HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Planning Commission PLANNER 4/21/2009 SP.R. ..'..NGFI'~ ~; ; .!Ji. ; "OREGON : . . ',_ _ <_>"L'::"_->'-':i<.>~,';'_:c_-;">;li-,-i:;;:;-;.,:;"";'~,t""_"'~~';;~";:./"..;~'_-. . . · . ' . t Andy Limbird DSD - Planner II I {Full Packet} SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL' JESSE MAINE ROOM' 225 FIFI1I STREET' 541 726-3710 Tuesday, APRIL 21, 2009 7:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 2. APPROVAL OF MINlITES- 3. BlJ~m"'SS FROM THE AUDIENCE- 4. OUASI~JUDIClAL PUBLIC HEARING- APPLICATION: Request to adopt a post-acknowledgement plan amendment (PAPA) for the Gateway Refmement Plan area. City- of Springfield LRP2009-0000 I Gateway Refinement Plan area; Riverbend The Planning Commission is asked to conduct a public hearing or deliberations on the implementation of a Nodal Development Overlay District affecting approximately 180 acres of northwest Springfield. The subject area is identified in adopted plans as the "McKenzie-Gateway MDR Site". Andy Limbird APPLlCANT(s) NAME: CASE NUMBER: PROJECT SITE: PROJECT PROPOSAL: PLANNER: Cu, Iv JCT OF QUASI~IClAL PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PIA, h I., ,G COMMISSION . Staff will explain procedural requirements mandated by State Law . Commencement of the hearing . Declaration of conflict of interest or "ex-parte" contact . Staff report . Testimony from the applicant . Testimony of those in support . Testimony of those in opposition\Questions from the Commission . Summation by the Staff . Rebuttal from the applicant . Close of the public hearing / or extend the written record · Planning Commission discussion (possible questions to staff or public) · Motion to recommend approval or approval with conditions or denial of the request based on staff report and/or oraVwritten testimony · Recommendation signed by Chair inc_. t'-.~:ng findings and reasoning to support decision Date Received: Planner: AL 0:;./:;01/7 / The meeting location is whee/chair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be pravided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a "Personal P A Receiver" for the hearing-impaired is available: To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda - Brenda Jones Page 1 4/2112009 5. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVEfl~PMENT SERVICES Dm.l<;f.:1:'OR 6. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION 7. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION 8. ADJOURN REGULAR PLA,,,..,.G COMMISSIONERS, Frank Cross, Chair Johnny Kirschenmann, Vice Chair Lee Beyer Eric Smith Sheri Moore Steve Moe Sean VanGordon Date Received: Planner: AL ~ ~/.li~9 The meeh"ng location is whee/chair-accessible. For lhe hearing-impaired. an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a "Personal PA Receiver" for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services. phone 726-2700. PC Agenda - Brenda Jones Page 2 4/2 InOO9 .' MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF HEARING: April 21, 2009 PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Springfield Planning Commission FROM: Andy Limbird, Planner II RE: Case No. LRP2009-00001 SUBJECT: Request to adopt a post-acknowledgement plan amendment (PAPA) for the Gateway Refinement Plan area. The plan amendment would implement a Nodal Development Overlay District (NDO) for the 180-acre "McKenzie-Gateway MDR Site", now commonly identified as the PeaceHealth hospital and campus. ISSUE The Planning Commission is asked to conduct a public hearing for deliberations on the implementation of a Nodal Development Overlay District affecting approximately 180 acres of northwest Springfield. The subject area is identified in adopted plans as the "McKenzie-Gateway MDR Site". The Commission must decide whether to advise the City Council to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request. DISCUSSION The subject area is located on the east side of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway and west of the McKenzie River. It is bounded on the north by Deadmond Ferry Road and on the south by residential p, u..'::'. ;:es on Wayside Loop. Approximately 180 acres are identified for nodal implementation in adopted plans. However, staff advises that the requested plan amendment is limited to land currently inside the City limits (approximately 168 acres). The affected area includes the existing Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend and future commercial, residential and mixed use development areas comprising the RiverBend Master Plan area. As unincorporated areas within the planned nodal implementation area request annexation, the City Council may consider whether to implement the NDO district on a case-by-case basis. The post-acknowledgement plan amendment is consistent with a Conceptual Development Plan adopted for the area in 1994; amendments to the Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) arid Gateway Refinement Plan adopted in 2005 (Commercial Policy and Implementation Action 5.0); TransPlan; and provisions of the approved RiverBend Master Plan. Springfield City Council directed staff to implement the nodal development overlay plan designation through adoption of the RiverBend Master Plan in 2005 (Attachment 6). RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request as described in the attached Staff Report. ACTION REQUESTED Advise the City Council, by motion and signature of the attached order and recommendation by the Planning Commission Chairperson, to approve the request at the public hearing on May 18, 2009. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 : Staff Report and Findings Attachment 2: Vicinity, Neighborhood and Site Maps Attachment 3: McKenzie-Gateway MDR Area Map Attachment 4: Ordinance No. 6109 Amending the Gateway Refinement Plan Attachment 5: TransPlan Potential Nodal Development Areas Map Attachment 6: Email correspondence from DLCD and Bonnie Ullmann Attachment 7: Planning Commission Order . <I/. Ij~"I Date Recelved:-'7 17' - Planner: AL " Type IV Metro Plan Amendment Staff Report and Findings " ., Hearinf,) Date: April 21st, 2009 Planning Commission Case Number: LRP 2009-00001 May 18th, 2009 City Council City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 See Appendix 'A' Aoolicant's Representative N/A II AODlicant PrODertv Owners Date Submitted: January 29, 2009 , EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: , The subject area is contemplated for nodal development in senior planning doguments adopted by the City, including the Metro Plan, TransPlan, the Gateway Refinement Plan, and the RiverBend Master Plan. The Springfield City Council adopted the amended RiverBend Master Plan on June 19, 2006. Condition #12 of the Master Plan approval reads: "The City Council hereby initiates the application of the Nodal Overlay Plan Designation at the entirety of the McKenzie Gateway MDR Site as identified in the Gateway Refinement Plan." The McKenzie Gateway MDR Site (now more commonly known as Riverbend) was identified in a Conceptual Development Plan prepared by the City in 1994. Council adopted Ordinance 6109 (amending the Metro Plan and Gateway Refinemeijt Plan) on January 10, 2005 with the intent of preserving the potential for nodal development in the Riverbend neighborhood, These adopted plan amendments set the stage for development of this area, with the Sacred Heart Medical Center and campus. , , Consistent with the adopted plan amendments and City Council's direction, staff are presenting the nodal development implementation action for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. . REQUEST: " Staff are requesting approval to implement the, Nodal Development 0verlay District (NDO) designation for approximately 170 acres of the PeaceHealth campus. The NDO District would supplement the zoning designations in the area, which include Community C,ommercial (CC), Mixed Use Commercial (MUG) and Medium Density Residential (MDR). Current zoning for the affected properties is Medical Services (MS), CC and MDR. A Metro Plan Amendment at this time (not during Periodic Review) is known as a Post-Acknowledgement Plan Amendment (PAPA), '> II SITE DESCRIPTION: . The affected properties comprise approximately 170 acres and are identified; as Assessor's Map 17- 03-14-00, Tax Lot 1900; and Map 17-03-22-00, Tax Lots 100, 200, 903, 904', 3401-3403 and 3600- 4300. The subject properties include the developed Sacred Heart Medical Genter site and ancillary buildings; the Women's Care Center; and vacant future development areas surrounding the hospital. Date Re'ceived:~-3~9 Planner:: AL " ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 " i: The affected properties have no jurisdictional wetlands or inventoried Goal 5 natural or historic resources. Although not an inventoried historic resource, a pioneer graveyard discovered during excavation work at the south end of the subject area was surveyed and relocate.. d in 2008. . , The site 'is within the Springfield Urban Growth ,Boundary, and all the subject properties were previously annexed into the City of Springfield. The subject properties are within the Gateway Refinement Plan area. " The affected properties are bordered on the east by the McKenzie River, The abutting properties to the north and south are outside the City limits and zoned Low Density ResidE\htial (LOR). The areas immediately west of the site are outside the City limits and zoned LDR and MD:R. , This proposed plan amendment only affects properties currently inside the City limits. However, the ultimate boundaries of the Riverbend nodal development overtay area could logically include properties on Deadmond Ferry Road, Game Farm Road and Baldy View La,ne that are outside the current City limits. As these property owners request annexation, the CitY Council will have the opportunity to incorporate the property into the Riverbend nodal development bvertay area on a case- by-case basis. ~, ' REVIEW PROCESS: The proposed Metro Plan Amendment is a Type II Amendment because it is located inside the City limits and is site specific. In accordance with SDC 5.14-135.B and 5.14-140, a Type II Metro Plan amendment inside the city limits shall be presented to the Planning Commission for consideration and to the City Council for final action. i' The City Council initiated the Nodal' Development Overlay designation for the' subject area by adopting the amended RiverBend Master Plan in 2006. Staff initiated this Post-Acknowledgement Plan Amendment on January 29, 2009. A notice and supplementary information was mailed to the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCO) on February 12,2009. Representatives of the affected property owners (PeaceHealth and the Women's Care Center):lwere contacted directly in mid-March prior to issuance of the hearing notice. The public hearing notice was mailed out on April 1, 2009 to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed Nodal Development Overlay District implementation area per Section 5.2-115.A.1-14 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC). Advertised notice of the pUblic hearing was published in the local newspaper (Register Guard) on April 11th, 2009, as required in Section 5.2-115,B of the SDC. Since this application was initiated by the City Council, staff have responded :to three telephone calls requesting clarification on the proposed amendments and possible impacts t9 properties adjacent to the subject area. No substantive concerns were raised. Staff provided follow up written clarification to one caller who asked whether a conference center and hotel could' be built in the nodal development area. One written comment in support. of the proposal was, received from Bonnie Ullmann on behalf of the Game Farm Neighbors (Attachment 6). I: METRO PLAN DESIGNATION: , The subject property is designated Commercial and Medium Density Resi~ential as shown in the Metro Plan diagram. Specific Findings related to the Metro Plan are discussed in this report. Date ~eceived: L/h)/,,,,,,q Planner: AL -r=t=I-- ATTACHMENT 1 - 2 .' METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT CRITERIA OF APPROVAL-SDC 5.14-135.C.1 and 2 . I "The following criteria shall be applied by the City Council in approving 0~1'; denying a Metro Plan amendment application: I , ' I' 1. The amendment must be consistent with the relevant Statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and I: . 2. Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan intemallYinhonsistent. . i CRITERIA OF APPROVAL - SDC 5.14-135.C.1 I, Ii 1. The amendment must be consistent with the relevant Statewide plannihg goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. I:. , , STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 1: :' Goa! 1 - Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning prpcess. I, i' Finding 1: Goal 1 addresses the need to develop a citizen involvement prClgram to ensure citizen involvement in all phases of the land I,Ise planning process. The Planning C9mmission and the City Council will hold public hearings and accept testimony on the proposal. lIhrough the procedures established by the City, citizens have received notice of hearings in a generally published local paper (Register Guard) and have the opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed plan amendment. Notice of the public hearings was also given to property owners within 300 fe'~t of the proposed Plan Amendment area in accordance with SDC 5,2~115.A.1-14 requirements. In ad,dition, the provisions of ORS 197.610 regarding local government notice of proposed amendment provided to the Department of Land Conservation and Development has been observed. Since the:! proposed amendment complies with the City's citizen involvement program and citizens have opport,unities to be involved in the procedure, the proposed amendment is consistent with Goal 1. I STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 2: Goal 2: Land Use Planning: To establish a land use planning process. and policy framework as a basis for all decision and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions. ': Finding 2: Goal 2 requires that local comprehensive pla'ns be consistent with the Goals, that local comprehensive plans be internally consistent, and that implementing ordinances be consistent with acknowledged comprehensive plans. Goal 2 also requires that land use decisions be coordinated with affected jurisdictions and that they be supported by an adequate factual base, Because the proposed plan amendment does not affect properties outside the current city limits, the City sent referral notice of the proposed amendment to the City of Eugene and Lane County on April 8, 2009 extending "interested party" status to each government. The City sellt the statutorily required notice of the initial public hearing more than 45 days in advance to the state Department of Land Conservation and Development, ensuring that they are given opportunity for ~omment and review on conformity to applicable statewide planning goals. The DLCD reviewed the submitted materials and advised they do not have concerns or objections with the proposed plan amendment (see Attachment ~ I Date ~~'ceived:--iF/d<9OL. Planner; AL I ATTACHMENT 1 - 3 I I The Metro Plan and the SDC, as well as the Statewide Planning Goals and applicable statutes, provide policies and criteria for the evaluation of comprehensive plan amendments. Compliance with these measures assures an adequate factual base for approval of the Ii proposed Metro Plan amendment. As discussed elsewhere in this document, the proposed plan amendment is consistent with the Metro Plan and the Goals. Amendments to the Metro Plan and the Gateway Refinement Plan adopted in ,2005 and 2006 provide for nodal development in the subject area, and are consistent with the proposed plan amendment. The subject area is also identified as Site 7B on the adopted "Potential Nodal Development Areas" map in TransPlan. Therefore, by demonstrating such compliance, the amendments satisfy the consistency element of Goal 2. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 3: Goal 3 - Agricultural Land: To preserve and maintain agriculturallan&. Finding 3: This goal is inapplicable because as provided in OAR 660-15-000(3), Goal 3 applies only to rural agricultural lands. The subject properties are located within an acknowledged urban growth boundary, are inside Springfield's corporate limits, and are not in agricultural u~e. , The subject properties are not on Springfield's acknowledged Metro Plan :Goal 5 inventory. No threatened or endangered species have been inventoried on the site, and no archaeological or significant historical inventoried resources are located on the site. A pioneer graveyard discovered during site excavation work at the south edge of the RiverBend Master Plan area was surveyed and relocated in 2008. The National Wetland Inventory and Springfield Local Wetland Inventory maps have been consulted and there are no jurisdictional wetlands warranting protection located on the site. A cluster of small, ATTACHMENT 1 - 4 DaleR$ceived: i./6.i~1 Planner AL to r - " non-significant wetlands (depicted on the Springfield Local Wetland Invento~', and identified as ~ite . M07 on the Springfield Natural Resources Study) are located near the northe,ast edge of the subject area. These non-significant wetlands are not identified or contemplated for protection in the RiverBend Master Plan. ' The McKenzie River is an identified riparian resource that abuts the east boundary of the subject area. A. riparian setback and conselVation zone has been established within' the RiverBend Master Plan area. . The proposed plan amendment is only applicable to existing and future urban development areas within the RiverBend Master Plan Area, and wi!! not have an adverse effect on protection or preselVation of this resource. Therefore, the proposed amendment does not alter the City's compliance with Goal 5. :, STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 6: Goal 6 - Air, Water and Land Resources Quality:. To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state. ' Finding 6: The purpose of Goal 6 is to maintain and improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state. Generally, Goal 6 requires that development comply with applicable state and federal air and water quality standards. In the context of the proposed MetrolPlan amendment, Goal 6 requires that the applicant demonstrate that it is reasonable to expect that applicable state and federal environmental quality standards can be met. I The proposed plan amendment does not modify any of the Goal 6 related policies of the Metro Plan, nor does it amend the Regional Transportation Plan (TransPlan), the Springfield Development Code, other applicable Goal 6 policies, or any regulations implementing those policies. Most of the subject area lies within the 1-20 Year Time of Travel Zones and ?one of Contribution for the Sports Way wellhead. The northeast edge of the subject area lies outsicie the mapped Zone of Contribution for Springfield drinking water wells. Because most of the area is regulated by the . Drinking Water Protection Overlay District, existing and future development must demonstrate compliance with the City's Drinking Water Protection standards. The propose~ amendment does not alter the City's compliance with Goal 6. ~: STAFF FIN.DINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 7: Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards: natural disasters and hazards. ,. To protectilife and property from Finding 7: Goal 7 requires that development subject to damage from natura,1 hazards and disasters be planned and/or constructed with appropriate safeguards and mitigation. ,The goal also requires . that plans be based on an inventory of known areas of natural disaster and razards, such as areas prone to landslides, flooding, etc. Staff has reviewed the natural constraints map and the FEMA Floodplain I'Map in relation to the subject area. The subject area is relatively flat and is not subject to landslide hazards. The eastem half of the subject area is within the mapped FEMA 100 year floodplain. A McKenzie River floodplain analysis prepared by David Evans & Associates in November, 2003 has updated the flood level information for the subject area. Existing and future development in the !Irea must demonstrate compliance with the Floodplain Overlay District provisions of the City's Development Code, including establishing building floor elevations at least one foot above the calculated ,flood level. Therefore, approval of the proposed Plan Amendment will not alter the City's acknowledged compliance with Goal 7 through its adopted plans, codes and procedures. ' ; Date Received: Planner': AL if~M / ATTACHMENT 1 - 5 STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 8: Goal 8 - Recreation Needs: To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors. and, where appropriate, to provide for the siting of n,ecessary recreational facilities including destination resorts. Finding 8: Goal 8 requires local governments to plan and provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities to "satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors" and, where appropriate, provide for the siting of recreational facilities including destination resorts. Staff has consulted the Willamalane 20-year Parks and Recreation Comprehensive::Plan in relation to .Goal 8 c9mpliance. The Willamalane 20-year Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the City of Springfield as part of the Metro Plan's compliance with Goal 8. According to Map 2 of the Comprehensive Plan, two future park and recreation facilities are contemplated within the eastern half of the subject area, which is identified for future residential development: The proposed plan amendment does not preclude the acquisition of public land for provision 6f recreational facilities, including neighborhood and special use parks as noted in the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the proposed plan amendment does not alter the City's compliance with Goal 8. " STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 9: Goal 9 - Economic Development: To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon's citizens. Finding 9: Goal 9 requires the city to provide adequate opportunities for";a variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of the citizens. Because 'the nodal development overlay does not supplant the underlying commercial and mixed use zoning of)he affected properties, and nodal designation supports and encourages more intensive development of these lands, the proposed amendment will not affect the city's capacity for economic development. Therefore, the proposed amendment does not alter the City's compliance with Goal 9. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO GOAL 10: Goal 10 - Housing: To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state. , Finding 10: LCDC's Housing goal requires cities to maintain adequate supplies of buildable lands for needed housing, based on an acknowledged inventory of buildable lands. " The 1999 Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Residential Land andHousirig Study is Springfield's most current adopted housing study related to Goal 10. The City of Springfield is also currently undergoing a new Residential Lands Study that will analyze the housing inventory and projected needs for the next 20 years. Preliminary findings of the Residential Lands Study suggest that there is . a need for additional housing within the planning period. Some of the anticipated need could be met through increasing density of existing residential zones.. The proposed ame,ndmerit would increase allowable density levels within the subject area, thus providing more housing options for Springfield residents. The residential component of the subject area is zoned MDR, and is currently vacant. The nodal overlay would allow for housing densities to be increased up to 20% ab9ve the base standards of the MDR District. , Dat~Received:jb~ Planner: AL ~~ ) ATTACHMENT 1 - 6 ,. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 11: i Goal 11- Public Facilities and Services: To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services as a framework for urban and rural . development. OAR 66D-011-0005(7)(a)-(d) Definition of Public Facilities: (a) Water (b) Sanitary Sewer (c) Storm sewer (d) Transportation '\ , Finding 11: This goal requires the provision of a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services. The subject area is located within the Springfield UGB and city limits, and already contains a regional hospital facility and ancillary medical service buildings. The subject area is accessed via recently-completed local and regional transportation improvements, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway extension, Cardinal Way extension, widening of Beltline Road, and construction of Riverbend Drive. The proposed nodal development overlay will not affect the ability to provide needed services to the subject area. All the required urban services are existing or available to support future residential, commercial and mixed used development on the ~ubject properties, The .. Metro Plan and associated facilitY plans have been acknowledged to conform to Goal 11, thereby " . ensuring that public facilities and services are currently available to the subject site. Therefore, the proposed amendment does not affect the Metro Plan's compliance with Goal 1 :1. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 12: Goal 12 - Transportation: To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic transportation system. Finding 12: Goal 12 requires local govemments to provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economical transportation system. The proposed amendment involves about 170 acres of property, of which approximately 50 acres is already developed with the hospital faciliti:and ancillary buildings. The transportation analysis prepared for the RiverBend Master Plan contemplates build-out of the subject area with a combination of commercial, residential and mixed-use development. Nodal designation of the subject area was contemplated in the regional transportation plan adopted for Eugene-Springfield (TransPlan) and long-range plans adopted by the City. ii Implementation of the nodal designation for the subject properties is a logical progression of t~e recent and planned transportation projects that directly or indirectly benefit the. subject area, including: Pioneer Parkway roundabout and MLK Jr. Parkway Extension; eastbound Beltline Road off-ramp from 1-5; future Gateway/Beltline intersection improvements; Riverbend Drive construction; and installation of signalized intersections on MLK Jr. Parkway at the intersections with Riverb~hd Drive, Cardinal Way and Game Farm Road East. . In addition to street and intersection improvements, the subject properties will derive a direct benefit from the new Bus Rapid Transit (EmX) line currently being constructed to serite the Gateway area of north Springfield. Provision of a highly efficient public transportation system ,is a key element of the nodal development concept. Two EmX line transit stops are slated for construction within the subject area - one near the intersection of MLK Jr. Parkway and Riverbend Drive, aod another to serve the Sacred Heart Medical Center. Any significant intensification of development (beyond that contemplated.. in adopted plans and studies) will be subject to development review to assure existing transportation capacity is not ATTACHMENT 1 - 7 Date Received: Planner: AL '1fJ-~ I exceeded. Therefore, the proposed plan amendment is consistent with Goal 12 and applicable local implementing policies. .. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 13: Goal 13 -,Energy Conservation: To conserve energy. Land and uses developed on the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maximize the conservation of all forms of energy, based upon sound .economic principles. Finding 13: The Energy goal is a general planning goal and provides limited guidance for , site-specific plan amendments. The proposed amendment has no direct impact on energy conservation, though it would arguably promote greater energy efficiency by enabling future development at increased density levels and with more transportation options .within the subject area. Therefore, the proposed amendment is consistent with, and does not alter, the City's continued 90mpliance with Goal 13. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 14: Goal 14 - Urbanization: To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use. Finding 14: Goal 14 requires local jurisdictions to provide for an "orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use". The subject area is within the UGB and the city limits of Springfield, and within an existing urbanized area of the community. A portion of the subject a~ea has been intensively developed with a major hospital facility and medical campus. Therefore, Goal 14 is not applicable to this application. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 15: Goal 15 - Willamette River Greenway: To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River as the Willamette River Greenway. Finding 15: Goal 15 does not apply to the proposed plan amendment because the subject area is not located within the Willamette River Greenway. However, similar protection measures for the McKenzie River have been implemented through the development plans adopted for the subject area. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOALS 16-19: Goal 16 through 19: (Estuarine Resources, Coastal Shore/ands, Beaches and Dunes, and Ocean Resources). Finding 16: The subject site is not located within any coastal, ocean, estuarine, or beach and dune resources related area. Therefore, Goals 16-19 do not apply to this Plan Map Amendment application. CRITERIA OF APPROVAL - SDC 5.14-135.C.2 2. Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. STAFF FINDINGS RELATED TO 5.14-135.C.2: Finding 17: The application requests amendment of the Metro Plan diagram to implement a nodal development overlay for approximately 170 acres. This section of the application narrative addresses the consistency of the amendment with the applicable policies of the Metro Plan, and to demonstrate ATTACHMENT 1 - 8 Date Received:_~~~c?07 Planner: AL that adoption of the amendment will not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent as required by the approval criteria in SDC 5.14-135. C.2. This narrative only addresses those pOlicies that apply to the proposal, and does not discuss those portions of the Metro Plan that: (1) apply only to rural or other lands outside of the urban growth boundary; (2) apply to land uses other than the current or proposed designations for the site and will not be affected by the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment; or (3) clearly apply only to specific development applications such as site plan review submittals or subdivisions.' In many instances the goals, policies, and implementation measures apply to specific development proposals that will be addressed through compliance with applicable City regulations during site plan review. The Metro Plan Introduction, Section 0 provides the following definitions: A aoal as a broad statement of philosophy that describes the hopes of the people of .the community for the future of the community. A aoal may never be completely attainable, but is used as a point to strive for. An 'obiective is an attainable target that the community attempts to reach in striving .to meet a goal. An obiective may also be considered as .an intermediate point that will help fulfill the overall goal. A policv is a statement adopted as part of the Plan to provide a consistent course of action moving the community towards attainment of its goals. Except for the Growth Management Goals, which are addressed below, each of the Metro Plan policies are addressed in the order in which they appear. in the Plan Element section of the Plan. Finding 18: Metro Plan Element: Growth Management Policv 1: The urban growth boundary and sequential development shall continue to be implemented as an essential means to achieve compact urban growth. Provision of all urban services shall be concentrated inside the urban growth boundary. ' . The proposed amendment satisfies this policy because the subject property is,inside the UGB and city limits and, as such, .encourages compact urban growth. Urban services a~e available. at sufficient levels to accommodate existing and future development. Implementation ofthe nodal development overlay will encourage more compact and efficient. land development, which is consistent with this policy. Future development withih the affected properties will be subject to development review, and any need for increased capacity will be addressed through this process. The City's development review processes ensure that the appropriate level of services is available to serve existing and future . , development. . . Finding 19: Metro Plan Element: A. Residential Land Use and Housing Element Policv A.11: Generally locate higher density residential development near employment or commercial services, in proximity to major transportation systems or within transportation,efficient nodes. The subject area contains an existing major employment center (regional hospital facility and medical service buildings). Vacant commercial and mixed use properties within the subject area are expected ATTACHMENT 1 - 9 Dcite Fieceived: LJ/'ojJdIl'/ Planner: AL ~I to generate employment opportunities as these sites develop. Additionally, the subject properties are adjacent to the Gateway area, which is a focal point for employment and commercial activities in north Springfield. The Gateway area, including the subject site, is served by major transportation connections that include 1-5, Beltline Road, MLK Jr. Parkway, Riverbend Drive,.and Gateway Street. The residential component of the RiverBend Master Plan area is planned to be medium density housing, with additional opportunities for residential dwelling units in mixed use zones. Higher dwelling unit densities are planned adjacent to the hospital campus, which is consistent with the principles of nodal development and pOlicies listed in the Residential Land Use and Housing Element. As stated previously, the Gateway EmX bus rapid transit line is currently under construction and is designed to serve the subject site and greater Gateway area of Springfield. There are two transit stops planned to serve the subject area. Provision of a highly efficient transit system that allows users to quickly access nearby commercial and employment centers, downtown Springfield and Eugene, and local educational institutions is consistent with nodal development principles and Metro Plan Policy A.11. Policv A.22: Expand opportunities for a mix of uses in newly developing areas and existing neighborhoods through local zoning and development regulations. The proposed amendment will not change the underlying commercial, mixed use, and medium density residential zoning of the subject area. Implementation of nodal development designation discourages .Iow-intensity automobile-oriented uses and, instead, encourages mixed use development and more compact, efficient land development. The proposed amendment is consistent with Policy A.22 of the Metro Plan. Finding 20: Metro Plan Element: D. Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors, and Waterways Element Policv 0.5: New development that locates along river corridors and waterways shall be limited to uses that are compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities of those water features. The proposed amendment should not have an adverse effect on the existing and planned riparian setbacks and conservation areas along the stretch of the McKenzie River that is adjacent to the subject area. Adoption of the RiverBend Master Plan and subsequent development of the subject area with the Sacred Heart Medical Center identified provisions for protecting and enhancing the riparian zone within the subject area. Increased building setbacks, controlled' public access (paved pathways), and riparian restoration zones have been used in the subject area to ensure existing and future development is compatible with the river corridor. As new development is proposed along the river corridor, it will be reviewed for conformity with the adopted Master Plan and riparian protection policies and subject to approval by the City. Therefore, the proposed amendment is consistent with Policy 0.5 of the Metro Plan. Finding 21: Metro Plan. Element: F. Transportation Element Land Use Policv F.1: Apply the nodai development strategy in areas selected by each jurisdiction that have identified potential for this type of transportation-efficient land use pattem. . Land Use Policy F.2.: Support application of the .nodal development strategy in designated areas through information, technical assistance, or incentives. Date Received: ~/:Z~/Joo9 Planner: AL ATTACHMENT 1 - 10 " " Land Use Policv F.3: . Provide for transit-supportive land use patterns and development, including higher intensity, transit-oriented development along major transit corridors and near transit stations; medium- and high-density residential development within one-quarter mile of transit stations, major transit corridors, employment centers, and downtown areas; and development and redevelopment in designated areas that are or could be well seNed by existing or planned transit: Land Use Policv F.4: Require improvements that encourage transit, bicycles, and pedestrians in new commercial, public, mixed use, and multi-unit residential development. " Land Use Policv F.S: Within three years of TransPlan adoption, apply the NO, Nodal Development, designation to areas selected by each jurisdiction, adopt and apply measures to protect designated nodes from incompatible development and adopt a schedule for completion of nodal plans and implementing ordinances. Land Use Policv F.19: Establish a BRT system composed of frequent, fasUransit seNice along major corridors and neighborhood feeder seNice that connects with the corridor seNice and with activity centers, if the system is shown to increase transit mode split along BRT corridors, if local governments demonstrate support, and if financing for the system is feasible. The subject area is identified as Site 7B on the "Potential Nodal Development Areas for the Eugene- Springfield Metro Area" map of TransPlan. By design, nodal development areas encourage . pedestrian, bicycle and transit-oriented transportation uses - something that has already occurred on the Sacred Heart Medical Center site with construction of walking paths, bicycle lanes and bike parking areas, and existing and planned transit service. Future mixed use, commercial,. and medium density residential development in the subject area will be required to addre~,s these standards. As stated previously, the planned EmX bus rapid transit line will serve the Gateway area including the subject site (the EmX Gateway line is projected to start service in 2010). Finally, the City previously adopted amendments to the Metro Plan and the Gateway Refinement Plan in anticipation of nodal development in the subject area. Implementation of the nodal developm~nt designation for the subject area is consistent with provisions of the adopted TransPlan and, therefore, is consistent with Metro Plan Policies F.1 through F.S and F.19. Finding 22: Metro Plan Element: G. Public Facilities and SeNices Element Policv G.1: Extend the minimum level and full range of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient manner consistent with the growth management policies in Chapter If-B, relevant policies in this chapter and other Metro Plan policies. The subject area is located inside the Springfield city limits and the UGB. All necessary infrastructure and key urban facilities/services are present to serve existing development or are available to serve future development in the subject area in conjunction with site plan review. . Therefore, the proposal is consistent with the above policy. METRO PLAN AMENDMENT CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the proposed amendment meets the criteria of SDC S.14-13S.C.1 & 2. After review of the adopted City land use plans and studies, evidence provided by staff research, existing uses in the subject area, and the applicable criteria of approval, staff finds that thei, proposed Metro Plan Amendment is appropriate for the subject area. DatEI Received: ~h~~ Planner: AL ATTACHMENT 1 -11 'U 0 -1l3 .~..~ ~ '; J. .~ ~11~ ~T\fl) ....-k / lieSlhBIBCCO;B;;yu"spmduct. &' SIiiPRINGFlEl~D ~:;~S a;;:S:,:":t~:;SPOnS!bil:tY fO; :~il%~S:;:C~:':y -.. ~A. ..-.......... . arising from any error, orn/S5 on 0 :c \~ of this product. ~ OR~GOt.l .<S ..., > -t -t > C) ::I: ;;: m Z -t N ..... . FOR MCKENZIE-GATEWAY SITE NODAL IMPLEMENTANTGIOCNASE LRP2009-00001 . PLANNI . Springfield, OR ~ /' ~ [--' L~ ita. - -, UGB .....Jcny m __ .... /I0RfH . 'l,l;I.. " NODAL IMPLEMENTATION FOR MCKENZIE-GATEWAY SITE PLANNING CASE LRP2009-00001 Subject Neighborhood 1 J \ I II \\ / II 81-.:;- ~I II' ' II , I I: I' I I I: t--: I' I Springfield, OR ,j.', \\~j/\ \:"f' , I I . ....I ;'[ 1 , ',-1 I ., I I I I ,~ o "TEIl0l"'T10~Lvu.y_ ...---- ---- ,--., I I L_.J ,', ~'.Li\, 'iiEir(..i:itlJ 0;' '. " ii' .U llllllll-d ,;iCuU LU~ ;,-..t - I.., , , ~:,-,. ;;,..!} :.(::.--;:,,;': , ..,_..,.,:.... - "".,-". " . . . . ." _..'OM.._..:' "" ".' ;,. ~~ :~'.:,'~~~;:.'.~ .- '-, '.' ~-_. ..' ". ," -, ," ,..~.. " i_.., ", r-"-:'-""T,:~~U''Er~'i "I: 'r~.:Jt~'t...._..-t. !. ,', ',{.." ,..'-,_:.,:.~"ct: ,"'0,."_,..-.,,..- ;:--:.~:!H~-,. "'('>'(:-.h" ..'" . . .Jf\t~fi ATTACHMENT 2 - 2 C UGB C::'J Outside of Cily Limijs ~ Sile Bound~ry C::'J 'Mlhin Cily Limijs D Tax Lots a 1.000 2.000 I ,-__J Date Receivep: L/h-"i/;U;01 Planner: ,AL --r!~ S~N~E~. There are no warranties that accompany this product _ _ Users assume an iBsponsibility for any loss or damage JIi:. 1It6. arising from any error, omission or positional inaccuracy , . ~_. of this product. OREGON ,. NODAL IMPLEMENTATION FOR MCKENZIE-GATEWAY SITE PLANNING CASE LRP2009-00001 Subject Area I' -- Ii, ~, -.....---. JNTEfll'''AT!OIl!AI,:WAY-~: I II I, ! '.... . , . , , . , "., ..... !"- '...., Springfield, OR '''-....<~- ~ -.~IZJ. 1-."1> -.... -~... .--- l__ ;m ',,--;-~ /( " , //\ .1""---..; // ' I ___ // I---.. -, I ___// 1/< , \ V. \ (----r \\ , \ I \ I \ \ I ..- BELTLINi:. RD\ ' UIJill~' ! II I' I lL II! l_J I ',:-~ - ~--_:~-- :~\ '--- - I '.. . I ^: '< .-L~)RhIULJ JAy' ""0" \ '-, II ! J r I 'I ::;~:<>~:;:-\~:~ , / .'. '(/, '.}j ~:;::~~~>,;?:,:)~:/ ,~::~;{~;:~,;~:~~~\ " Ii2;~j1) ~.,:: 4-111<<~ gEJ\ : '1'\1111 I \~, ! i I !] ) I ~:xt=~~ \-~.~_,~,)JJ../)_. ill!lljttt=~ \~/i~~") i I I I III [~y=~~-\ Y)~<IS?k: 11/1,1 :, ~(~r.~.. '. \\:.(;:'9(2 ~rtt~.~~~ \ '\)Jj ?,g I' I ~" .OIEADMONl>:J:ERR"RD' . I '\ -'\j SPA~N::E~ There are no wan-an<<es that accompany this product _ Use~ assume an responsibiUty for any loss or damage II&:~ arising from any err-Of, omission or positional inaccuracy , ~w of~~product . OREGO~ \ \ '~ \~ .~. '2 ttr;:'1 ~ I i II [n I r f I (rT-(1111!ll-r--,...-- '0 C UGB C:-:J Outsid~ of City Limils ~ Sile Boundary [='J Wthin City Limits D Tax Lois a 500 1,000 "'~ ATTACHMENT 2 - 3 Date Received: f!J~/dP1 01...._......_. A.I .. " I I :M~.........cATEWAY MEDIUM DENSITY R.....~......AL SITE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN I I :) I ---r--- U G B ~ '. '---.- . -- i CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL , ."-- ) o II: >- II: II: w to. \ :0 /U i:- '. .....\. '. ~- ". . \ ~)- ., . . 