119+00 to 108+00 ' , Figure 10A Erosion Control West Portion of Mill Pond Figure 10B Erosion Control East Portion of Mill Pond Figure l1A. Existing Electrical Facilities Figure llB, Existing Water Facilities Figure 11 C. Existing Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Facilities , , PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 Location Map - Phases I & II Figure 1. .....--- - ~~ /f .- 'f Id Millrace Location Map Spring Ie Phases I and II r- r',- --' "-- r ~ .~I},'C ji. 1- -- i - I ::l ~' '---,~) I ---.... =l~- -~ --j I t -- -- _I ~ ---.--./ ::::r 2T - -- Phase I [L..., ,--J 1,- N A ~ Phase II Urban Growth Boundary Parks 0 2,000 Feel t-J - 00 .. :J" (~ Main it - ase II South F St 1""----' 800f~ KJ Iy Rcfl =--, j it;/ ~\ '" r(Y >.. 1.\t. ~ 60\ 11 ~ .... l P'"\ . die Fork Willarnet: '00 Mid 1'", #~ ? 610 lJlbCl' . .AfI. r 'TO S"'~ 1-5 ~ ~ 3 6Miles o -+. , t\'l'I'I '26 DSLSpMillRaceLocation.pdf "T1 -. lC s:: ~ ~ . r o o II) - -. o :::s s: II) 'l:J ~ PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O g: JUN 4 2009 Ul , - Qo - - Figure 2. Wetlands Study Area Map - Phases I & II Springfield Mill Race Wetlands -- Springfield Local Wetland Inventory National Wetland Inventory in portions of Lane County Wetlands Determination in Phase I and Phase II Areas Legend I ~ Phase I .. Phase II Wetland Determination TetraTech 1- -I Springfield Local Wetland Inventory i ~ Lane County NWI I Springfield Urban Growth Boundary o 5001,000 N A 2,000 J Feet 1. c. "JIc.-.. In !~'>ad,I--Ph~se I~~ ~I 00 S'; i 1, aC'1 ~J, ~\}I ~e1 ~,9~,- ~---; ~04 iliac, ~ , PUBHx <. I~~( I ---- -~" DSL_ WetlandsPh 7 &2.pdf lC c: ... CD N . :E CD ~ m =' c.. III CJ) - c: c.. '< l> ... CD m 3: m '0 "0 =r ~E-SUBMITTAL REC'D ~ JUN 4 2009 RO - - FiguI 3. Flood Zone Study Area Jap - Phases I & II Springfield Mill Race FEMA Floodway, 100 yr Floodplain, 500 yr Floodplain Legend I Phase I I Phase II I , Springfield Urban Growth Boundary FLOODZONE-FEMA ~ 100-year Flood Zone SOO-year Flood Zone ~ Floodway ImHmmmm !filB fHB BBi%ffi iJmm~ffiB 3IEiDfBFlif$! ilJj6fjffi3M3 N A o 5001,000 2,000 ~ y- 3~, I 1"" ~ ~-i :rrJj~ - ..: U >. .... .... ro' :J \ o o c;? "tI =- Dl CIl CD 'CIl QfRE-SUBMllTAl REC'O = JUN 4 2009 n_ DSLJEMAPh 1 &2,pdf l r-- Figure 4. Soils Study Area Map Springfield Mill Race Restoration Project Legend Hydric Soils , - ~ .,IJ---IDJll11l11ll111 - lI"I;;.......m.ill~lJ~~;:'tL~~:~...W:r~.LL::) : 5~ ' J' ammmr;:mnl3llllllil!im, !IlIIIIlImJm, ~",;m-~.:'..,.!,'J!lI -UI~"l'\""",'~\'~~1'm-m, -X. - = DIIHffl1D8IIDB:IIlIIJ.IDJII ~'OIIlBBIL..:E, III .~~i...""'" --. . ........r-32-- j!II=~HHffiB!ffipJ.~'1 '~~~~;, . q ~ I~~~#~ CI::llJ1:OHIE~ Ft ~~=l=;' ::J:LLI ,"";; Il ~::: lUJCfOam'-Ul!JlJlLU ' '~T' c=nl 111111,11 ~l!i 17 I-. ~~ :s: ~ lur ~ LllJ j67~~~~PBEElF I~~ ~I/.JJIJ ::::--.. f-I- ~f-U ~ . '- i~ ~ --1-.[- -= / ~ ____ L _! I::: ......'. ~ -<- I I~, ^' ~.:,. _. !>o... -.cI. ~ ..J ~1'-. \. . r."- 1.:0--. . I '/~ J L ~ ~r ~ 113<3 / / v ... . 118/'il\i1 ~ 11lj),\1"c ~ >~II I "~-J, ,Y J ~ 11~~ 26 ~~9~ - nl 43E 29 f Wr\ I" ~ a ~o{2'o2J! ~ j IllV1n ~\ ~2~1 JE'~~ _ '1+ I/I;~ 138G 1\\ 96 I I( ---- \ '--- \. \ I-' I ..!Tj J[[ I dl ' 1)/ () ~9 ' _I a<:v<J ~ 113G 95 /--- -')1/0V ~ ~ ::n;; r>f' . '\ 138E 9{ 29 ~ ~ , ~..J. ~ \ 110 ~ ~V ~'- -:c t r' [:: "~ 43C I" ,on ~ \...... 95 I ~L ~ r ~ ~u ~ \j~---L ~ ~ . j; ~ ~Il ~II./ ~~~~~ .--/138G' '??',- : L._ - }10W 96 ~~,L//r ~9~ 43E-\ \ :\. ~ W ~~~ 95 A ~ 1-- '~ .-------J ~. ~ 96 ~......-~j{r y W J 95/' ~~~-~:~" ~/?:' r1 ~0 11~ W~ /;~~~~~~~..,~, ~ ,/0 ~ 95 ~~I D f: :]Ji;08cl/~2~~~;'~~~ ~~ ~~*: 26~"'D9~ \22) 0 75I19~8~/)3~9C ~lj~r5~ Map Units ~ 102C .. 106A .. 114 "34 "48 "6 "8 c=J Lane County Soils - Map Units Phase I and Phase 1\ o 5001,000 2,000 , Feet N A I J Springfield Urban Growth Boundary -- , \ ~ II~~ I L 'J'Y 9 -n 22 ....../l=' (Q ~J Alff ~ ,/@ ~ l-9S 96 (I) i= ~. r--i__ !- Ul (I) - s;: ~RE-SUBMmAL RECID 2: JUN 4 2009 CD III 3: III "C Figure 5. Mill Pen" Restoration Site Plan figS_JirtpJon..r ,.,'.pdf Legend Data Source: Tetra Tech. Inc, Proposed Restoration Planting ~ Ash Forested Wetland <z. ~ '- Scrub-Shrub E......'"..nt Wetland Emergent Wetlandl Seasonal Pond ~ Riparian Upland Prairie ~ ~ large Woody Debris Top of Bank Project Elements ~ Stormwater Treatment Ponds --"'"' Trail ....--- Boardwalk PRE-SUBMITTA . REC'O JU~ 4 ~009 r------' , 'Proposed Parking !.......--_.! c Trail Signs o 300 600 I Feel 2 3 Figure 6 Planting Plan - Typical (0 STA 138+00 TO 139+00 o SlA 139+00 TO 143-+00 . , . . '~'f~.- ~::t~ 't:.' >r '" Sections o STA '42+00 TO 143-+00 o STA 138+00 TO 142+00 490 480 0 470 460 ,- -=J 450 I -75 -50 -25 _ REMOVE CHANNEL _ .,. CONSTRICTION I AND REVtGETATE -NJC. TO.PlANTING.PlAH o 490 480 470 460 450 -75 -50 -25 490 480 470 460 L ~- f I -- --f ~P1NfT UPlANO PRAJ"ELee _ __ _ _ ~ AfII) RIPARIAN 'lEG r- , . , 110.DH'!'. '.. ... . - --{ -----' ~ ' r -- - - . 'j-....'c.:-NO ~ J - I'MTHIN LOW FlOW CHANNEl I. . I . 450 o -25 (NTSlrE'\ \WI 450 -75 -25 -50 INTSI!O\ \WI o TYPICAL TRANSITION SECTION STA 138+00 TO 143+00 TYPICAL BENCH FILL SECTION STA 144+00 TO 155+00 c TO PROJECT UMTT ~ RIPARIAN Pl.ANTlNGS --1 SHAle WfTlAND F't.ANTlNGS ~ ~ SHRUB 'vVETlAND PLANTINGS ~ RIPARIAN f't..>>lTlNGS --1 TO PRO..ECT UMIT ~~~[fj~'-f~~ ~J3J<~~'-1: j~j/? ~~j I -50 o 50 100 450 150 450 -150 -100 TYPICAL BERMEO SECTION (NTSI STA 131+00 TO 138+00 (J) RIPARIAN PlANTINGS TO PROJECT ~rr M I ----,- A!PARIAN PlANllNGS' TO PRO..ECT UMIT f-~o f--v'--j f 490 :~~r= ~ _ ;I:: :~~ , -~-=;, 460 SEEDING ONLY WITHIN SEASONAl PONDS ---' RIPARIAN I-- SHRUB ---.l I PlANTlNGS WEnAND ~ --,-' 490 --,- NO PtANTlNGS 480 470 460 , , .. ------1 .~.-,-----,- lit" ". ':- - - -~7.'" , I -+ _L- B 450 -250 -200 -150 -100 TYPICAL POND SECTION (NTSI 5TA 119+00 TO 131+00 (D -50 o 50 TO PROJECT UMIT TO PROJECT UMIT ~ RPARIAN PLANT1NGS --1 SHRLe WETl..ANO PlANTINGS ~ -1 SHAUB WETlAND PlANTlNGS r- RIPARIAN PlANTNGS ~ ::~ :-t~~_-f=-~a-.==~Nl~-~l-==:=-'~- ~~~fftj: ::~ 470 ':-------t~.....~:__' --:Lf- ----- h_ -- ,470 460 ,:... _ _ __-1_ __ _ - --1- -=--!t......~ v-~- ~ -:_~c:uL!"OPL.L ~ (T'IP) -- _:, 460 450 J ' , . , I, "i,., ,"-I, ,~~'~NX I -150 -100 -50 50 100 450 150 o . TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION (NTSI STA 108+00 TO 119+00 (D NOTE: PLANT RIPARIAN BENCH ALONG OWINEL wrTH wuow Pl.NITJNGS PL.ANT1NG ZONES SHOWN ON SHEETS l-1 AND L-2 I DATE IHJ la.lE PLOTTED: l/15J~ 11.21.1i!18 AM 490 480 470 460 450 . ~=:IP_!; rIL:"- ~-- ,'ma:,~ap__~ W.....W.r. r~.!: IHtg E~IW'II.II'lCl~'W/~h ~1\Rnl_' ~ {J.1lI w:ll1t... T_ c..m"lI!f!!!L- F'h~i"'latu. s.lI.ailch.oel. 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BLDS ABOVE GRADE CJ) IF.i"i':ll ~ ...-- oil......... --- I g I I ~ .1 ; :1 ! ind .2 I . ~ "II' , ~i ~s.1 I d i __ lb !d:: d ~~~ h~ B~ i~~ ~ ~ l , ~ ~ , ~ s: o ~ ~ i , tia~ t~ 5 ~~~ ' !d i ~ ;; ~ ;; I!l ~ ~ ~ ~ i o ~ ~ i , :'! u "I ~ " . ~ ~ I w i/ ~ H l~~ ;il! ,~I I I ~ 2 SHEET ; - L-3 ~ .I!l PRELIMINARY DFSIGN NOT FOR CON~TRlJC11ON I SKU NMI(. 