HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed PWE 6/17/2009 ., J!- /' RECeJVFun rr'.~ 'I vCr' L ,;,. o 2005 ,~ ~.""' --~""" ":0', .. ,u."_". A~t;;:; I), Everoreen Land Tltleb C""HlfJ""Y I. RRANCH omn 1509 WllLAMETTE Sf. . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O BO~ 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687,9794 FAX: 541.687.0914 MAIN OHleE 1570 MOHAWK 8lVD. . SPRINGfiELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGFiElD, OR 97477 ' PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 September 8, 2005 I Ii I; I t I FORD-NESS-F ASSBENDER, INC. P.O. BOX 22735 EUGENE, OREGON 97402 RE: CITY OF SPRlNGFIELD Ii .I: 1, Ii , 'I I: 1 ,i Loan No.: NtA Escrow No.: CE05-00223 Enclosed' please find the following documents: o Check No: , in the amount of o Buyer/Seller final closing statement/HUD . 0' Escrow instructions o Closing 0 Collection o Title Policy o Alta Ex!. Mtg. o Standard Mtg. DOwner's o Purchaser's o WarrantylBargain and Sale Deed Reception No. o Deed of Trust . Reception No. [gl Other: Property Line Adjustment Deed Reception No. 2005-069390 o Other: Reception No. Ii " . !~ " " The enclosed documents are for your records.' If you have any questions, please contacf'our main office noted above. Thank you for this opportunity to service YOll. ' Very truly yours, Evergreen Land Title Company Home Office Title Department i~ IDate Received: II i' :' JUN 1 7 2009 Ii Enclosure(s) Tt'EE :1'6U~:,5j.jC;; ~.!::t\.t~C::~ ~ 'r~~.C.P.(/~f>! CL":";'~:j .~;.~:: Origi~'al Submittal II "i.(,; '"}~_H( SUSl/'.,;E:;S, t....-".u i/~A::TEj~ i..iC'.,": :'f"t:'\:'~ .;::- :',~,::,;/,=-,::,,! ~x, dt! ;it::.':\1-: ,-: d " ,.... --' ,.... ;::; Cl z :5 ffi a::: o ffi i'i:'i o I- :2 r:r:. => 1:;0 0:: , I Division of Chief Depuly.: Clerk 2~~~.~o~~~~ ' Lane County Deeds and R~~ords 1\'1 I\\l\'\\\\\l\ \\\\111 \1 11m l\\\\I\\lm\\ $86.00 0'- 32 ;0" 200S0J693900130 ,:3409/011200503:01:22 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=lSln=S Ii CRSHIER 04 $6S.00 $11.00 $10.00 ;, . After recording, return to Ford-Ness~Fassbender. Inc p OISox 22735 Eug'ene, OR 97402 _..__L.._..._... .~ i Taxing Address: No-change from-current address " ~ ,,(, "\ I , I(l.,\ . 4- (I (, -r I...J C' ,':'-l.' S' ~ :)- J-~) PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED I I! . . 'I.' , ' The parties to this transfer are CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, an incorporated City in the County of Lane, State of Oregon hereinafter referred to as "CITY"::and McKENZIE FOREST PRODUCTS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, hereinafter referred to "M KENZIE" . I, as c .' ." This Property Line Adjustment Deed is intended to adjust the boundary line between Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" as created in City of Springfield Partition No 1'181 as surveyed \ ' in that survey filed at the Lane County Surveyor's Office under No. 27718. Parcel "A" as so created was later adjusted by Journal 90-07-123, that survey filed at the Lane County Surveyor's Office under No. 29554 and that deed recorded April 28, 1998 Reception No. , 1 9831300. '. ": ' "CITY" and "McKENZIE" wish to adjust their common property line in compliance with City of Springfield Land Use regulations and the provisions of O~S 92.190(4). A survey oithe adjusted property line, prepared by Ford & Associates will be recorded in the Lane County Surveyor's Office. In order to accomplish the property: line adjustment, "McKENZIE" conveys the parcel described in Exhibit "A" to "CITY" (the adjusted line' consists of the courses line underlined in said Exhibit "A"). The legal descriptions for the revised properties are as follows: it , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -.Exhibit "8" : The underlined courses comprise the adjusted ~ommon p,roperty line !' McKENZIE FOREST PRODUCTS, INC. - Exhibit "C" The underlined courses comprise the adjusted common property line i I :J Ti (}C~>(.:. (:.~. I ) The true consideration 'or this conveyance is "') /' '6 '31 ?GC" I DATED this Lot Line Adjustment Deed - 1 I bate Received: I;' " I , JUN 1 7 2009 , , origi~al Submittal ;/ "!' GII" I by: ". ":S:..~~="G...~':'C" - J_. .~,.<;:~,:,~ .,' ". I)FFICIAL SEAL If" ..,f':~~?:l 'IMY L',SOWA j' "~'f~l\'JU;i>,;"\ :IJBlIC OREGON (( ,\~7;~_~' ~OMMJSSiON NO -352109 II) . _ MYCOMMISS10NE^PIA~~.~~2~~~~ , " :: ~/' APPROVED' FOR Re: C.oRDING'. ,/ 11 r; ""If' I, , ' d~"'..~/7AA...::f " 15 /30/0fi DENNIS p, ERrI'Sr - C'TY Sl)R.V~YOR. J DATG " II I: McKENZIE FO~jPRODUGTS, c &, ',ZlvJf }f~,; c". ,I)"", ~uZ.-<- by. '/~_ 1:... _ /\.JSic>,';'J lk:Pt,LGdcf, ,)(tb>I(){5l-'~ , ' STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of'Lane ) . , _ i~ On f!UtiiAsJ 3/, 2CD5 , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, pers<lnally appeared 1-11 cha e IA . K ell Lf .and- ;, personally known to me to belhe jC,h'l )..,ILlncu1!' , ana !be-- of City of Springfreld to be the person(s) who executed this instrument on behalf of the City of Springfield, Oregon " . WITNESS my hand and official seal (j'I')L-{}... (7') ""InLl {.l_ Notary Publ(c;\ for the State of Oregon ,My Commission Expires: 1/' d;)..;1 ()OS' ~~=<-'''' .J i\~,'r-'> '8 }:>-l \0.....- / STATE OF OREGON ) )ss , I, County of Lane . ) , I, . On _A .. " ,{. Ji" ?-<"l.I.\, before me, a Notary Public in ~nd :~or said 'county and State, personally appeared ":i[blJ,,:-,J tI . )(1 [.6<,Q;;:" and ;, person~lIy known to me to be the iJi2.6; ,n"'=-"'T Of;> ;"d;c.",7v'bt iklc/""y 4; j..~ ...r>clo#1e. ,'S-, H'IC.'-"k,.CWC'''''' of McKenZie Forest Products, LLC to be the person(s) who executed this instrument on behalf of the McKenzi,e Forest Products, Inc. II , ( WITNESS my hand and official seal .... ...",/ ." G-/' ,./ .;<:" ,,- I, ..' j' ( .' .,9" ",,-,,,<;1' '-- -" Notary1'ubl.~~r the State of/Oregon My Commi~sion Expires: J -('7 -2r:~0 ,. , i. .' ,QfFlCI,~LSEAl'i-=--g . ~:)~' TONY CURCIO , \tJ rIOTAF!'iPUO!.IC'O~:EGON ",J)~,,~' CO..~/'cll~ION NO 355844 , l!-1~' C6~'!fI.iI':;:Ji~.!::.::1P1l'-lr:S MAF:lCH 19, 2005 " " I:' Lot Line A~ustment Deed. 2 ]' uate Received: " JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal I: Ii EXHIDIT "A" Job No 352.19 : February 9,2004 DESCRlPTION OF TRACT TO BE CONVEYED TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BY McKENZIE FOREST PRODUCTS 43.OZ Acres The underlined courses comprise the adjusted property line between City of Springfield and McKenzie Forest Products Beginning at the stone marking the re-entrant corner of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 39, Township 18 South, Range 3 West ofthe Willamette Meridian; thence, North 89050'40" West 1370.49 feet along the south line of said Claim to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being marked by an iron pin set on the east line of that easement granted the United States of America by instrument recorded July 15, 1960, Reception No. 4706, being a line parallel with and 30.00 feet easterly of the centerline described in said instrument; thence, North 89' 50'40" West 1503.47 feet continuing along said cl.aim line to the southeast corner of Parcel "B" of Springfield Partition No. 1181(being that traCt conveyed to the City of Springfield in that Quitclaim Deed recorded December 24. 