200 \.400- 600 ISOO 1000. . VICINTIY MAP ~ate Received:#.;b '01 Planner: "AL ATTACHMENT 3 - 1 , " , FOR COMPLETE. mINANCE, PLEASE CONTACT L. ..:NDA;AT 726-3610 CITY OF SPRINGFiELD, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORDINANCE NO. 610Q (EMERGENCY) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE GATEWAY REFINENEMENT PLAN BY CHANGING APPROXIMATELY 99 ACRES OF MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PLAN DESIGNATION TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL AND MIXED USE PLAN DESIGNATION AT THE GATEWAY MDR SITE AND AMENDING THE GATEWAY REFINEMENT PLAN TEXT TO ALLOW IMPLEMENTATION OF TIIE COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL AND l'tllXCu USE DESIGNATIONS WITH Muu:\U USE COMMERCIAL AND MEDICAL SERVICES ZONING DISTRICTS; TO ~LOW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A l;lOSPITAL, ASSOCIATED MEDICAL, OFFICE, RETAIL AND RESIDENTIAL USES; TO PRESERVE THE POTENTIAL FOR NODAL DEVELOPMENT; TO REQUIRE A MASTER PLAN TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The City Council ,of the City of Springfield finds that: A. Article 8 of the Springfield Development Code sets forth criteria for refinement plan diagram and text amendments. B. On April 21, 2003 The Springfield City Council approved Gateway Refinement Plan amendments by adopting ordinance 605 L ' C. The April 21, 2003 Gateway Refinement Plan amendments were appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals and to the Oregon Court of Appeals.' D. On August 19, 2004 the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) remanded the Gateway Refinement Plan amendments to the city for additional findings in re~t to Statewide Planning Goal 9 (Economic Development), Goal 12 (Transportation) arid, as instructed by the Court of Appeals, consistency with Metro Plan policies regarding auxiliary uses in the residential designations. . , . E, Subsequent to the LUBA remand, the Springfield City Council reopened the record on Metro Plan diagram amendment, Journal Number 2002-08-243 and Ga,teWay Refmement Plan amendment, Journal Number 2002-08-244 and initiated amendments to the Springfield Development Code, Journal Number LRP2004-0020'and Springfield , Commercial Lands Study, Journal Number LRP2004-0021. F. Timely and sufficiept notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section i4.030 of the Springfield Development Code was provided. G. On November 16, 2004 a public hearing on the Gateway Refinement Plan amendment was convened and concluded. The record of the proceedings was lift open for seven days followed by a seven day period of all participants to submit rebut:tal. The applicant was given two additional days for rebuttal. The Development Services staff notes, including criteria of approval, findings, and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of those persons testifYing at the hearing or in. writing, have been considered and are part of the record of the proceeding. Page I of 13 1/10/05 Date ReC~ived:-.i),' /~OL Planner: AL Fr ATTACHMENT 4 - 1 , - " , H. On December 9, 2004 the Springfield Planning Commission voted five1in favor, one opposed and one abstaining to forward a recommendation that the City:Cciuncil . approve the Gateway Refinement Plan amendments with conditions. ' 1. On Janwuy 10, 2005, the Springfield City Council reopened the pubic hearing to accept oral argument and deliberate. The City Council voted 5 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstaining to approve the. Gateway Refinement Plan ordinance and declaring an emergency. 1. Evidence exists within the record and the findings attached hereto as Exhibit B that the -proposal meets the requirements of Article 8 of the Springfield Develo\?ment Code. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: - - Section I: The Gateway Refinement Plan is hereby amended to reflect the text 'changes depicted in Exhibit B; the Gateway Refinement Plan diagram is hereby'amended to reflect the changes approved by the Council in the concurrent Metro Plan Di3gram amendment. , Section 2: The above findings (A through 1), and the findings set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and IDev,pu,,,ted herein by .d",,,..ce are hereby adopted in support of the Gateway Refinement Plan amendments. . Section 3: This Ordinance replaces Ordinance 6051, adopted by the City Council on Apri121, 2003. . . Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and that holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 5: This Gateway Refinement Plan amendment is subject to the conditions of "pp,v' aI attached hereto in Exhibit A. . Section 6: It is hereby found and determined that this Gateway Refinement Plan amendment is a matter affecting the public health,. safety and welfare and that an emergency therefore exists and that this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of 5 forand-L against and 0 abstaining on this 10th daYOfJan~ Attest: ill ~ ~ Mayor V - .efruJU. Page 2 of 13 1/1 0/05 . City Recorde Date Received:Jf~ /~dJ{j Planner: AL ~ REVIEWED & APPROVED ~ii DATE: ~ OFFI9E ~7(y A DRNEY ORDINANCE NO. 6109 ATTACHMENT 4 - 2 . .' "-- E:luiwIT A Conditions of Gateway Refinement Plan Approval (Jo.No.'s 2002-08-244) CONDmON 1: Master Plans for property at the McKenzie-Gateway MDR site that propose to employ the Mixed Use Commercial District(MUq and/or the Medical Services District (MS) shall include a vehicle trip monitoring plan as a component of a complete application submittaL The approval of the plan shall be a requirement of Master Pian approvaL . Trip generation estimates used to create the trip monitoring pIan shaD be performed using assumptions and methods which are consistent with those employed in the traffic impact analysis submitted to the City of Springfield on Octobe~ 29, 2004 in support of Metro Plan and Gateway Refinement Plan amendment applications (City Journal Numbers 2002-08-243 & 2002-08-244) Traffic generated by land uses within Master Plan boundaries where the MS and MUC zoning districts are proposed in Phase 1 of the developmentshaD, prior to. 2010, be limited to a maximum of 1,457 PM Peak Hour vehicle trips, Beginning in 2010 for Phase 2 of the development, such traffic shall be limited to 1,840 PM Peak Hour vehicle trips, PM Peak Hour vehicle trips are defined as the total of entering plus exiting trips measured for the PM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic. Subsequent Site Plan Review applications for sites within the Master PIan boundaries shall be in compliance with the a ~ ~ .'. 'ed trip monitoring plan, Any proposal that would increase the number of allowable PM Peak-Hour vehicle trips for the ~ and MUC area beyond the above speeified limits shall be processed as a refinement plan amendment or a zoning map amendment. or Master PIan approval pursuant to SDC 37,040 or Master Plan modification pursu.,..t to SDC 37,040 and 37.060(3) and regardless of which type of process is sought, each shall demonstrate compliance with applicable provisions of the TransportationPI,;nning Rule for such proposal. CONDITION 2: Prior to occupancy of the first phase of any hospita,llocated at the Gateway MDR site as a". .', ,ed by a future Master Plan, a portion of TransPlan project 727 (chapter 3, page 31, Dec 2001 adopted version and as.adopted by City of Springfield Ordinance No, 5990, dated September 17, 2001) shaD be constructed by the applicant. The portiou of the project to be constructed by the applicant is conceptually described as roadway and traffic signal imp.. , I" ..ents atthe Pioneer . Parkway/OR-126 Eastbound Ramps to: Page 3 of 13 1/10/05 Date Received: Planner: AL ~~;;-/~ / ORDINANCE NO, 6109 ATTACHMENT 4 - 3 .' r 1, Maintain two southbound through lanes on Pioneer Parkway ~t the OR 126 eastbound ramp terminal intersection; 2, Provide two southbound left turn lanes on Pioneer Parkway at the OR 126 eastbound ramp terminal intersection; 3, Widen the eastbound on ramp to provide two lanes to accept the two eastbound turn lanes described above in Number 2. These two on ramp lanes will merge to one lane prior to merging with OR 126 traffic eastbound. 4. Widen the eastbound OR 126 off ramp to three lanes for a minimum distance of 300 feet west of Pioneer Parkway; and 5, Any necessary signal modifications to accommodate Numbers 1-4 above. The funding for these improvements shan come fromJ'eaceHealth's financial responsibility for off-site transportation improvements as described in the annexation a.. """ ,ent dated June 4, 2002, Lane County Recorder's tiumber 2002- 043161, between the applicant and the City ot Springfield. To the extent that these funds are determined to be insufficientto perform the above described improvements, the applicant shan be responsible for the additional funding needed. Any subsequent Master Plan application for proper!:y at the Gateway MDR site that proposes to apply the MS and/or MUC zoning district shaD include specific design drawings for the above described improvements, which shaD be submitted to ODOT . for approval. ODOT approval of the proposed design shaD be a condition of Master Plan approvaL CONDmON3 The master plan required by Residential Element Policy 13.0, by the Annexation A... ....~,ent dated May 29tb, 2002, Recorder's R_._..::on No. 2002-043161, LaDe County Deeds and Records and by the Annexation A... ...._ent dated June 7,2001, Recorder's R..~_..L:on No, 2001-034714, Lane County Deeds and Records for property owned bY"PeaceHeaJth, a Washington oon"profit corporation, on the date of Council approval of plan amendments 2002-O~243 and200;Z-OS:-24i1 shall inc:lude . a hospital as a component of the master plan, Further, the hospital and other master plan development on the property"referenced in this condition shall be phased as' CoDows: No uses will occur beCore 2008. Phase 1 will occur between 2008 and 2010 and is limited to uses generating no more than 1,457 PM Peak Hour vehicle trips. Phase 2 will open no earlier than 2010 and/or CoDowing construction oC the Gateway , StreetlBeltJine Road intersection improvements and will be limited to uses generating no more than 1,840 PM Peak Hour vehic:le tpps for aD development on properties redesignated by this ordinance. These phases may occur earlier if needed transportation Cacilities are in place or if required mobility standards are lowered, provided mobility standards are maintained, Page 4 of 13 1/10/05 Date~eceived: if;';.. ~(Jf Planner: AL ~~ , ORDINANCE ,NO. 6109 . , ATTACHMENT 4 - 4 CONDmON4 .In the event that a master pIan with a hospital fails to gain approval Jy the City Council by May 29, 2007 the City Council will initiate amendments t~' the Metro Plan and the Gateway Refinement Plan to revise the documents to ad~uately pIan for development of the Gateway MDR site without a hospital, f , Ii CONDITION 5 II !I II Prior to occupancy of the firSt phase of any hospital located at the Gateway MDR . site as approved by a future Master Plan, the applicant shall constru~ a portion of the Beltline Road/Gateway Street Intersection projeet, which is a component of . TransPlan Project 606 (chapter 3, page 16, July 2002 adopted versiOli). The portion of the project to be constructed by the applicant is a traffic signal at the Beltline . . I. Road /Hutton Road intersection. I! CONDmON 6 Develupment on property at the McKenzie-Gateway MDR site where:,the MS and/or MUC zoning district are applied shall be subject to the following condition: " Any Subdivision or Site Plan Review application approval that relies hpon transportation facility improvements to support the subject developni'ent shall be in . I compliance with an approved Master Plan. If the subject transportation improvements are not open to travel by the motoring public at tbe ~e they are needed to support the Subdivision or Site Plan Review development, ~e approval shall be subject to the enforcement and revocation proceedings of Springfield " Development Code 1.050(1) and (2). il " .,. I , . ~: l! , Page 5 of 13 1/10/05 ,. I' Datel.,.:Received: tlh;;./;l-oo? Planner: AL -f!j ~... ATTACHMENT 4 - 5 II ORDINANCE NO. 6109 II Ii II II " .ii Ii II II " 11 ii II Gateway Refinement Plan Text Amendments (Jo.No.'s 2002-08-244) EXl:uJiIT B Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 2: Ii I Ensure availability of adequate supplies of land appro~riate for low~, medium-, and high-density residential develop,/Dent, MaiBtsiB appFO:Dmately the.o"':..[,,-... -saL" " .e.,,, :BDg LDR , J\mR aDd IIDR J ...,,'.., ..IIted leds, eODsist.,,-!. /J~th MetJu PItm alloesOoDs while allowin!! for an a . .,.'