HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PWE 6/17/2009 iCity of Springfield Development Services Department 225, Fifth Street , Springfield; OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit Leonard J, Goodwin Phone: 726-3685 Fax: 736-1021 Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: IAPPlicant's Rep.: ,Icompany: IAddress: I Property Owner: Icompany: IAddr~ss: City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street, Hall, OR 97477 Tim Bingham Phone: 682~441O o Fax: ,I 682-2635 Lane Council of Governments 859 Willamette 500, OR City of Springfield 'I h I, Pone: 726-3685 , If , Fax: I 736- i 021 N/A 225 Fifth Street, Hall, OR 97477 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 170335 ITAX LOT NO(S): 307 I Property Address: 303 South 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 116.66 Acres i2<Jii Feet I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description ~~ this application, Proposal: Implementation of Springfield Mill Race Restoration Proiect requires removal of27 trees >5" diameter. ISi natures.: PI~ase si n and rint~ou,r name and da~e i~}~~.,a pro r,iate, h~x on,t,he ,,~~x: p~ . ~ . -... . . .. . .'. .." .. ".... .. I Associated Cases: tYRC'2.0o'1-CWJ.5 ~~ Siqns:U/, lease N~.:--bWQ11 --OOOlUJ I Date: {/J /; -Nos ReViei~d-~Y: ~, t[;f ,(~J IAPPlication Fee: $ NK\, OU 'Technical Fee:~$' '7'J, ]I I Post~ge Fee: $ 1&0 lJO . ITOTAL FEES: $ '-7 (q.15 PR~:E~~'"~~MJBER: pkJ )009 ;:i I ";/(f 'fH i."'; _,.1:'Jr" I. ~ ' Date Received: I JUN 1 7 2009 OriginaI'!submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 5 The un~19ned Bcknowledg Pre' SUb1lttal Meetlng. /..../ /- {~c..:-;..."/~-... I ature / / ' Leonard 1. Goodfn f~9ty of Springfield Print '---'" / / that ~~t1on In thIs application (s correct and accura_~ for scheduling or.the Owner: Dat~: if~ /~c::7/ Submittal. I represent this ap cation to be complete for submittal to the dty. Consistent with, the completeness check perforned on this a pflcation at the Pre-Submittal Meel1ng, I affirm the Information Identlfled by.the City as necess Iry for pro sing the appllcattonfs provfded herein or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise contalr ed wlthl" th submittal, and CIty may begin processing the application wIth the Information as submit ed. This sta ement serv. fitten notice pursuant to the requirements ofORS 227.178 pertaining to a campi ce appllcatlo Date: ~~ -/,,,9'# Owner: /"Jgnatur J V Leonard 1 OOdyh for City of Springfield Print -' , . ,'~ I...;j Date Received: . JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal ." '-.'" <0........ , ,. Revised 1/1/06 rioUy t'!arkarlC!n 2,ofio , ;h . ij~':J~' ~6.r~! }i"t: 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone C'~:.~'Pf Springfield Official Receipt rJ!!i\.~lopment Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00025 DRC2009.00025 DRC2009-00025 DRC2009.00026 DRC2009.00026 DRC2009-00026 Payments: Type of Payment INT CHGS cReceintl RECEIPT #: 2200900000000000683 Date: 06/17/2009 Description Postage Fee Type II. $160 CTY Site Plan Review + 5% Technology Fee CTY > I 0 Trees Base + Per ACRE Postage Fee Type II . $160 +5% Technology Fee Paid By 425-62242-83000 I P 10667 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received [NT CHGG In Person Payment Total: Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal Page I of I 1I:30:57AM . Amount Due 160,00 4,222,00 211,10 1,485,00 160,00 74.25 $6,312.35 Amount Paid $6,31235 $6,312.35 611712009 I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2009-00026 303 S stb Street ."...... Li":""" SITE Map 17-03-35-00 Tax Lot 307 North ... ~ iIIjl ~ it! 'ill ~ ~ . I t' ~~ ''" " \ . \! Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal OJ > o e " II: " " ~ ... " .. o a. o ~ a. ,... z"""'" ... 0 . M ~ ~ .. 0 " 0 CZ e c ..J u 2! .g )( . .... . "' s .8 ~ I- ~ . g .l! -0 .'!l .... e: ~ .. = 0 0 D 0 a. ..J ] 0 Q) S " Q) . ,- )( a ~ " ~ .. ::;: .. 0 , [JDD . 0 , N . e. Original Submittal ATTACHMENT ~'A" Springfield Mill Race Ecosystem Restoration Project - Phase II Response to Tree Felling Permit Checklist Submittal Requirements Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan - See Attachment B I) Species or common name oftrees to be removed: . . 13 red alder trees along the northeast side of the pond/channel, ranging in size from 6 to 18 inches dbh, to be removed for equipment access and to place fill for riparian bench. This area will be replanted with native riparian trees and shrubs. . 3 red alder trees along the northwest side of the pond/channel, ranging in size from 6 'to 12 inches dbh, to be removed for equipment access and for dam demolition and grading. , The entire north bank top will be replanted with native riparian trees and shrubs. . 8 red alder trees at the southwest end of the Mill Pond, ranging in size from 6 to 12 inches dbh, to be removed as part of the Mill Pond Dam removal and demolition activities. The entire bank will be replanted with native riparian trees and shrubs. . 2 Douglas fir and I big leaf maple located immediately upstream of the carpentry shed, greater than 18 inches dbh to be removed to allow bank sloping and revegetation downstream of the dam. 2) Location of trees to be removed and their sizes, See Attachment B and narrative above, 3) Method of tree removal and hauling routes, Trees will be pushed over or pulled with an , excavator and cut and placed in trucks to be hauled away for appropriate disposaL 4) Description of plan to replace felled trees, Refer to Attachments C (restoration plan) and D (planting plan). The "footprint" area of impact caused by the removal of27 trees is estimated to be I acre. For riparian habitat, the planting plan as shown on Attachment 0 requires I acre to be vegetated with the following combination of native plants: . 405 trees . 2800 shrubs Copy of Deed - See Attachment E, 'Copy of a Preliminary Title Report - AttachmentF- to be provided: . Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to S.5"xll" - See Attachment G, Narrative This tree felling request is submitted within the context of Phase II of the "Springfield Mill Race Ecosystem Restoration Project," which is a high priority project for the City of Springfield and the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition to providing a more reliable and sustainable supply of clean, cold water to the Mill Race for improving essential fish habitat for Upper Willamette Chinook salmon and for supplying water to beneficiaries, such as farmers and drinking water for Springfield residents, the overall two-phased project will restore 2.43 miles and nearly 50 acres of Mill Race riparian and wetlands habitat. Phase I is located entirely outside the city limits and Urban Growth Bounaary (UGB) of Springfield with construction scheduled to begin il} spring/summer 2009; Phase II is located mostly within the city limits - the . ' - . . Date Received: -oe:\::;..: ~:~~" :.:1!