2C L3 PLIlHTlNO TABLE NCl DETAILS _:loa...,. , Figure 7, Fill/Rei val in Wetland Areas Springfield Mill Race Phase II Legend Data Source: Tetra Tech. Inc, -- :1 Fill in Wetland Area ~ Removal in Weiland Area Restoration Boundary '-.] Springfield Local Wetland Inventory ,- FEMA Floodplain (See Fig, 3) PRE-SUBMmAll !EC'D JUM 4Z0)9 o 300 600 JFeel N A . Figl_wrtlondFR_l1xI7.pdf , 2 3 . '..-- Figure e Channel Profiles o EXISTING TIMBER BRIDGE L DEMO, HAUL, AND DISPOSE AND BUILDING EXIST DAM, BRIDGE. 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","'-0"', _0, '-" c, - ..ih,.~ ~' IYj..'''~<'' ""i. --~~<S-" I, ..~~\\,,<$y'> 't~.1. h.@--"t-G_.. __ !.. 'l' ~[_:~:~;~ , , 4 , ~ Mill Race Tax Lot #307 J= .- \ Phase II Restoration Area r ,,' ,~ , Data provided by Springfield Utility Board 4/24/09 4'F~r- ii i~ , t~ ~~tl SUB: - - ELEcnlC ~ ~ .. It-" - t -=~.. --~ I:'~~:-' :..' ~~,-'i;~-C5--:;" '" ,.: ,n;, -.", , '_ >All , I - ~:.. .... ':J . ft. -, .. ... T.--'~'"";"'_i'--;'~ " "1-1 ~-; -" :1. I ';;r I'" ._",.:-,:;- r -- I ...m_ ...:. 1 ---. , ::-~ -~;:;.~:- ;,~'i1,; ! 1 t ! ! '11- I _J__ ~ ~ 'I ,- , , , --~. , .- ! . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUN 4 2009 I , , I , ." F:c~,'~. ; , ! -.... , .d\ t_ ! ;~ 'I: "i__ '~ '1 ! ~r.~ 1 .J l""""~- ,~~ .- ~~_. Figure 11 C. Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer lines I . Legend . Sanitary sewer other . Stormwater other . Sanitary sewer lines o \ . Stormwater lines ---I L__J Phase II Restoration Area Footprint ~ l ~~~ :::: Tax Lot PRE-SUBMITTAL REC 0 JUN 4 2009 N A 200 400 800 I Feet Data source: City of Springfield 5/6/2009 ATTACHMENT C REDUCED SITE PLAN 8.5" x 11" FOR SPRINGFIELD MILL RACE RESTORATION PROJECT - PHASE II PRE.SUBMITIAL RECIO JUN 4 Z009 Figure 5. Mill Pond R...,," 'i , ~ Site Plan Legend Data Source: Tetra TedI, Inc. Proposed Restoration Planting ....." Ash Forested Wetland - . Scrub-Shrub ~ Emergent Wetiand -:J :;:;J r' Emergent Wetland! '- C., . Seasonal Pond C C= Z to Riparian -, :> Upland Prairie ,to. :~ "> ~ large Woody Debris ,.." \- ~ Top of Bank c::> :0 c::> u:> \n Project Elements "") ~ $Iormwaler Treatment Ponds :j .-/".. Trail ...--- Boardwalk r.---.., Proposed PariUng . : ~-_..-- D Trail Signs 300 ATTACHMENT D HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ~NAL YSIS FOR SPRINGFIELD MILL RACE RESTORATION PROJECT - PHASE II .'.. " ,I PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 4 2009 , .04-"'\ -w\;: 'lit, . ",,_,.J Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Lane County, Oregon Floodplain Documentation April 7, 2009 Purpose The U ,S, Army Corps of Engineers proposes to construct the Springfield Mill Race Section 206 project in cooperation with the City of Springfield and the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District The Springfield Mill Race Project provides a new inlet connection to the Mill Race approximateiy 1.500 feet upstream of the existing connection to the Middle Fork Willameite River. The project also' includes removal of the Mill Dam and regrading of the Mill Pond area, The activities proposed as part of the Springfield Mill Race project include fill and removal of sand, gravel, and rock material, placement of large woody debris. and installation ?f concrete blocks within FEMA Zone AE. The proposed activities also include excavation of material and removal of an existing outfall within the FEMA Zone AE Floodway, No fill or other encroachments are proposed within the Zone AE Floodway; the proposed activities within the Zone AE Floodway do not result in an increase in floodway elevations, The activities located within Zone AE are located in ineffective conveyance areas for the base flood and the corresponding increase in base flood elevations modeled in HEC-RAS is less,than 0.01 feet in elevation change, This document provides hydrologic and hydraulic data in support of the Floodplain Development and Floodplain Fill and Removal permit applications submitted to Lane County in March 2009, As a duly qualified engineer licensed to practice in the State of Oregon, I hereby certify ihat I have performed a hydraulic analysis of pre- and peist-project conditions for the Springfield Mill Race Project, with results and conclusions as referenced above and in the attached documentation, ,"'- Krey H. Price. P.E. Tetra Tech, Inc EXPIRES DEe 31,2010 ' 1020 SW Taylor St #530 Portland, OR 97205 (503) 223-5388 PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O JUN' 4 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis Project Description The Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project is being conducted under Section 206 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, by the Portland District Corps of Engineers (Corps) in cooperation with the City of Springfield and the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District The project site is located along the Springfield Mill Race, which is a dive,sion off, of the lowe, Middle Fork Willamelle River near Clearwater Park at approximately River Mile (RM) 190,8, As shown in Figure I, the Mill Race flows for approximately ),5 miles to the northwest and rejoins the main stem Willamelle River at approximately RM 185 near downtown Springfield, Oregon, The Mill Race follows a meandering northwesterly course through natural and agricultural lands, past rural residential, urban and industrial areas and into a 30-acre Mill Pond about 3 miles downstream of its inlet A dam about 15 feet high contains the Mill Pond, The proposed project will restore and enhance off-channel habitat along approximately 3 miles of the Springfield Mill Race over an area of approximately 40 acres, The project includes removing the Mill Dam and relocating the inlet approximately 1,500 feet upstream, As shown in the Figure 2, the project comprises the following features: ~ . Placement of three timber-pile supported large woody debris clumps, Two of the clumps are located within FEMA Zone AE, All clumps are located outside the Zone AE Floodway, Construction of a rock and bioengineered bank, The proposed revetment is located outside of Zone AE, . . Excavation of existing bank material to ~onstruct a new Mill Race inlet The toe of the excavation footprint overlaps the Zone AE Floodway, 'The excavation area covers approximately 1,250 square feet with a total excavation quantity of less than 100 cubic yards from within the Zone AE Floodway. Relocation of an existing 66-inch diameter storm drain pipe, The pipe outfall is located within the Zone AE Floodway for approximately 5 lineal feet The remaining pipe is outside Zone AE, The trench backfill will be to the existing grade or lower and will incorporate rock material. A pump intake is to be located in the vicinity of the existing storm drain, Reconstruction of the existing parking lot, construction of a culvert crossing, and construction of a new parking lot These features are located outside of Zone AE, Placement Of large woody debris, As shown in Typical Section I in Figure 3, approximately 40 pieces of large woody debris are to be