HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 2/12/2009
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S 1 DLCD Notice of
Proposed Amendment
PER ORS 197.610, OAR CHAPTER 660, DlVISI0N 18
101 in per:;o.r',,,l:2,"lectronic D mailed D
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\Fl For DLeD Use Only ......."'--.;
Jurisdiction: City of Springfield Date of First Evidentiary Hearing: 04/07/2009
Local File Number: LRP2009-00001 Date of Final Hearing: 05/18/2009
Is this a REVISION to a previously submitted proposal? DYes ~No Date submitted: 02/12/2009
D Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment D Comprehensive Plan 'Map Amendment
D Land Use Regulation Amendment D Zoning Map Amendment
D New Land Use Regulation D Urban Growth Boundary Amendment
D Transportation System Plan Amendment ~ Other: PAPA :1
Briefly Summarize Proposal. Do not use technical terms. Do not write "See Attached"(limit 500 characters):
Implementation of Nodal Development Overlay District for -185 acres of northwest Springfield identified
as the "McKenzie-Gateway Medium Density Residential Site". The post-acknmrledgement plan
amendment is consistent with a Conceptual Development Plan adopted for the area in 1994; amendments
to the Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and Gateway Refinement Plan adopted in 2005
(Commercial Policy and Implementation Action 5.0); TransPlan; and provisions,'of the approved
RiverBend Master Plan.
Has sufficient information been included to advise DLCD of the effect of proposal? ~Yes, text is included
For Map Changes: Include a%"x11" maps of Current and Proposed designation. ~ Yes, Maps included
. ,
Plan map changed from: MDR, CC, MU To: MDRlNDO, CClNDO, MU/NDO
Zone map changed from: To:
Location of property (do not use Tax Lot): Riverbend Maste~ Plan Area, North Springfield
Previous density: 10-20 upa New density: 12-24 upa Acres involved: 185.00
Applicable statewide planning goals:
1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ,:17 18 19
Is an exception to a statewide planning goal proposed? D YES ~ NO Goals:
Affected state or federal agencies, local governments or special districts (It is jurisdiction's responsibility to notify these
agencies, DLCD only records this information):
ODOT, Lane Transit District
Local Contact: Andy Limbird, Planner II
Address: 225 5th Street
Fax Number: 541-726-3689
Phone: 541-726-3784 Extension:
City: Springfield, Zip: 97477-
E-mail Address:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us
OLeo file No.
Date Receiv~d: .:f~/;-,
Planner: AL
This form must be received bv DLCD at least 45 davs nrior to the first e~identiarv bearin~
per ORS 197.610 and OAR Chanter 660. ~ivision 18
I, This form must be submitted by local jurisdictions only (not by applicant).
2. When submitting, please print this form on light green paper.
3. Text: Submittal of a proposed amendment to the text of a comprehensive plan or land use
regulation must include the text of the amendment and any other information:the local
government believes is necessary to advise OLCO of the effect of the proposal. "Text" means the
specific language being added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulations.
A general description of the proposal is not adequate. Do not submit this form without
supporting documentation.
4. Maps: Submittal of a proposed map amendment must also include a map of the affected area
showing existing and proposed plan and zone designations. The map should 15e legible and on
8Y, x II inch paper. Please provide the specific location of property, such as k address and/or
tax lot number. Include text regarding background and/or the justification for the change, such as
the application accepted by the local government. '
7. If you have an electronic copy of the proposal, we would like you to submit one electronic copy
[email.CO. or upload to OLeO (for submittal instructions, see # 4)J and ONE PAPER COPY
of the proposed amendment to: :1
SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540
8. Electronic Submittals: One hard copy must be sent by mail or in person, but you may also
submit an electronic copy, by either email, CO, or upload documents to us. Vou may access this
website to upload documents: htto://webserver.lcd.state.or.us/uoload2/uoloadForm I.Dho. If you
submit documents to this website, please email Mara Ulloa at mara.ulloa@state.or.us when you
have sent your documents electronically. On the same day, please mail [IJ hard copy to our
office. ::
9, Need More Copies? You can now access these forms online at httn:/IwwwJbd.state.or.us/. Please
print forms on 8-l/2xll green paper only, You may also call the OLCO Office at (503) 373-0050; or
Fax your request to: (503) 378-5518; or Email your request to mara.ulloarQ),state.or.us .