-' :'nD~ \ '11i.1i JUN f 7 2009 . JZHioH.:1J0 If .W),( . w Original Submittal most southerly 500 feet of tax lot 307 is outside city limits - and entirely within the UGB. Construction is expected to begin as soon as permits are issued. The primary focus of Phase II is the conversion of the Booth-Kelly Mill Pond, approximately 45 acres in size, to a diverse eco-system of wetlands, upland prairie, riparian forest, and a meandering Mill Race channel that will provide Upper Willamette Chinook salmon with direct access to the Main Stem of the Willamette River. Phase II restoration activities will occur . entirely within tax lot 307 which is owned by the City of Springfield. The following are the major restoration and constr.uction activities of Phase II: o Dewater Mill Pond; o Remove trees; o Remove and dispose of contaminated sediments; o Remove, demolish, and dispose of the Carpentry Shed, the Mill Pond Dam and bridge; o Remove invasive speci.es and replant with native species; o Excavate new Mill Race channel (0,9 milesll.50 acres); , o Restore habitat: wetlands (I 1.20 acres), upland prairie (2 acres), riparian forest (23 acres); o Construct fire protection'pond (0,50 acr.es) and twO.stoffi1water treatment ponds (2 acres); o Construct pedestrian trails, boardwalks, overlook (4,.8 acres); o Provide parking by paving existing crane shed and install 3 bike racks. In order to implement the restoration of the Mill Pond as shown on Attachment C, 27 existing trees located in the most easterly and westerly sections of the Mill Pond,will be felled as shown on Attachment B, The trees will be replaced by native species consisting mainly of riparian habitat including approximately 405 trees and 2800 shrubs. When taken together, the restoration of the Mill Pond as shown on Attachment C will result in a more natural, diverse, and higher func1ioning habitat than under existing conditions. The following is a response to the Tree Felling Permit Criteria contained in 5.19_125 of the Springfield Development Code: ' A. Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structure or proposed construction, or interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling, ~ ResDonse The need for the proposed tree felling is not due'to the existing conditions of the trees with regard to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to ex,is!ing or proposed structures, or interference with utilities or pedestriari or vehicular safety, but rather due to the objective to convert the existing Mill Pond from an open water pond resource to a diverse ecosystem consisting of a meandering waterway (new MillRace channel), wetlands; riparian, and upland habitat that will provide a healthier environment for a wide range of species including fish - specifically Upper Willamette Chinook a threatened species, terrestrial, and bird species. While the existing trees have value in their own right, they are all native and fall into the habitat classification above, because they are, located in areas where either demol,ition activities are proposed, ie Mill Pond Dam removal and Carpentry Shed removal, or where construction access is needed to conduct the restoratIon activities of the Mill Pond, there is a - ..... .:.', Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 2 r::':' ..:.ql Original Submittal need to remove them. All areas where trees are to be removed, estimated to be one acre is size if aggregated, will be restored to riparian habitat conditions resulting in the planting of 405 trees and 2800 shrubs. The proposed removal and planting plan is consistent with the overall Springfield Mill Race Ecosystem Restoration Plan. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances and provision affecting the environmental quality of the area, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. ResDonse The Mill Pond area was identified as a significant resource as part ofthe City's Local Wetland Inventory and was designated for protection and restoration as part of the City's compliance with GoalS Natural Resources, In addition, the Mill Pond area was mapped as a Water Quality Limited Water Course where 50-foot setbacks are required from top of bank. The proposed overall restoration plan will implement these policies and standards. The proposed tree felling request is consistent with adopted environmental quality policies and standards at State and local levels as it will enable the Mill Pond restoration plan to be implemented that will result in improved environmental quality that will benefit fish, terrestrial and other wildlife while improving riparian function for preventing soil erosion, stabilizing water flows and improving water quality in the Mill Pond area, C. Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvement as specified in an 'approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings, ResDonse As shown on Attachment B, the trees that are proposed for felling are located at the extreme eastern and wes'iern portions of the 'Mill Pond area. These are very narrow areas that serve water conveyance functions into and out of the Mill Pond. The existing trees' along these areas need to be removed in order to provide construction access to the site, to demolish the extending dam and carpentry shed, and to create vegetative benches that will be replanted with riparian vegetation. As a consequence, the existing trees within these areas must be removed to enable the proposed earthwork and restoration, A Site Plan Review:application has been submitted to the City of Springfield for review and approval of the overall restoration ofthe.Mill Pond area thaI includes the necessary grading and earthwork for these areas. The Site Plan Review application is expected to be approved with conditions. D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees will be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescribed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent with the following criteria, 1. Wooded areas associated with natural drainageways and water areas shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimize erosion,' Date Received: "~:I!\ . i ,r JUN 1 7 2009 J.sri',fi! .... ~~,'-i~t.C Original Submittal ., ResDonse: The proposed Site Plan is expected to be approved, but in the event it isn't, any tree felling associated with this permit will comply with this criterion. 2. Wooded areas that will likely provide attractive on-site views to occupants of future development shall be retained. ,..' . '. . , ResDonse: The,proposed Site Plan is expected to be approved, but in the event-it isn't; any tree felling associated with this permit will comply with this criterion. 3. Wooded areas along ridge lines and hilltops shall be retained to serve as buffers from adjacent properties. ResDonse: The proposed Site,Plan is expected to be approved, but in the event it isn't, this criterion isn't applicab'le as the trees associated with'thispermit are not located on any ridge line or hilltop. 4. Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to serve as buffers from adjacent properties. '. , ResDonse: The proposed Site Plan is expected to be approved, but in the event it isn't, any tree felling associated with this permit will comply with this criteriqn, 5. Trees shall be retained in sufficiently large areas 'and dense stands so as to ensure against windthrow. ( ResDonse: The proposed Site Plan is expected to be approved, but jn the event it isn't, any tree felling associated with this permit will comply with this criterion. 6. Large-scale clear-cuts of developable areas shall be avoided to retain the wooded character of future building sites, and so preserve housing and design options for future City residents. . . ResDonse: The proposed Site Plan is expected to be approved, but in the event it isn't, any , , tree felling associated with this permit will comply with this criterion as no clear-cuts are proposed. E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate . . substi1ute for the trees to be felled, ResDonse. The tree felling request will result in the removal of 27 existing,trees estimated to have an aggregate impact of 1 acre in size. The habitat restoration plan and the associated planting plan, as shown on attachments C and I?, will result in the replanting of 405 native trees and 2800 native shrubs on 1 acre ofland. The proposed replanting plan, therefore, is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. . Date Received: . ..' ~'.' .