HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 6/15/2009 .1 .' RECORDING REOUESTfD BY FIDELITY N~TIONAL TITle COMPANY OF OREGON GRANTOR'S NAME Leelynn, Inc. and Wiley Mm., Inc. and Ben/Evans Associates GRANTEE'S NAME Suntrust Land Company SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO: SunTrust Land Company LLC 2464 SW Glacier Place Suite 110 Redmond. OR 97756 AFTm RECORDING REllJRNTO: SunTrust Land Company LtC 2464 SW Glacier Place Suite 110 Redmond. OR 97756 Division .r Chl.r Ilepuw CI...k 'lM~IOI022 L.,. Counly Deeds .net Recorda ,VW- lI~m IIU 11111II~lIl11mlllmml ~III~ $51.00 0076&8342ll05010102201l6!l069 12/~/200s 03:19:05 Pll RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=8 CASHIER 01 130.00 $11.00 $10.00 ' STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED :::.....A\..C AlSlJVI: Inl::> UNI: rUI1 rU::\..UrI<'/l:rI;;. v~.: " LeeLynn, Inc.. a Oregon Corporation and Wiley Mtn. Inc.. as to an undivided 2/3 interest and Bett/Evans Associates. Partnership 1)$ to an undividod 1/3 mterest, Grantor. conveys and warrants to SWltrus1land Company LlC. Grantee. the following described real property. free and clear of encumbrances except as specmcally set forth below. situated in the County of Lane. State of Oregon, , SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATIACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Subject to and excepting: See anached exhibit Two for specific exceptions. I THIS INSTRUMENTWIUNOT A1.l0W USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBEO IN nus INSTRUMEN1j!N VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCE~T'NG THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACOUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DERNED IN ORS 30.930. ,. THETRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS $;1500 ORS 93.0301 .WHICH IS BEiNG PAID TO AN ACCOMMODATOR PURSUANT TO AN IRe 1031 EXCHANGE OA TED: December 14, 2005 !i STATE OF OREGON L"-''-:- COUNTY OF ".... 0.:: This instrument was acknowledged before me on _ bOOC.E Keel'- \ 5". .:>-co5" bV Melvin McDouaal.President.of L.eeJ-ynn Inc. bV Nnrm:Hl McDnuoal. Prf.sident of Wiley Utn.. Inc. by Michal'll p, Fv;!nc; and Geraldinp A. RAn_ nartnern nfBen/Evans Associates 'V4a.,Q,?,', ~ NOTARY PbMc FOR OREGON --I / M'f COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~ II ~ (; ~ \celb~:ffi y L1 leeLynn, Inc., a Oregon corporation By4~/2[ ~~fi M~jn Mlbo;g~president ;, W~'leY M . Inc.. a Oregon corporation By: ht/~ #Ao orman McDolfgal, pr6iiient ~ BetzlEvans Asso~iates ' BY:I^~,,~.O '\?, r.~ Michael P. Evan~, Partner BY:~Q a.~ Geraldina A. Ben.. Pa'ftner CJ . (IFFI)W..... IIAGGIE lURNBI ~ NOfNn'~-CJRmOII ...........,.""- Ift'.. ".... EJCPlRElI.III.Yll," Date Received: JUN I 5 2039 Original Submittal STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED . w Date Received: JUN 15 2009 EXHIBIT "ONE" Original Submittal PARCEL ONE: Beginning at the Brass Cap marking tile Soutllwest com.er 01 tile T. M~ynard Qonation Land Claim No. 44. Townsllip 17 Soutll, Range 2 Wast the Wmamette Meridian; runlllence South 89011' 45" East 381.00 leet; Illence South 10 43' 43" West 322.66Ieet; tllence South 880 II' 48" East 385.82 leet to a point on tile boundary 01 EASTHA VEN SUBDIVISI9N, as platted and recorded In File 75. Slide 192, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; run lhe~e along said boundary South 10 48' 15" West 212.20feet; thence Soutll260 39' 33" East 139,62 feel; thence South 10 56' 38" West 135.43 feel; tllence Soulh 60 22' 13" Wesl 