placed along the stream banks of the Mill Race within Zone AE. . . . . Fill placement As shown in Typical Section 11 in Figure 3, fill is to be placed in the channel bed and overbank to prevent fish stranding and contain flows along the new Mill Race inlet channel. Approximately 3,750 cubic yards of material is to be placed within Zone AE, including sands, gravels, and rock. PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO. JUN 42009 2 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis . Channel excavatian, As shawn in Typical Sectian III in Figure 3, the new Mill Race channel includes vegetated flaadplain terraces, Approximately 13;600 cubic yards af material is ,to. be excavated from within Zane AE, . Flaw canstrictian structure, Three exisiing culverts are to. be ,emaved and replaced with a cancrete black flaw canstrictian structure, The structure consists af 26 30"~0"x60" precast cancrete blacks spanning appraximately 30 lineal feet an each bank, The structure is lacated within Zane AE, . Remaval af the Mill Dam, The dam is to. be remaved and the Mill Pand area'is to. be regraded and revegetated, See the attached vicinity map, The Mill Dam and Mill Pand are lacated autside af Zane AE, . Riparian restaratian, Invasive species remaval and riparian and wetland plantings are prapased alang the new inlet. See Figures I, 2, and 3, Topography The Carps af Engineers, Partland District canducted hydrolagic and hydraulic analyses far the praject as parI of a 2003 feasibility report Tapagraphic'data far the HEC-RAS madeling were derived fram ' 2000 cantaur mapping at 2-faat cantaur intervals pravided by the City af Springfield, Aerial phatagraphy was callected in 2004, Suppleme,n1al points were callected using a level, handheld GPS, andlatal statian in March and August. 2008, The data saurces 'were merged into. a'single 3D surface using Bentley InRaads saftware, and the HEC-RAS madeling was updated to. reflect changes to. the 'propased design, All project features' are projected to. NAD83 Oregan State Plane, Sauth Zane, The vertical datum far all project features is Narth American Vertical Datum (NA V088), Previaus madels, including that utilized NAD27 and NGVD29 were canverted to. NA083 and NA V088 far use in the project mapping, Unless atherwise nated, all elevatians in this repart are relative to. NA V088, Bathymetry Bathymetry in the Carps af Engineers madeling was based an hydrographic suryeys canducted in - March and May af 2000, An updated bathymetric survey was canducted along the same sectian lines in October 2007, Figures 8 and 9 shaw crass sectians cut at the existing and propased inlet lacatians in 2000 and 2007, The thalweg degraded several feet in both laca1ians aver the sev,el)-year time periad, with same aggradatian an the left bank gravel bars, Figure 10 shaws the profile view, The prafile shaws bed degradatian throughaut the entire reach, wi1h same depasitian further dawnstream, The mast prominent features alang the thalweg prafile are an abandaned gravel pit lacated dawnstream af the existing Mill Race inlet and a deep scaur hale lacated near the prapased inlet The gravel pit and scaur hale have remained fairly stable aver time in terms af river statian. A smaller head' cut; hawever, migrated upstream several hundred feet between 2000 and 2007, The migratian rate has been samewhat episadic; in ane instance, it is reported to. have maved several hundred feet upstream ,in ane winter, with relatively little migratian accurring in ather winters, If the average rate abserved ~ince 2000 were to. @ 3 PRc-3UBMITTAL RECIO 'JLi1~009 4 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis continue, the head cut (which was located approximately 100 feet upstream of the existing inlet location in 2007) would reach the downstream end of the deep scour hole (approximately 300 feet downstream of the proposed inlet location) in approximately 20 years, The head cut migration will most likely halt when it reaches this scour area; however, the overall reduction in the thalweg profile along with the associated backwater conditions would result in a reduced water surface elevation at the proposed inlet location in some flow conditions: Flow Frequency '. Additional gage records were obtained to update the Corps of Engineers findings to current conditions, A comparison of the previous findings to the entire period of record shows a slight difference in flow recurrence (Figure 4), The exceedance curves are nearly identical for the two post-regulation periods of record, The mean and median discharges are approximately 100 cfs lower for the extended period of record, a difference of 3%, The project increases the frequency of lower flows in the Mill Race while limiting flood flows to present levels for a,eas of the Mill Race within the project limits (Figure 5), Flows in the Mill Race vary with flows in the Middle Fork WilIamette River. Some base flow enters the Mill Race through storm drains and other surface drainage into the Mill Race; however, these base flows are minimal relative to the flow rates driven by the Middle F o,k WilIamette River connection at the Mill Race inlet. The monthly flow variation in the Middle Fork WilIamene River is shown in Figure 6, In summer months, flows in the Mill Race have generally been supplemented with pumping. The flow exceedance curve is broken into winter and summer flow conditions for comparison in Figure 5, The highest flow measured since 1999 was 21,000 cfs, approximately equal to the 10-year return period runoff event determined for the 1999 Flood Insuranc,? Study, The peak discharges measured during the additional period of record (1999-2008) correspond closely to the expected trends from the previously determined peak flow distribution, Likewise, the distribution of runoff throughout the year has remained similar, with snowmelt and reservoir releases appearing to affect the runoffhydrograph in the spring and ~~=~' , Roughness Coefficients The 2003 Corps model and the 1999 FEMA model' apply roughness coefficients for the Middle Fork Willamette River taken from a 1978 HEC-2 deck prepared by CH2MHill, Inc, Based on notes taken in 1999, Ken McGowan, the Floodplain Manager at the time, reported that the HEC-2 model was calibrated, to measured w~ter surface elevations upstream and downstream of Clearwater Park, The calibrated main channel roughness coefficients were approximately 0,02 to 0.03 in the vicinity of the Mill Race Inlet: Subsequent HEC-RAS models prepared by the. Corps of Engineers in 2004 required Mannings n values of 0.045 to 0.055 in the same reach of the Middle Fork to calibrate to recorded water surface elevations, ,As shown in Figure 7, the roughness coefficient resulted in an increase in computed water surface elevations in the vicinity of the Mill Race inlet. The water surface elevation in the inlet area was surveyed on 3/12/08, 5/26/08, 8/29/08,11/21/08,12/27/08, and 2/9/08, A comparison of USGS preliminary discharge data for the dates of