~- JUN 1 7 2009 .' ~ I' " Original Submittal 4 F. Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City. ResDonse There will be no slash left on the property. All slash will be removed from the site and disposed of in an appropriate manner. G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. ResDonse The proposed tree felling is consistent with these guidelines. H; Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the ,site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. ResDonse The Mill Pond is located in an industrial area and transportation of equipment and trees to and from the site, therefore, is not likely to impact residents, Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal 5 ATTACHMENT B FOR SPRINGFIELD MILL RACE RESTORATION PROJECT - PHASE II PLOT PLAN OF TREES PROPOSED FOR REMOVAL Date Received: JUN 1,7 2009 Original Submittal Proposed Tree Ree':ival ived: Original Submitta' ATTACHMENT C FOR SPRINGFIELD MILL RACE RESTORATION PROJECT - PHASE II HABITAT RESTORATION PLAN Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submitt<ll Mill Pond. ,storation Site Plan FIg5_sirepla'CJhtll.pdf Legend Data Source; Tetra Tech, Inc, Proposed Restoration Planting ~ ~ ~ Ash Forested Wetland Scrub-Shrub Emergent Weiland -') Emergent Wetland/ Seasonal Pond - ~ Riparian Upland Prairie ~ Large Woody Debris ~ Top of Bank Project Elements ~ Stormwater Treatment Ponds --/'- Trail ...--- Boardwalk i------: . , '------- Proposed Parking Trail Signs N A c o 300 600 J Feet Original Submltl~l_ ATTACHMENT D FOR SPRINGFIELD MILL RACE RESTORA nON PROJECT - PHASE II PLANTING PLAN . "i,;-:'>:,!;,tt'" .. ',:"-" , I. I, Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 .original Submittal Attachment D .!Springfield Mill Race Planting Plan fo~ Mill Pond Area Designation Scientific name Common name Type Size Quantity (per Total 5 .1 paCing acre) Quantity I Carex obnupta Slough Sedge Grass Plug 1000 3600 2' o.C. I IDowningia elegans C.ommon downingia Forb Seed 21bs 7,2 N/A I Epilobium densifloru.m Dense:!" Spike-Primrose Forb Seed 21bs /7.2 NfA I Grindelia integrifolia Gumweed Forb Seed 51bs 18 N/A I Seasonal Ponds Panicum acuminatum or P. I/l{estern Witchgrass Grass Plug 1500 5400 2' o.c. I occidentale IPlagiobothrys figuratus Popcornflower Forb Seed 21bs 7,2 NfA Rorippa curvisiJiqua Curved-Pod Yellowcress Forb Seed 21bs 7.2 N/A Sparganium emersum Simple-Stem Bur~Reed Forb Plug 1000 3600 2' o.C. ' Camassia quamash Common Camas Forb Plug 1000 2000 2' o.c. IGarex obnupta Slough Sedge Grass Plug 500 1000 2' o.c. Emergent IGlyceria acci~entalis Western mannagrass Grass Seed 10lbs 20 N/A Wetland I Myosotis laxa Small-Flowered Forget~me-not Forb Seed 2ibs 4 N/A 'IScirpus.microcarpus Small~Fruited Bulrush Grass Plug 500 10002' o.c. IScripus tabemaemontanii Soft~Stem Bulrush, Tule Grass Plug 500 100012' o.c. ICornus sericea Red-osier dogwood Shrub I 1 gal 4 2015' o,c. ILonicera involucrata Black twinberry Shrub I 1 gal 2 1018' o,c, Tree Clumps IMalus fusca P?cific crabapple Tree I 1 gal 2 10115' o,c, IPhysocarpus capitatus Nine-bark Shrub 1 gal 3 15110' o.c. ISalix sitchensis I Sitka willow Shrub Cutting 6 3013' o.C. jAlrius rubra I Red alder Tree 1 gal 30 90120' o:c. ICorrius sericea I R$d osier dogwood Shrub 1 gal 250 75018' o.c. IFranxinus latifolia IOregon ash Tree 1 gal 30 90120' o,c, Scrub-Shrub IPhysocarpus capitatus INine-bark IShrub 1 gal 250 75018' o,c. Wetland ISalix lucida IPacific willow ITree Cutting 50 15016' o,c, ISalix sitchensis ISitka willow I Shrub, Cutting 400 1200 3' o.c, ISpirea douglasii 100uglas' spirea IShrub 1 gal 250 750 6' o.c, Carex obnupta ISiough sedge I Sedge Plug 500, 1600 2' o.c. Camus sericea IRed-osier dogwood IShrub 1 gal 50 16015' o.c. Ash Forested Fraxinus'latifolia IO[egon ash ITree 1 gai 100 320 15' o.c. Wetland Physocarpus capitatus I Nine-bark IShrub 1 gal 50 16015' o,c, Symphoricarpos albus ISnowberry IShrub 1 gal 100 320 15' o,c, Achillea millefolium L var. lV\{estern Yarrow rorb Seed 51bs 9.5 N/A occidentalis Asclepias speciosa IShowymilkweed I Forb Seed 21bs 3,8 N/A Brodiaea elegans {Elegant brodiaea Forb Seed 21bs 3.8 N/A Clarkia amoena IFarewell to spring Forb Se~d 21bs 3,8 N/A Upland Prairie I Danthomia califomica C~lifornia oatgrass. Grass Seed 10 Ibs 19 N/A IFestuca romerii Romer's fescue Grass Seed 51bs 9.5 N/A Fragaria virginiana B~oadpetal strawberry Forb Plug 500 950 4' o.c. Lupinus polyphyllus .ILarge-leaf lupine Forb 4in 500 950 4' o.c. Sidalcea virgata, S, campestrisl Rose checkermallow, Meadow Forb 4 in 500 950r' o,c, Sldalcea Acer circinatum IVine maple Shrub 1 gal. 200 468018' o.c, Acer macrophyllum I Big-leaf maple Tree 1 gal 25 585120' o,c, Berberis aquifolia ITall Oregon grape Shrub. 1 gal 100 234018' o.c. ICalocedrus decurrens Iln.t;;ense cedar Tree 1 gal 20 468130' o.c. ICornus nuUallii 1 Pacific dogwood Tree 1 gal 25 585115' o.c. I Corylus cornuta ICalifornia hazelnut Tree 1 gal 25 585115' o.c. I Pinus Ponderosa IW.iIIamette Valley Ponderosa pine Tree 1 gal 10 234150' o,c, Riparian I Poly~tic;hum munitl,I!l1. ISword fern Fern 4. in 500 1170012' o,c !Pseudotsuga menziesii 1 Douglas fir Tree 1 gal 40 936120' o,c, IRosa mitkana INootk'(llm'" RIl>r.p.lved: Shrub 1 gal 200 468018' o:c. IRosa .pisocarpa IClusterTlowered rose . 'Shrub 1 gai 200 468018' o,c, I Rubus parvifiora IThimbleberJij' . [:003 IShrub 1 gal 200 468018' o,c, , - ISalix lucida ,,, ;IF-acific willo I'l I,{ IShrub Cutting 1000 2340012'o.c. ISalix sitchensis ISitka willow IShrub Cutting 1000 2340012' o,c. ISymphoricarpos albus I~~ ~lIhn'llttRI u--1!ilirub 1 gal 200 468018' o,c, --..... ATTACHMENT E FOR SPRINGFIELD MILL RACE RESTORATION PROJECT - PHASE II DEED FOR MAPLOT# 170335000307 ; . Oate Received: JUN I 7 2009 Original Submittal -. "'" .,:::~..-.- ... . . ~;.;-." , ".... II! r.' , !; ~,' , , "EC- n- ~lir-. dvc:.D SEP 2 MAtN OHIeE 1570 MOHAWK 8lVD. . SPRINGfiELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741,0619 FORD-NESS-FASSBENDER, INC. p.o, BOX 22735 EUGENE, OREGON 97402 RE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Loan No,.: N/A Escrow No,: CE05-00223 Enclosed please find the following documents: o Check No: , in the amount of "" [) 2005, ,~ ..~ '. ,it::: 1\ Everdreen Land TitleD (,...,\,,...."',.. September 8, 2005 o Buyer/Seller final closing siatementIHUD , o Escrow instructions 0 Closing 0 Collection o Title Policy o AIta Ext Mtg, o Standard Mtg. o WarrantyIBargain and Sale Deed o Deed of Trust [gJ Other: Property Line Adjustment Deed o Other: DOwner's o Purchaser's Reception No. Reception No. Reception No. 2005-069390 Reception No. BRANCH omu 1509 WllLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687,9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 " , jI .1, The enclosed documents are for your records.' If you have any questions, please contact our main office noted above. Thank you for this opportunity to service you. ' Very truly yours, Evergreen Land Title Company Home Office Title Department Eilclosure(s) TlTLE .~.:~~i;;~~;;' ~~S~~!;~;~~.~):! .,~~~:~~~.r;~.'.~~;:~'~ l i _~i -~:: . ...... . :'!~;:'\;",U:' ;-'~';':-~.i"-='~':-:~ <:or,~, l: ~ ~i::.~<r: '; \ ( Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal d '-" .,u ~ ,- ;::: Cl z :5 lli 0:: '-" we: U-l cu o I- :2 0:: :::> t;:; a:: I 1- , Division of Chief D~pul/ Clerk 2~~~o~o9~9~ Lane Counly Deeds and R~cords \\ \\\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\\\\ \\ \ \\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ $86 ,00 0073~60',200S0~69390?130134 09/0112005 03:01:22 pn RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=5" CRSHIER 04 $65.00 $11.00 $10,00 Ta'xing Address: No change from current address , Affer ~ecording. return fo Ford~Ness-Fassb8nder. Inc P 0.80x 22735 Eug~ne, OR 97402 ,n ~ ,,(. '\ lJ ~\..,\ . '-I- II ( ,,7" (' .c.