64.77 leel; Illence Soutll20 02' 43" West 150.07 leet; thence North 88011' 45" West 99.22 leet; thence South 14040' 05" West 115,77 feet; thence SoullllO 43' 43" Wes! 360.53 feet; tllence Soutll680 40' 48" East 100.41 feel; Ihence South 610 47' 36" East 117.80Ieet;. thence South 57069' 24" East 144.93 feel; thence leaving seid PIal boundary Soul1l790 42' 24" East 30.13 feet; thence South 10 43' 42" West 982.37 leet; thence North 79044' 26" West 202.24 leet;.t/lence South JOo 43' 43" West 108.61 leet; thence aIol!9 the arc of a 45.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which beers Soulh 1201.54' 46" WeSI 47.79 fast; thenca South 450 00' 58" East 84,96 Iset; thence Sout/110 ~3' 43" Wsst 130,OOleet. thence Soulh 670 42' 56" Easl 213.60 feet; Ihence Soulll 10.43' 43" West 462.66 feet; thence Norlh 870 44' 49" West 973.06 feet to Ihe True polnl 01 Beginning; run thence North 220 16' 34" Eest 923.00 leel; thence North 300 46' 57" West 92.67 leet; thence North 250 19' 10" Wesl 96,02 leet; t/lence North 110 10' 22" West 131.49Ieet; thence North 730 44' 26" East 54.67 feet; t/lence Sout/l 320 30' 38" East 121.36 leel; thence along the arc 01 a 48.00 loot radius cwve 10 the righi, the long chord 01 which bears North 410 07' 32" East 13.55 feel; lhence North 320 30' 48" West 226.16 leal; Ihenca Nort/l700 10' 22" East 99.84Ieet; thence North 470 26' 51" West 44.47 leet; thenca North 37" IS' 32" East 109.21 leet; thence North 22044' II" West 90.47 feet; Illence Norlh 600 31' 56" Wesl154,ll feet; thence Norlh 420 60' 03" East 66.07 leet; thencelNorlh 38062' 01" West 108.94feet; thence along the arc 01 e 275.00 loot radius curve, tile long chord of whlch bears South 45037' 06" West 31.51 faet; thence North 47039' 67i Wesl 248.05 feet; thence South 370 15' 32" West 337.36 feat; thence South 220 46' 38~ West 236.72 laet; thenca South 750 19' 04" West 654.82 feet; thence North 77047' 09r West 239.06 feat; thence North 50.25' 29" West 231.87.1eet; t/lence North 240 63' 54~ West 335.34 leet; thence North 150 35' 26" West 180,031eet; thence North 14002' 28" East 281.68 feet; thence North 75057' 32" West 120.00 faet; thence North 14002' 28" East 206,00 feet; thence North 75057' 32" West 370.00 feel; thence North 14.02' 28" East 320.90 feet; thence along the arc of a 369.99100t radius curve to thelelt, the chord '01 whiell bears North 6044' 12" East 94,08; thence Nortll 00 34' 04" West 46.04 feet; IIle00e South 890 25' 56" West 120.00 feet; thence Soulh 720 57' 20" West 129.30 feet; tllence Norlh 49. 50' OZ" Wast 286.67 feel; tllence South 40009' 56" West 226.21 feal; thence elong the arc of a 250.00 loot radius curva to tile left, the tong chord of which bears North 640 19' 22" West 66.30 feet; lhence South 380 32' 30" West 54.341eet; thence South 8~ 52' 17" West 11,48 leet; thence along tha arc ola 61.01 foot radius cutva 10 the Jefl, tile long chord 01 which bears South 260 48' 51" West 31.43 feet; thence South 440 45' 25"Wast 66,40 feet; thence elong tile arc of a 86.99 loot radius curve to the right, tile long chordal which bears South 260 48' 51" West 53,60 leat; Ihence South 80 52' 17" West 240.59 leet; Illence along the arc of a 225.00 loot radius curve to the Ielt, lhe long chord 01 which bears Soulh 7009' 33" East 128.34 leet; thence South 660 16' 12" West 140.00 leet; mence along the arc 01 a 365.00 footradiUS curve to the rlgllt, the long chord of which bears North 90 03' 18" West 184.94 feet; thence North 810 07' 43" West 110.14Ieet; thence South 780 08' 12" West 52.37 feet; Illence Nort/l850 29' 07" West 140,29 leet; Ihence along the arc of a 666,00 fOOl radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South go 34' 21" East 325.30 feet; Ihence South 23. 