1985, Ree11381R, 1nstrument No.8546055); thence, North 19023'19" East 876.49 feet along the east line of said Parcel "B" to a fence post marking.n angle point therein; thence, North 74016'0 I" West 251.96 feet continlling along said east line to a fence post marking an angle point therein; thence, North 34'35'59" West 70.86 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 72054'18" West 275.67 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 85025'36" West 286.73 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 76026'59" West 510.99 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 57056'20" West 431.13 ,feetcontinuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 73056'54" West 149,84 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 77023' 16" West 163.60 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set' therein; thence, North 7601 I '42" West 90.94 reet continuing along said east line to a "P.K." nail set therein; thence, North 13 0 36' 16" East 77.70 feet continuing along the west line of Parcel "A" of said " Partition to a reinforcing rod marking an angle point in the east line of said Parcel "B" and the west lineof Parcel "A"; thence, North 11002'45" East 94.44 feet continuing along said common line to a point on the south right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad right of way (said point being South 78057' 15" East 3.00 feet from a reinforcing rod set in that survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under Survey No. 27718); thence, South 78057' 15" East 677.34 feet along said south right of way line. (being the north line of said Parcel "A") to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No, 277i 8; thence, South 11002'45" West 15.00 reet continuing along said south right of way line to a point; thence, South 78057'15" East 1478,21 feet continuing along said right of way line to point marked by a reinforcing rod; . thence. South 11038'0'2" West 209.66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 0025'52" East 138.31 feetto a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 75044'51" East 186.87 feet to. point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 69020'22" East 575.54 reet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78015'46" East 52.53 reet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 68019'03" East 68.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 67028'09" East 74.42 reel to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78022'51" East 33.32 feetto a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 84029'54" East 43.80 feet 10 a: point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 74003' 33" East 241.64 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing iod;i'thence, South 75045'50" East 99.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 89051'50" East 70. 73 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence. South 86038'41" East 23.93 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, $outh 76027' IS" East 470.30 reet io a point marked 'by a reinforcing rod; thence, II " Lot Line Adjustment Deed ~ 3 Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 . Original Submittal Ii South 7]002'56" East 480.75 feeHo a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 71047'59" East 195.50 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 65004'28" East 36.66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 28046'07" East 44.82 fee! to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 830 I 2' 1 7" East 82.99 fee! to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 6,026'58" East 226.69 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 73050'43" East 307.72 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence. South 80028'02" East 213.48 feet to a'reinforcing rod set in tllat survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under No 27395 on the northerly line of the Truck, Road; tllence, South 82026'04" East 396.44 fee! to a reinforcing rod set in said.,Survey No, 27395; thence, South 66034 '39" East 41 ,55 feef to a reinforcing rod marking the most easterly northeast comerofsaid Parcel "A"; thence, South 0002' 15" West 65.1 I feet a point on the north b~nk ofthe Mill Race as surveyed and monumented in that survey filed at the Lane County Surveyor under No 29705; thence, North 54025'42" West 62.03 feet along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 29705; thence, North 86001' 11" West 192.19 feet continuing along said north b~nk to a r'einforcing rod set in said Survey No. 29705; thence, NOrtJl 85'46'28" West 390.98 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No 29705; thence, South 73050'43" West 283.35 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 29705; thence, South 63':26'58" West 242.91 feet continuing along said north bank.to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No, 29701; thence, North 86012' 17" West 136.05 feet continuing along said north bank to the northwest corner of that portion of the Mill Race conveyed to the City of Springfield in that deed recorded December 24, 1985, Reel No, 1381R, Instrument No. 8546055, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon on the easrline of the vehicular bridge giving access over said Mill Race to Springfield Quany Rock Products"Inc.; thence, SOllth 41045'57" West 16,29 feet to a point; thence, North 58049'30" West 42.36 feet albng the northerly bank of the Mill Race to a point on the west line of said Bridge; thence, South 25055' 13',' West 69.55 feet to a point on the southerly bank of the Mill Race; thence, North 71 0 19'23" West 241 ,10 feet along the sOlltllerly bank of the Mill Race to a point; thence, North 0016'20 East 31.84 feet to a point on the centerline of the Mill Race; thence, North 72'58'40" West 544.34 feet along said cented'ine to a point bearing North 89050'40" West 868.63 feet and North 0030'20" EastJ39.8l feetfrom said re-entrant corner; thence, South 0030'20" West 75.82 feet to a point on the south bank of the Mill Race; thence, Northwesterly along said s04th bank to a point on the east line of the above referenced e~5ement granted the United States; thence, SOllth 22 0 31 '24" West 80 feet, more or less, along the east lin'~ of said easement to a reinforcing rod set therein; thence, South 22031'24" West 134,96 feet along said easement granted the United States to a reinforcing rod set opposite centerline station 243+00,9 Bk: = 243+00 Ah.; thence, South 18035'30" West 114.27 feet to the true point of beginning in Lane COllnty, Oreg~n, I' If, ,. " D~te Received: ,. :iJUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal ,. I. " il Lol L~.ne