-l' ,::;" - ,1- ,r~) PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED The parties to this transfer are CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, an inco~porated City in the County of Lane, State of Oregon hereinafter referred to as"CITY"and McKENZIE FOREST PRODUCTS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, hereiriafter referred to as "McKENZIE"., :. This Property Line Adjustment Deed is intended to adjust the boundary line between Parcel "A" and Parcel "8" as created in City of Springfield Partition No. 1 ;181 as surveyed in that survey filed at the Lane County Surveyor's Office under No, 27718, Parcel "A" as so created was later adjusted by Journal 90-07-123, that survey, filed at the Lane CountY Surveyor's Office under No. 29554 and that deed recorded April 28, 1998 Reception No, 9831300, ;" , "CITY" and "McKENZIE" wish to adjust their common property lire in compliance with City of Springfield Land Use regulations and the provisions of ORS 92,190(4). A survey of the adjusted property line, prepared by Ford & Associates will De recorded in the Lane County Surveyor's Office. In order'toaccomplish the property;line adjustment, "McKENZIE" conveys the parcel described in Exhibit "A" to "CITY" (the adjusted line' consists of the courses line underlined in said Exhibit "A"). The legal de~criptions for the revised properties are as follows; , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Exhibit "8" The underlined courses comprise the adjusted common property line McKENZIE FOREST PRODUCTS, INC,- Exhibit "C" The underlined courses comprise the adjusted common property line The trueconsid:rat~on tor thi~OnVeyance is DATED this ;,h, be;, . I I ! :J 11 (x/o, (;f}..;.' I J Lot' Line Adju~lme'n~Reed ~ 1 Date Recelvea: JU~ 1 7 2009 I' Original Su!)mittal i , CITYi -'s.-s.'&~'.$.,"S::S:::-.s~, - -, -, - ~~_. " .. ,)FFICIAl SEAL .. . 5~~~&~' AMY LSOWA :;"; " ~t~'f~ tit) ;1>.;(\ "UHlIC OREGON V~ ~~' COMMISSiON NO 352109 r) ~ ~~ .~ -:,~y'~~M~;~~~~~~ , ' by: ,'p .~ McKE~ZIE F9li' , lPRQDU9TS,~ &, '" ~2/?{v1J:' ry'""i 0. ,a"", ~W<- by. ,7'\.~ '/"-- /' ,c- C ,,/}, ' ' \-lSfh~lJ /t<.,--!:-,<-G-c<Acf, ?/'tG>1015IJr- STATE OF OREGON ) , )ss County ofLane ,) I . ' , E On flutjdst 3/, ~;05 , before me, a Notary Public in and fm said County and State, persdnally appeared II I cha e I A. K e.11 '( .aRcr I oersonally known to me to be the jC,'i-l-j IA{l~tCl<H ami tlie- of City of Springft8ld to be the, person(s) who executed this instrument on behalf of the City of Springfield, Oregon, Ii APPIZ,OVE:D FOR Rs: C.oRPING: ,J1~~.~",...:i- i [I, /30100 DiSrlllf'5 p, ERI'I'5r ~ C'ry SlJR,VcVaR. . DATS /' ../ WITNESS my hand.and official seal {t'/lt.-a. (~ ..lnLl (t_ Notary Publ(g for the State of.Oregon ,My Commission Exp,ires: II. d;) -01 ODS' \.. ~==<-,.. .:J \~''r-'\ '8 ) '" -1,. \ 0____ / STATE OF OREGON ) )ss; County of Lane ) , On _4" 0+ 3;, 'Z-<"?)r, before me, a Notary Public in and :for said County and State, personally appeared 5'fb,1J~--rJ tI . ~I LG<.a;:;- and , _ person~lIy known to me to be the j)IL<3' it)~;;C;, ot:' J',c.h,7Put II-.:'/c/,,"';i G;, j",- ~e., ,'2--, d'Wd"~'CU:-'- of McKenZie Forest Products, LLC to be the person(s) who executed this instrument on behalf of the McKenzi~ Forest Products, Inc. WITNESS my hand and official seal ..- ..'. 'ff'/ '--'q (~ "Y ( - ,,4" /"'-<,;-;7 '---- --- ~. Notary1'ubli?J6r the State of/Oregon ,/ My Commission Expires, J -(7 -'lc~ (/.7 lO(~.l1.lllliuMent Oeod. 2d Ui:lle ~ecelve : I, : JUN 1 7 2009 :{ Original Submittal I I EXHIBIT "A" Job No 352,19 February 9, 2004 DESCRIPTION OF TRACT TO BE CONVEYED TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BY McKENZIE . FOREST PRODUCTS ' 43 ,OX Acres The underlined courses comprise the adjusted property line between City of Springfi~ld and McKenzie Forest Products Beginning atthe stone marking the re-entrant corner of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land:Claim No. 39, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willarriette Meridian; thence, North 89050'40" West 1370.49 feet along the south line of said Claim to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being m~rked by an iron pin set on the east line of that easement granted the United States of America by instrument recorded July 15,1960, Reception No, 4706, being a line parallel with and 30,00 feet-easterly of the centerline described in said instrument; thence, North 89050'40" West 1503.47 feet continuing along said ciaim lindo the southeast corner of Parcel "B" of Springfield Partition No, 1] 81(being that tract conveyed to the City of Springfield in that Quitclaim Deed recorded December 24, 1985, Reel 1381 R, Instrument No,8546055); thence, North 19023 '19" East 876.49 feet along the east line of said Parcel "B" to a fence post marking an angle point therein; thence, North 74016'0 I" West 251.96 feet cOlltinuing along said east line to a fence, post marking an angle point therein; thence, North 34'35'59" West 70,86 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 72054' 18" West 275,67 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 85025'36" West 286.73 feet continuing along,'said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 76026'59" West 51 0.99 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post settherein; thence, North 57'S6'20" West 431.13 ,feet continuing along said,leastline to a fence post set therein; thence, Noith 73'56'54" West 149,84 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North. 77023' 16" West 163,60 feet continuing along said east line tb a feilCe post set. therein; thence, North 76011 '42" West 90.94 feet continuing along. said east line to a "PJC" nail set therein; thence, North 13 0 36'16" East 77.70 feet continuing along the west line of Parqel "A" of said Partition to a reinforcing rod marking an angle point'in the east line of said Parcel"B" and the west line'of Parcel "A"; thence, North 11002'45" East 94.44 feet continuing along said common line to apointon the south right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad right of way (said point being South 78'57' 15" East 3,00 feet from a reinforcing rod set in that survey filed atthe office of the Lane County' Surveyor under Survey No. 27718); thence, South 78057' IS" East677.34 feet along said south right ofl way line (being the north line of said Pa'rcel "A") to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No, 277i 8; thcince, South 11002'45" West IS.OOreet continuing along said south right of way line to a point; the:nce. South 780S7'15" East 1478.21 feet continuing along said right of way line to point marked by a reinforch;g rod; . thence, South 11 '38'02" West209.66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thel)ce, South 0025'52" East 138.31 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 75044151" East 186,87 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 69020'22" East 57S.54 feet fa a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 7801S'46" East 52,53 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 68019'03" East 68.