43' 48" East 214.39 feet; thence South 4io 33' 40" Easl 149.89Ieet; thence South 730 46' 36" East 146.91 leet; lhence South 520 02' 41" Wesl 202.38 feet; thence North 370 35' 18" Wsst 200.00 leet; thence North 320 41' 22" West 200.73Ieet; thance North 25. 55' 29" West 469.14 feet; thence North 50 23' 54" East 2 .-'\.4.\~Q U""'"""( '" C~... neeal'.:et. JUN 1 5 2009 Original Submittal. 356.0Sleet. thence North 840 36' 34" West 63.51 leet; thence North 520,05' 07" Wesl 15000 feet: thence North 370 54' 53" East 205.06 feel; thence Norlh 890:12' 'IS" WeSl 389:74 feet; thence South 10 31' 59" West 623.78 feet; thence elong the ate 01 a 796.19 foot radius curve to the lelt, the long chord of which bears North 6~0 23' 21: West 553,13 feet to a point on the centerline of 58th Street; thence along seid centerline south.l 0 38' 28" West 49.89 feel; thence leaving said centerline and running elong t~e !,orthe~y rlghl of way of Weyerhaeuser's private roadway along the'arc of a 745.71 1001 radIUS curve to the right, the long chord of whk:h beors South 620 60' 06" East 636.11 feet; thence South 370 35' 19" East 979.83 feet; thence along the arc of a 542.57 foot radius ~e to the left, the,lon~ chord of which bears South 520 39' 49" East 282.23 leet; thence South Soulh 670 44 19 East 192.07Ieel; thence along the arc of a 602.57 loot radius curve to 1hejright, the long chord 01 whk:h bears South 320 06' 19" East 702.11 feet; thence ,South 30'31' 41" West 291.00 leot; thence leaving said Northerly right 01 way South 8S 0 22.' 34" East 1437.38 leet; thence South 10 35' 59" West 396.60 leet; thence South 87044'-49" East ,879.75 leet to the True Point 01 Beginning, in Springfield, lene County, Oregon. :' EXCEPT THEREFROM: Thet portion deeded to a Lane County in a Werranty Deed recorded August S, 2000, Reception No. 2000-045367,Official Records of lene County, Oregon, I, PARCEL TWO: Beginning at the Brass Cap merkinglhe Southwest comer of the T",Meynardiponetion lend Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 Wast 01 the Wlllamette Meridian; run thence North 1057' 15" East 483.01 feet; thence North 880 07' 08" We~t 3Q2.54 leet; thence North 20 08' 53" Eest 286.21 feet; thence North S80 08' 26" West 66,OOlee't; thence North 89069' 53" West 72.86 feet; thence North 870 45' 08" West 347,98 feet; thence North 00 47' 30. East 374,02 feet to a point on the Southerly right 01 way 01 McKenzi", Highwey; run thence along said right of way, North S80 07' OS. Wast 260.76 taet;thaoce leaving said ,ight of way South 10 38'-26" West 660.00 feat; thence North 880 07' 08" Wesll,970.02 feet to the True Point of Baginning; run thence No,th 880 07' 08" West 1124.641eel; Ihence South 1041' 21" West 923.37 feet; thence North 890 12' 45" West 14.45 feet; thence Soulh 520 05' 07" East 24.58 leet; thence South 37054' 53" Wesl 300.00Iaet; thence Soulh 840 36' 34" East 63.51 leet; thence South 6023' 54" West 366.05 feet; thance South 25055' 29" East 469,14 feet; thence South 320 4" 22" E8lIt 200.73 leet; thence South 370 35' 18" East 200.00 feet; thence North 520 02' 41" East 202.38 teet; thllOce North 730 46' 36" West 146.91 feet; thence North 470 33' 40" West 149,89 leet; thence North 230 43' 48" West 214.39 leat; thence along the arc 01 a 665.00 loot radius curve to the. right, the long chord 01 which bears No,th 70 25' 45" West 373.30 leet; Ihenc~ North 8t 52' 17" East 460,751eet; thence North 160 25' 07" EaSI 185.22 leet; thanceNorth 42038' 17" East 648.27 feet; thence North 610 37' 29" East 389.01 feet; thence"North 57,0 25' 33" East 222,21 leel to tlia True Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL THREE: Beginning at the Bress Cap marking the Southwesl corner of the T, Maynard Donation land Claim No. 44. Township 17 South, Range 2 West of lhe Willamette Meridian; run thence North,. 