Adjustment Deed - 4 EXAMPLE uB" Ii Job No 352.19 February 9, 2004 DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTED CITY OF SPRlNGFIELD TRACT:! " 119.1,J, Acres ':. The underlined courses comprise the adjusted property line between City ofSpringfie!d and McKenzie Fo'rest Products " " I' Beginning at the stone marking the re-entrant comer of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land'Claim No. 39, Township 18 SOllth, Range3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence, North 890S0'4q" West 1370,49 feet along the SOllth line of said Claim to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being marked by an iron , pin set on the east line of that easement granted the United States of America by instrurrient recor,ded Iuly 15, 1960, Reception No. 4706, being a line parallel with and 30.00 feet easterly of the c~nterlige described in said instrument; thence, North 89050'40" West 2467.52 feet along said C'laim line to:the west southwest corner of said Claim No. 39 being an angie point in the s'outh line of Parcel ,,'B" o{Springfield Partition No. 1181(being that tract conveyed to tlie City of Springfield in that Quitclaim Deed recorded . , December 24, 1985, Reel 1381R, Instrument No.8546055); thence, North 0004 '06" West 244.20 feet to a point; thence, North 63008'04" West 41 0.07 feet to a point; thence, West 69.69 feet toa point; thence, South 15,50 feet to a point; thence, East 34.20 feet to a point; thence, South 60033 '29" East 414.93 feet to a point; thence, South 0002'41" East 250.00 feet to a point; thence, South 89'55',17" East 40,00 feet to a . point on the east line of the Elias Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 67 in said Township' and Range; thence, following said east line South 0004'43" West 6?:06 feet to the easterly northeast carner of the Amended Plat of Willamette Heights, as plaited and recorded in Book 4, page 78, Lane, County, Oregon Plat Records; thence, following the northerly line of said plat SOllth 89'58'02" West 437:20 feet to a point; thence, South 89'59'30" West 228, 10 feet along the south line of Block 6 of said plat to a point; thence, North 52009' 12" West 230.58 feet along the southwest line of said Block 6 and along the southwest line of the vacated Laurel Street to a 'point on the sOllth line of Block'5 of said plat; thence, South 89'59' 30" West 111.18 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 5 of said plat; thence, North 0' \0'48" East along the west line of said Lot 15 and along the west line ofLot3 of said Block 5, 354.00 ' feet to a point on the north line of said plat; thence, North 89' 59' 30" East 0.42 feet along said north line to a point; thence, North I '43'35" West 158,61 feet to a point; thence, North 16'45' 00" East 269.00 feet to a point; thence, North 73'04'34" West 1137.44 feet along the southerly line of the McCandless , Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded ii1 Book 2, page 39, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records, to a point; thence, North 0009'48" East 123.26 feet to a point; thence, North 89'56'54" East 114.00 feet to a point; thence, North 7'24'45" West 178,98 feet to a point; thence. North 41046'26" West 122.50 feet to a . " point; thence, Nort!1 28002'38" West 163,96 feet to a point; thence, North 64'27'26" West 71,09 feet to a point on the east line of South 4". Street, Springfield, Oregon, being 30.00 feet from s.iid street center when measured at right angles thereto; thence, North 0'09'48" East along the said east line of SOllth 4", Street 126,10 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company (formerly Southern Pacific Railroad Company); thence, following said right of way liri'e on a curve to the right having a radius of 1877,91 feet, an arc length of319,13 feet by a long chord that bears N0I1h 86041 '37" East 318,75 feet to a point on a curve; thence, continuing on a curve to the 'iight having a radius of 1877 91 feet, an arc length of 105.13 feet by a long chord that bears South 86047'41" East lO5.13 feet to a point; thence, South 73035'52" East 147.92 feet to a point that is 60,00 feet distant from the center of the mainline tract of the Southern Pacific Company, when measured at right angles thereto; thence, South 78056'55" East 754.39 feet to a point; thence, leaving said southerly right of way 'line South 11003 '08" West 94,49 feet to a point; thence, North 72' 45 '56" West 167.99 feet to a point; thente, North , , lot Line Adjustment Deed - 5 : Date Received: JUN 1 7 2C09 I Or!ginal Submitial " I' l' I'. " I: , 76'23'49" West 69.51 feet to a poirit; thence, North 12'57'59" East 18.56 feet to a point; thence, North 76'40'04" West 138.38 feet to a point; thence, South 13'47'26" West 100,00 feet to a point; thence, South 76' 12'39" East 108.54 feet to ; point; thence, North 13'33 '26" East 2.59 reet to ijpoint; thence, Soutb 76'26'34" East 50,00 feet'to a point; thence, North 13~33'26" East 6.43 feet to a point; thence, South 76' 26' 34" East 27.07 feet to a point; thence, SOUtll 54 '55'04" East 41.23 feet to a)point; thence, South 76'26'34" East 152.10 feet to a point; thence, North 13'36'16" East 77.70 feet alqng the west line of Parcel "A" of City of Springfield Partition No. 118] to a reinforcing rod marking an angle point in the east line of Parcel "B" and the west line of Parcel "A" thereof; thence, North II '02'45" East 94.44 feet continllin'g along said common line to a point on the south right of way line of the Union:Pacific Railroad right of way (said point being South 78'57' 15" East 3.00 feet from a reinforcing rod set'in that survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under Survey No. 27718); thence, South 78'57' 15" East. 677,34 feet along said south right of way, line (being the north line of said Parcel "A") tO"a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 27718; thence, South] I '02'45" West 15.00 feet continuing along said south right of way line to a point; thence, South 78'57' IS" East 1478.21 feet continuing along said fight of way line to point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence. South 11 '38'02" West 209,66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 0'25'52" East 138.31 feet to a point marked by a reinfordng rod; thence, South 75'44'51" East 186.87 fee.! to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence..South 69'20'22" East 575.54 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78' 15 '46" East 52.51 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, .South 68' 19'03" East 68.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 67'28'09" East 74.42 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78'22'51" East 33.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 84'29'54" East 4380 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 74 '03'33" East 241.64 feetto a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence. South 75 '45' 50" East 99.