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South'67028'09" East 74.42 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78022'51" East 33.32'feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 84 '29' 54" East 43.80 feet to a point mark~d by a reinforCing rod; thence, South 74003'33" East 241.64 feet toa point marked by a reinforcingiod; thence, South 75'45'50" East 99.32 feet to a point marked ,by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 89051';SO" EaS170.73 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 86038'41" East 23,93 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 76027' IS" East 470.30 feet io a point marked 'by a reinforcing rod; thence, . . D~t~eR~ceivect 3 , JUN 1 7 2009 Original submittal i, , South 73'02'56" East 480,75 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 7('47'59" East 195.50 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 65'04'28" East 36,66 feet ,to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 28'46'07" East 44.8? feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 83 '12' I 7" East 82,99 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 63 '26'58"'East 226.69 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 73 '50'43" East307.72 feet to a point marked bya reinforcing rod; thence, South 80'28'02" East 213.48 feet to a,reinforcing rod set in tlJat survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under No 27395 on the northerly line of the Truck Road; thence, South 82 '26'04" East396.44 feet to' a reinforeing rod set in said ,Survey No, 27395; thence, South 66'34'39" East 41.55 feet to a reinforcing rod marking the most easterly northeast comer of said Parcel "A"; thence, South 0'02' IS" West 65,11 feet a point on the north bank of the Mill Race as surveyed and monumented in that survey filed at the Lane County Surveyor under No. 29705; thence, North 54 '25'42" West 62.03 feet along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in!;said Survey No. 29705; thence, North 86'01' 11" West 192,19 feet continuing along said north bank to areinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 29705; thence, North 85'46'28" West 390.98 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 29705; thence"South 73'50'43" West 283.35 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No, 29705; thence, South 63~26'58" West 242,91 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 29701 ; thence, North 860 12' 17~' West 136,05 feet continuing along said north bank to the northwest corner of that portion of the 'Mill Race conveyed to the City of Springfield in that deed recorded Decerrib'er 24, 1985, Reel No. 138IR, Instrument No, 85460S5, Official Records of Lahe County, Oregon on ti,e east line ofthe vehicular bridge giving access over said Mill Race to Springfield Quarry Rock Products, Inc.; thence, South 41045 '57" West 16,29 feet to a point; thence, North 58'49' 30" West 42.36 feet along the northerly bank ofthe Mill Race to a point on the west line of said Bridge; thence, South 25'55'13'~:West 69,55 feet to a point on the southerly bank of the Mill Race; thence, North 71'19'23" West 241.I 0 feet along the southerly bank ofthe Mill Race to a point; thence, North 0'16'20 East 31.84 feet to a' point on the centerlineofthe Mill Race; thence, North 72'58'40" West 544.34 feet along said centerline to a point bearing North 89'50'40" West 868,63 feet and North 0' 30'20" East 339,81 feet from 'said re-entrant corner; thence, South 0'30'20" West 75,82 feet to a point on the south bank of the Mill Race; thence, Northwesterly along said so~th bank to a point on the east line of the above referenced e~sement granted the United States; thence, South 22' 31 '24" West 80 feet, more or less, along the east line of said easement to a reinforcing rod set therein; thence, South 22' 31 '24" West 134,96 feet along said ea~ement granted the United States to a reinforcing rod set opposite centerline station 243+00,9 Bk. = 243+00 Ah,; thence, South 18'35'30" West 114.27 feet to the true point ofbegim~ing in Lane County, Oregon, Lot Li~e Adjustment Deed ~ 4 Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 11 ,C Original Sybmittal EXAMPLE "B" Ii, " Job No, 3 S2.! 9 ,; February 9, 2004 DESCRlPTION OF ADJUSTED CITY OF SPRlNGFIELD TRACT" 119.H Acres The underlined courses comprise the adjusted property line between City of Springfield and McKenzie Fo'resi Products ,; Beginning at the stone marking the re-entrant'comer of the Isaac Briggs Donati~n Land bairn No. 39, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the WiIlamette Meridian; thence, North 89'50'40:' West 1370:49 feet along the south line of said Claim to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being marked ,by an iron pin set on the east line of that easement granted the United States of America by instrument recorded July 15,1960, Reception No. 4706, being a liIie parallel with and 30.00 feet easterly ofthec~nterline described in said instrument; thence; North 89'50'40" West 2467.52 feetalong said Claim line tOithe west southwest corner of said Claim No. 39 being an angle pointin the south line of Parcel "B" of Springfield Partition No 1181(being that tract conveyed to the City of Springfield in that Quitclaim Deed recorded December 24,1985, Ree11381R, Instrument No,8546055); thence, North 0'04'06" We~t 244.20 feet to a point; thence, North 63008'04" West 41 0,07 feet to a point; thence, West 69,69 feet t~ ~ point; thence, South 15,50 feet to a point;thence, East 3420 feet to a point; thence, South 60'33 '29" East 414.93 feet to a point; thence, South 0'02'41" East 250,00 feet to a point; thence, South 89'S5' 17" E~st40.00 feet to a . point on the east line of the Elias Briggs Donation Land Claim No, 67 in said Township and Range;' thence, following said east line South 0004'43" West 67,06 feet to the easterly northeast Corner of the Amended Plat of Willamette Heights, as platted and recorded in Book 4, page 78, Lane!'County, Oregon Plat Records; thence, following the northerly line of said plat South 89'58'02" West 43720 feet to a point; thence, South 89'59'30" West 228,10 feet along the south line of Block 6 of said plat to a point; thence, North 52'09'12" West 230.58 feet along the southwest line of said Block 6 and,along the southwest,line ofthe vacated Laurel Street to a point on the south line of Block'5 of said plat; thence, South 89'59'30" West II Ll8 feello the southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 5 of said plat; thence, North 00 10'48" East along the west line of said Lot 15 and along the west lineaf Lot 3 of said Block 5, 35400 ' feet to a poini on the north line of said plat; thence, NottE 89' 59' 30" East 0.42 feet alOlig said north line to a point; thence, North 1043'35" West 15861 feet to a point; thence, North 16045' 00" Easi 269,00 feet to a point; thence, North 73'04'34" West I 137.44 feet along the southerly line of the McCandless Addition to Springfield, as'platted and recorded in Book 2, page 39, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records, to a point; thence, North 0'09'48" East 123.26 feet to a point; thence, North 89'56'54" East 114.00 feet to a point; thence, North 7'24'45" West 178.98 feet to a point; thence, North 41 '46'26" West 122.50 feet to a point; thence; North 28002'38" West ['63.96 feet to a point; thence, North 64027'26" West n09 feet to a point on the east line of South 4". Street, Springfield, Oregon, being 30.00 feet from said street center when Illeasured at right angles thereto; thence;North 0'09'48" East along the said east:line of South 4".. Street 126,10 feet tei a point on the southerly right of way lilie of the Union Pacific Railroad Company (form<;rly Southern Pacific Railroad Company); thence, following said right of way line on a curve to the right having a radius of 1877,91 feet, an arc length of 