hllo:/ /www.lcd.state.or.us/LCD/fonns.shlm I
Updated September 4, 2008
Date Received: 2f-L/,,)do'l
Planner::1 AL
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_ NDO Overlay District - Affected Area
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Date Received: ;../;~' ,9
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Planner: AL
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Capproved july, 1994-~
'------ .--
prepared by
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
Stastny & Burke Architecture
," - I
Date/Received: .lh~'l
1;' I I
Planner: AL
and . 1:'
, ,
Kittelson Associates, Leland Consulting Group, ASCG, McArthur Gardner fartnership
This project was funded. in part through an Urban Growth Management Grant from the Oregon Departm~nt of Land Conservation and
Development (DLCD). The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of DLCD. 11
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Date R6ceive8: .z ~z~'1
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Planner: AL !', ,
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A. Article 8 of the Springfield Development Code sets forth criteria for reJ;inement plan
diagram and text amendments. II '
B. On April 21, 2003 The Springfield City Council approved Gateway Refinement Plan
amendments by adopting ordinance 6051. I:
. " t
{" ~ "
C. The April 2 I, 2003 Gateway Refinement Plan amendments were appealed to the Land
Use Board of Appeals and to the Oregon Court of Appeals. Ii
D. On August 19, 2004 the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) remanded the Gateway
, Refinement Plan amendments to the city for additional findings in resp6ct to Statewide
Planning Goal 9 (Economic Development), Goal 12 (Transportation) arid, as instructed
by the Court of Appeals, consistency with Metro Plan policies regarding auxiliary uses
in the residential designations.
The City Council of the City of Springfield finds that:
Eo Subsequent to the LUBA remand, the Springfield City Council reopene~ the record on
Metro Plan diagram amendment, Journal NUmber 2002-08-243 and Gateway
Refmement Plan amendment, Journal Number 2002-08-244 and initiat6d amendments
to the Springfield Development Code, Journal Number LRP2004-0020 :~d Springfield
Commercial Lands Study, Journal Number LRP2004-0021. I:
F. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 1'4.030 of the
Springfield Development Code was provided. I'
G. On November 16,2004 a public hearing on the Gateway Refinement Pikn amendment
was convened and concluded. The record of the proceedings was left o~en for seven
days followed by a seven day period of all participants to submitrebutt3.I.The
applicant was given two additional days for rebuttal. The DevelopmeniiServices staff
notes, including criteria of approval, findings, and recommendations, tokether with'the
testimony and submittals of those persons testifYing at the,hearing or in "writing, have
been considered and are part of the record of the proceeding.
Page I of 13
Date ~6ceiJed: .t /;:;~'--
" /.
Planner: AI!.
v '
, I
, " I
H. On December 9, 2004 the Springfield Planning Com~ission voted fiv~ in favor, one
opposed and one abstaining to forward a recommendation that the CitY. Council
approve the Gateway Refinement Plan amendments with conditions. Ii
I. On January 10, 2005, the Springfield City Council reopened the pubiclhearing to' accept
oral,argument and deliberate. The City Council voted 5 'in favot, 1
opposed and 0 abstaining to approve the Gateway Refinemdpt Plan
ordinance and declaring an emergency: I:
1. Evidence exists within the record and the' findings attached hereto as Exhibit B that the
'proposal meets the requirements of Article 8 of the Springfield Development Code.
o ,I
Section I: The Gateway Refmement Plan is hereby, amended to refllt the text
changes depicted in Exhibit B; the Gateway Refutement Plan diagram is her~by amended to
reflect the changes approved by the Council in the concurrent Metro Plan Di~gram
. ~
amendment. Ii
Section 2: The above findings (A through 1), and the findings set forth in Exhibit C
attached hereto and incv.t'v...ted herein by reference are hereby adopted in s&pport of the
Gateway Refinement Plan amendments. ' Ii
.( . Ir
Section 3: This Ordinance replaces Ordinance 6051, adopted by the City Council
\ J>
on April 21, 2003. Ii '
, Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this
Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and
that holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.