57' 15" East 4S3.01 feet; thence North SSo 07' 08" West 302.54 teet; thence North 20 08' 63" East 2S6.21 leet; thence North 880 06' 26"West:66.00feet; thence North 89059' 53" West 72.85 leet; thence North 870 45' 08" West 347.98 feel; thence North 00 47' 30" East 374,02 leet to a point on the Southerly right of way of McKenzie Highway; run thence along said right of way, North 88007' OS" West 260.76 faet; thenca leaving said right 01 way South 1038' 26" West 660.00 leet; thence North 880 07' OS" West 970.02 leet. lhence South 57025' 33" West 222.21 leal; thence South 61037' 29" West 132.75 feet to the True Point 01 Beginning; run thence South 10 3S' OS. West 161.63 feei. thence South 580 21' 52" Ea~t 30S,47 feet; thence South 610 23' 16" East 101.56 feet.' thence South 420 45' 43" Easl 204.72 feet; thence along the arc 01 a 140.00 fool radius c~rve to Ihe left, the long chord 01 whIch bears South 130 36" 13" Wesl 68.54 leet. thance'iSouth 37028' 08. East 99.92Ieet; thence South 730 45'17" East 136.71feet; th~nce South 870 09' 32" East 547.55 feet; thence South 3019' 06" West 72,16faet; thence South 36'0 39' 21" West 771.82 feet; thence North 750 57' 32" West 370,00 feet; thence North 14002' 28" Eest I' 3 ~ Q..c....e.. . WI) 320.90Iaat; Ihanca along tha arc of a 369.99 foot radius curve to"the left, tha long chord of which curva bears North 6" 44' 12" East 94.0S feet; thence North 0" 34' ,04" West 46.04 feet; thance South 89025' 56" Wast 120.00 leet; thence South 720 57' ~O" West 129.30 feet,thanca North 49" 50' 02" West 286.67Ieet; thence South 400 ,09' ~6" West 226.21 feet; thenee along the atC of a 250.,00 foot radius curva to the left, tha long chord of which bears North 640 19' 22" West 66.30 feet; thence South 380 32' 30" Wast 54.34 faet; thence South 60 52' 17" West 11.46 faet; thenca along tha arc at a 51.01 foot radius curve to the lelt, the long chord 01 which b,aars South 260 48' 51" Wast 31 .~3 feet; thence S?uth 44045' 25" West 66.40 feet; thence along the arc 01 a 86.99 loot redlus curve to'the nght, lhe long chord of which beers South 26046' 51" West 53.60 lee~; thence ~outh 60 52' 17' West 240,69 teet. thence along the arc of a 225.,0,0 foot redluscurve 10 the left, the long chord of which be'ars South 70 09' 33" East 128.34 feet; thance South 66016' 12" West 14,0.00 feet' thence along the arc of a 365.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which be:u.s North 90 ,03' 16" Wast 164.94 feat; thence North!81 0 07' 43' West 11,0.14 feet; thenca South 780 ,08' 12" West 52.37 feet; Ihence North 650 29' 97" Wast 14,0.29 feet; thenca along tha arc of II 665,0,0 foot rlldius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 60 43' 4 1" East 49,74 feet; thence North so 52' 17, East 46,0.75 faat; thence North 160 25' ,07" East 165.22 feet; thence North 42036' 17', East 648.27Ieet; thance North 61" 37' 29" East 256.25 feet to the True Point of 6eginning, in"Springfield, Lene County, Oregon. ' ' PARCEL FOUR: Beginning at tha Brass Cap marking the Southwest corner of the .T. Maynard