319,13 feet by a long chord that ~ears North 86041 '37" East 318.75 feet to a point on a curve; thence, continuing on a curve to the i,ight having a radius of 187191 feet, an arc length of 105,13 feet by a long chord that bears South 86~47' 41" East lO5,13 feet to a point; thence, South 73'35'52" East 147,92 feet to a point that is 60.00 feet distant from the center of the mainline tract of the Southern Pacific Company, when measured at right angles thereto; thence, South 780S6'5S" East 754.39 feet to a point; thence, leaving said southerly right of way line South II '03'08" West 9449 feet to a point; thence, North 72'45'56" West 167.99 feet to a point; thence, North . '. d i\ Lot tine Adjustment Deed ~ 5 Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 " I: Original Submittal 76?23 '49" West 69.51 feet to a point; thence, North 12 '57'S9" East 18.56 feet to a point; thence, North 76'40'04" West 13838 feet to a point; thence, South 13'47'26" West ]0000 feet to a point; thence, South 76012'39" East 108.54 feet to a point; thence, North 13033'26" East 2.59 feet to a'point; thence, South 76026'34" East50,OO feet to a point; thence, North 13 '33'26" East 643 feet to a point; thence, South 76026' 34" East 27.07 feet to a point; thence, SoUtll 54' 55'04" East 41.23 feet to a Ipoint; thence, South 76026'34" East 152,10 feet to a point; thence, North 13'36' 16" East 77.70 feet along the west line of Parcel "A" of City of Springfield Partition No, ] 181 to a reinforcing rod marking an a&gle point in the east line of Parcel "B" and the west line of Parcel "A" thereof; thence, North 11002'45" East 94.44 feet continuirlg along said common line to a point on the south right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad right of way (said point being South 78' 57' 15" EastJ .00 feet from a reinforcing rod set ip that survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under Survey No. 27718); thence, South 78057' 15" East 67734 feet along said south right of way lineCbeing the north line of said Parcel "A") to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No, 27718; thence, South 11002'45" West 15.00 feet continuing along'said south right of way line to a point; thence, South 78'57'15" East 1478.21 feet continuing along said dght of way line to point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence. South 11'38'02" West 209,66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 0'25'52" East 138,31 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 75 '44'51" East 186,87 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, !"outh 69'20'22" East 575.54 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78015'46" East 52,53 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 68' 19'03" East 68.32 feet to a point marked 9Y a reinforcing rod; thence. South 67'28'09" East 74.42 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; the&ce, South 18022'51" East 33,32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing,rod; thence. North 84 '29'54" East 43,80 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 74'03' 33" East 24 1.64 feet to apoint marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 75045'50" East 99.32 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 89'5 I '50" East 70.73 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 86038'41" East 23,93 feetto a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 76'27' 1 5" East 470.10 feet to a point marked by' a reinforcing rod; thence, South 73002'56" East 480,75 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 71 '47'S9" East 195,50 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; th~nce, South 6S'04'28" East 36,66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 28'46'0'7" East 44.82 fee, to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 83' 12'17" East 82.99 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 63'26'58" East 226.69 feet.to a point marked by a reinfoicing rod; thence, North 73050'43" East 307,72 feet toa point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence. South 80'28'02" East 213.48 feet to a reinforcing rod set in that survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under No, 27395 on the northerly line of the Truck Road; thence. South 82026'04" East 396.44 feet to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 27395; thence, South 66'34'39" East 4L55 feet tei a reinforcing rod marking the most easterly northeast comer of said Parcel "A"; thence, South 0002'15" West 65.11 feet a point on the north bank of the Mill Race as surveyed and monumented in that survey filed at the Lane County Surveyor under No 29705; thence, North 54025'42" West 62,03 feet along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Surv,ey No. 29705; thence, North 86001 '11" West 192.19 feel, contin'uing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 29705; thence, North 85'46'28" West 390,98 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No 29705; 'thence, South 73'SO'43" West 283.35 feet continuing along said north bank to a reinforcing rod set inisaid Survey No, 29705; thence. South 63026'58" West 242.91 feet continuing along said north bank to a'>reinforcing rod set in said Survey No, 29705; thence, North 86012' 17" West 136,05 feet continuing along said north bank ,to the northwest corner of that portion of the Mill Race conveyed to the City of Springfield in ti,at deed recorded December 24, 1985, Reel No, 1381 R, Instrument No, 85460SS, Official Recores of Lane County, Oregon on the east line of the vehicular bridge giving access over said Mill Race to Springfield Quarry Rock Products, 1m:..; thence, South 41 '45'57" West 16.29 feet to a point; thence, North 58'49'30" West 42.36 feet along the northerly bank of the Mill Race to a point on the west line of said Bridge; thence, Lot Lire Adjustrl1ent D~td ~ 6 Date.Recelvea: JUN 1 7 2009 Original SupmittaJ " South 25' 55' 13" West 69.55 reet to a point on the southerly bank of the Mill Race; thence, North 71' 19'23" West 241.10 feet along the southerly bank of the Mill Race to a point; thence; North 0'16'20 East 31.84 feet to a point on the centerline ofthe Mill Race; thence, North 72058'40" West 544.34 feet along said centerline to a point bearing North 89'50'40" West 868,63 feet and North 0';30'20" East 339,81 feet from said re-entrant comer; thence, South 0'30'20" West 75,82 feet to a point on the south bank of the Mill Race; thence, Northwesterly along said south bank to a point on the east line of the above referenced easement granted the United States; thence, South 22'31 '24" West 80 feel, more or less, along the east line of said easement to a reinforcing rod set therein; thence, South 22' 31 '24" '?lest 134.96 reet along said easement granted the United States to a reinforcing rod set opposite centerline station 243+00.9 Bk, = 243+00 Ah.; thence; South 18'35'30" West 11427 feet to the true point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. ' .r I;' II. LotJ,lIne Adjustment Deed - 7 Date Received: J~N 1 7 2009 Original Submittal I EXHIBIT "C" Job No. 352,19 ;February 9, 2004 DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTED McKENZIE FOREST PRODUCTS TRACT 33,2;' Acres The underlined courses comprise the adjusted property line between City of Springfield and McKenzie , Forest Products ,', Beginning at the stone marking the re-entrant corner of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 39, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence, North 89050'40.." West 2873,96 feet along the south line of said Claim to feet continuing along said claim line to the southeast corner