I: .
, , I,
Section 5: This Gateway Refmement Plan amendment is subject to t:l\e conditions of
approval attached hereto in Exhibit A. ' it,
, "I '
Section 6: It is hereby found and determined that this Gateway Refiri~ment Plan
amendment is a matter affecting the public health, safety and welfare and that an emergency
therefore exists and,that this ordinance shall take effect immediately'upon its!passage by the
Council and approval by the Mayor. '
, ,
ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a Jote of 5
I, -
for and --.L against and 0 abstaining on this 10th day of Janu7' ,,5.
----:.....~ ~
Mayor / . V I:
~ M 'rJ, ,J,rwu.
City RecordeO 'Ii
~;P. FORM~ '
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, gfFT9~ U A O~NEY
Page 2 of 13
Date ~eceived:-#!),/J<t6'f
Planner: AL
Master Plans for property at the McKenzie-Gateway MDR site that Propose to
employ the Mixed Use Commercial District (MUC) and/or the Medicil Services
District (MS) shall include a vehicle trip monitoring plan as a compon~~nt of a
complete application submittal. The approval of the plan shall be a requirement of
Master Plan approval. "
Trip generation estimates used to create the trip monitoring plan shall be performed
using assumptions and methods which are consistent with those empl6yed'in the
traffic impact analysis submitted to the City of Springfield on Octobef 29, 2004 in
support of Metro Plan and Gateway Refinement Plan amendment applications (City
Journal Numbers 2002-08-243 & 2002-08-244)
Traffic generated by land uses, within Master Plan boundaries where the MS and
MVC zoning districts are proposed in Phase 1 ofthe development shall, prior to
2010, be limited to a maximum of 1,457 PM Peak Hour vehicle trips. Beginning'in
2010 for Phase 2 ofthe development, such traffic shall be limited to 1,840 PM Peak
, ,
Hour vehicle trips. PM Peak Hour vehicle trips are defined as the tot~1 of entering
plus exiting trips measured for the PM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic.
Subsequent Site Plan Review applications for sites within the Master Plan
boundaries shall be in compliance with the approved trip monitoring plan.
Any proposal that would increase the ~umber of allowable PM peak-IJour vehicle
trips for the MS and MVC area beyond the above specified limits shall be processed
. . t
as a refinement plan amendment. or a zoning map amendment or Master Plan
approval pursuant to SDC 37.040 or Master Plan modification pursu"lrit to SDC
37.040 and 37.060(3) and regardless of which type of process is sought~ each shall
demonstrate compliance with applicable provisions of the Transportation Planning
Rule for such proposal. '
Page 3 of 13
, ,
Prior to occupancy of the first phase of any hospita,l located at the Gateway MDR
site as approved by a future Master Plan, a portion of TransPlan proj~ct 727
(chapter 3, page 31, Dec 2001 adopted version and as adopted by City bf Springfield
Ordinance No. 5990, dated September 17, 2001) shall be constructed b~ the
applicant. The portion of the project to be constructed by the applicant is
conceptually described as roadway and traffic signal improvements at:~he Pioneer'
Parkway/OR-126 Eastbound Ramps to: ji
Date R6yeived:-l,I/.2/d#'f
Planner: iiAL
, , 'I
, 1. Maintain two southbound through lanes on Pioneer Parkway ~t the OR 126
eastbound ramp terminal intersection; Ii
2. Provide two southbound left turn lanes on Pioneer Parkway ai:the OR 126
.. - '. ~
eastbound ramp terminal intersection; I:
3. Widen the eastbound on ramp to provide two limes to accept t~e two
eastbound turn lanes described above in Number 2.' These two' on ramp
lanes will merge to, one lane prior to merging with OR 126 tramc eastbound.