. . riate mix of . commercial, emolovment and residential uses. Amend Residential Element Policy and ,Implementation Action 12.0: Allow limited rezoning ofland within the "McKenzie-Gateway MDR site" to Medical Services ("MS") on land desilmated Communitv Commercial or Mixed Use on the Metro Plan dial!Fllm. and rezoninv to Mixed Use Commercial ("MUC") on iand desimated Mixed Use on the Metro Plan dialmlm lis imolemeoted durin!! a Master Plan and or durin!! the Citv'~ nodal imolementation oroied. Deighbomood .. ""'" ...!iaI,m oFdeF to pFomote I'eteDtioD ed FekabilitstioD of IHstori~ . II h' sr' I! pF8periiest atlBB}Tot envBe e,..: l: ..:;,..lB eOB .,:.-;:l,:;l,.,I.,~ ".-:" ,., e limited pulli.. ., .Iemi plllllie aeeess te aDd viriv of the MeKeMie Ri\'eF, aDd to allow fOF pFOvi9ioo of seR'iees II speeilieally iBtcoded to meet Deeds offutuFe resideots HI this I' - II Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 12.1: .[;.=;~~.. (.0 NC will be allowed feF lip to 3 aeFes (Tota~1 ohlleaot laud withiB the McKeMie Cateway MDR SiL .,,,,. ~u tll~ followiBg prll'\isioos: II a) The pF-r .'-~J" .'elJuested fo.' ,....,"-~.. maD fAlot ~o a eolleetor ... . I t'- t' 't'- ........ . ,...". '''''''"0 OF 8. ..ena ..8 IS el II....:..:. ....:..n.:..l-......6 ::: r~:;l";,..:I :Jt-_l.::_~ .:.:... :iC'-s..~ fOF the MeK-eMie Cateway MDR Site, OF that earreutIy hoFtlen the site, . Ii II) PFOposed ii:ODe c:.._"-.... ",lIalllte rfliC1'l'ed lfBder A T)'pe ill pFOeeu""", ;.. .aee" .~.:._,..., ,,:111 ,"..mele 3 DUke SDC ed shall be . I eoosisteBt with all r' I'.:""'" ..1 of SDC !.ftiele 12 ZooiBg Distriet aod Overlay District Chaogcs. I: " JI' " Date ~eceived:_%6.?j.;>-odq Planner: AL '/"' / ' ,; Page 6 of 13 l/10/05 ATTACHMENT 4 - 6 " . ii ORDINANCE NO. 6109 II II . , I j, e} This tnJe ofrezonillg shall not 1. "rr,-,.,.!d until lit lelllit 2S peReat of tit, ." ,.~. ':'r d. J ,",'elliBg lInits lIr. ., c.~:o.c ~eteti -,,"'-' .", (blllied on an a':eFBge of IS __" '..,' ,:" per aeR), Redesilmation of a total of?? a.r,res land with",. ';he citv"imits at the McKenzielGatewav )"DR site to Community II Commercial and/or Mixed Use throul"h the Metro Plan') amendment nrocess shall b~ ~llowed :md shall. J:le im!.'lemented bv annlication of Mixed Use Commercial (nMUcn) or Medical Services (nMsn) zonin!!' district throue-h Master Plan al?nroval and/or durin!!" the City's nodal imnlementation nroiectJ . I " II ~! NC uses loeated ...ithiB the McKeMie Cateway l\mR Sjte shall meet the fellowillg pFII';jsioilS ill addition to the provisioll5 ofSDC l.mele M7 II . \:.) Th.e- "..""',,, ,." -ft",- ~.,-.~-iIf-.,." ,'. .:"...)e NC lIse siall not eIeeed . I . i,OOO SlJlIBFe feet; , iI) ParkiB" ...,-~..... .hall not he nsiIJle fiom the MeK~e R.:vcr corridor aDd shall he screened fFII "i "Iie-stF.....;,. :.. ... ~..........,. '".fu.elt 1, ,. "" Jt OIlSCllR visillility of the lIse; aDd, il a) Puhlie aeeess to the MeKenzie River shall he i ,. .:. Jed hy NC " ..- ...L_... J.. I j! USo...!l L.... ;'.."";::,::_e,'"tIIC"'_,-:,-.:,:,:,j,8B set.....!: E... i' In addition to all anolicable standards and orovisions ~Iatin~ develooment in Sorinl.'field. anv deve)ooment adiacent to the McKenzie River or McKenzie River rioarian setback shall orovide public access to the McKenzie River or McKenzie River rioarian setback. Surface oarkiDl' areas shall not be visible from the McKenzie River corridor and shall be screened from oublic streets. II I. . Add new Residential Element PoIicyaild Implementation Actionl2.5: .j . I MU districts within the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR Site ~hall meet the orovisions of SDC Article 40. 11 ,I 'I !i I I. Within the city limits at the McKenzie-Gate'Wav MDR il Subarea. the Medical Services ("MS") zonine district shall imnlement the Community Commercial desilmation if ~art of an annroved MlIliter Plan for develonment of a maior medical facility. The adonted Master Plan shall demonstrate that the subiect orooertv will be able to accommodate the number of housin!!" units within the rane-e for the MDR laud use ]1 desilmation in the Metro Plan and Gatewav Refinement Plan. Date Re!eived: Planner: 'iAL II ORDINANCE NO. 6109 " Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 12.4: Add new ~esidential Element Policy and Implementation Action 12.6: Page 7 of 13 III Of 05 'f PJ. /J-01J'l / I ATTACHMENT 4 - 7 . , II I. il In addition to mr.etim. the standard.. of the SDC. at the time of Master Plan ann~v~i. the Citv Co~ciI mav attach snecmc. . conditions on all develonment within the MS or MUC zOnes includinl!" but uot limited to buildin... heil!ht and'setbaclU, - II . Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.0: il 'I I A CDP UF Master Plan shaD be approvcd-..nnder a TypeJI-IV review process, for the areas lai-!!"er than 5 acres within the citv limits at ".,C'r r"l-M the "McKenzie-Gateway MDR Site" on the Refinement Plan diagram. subseouent to annexatioJ'and prior to ., .,,'" ""atiUB aBd urban development of any portion of the-site Master Plan area. . Delete 13.1 Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.1: . Ii " The C~- shaD lJ.":"" :.:..-...~"JltiUB ufa CD' lJy JI .",.,.;~, n92, IIBd shaD appruve .II CDP DU IateF thllB July 1, 1993. In the i,-o'" C'".. , a CUP may lJe ".1,...Ated hy the initial L.,.J....._ ah puriiUB ~fthe site. f. ~ ;~;~..;Ild CDP shaD invul. . :":.:.oIt frum the affeeted!prul'erty . .. Ill"' Ii ww::aers, .:....... .i"l"lo.Vf':'~""''';.e pu Ie ":"6 ...:.c.,...:..'.....r. . Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.2: The CDP shalllJ.. ...-.......-.H",. ..~. .c..gineer, _d UDe uf ~e t< II . h" I d" '" I, U lIWmg: aD are lieet, aD ........ ....-.........teel ".- p_...,,-~g t< . I ., pFe e5518B8 . ' . A Master Plan for the McKenzi~G!'.t~av MDR site sb~1I be urenared bv a desil!ll team that shaD include. as determined bv the Director. the foDowin!! consultanls: architect. IandsCane . architect. civil enl!ineer" l!eotechnical enl!ineer. acoustic'l ~m~ineer. certified arborist. transnortation emrineer and a consultant to address rinarian issues. il Amend GRP Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.3! ii . All development within the McKenzie Gateway MDR Site, shall be consistent with an approved (;I)ILMaster Plan,i! AD . . . al'PF6ved CD' may lJe mudified IIy tho :":~:...HJev 1. 'i: ,.... , sulJsel:jBent dcvti9Jlef', UF the Cit)., uDdeF 8 Type n FeView . pFoe~s. ~ ATTACHMENT 4 - 8 . j. Date, ReCeiV$d:_~~/J-a1 Planner: AL .ii II ORDINANCE NO. 6109 I! ~ Page 8 of 13 1/10/05 - , , , Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.4: The CDP In addition to the relluirements of SDC Article 37, the Master Plan shall address, at a minimum, the foDo'lring I' development issues: Ii a) Preservation and enhancement of natural assets identified in this Refinement Plan; Ii b) Access and circulation needs; , c) Access to arterial and coDector streets; d) Provision of public facilities and services; e) Development needs of future users; :i ~ L, ,,' ,~':; ",. af Breas l&Fger thBa aae Ber, 'i: ''i ,~>r..~ uses, iBeludiB.." ,:.,llIJar-llaod e "".", ", 9aI; Ii fg) Provision of open space areas;. and ' g1t) Public access to the McKenzie River, Amend Residential Element Policy and Impleme!ltation Action 13.5: ,. . Ii.' r L. ..., I "DP 6' L + .., I ..:<:.. . ..'JIll ea.".....~ ..IlF t..e mh,a ~ OF .OF so..._a..B mo~~.~",,-~~.Il-lHI approved COP In addition to the reouirements of SDO Article 37, the initial Master Plan aonlication in the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR site shaD include a conceotual street man and bicvcle and nedestrian circulation system ulan for aU annexed nronertv in the McKenzie- Gatewav MDR site and shall be exempt from the requirements of. " . Section 3.0S0(2)(b) ofthe SDC, " Delete Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.6: The CDP shaD t. ..,,-~~teat ~ith the gaals _d palieies!:afthe MetFe Flaa aad of this Refiaemeat P.faa.. i !i Add new Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.6: Page 9 of 13 1/1 0/05 , . . ~ Master Plan annlications for nronertv within the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR site submitted Drier to the City's comnletion ofnOclal develonment assessment and imnlementation shaD identirv aD areas within oue-ouarter mile oforooosed transit stations as bein!!: subiect to the nrovisious of the Nodal Develoomeut Overlav DiStrict (INDO)' Anv nronosed uses. density and desien in the ideutified:uodal develooment area shall comoJv with the standards of Surinl!field Develonment Code articles 40 and/or 41 with the followinl! excention: Uses in the MS and MUC Districts may be exemoted from soecific nrovisions of Articles 40 and Articles 41 and residential and !!FOD,\! care facilities in the MDR district maY be exemnted from snecific Drovisions of Article 41 if the resDec~e exemotions are consistent 'I II Date Re6eived:_~~/aO""7 Planner: II AL . ORDINANCE NO. 6109 ATTACHMENT 4 - 9 I .1 , , II with the Pumose of the Nodal Develooment Overlav Diiltrict and the exemntions are annroved bv the City Council as nart of a master nlan. In the event that the City Council determines that nodal develonment is annronriate for the identified nodal area. the nronerty shall be re- desilmated to INDO and all subseouent land use aonlications shall comolv with INDO standards contained within articles 40 and/or 41. excent as exemoted above. In the ev'?~t that the City Council determines that nodal develonment is inanoronriate for areas identified as snch on the master olan. those areas shall he chanl!ed throul!h a Tvue II orocess to reflect the underlvinl'! MSror MUC zoninl'! and any use. density or desilm on the master nlan that does not comnlv to underlvin!! zonin!! desilmation shall be cham!ed accordinl'!lv. All subseouent land use aonlications shaIi1comolv with the standards reouired in the und. :,', J! zoninl'! district. 'I I " Add new Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.7: Page 10 of 13 1/10/05 'I II Master Plans for orooertv at the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR site that pronose to aonlv the MUC and/or MS zoninl'! district O:ursuant to Residential Policies and Imnlementation Actions 12.1 and 12.6 shall be subiect to the followin!! reouirements: I . . 1. An anproved trip W,onitorin~ \)lan shall be a reouir~ment of Master Plan aDDroval. II 2. The tri,,? m~!Iitori.J:I,~ I]'",n shall demonstrate comoli~ce with all conditions .contained within aoolicable olan amenmnent adontion ordinance{ s). and trio-I'!eneration estimates shall be 'nerfonned usinl'! assumntions and methods which are consistent with those emnloved in the olan amendment traffic imoact anaivsis. if 3, Traffic ..enerated b~ land uses within the Master Pll. boundaries where the MS and MUC zonin!!" districts that are orooosed in Phase 1 ofthe Develonment shaD. nrior to 2010. he limited to a maximum of 1.457 vehicle trios. Bel'!inninl'!'in 2010 for Phase 2 of the Develooment.. traffic !!"enerated from site develo1?ment within the subiect districts shall be limited to 1.840 PM Peak-Hour vehicle trios. Vehicle trios are defined as the total of enterinl'! Dlus exitin~ trill \ as estimated or m'?2sured for the PM pl\ak Hour of Adiace~t Str~t Traffic:, This trio monitorin!!" Dlan limits allowed land uses tll be ~onsisteqt with the olanned function!lcapacitv and oerforma~~e ~fu~dards 'of affeded transDortation facilities. ' , 1 4. Subseouent Site Plan Review aoolications for sites Jithin the Ma~t'?r Plan. ~oundaries shall be in comoliance withithe aooroved trin monitorinl'! nlan., ATTACHMENT 4 -10 Date RecJived:-=Lbh.ooL Planner: AL II , O~INANCE NO. 6109 I ! . , . , ". " i Ii . 