survey confirms the rating curve for the model with the calibrated n value, ~ 4 PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO JUN 4 2009 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis Existing Floodplain The existing Mill Pond is not located within the mapped FEMA lIoodplain for the base lIood (see Figure 16), The Middle Fork Willamette River lIoodplain,extends into the Mill Race approximately 800 feet to the South 2nd Street Bridge, Upstream of the Mill Pond, the mapped lIoodplain covers Jasper Slough, Quarry Creek, Gorrie Creek, and the Mill Race upstream of the South 18th Street Bridge (See Figure 17), The inlet area lIoodplain and lIoodway are shown in Figures 2 and 18, , ' Inlet Configuration Although the proposed inlet invert is at an elevation that connects to the Middle Fork Willamette River nearly 100% of the time, during some time periods the shallow depth in the inlet would not provide sufficient head for open channel flows in the Mill Race, Water depths would likely ne~d to reach 1 to 2 feet before sustained flows would be possible, Although pumping requirements would be reduced with the proposed inlet configuration, during some low summer flows, a pump will still be required to maintain year-round flows into the Mill Race, When the head cut reaches the scour hole, the water surface elevation at the proposed inle1 location could potentially drop to the same frequency of connection currently exhibited at Ihe existing inlet location; by that time the existing inlet location would have become even further disconnected, The need for dredging at the new inlet will be reduced compared to the existing inlet due to the location of the new inlet within a degradational zone, Some aggradation could occur in the proposed inlet area without affecting the design discharge in the Mill Race, Lowering the inlet further would not improve the connection times because there is not enough elevation drop to the downstream Mill Race to provide flows at a lower inlet invert elevation, To be effective, any further lowering of the inlet would have to be accompanied by large-scale excavation of the Mill Race channel, which 'is not being considered at the present time, Jasper Slough An additional design consideration is the effect of the project on water surface elevations at Jasper Slough, Jasper Slough serves as an overflow, side channel for the Middle Fork Willamette in ,extreme (-IOO-year) lIows, connecting to the Mill Race .approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the 28th Street Bridge, Figure 20 shows a plan view, Although several storm drains and other local surface runoff sources drain to Jasper Slough, the Slough is generally a backwater of,the Mill Race, As such, the water surface elevation in the Mill Race at its confluence with Jasper Slough governs the Jasper Slough water surface elevations for a half mile upstream of the conlluence. Supplemental hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were conducted to evaluate the potential effects, of the lower Mill Race water surface elevation on Jasper Slough, Table 2 shows that the project effect on water surface elevations at the Jasper Slo~gh confluence are very .similar to the effect at the Gorrie Creek culvert described below, Velocities are shown for the ~ 5 N'E I\lInPITIAL I'II"I"'D m -,jUUIVII in 1\1. \" J U N 4 ttJ~g009 " I Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis adjacent Mill Race channel; velocities within Jasper Slough are negligible under both existing and project conditions, The maximum ,effect on the water surface elevations considering a wide range of flows in the Mill Race is 0,9 feet The g,eatest effect occurs when flows are between 50 and 100 cfs in the Mill Race channel, representing a typical winter condition. Above and below this flow rate, the effect is dampened, The areal effect of the lowe,ed water surface elevation varies with the side slopes, In zones with steep side slopes, the area affected by the lowered water surface elevation is minimal. In areas with milder slopes, the effect is much greater. To evaluate the areal effect of the lowered water surface, eight bathymetric cross sections were 1aken within Jasper Slough on November 15, 2008, The cross sections show that in the vertical elevation zones affected by flows exhibiting the highest difference in water surface elevations between existing and project conditions, the channel side slopes vary from near vertical to approximately 2H: I V, The side slopes flatten to between 5H: I V and I OH: I V both above and below this zone, Figure) I shows the effect schematically, As shown in Figure 21, the top width of the Jasper Slough water surface is reduced by'a maximum of approximately 4 feet The associated area affected by the project changes (inundated under existing conditions and exposed during project conditions) along the approximately 2500 fool length of the Jasper Slough backwater zone is a to1al of approximately 0,25 acres located along the, edge' of each bank. With the dam removed, the channel slope in the Mill Pond area increases from essentially flat to 0.23%, Velocities increase accordingly from near zero under existing conditions to 2-5 fps with the dam removed, Comparison of Results Figure IOshows a comparison of the modeled water surface profiles with 2000 and 2007 bathymetry, The rating curves for the Middle Fork Willamette cross sections at the existing and proposed inlet location are shown in Figure II, The cross sections are shown with selected water surface elevations in Figures 12 and 13. In general, the Willamette River water, surface elevation at the proposed inlet location is approximately 2 feet higher than at the existing inlet For higher flows (2-year event and higher), there has been relatively little change in the rating curve at the proposed inlet location; however, for lower' flows (below 80% exceedance discharge), the migrating head cut and channel incision have contributed to a water surface approximately I foot lower in 2007 than in 2000. The trend will most likely continue as the head cut continues to migrate upstream, The gravel deposition at the boat r~p that has occurred over 1he past decade will likely begin to erode as the head cut continues migrating upstream; however, the boat ramp is located in a depositional area shielded by a rock- protected riverbank and will likely continue to experience episodic deposition of gravel and other debris, A key deSign cIit~rion at the proposed inlet is to avoid increasing flood flows in the Mill Race above current levels, Unde~-'existing conditions, water surface elevations in the Middle Fork Willamette River reach the existing inlet approximately 80% of the time; however, substantially higher water surface elevations are required to actually maintain flows downstream into the Mill Race. The City currently must provide pumping to maintain flows in the Mill Race during most of the summer. Median flows result in depths of approximately I to 3 feet through