4. Widen the eastbound OR 126 off ramp to three lanes for a minimum distance
of 300 feet west of Pioneer Parkway; and ' I
5. Any necessary signal modifications to accommodate Numbers 1"4 above.
, ,j
The funding for these improvem'ents shall come from,PeaceHealth's fipancial
responsibility for off-site transportation improvements as described iJ the
annexation agreement dated June 4, 2002, Lane County Recorder's number 2002-
043161, between the applicant and the City of Springfield. To the ext~nt that these
funds are determined to be insufficient to perform the'above described
improvements, the applicant shall be responsible for the additional fuAding needed.
, I
Any subsequent Master Plan application for property at the GatewayMDR site that
proposes to apply the MS and/or MUC zoning district shall include sp~cific design
~rawings for the above descriped improvements, which shall be submItted to ODOT
, for approval. ODOT approval of the proposed design shall be a condition of Master
Plan approval. !:
, i:
The master plan required by Residential Element Policy 13.0, by the Annexation
~ ' .,.
Agreement dated May 29 ,2002, Recorder's Reception No. 2002-043161, Lane
County Deeds and Records and by the Annexation Agreement dated June 7, 2001,
Recorder's Reception N~. 2001-034714, Lane County Deeds and Reco~ds for
property owned by PeaceHealth,a Washington non~profit corporation:, on the date
.. '. j
of Council approval of plan amendments 2002-08~243 and 2002-08~24~ shall include
a hospital as a component of the master plan. I,:
Further, the hospital and other master plan development on the prop~i1y referenced
in this condition shall be phased as' follows: i
No uses will occur before 2008. Phase 1 will occur between 2008 and 2010 and is
limited to uses generating no more than 1,457 PM. Peak Hour vehicle tiips. Phase 2
will open no earlier than 2010' and/or following construction of the Gai~way
, Street/Beltline Road intersection improvements and will be limited to uses
generating no more than 1,840 PM Peak Hour vehicle trips for all devJlopment on
properties redesignated by this ordinance. These phases may occur ea}lier if needed
transportation facilities are in place' or if required mobility ,standards Jre lowered,
provided mobility standards are maintained.
Page 4 of 13
1/1 0/05
, Date Received: .2/,).~7
Planner: i:AL "
, ,
In the event that a master plan with a hospital fails to gain approval ~y the City
Council by May 29, 2007 the City Council will initiate amendments tJ the Metro
Plan and the Gateway Refmement Plan to revise the documents to ad~quately plan
for development of the Gateway MDR site without a hospital. Ii '
. . ~
Prior to occupancy ofthe first phase of any hospital located at the Gateway MDR '
site as approved by a future Master Plan, the applicant shall constru'i~ a portion of
the Beltline Road/Gateway Street Intersection project, which is a component of
, TransPlan Project 606 (chapter 3, page 16, July2002 adopted version). The portion
of the project to be constructed by the applicant is a traffic signal at t~e Beltline
Road /Hutton Road intersection. Ii '
Development on property at the McKenzie-Gateway MDR site where :the MS and/or
MUC zoning district are applied shall be subject to the following condition:
. ' 1 ~
, { . 1
Any Subdivision or Site Plan Review application approval that relies upon '
transportation facility improvements to support the subject developml~nt shall be in
compliance with an approved Master Plan. If the subject trimsportati6n
improvements are not 'open to travel by the motoring public at the tinl.e they are.
needed to support the Subdivision or Site Plan Review development, t~e approval
shall be subject to the enforcement and revocation proceedings of Springfield
Development Code 1.0S0(1} and (2). I,
Page 5 of 13
1/1 0/05
Date Received: .2/;J~~
Planner: AL I I
EMiwlT B
Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 2:
Gateway Refinement Plan Text Amendment~
(Jo.No.'s 2002-08c244) I: '
Ensure availability of adequate supplies oflandlappropnate
for low-, medium-, and high-density residi;ntial develop~ent,
MIlif!tllif! approximately the existing balanee among LDR ,
MDR and IIDR ,L.:".......~2d lands, e.-....;'~~nt with MeJa rl~n
aDoeations while allowin!!: for an aoorooriate mix of, I:
commercial. emolovment and residential uses. I!