Donation Land Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thonce North 10 57' 15" East 463.,01 feet; thence North 080 07' DO" I~est 3,02.54 feet; thence North 20 ,08' 53" East 286.21 feet; thence North 8So 06' 26" West 66,DDfeol; thence North 89059' 53" West 72.85 feet; thence North 870 46' ,08" West 347,98 feet; thence North DO 47' 30' East 374.02 feet to a point on lhe Southerly right of way:of McKemie Highway; run thenca along seid right of way, North 880 07' 08" West 260.76 feel; thonce leoving said right of way South 1 0 38' 26" West 660.0,0 feet; thence North 680 ,07' ,08" West 970.02 leet; lhence South 57026' 33" West 222.21 feet; thence South 61037' 29" Wast 132.75 feet; thence South 10 38' 06" West 161.63 leet; thence South 580,21' 52" East 3,08.47 feet; thence South 6,0 23' 16" East 101.56 feet; thence South 420!'45' 43" Eest 2,04,72 leet; thence along the arc of a 14,0,0,0 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 130 36' 12" Wast 68.54 foet; thence South 370 2S' ,oS" East 99,92 feet; thence South 730 45' 17" East 136.77leet; thence South 870,09' 32' East 54,7.55 feet; thence South 30 19' 06' West 72.16 feet to tha True Point of Beginning: thence South 36039' 210 West 771,02 feet; thance South 14002' 28" West 206.00 feel;'thence South 75057' 32" East 120.,0,0 feel; thence South 140 ,02' 28",Wast 281,68 feet;: thence South 150 35' 26" East 18,0.03 feet; thence South 240 63' 54" East 336,34 teat; Ithence South 500 25' 29" East 231.S7 feet; thence South 770 47' ,09" "ast 239.,06 feet; 'thence North 75" 19' ,04" Eest 654.82feet; thence North 220 45' 36" Eest 236.72Ieet; thence North 37015' 32' East 337,36 feet; thence North 370 15' 32" East 342.39 feet; thence North 13" 17' 2S" East 195.36 feet; thence North 410 45' 21" Eest 174.09 feet; lhence North 5" 58' 51" Eest 75.67Ieet; thence North 460 36' 24" Wast 169.35 faet; thenCe North 450 35' 29" East 135.84 feel; theitce along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius curve ;to the right, the long chord of which bears Noith 5101,0' 19"West 125.34 feet; thance South 550 29'32"Wast 182.62 loet; thence North 41 017' 19" West 417,51 leet; thence North'56" ,02'20" West 151.40 feet; thence North 660 14' 33" West 148.96 leet; thance South 69" 43' 24" West 8,0.92 feel; thence South 77" 57' 10" West 264.96Ieet; thence South 60" 04'49" West 255.33 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JUN 1 5 2009 4 Original Submittal ---wvL Q,.a..B EXlIIBIT "NO The herein described propertY has been classified as Small Tract For~stlan~ ~Ptioo. as disclosed bV the tax roU; ~nd may be subject to additional taxes and/~r J'~"""'''''';''''' Rights of the pubtic and governmental agenc!es in and to any portion of said land IVlng within the boundaries of streets, roads and highways. City Dens in favor of the City of Springfield. if any. There are no liens as of December 6. 2005. EassmentCst for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: purpose: Recorded: McKenzie Highway Water Oistlict pipeline and Ingress and Egress June 12, 1961, Recorder's No. 34700 Easement(s) for the purposefs) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: purpose: flecorded; Oregon State Highway Commission and the City of Springf~d Slope easement January 5, 1967, Recorder's No. 71171 EasementCsl for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Oregon Slate Highway Commission and City of Springfield Slope.easement April 21. 