the inlet channel with discharges on the order of ~ rR~ SU2Mm~.L RFr.'D JUN <1 2009 April 2009 6 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis 100 cfs, A gravel roadway with three existing 48-inch diameter CMP culverts becomes a controlling feature during high winter flows that approacJl the top of the culverts with flows of 200-300 cfs. During WilIamette River flood flows up to the 2-year event, the culverts are submerged, but the roadway is not overtopped, During these events, the flows split just upstream of the culvert, and most of the flow is diverted through a side channel (North Channel) to rejoin the main river. Culvert. velocities under submerged conditjons approach 10 fps, In extreme flood events in the Middle Fork WilIamette River, the maximum discharge through the three culverts can approach 400 cfs just prior to overtopping oLthe roadway. The corresponding Middle Fork Willamette River flows are approximately 20,000 cfs, The gravel roadway is not designed for overtopping and would likely wash out under this scenario, Under proposed conditions, the Mill Dam will be removed and replaced with a composite channeL The proposed design utilizes a composite channel with a 12-foot bottom width and high-flow terraces, The dam removal and channel construction affect the water surface elevations and velocities in the Mill Race upstream of the dam, The hydraulic effect of the dam removal extends several miles upstream from the dam site but does not affect the inlet area, Figure 19 shows the velocity profiles for typical winter flows in the Mill Race under existing conditions with the dam in place and under proposed , conditions with the dam removed, In low flows, the effect (lower water surface elevation and higher velocities) 'disappears near Kinzley Road, approximately 2,5 miles upstream of the dam site, During flows above the 2-year event, the effect disappears at the existing gage weir approximately 3 miles . il upstream ofthe dam, Due to the relocation of the inlet, the recurrence frequency of a given flow will increase in most conditions, The water surface elevation associated with a particular flow, however, will decrease due to the elimination of backwater from the Mill Dam, Because the water surface elevation will be lower, flow rates in diversions such as the Gorrie Creek culvert may be affected, To avoid an adverse impact to the available flow, the Gorrie Creek culverts will be lowered, As shown in Table I, the maximum effect in any given flow is a 0,9 foot reduction, The culverts will be lowered one foot to compensate for the potential lowered water surface elevation, In conjunction with the culvert lowering, minor excavation within, the Mill Race will be needed to form a pilot channel to the new culvert invert, Fish screens will be needed outside the sluice gates, A customized configuration may be required to form a screened channel entrance that attaches outside of the sluice gate, Periodic maintenance of the fish screen will be required to remove accumulated debris, Effects on Floodplain and Floodway Cross sections adjacent to project features were modified in the HEC-RAS model of the Middle Fork WilIamette River to simulate the potential effects on the regulatory floodplain and floodway, As a conservative approach, only encroachmen1s and fill were modeled, while excavation and removal of fill were ignored: The only encroachment in the proposed inlet area is the placement of I~rge woody debris, The large woody debris placement is proposed outside the regulatory floodway; however, two pile- supported large woody debris clumps are located 'within the 100-year floodplain" The proposed placement location is in an area that under typical flow scenarios is separated from the main channel by an island, As shown in Figure 23, Section 20976 was modified to simulate the addition of large woody ~ ,_7 PD~.~IIRMITTAI D~r'n - - - . -... .. .- - -- - JUN 4 2009 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis debris, As a conservative approach, the entire side chaimel.was converted to an ineffective flow area in the HEC-RAS modeL This would reflect a case in which the large woody debris clumps snag additional debris or cause some aggradation that would inhibit any effective flow in the side channeL The effect of the change in the model is shown in Table 3, The resulting change in water surface elevation is approximately 0,01 feet, and the resulting velocity increase is 0,03 feet per second, As shown in Figure 2,' the large woody debris placement is proposed outside of the floodway encroachments; therefo,e, there is no effect on the regulatory floodway, In the existing inlet area, some fill is proposed to prevent fish stranding along the channel thalweg and to separate the existing channel from the proposed Mill Race inlet. No fill is proposed within the regulatory floodway; however, some fill is proposed within the floodplain, As shown in Figure 24, Section 18865 was modified to reflect the fill placement. As a conservative approach, a complete blockage was inserted into the HEC-RAS cross section at this location at an elevation exceeding the proposed fill elevation, Because the proposed fill is located in an area that, although wetted, provides ineffective flow conveyance, the complete blockage causes only a reduction in top width and does not result in any increase in base flood elevations or velocities, Likewise; the blockage is located outside of the floodway encroachments and therefore has no effect on the regulatory floodway The tabulated results are shown in Table 3. Figure 25 shows the profile view of the existing and proposed conditions water surface elevation, As shown in the profile view, the two profiles plot direc11y on top of one another, and the project effects on the regulatory floodplain and floodway are negligible, The electronic HEC-RAS files, including flow, geometry, and plan details, accompany this summary report, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 ~ 8 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis FIGURES AND TABLES / ~,,,,,,,ftW:<I~[CI SI~llOr< 7U.1.ll _1tIlLlIII,ttl - . - - =-- ~ Figure I: Vicinity Map PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO JUN 4 2009 ~ 9 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis -~-~~'-::l " ""y ..,," "-y>,r/ '!" -sc:~t II< rU:T ... C). ,/' b...__ "'l n:~ It>>.:<: At r7/1 f[lUI loN~ .ll fUJOOYlAT a " 'vel -----.---~..'T'""------- ---.-_______ _~______ / ..0" .O! / , "0 " '0-J,> I"' ,Q ~ L_.... "eQ2(.l5-:i:QO :i':O,~a-500 a t ~ Figu,e 2: Site Plan ~ 10 April 2009 p U LU en C::: Q ~ Q <'-J ""'" :::2: :z CCI =::>> => c.n -, , LLI ~ Springfield Mill R?ce Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis 510 W1<SVE 5ffQrs ~l.lOV"" A'oD rrr...'l!A.'i u-u'R'LA'ir.'\"GS ~_ \V1I"l~!CO H 01- U:~r t&:.!- llot.Cl:. flANK --1 l[Il:~., P".~+;;; I'I;;;~.~.~..-s. W(lO(JI' OEilP,&__.;..G~~S~~__,~" j , l JNA.<;VF_Sf'fr.FS flfl.'.OII.ll ~ IHWtAN lmOUlI't..MHQS r '.~;'=~I-" -, -: :~~~~~-~(( -i: ,-~f -.