Amend Residential Element Policy and,Implementation Action 12.0: I'
Allow limited rezoning of land within the "McKenzie-G~teway
MDR site" to Medical Services ("MS") on land desi!!nated
Community Commercial or Mixed Use on the Metro Plan
dial!Tam. and rezonin!!: to Mixed Use Commercial ("MUC") on
land desimated'Mixed Use on the Metro Plan dia!!ram as
iinolemented durin!!: a Master Plan and or durin!! the city's
'nodal iinolementation oroiect. neighborhood eommereial, in
order to promote retention and rehabilitation ofhistoriJ
i'...-...~.4:.J that may otherwise L ~.~&.:.2 nOB eonforming ises, to
promote limited pulllie OF semi pulllie aeeess to and vi~ of the
MeKeMie Rker, and to allow for pFo'/isiol!: zf ::;-viees 1:
speeifiealIy intended to meet needs of future residents in1this
- Ii
Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 12.1:
R~.....:...: to NC will be allowed fOF Ur t: 3 aeres(Total)'ofneant
land within the I\L::~=:~ Z,..;~'ay I\IDR Site tI~der thhoIL:":',,
prO-/lSlons: ! ,
" '
a) The pL;- ""'"~ ""''1"",~",J for r~..o..:.." shaD front O'ft a eolleetoF
OF arterial that is eitheF ~";"~6 0.- planned::; a;:;,iliJ'-'ilted CDP
for the MeKenzie Cateway I\IDR Site, or that ellirently
. I'
borders the site.,'
t) Pl':P3.'::! 1i3~ e ehanges shaH L ;-,'\L,,'2d under a:;TYfle ill
pFBeedure if! a...o,.ll....~~ ,U';,~h f.mele 3 of.~lu EDC and shall lie
"'u...;.~2Bt with all pFo'/isions of SDC I.mele 12 Z~ning Distriet
and 0.,,,..1'>1 Distriet Changes. I:
Date f1<eceiv~d:_.t-f.J;~1
Planner: AL I'
II '
Page 6 of 13
. '
e) This type o( rezooiog shllll oot be lIpproved uoti(at least 25
pereeot oUhe aoL.:..d;d dwelL... ..n;~S are eo01t;-",4ed
(based e~ .... ..,.......... of 1S dwelliRg UBitS per lIe~e).
Redesil!Dation of a total of 99 acres land within the city limits
at the McKenzielGatewav MDR site to Community
Commercial and/or Mixed Use throu!!:h the Metro Plan,
!.Imendment orocess shall be allowed and shall be imolemented
bv aoolication of Mixed Use Commercial ("MUC") or Medical
Services ("MS") zonin!!: district throu!!:h Master Plan a~proval
and/or durin!!: the City's nodal imolementation oroiect. II
Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 12.4:
NC uses leeated within the MeKenzie ClIteway I\IDR Site shall meet
the fellewin., p""" Isioos io additioo to th.. p.."..-isimr J ~f SDC Artiele
3H Ii '
il) TL.. .....~..~ floor lIrell of any single NC use shllll oot exeeed
, , '
i,OOO squllre feet; ,. , Ii,
1;) raTluog lIrell,' :hlt!! oothe "tisihle from the MeKe~ie River
eem~6<" ....J shllll he sereeoed frv... p..:"lie streets io II Blaooer whieh
does oot oh.....,<.. ,.;sibilit;!, of the use; lIod, Ii
e) f;:;,:,Ik ,-~~~JS to the l\1eKenzie River sholl L.. y.-,,;,;J..a l;yl'!{;
tIS... ott,,,ibng the ripllrillB sethael.. Ii
In addition to all aoolicable standards and orovisions relrulatin~
develooment in Sorimmeld. anv develooment adiacent to the
McKenzie River or McKenzie River rioarian setback shall orovide
public access to the McKenzie River or McKenzie Riveri'rioarian
setback. Surface oarkine- areas shall not be visible froml:the
McKenzie River corridor and shall be screened from oublic streets.