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcirig rod; thence, North 89'51 '50" East 70.73 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence. South 86'38'41" Ea>t 23.93 feetto a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 76'27' 15" East 470.30 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence South 73'02'56" East 480.75 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 71 '47'59" East 195.50feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; th'ence, South 65'04'28" East 36.66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence North 28'46'07" East 44.82 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 83' 12' 17" East 82.99 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 63 '26' 58" East 226.69 feet to a point marked by a reinfoi'Cing rod; thence, North 73 '50'43" East 307.72 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 80'28'02" EaSt 213.48 feet to a reinforcing rod set in that:survey filed at the office ofthe Lane County Surveyor under No. 27395 on the northerly line of the Truck Road; thence South 82'26'04" East 396.44 feet to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 27395; thence, South 66'34'39" East 41.55 feet tii a reinforcing rod marking the most easterly northeast comer of said Parcel "A"; thence, South 0'02'15" West 65.11 feet a point on the north bank of the Mill Race as surveyed and monumented in that survey fih,d at the Lane County Surveyor underNo,29705; thence, North 54'25'42" West 62.03 feet along saict";north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No 29705; thence, North 86'01'11" West 192.19 fee; continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No 29705; thence, North 85'46'28" West 390.98 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No 29705; thence, South 73'50'43" West 283.35 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in',said Survey No, 29705; thence. South 63'26'58" West 242.91 feet continuing along said north bank to a!reinforcing rod set in said Survey No, 29705; thence, North 86' 12'17" West 136.05 feet continuing alohg said north bank to the northwest corner of that portion of the Mill Race conveyed to the City ofSpringfibld in ti,at deed recorded December 24, 1985, Reel No. 138] R, Instrument No, 8546055, Official Recoras of Lane County, Oregon on the east line of the vehicular bridge giving access over said Mill Race to Springfield Quarry Rock Products, Inc; thence, South 4 J '45'57" West 16.29 feet to a point: thence, North 58'49'30" West 42.36 feet along the northerly bank of the Mill Race to a point on the west line of said Bridge; thence, I Lot UAe Adjustment Deed - 6 Ii I Date Received: f i~ I: JUN 1 7 2U:9 I Original SubmittaL South 25"55'13" West 69.55 reet to a point on the southerly bank of the Mill Race; then'ce, North 71" 19'23" West 241.10 feet along the southerly bank of the Mill Race to a point; thence, North 0"16'20 East 3 \.84 reet to a point on the centerline ofthe Mill Race; thence, North 72058'40" West 544.34 feet " along said centerline to a point bearing North 89"50'40" West 868.63 feet and North'0"30'20" East 339,81 reet from said re-entrant comer; thence, South 0030'20" West 75.82 feet to a point on the south bank of the Mill Race; thence, Northwesterly along said south bank to a point on the east line of the above referenced easement granted the United States; thence, South 22031'24" West 80 feet, more or less, along the east line of said easement to a reinforcing rod set therein; thence, South 22031'24" West 134.96 reet along said easement granted the United States to a reinforcing rod set opposite centerline station 243+00,9 Bk. ~ 243+00 Ah.; thence, South 18" 35' 30" West 11427 feet to the true point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. I, , Date Received: 1 " JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal Lot Line Adjustment Deed - 7 EXHIBIT "C" Job No. 352.19 February 9, 2004 DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTED McKENZIE FOREST PRODUCTS TRACT 33.2;' Acres The lInderlined courses comprise the adjusted property line between City of Springfield and McKenzie Forest Products Beginning at the stone marking the re-entrant corner of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No, 39, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the WiIlamette Meridian; thence, North 89050'40"'West 2873.96 feet along the south line of said Claim to feet continlling along said claim line to the southeast corner of Parcel "B" of Springfield Partition No, 1181 (being that tract conveyed to the City of Springfield in that Quitclaim Deed recorded December 24,1985, ReeI1381R, Instrument No.8546055); thence, North 19023' 19" East 876.49 feet along the east line of said Parcel "B" to a fence post marking' an angle point therein; thence, North 74016'01" West 251.96 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post marking an angle point therein; thence, North 34035'59',' West 70.86 feet continlling along said east line to a fence post set thereil); thence, North 72 054'18" West 275.67 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set tllerein; thence, North 85025'36" West 286.73 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 76026'59" West 510.99 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 57"56'20" West 431.13 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 73056'54" West ]49.84 feet continuing along said east line to a f~nce post set therein; thence, North 77023'16" West 163.60 reet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 7601] '42",West 90.94 feet continuing along said east line to a lead plug set therein; thence, North 13 036'16"East 77.70 feet continuing along the west line of Parcel "A" of ' said Partition to a reinforcing rod marking an angle point in the east line of said Parcel "B" and the west line of Parcel "A"; thence, North 11002'45" East 94.44 feet continuing along said common line to a point on the south right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad right of way (said point being SOllth 78057'] 5:' East 3.00 feet from a reinforcing rod set in that survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyorunder Survey No, 27718); thence, South 78057' 15" East 677.34 reet along said south right of way line (being the north line of said Parcel "A") to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 277\8; thence, South 11002'45" West \5.00 feet continuing along said south right of way line to a point; thence, South 78057'.15" East 1478.21 feet continuing along said right of way line to a reinforcing rod marking the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, South I] 038'02" West 209.66 feer to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 0025 '52" East 138.31 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 75044'51" East 186.87 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 69020'22" East 575.54 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78015'46" East 52.53 fee! to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, SOllth 68019'03" East 68.