of Parcel "B" of Springfield Partition No, 1181 (being that tract conveyed to the City of Springfield in that Quitclaim Deed recorded December 24,1985, Ree11381R, Instrument No,8S46055); thdnce, North 19023' 19" East 876,49 feet along the east line of said Parcel "B" to a fence post marking an angle point therein; thence, North 74016'01" West 251,96 feet continuing along said east line to a f~nce post marking an angle point therein; thence, North 34035'59',' West 70.86 feet continuing along said east line,to a fence post set therein; thence, North 72 0 54' 18" West 2 7S,6 7 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 85025'36" West 286.73 feet continuing along said east line to ,a fence post set , therein; thence, North 76026'59" West 510.99 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 57056'20" West 431,13 feet continuing along said east line to a fdnce post set therein; thence, NOIth 73056'54" West 149.84 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 7J023' 16" West 163.60 feet continuing along said east line to a fence post set therein; thence, North 76011 '42"-West 90.94 feet continuing along said east line to a lead plug set therein; thence. North 13 0 36' 16".East 77.70 feet continuing along the west line of Parcel "A" of said Partition to a reinforcing rod marking an angle point in the east line of said Parcel"B" and the west line ofParcel,"A"; thence, North 11002'45" East 94,44 feet continuing along said common line to a point tin the south right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad right of way (said point being South 780S7'15" East 3.00 feet I from.a reinforcing rod set in that survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under Survey No, 27718); thence, South 78057' I 5" East 677J4 feet along said south right of way line (being the north line of said Parcel "A") to a reinforcing rod set in said Survey No. 27718; thence, South 11002'45" West 15.00 feet continuing along said south right of way line to a point; thence, South 78057'IS" East 1478.21 feet continuing along said right of way line to a reinforcing rod marking the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, South 11038'02" West 209.66 feet to a point marked by ~ reinfo~cing rod; thence, South 0 02S' S2',' East 138,3] feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, SOUtl, 75044' SI" East 186.87 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence. South 69020'22" East 575.54 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 780]5'46" East 52,53 feet to a point marked bya reinforcing rod; thence, South 68019'03" East 68.32 feer to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 6J028'09" East 74,42 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 78022'51" East 33.32 feet to a point 'marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 84 029'54"-East 43.80 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 74003 '33" East 241,64 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 75045'50" East 99J2 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 89051'50" East 70.73 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 86038'41" East 23.93 fee! to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 76027' 15" East 470JO feet to a point marked by a.reinforcing rod; thence, South 73001'56" East 480.75 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South Lot Line Adjustment Deed - 8 Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 Original Su5mittal , I' " 71047'59" East 195,50 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, South 65004~28" East 36.66 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 28046'07" East 44,82 feet to ~ point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 83012' 17" East 82.99' feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North 63026'58" East 226.69 feet to a point marked by a reinforcing rod; thence, North ,73 050'43" East 307.72 feet to a point marked by .reinforcing rod; thence, South 80028'02" East 213.48 feet to a reinforcing rod set in that survey filed at the office of the Lane County Surveyor under No, 27395 on the northerly line of the Truck Road; thence, North 4053'07"'East 250,62 feet to a point (being referenced on the ground by a reinforcing rod bearing N87034'02" West 4.98 feet) on the south right of way line of Union Pacific Railroad right of way; thence, along the arc of a curve to the right having',,. radius of 11559.1 9 feet to a point bearing North 81032'07" West I 041.10 feet from the last described point; thence, North 78057' 15" West 1610,19 feet along said south right of way line to a point; thence, North 71 049'45" West 201.92 feet continuing along said right of way line to a point; thence, North 78057'15" West 539:79 feet to the true point of beginning in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, Lot .~ine Adjustment Deed ~ 9 Date Received: J JUN 1 7 2009 Original Submittal 1 ...-----. L..S;l.ENO; 1) sri sfiJ. x JO" t1CJJrFm,CHG ROO 1'r17l1 Of/J.NCi PWtIC CAP STAIJ/'W 'FHr_.~..__.~".. ",.'_' ....__~'__ ~ .__....." _..... 0 ~~jI~~J/:~~~SiR;rn:';5~omi...:~: ~_ O( ~ IoI~SURDJ OArJ,(OIJ.I.tS RECORD DATA UNl.ESS OrHfIllVSf "''''' REFERENCE51 I, OTY OF SPJIJNGFlClD PMl1T1OH NUIHJD't 1181 1- C'!1.J',fl'ANCC FROM CEalQA-PACJF1C CORPORATION ro arr OF SPRIHCflClD DAlID D€c. 20. '9M INSr. llS46O$:I. flm IJdlR ..t cSf./IJ45'-0/U.D.Wsr,w-APR1L.'!'96Q 4: c;SF.ll4J5 - Bnl. Ct.lISr.w - .I.t"-Y. 1960 .1. c.s.r.fJ<lJI -.-JOHN lAURI/..oI- UAr,iI9S4 6. c.!iF.1J745 - 84L l1.llST.AD - NOV, 1964 7. CS.F.212(J6. taf'r.MTS- J.\H.. ltTB a CSF'.2~06J - OAK'. rHOUPSON - AUa. 1981 t. C.$.F.2577:/ - l1ll.L DUSTAJJ - SfPr~- Ig~ /(1, c.5.F:211118 .. B1t.l. DUsrAD - 50>[ /98.S II. CS.F:27J95 - 8ll Dusr.w - AP/U."'9S5 ,2. CS,F.21718 - DON ROCCRS _ PARTITION SUIl'Ifl" l.l CSF:29Q54 - PAW NORH(SS - OCT. IS/19 '4. C.Sf.29f71 - PAUU NMNESS - oWl. '990 15. CS.F.~S54 - PAW JlOflNESS - P.!..A - acr./'iI!Jo IS CSF,2S7TJf-'2970$ - 1'l!.LR PARSCI<S - JA.H., I~' NB'1"$O'40"W2467.52 @S181S"4S'C .52'5:1' @S611U'(u'T68..l2" @)S6!'2B'09Y 14.42' @S78U"$t"E ll.12" @ N84"2g'j4C: .u80' ~S74tlJ:1J.C2"'6" I S1.5'.(S"50"E' 9'J2" 2 HtJ9"5I"5D'€ 7117.1. @S44'.J8'"~IT 2.l9J. @ S71'n."I1T ,k.s.50. I'; :~~~:; :..,.'::. 2/1 H6.1:26>s8T 226.69' 566:.109'(" ..155. JO sonz./s"W ~t1. ; " ... S~.:! ! AciuSTt:.O ~OFERr 1..[1\12 NARRA TIVS, , THIS PROPfRTY.~ AO.AJSTJ.IEHT SURItE"Y rs 8D/lG COJ.tPlLriO AT THf: REOIJrsT OF THf: CiTY OF SPRTHcnao AAD AfdrDlZlE FOREST PROOUCTS MHO RfSH TO .AD- .JJST M COUMCN PROP!RTl' UN! THE roo lHnTlES SHARe m,.,T PROPOlTY I.lHC IS mr colJ/JOH uHf: 8F:rnU11 PARCEl. A AND B OF aT'!' or SPRI/lCAnD UINOR PMTlnOH 11IBI. 1Ht PROPYirr CURRENrtY DIINED BY arr Qf' SPR/NG- I1ElD WAS OON!. 1m ro 7HE: arr BY CCORC/A PAonc CORPORA TlDN BY OW R4COfCOElJ OECDlBER~, 1985 RUl IJ8IR, fHST. 8S460j~ rHE RlJ,VJNOCR OF THE CEORCM PActf/C CORPORAlI(;Il PRCPEHlY lNaJJUED 1l'1HIH SAID PMRnOH I.CSS PIltRf:RTY CC/N\o8"S) TO OTHERS ,(S PMT OF PREY/OUSLY ,J,CCDMPlJS'HEIJ PROPERTY UHF AO.vSn.llHTS 15 CURRENT!. YOImED BY UeKfHl1€ rOREST PRO- DUCTS. TffE: PARTIES wKILW IN 1HJS PROPERTY UN~ AOJJsruENT 'M~ ACRW ro MMJST mEm CURRENT COJJUOff UNf: ro mAT UHf: IND/CllrED HERf:ON. T1fAT UHf: HAS BEDI S/TUAraJ SO mAT 8UIUJmC Sf1UAO<S IIlU. BE' WJNTAIHECl REFRESCNrlonVf:S OF 8OTHPA.R1JES NAVf: WSPECrED mE: IoCUJSrE'D UHf: AND HA II; ),CfifEJ ON 1HA r tOCA new /tJ /HE AM. ZONIJIe:600mkULYU!XEDUSE UC/1TIJE1XlJJlIHOUS11WJ.. PlJSUC u.NUS AND OPtN S"'ACCS HtAvrINDUSl?l/AL ~tDfI/IJ DEJISITY/lt:sdJEJlTW. ~ UNMM1Sf'ED ARCA lifT/fIN err OF sPfflNCFIO-D mAcr_.. ~ ...-16:1= AC11ES UdW/Z/E FORESr PI/ODUCTS ro CONttY TO !;>((1HGF/ElD. . ._.. ..J.ll Af;J/{S ~D.Vsrro an- a<" S"'I/INCIUUJ 1/MC/:_.