, Add new Residential Element Policy and Implementation ActionI2.5:
" j
MU districts within the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR Site shall
meet the orovisions of SDC Article 40..
Add new Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 12,6:
Page 7 of 13
1/] 0/05
Within the city limits at the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR
Subarea. the Medical Services ("MS") zonine- district sh~lI
imolement the Community Commercial des ie-nation ifoart of
an aooroved Master Plan for develooinent of a maior medical
facilitv. The adooted Master Plan shall demonstrate that the
subiect orooertv will be able to accommodate the oumber of
housin!!: units within the ran!!:e for the MDR land use Ii
. . a II
desll!Dation m the Metro Plan and Gatewav Refinement Plan.
, Date Received:Jf.l~f Ii
Planner: Al ' ORDINiCE NO. 6109,
';, .
!; ,
In addition tomeetinl! the standards ofthe SDC. at the ,'time of
Master Plan annroval. the Citv Council mav attach snecific
"conditions on all develonment within the MS or MUC iones
includinl! but not limited to buildinl! heil!ht and setbacI{s.
, Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action, 13,0: II
A CDP or Master Plan shall be approved,_under aTyp~)I-IV
review process, for the areas lare'er than 5 acres within ihe citv
limits at ......l'..~.iI-as the "McKenzie-Gateway MDR Sit~" on
the Refinement Plan diagram, subseouent to annexation and
prior to ...lili.......'~;uli'ftBd-urban development of any po~on of
the-site Master Plan area.'
Delete 13,1 Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.1 :1
The City shall begin preparation of a CDP by J..li.....; 1, H'g;!, and
sllllIl-"ii-,,:e a CDP no later than July 1, 1?~. 1= tk~ 1,tterim, a CDP
may be submitted by the initial developer of a portieD sf the site. /.
, ,
t:.;y ;..;~ated CDP shall involve wput from the affeetediproperty
owners, ant ':;;1<.",":...12 publie ageneies. ii
< Ii
Amend ResidentialElement Policy and Implementation Action 13.2: Ii
The CDP shall b~ pr~pared by an en":"..,-,, and one oftke
fallowing: an a:-ehiteet, landscape architect or plannin~;
professional. .!
A Master Plan for the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR site shall be
preoared bv a desil!ll team that shall include. as determfued bv
the Director. the followinl! consultants: architect. landscane
architect. civil emrrneer. l!eotechnical enl!ineer. acoustic, II
enl!ineer. certified arborist. transnortation enl!ineer and,la
consultant to address rinarian issues. 1:
Amend GRP Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13:3::;
\' .
, I
All development within the McKenzie Gateway MDRSite,
shall be consistent with ail approved (;:IW;.Master Plan. 'AD
.,....,'o,,'2d CDP may L~ ...".IImed b)' the iBitial dcv.Jol' ..,,#;it
subsequent developer, or the City, un del" ;; T:;-pe n l'evie{v'
process. ::
Page 8 of 13
] /10/05
Date r~ecElived:
Planner: AL
J,: .
, , ,
, .
Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.4:
~'. .
The CDP In addition to the reQnirements of SDC Article 37.
the Master Plan shall address, at a minimnm, the follow~ng
development issues: !:
a) Preservation and enhancement of natural assets identified in
, I
this Refmement Plan; ,
b) , Access and circulation needs;
c) Access to arterial and collector streets;
d) Provision of public facilities and services;
e) Development needs of future users; I:
1) l.lIcatioB of areas laFgeF thaB OB, ......-, f" aposed fOF auxiliary
. I'. '..hl.-." - ' . .J. I,
uses, m.... '.:-.t1:..:.:..g Bel~ . .::.~l;...:;.:; .:.r-1;:v:u.:..:.:.:.....:..-",...nj ~i
..~ P .. f d "
''61 rOVlSIOn 0 open spacc areas; an :.