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 67028'09" East 74.42 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78022'51" East 33.32 fee! to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 84029' 54" East 43.80 feet to a point marked by a ,reinforcing rod; thence, South 74003'33" East 241.64 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 75045'50" East 99.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 89051 '50" East 70.73 feel to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 86038'41" East 23.93 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 76027'15" East 470.30 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 73002'56" East 480.75 reet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South Lot UnO~'R~f\ted: JUN 1 7 2C09 O. - IS b .\,.., nglns u ml '''''___..____. '" 71047'59" East 195.50 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 65004'28" East 36.66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 28046'07" East 44.82 reet to:~ point marked by a reinforcing rod; thOllce, North 83012' 17" East 82.99 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 63 026'58" East 226.69 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 73050'43" East 307.72 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence; South 80028'02" East 213.4"8 reet to a reinforcing rod set in that sllrvey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under No. 27395 on the northerly line of the Truck Road; thence, North 4053'07" East 250.62 feet to a point (being referenced on the ground by a reinforcing rod bearing N87"34'02" West 4.98 feet) on the south right of way line of Union Pacific Railroad right of way; thence, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 11559.19 feet to a point bearing North 81032'07" West I 041.10 feet from the last desc'ribed point; thence, North 78057' 15" West 1610,19 feet along said south right of way line to apoini; thence, North 71 049'45" West 201.92 feet continuing along said right of way line to a point; thence, North 78057' 15" West 539.79 feet to tlle true point of beginning in Springfield, Lane COllnty, Oregon., il i' , I: .1, pate Received: JUN 1 7 2009 I ' . ". . Origihal Submi~al Ii . .. ~: Ii Lot Line Adjustment Deed - 9 - -~..~- -_._~~ NARRA TIYlO, THIS PROPfRTY UHf: AOJUST1JENT SURl-fl' fS BaNG COUPl.CTtO AT mE: REOIJE:ST OF mE art or SPRlNt;F1W ~ u~ZJr FOREST FROOUCTS tlHO MSH TO 040- JJST va: COMMON PROPE:1HY UNE: THE rno amnES SHAR~ rH,I,T PRoPUiTY UHC ts mE: (;1}J,fUOH WlE: 8!:rnfIN PARCEl A AND B OF art OF sPRWCf/ElO MlHCN PARTlllOtl /lIBI. . 1Hf: PIWPrRTY CJJRfID/llY OHNED BY aTY Of'SPR/NG- FInD WAS DONATED ro THE" aTY BY r;(O{IClA PAonc CClRPORAnDN BY OW RCCORDCO OECfMeER H Ises Rm l.3BIR, INST. 85460'5. THE RDJAlHDER (y" THE CE'DRClA PACIfIC CORPORATION PROPERTY ~Ya.UOfD 1t17HlN SAlO pART/7ION t.CSSPROPfRTY CC:W~ TO OTHERS ,(S PART OF pRf:',fOOSLr ACC()WUSHW PRt:!PffirY UNE AO.AJSr1010H51S ctmREHn.r OImED 81' ud!EHZlE: FOREST PRO- DUCTS. mE PARTIES /NYDLW IN mJS PROPERTY ~ ,to.JJSrNENT HAl-f.'" AC;RatI 1l) JoDJ.JST mfJR CIlRRmr COA/UON UHE ro tHAT UHf: INDlCArrIJ HEREON. rW,r UHf: HAS 8lIN Sl'T1IAJUI 50 rH.'oT BUIl.D/HC SEroAO(S Il!U. BE 1WNTMlED. REPRESCNTA7Ivr::S OF IJOTHPAR1lO HAYE" WSPECrro mE: ACUJ51'ED UNf: ~NO HAYE" J,GREID ON mAT LOCA7ION JH mE FI!Lf). ZDN1HC: Boorn KaLyl/rtE:lJ use UCf/TUfD(/JIJINWSTRJAL PlJIJUC UNUS >>ID OPEN SPAcES ~vrIHOUSmt.AL JlEJJ{LIJI Of]{SJrY RESDEHrrAL ~ ' IJHAD.AJSrElJ AliD. Il1mlH aTY'f;F sPRiNcno.o rRACTp,~ -~ .._76.1:1; AOfES UrJWI~E FOlIEST PROOUCrs'TO CCNIof'Y tv sPRIHCFIElD., ___.4.]./U- AeRa AO.AJSIFD cry OF SPR/HGfICJ..D mACr._.~ __1/3.94: ACRES O1SJINC M&. ItfTHIN IIdm1I1E FORF:ST PRO'UCTS rR,I,CT n:uOIlfNC PRIOR AD.(/SnlOo't'S......,. 76.J:t ACRES ..w..usml IIcJCEHZ1C FOREST PROOUcrs l7lAC:r.".. .t24i1.% ACRf$ ARCA. IN 1./" JCl2 (NOT /1iO.UDCD UI fJTHER SPRUICAf1.D OR Ud(fNlJE tr:JIrEsf PPOOUCTS PlWP~n-,. -_,__..' 0.74:!: ACRes Nom mc /</iCAS ARC so u-RCZ" >>t! AREAS ARE Drl'REssro IN A",(AGO UNITSUlSTeAD OFSOI.IMf:n:ET !\lOTE REGARDING e.ANITAR."T" eE\I.ISR L.INE , EA$EHENT {)Sf}/f]JTf/ECOPD. RED. 1162R ~~%J: Jlr:;;~[~%LfE5 I ~ I (r2J.:26JT2 (H O'OO'.fa7}12 ,ll.ueeecR'e. HA" NO. M-03.)6 T~1 - ClTT' c;> ePRil'-lCoPlt!l.D ~'fl~WO. n.o)-)& TU"3 >>ltl JOel - Md::D-W!l~T ~ .u.e.l;UCR'e. ,1.1.1'" NO, 10,<:13.<:11 TUJOC . 1C1C1 .. MddNtJIO FORtteT PRccu.-~ . -,- ~ ~.., LEGS<.IC, " sri 5IB. X .JlJ"RDHFOOOJ/G ROO IIITH OR.lNCC PLAStIC CAP , STNJPW .fflr_._,._~..,~..., .,,_. ,.. ,_~'.. .. ........ ...... 0 F()IJHO UO/IUJJENT AS NOrrD, _ .._._..._,_.;.,..._. -.. ,,- D R[caw DATA pfJI oms OR SURI'E'rS AS NOTro-..._._ _. ( ~ U!A.StlRlD OATA EOUALS RECORO OArA UNI.ES!i Or/1!11I11S( HOTED r , I' I<EFERENCE&, I I. OTYOF.SPRJNGFlI111PM7ITlONNUU8f1/ /lar 2. a:tI'rFYAHa: FROM CECflQA-PAaFlC CORPOR,I,7lDN TO arY OF S1'lVNCFIDJ) D.41lD etc. 20. ,gas INSr. ~j, Rm IJ4/R .1 c.!i.F."J4S - DIU. D.WSTAO - APRII..,,96() 4. C.SF.tl4.J5 - BllJ. DUSTAD - MAY. 1960 .1 c.s.r.1J<lJl - -JaIN lAlIl'lIl.A - A1,l,r"lgG.J 6. C.U:IJ7.J$ - 8lLL lUtSTAD - NOV. 1964 7, CS.r.1/206 .I.EEPl.ANTS- JAN., 1978 fJ. CSF.:J!;06J - DAIlE" tHOUPSON - AUa. 19111 9, Cs.F.25m;" u:u DUSTAD - SEPr.; 1982 10. c.s.r.2711J8 - SlU. SlISTAD - suor. tgas It. es.F.27J95 - G.U DUSWI - APRil.; '986 12. C.$.F.277IB - DONROCERS _ PAR7IlIQI SUR'rFY IJ. C.Sr.2!105B - PAL'I.A NORNCSS - ocr. 19B' 14. C5.F.29171 - PAIJU. HMNESS - .wi.. 199Cl IS. CSF.29554 - PAW HORH!SS - P,LA - DCT~/990 I~. C5.F.29701-2f}7" - nuR PARSDI1 - .J.l.H., '9!!' N89'50'4a"W~467." I, @ S7Bl:r~6T 5~SJ' @S6A'79'OJ,,(" 6B.n' .@S6~8"U9T 14.'42' @ Sln2'SIT ~J2' @IUW29'54'C 43.80' ~ " Cl Sl4UfJJ'! 24/64' I S7!i'.fS'50T 9~.J2 H!!I"S1"50T 70..7,]' @S!6:J8'4tT 2.lSOJ. @S71.'7'$g'l; /95.$0' I':;::~;; :.!.:~.:.,;:~ 271JBJ12'I7T IIZ99. 2S 116J"26'58, 226.69 !0S6:J4'J"'c 4155. JO !ClUl'I5'"W 6$.11. " HP DES1GN JET 330 PLOTTER, HP 115164l)A PIGMENT BASED INK ON CONTINENTAL :ljPC-<\M2 POLYESTER nlH " ~f &'0, (158,6.1'112_ ~ ~ 69,69'12 '-j........-'N~...~~ IS,5tJ'2 DETAIl.. eHOUJING , OIHENSIIONSo OF T1. ~(ZI2 to.4Z'1'2 '~"'J:q ~ ~ .~" 'NS9!)9'J1) E)12~ ___04,20" _ 'J~,o>:.;t c __....I.-lac CITY HORmUN!-~... ~-rJ'~J';. a" ".'.J:.,:t 'u/g:'O~~~t ?; (III Ia') U)'p:r '-"',g~ . FOliNO (fR. sPIKE: Ilcrn: ;:P- &/!'S89:;9-JO.W), Q(,c> j;V. IlO'T sOUmllE!TcalNE"R HecmS ~ ..; (2so.00")I~ Q'" ISA>IC BRICCS OI.e J9 . . ~ (' -J- :t.....a.oo.,OIONOT~r FallNOS/a RC8A.R :;t'~.q.- SOW4,,,.1 __.~~.,. (954.05')'2 ~ 'JE' (5a9'SS".ro")l'}I2 ._~~~~JrE"1l2 FOUNO PI< HAlt 51( COR. 'f>3~ ';;'&-'jf228.IO'Jf2 r-- fTJUHO Rfl. SPtI(( LOT IS. tJU( #;. ~ \:;.. 4J7.20 I 67,06')1:1 . .~~ ./ (SS9'SO'02"W)12 S 0'014.J'W)12 SlIl r. UN( ~ "'fioRrHEm. r. UHE E.N.E"- COOHnt 1JJ000aJ <D (ti/:r;16'16T 17.7D')'2 fJtJ(, 6 - \ rF THE AJ,ICMJIIJ PU.T OF Mff.UUITlF A.llENOClIPl.Af.) PU.TOF AIUA- HEIGHTS . @ (Hfl"OJ.06'"!: 9449')2 (SIllJ,rOS'W H50')12.Nll'02'~5T 9444' ~Hf]GHrs @ (1l7:r45:."" 