1967, Recorder's No. 82109 Easement(s) for the purposefs) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in 8 document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded; City of Sprlngfiekf Sanitary sewer Septembor 6, 1967, RecQrder's No. 97593 EasementC$>> for the purposelsJ shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to; purpose: Recorded: City of Springr..1d Sanitary sewer September 8, 1967, Recorder's No. 97594 Easomentls) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a documAent. ' Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Springfield Utility Board Electric distribution November 26. 1969, Recorder's No. 88801 Easomentls) for the purposefsl shown betow and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded; Springfield U~lity Board Electric distribution March 3. 1981, Recorder's No. 8109404 Date Received: :~~=~.S) for the purposelsl shown below and rights incidental (hereto as gra;n,ted in a JUN 1 5 2009 Granted to: Purpose; Recorded: Springfield Utility Board Electric distribution March 3, 1981, Recorder's No. 8109405 Original Submittal Easement(sJ for the pwposelsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. . Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Springfteld utirrty Board Public utilitieti: and incidental purposes March 27, 1981, Recorder's No. 8113464 ~~ . , Matters contained in that certaio document entitled "Notice of Court Order aod F'n I Judgment and En~ of Inju~ti~n Affecting Real Property-, dated December 28,19~;r by and ~tween City of Sp~ln.gfleld and Roger M. Van at. at, recorded'Jaouary 4, 1985, ~ecorder .s No. 8500353. which document, among other things. contains or provides for' AnnexatIOn agreements-. . . . Reference is made to.said document for full particulars. Matters contained in that ~rtain document entitled -Notice of Real Property subject to MasterPlan pwsuantto Article 37 of.the Springfield Development Code", dated April 16, 1999, bv and .between City of Springfield. recorded ApriJ 13, 1999, Recorder's No. 9ub90~~13159, whICh document, among ottler things, contains or provides for: -Aesid. ential 5 UIY S on development- . ' Reference is made to said document for tuD particulars. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Agreement-, dated July 31,'1,2002, by and between leelyM, Inc., an Oregon corporation and Wiley Mt., Inc., an ()fegon corporation and Alberts Development, ltC, as tenants in common, recorded August 1, 2002. Recorder's No. 2002-068266. " Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Matters contained in that certain document entitled ~"Declaration of Property Line Adjustment (SUB200:rOO049)-, dated March 10, 2004, by and between leeLynn, loc. an Oregon corpoiation, Wiley Mt., Inc., an Oregon corporation and Alberts Development llC. a ltd., Uability Co., recorded March 11, 2004, Recorder's No. 2004~017283 to 2004-011286. Reference is made to said document for full particulars~ Said document has been corrected by instrument Recorded: March ,16, 2005, Recorder's No. 2005..()18021 Matters contained in that certain document entitled -Declaration of Easement~, dated March 10. 2004, by and between leelynn,lnc.. Wiley Mt.lnc. and A:lbertS Devel?pment, recorded March 11. 2004, Recorder's No. 2004"'()11288, which document, among other things, contains or provides for: -lemporary access easements !:tor ingress,! egress, sanitary, storm, utilities 'and maintenance that terminates upon the recordation of Subdivision Plats-. Reference is made to said do.;::ument for full,particulars. Date Received: JUN 1 5 2009 Original Submittal -u....f>L Ga..ii