__, ___119.9= ~CRts OC1S1lNG MEA "'fHIH IJcKDm~ FCREST FROOlJrTS TRIoCTJCUOlMJ/Q PRlCii AC/..US1UfNl'S.__... 16.J:J: ACRES AlhlIS7rn~dtf1llJEFORt:STPfl(XXJCrsm,.tCr....J2.~ACRrs ~I/E:A IN r.t. JCI2(NOT INC1l.IDCDIN EJ1HfR SPRlHCF1fJ.J) . OIl &JQ(fJQJE fOREST PRODUCTS PROPE:RTrJ. .__..... . o.1"~ ACR'l:S NOT[; 'lNE: AlIas A1Ir so lARCE: me AREAS IJfE t:XPMSSCtJ IN AOlE:AGF UMTSIltSTEMJOf'SQlJARE:FfET NOTE! REOAROING eAN.ITARY eeuJER I.rNE . EA$EM5N.T DSDJO(T RCCDRlJ. Rat '162R ':!Jr: "fW~[gglJJJffS E ! (1:ll26JT2 (NO'09'48~12 (f) o Q1 o @ @ o @ @ @ (f) @ OJ o ~~'&t1A" NO. n'c:l3"~ TJ,..)Ql . ClT'T' c:;o ePR~ll!lD ~'6M..\PNO.n.c:l).J&'l'U03 J.NC300 .~!ll'OR1t&Tf>QOOJC:'l'& ~"fI t"U,p NO. Itl_O)-41 TW300 4 1C1c:l .l1d':~N:lI; FORJi6T F'RCCUCT& /!!,.,~. '''/1', '.1~ (20 "':"''i!': IS ;;to"S~)I,,'~ I.",~, __ ($7i1'47', S7trS71$ @. Gi\- 't;y ~ ,g-(j ;;~~ ~~'""'#4t:N ~ (lSOH77I!S TOMtll' - , I IN5475'~rw 62 OJ' CSF111075~IH5' J2 NS6T,,)I"w 19Z.J9.'NlJ5~7~"W1 J N4:r~oS'Z8"W J1112.98. /NB5'4J'10"71 ,J<l S7.1OS04J'W 241.l!i. /S7J"SH/,;f 56.1'26'58'" 24191'/S6J:lO'J6"7f J6 N8671"17-W 1)6,05. /Nt$'O/l":iS'w ISW45'57W 16.:19' ~ H~"'9'JO'tV ..2JS. J9 szs-ss'IJif 119.~S' -40 N1li9'1J"1~ 2~' 10. 41 N 0'6~oT JI8". 'HP DEStGN JET 330 PLOTTER, HP 1l51640A PIGHENT BASED INK ON CONTINENTAL ltJPC:-4H2 POL rESTER rtLM ~Rf"cei"~ JUN 1 7 2009 I' Original Submittal = PRO~T"T' LINE At:l~T1'1ENT euRVE'r". et4EET 2 ~ , e.HEET I l!IHaW$ Qf<!G1NAl,. .AND AeJUe.TEC PROPERTY LINES ANO ~HATE CITY 1.1MIT5 L.INE Hom fHRQlJCH(J(ff me SlIR\on' 8iW:;Km SIJRRO(JIiOWG SE:)RlNCS >>/0 DIST.wa:s INDlCArE (tEr;O/W //(FrJR1,IATrOH (D&D OR sulrVO') AND IS lJ;SWJ,lY SHOff'N III ~P)ll1SON lI1l?f uEi'StJR(D BlA!~'NCS .wo OiSTNOCES ON THE 8Sl.RtNG S'fS7C)I usro f/DIroN, OIffrFlOJCES,AA~ our TO AlWURf- }.lOfTS IiADE IN rHE F1D..D fRO" UONlAICHTS CAlUD IN OfEDS DR SUR\oO'S SCALE, 1.=400' -:-- 16to..i" l~,o. ,g1f~2 f'OIJN(J R.n. SPJKE8Q,RfNC Nl11'57'I.5-W 6;n',AND 511"02'-15'11' 0."0' FROU 7RUF: CORNfR .... ". FOIJHO V8 Rawf BE:NlfN'G (SS'".J.?:'-"'t '::Ci~~~ilo;4.98' rROU (S8"~'oi); IO~6.12.Jt2 ~..t,!is. t.c",on,IO' 9,'9') ~ " fOUND .li/ll' MrlARllf11f CJ.P~.IN CS.F.29JOS CErA!!. "6" C\l.NER&: ORICfHJ.!.PMCn "A" UdfDlZlC FOREST PROOUCrs., /Nt:. P.D.. 801( 'liS SPIl1N(;17EtD. ORCCON 9U77 . SIIl:.q)fJflCiS: '53' SOUDl F smt:E' MICtlW. PARCEl. .8" OI'YDFS1'RIHCI7D.lJ.. . 25S.51H. Sl1UIr . Sl'RINf!'Et/J. ()I;EGON 97477 . ---- ~-~ .~ ~_.- --- I, ii .n ) ~ \JI ...:tt: I- ...~Q \.)0"1 ~ 5 -1,~~ o!!!" ~ [~~~ ;; ~ ~ I- ~~~.~! lL ($) IL ~ ,~ !J!)-III 0.. "~8 :;~~d)i!l..~! )-IlO 1L"~:5 I >-iillL O:::l;l . 01 "" If UI}-~I o N I--~ 01, Z,)bi- lL' III'..~ '.Jl ... ~,,9. O "'~'" ~ffi 1:: .. it ,.., ..: CO o '(/) gl'il ~E-< -<I; 0::.- I'ilU 00 z(/) ""(/) CO <I; m, ~.!ct I m(::l mp:; ""0 ~r,.. o 0:: o "" '" 2, o P < 2 ~ < x w i'! " " '" " ~~ ~-~ ijJ' ~~ <'" ~5 ~ w ~ " '" N~ "'N ~m _m 1 I ~~ ~~ ~~ ;:;. .e~ .1 a!; ll.. F: ; N II'I~; ~~ ~m N N' ~ .0 o lI!w 02 'W ~" a n ..._, ;r." io 1 ~ i ~ ; . ~ 2 o p " " := '" 2 o u . in ~s g~ ~ o~ '0 < .~ci "Ii ",m - , _w -,.:. JOB NO J5.7.18 D\JGNO_ .EJ!ld_PLA-R BY. PlN/ldm UON/JUlNTS seT 2/12/04 n.N UAP PRlNTtO 5/2!;/(J4 .'.""".".J ~I . i: I ;' Date Received: JUN 1 7 2009 Ori~inal Submittal j ',' ~ = ~ il' OJ<fG1NAI.. PRO~RT""" I.INE I ! ... k ~ ! '~~ ~.""Oo..--o.. "- "~~..~..._--" ' ~"-~~- : b-.. ,~' ---~ hV /,;---- C/V OIOIGINA~ PIOOPl;lOt.,.. /: - {P ~INE i:,' r.. (('t '--.j . " i L.IMIT& CINE / , ,\>, ~ =-- ~ r- e.PRlNGFla.o C:1T'l" /'~-'-'--..' .I ,_ '-.J ~ i ,*Y . (j >'''- I ~ -i'.J...~ ((< .''''/ ' Date Received: \ ~'bM,:.PNO.n'Q~'.1& tw::n. elf'!' 0= ~1~ . ~'IH'\APl'JOn-"]'J!oT1..20~.l.NO)cXl..~"~Tf'>r:l~ ~'6 t1J,F"NO.18-e~.OI1'.u3O<:l . ~. . Hc:Kri).WI; FOIUeT PRCCJJCT'tI . .... =- -... ._~ . L _~' __,_."'"~ JUN 1 7 2009 Original submittpl HP DESIGN JET 330 PLOTTER. HP aSl640A PIGMENT BASED INK ON CONTlNENTAL JlJPC-4H2 POLYESTER fiLM PROPERTY L.INE AD,/Ue.TMENT aJRVE'T" ~ e.HEET' I OF 2 f>HEET I ~OWs. OI<l~lNAI.. ..wo AO..AJBTEO PROFS<T"r" 1.INE& AND AP~ROXlMATE C\'Tf ~IMIT& J..INE =:::::::::::::- ~. I AN' - COUNTY"S~~~;YOR'S O'FIC~ 1 OSrIC' NO. .",61;55 'ILlNG DATE' II! .1~W"~ re- . ' I l, SCALE, 1"=400' 'T'>'- , '..,~'r'-' " !. . . I ......COUTH "F- STREET ---,- ""'" JOURN...l 130-07-12.1 "c.sF19~ -1- -1- =<YO DM-'ERSHlP "UHJN .4IIU. (Mer CURROIf ~YIS ~1 sat OF 811/DCi__ NORTH ~ SPRfNC- fl€l.O PROPERTY PtFl Cs'F.2910!l ~Q,y "" Sf'RIIlfiFn:w " ACOWI€D 7Ht:.lIIU RAa: roUHO STONE WliXIHG f/m USI. INS. 8.S41SCJ.j5 M RE-t1/TTWfl CORNCR ."" ~ "CENftR tmE /.fill RAcr ~ AS OIJ./OI$1ONS O<INER'" OR/f.il1/M. PA/lCE/.. -.... u:XCNlIE: f'OREST PRODUCTS. /NC p.a BOX 7/9 SPR1NCFUtO. OREC()II 914n sm: ADDRESS: 165/ SOfJrH r STReET ORlc.'W PARC!/.. "8- aTt OF SPRINCFtClD 25551H.SJRffi SPRJNcna.D. ORECO'( 9 u 11 ..... .~~ -. .=. s~i '. i~~) woo a::[~/. d) \- o f- :::J ill 0 ~ 0 III Il ~D:o.. Do\- <tOLd) wI-III 5'$!1l I- D: 0 t- ,::I IL D:'" lr IU o N D: 2 Il IU Y o r: -< III P uff) Z P<4 . ~E-< -<<: o::~ r"IU Po Z.ff) r"Iff) gJ<<: ~~ I rnc:1 rnD:: r"Io ~.rz. p 0:: o ~ ') .0 ~ ::J z 2~:3 gaZ~ ~ ~!~a ~ ~ ~ : ~ ! ~ :i~ ~ ~. O~ I ,,~ -I~::2 IU . . _'II :!llQ~ 2"'''' I I N ~,,~ IL ~ .~ 0.. ~~8 .n ~'" u, ..,~I<J ~ IL tJ- oq: () ~'f;1~ '''' }-, I \- -~ " bi~ ~ ~~' "';t :c:~c::a 1lI~~ ~" ~ .il' '" '" z o :; z " < x w '" ~ " " '" h ~~ ", '" z 00 5W ~ w ~ " ~ z o '" u " ~ ~ '" z o u N~ ~N ~m _m II ~o 00 ~~ -.- ;; "'''' ~~ ,~ N . o c ~~ U ~Ol .1; Nli ~ ,..0 i o , ~~ l: ~~ 1: ~ i;;j ~ . - , . in :ta mO mS; ~ o~ '0 ~ !!'~ ~ c . ~m - , -"' JOB NO 35'.18 Jj\JGNO ~ndJn(jx.dvl'J BY. PLN/tdm /JONUlImTS sa 2/12/fJf f'tiI UAP PRlU/'{D '/7!J/q4 ~-~"~ ...:l .. ...--' .,"., .A ._~~ -.- . :z p 0, ~ "" , , " J Date Received: JUNl 7 2009 Origi()al Submittal :5 6X ~ '-'0 !l if&: .. 011 ~ '!l!i ..I 00 ~ ili~ .&: .. -\11 & Iii~ !fili-' I ,_..~-~~,.."." ~._. . " ."...-",,, .., .. ~." ~".,. ,__.. .. w'~ ~ .. ~ ~~ )- t- iii 0. o ~, <t~ z:i " ii o )- t- ~ 0. o f.. o~ w-' ~ ::J ~ o <t ~w Ii ~ ~, S I/;' ~a ' ",if ' J. II ~9 lJiii t; ~~ ~&. "'.. "- .. ~ ..I oj) 0- f '/~ / ( I l>.. i...... i F,j t / ~ 4 2 ., ~ , 0.1 , -'w , <tZ ~ z:i , ~ i 0: L---1 p "~ , I ,,~ ,.;" ,/ t' ~ i r 0- il 9 .. ~ g l I t ~ i:l~b. <;)' " ,I; ate Received: JUN 1 7 2009 ,', ._"'~., "... ,. ..,. I ' ' . ".- .'", ... , '. '" ,. ,,'", ,~ "~ . Original Submittal '- ..,~," -- ~.. ..~ . ,. ,- " . ~ ...... . AlNnO:J 3NV7 Q73l:JDN/CldS _ 59'1 - Z '~35 .. , '~35 - ./, 3N .. MN . _ SL U - gr ~ Sf' ';)35 - tT/l 3S ~ MS ;lI::l~NI~Q~ =0 )"J.I:J t O~d J.<;a~O:l =1:ZNa'::>l~W ;:;0:1 ;.5I",;:;n<a ,51W.L<anrO'\>' 5INI' ;'.L;:;5I=l0;:;=l }- ... ~ .. 0. o ~ 0." 06 ..""' :n " Q <t ~l g ,J ~& 8~ J; Ii L~ U "'" ," C;C:66--vtC; (lt~) xc.:! Z,g,-tv, (l>~) ,~",', -'"1..:.'~'-'"~'~~'-"'~'!';'-' -"'---' ~,"'.-'~'''-'''i:lII , aU':lU,--'U--"MMM, ,a"Sqa' ... ;;I J ... I", ZOvl6 ~o 'aua6n3 lOvl6 .~o '3N3~n3 L '&lS "N 66 AOM46!H 9L ~ r;C;LZZ xOS'O'd ~ ~". ~ . ".. ..,' ~, " '~".' ' "- ~ , . SNOll 'r/NII"l'r/X3' SlH~Il:! ~3l'r/M . NOISV\~3dns NOIDnl:!lSNOJ f)NIA3M:inS ON'?'l '" '" '" c , vaG S31VIJOSSV ~ OHOd ':::JNI 'H:3:GN:3:8SSV cl-SS:3:N -atIOcl . ~ I dl P. lc ~ g ~ I . ut~ ~eilli ~.... ~~ti ~~ ~g:ei9 ~ 3'iQQ.'~;;!'2 ....,.,j ~:o: . i!:~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ t'~ o~~ ) ~ uij; 18 ~I ~'" "' ~~ ,'" ~~ ,~ -" ,.,~'i:"" '"',~410 I ~~,~~ I I--.Q.UVi, i!- " --~~~K ! I l<Jo:: I , i~"~ , O:i;)..S! ~~ '" ~ " ~ ~, 0; ~~~ Po::iS ~j~~ M"'~ ~~:" ll:::.c.:a.....<l; "~ < ~ $i 01{1 -1> ~$ ~ \:l~~ ~ "" ~ -"J :i .. , ~------ ~! rJi' ~--I--:-- '~"J.____~'_' t- .... .,i ~' ~ If ii / 0 f ~ 9 i ~~ ~ ! ZJ- j ~ ~ ;f----3 l p ,'..... 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