167_99J!2 oS::2 H7,J'02'."i'f'167.95- o (N7fi2J'49t'f 69,51')12 4: 2 N7S4;1'59i'f 69,65' @ (",7:;7'591; IS.56')12 6: 2 rlI:r3f;"d'c 18'2' @ (H1nO'04'W IJS.JBJ'2.l' 2 N7i>~O'J6'W /J8.Jr o (SJ.nr26iV IfIO,oOJt2,,t;:2 @ (S76-r2'J!1'r lO8.54'}12 6:,2 @ (NtJ'.J.J16"F2.5!1')12.t":I @ (S7626'.3f"r 50.00')12 .s: 2 <D (HIJ'J:J"26'E: 6. 4,)')r2 '" 2 @ (S762ti'J4"f 27.07')12 <!< :2 01 (SS4'S5'04'f: 412J')12 Ii> 2 o [57676"]47:: '52.10)12 6: 2 ,f @ 6i)- ~.,.. '. 0" -=-.1l,. '" f""~' J ~.]'f-~~!: Q" ~g.tq:t" ~ {I5(1~47'U TOIID\' _ or IH54'2S'42'11' 6Z0J'CSF29D7S../NS, J1 t/1l6t1I'1/"1I' '!l2,1!i' IND5~7jJ'w I J NSS'.f6:1B'W JSo.'S' {Na54J'/O,' 3.f S7J"S04J"w 2BJ.J!j' IS7J'5~"UI'1f SU'26':S811' 242IJ"Ist;J'J0'r6'7r J6 tlfJ672V"w IJ6,OS' /tIf!6'06'5'~~ ISW4S'57'W 16,2S' NSB'4g'jD"W 42.16' Jg S2S5~nJiI' 69_.'15' 40 N7'79'ZJ"W 24"0 ~J t/ 016'20'F JU{ Date Received: --J~i~ ~~~ Origil'lslSUbmlttal = _.~ ....-.......,....... rr' LINE AC..l\J2>TMENT euRVEY.. e.i-lEE1 2 ClF: 2 e.I-lEET I e..4C'JreI ORIG1NAl..6NO AOJUem:O .--^-.-......, . LINES AND .t.PPROx1MATE CITY L.1MlTe L.INE ' I. ",orr;.'fflRaVQ/OlJr1H!S1ItM'I'~S/J//R(){JHO/HO B&JliHCS M'O 0fST.wc!S fNO/t.Ut RCCORO INf'()RW,T/OH (OrED OR rom-EY) AND IS LlSU'.Ltr SHOWN IN COJlP)J'IISON WfTH UWtJRft) lit-lRWCS ~o Dr.;TN-iClS ON mE BEAJ/INC SVSJDI (Ism HtRroN. tJIfFUl(NCG AAE: DUE" ro J1WURC- MOfTS wm: IN THE F111.D mou U01lllMDITS GUUJ1/H oaDS OR SURm'S- SCALE, '''=400' --,610."<1, 'tlla.191'~~ ItXJND R.R. SPIK€ BO.RfNC H'IrS",S" s,rzo'N/f) 5,,.02'>15"1+' O,fO"F'RQJJ 1RtJf:'.~&FOOND .v". ~ BENifNC (.s;g'a;.~'r, . r:ci~"tJ/kt9f1' FROJJ {S8'"J1'oi-t- 10<15.12')13 (N"lISss t.c..ron,fO' . ,/9;1 s,"70.,Jci: ~.2r,~"t " FOUND ~/II' REBAR 1.5' H. do5:T.W. OfF<RCC fOUNO .5/S"JLqy.]lCOfINER ~ /,0' S-.OFFWCE 29 Otl>lll, VL"IRON PIPE. 2./ J'gr,.5~ pjjtn:8Y'RS JD 5/1r RClW/ FOONG 5jl1" R!8.l.R 1I11H CAP SET IN C.S.F.:r.170.5 OETAIL. "6~ OJ.NEREr. . ORIClNALPMCn ..... U.xDI7JE fOResr PROOUCrs. lNe P.o. 8OK' 7/9 S1'RlNCf1EtD, Ma:cH sN77 ~ SOE MlOflfSS.' '~J soom r smITT CiiIGlllAt PAACD. -s" arr OF 5PR1NcnaLI 255 5rH.. SrRlIr . SPR/NC11aD. OREGON 97417 ~_._- t- m -< III o '(f) ~[ciI ~E-< r.i::: I'<1U 00 Z(f) 1'<1(f) fJJ...; ~~ chr::l {fJ~ 1'<10 7 Ii. o 0:: o r.. ~ z o F < z i < x w ~ ~ z o > .. 0" ~I" .~~ iij' ~~ <~ ~5 " w ~ ~ ~ N'" ~N ~m -m I I ~~ ~~ "'''' ~~ ;:; ~~ ~ ~( ~l "',. -.;" . . N ~'I "'~ ~~ N N' << .0 . ~tJ <!15 ~o a i'j ~ , ~ ~ . ~ z o " o ~ ." ~ v> z o u . " ,i~ j gJ~. J . ." '0 < .'?ci zc . ~~ _ 0 _w "i, JOB NO 357_ III D\lG NO .!qnd_ eLA-R BY' f'LN/ldm I j.jONtJU~rs sr:r 2/12/0f PVl I.I,AP PRlHffD ~/2~/CU - I 1: II . ~ I: 1, I: .1\ ,I' " ,: I: I; Date Received: " " ii JUN 1 7 2009 ;; origi~al Suornil!al ---0...--0.. " ',,-- ,,;-.~.~._--_.--..o... --........ I -- .~--- ORI61NA~ PROPERTY i II - ~INE '-...../ Ii . .,r- r-- e,pRlNGFlao CITY / LIMITS, \..INI! / I' ., F ' I-~ .I .~ ~ i - . _. ,_. '; " i ORIGINAl- PR.......-..~, . LINE E ~ ;1 q i '~~ I j ! ,j 1 ~ ;gV <;9 f't ~ I I ~ ~""""'NO. n..,." ,~..,. c,,<"" ..........,"-" . ___~ ..., _ t'IAP~. n.Ol']&- 'I'L20:) .SNO XICI _ ~l! ,,~f F'R0CIJCT8 ~'e.HAP 1-10.111..0)-01 TU300 11aCI . I"Id::ril-Wli JOIU:6T PROCi\JCTtI . . ... '. - .'..'-- ......... - -- '''-.-. . " /1' l' '" ~ · .., !~. L\ AOJU&TEO PROFERT. -..leN "" ,: . LINE (' (.rr;i;J.(c>>~lelill4Htc.. 1', . ~P"'CJJ::f'''' . ,l4<Nl.tIaF ' ]I ~c:tS) - " ,,," ....... ;g" " (j '"" /. . ~ ....."..~ f "'/ . jl i I, Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 , r Original Submittal i' HP DESIGN JET 330 PLOT~(R. HP lIS1640A PIGMENT' BASED INK ON CONTINENTAL IIJPC-4112 POL VESTER r1LH r~'~.' ".' ~..__ .~ , -_.~...., PROPER-IT L.lNE AOJUeTMENT f;lJR\o"ET' ~ $iEE.'!' I OF 7 f>lolEi!T I &Howe O;<l~lNA1.. AND ADJUBTEO PRO~T""" L.INE6 ANt:' AF'PROxlHATE CIT"J"I..!HIT& I.lNe \ ANE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFTICE csnLE NO, '? {J If 5., 'ILlNG DATE' 1e\.1A"""#~ ,- ~::~~,- ,lD..tIST. JOOI/'''' ftfJ-Jiis4 -1 1- oj ="""'0 vctll DtmER5i/1P I1frHIN ~us "r;EN'ffR ~ wu RIor;E CUfiRENT UIll RAce t.r fS .". Sf 5rOf or ~ AS OIMDl5JalS lJRfDct. SCALE; 7":400' 6OUT'H "'- StREET --- i . >, I, ell mi8~ .\ ~~ ~oo 0::2.:\1. ) Q) .1- U .... ::J m Q f; () dl It: ;::1lD.. (lOI- <l ... Q)' m}-III 5~lU }-Il() t-aJa Il Ir III o N Il Z n. III 'U o r: ~ in % ;>;~g5 ga% ~ ~ l!l!~g & :I ~ ~ ~ .. i il ~ :ifS '" o~ t -,"" ..,.., III "" -II lJ.<nlS \1~1: Z" N~"I: IL"" ,~ D.. "l:la _n~"' U'''''41l<J ~ IL (j-<( () ~(j"" ,I:i }-.:::: I I- -~ ob{:s, ,,~ .q~ol:lQ Vl=~ ,,~ if "' N~ "N ~m _m II .~ ~ .. -< z ~'" OJ 0 -'- " :;;::;r P ., % ~ '" u[IJ ., ~ x ~ zf:tl. ~ ~E-< ~ ~ .< " o:;~ " ,~ r.lC,) ii N . ,,~ ,,'ii c Po u h, ~~ c Zen ~~ ~m ~ r.len N." ~ ~ 1il< ", .0 . ~ ,0 , z ~w ~~ ~g oz , !\) <'" .", . J5 .." ). ~ ~ ~ "'.~ . rhQ ~ ~ .. . " - , i UlD:: '" 1%10 z . "" 0 ;;; , ~Cr.. " . u :is I , :0 P ~ Date Received: ~ m< 0:; '" m~ v 0 z '" 0 ~. J "" U 0,", I .0 ~ 2'ii JUN 1 7 2009 " . ~'" - , -~ 1 driginal SUbmitta' JOB NO .J.'5.'.18 D\JG-ND ~fldJnd)(.dwo ~;' BY. ,fb..''l(tdm 1~ liOfflJurnT'S SH 2/12/fH PUt "AI' pm/IreD 5/}5/O4 '" NOR1H liNe SJ'RIHC- FlEtD FROPfRTY p,Cli Cs.r.Z97(J5 ~(;Irr(JF'S1'f1It1(iI-/ElD AcarI/OJ 'fH( JtlU RAlZ rOUt/D 5TPNC UN/KIHG Rffi '.RJI. INS. ~(ia.:l5 THE RE-(:1(ttW'lT CORNm OWNER=. (J/({CiN~ PARCa ~A. udtDlllC roIl!:S1 PROOUCrs. }Nc. P,o. BOX 119 SPII1NCFl!lO. ORECOII 97477 snr ADDREss.. 1657 Sot/TN r smaT ORlcw.t.P!RCEl'l1. error sPRlHr;F'iCtD 25S 5TH. srRfET sPfliNcnnD. ORCCCW pun 5:!:X , "0 !lilW -wolt ~,~.. ..,J OQ ~H W -11l h~ IUj'" t no ~ \) II' ",IiI <tZ z:i " il \) Date Recei\{~~: ";'$, tt, JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal " to' ~ '" .. .. .... i' j ":'''/.: " ... j ~ 4 ~ " n. i ..,JW I g i .~ , \) ~ .~ "~ '~ / ,.~ III :? /1 ~. I, ! I, !jj ~ ... III n. \) ~w 06 w.:J i' t I~ ::> , o <t ~f ~~ ,.1,1 :~I ,..~ , l;e II :/ I; ~it l~ .... " . I "/>. " ~ \:)~ />.~ ...1IIn!J.L'iI"'...~~ ~ . , . I ~ / ~ ... ii o '" w I I l I t 'Ii! ()!!" I I ~ III ~~~ ::> Il. v ~~ ">tll Z II 9 () I- III <0",1:: ~ IL <.I) .., <: w}-UlIl."'~~ ZWI\I<.I)"'''' :::i>lB- "')~~ }-~() IL~-S ... d) BL () "'0 (l 1 bl ~ 11I}-~1 () N I--~ tll Z-W n. UI \.) ~~ "!J. .., "...'3 o tI)~5 1:: ~ lJ; L _.."""."'" !\ T--- ~ f troRitER~IC,l;!IOHT",", ~PAQt...,~"" . Ai4lNl.1Nc 1RACXS) AOJUSJiEO PR.......-..""', . ~INE ;....~............--........_--...._.......... " ....... --...,..---- O!':!IGINAL. i='!':!O~!':!~'T' ! ' -'-. ~INE-- ~ ,;- eRClNei.f.Uill..O CITY / LJMI'T& L.\NI! I . .,'1' eoUT" .". $_ -.--.-.- ~" ........,. ~__ 'J:toP,TH-lffitF ,/go., f' MII.I. RA'~ () '.... ~ <'~.J....~ .xJURNAL ~ '1' """r #90-0T- m '"< . ;t C.S.F 29554 , 1 -1--- J OWT OF CI , RUFR~CED OI'h/ERSI11P VilTHIN I OEED C~LL5 "CENT(R UNE UlLL RACE CURROif OF THE IIILL RA~ l Y IS EAST SlOE OF " AS ItfiL AS DI/.IOJS7ONS BRIO':" ; ~ --.J . 1.