- ~-~ ~)l I 50D 490 .180 '10 . -1:10 -100 -:}O o TYPICAL SECTION 5D lCO 1 ~iO ~ 1OO.fTFnorIIONf-l.Q>.VJW.I'( d ~ 1OllFTFnOlo.4LOWFt(ffllW'J{ ;:j 1mSVE:Sl'tCC ------1-1IUCH.IC'l'OROO~ffi 1o'U-O!11'ffiOSEEO-_I~,- .mt.s.VESPB"~ R"Jro'IN,mD HWJ.tM-r~D I'tAN'TA"PJ.l1 vt:c A"';J f".>>irAt~A.1Wi Vc~I1CMOIA!.AMl Ri'AA'A'l 5:0 ___ ,__ t' -~"'"'''''I~''''' , w~~;~~i.'& ;~'~' r-- __w~~~~~ ~"I~' ~I?m~' -~"I- r 500 . t _ j. __ u_ _ .u ._J , ..' _ _ ! ;:~ t-- -- -- :~::~~ }.J!_ ! :t~-~k~~:~~:: ~~~~_~-=-~!L' -1:~-- =, '':~_: ~ !>v<:fnu.(3,1&lC'l!~lO'X(I\<J---- j__,n' i, j j 410 -150 -1OG -50 C 50 iOO i50 TyPICAL SECTION II rN~ 5nOCS flEv.ovAl. Im~ SPtC!;s AtMOVAI. 1-- \'.m::~~~~~m1,m:~ aw< --1. 1-- WTi:;'va~~~'~~.~~ IlAl<< --1 ::E.tll.l~:::E-~].t~f.i 480 ~----~-----~--L-._~~-----~-____; , I EXCAV...Tl5::(U.,!JXICY ~ lCINt: N:) 'I . I ,I I 470 -150, ~100 -50 0 50 100 150 TYPICAL SECTION III Figure 3; Cross Sections PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO JUN 4 2009 < ~ II April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Willamette River at Jasper Flow Exceedence 401 <:1 1C 0, 1,000 Oisc:harge(c:ls) Figure 4: 2007 vs, 1999 Exceedance Curves Willamette River at Jasper Flow Exceedence 100 '~' 90 ,i ,: i 60 , Oi~rge~equlredlor ' 0 Dlschar;I!Requl~dlor a lnllialConnedionat Initial Connec:tlon al . 70 _PropoSBdlnlelLoc:ation EJQsling Inlet Loc:ation ~ (~500 ds, 100% (-1800 cfs, 80% 0 . i!lICeedenc:e) eKCeedence) ;; a c 60 -g t. 0 0 . . 50 . 0 = ~ .. 40 ~ c . . E '0 30 " 20 10 0, 100 1,000 Disc:harge(c:fs) Figure 5: Summer vs. Winter Exceedance Curves , I , ' , Floodplain Analysis 1-1967019991. -1967-20071. 10,000 i I I " I -Winter (October-March) I -Total Regulated Record (1967.2007) I -Summer (April-September) '! ~ 12 I J' , 11\! ; : ':",I~I.: i i I 10,000 i. I) I 100,000 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUN 4 Z009 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project, Middle Fork Willamette River at Jasper, Monthly and Annual Averages 7000 6000 , 5000 E 4000 "- . !i' ~ u . 3000 C 2000 1000 0, , c -'i i_____Monlhly Median I 1- AnnualMedian !- WlnlerMedian 1- ~ * Summer Median I ---------- ^ ---~- -~--/- 2 ,3 4 " < s 6 7 6 n . ~ . ~ ~ Month ~ , < !1 Figure 6: Monthly Flow Distribution Rough~ess Coefficient Sensitivity 490 I 485 Existing \ Inlet ~- 480 ~ ..~ ~ ~/' / ,..-><- 0475 > < z ~ 470 ~ > '. W 465 (" ~. ------ ~- -' 460 -+- High Flow, High n I ~ High Flow, low n I -- Low Flow, High n --low Flow, lown -Thalweg , 455 450 16000 16500 17000 17500 18000 18500 - Station (ft above confluence) ~ Figure 7: Effect of Roughness Coefficient on Water Surface ~ 13 Floodplain Analysis 9 10 . '" " o ,~- ... - "" ~. ~ "~ 19000 19500 11 o Z Proposed Inlet r 11 I I 20000 /' 12 . o PRE.5UBMIITAL RECIO JUN 4 2009 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project 4" 49r 485 ;; ~ 480 z !O c " ~ 475 . W 470 460 460 1500 Floodplain Analysis Middle Fork Willamette River at Proposed Inlet (looking downstream) I- ~ - 2000 Bathymetry I -2007 Bathymelty --J .- - .:.... I .1 :/ /J "J V "'~ 1600 1900 2000 2100 1700 1600 Statlon{ft) Figure 8: Cross Section at Proposed Inlet Location, 2000 vs, 2007 485 463 481 C 479 > " z " ~477 0 ~ . > . W 475 473 471 469 200 400 Middle Fork WilIamette River at Existing Inlet Location (looking downstream) / , /- ...---- ~ 1- . . 2000 Bathymetry I -2007 Bathymelty q 600 1000 1400 1800 2000 600 1200 1600 Station (ft) Figure 9: Cross Section at Existing Inlet Location, 2000 VS. 2007 PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'O JUN 4 2009 ~ 14 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project 490 48S 480 C 475 > ~ Z ;;. 470 c ,. " > . " 460 Willamette River Thalweg Profile -~-------~ - I, \ I ~~ ~ "BO~ExceedenCe _______ ./ ~ Discharge ~- f'--. /350ft / 10~ft j; Top of Bank ----- , --- -- ~' ..:..year Discharn ----- '\ '\. Former Gravel Mine 17500 Existing lnlel Location --- -- --- Floodplain Analysis ,..... <o,f'roposed' ! - \ Inlet I J .....,..,\!lCatio-"l==j \ I ! \ I I' , I , l '''::: ~ , 490 455 - -Water Surface Elevation, 2000 Bathymetry -Water Surface Elevation, 2007 Bathymetry -Thalweg, 2000 Bathymetry - Thalweg, 2007 Balhymetry Migraling Head Cut 18000 18500 "000 <;,,.n,,, "SOD 20000 4SO 16000 16500 17000 Station (ft llbove confluence) Figure 10: Middle Fork Willamette River Thalweg and Water Surface Profile, 2000 vs, 2007 c > ~ z ~ "; 480 " " > . " . u ~ 475 '" ~ ~ 490 Middle Fork Willamette River Computed Rating Curves 485 470 IJ ~ w "- ~. ~ u: . E ~ c . '0 . " . u c . ~ . . u . w "- ~ Top of Bank Elevation at Clearwater I_Proposed Inlet I -- Existing Inlet . . '" '" . . ti ti i5 i5 . . . . ~ ~ " N . '" . ~ ~ i5 . l'. 46S o 5,000 10,000 ': ,so 15,000 20,000 Discharge (cfsl 25,000 Figure II: Existing and Proposed I nlet Location Rating Curves @ 15 . . '" a . . ~ 1> u ,. ,. 0 0 ~ . . ~ 75 100 30,000 35,000 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O ,II IN 42009 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis 495 Middle Fork Willamette River at Proposed Inlet (looking downstream) 490 485 'C'.~a'" Pari< J I 2-year discharge I 'V 80% ,,:ad,"" I ~ d;'~~a /umuuu.muu..l \ I \J 0' > cl 480 z !'- c o ~ ~ 475 . iU 470 465 460 1500 1600 Proposed Inlet Thalweg u 1700 2000 2100 1800 Station (ftl 1900 Figure 12: Water Surface Elevations for Cross Section at Proposed Inlet Location 485 Middle Fork Willamette River at Existing Inlet Location (looking downstream) 483 481 ~ ;:; I I I I 80'. """"",.1 I ~2,'mm'mu"u"mm'uu.J -;:- Ii"" E>d";ng N,"" Cham,' aod M;~a" lo.t Th.1weg I ~ I I ~ ;- ---~ a 47( ;; z " -;;477 o ~ ~ . jjj 475 473 471 469 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft) 1600 2000 1400 1800 Figure 13: Water Surface Elevations for Cross Section at Existing Inlet Location PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 ~ 16 April 2009. Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis MDRacefvR-1 Legend 1 I 1 , 4901 . WS 400cfs WS 200 cfs WS 100cfs WS 50 cfs Ground Left levee 485. g E ~ w 100~yearWSEl -- f-nn I I ---- 5% Exceedance 480 Typical Winter WSEl 475- 23250 23300 23350 23400 23450 23500 23550 Main Channel Distance (f1) Figure 14: Water Surface Profiles through Proposed Clearwater Lane Culvert : ,.08 .032 .08 --I ' 4921 490 488 486 g 484 0 ,0 1i . 482 W 480 478 476 474 0 20 40 60 Station (ft) Legend - WS 400 cfs WS 200 cfs WS 100cfs WS50cfs Ground , BankSta 60 100 Figure 15: Cross Sectional View of Clearwater Lane Culvert PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO JUN 4 2009 ~ 17 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis -1;0,-_' \ ,T \ ~\ '~~1 ./' 7....- , I" :::-'-<~f I I} I 'I I f{Jf)?' ~l i-t. :~:I- ~:;:::'::J~'''::,., :1" I J I -'~_ I J.....""''''''''''''''''1 I~I -U L~- ,,--,,~IFIRM ."..... :~ .,.~:::.=- '" ... ,....w. ..~. ~ na~o I"S~'JJlC( RAIr N.II '~y~~'-'~__ 1 --,--~ L.U.>:com;n ~. ~. OItlX,l'N AND I ... I~ClJJtl'{)H."'IW ^R&.>.S I " ,,_ ; <, ..'";:':.::.".;~ :f..",,,,.,,,, : ~-' '; ,"" --=1'--""""--' . , <':~~~....", ~ t I-r ---. ",. "-, " ~ :;;.