1 5, Anv orooosal that would increase the number of allowable PM Peak-Hour vehicle trio. for the MS and MIle area beYond the limits soecified in secti~~'3above shall be o-~cessed'ias a ref"mement olan amendment. a zoninl! mao amendnlent or Master Plan aooroval oursuant to SDC 37.040 or modification oursuant to SDC 37...040 and ~7.060(3) and r~anlless of which type of process is soul!ht. each shall demonstrate compliance with aoolicahle orovisions oCthe Tnmsoortation Plannin, Rule for such oroDosaL I! I! Delete Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action'14.0 throu~ 14.8 (no change since April 21, 2003 Council approval): ': 'I; ~ - . l4,'I 1_ ~lWclopnieot Area PlaB (DA},) shall be a..",. ,:'J, UBdeF'~ " TYJle n Fe\<iew ....".....lS, priOF to deveL . """.', .,... "."..tH'". '''''.,' "'6~6~ 61 tile aF~, =~~r2d as the "MeK.eee Catewa~IMl)R S~e': OB the Refi , ,.. ",.1 PlaB Dla... .UII, llBd sh&ll Bot beappr8\',:d lIoless It III ellDsisteotwitk liD _'. .,..ed CDP, The iBteBt lIftlle DAf is tll provide FesllllltillB lIf siguifieaut develllpmest is.:~,:,,:; iI:. iHie.f: ,,,;'..illevelllf speeificity that ...... ;"~IlFlliediate to the CD}' aDd Site Plilu levels. .\II OAP's shall ellufeFfll to the foDlIwiBg FeqlliFcmeots: Ii 11.1 Th:\P's sh&ll addFess tile felllmiBg development is~lIes, at a " i ,;.:;; ~ ~:;:;.::: f II lI.) . l'.,.,.:"':,~ 1If.a;\"....."L. .:'eulatillu fllrthe DeveJ,, .." ,,.' Af"eajlDd "'::l a; If :... .... ." I d' ~ r . .. Ud." .. nor.:.;..;. ::J:~::,.e; 'i: ;-'r ..::-~-:,..J, IRe u ma;; 1:I...~!-..:..a.8B 8a.ne-t 8~ "'ay &OF futuR stFeeb aBd patkwll)'s J",.,,~ ,""-tbe-.,..."" ,.,] CDP; II) P:-lY.<isillu lIfeooFtliBated enellsiou of pllblie facilities t J ~ ".J,a4IJe site aod SUFr8uudiBg prepemes; lIBd ii, to) :",,~.......u....1iou, tll the muimum eIteut praeticable,',ef],.."" .., I asset.. :ilt....:-Jied iB tIIis RefiBemeDt Piau, 8Bd ou tile ". .~,,,,, d CDP. I f"2 DAP's shaD iBeltlde the feDlA\'iB.;; :".C::c"."..;'.::".,-lIf, ,',,,',,:,,, IBH . ! " All sigflifiesut site fl..L......., iBeludiB.;; L~:".agewa.>'s, .",':'::"g -:egetMioB, BBd etker Bstunll 8:S5ets as i": ..~~-:.:ied is tIlis'&ert., ..::: ...:::t PItmt " Prepllsed buildiBg fe, "~;.,,~ . PF8J18sed apeD spaees aDd laBL.! ~c 'r ed-.l-:.-........~,. l~ . EllgiBeeriBg studies of aay id "~.'":;; "J ulltu.ml kHBFds, e;g., fllF tJ" ,. L." ,..t withiB the 199 yeaF fllllldplaiB; P-Foposed Jeeess aod . eireulatiOB, iBeludiBg FlIads, dm...., P"Ic:Utig aRBs, Bud bieyele aDd ........J'"'~., ... ,l.., ,,~,,".' lIBd &II ,:.', .... ,. ..L . .' J land uses !! P"~' --'_.-1".......... 'oJ , .~- ""'r" ~c."'''' .'1 Page 11 of13 1/10/05 11..3 Hthe IMP ellmplies with aU Site PIau Rel'iew s ".,h:".~J of the SDC, subs,., ,,,; .....~""itted UGe5 that eoufoFfll tll the D..\:P shall U8t . d" . I 't I '. ffk'" , ,.!! " . FeqUH'CB ".",",' slepauRnclI, DlSlmp ',......>.... ,...,"~ ,,,J.. ""J"'";;'"..,,...,,, ..."" . iBteDded t8 simplif}'. tile devel , ,; ::,. "," apprllnl preeess tror large, Ii ATTACHMEN~ 4 -11 Date F'{eC~ived:-$2/cfoo/ Planner: AL / . II ORDINANCE NO, 6109 ,ii " ii , , " phased de\'elopmcIIL ~~' I':lIowiBg a stUlieieBtIy detailedl DAP to meet , , ,beth DAP ud Site PI",," .~;,,,:,.",,"..eBts,) il , 1~.4 nAP's shaD be eOBsisteBt with the appl'8Ved CDP;'IIBd with the policies of the Metro PIIIB aBd of this Refi" "", ;" . . .1' PISB. i 1~.s Site Plus fer pemoBs of a developmeBt area shall ee&f",,,, .,itIHHt-",,,,,,,ed D.'\P, providctl, n""" 'n.~ the D.\}> may b , "',' j.]LJ-its-" "'" .,"lJetl- '", :", .'. ;. ,,: 91tstioB ~ ." aeHOB 11.6. ' II 14.6 SuhstsBtiaL , Clff..,jeBs efD,\}>'s shaD be Fffie.Jed ""l., Tytte II pre,."IL..f, iB aee~.II....eewith !.rtiele3 ~fthe 8DG II 1 ~.7 1-1 ,,,,,',,,:,,,,, II. De-,e1epmeBt Area fer MDR de.:..-..I~,,~.j :::--....: .lhsll " ' lJe S S€RS. '. ~. 1 VI The miBimum sUe fer DevelepmeBt Areas may be reduced, if ,I 'r r ";' ,ed by the DevelopmeDt Seniecs DiFe~or, L,", ::",: Juw iBstll"".,. ,,;here iDsufiieieBt """""l~ II L' .. I t fi" 1 . " . ti 8WB...:':J,I1:':i- i-...........ems, 8 eaB .,:.:,-,:.:.:.,MJ-;-tl.-.L ';,-.:.;.Bg: e:BS mg- L't., Ii-' E 1st hi S II usespr<....-.-..Il0BSa .;'''',,,,00 paree olle evell lleFf Bevel; r" ,,,.t ,."Fell. I! !i Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 15.1 :!I , I . ,I Development denSIty may be transferred from natural assets and recreational pathways identified in the Natnrill AsS:~ts, Open Space/Scenic Areas, and Recreation Element, or VOm proposed shared open spaces, to buildable portions of t~e development area, provided that the gross density ofth~ development area does not exceed 29 d&!ll, aud the Bet ~eIIsity OB the huildahle pOmOD da.... ..,,~ .....,,,:d 2S duls the maxunum 'density oermitted in the underlvinl! zone. Ii " " Add new Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 19.0: Page 12 of 13 1110/05 Densitv bonuses aUowed under Residential EIemeot Jmnlementation ,A,ctioos !~_1 and 16.3 mav be aUowed coosistent with an aonroved Master Plan nursuant to SDC ~cIe 37 within the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR Site. Ii Ii Amend Commercial Element Policy and Implementation Action 5.0 (re~ed since April 21, 2003 Council approval): ' II " I: Provide for future a, _ c, .riatelv nlanoed 1\fiI:ed Use. C~mmunitr Commercial and nodal develoument rlesil.'Dated areas BcigllhBFhaod "..,.,;;., ","""Hl" ",I,r:';;~Bt iB the Medillm Density ResideBtial ~ . tIe'I'eI~r"'"""~ ""._st of Game Farm Road, within the City Limits at !I II . '!/ / DatE> t{eceived: ~/:;')/;)do,r Planner: AL !! . !I ORDINANCE NO. 6109 II i ~ ATTACHMENT 4 - 12 II , , il I! , II Ii " Ii " I !, the McKenzie-Ga: _ JJ ". ~R. ~11~~ as identified in TransPlan as potential nodal develooment sites. II Amend Commercial Element Policy and Implementation Action 5.1: No mori! than 3 aeres ofNC uses esn he zoned L r~d of the Medium Density Residential area, TilL. ......,..:.... .I"".JI-ttet-t, ""..~":..'ed until at. least 23 pefeeat ef the Ilnueipated tetal dWI'IIhg uails ift the aRB are .....""...~........:ed, The Deigkhemeed .,""." ,-,illl area shaD he sited iB a leeatL, /,~:..,.:: presented the les~t tmflie, Daise, aDd Ii~'/,,;; ~onf1iets with iulja......... .-..~:AeDUalllses, (Pl.... ..aLj iw/entoried iB tile Histerie . , Rcsourees Elemeat..... ~:.,...:.aesDt.reseul...w .......2Y he re5lieoed to NC aDd lH.. .." """'r: fl'omthis pI'O'li5iOD.) Rezonin!!: of land within the city limits at tbe McKenzie-Gatewav MDR site to Mixed Use Commercial ("MUC") and Medical Services ("MS,,) shall be allowed to imolement . the Mixed Use and/or C~1!!!!!lli'.itv Commercial ulan dciimations. . Zone chan!!:es sball demonstrate tbe. abi6tv to meet the demand for commercial lands identified in the Sorimmeld CommerCial Lands Study (SCLS) oolicv I-B, 'Commercial uses allowed in ionin!!: districts Dursuant to GRP Policv 5.0 above shall be subiect to Master Plan llDDroval and sball be nlanned in a manner to minimize:iraffic. noise, and Ii!!:htin!!: conflicts with adiacent residential uses, Amend Transportation Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.0: Future transportation system development in the McKenzie-Gateway Campus Industrial and the 180 acre MDR sites should Jccur as needed in conjUnction with CI and MDR, MUC and MS development. II Amend Public Facilities Element Policy and Implementation Action 2.2: :r I' , Require the consideration of the use of storm drainage facilities that store and retain runoff in the McKenzie-Gateway Campus Industrial site, and within tbe citv limits in the i: ,C'" ,jed MDR al'~ east "~:-,,,,,,, ~ FaFfB Road SOHth McKenzie-Ga:..."." MDR Site. Req~ire the consideration of tbe use and enhancement of Datural sto~ water drainage features as part oftbe overall storm water syst~ms in those , areas. !i ATTACHMENT 4 -13 Ii Date ReJeived: r~~or Planner: !iAL II ~ ORDINANCE NO. 6109 II " I! Page 13 of 13 1/10/05 .~ i ,- "\-1 tP $ ~~~ : C ij '~:~ ,?4~.. . '~" "11:t '1'~ jp\: J,__, \ Im61~M<U! U I ..... '~'>. ~----~, 9 S" I . ~ \r.!~1L.lJ-: ~ -I ,: . fJ ') --"I' \ j \< \" \" .,""""""'.. \l _ -'10 < :E~ TransPlan Legend Potential Nodal Development Areas for the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area o Nodal Development Areas ". Urban Growth Boundary ,'( ArenldentlfledunodaldsveloprnllnlllreUartlCOn5idllrM tONwllpolllntlll!forlhlll type or land ulle pat\ern, Olher are.. not dlldgnatotd for nod.1 dlllYlllcpmenl msy ..10;" be found to h8V1l potllnllal lor nodlll d""lIloprn.mt. ~ t-'J t-'J ~ n ~ ::s: t<:l Z t-'J U1 I f-1 "tIO -Ill Ill_ ~ .+. Scale , o lmll8 I 2 mlles Note: Thismllp is ilIuslr/ltiVll IIndshould be used for relerenceonly. The map depict5 apprOl(imllteloclltlons of existingllndproposedpl.lblicflllciliticsllndlllnduses. ;(/i . ,t'",' ,~"I "Ioi.... December 2001 MdPI""dll,,,,jby l,,,,,,C,,,,,,wllll("""""',,,.,,I' " , att6a email from OlCO.txt ~! I: " . ,l From:. MaTT Gregory Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:48 AM TO: ,LIMBIRO Andrew subject: FW: springfield.PAPA 001-09: '" Amending Gateway Refinement plan I' II Andy, II Go ahead and place the email train from Ed into the record. wherever your staff report menti ons II correspondence or comments from the public and interested parties be sure and identify that OlCO reviewed this proposal and had no comments. gmott From: Ed Moore [mailto:ed:w.moore@state.or.us] sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:40 AM To: MaTT Gregory; MOORE Edw' (OR) Cc: lIMBIRO Andrew subject: RE: springfield PAPA 001-09: Amending . " Gateway Ref1nement plan Greg, . your correct, Gloria's comments are directed at Exhibit B. we have no comments on the proposed PAPA. Ed Given,l your cl ari fi cation, ]1 ,I 'I I .,1 I Cheers, Ed Moore AICP So willamette valley Regional Representative OlCO springfield office 644 A street Springfield, OR 97478 971.239.9453 ed.w.moore@state.or.us I www.oregon.gov/lCO >>> On 2009.03.23 at 15:47, in message <C1E102BFOOE40040BA644474C38411A605AOB78801@spifs030.springfield1.net>, MaTT Gregory <gmott@ci. spri ngfi e 1 d. or. us> wrote: II Edh. k f h . . 1" "I. h T an s or t e opportun1ty to reV1ew G or1a s 'comments. I m assum1ng er comments adre d h. b' ' . . f d d hili h. b' . 1 recte at EX 1 1t B 1n our not1ce 0 propose amen ment. T at ex 1 1t 1S an ordi nance, II . adopted by council in 2005 as part of a remand ordered by lUBA on a proposal to amend ]1 the Gateway Refi nement pl an to allow the development of the Ri ve"rBend campus. we're ,I' " not proposi ng to change any of that ordi nance; we provi ded it as', context to the one policy in I: that document that requires this site to be redesignated for nodal development. we I' are not. J proposing to change the distribution of the underlying zoning nor are we proposing mi. change the permitted uses except to prohibit some commercial act~vities that are currently Ii permitted but will be. prohibited upon redesignation as nodal overlay. Thanks again. f Greg Mott Ii page 1 ATTACHMENT 6 - 1 i, Date R~teived:J'4'~/dOqz Plal1llAd AI 1--'- .---.. "II ..