__ ' i . ---...../ ! NORTH UNE SPRING- FIELD PROPERTY PER c.S.F.297()!j _____CITY OF SPRINGFlEl.D ACQU/RF:O THE MILL RAfI FOUND STOHr WRK/NC REfL /381. INS 8546055 THE flE -ENTRANT CORNER o .... <C. 5' ~. (/) c: 0- 3 ;::;.: ~. '- r- Z o II) - CD ;:0 CD o CD <" CD 0. OlJoNEQ.e.: ORIGiNAL PARCEL -A. McKENZIE FOREST PRODUCTS. INC. P.D. BOX 719 SPRINGFIELD. OR(CON 91477 SITE ADDRESS: 1651 SOUTH F STREET ORIGINAL PARCEL -8- eTY OF SPRINGFlE:W 255 5TH, STREET CDtlWmElO. OREGON 974n - " "3 ~ 4; a:l o o[fJ ~"'" ~E-< . <I: 0::...... WU 00 Z[fJ W[fJ ~<I: UJ ;::0<1 rho UJO:: Wo 7>:<.. o 0:: o '" IOU ",n 352.18 V> Z o " " z '> " x .... V> ~ '" " " "", he' ~~ :>. '" z 00 ~Vl ~5 '" .... 0. " V>" Z o " u => '" ~ V> Z o u N'" mN "'''' -'" I I .. .. "'''' ~~ .;;;: mm -- x o ~ N ",S! "'~ ~'" N N' << xO o ~w oz ..... 0." => .... ~ ~ u c 4: c ~ 30 .1 . . ii ~ V; .D . :> ,; V; :i~ ~~ '" ~ 0<< .0 .c ,!!'w "'. ~g' -.... NARRATIvE, THIS PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMeNT SURItCY IS BONG COMPLETED AT THE: REQUF:ST or . THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND McKENZIE F"OREsr PROOUCTS ImO KtSH TO AD- JUST THE GOMMON PROPERTY UNE THE TWO eml1ES SHARE. THAT PROPERTY LINE IS THE COUMON UNE BETl'tEEN PARCEL A AND 8 OF CITY OF SPRINGFIEW MINOR PART1nON "'8'. THE PROPERTYCURRf;NTl Y OHNED 8Y CITY OF SPR/NG- FTfUJ WAS DONA TED TO THE CITY BY GEORGIA PACIAe CORPORA 7TON 8Y DEED RECOROro DECEMBER 24, 1985 REEL ,JeIR, INST. 8546055. 1I-fE ReMAINDER OF THE GEORGIA P;.ofTC CORPORA"ON PROPERTY fNCWDED 'MrHJN SAID PARTITTON LESS PROPERTY CON\.O'ED TO OTHERS AS PART OF PREWOUSL r ACCOMPLlSH[CJ PROPF:f?TY UNE AOJUs11llENrs IS CURRENTl. Y OWNEO BY Md<ENZlE FOREST PRO- DUCTS. THE PARnES INVOLvrD IN11-fIS PROPERTY UNe. ADJUSTMENT HAVC AGREED TO' AOJUST THDR aJRRENT COMMON UNE TO THA T UNf INDICA reo HEREON. THA T UNE HAS SITN S/TUATaJ SO THAT 8U1WINGSaBACKS IWLL BE MAfNTAINED. REPRE'S8-lTA71~ OF BOTH PARTIES HAVE INSPECrED THE AOJUS1fD UNE AND HA \IF AGREED ON THA T LOCA TlON IN THE REiD. ZONInG: BOOTH KELl. Y MIXED USE . LIGHT A/EiJlUAlIr/DuSmIAL PVBUC LANDS AND OPEN SPACes HE:A VY INDVS'fRIAL MeDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ~ UNAOJUSTEO AREA I'tfTHIN CITY OF SPRINGnELiJ mACf.................76.I:t ACRES Md<ENZlE FOREST PRODUCTS TO CON'r'FY TO SPRINGF1flIL.........-4J.8:t ACRES ADJUSTED CITY OF SPRfNGF1EI..D 7RACT....................1I9.9:t ACRES O(IS11NG AREA 1't17H1N McKENZIE FOREST PRODUC7S TRACT rOUOKJNG . PRIOR ADJUSTlJfNTS......... 76.J:t ACRES AOJUSTCD Ut:K[NZIE FOREST PRODUCTS mACT...", J2.4lJ:t ACRES MFA IN r.L 302 (NOT /Nct.uOED IN E/'fHD? SPRINGFIELD OR.!tIt:KENZlE FOREST PRODUcrs PROPERTY)....~.."u....u......., 0..7-4:t ACRES NOTE.. THE. N?a.s ARE so LARGE: THE N?EAS ARE EXPRESSEO IN AO<EAGl' UNITS INSTEAO OF SQUARE FEET NOTE: ~RC1NG e.ANITA~"'" eEWER! L.INE 4 EAeEMl5NT NEAlEfIT' RECORD. Rffi 7162R INST. 18t-fJ8S7 [D<C.8) (DOES NOT /.lATCH UHf LOCATION) o ~ cO' 3' !!!.. (J) c CT 3 :=: !!!.. I I ~ ~v {f(j ~V '- s: 6969' 12 >2 ;;u ~'S8'6''J12 - ~AIL. ~OllJlN:31 N PJJJ5WI'2 -.I olMEffIONe a: TL. 2(2)2 N89'5~j; I 12 N __ n_. ...._ _~ g < <D (1) R- 15.50' 12 SOU 1 :/(".......0 34.20' r.,,_i.,;......'J":,6?) ".._--' ......'-_.~" ., "'_"K' ~-._.~..~ """"'"'*'" ..... . ""''''''l~~.J =.~-~~'> ~. , '-'. .- ~.~'"~- ,~.~~ I-EGENO, , SfT 5/8>> X 30. RDNFORONG ROD 1\of1H DR.6.NGE PLASITC CAP STAI/Pro >>nif.....;...,._......_,..._......._......mm__' ....,0 ~~:O N::.~:Ej/iR ~db~~.:5UiiVi';.s..AS.NOmJ::............m.. · ( )X M(ASURtD OA TA eQUALS RECORD OA TA UNLESS 01HERKJSE NOm! Fila.........\":., , L.1l\JE .o.oJU$ iI!lHEET"1 eHOWe. OIOl!IGIN.. L.rNE&ANC AF~Ox!" : ~EJCS:fiCENCEe.: . I. aTY OF SPRJNGFlELiJ PN?llITQN NUMBER IIS7 2. CONVFYANCE FROM GEORG/A-PAOnC CORPORA nON TO CITY OF SPRINGFlE1D DA 1W DfC. 20, 1985 INSr. 8546055, REEL 138/H ~ C.5.F.IIJ85 - BIU ElMSTAO - APRIL. 1960 4. c.s.F. t 14.)5 - SILL DMSTAO - MA Y. 1960 5. C.S.F.1J4J1 - JOHNLAURILA - MAY. 1964 6. C.S.F.IJ745 - BIU ElMSTAD - NOV. 1964 7. C.5.F.21206 ~ LEE PLANTS - JAN., 1978 a C.S.F.2S06J- OA \IE' rH(JUPSON - AUG. 1981 9. C.S.F.2S772 - BILl. ElMSTAO - SEPT., 1982 10. CS.F.27188 - BILL EiMSTAO - SEPT. 1985 II. C.5.F.27J9S - BILL EiMSTAO - APRIL 7986 12. C.S.F.27718 - DON ROGERS - PARTITION SUHvr:)' /J. C.S.F.29058 - PAULA NORNESS - OCT., /989 1-4. c.s.F.291n - P.6.ULA NQRNESS - JAN., 1990 15. c..S.F.29"4 - PAULA NORNCSS - P.LA. - OCT.,I990 16. C.s.F..29701-29705 - TYUR PARSONS'" JAN., /991 NOIE' THROUGHOI./T mE SUf?I BEARINGS AND DISTANCES INO (orro OR SURVD') AND IS U: W11H ME:/J.SURED BCARINGS AN. SYSrDt USEO HeREON. DIFTD UENTS MADE IN" PlF FlE/...O n DeEDS OR SURVEYS. AOJIJ~TeO l=~Ol=El"'il.T"" lolNE roUND R. N7S'S7'I!; 0.40' FRC. (S81:.J2:S~ [581",]2'o7j (R-IIS.59 ~ ~ ~I~IE~ 0.11'''''' ",""'< S7.M,9;i;.s' .,. =- . I<UJII"IUJ AfC/<,tlUlt rlm1:.", M'fVVV1.'/::' I/'fAl.l'H_ .J;t.",,~ Awa.::. AR~A IN T.L. ~02 (NOT INaUOm IN DTHER SPRINGFIELD OR McKENZiE FOREST PRODUCTS PROPERTY)...._..................... O.74:f ACRES NOTE. TkE AREAS ARC SO lARCC THE ARCAS ARE DtPRESSED IN ACREAGE llNITS INSTEAD OF" SOUARC FUT NOTE JO!:EC;AR.OING, a4NIT oARy eEI.LiER t..INE t EAee1ENT EASEUENT RECORD. Rffi 1/62R Wsr. 1814J8S7 {EXC.sl (DOES NOT WATCH UNC LOCAtiON) I I ~ (12;126')12 (N o."09'#J~C)12 Q) @ Q) @ @ @ Q) @ @ @ (i) @ @ CB .- ..- .-...- -_. "~.:;I - "'1On"lIurf ;Xml't;, 13. C.5.F:290S8 - PAULA NORNfSS _ OCT.. 1989 1<1. C.S.F'.29171 - PAVlA HORNESS - JAN. 1990 15. C.S.F:29554 - PAUlIt NDRNESS - P.U. _ OCT..1990 16. C.s.F.29701-29705 - TYUR PARSONS _ JAN. 1991 ~" ~O ~~ 6969" 12 !:! :!If' "' .Q Q ~ (158.61]/2 ~ rO 14J.J5-WJl2~ ~ OETAIL. 6HOWING ... 7 CIMEf'o,lSrONe. 01= TL. 3aJ2 (O.42'ltZ. 4":r~70 <-. N89'S9'.JO E)t2 .. ~t~~o;j .. \.1~:-.">.s-;:,,( NORTH UHE-~ '-%O""7~~~. il'?; FOUNO 1/2- PIPC AMENDED PLA t ~ (I I 1. IS') ~~~<"g ~ or 1\fUIt- "" g As: 9'5 ' O"WI 0/ 'I .... IIEST 5OUTHKf:ST CORNER METTE: b // '8 9J ~(25o.001fY" g~/ISAACBRIGGSDLC39 HOGHTS :; ~ .., (s O~2'4' E)I2" ~;r..:o.OO') DID NOT RE(".SI.;.OS7'2 roUND S/8~ REBAR =l:: ~'-":.'-b v ~ \ ~5.,rEJt2 .. FOUND PK NAlL SW ~ '1;.s,.,..~.f}~lr6ft;W)12 'I .. it::. , Lo.T IS, eLK 0",. ~-? l:;- [4J7.20t!L ':::(67.0.6)12 "'~ /(S89"58'OrW)12'5 O'Oof'4J.W)12 SKi. Y. UNC '? 4iORTHERL Y UNC 'tN.E. CORNER AAlmOCD "\ BIJ( 6 - \ OF THE: AMENDED Pl..A T OF wruAMCT11: (NI.J"J616T 77.70~12 AMiNoroPLATjpLltTOFItlUA- HDGHTS (Nl t'OJ'o.8'"F 9....49')2 (5f t'03'05'W 94.50')12 HI t'02"45~ 94.44' umr HDGHTS (N72'<l5'561'1 167.99')12 oi 2 N7,J'o2'4t-W 167,95' (N76"23'491'1 69.51?12 ~ 2 N7S4J's9'"W 69.65' (NI2'Sr59T IS.56'}12 d: 2 NI.J"J6'4~T IS.52' (N76"40'04"W t38.38'-'24l 2N76"4o."16'W'-'J8.J7' (SIJ"47'26~W 100.00')12 ~ 2 (S7fJ"2'~9"E 10B.54'}t2 d: 2 (NIJ'J3'2(;.C 2,59}12 4c 2 (S7fJ76'J-4'"E 50.00')12 d: 2 (NlJ:J3'26"C 6.'4.]?12 & 2 (S76"26'J4~C 27.0.7')12 4l 2 (S54"55'04"c 41.2,]')12 &' 2 (S76'25"J4e 152-10.')12 de 2 o .., <9: ::> !!!. en c: C" 3 ;:;.: - l!!. '- c:: ::z o II) - CD :::0 CD o CD <" CD Co - -... ,..., = = U> N89"So.'40.W 2467.52 @ S7S.,S'<l5.C @ ~'9'o.rc o S677l8.o.9"E @) 578:22'SI.E ~9 N8<17l9"<I'r S7<1W"JJT I 57S'<lS'5O"' 2 N89'5,.sa"E @ S86'J8"41~C @S,r47"S.C 2.5 S6'U<I'28.C 26 N28'46'D7.C 2 NBJ.,2'1 rc 28 N6J7l5'58r: 29 S66~H'J9"t :JO S o.U2"S"W '2.S;J' 68.J2' 74.