-;.~ \ ~ -:,1", ~ .~~.~-:~ ----~-- U:I~~~~~~-;n'AIlEA$-" - .-.---11 / .::.=-:;..;:;.~;,-,;;.-;;;.=;;;:;=..,;;-..;;.. '\ mm ' I <..,SFZ':;..:.:~~..::-::~ ",,,,,,,,. ~Uf; Figure 16: FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map for Mill Pond Area I ~~':-"""''''- ,,*-..:u~~, -, =::::::::::"-=~----'~'--:-:-"~~"'-~-""="=:"_7 - Return Interval 1 O-year 50-year 100-year 500-year II I Discharge (cfs) 20,000 25,100 35,500 81.000 .r: :~, Wl:Illl.n=ImllIttPlllZU t-,,! ' ~ ~ FIRM fUlCO IIWlWItt RATE HAP . 1.",\'-:1"; OOUNl'Y. OREGON A~D 11\OORPQRATEll ARt:A8 " -.J- nsnt:ll.-1SIli ---.,--..-.....- .-. - """" ~.... _1tiU~M'"', lWlrolOlI ....,." atttmEBm: W2,lIn - _____n______ ___ --..-......... --_..-- ._-----_.--~- ...- ....-------- -~----~-_._-- -= Figure 17: FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map: Mill Race, Quarry Creek, Gorrie Creek, Jasper Slough PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'D JUN 4 2009 ~ 18 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis / MiDDLE FORK , 1'/l.L~MT;;TTE RlV,;R! , , fqlv1194 Return Interval 10-year 50-year 100-year 500-year Discharge (cfs) 20,000 25,100 35,500 81,000 Figure 18: FEMA FIS Flood Delineations and Discharges for Inlet Area Mill Race MR-1 ~ \ 'V \ l' Figure 19: With- and Without-Project Mill Race Velocity Profiles for Typical Winte, Flows , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O 4 2009 . , ~ " 3, ,~ l- ie I~ '," > o ~ Existing Dam Pond I Entrance ,I F Sl. I II i' Bridge I I I I , I \ I ,I I I, i 28'h Sl. \ I I /\ Bridge ~ Ii \ I i \ .' ~\ i I ~ " \ / .' \ i l- J/ \ I I \u~ \; l " " , ! I II .\~ ' .. ~ " ' , , . .-.. ' , , , .> , ' I " " ~ -, -- - - - , , 10000 15000 20000 Ex~sti~~ _ _ " 5000 Main Channel Distance (ft) 19 JUN April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Seclion 206 Project Floodplain Analysis Figure 20: Jasper Slough -I Existing ground - 4-- max2' top width reduction (each side) Figure 21: Jasper Slough Schematic Section PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 ~ 20 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis Sprirgfiek:l Aoodplain Plan: 1) Existing 4/6/2009 2) Ptop;:lsed 4Ai/2009 4901 48: 480 g 475 c 0 ~ W 470 465 460 Legend ~ --.---------- WS Minimum Row - Exisling WS Mriimum Row- Proposed Ground Ground Existing and proposed water surface profile Existing thalweg at proposed inlet Station 18865 Existing thalweg at proposed inlet Station 20976 '17500 18000 16500 19000 M:linChanneIDistaflce(f\) "500 20000 20500 Figure 22: Middle Fork Willamette Water Surface Profile, Existing vs, Proposed Conditions Sprirgfiekt Roodplain Plan: 1) Existing 2) Prq>osed 49S- 48S ~ .~ Legend WS Mnmum Row- Propose<) WS Mnimum Row - Exislhg II.......~""-'<;\,'\'\';,=:M.~'>.'\'>.~'\'\"<;:~... . Proposed Q-ound- ,Proposed heff-pjoposed . 8ankSta-Proposed Grourw:l-Eldsting !neff-Existing BankSta-EJdstilg 090 g . ~ . w 480 47S Ineffective flow conveyance added for L WD placement '70 o silo 1000 ,500 2000 2500 3000 3S00 Stalion(f\) Figure 23: Proposed Inlet Area Cross Section, Existing vs, Proposed Conditions (Station 20976) PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JUN 4 2009 ~ 21 Aptil 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project 495... g c ,2 ~ W -\ 485 \ 480 W 47S '70 4:: o Sprirgf.iekj Roodplain Plan: 1) Existing 2) Proposed Floodplain Analysis ~ Legend WS Mnmum Row - Proposec WS Mnmum Row - Exismg ~~.::~....,~,,~~~..~'''"..-. . Proposed - Proposed. Ground - 'proposed heff_Proposed . BankSta_Proposed ,-1f" -Existing Ground-Existing , heff - Emling . BankSla-Eldsting Blockage for proposed fill placement Hioo 3000 4000 5000 StatOn{ft) .'igure 24: Existing Inlet Area Cross Section, Existing vs, Proposed Conditions (Station 18865) ~. 2000 / 22 PRE-5UBMIITAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Floodplain Analysis Section 206 Project Table 1: Mill Race Hydraulics under Existing and Proposed Conditions at Gorrie Creek I Discharoe Max Energy Flow Top I Model Depth Slope Velocity Area Width I (cfs) (ft) (ft/It) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) I I I 5 2,72 0,000000 0,0 112 ' 47 I 1 20 3,37 0,000002 '0,1 143 491 U> I 50 4.24 0,000006 0,3 186 511 c I 100 5,00 0,000014 0.4 226 541 0 "" I 200 ' 5,85 0,000033 0,7 273 561 '6 c I 300 6,57 0,000048 1,0 314 591 0 u I 400 7,19 0,000059 1,1 355 72[ 0> C I 500 7,73 0,000069 1,3 397 108 I ~ 'x 1 750 8,91 0,000087 1,6 525 ',1101 w I 950 9,70 0,000098 1,9 613 1111 I 1200 10,63 0,000108 2,1 717 ::1171 I 1500 11,63 0,000116 2,3 851 ,1491 1 1 5 2.28 0,000001 0,1 91 I 451 1 20 2,73 0,000005 0,2 112 47 I 1 50 3,34 0,000015 0.4 141 I 491 U> I 4,09 0,000029 I 0.6 178 I 51 1 c 100 0 :E I 2001 5.20 1 0,000050 1 0,8 237 I, 541 '0 c 3001 6,07 I 0,000065 I 1,1 285 I 57 I 0 u I 4001 6,82 I 0,000077 1 1,2 329 I 63 I 13 Q) I 5001 7.47 I 0,000087 I 1.4 3761 76 I .e I 7501 8,75 I 0,000103 I 1,6 508 I 110 I [L 1 950 I 9,58 I 0,000114 I 1,8 5981 1111 1 1200 I 10,52 I 0,000126 I ' 2,0 I 7051 "115 1 I 1500 11,55 I 0,000130 I 2,2 I 839 I ' 149 I I 1 -0.44 0,00 0,01 -20,51 I -1,37 1 -0.64 0,00 0,04 -30,80 ,-1,98 I -0,90 0,00 0.08 -45,16 I ,2,78 I -0,91 0,00 0.12 -47.72 I ,2,85 c 1 -0,65 0.00 0,11 -36.53 I ,2,15 0 U> 'C 1 -0,50 I 0,00 0,09 -29,15 I -1,79 11l a. 1 -0.371 0,00 0.07 -25.20 1 ~9,27 E 0 I -0.26 I 0.00 0,04 -21,61 I -31,76 u -0,16 I 0,001 -0,01 I -16,98 I -0.27 1 -0,12 I 0,00 I -0,031 -14,38 I '-0,23 1 -0,11 I 0,00 I -0,071 -12.49 I -2,37 I -0,08 I 0.00 I -0,12 I -11.49 I 0,00 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 ~ 23 April 2009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis Table 2: Jasper Slough Confluence Hydraulics under Existing and Proposed Conditions I Discharge Max Energy Velocil}! Flow Top Model Depth Slope Area Width 1 (cfs) (ft) (ft/fl) (ft/s) (sg ft) (ft) .1 5 2,47 0,000000 0,0 152 99 1 20 3,12 0,000001 0,1 218 103 I 50 4,00 0,000003 0.2 311 109 <n 1 c: 100 4.77 0,000006 0,3 396 113 0 "" I 200 5,65 0,000011 0,4 498 119 '0 c: I 300 6,38 0,000014 0,5 588 124 0 () 1 400 7.02 0,000017 0,6 668 129 OJ c: 1 500 7,59 0,000020 0,7 742 136 ~ 'x I 750 8,80 0,000024 0,9 946 188 w I 950 9,62 0,000027 1,0 1102 191 1 1200 10,57 0,000029 1,1 1284 194 1 1500 11,59 0,000031 1.2 1484 199 5 2,03 0,000001 0,1 109 961 20 2,48 0,000005 0,1 153 991 50 3,10 0,000009 0,2 216 1031 <n 100 3,87 0,3 297 1081 c: 0.000014 0 115 I :e 200 5,01 0,000018 0,5 423 u --..- c: 300 5,90 0,000020 0,6 529 121 1 0 () 400 6,67 0,000021 0,7 624 126 1 0 Q} 500 7,34 0,000022 0,7 710 131 1 'e 750 8.66 0,000026 0,9 920 I 1871 0- 950 I 9,51 0,000028 1.0 I 1080 I 191 1200 I -- 1,1 1 1266 I, 1941 10,47 0,000030 1500 I 11,52 6,000032 1.2 I 1471 1 1981 I -0,44 I 0,000001 0,0 I -44 -3 I I -0,64 0,000004 0,0 ' -65 -41 1 -6,90 0,000006 0,1 -95 -61 I -0,900,000008 0,1 -100 -61 c: 1 -0,64 0,000007 0,1 -75 -41 0 <n I 't: -0,48 0.000006 0,0 -59 -3 III 0- I -0.35 0,000004 0,0 -44 -2 E 0 I -0.251 0,000002 0,0 -33 I -5 () I -0,14 1 0,000002 0.0 -26 I -1 1 -0,11 I 0,000001 0,0 -22 I 01 1 -0,10 1 0,000001 0,0 -18 I 01 I -0,07 I 0,000001 , 0,0 , -14 1 -11 ~ 24 PRE.SUBMITTAL RFr'n JU N 4 2009 Ap,i12009 Springfield Mill Race Section 206 Project Floodplain Analysis Table 3: Comparison of 100-year Middle Fork Willamelte River hydraulic parameters,under Existing and Proposed Conditions (with changes highlighted) I Station Q Min Ch WS, Vel Flow Top I Plan Total EI Elev Chnl Area Width I (ft) (efs) (ft) (ft) (IUs) (sq ft) (ft) I I 22433 Existinq 35000 478,13 489,59 15,48 2359,59 413,87 I Prooosed 35000 478,13 ~~~~;~~'il,?