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Permit Correction Notice 2009-6-12
~,""Y1i'ill"~ ~~~~~'-l"-'___ '-"'-~"'-_.~~~~~~~~i~!'"""""f""""7"C- 'I City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: h / E::..../ 01 Job# (t1 - 11/J jg tEr,/' , Address:_ 315' a - I~"",' w,,-- 0/ nj / , / Inspection Type: ',f'....__{ ~-..( Toj ~!tL~J ( ~~ II ftAQ(,~,J 1w A<f / f)tf/1oC) dM0) \. ~ {I h .tuf L-,.-ku- V /_..~~ /- ,i;;; Af'ML ,. , ,', '-,_f,--ll' ',' , .., 1-,';' ,.~I, .l~. _' ~\, ,:. ~. ~.,..'-'~; _,:. '.-' ..' ,_" .. '. . ~":'. :"_":':' ,,>':';g'~:;(':~::::;;'"H ,.\ -,.h- '_..:...:~,;,'. :!':h;"':;,;~:;, :'1';', ::l( "". 'u.,,!;:;t,:~ " corr~dions a~d~ej'~sp'ecticiri\equ~st'~h~lIjbe~m'adev.iithi~ ' '1L.>,'7c~iknd;fd~~s;: ::~:: ';.. ,.. . j' '.. . 'Cail f~r rI!in:spectio~ liLly~s; CJNo'.i/,: ,:'Iilsj'l~Ci:or'Y, :~. '" :./ ",:,c': "";JIl:\ -, '.;:'.~D~te:. >. : ,:. . ',,~'.' ..':, , . ..i~~N;"'~";,:,,~i:v~;;.~Call :for.iiispecticin'726-3769~;"'~~,";;;;;NNN;J":;'Que5tions 726"3759~~~N':V~~~~ ,....,: " :: ,'.,~ . ..' ,,~,:, ',,~'. ';~:<-~~,~~~." ~~J.:',;:.~ /,~I?,.. '::\~~~:.3;,:)~~CI;; ;~:~~.-~c.,~;,it:~;~~.~;i.~:~~, ~~ ~,; }~':~'~~',;i~:~:f:~~;:':(:~~~,~-~~BL; ~i;~~i<- ,.~{; j~~~:;;-~~\~;~~;~~'~. ' ,~.~, r,' ~, .. ,_~~..:> " ,:- l.. I; _~: ,::~ >-_':c H',,:.Rr ',_""."lg:'~'1J.I '" .__;.>!;t~_M\-;t':f.!;.,i.\~;':.{~_t~."",.",$,,,,~,'l,J;... ...."'-..:.~,~,.t:'4!,'".~dd;,..,~,C'"~;:.~>>.<_,_~~;;..'l,_..;,~ !~"""'::N~IiV.',~f""""~Nh~",.lE!"=t~ ~,,,,,\y~;;t'l~~,:l,,,,~,...'/.,_;>~.esJJ~J.l.h ,~,;':\!.".::';~SW'.'k:t_..:",.