<12' JJ..32' 4J.8o.' 241.54'- 99,J2' 70.7.]' 2.19J' 195-50' J6.66' <l4.lJ2' 82.99. 226 69' <l15S' 6!"'" AOJUe.TEO F~OFE~T"" LINE rS7"#Q' /'s;".<I.11" ~s'tl, (<O~'S{j~_'"c)I<,S ~/.Q<,' '<'--- $ (S78'$;>"/o.1- S78'57"5 ---- lii/O.M' /610. ~ )12__ . 9J'5 FOUND R,R N78"'7'15" 0.40.. FR04 (SeI'.J2'sS' fS/1!".J2'07'"(" {H~,~ JI NS<l7lS'42.W 52_aJ' Csr:2907S..jNS<l7l2'24"W/16 J2 N86'O"""w 192.19' /HBS'5r5.J.W 192./9116 J N8S'<l6'Z8-W j9o.9S"/HBS'4J';o.-'W J9o..98116 .3<1 S7.r50'<lJ~W 28.3..3S'/S7.J'S4'O'"W 28J.J"/,s .]5 5S3"26'S8"W 242.91' /SS.J-:JO',s"W 242.911's J6 N8S"2'/rw IJ6.05' /N86'OS'sg.W IJ6.051t6 ,]7 541'4,S'SrW 16.29' J8 NS8'<fg'Ja"w 42..J6' J9 52S'SS'tJ"W 69.55' <10 N7,.,9'ZJ"W 241.10' 41 N O't(j'20'F. JI.B4" OIJ.NE~&; ORIGINAL PA, McKENZIE: P.O. BOX SPRIHGFIEl. SITE ADaR. ORICtN.-.L Pill aTY OF Sl 2555TH. SPRlNGF1fl - ~._,~-~.~. ,.". "Or. _ ~...,~ ~- M'_' '''~'M~~.. .~ _m _ ...-~ ._ ,,_.~_ _"~ ~~~.,..,~ WW,,,,,~~m;:m~~.~_.. ~." ~ " ~_.ft ~'" _ ..""_.__ ._-.. J..EG5NO, SET 5/8" X .JO- RElNfORCJNG ROD IlfTH ORANGe PLASTIC CAP STAJ.IPfD "FN~"".""".'h"'_~"'h.".''''.''''..'''.'''_.'.'".".............._ 0 fOOND UONUIJENT AS NOTED..m.........:......................"................., 0 RECORD 0..4 TA PER DEEDS OR .suR~r.s AS NOTEiJ,.............m..... ( )x MEASURED DATA EOI.1ALS RE"CORD DATA UNlESS 01HER'tI15E NOrED ON ~~~tli11ElD PAR71110N NUMSER 7181 2. CON'fFfANCE FROM ~ORGlA-PAaF1C CORPORA nON TO CITY OF SPRfNGFlElD DATFD ore. 20, 19851NST. 8546055, Rm 1381R .J. C5.F:I1JS5 - SfU. ElMSTAD - APRIL. 1960 -t. C.5.F.1t4J5.. DIU E1MSTAD - MAY. 1960 5. C.SF.IJ4J' - JOHN l.AURlLA - MAY. 1964 6. CS.r.1J7-f.5 - BIU. EIIJSTAD..,. NOV..1964 7. C.S.F'.2120S - lEE PLANTS - JAN., 1978 8. CSF.2506J - OA\IF THOMPSON _ AUG. 1981 9. C.S.F.25772 - BILL ElMSTAD _ SEPT., 1982 10. C.S.F:.27/88 - BIll. ElMSTAD - SfPT. 1985 'T. C.S.F.27J9S - 81U DMSTAD _ APRIL 1986 12. C.5.F.27718 - DON RoemS - PAlwnON SUR\'EY . 1.1 CSF.29058 - PAULA NORNESS _ OCT., 1989 14, C.S.r:29'71 - PAULA HORNESS _ JAH" 1990 IS. CS.r:29SS4 - PAULA HORNESS - P.LA. - OCT.,I990 '6. Cs..F.2970f-297oS - T'tL.fR PARSONS _ JAN., 1991 <R ?!NG o ~ cO' :S' !!!. CIJ C t:T 3 ~ " CORNER ; OUTSIDt Nor U~f:'02'.f5-W 15,00' .IT [S1"OZ'45"W 'S.001 IS (Sf1"OJ'OS"W 15.00)12 " , ,) )12 "2 )-"p-~ r- .~.." .lI:;.::! 0 '- l>> c: CD :z ::0 -" (I) -..I g ~ <' (I) 0. ~Iia......-..:r-;.., L.INE .AOJU$TMENT $U1Oi!v='r' - ei"'U~ET 2 OF 2 e.HEET I ~OWS O~IG1NAJ.. ANO ACJU6TEO J=ICO;=tER.T"r" L.INE& AN/:) AP1=ROX1MATE CITY lIMiTe liNE I ANE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE CSnLE NO. -?jf;u5<J 'lUNG DAm 113,1.."'0; 't)'f I ' .\ L. HOIF; THROUCHacn THE SURVtY BRACKETS SURROUNDING BEARINGS AND DIStANCES INDICATE RECORD INFORMATION (DEED'OR SU~)'AND 15 USl1AU.Y SHOWN IN COMPARISON WITH MFA$uRED S&RINCS AND OISTANCes ON THE SEARING SYSI'Df usm HeREON. DlfrCRENCES ARE DUE: TO MEASURE- MENTS MADE IN mE RELD FROM, MONUMENTS CAUID IN DEEDS OR SURVDS. SCALE: 1"~400' =-----.~~ - ~ --~~,,-"=",.~.~. ~ ~. =_.~ S7,t!!q,').'l' fOUND R.R, SPIKE BfARlNC N78"57',5'W 6.72' AND 511'02'4511' O.40'FROI.I TRUE: CQRNfR roUND 5/8'" REBIV? BEARING (sa,",) NSrJ4'OZ"W 4.98' fROM !.?:S-S}"' TRUE: CORNFR2 {"SS"J2'o7'"E I046.12~/2 (H_I lC"""041.10' SoUtH '~.. &TIOi!E:; '5.59.'9') /.:- . ~ ;:rr f;;i. .--.-. ..... i:1'<i t:l;; J96.4~' _.~R'';:; g5j ';(':!s')SS:42~/2 ~ ~ b '" ;"~~~A~f.:?Oi:~~~c" "3.48' SB0"28'02T" .., ........5 ~ ), V> t3 ~ z '" 0 '!li (.):i ~ ~ "lsuJ" ~~~~- ~ "( j i ,i '" . ;^" 0- ~'~ ~ ~ )~~ U O~~ ::l ,," ,.,. 0.....1",:;) i1l 0 III '" E ()I BL ~~ ~ Il \'}"" all' Z" <t () II- fl1 ",,,,I:: 1Ld)u."',~ !:l! }- III 0.. "~8 :::i ~ Ik' d) ~..~ }-n'O BLu-3 ""~IB.. Obiu Il I ~ Ie UII}- '- I () N. II--~ Il' Z -bi'" 0. W U..~ " "''''' '" .JL ",.cj O'~. ~K r: " ~ ~15 6;>/0 ffiQii'; ~r!~ '-'~ woo ~~z "-:5 II "'~ "'''' rom ~m I , ...... V> ...... <l; a "'''' co ~- <= ;;;t Q " z "'on 3 -- rn a CSF.2,"06J - DA1.€' THD4IPSON - AUe. 1981 9. C.S.F.25772 - B1U EJMSTAD - SEPT., 1982 10. C.S.F.271B8 - B1U. EJAiSTAO - SEPT. 1985 11. C.S.F.27J9S - 8II..L E1Al5TAD - APRIL 1988 '2. C.5.F.27718 - DON ROGa?S - PARl1T1ON SURYfY 1.1 C.S.F.29058 - PAULA HORNESS - OCT., 1989 H. e.5.F,29171 - PAUlA NDRNESS - JAN., 1990 15. C.S.F.29S5f - PAULA NORNCSS - P.LA. - OCT~ 1990 '6. C.s.F.297DJ-297OS - Tl1..ER PARSONS - JAN., 1991 , VG AOJUSTEO pp:a.....,-~_" ~INE )12 7J! FOUND R,R, SPiKE eCARJNC N7lr57'15"W 6.72' AND SO'02'f5"W 0.40' FROM TRU( CORNffi roUND 5/8- R(fJAR ef!ARfNG (se,. N87J4'02iV 4.98' FROM :J2:Ss,!" TRUE CORNER [S81'J2'Or'E lfU6. 12')12 (H"" lC""041,10' 1559.19') _,< .r-:- SPRINGFIEl..O CITY '>t.I-~ / .. .rt~ i"'" ~~~ ..........-: ~ ~ M'ST SOUT/'{l'ESr CORNER y gV,SAAC8R1GGSDLC.J9' 2 ~%8~% DID NOT Rn1S1T \ ~ . ',r'Fl12 (964.0S}12 .JJ roUND 5 '8 EBAR S , C.S.F. 127.195_ --EER C.S.F.29705 C.s.F.2970S "- ~c7w;:~':~f!t' RACC FOUND STONE UARKING Rffi 1381, INS. 8546055 THE' ~-mrRANT CQRNER OF THE ISAAC 8R1GCS O,Le. IJ9 ,', 67.06712 HB9'SO'40~ 2.f67.S2 -W)12 5 OlW.f.TW)'2 €.N.E, CORNER AMvmED 0 PLA r OF KfUAMETlE' ~ 57815'46-[; 52.$3' HElGHTS 16 S6819'03"E: 68.J2' s 0 ~ S6r28'09"E: -14.42' ::l, 18 S78'22'5IT .llJ2' CD ~ N~~'~T 43.80' 5' 0 o S74t)J'.D-C 241.64' !!. ~ 1 $15'45'50"[' 99.J2' en <- c:: c: (l) 2 HB9'SI'SO-C 70.7J' C' :z ;:0 ~S88'3IY.f-I'T Z3..9J' 3 24 . 571'4r59"'F:. 195.50' "" .-.. <D ~ S"~"28T' ".66' ~ 0 !!. '" <D 6 N2tr46'07"C <<.82' e> <' 2 NBJ.,Z',7"'F: 82.99' e> c.o <D a. FOUND 5/8" REBAR 1.5' N. d: 5.7'i:2:' ~ ffNCC ~~Nti?';';''J~R(x}//N[R 9 " " ~ 0-- OUNO t 1/2- IRON PIPE 2.J KB[ OF FP/!:f. BCARS FOUND 5/8" . 5 0"02 IS.1f 8.9' FROU REBAR Wl11-l J :n JO 5/8" REBAR CAP SET IN . C.5.F.297D5 CET,A1L. ~e~ . JI NSf"25'42"lv 62.OJ' CSF29075-/N54"22'24"WJf6 J2 N88'O""-W 192.'9' /NBS'STSJ.W '92'9"'6 N8!)".f6'28~ .l90.98' /NBS'4J"O"W J90.98116 34 S7J'50'+J-w 28.1J5' 157J'54'O'-'" 2/J:J.J5"'6 S8J'26"8-W 242.91' [S6J'30'16tv 242.91718 .J6 N8612"171f 136.05' lN86U8'59~ 136.05716 J7 S41'\fS'571t' ,~.29' :I8 N58'49'JO-W 42..J6" J9 52S'55',J"W 69.55' 40 N7119'2J~ 241.10' ou.NE~&: .. QRICtNM PARCEl. -A- MdIDiZ/C FOReST PRODUCTS. INe. P.O. BOX 7/9 SPRINCFIEJJJ. OREGON 974n SITE ADDRESS: 1651 SOU1H F STREET ORI2~AL..!~.:!... . ... .J m 0 I: () :n III ~iQifl ::> 11. ;:: r:: iP' z" <t () B- nJ "''''~ lLd)lL""~ W}-l1Ilo..."~c Z UI .n"'U :::i > III '" :q,,~ }-IV:() 1L~-3 ... ;:a II. () Vj(j Ol , bl Ie III }-,,' () .... B--" IV: Z - \j(- 0.. III o,,~ 'j/. ... ""~ ." '" \) 1:'" r: ~". ., '" '8; ..... "" --1..,.., Ill" '" - " N'" "'N "m _m \ I .... < '" .... z "'''' CO 0 -;::-::- " p '" .... z "'''' :; -- (fJ . u '" 0 t:iI x u. Z w - E-> '" -~ ~ "' 0:;...... " ~ [zl u CE N . " 0 c p 0 ZOO "''' u 5'1'! ,.,~ c Z ~'" (fJ ':I'" N <;: [zl '"~ N' C CO (fJ '" .. ::>. .0 " UJ ~ '" 0 Z Cl:!LJ . UJ 00 ,oz . < z- Cd ",'" 'W ;; a." Ii. ~5 ::> ~ '" 0;. I w w p a. .0 UJ ::> . UJ !):: '" :> [zl z ,; Z 0 0 v; "'" " I U 'N ::> Zo p '" ~ m" 0:; V> m~ 0 Z m 0 ~ Ii. U 0," .0 ~ .Q>.u "'c . "'~ - , _w