~5~~~t ~1~:29~~991,1~~~'~;~i I 20976 Existinq 35000 474,00 Proposed I 35000 474,00 I~~~::~~~i 5,47~;~~~~:~~~lm;~~~;~~m I 20867 Existinq I 35000 469,22 ' Proposed I 35000 469.22 I 489,00 5,47 13452,36 I 2170,44 I 20753 Existinq I 35000 464,11 I 488,73 7,12 11067,27 I 1978,95 Proposed I 35000 464,11 I 488,73 7,12 11067.27 I 1978,95 I 20650 Existinq I 35000 464,01 I 488,37 8,47 8829,35 I 1763.22 Proposed I 35000 I 464,01 I 488,37 8,47 8829,35 I 1763.22 I 20558 Existinq I 35000 I 455,90 I 488.27 7,68 8575.24 I 1756.34 proposed I 35000 I 455,90 I 488.27 I 7,68 8575,24 I 1756,34 I 20462 Existinq I 35000 I 461,04 I 488,01 I 8,32 7389,43 1706,25 Proposed I 35000 I 461,04 488,01 I 8,32 7389,43 1706,25 I 20373 Existinq I 35000 I 468,00 487,49 I 11,10 7072,58 1593,88 Prooosed I 35000 468,00 487,49 I 11,10 7072,58 1593,88 20269 Existinq I 35000 469,55 487,80 I 7,56 8838,81 1974,65 ,Proposed I 35000 469,55 487,80 I 7,56 8838,81 I 1974,65 20165 Existinq I 35000 470,00 487,91 I 7,13 11379.24 I 2044,67 Proposed I 35000 470,00 487,91 I 7,13 11379.24 I 2044,67 20043 Existinq 35000 471,00 487,82 I 6,29 11214,03 I 2030,05 Proposed 35000 471,00 487,82 I 6.29 11214,03 2030,05 19923 Existinq 35000 472,70 487,76 I 6,12 10838,86 2028,02 Proposed 35000 472,70 487,76 6,12 10838,86 2028,02 19633 Existina 35000 473,00 487,78 I 4,51 14953.29 I 2429,23 Proposed 35000 473,00 487,78 I 4,51 14953,29 I 2429.23 19444 Existinq 35000 472,00 487,74 I 4.21 15156,30 I 2068,98 Prooosed 35000 472,00 487,74 I 4.21 15156.30 I 2068.98 19339 Existinq 35000 I 471,17 485,85 I 5,78 11044,18 I 1748.46 Prooosed 35000 I 471,17 485,85 I 5,78 11044,18 I 1748,461 19224 Existinq 35000 I 469.56 485,76 I 5,88 12161,99 I 3693.09 Proposed 35000 I 469,56 485,76 I 5,88 12161,99 I 3693,09 I 19100 Existinq 35000 I 468,74 485.54 I 6.28 8627,85 I 3629,35 I Proposed 35000 I 468,74 485,54 I 6.28 8627,85 3629,35 I 18994 Existinq , 35000 I 469,00 485,45 I 6,03 8342,82 I 3065,14 I Proposed 35000 I 469,00 485,45 I 6,03 8342,82 I 3065,14 I 18865 Existinq 35000 I 469,00 485,28 I 6,18 7601,57 li"!zT;f3'!.17ffil Proposed 35000 I 469,00 485.28 I 6,18 7601,57 Il1,132T60)il 18642 Existinq 35000 I 468,00 484,99 I 6,76 7512,58 I 2976,73 I Proposed 35000 I 468,00 484,99 I 6,76 7512,58 I 2976,73 I -- "'. - 'PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O ~ JUN 4 2009 25 April 2009 ATTACHMENT E PLANTING PLAN TABLE FOR SPRINGFIELD MILL RACE RESTORATION PROJECT - PHASE II ," PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 4 2009 '-- Attachment E - Springfield Mill Race Panting Plan. Phase'lI Designation Quantity (per Total I Scientific name Common name Type Size Spacing acre) Quantity , I Carex obnupta Slough Sedge Grass Plug 1000 3600 2' o,c, I I Downingia elegans Common downingia . Forb 'Seed 21bs 7,2 N/A I I Epilobium densiflorum Dense Spike-Primrose Forb Seed 21bs 7,2 N/A I IGrindelia integrifoJia Gumweed Forb Seed 51bs 18 N/A I Seasonal pondsl Pan.icum acuminatum or P. Western Witchgrass Grass Plug 1500 5400 2' o,c, I occidentale I Plagiobothrys figuratus Popcornflower Forb Seed 21bs 7,2 N/A I I Rorippa curvisiliqua Curved-Pod Yellowcress Forb Seed 21bs 7,< N/A I I Sparganium emersum Simple-Stem Bur-Reed Forb Plug 1000 3600 2' o,c, I Camassia quamash Common Camas Forb Plug 1000 2000 2' o,c, I ICarex obnupta Slough Sedge Grass Plug 500 100C.2' o,c, I I . Emergent IGlyceria accidentalis Western mannagrass Grass Seed 10lbs 2CIN/A I I Wetland I Myosotis laxa Small-Flowered Forget-me-not Forb Seed 2 Ibs 41N/A I I IScirpus m;crocarpus Small-Fruited Bulrush Grass Plug 500 1000 2' o,c, I I IscriPus tabernaemontanii Soft-Stem Bulrush, Tule Grass Plug 500 100012' o,c, I I Camus sericea Red-osier dogwood Shrub 1 gal 4 2015' o,c, I I I Lonicera involucrata Black twinberry Shrub 1 gal 2 1018' o,c, t I Tree Clumps IMalus fusca Pacific crabapple Tree 1 gal 2 10115' o,c, I I I Physocarpus capitatus Nine.bark Shrub 1 gal 3 15110' o,c, I ~ I Salix sitchensis Sitka willow Shrub Cutting 6 3013' o,c, I Alnus rubra Red alder Tree 1 gal 30 90120' o,c, I I I Corn us sencea Red osier dogwood Shrub 1 gal 250 75018' o,c, I I IFranxinus latifolia Oregon ash Tree 1 gal 30, 90120' o,c, I I Scrub-Shrub I Physocarpus capitatus Nine-bark Shrub 1 gal 250 750 8' o,c, I I Wetland I Salix lucid a Pacific willow Tree Cutting 50 150 6' o,c, I I I Salix sitchensis Sitka willow Shrub Cutting 400 1200 3' o,c, I I I Spirea douglasii Douglas' spirea Shrub 1 gal 250 750 6' o,c, I I Carex obnupta . Slough sedge Sedge Plug 500 1600 2' o,c, I ICarnus sericea Red-osier dogwood Shrub 1 gal 50 16015' o,c, I Ash Forested I Fraxinus latifolia Oregon ash Tree 1 gal 100 320 15' o,c, I Wetland I Physo~rpus capitatus Nine-bark Shrub 1 gal 50 16015' o,c, I Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry Shrub 1 gal 100 320 15' o,c, I Achillea millefolium L. var. Western Yarrow Forb Seed 51bs 9,5 N/A I occidentalis IAsclepias speciosa Showy milkweed Forb Seed 21bs 3,81NIA I I Brodiaea elegans Elegant brodiaea Forb Seed 21bs 3,8 N/A I IClarkia amoena Farewell to spring Forb Seed 21bs 3,8 N/A I Upland Prairie I Oanthomia californica California oatgrass Grass Seed 10lbs 19 N/A I IFestuca romerii Romer's fescue Grass Seed 51bs 9,5 N/A I IFragaria virginiana Broadpetal strawberry Forb Plug 500 950 4' 0,0, I I Lupinus polyphyllus Large-leaf lupine Forb 4 in 500 950 4' o,c, I Sidalcea virgata, S. campestris Rose checkermallow, Meadow Forb 4 in 500 9504' o,c, I sidalcea Acer circinatum Vine maple Shrub 1 gal 200 4680 8' o,c, I IAcer macrophyllum Big-leaf maple Tree 1 gal 25 585 20' o,c, I IBerberis aquifolia Tall Oregon grape Shrub 1 gal 100 2340 8' o,c, I I Calocedrus decurrens Incense cedar Tree 1 gal 20 468 30' o,c, I I Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood Tree 1 gal 25 585 15' o,c, I I Corylus corn uta California hazelnut Tree 1 gal 25 585 15' o,c, I I Pinus Ponderosa Willamette Valley Ponderosa pine Tree 1 gal 10 234 50' o,c, I Riparian Ipolystichum munitum Sword fern Fern 4 in 500 11700 2' o,c, I I Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir Tree 1 gal 40 936 20' o,c, I I Rosa nutkana Nootka rose Shrub 1 gal 200 4680~ o,c, I IRasa pisocarpa Cluster flowered rose Shrub 1 gal I'''''' t?/l,'h. ".. ". 1'\\4~O 'o,c, I I Rubus parviflora Thimbleberry Shrub 1 gal i\t;.~OOJIVllllf'lL 1\'4680 f1 o,c, I I Salix lucida Pacific willow Shrub Cutting ~~l .,1 'ln~400 2'0,c, I I Salix sitchensis Sitka willow Shrub Cutting ~" 400 2' o,c, I ISymphoricarpos albus Snowberry Shrub 1 gal 200 4680 8' o,c, I I