- , , ii , " , me know if you would like me to submit Ii I :1 1/" . I Reflnement " , :i Ii these plan att6a email from DLCD.txt From: Ed Moore [mailto:ed.w.moore@state.or;us] Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 10:31 AM To: MOTT Gregory subject: Fwd: springfield PAPA 001-09: Amending Gateway Greg, AS we discussed, let part of . the official record. don't see any of them as deal stoppers; but per our no surprises agreement and given the late date that I received them I don't feel the need to submi t them if 'I they would delay your adoption. I: Ii Ii suggestions as Ed Ed Moore AICP So willamette valley Regional Representative DLCD springfield Office 644 A Street springfield, OR 97478 971. 239.9453 ed.w.moore@state.or.us<mailto:ed.w.moore@state.or.us> www.oregon.gov/LCD<http://www.oregon.gov/LCD> >>> On 2009.03.20 at 12:26, in Gloria Gardiner wrote: Hi, Ed. sorry my comments are message <49C38B8A. 6954. OOFC. 001 cd ". state .or. us>, so .late. Monday 3/23 is the fax aeadline. II [ ] is a sugge~ted deletion; a My comments are on the sug!Jested addltion is in bold. Residential Element policy and Implementation Actions II Action?: I recommend revising as follows to ensure consistency:; with ~oal 10: HOUSl ng, " '. OAR 660, division 8, and the needed housing statutes in ORS chapter 197: "Ensure av~ilability of [adequate] needed supplies of land for lbw-. medium-, and hi gh- ,; density residential development while allowing for an appropriate mix of commercial, amendments in Exhibit B. employment and residential uses." "Adequate" is too vague and undefined. This policy should be cl!,!arly consistent ~tl i springfield's obligation to ensure a supply of land in the UGB to meet the housing needs of " all of its residents according to its housing land needs analysis. I recommend revising ,the last sentence Action 12.6: the Goal 10:Housing, OAR 660, division 8, and the needed housing " as follows for consistency with i, statutes in ORS chapter II 197: . "In addition to meeting approval, the city council may attach II the standards of the SDC, at the time 0~1 Master plan specific conditions on all development within the MS Page 2 '" or MUC ATTACHMENT 6 - 2 Date Receiv~d: Planner: AL 'I/).)/~"9 I ~,' ',' att6a email from DLCD.txt zones including but not limited to building, height and setbacks. The standards, conditions, ' and procedure for needed housing shall be clear and objective and shall not have the effect, ' II either alone or cumulatively, of discouraging needed housing through unreasonable cost 0;' i! delay. " 11 standards and conditions Ii . . area. As wrltten, lt I any standards and impose any conditions on!1 needed housing II This policy should that city council may impose suggests that the city may use development. make clear that there is a limit on the on approval of needed housing in this plan Acti on 15.1: density on. development sites that contain that housing units may be moved from unbuildable Goal 5 resource area~, . recreational pathways, or shared open space, to buildable areas of the development, at the same maximum density as the base zone. However, unless the city re-zones more land in the Il development area to residential, there is no place to put the transferred units; the buildable " part of the site can currently be developed up to the maximum density for the base zone. il The only way to truly transfer density from one part of a site to another is to take the ., calculated number of units for the unbuildable area and transfer them to the buil dab 1 e area, " which means allowing a higher density in the buildable portion df the site (i.e., clustering : the allowed housing on the buildable portion of the site and preserving the unbuildable ! portions from development), so that the site's overall density doesn't fall below the base Ii zone standard. This is what some cities' PUD regulations do. <; AS drafted, this "density I transfer" provision decreases residential .! ' natural resources or open space. The policy provides Gloria Gardiner I urban planning specialist planning services Division oregon'Dept. of Land conservation and Development 635 capitol Street NE, Suite 150 I Salem, OR 97301-2540 office: (503) 373-0050 ext. 282 I Fax: (503) 378-5518 gloria.gardiner@state.or.us<mailto:gloria.gardiner@state.or.us> " www.oregon.gov/LCD<http://www.oregon.gov/LCD> ' page 3 " Date R~ceived:_lI~~U9 Planner: AL r-"< !f ATTACHMENT 6 - 3 .. . att6bemai1 from bonnie u11mann.txt From: Bonnie ullmann [u11mann@uoneuro.uoregon.edu] sent: wednesday, April 08, 2009 11:48 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew subject: planning Case LRP 2009~00001 Dear Mr. L i mbi rd and members of the p1 anni ng Commi ssi on and ci ty:! counei 1 , I' I would like to lend my support to implementing a Nodal Deve10pm~nt overlay District for any portions of the Gateway Refinement plan area. In particular, at this time, I support the overlay on the southern portion of the peaceHealtli property. !' My reasoning for support of this planning designation is that I believe it . will lend a more viable commercial and residential area in the long run. It will benefit the Game Farm Neighbors area by implementing design! standards for commercial land. This will improve the overall liveability of the Game Farm area by addressi ng traffi c issues and communi ty cohesiveness. ,: An attractive and viable development plan will go a ways towar~ compensation of the Game Farm neighborhood for the great increase in popu1atipn; traffic and decreased attractiveness of our properties since the boom in' development interests in our home area. I have been educating myself by having participated in springfield eitizen planning committees that addressed the idea of nodal development' in our neighborhood. I believe nodal development to be a tremendous strate9Y for long-term, far-reaching good planning that ultimately will be behefleia1 to the Game Farm Neighbors area. I sincerely believe that the long' term residents of the area should have the advantage of city planning' that demonstrates foresight at this point in time. " Springfield's commitment to nodal development is very encouraging and I am fully behind the concept. please let me know if I can help in the process. please add my support to the written record for the public heari'hg. ]! sincerely, Bonnie ullmann Bonnie ullmann u11mann@uoneuro.uoregon.edu 3350 oriole Street springfield, OR 97477-7551 USA' 541-520-0921 Mobile 541-747-7580 Message/home 541-747-7580 FAX 541-346-4506 work Page 1 . !I Date R~ceived:_4'" b ~t19 Planner-: AL I 70' ATTACHMENT 6 - 4 "'",.; .~,. RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF NODAL DESIGNATION ( ( ( ( ( RECOMMENDATION TO THE'ICITY COUNCIL " Case Number: LRP2009-00001 NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The proposed Metro Plan amendment will implement a Nodal Development OJerlay District (NDOl designation for approximately 170 acres of the Riverbend area of northwest Springfield, which includes the existing Sacred Heart Medical Center and campus. The NDO designation will be supplementary to the current commercial, mixed use, and medium density residential zoning for the subject area. 1'1' I. j . 1. The above referenced plan amendment action was initiated by the City Council upon adoption of the amended RiverBend Master Plan in June, 2006. Timely and sufficient ~otice of the public . hearing, pursuant to Springfield Development Code Section 5.2-115, has ~en provided. 2. The plan amendment action is consistent with provisions of the adopted Mitro Plan, TransPlan and Gateway Refinement Plan as described in the attached staff report. I, ^b A , Tl :tEb. .,.. 3. On April 21, 2009, the Planning Commission held a public hearing regardirig the proposed pla'rieeoI7N6, amendment. The Development Services Department staff notes and recommendation together / with the oral testimony and written submittals of the persons testifying at that hearing have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding.vpo_ I! V 4.~ l"C- . .__.~ -+U ~+ :ivM.~ k..- t~~"-'t,~ 0+ CONCLUSI~N ~~:':'J ti:'r~ ....:.- +L.. G~,,-\ -- 'hc-L ~ hM_ s~ te. , -tL...- ~ W\ I ( '''' -h {L'-Q..~ f~ ,\:0; a ,.j",.(..,{' ~.21't'''''':~-\- c.-s ;s-f~f """+1... On the basis of this record, the proposed amendment is consistent with theCr1terfa ofSDC Section 5,14-135~C.1&2. This general finding is supported by the specific findings offact and conclusion in the Staff Report and Findings.. .. ~~ &-....J tvz"" t.A. f{",-- RECOMMENDATION ,~'+"""':"'=#:n The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council to approve;the plan amendment. as recommended herein, Case Numbe~ LRP2009-00001, at their May 18, 200~ meeting, Planning Commission Chairperso:h " ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Date f\eceived: Planner: AL if IJJ./ Joo? I '1/ I ii " , i; II ,I II II Page I of1 Planning Cammissian Order LRP20()9-{)0001 April 21, 2009 ATTACHMENT 7 - , RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIEl,D ,. ~ : METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF NODAL DESIGNATION RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL Case Number: LRP2009-00001 ( ( ( ( ( NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The proposed Metro Plan amendment will implement a Nodal Development Overlay' District (NDO) designation for approximately 170 acres of the Riverbend area of northwest Springfield, which includes the existing Sacred Heart Medical Center and campus. The NDO designation will be supplementary to the current commercial, mixed use, and medium density residential zoning for the subject area." . 1. The above referenced plan amendment action was initiated by the City Council upon adoption of the amended RiverBend Master Plan in June, 2006. Timely and sufficient notice of {he public hearing, pursuant to Springfield Development Code Section 5.2-115, has been provided... 2. The plan amendment action is consistent with provisions of the adopted Metro Plan, TransPlan and Gateway Refinement Plan as described in the attached staff report. 3. On April 21, 2009, the Planning Commission held a public hearing regarding the~proposed plan amendment. The Development Services Department staff notes and recommendation together with the oral testimony and written submittals of the persons testifying at that hearing hal{e been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. .' . " 4. On the basis of testimony submitted at the April 2.1, 2009 Planning Commission public hearing, the Planning Commission recommends that upon subsequent requests for annexation of remaining property in the McKenzie-Gateway MDR site, the City will initiate the amendment process for nodal development consistent with RiverBend Master Plan Condition #12. . CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the proposed amendment is consistent with the criteria of SDC Section 5.14- 135.C.1&2. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact and cOI"]c1usion in the Staff Report and Findings. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council to approve the plan amendment as rerommood,d h,re;, 0... N"mu27~::,~;,g , / .J'Sla"nning Cjjmmission Chairperson ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: !'i ~ :J... n Date Received:.~i/f"';~_ Planner: AL '/ " .. "Page 1 of I Planning Commission Order LRP2009-00001 April 21, 2009 . , ".