gh) Public access to thc McKenzie River, j'
Amend Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.5: "
ApplicatioBs feF the iBitial r<~r JF fOF substaBtial modilL~L "j to aB
appFoved ':~r In addition to the requirements of SDclArticlc 37. thc
initial Master Pllm aoolication in the McKcnzic-Gatewa'v MDR site
shall include a cooceotual street mao and bicvcle and m;destrian
circulation svstem olan for all annexed orooertv in the McKenzie-
Gatewav MDR site and shall be exempt from the requirements of
SectioI13.0S0(2)(b) of the SDC. I,
Delete Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.6:
Page 90f 13 '
The CDP sh....l. :" ,,,,,,,;.,{,;Bt with t.IJ.e goals aBd polieies Or the MetFo
PlaB aDd of this ReG. ..", ..d PlOD. I'
Add new Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.6: ii
Master Plan aoolications for orooertv within the McKekie-Gatewav
MDR site submitted orior to the City's comoletion of noilal
develooment assessment and imolementation shall identify all areas
within one-Quarter mile of orooosed transit stations as Heinl! subiect
to the orovisions of the Nodal Develooment Overlav District (INDO)'
Anv orooosed uses. density and desil!D in the identified nodal'
develooment area shall comolv with the standards of Sonnmeld
Develooment Code articles 40 and/or 41 with the followinl! exceotion:
Uses in the MS and MUC Districts may be ex emoted from soecific
orovisions of Articles 40 and Articles 41 and residential 'lmd I!I"OUO
care facilities in the MDR district may be exemoted frorri soecific
orovisions of Article 41 if theresoective exemotions are consistent
Date Received: ~/;f~
Plann~r: AL '
with the'Purnose of the Nodal Develooment Overlav District and the
exemotions are aooroved bv the Citv Council as Dart of a master olan.
In the event that the Citv Council determines that nodal develooment
is aoorooriate for the identified nodal area. the 'orooertY shall be re-
desil!Dated to INDO and aIlsubseouent land use aonlications shall
comolv with INDO standards contained within articles ~O and/or 41.
exceot as exemoted above. In the event that the Citv Council
determines that nodal develooment is inaoorooriate for areas
identified as such on the master olan. those areas shall be chan!!:ed
throu!!:h a Tvoe IT orocess to reflect the underlvin!!: MS ihr MUC
zonin!!: and ilDv use. densitv or desitm on the master nlan that does not
comolv to underlvin!!: zonin!!: desi!!Dation shall be chanlied
accordin!!:Iv. All subseouent land tise anolications shallicomnlv with
the standards reouired in the underlvinl!: zonin!!: district.
- J
Master Plans for orooertv at the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR site that
orooose toaoolv the MUC and/or MS zoniD!!: district o'ursuant to
Residential Polkies and Imolementation Actions 12.1 attd 12.6 shaU
be subiect to the foIlowinl!: reouirements: ,!: ~
. .' , Ii.
1. An aoorovell tri'l" monitt:'rinl! ulan shall be a reaui,rlment of
I' I'
Master Plan aooroval. i !
2. The trio monitorinl!: olan shall demonstrate comolia1hce with all
conditions 'contained within ao~licable ulan amendment adootion
ordinance(s). and triu-!!:eneration estimates shall be nerformed
usin!!: assumotions and methods which are consistent with those
emoloved in the olan amendment traffic imoact analvsis.
. I ~:
3. Traffic l!enerated bv land uses within the Master PIJn boundaries
where the MS and MUC zonimi districts that are orooosed in '
Phase 1 of the Develooment shall. orior to 2010. be limited to a
maximum of 1.457 vehicle trios. Becinnin!!: in 2010ifor Phase 2 of
the Develooment. traffic !!:enerated from site develonment withi~'
the subiect districts shall be limited to 1.840 PM Peak-Hou,:
vehicle trios. Vehicle trios are dermed as the total of enterin!!: olus '
exitin!!: trio) as estimated or measured for the PM Peak Hour of
Adiacent Street Traffic. This trio monitorin!!: olan limits allow~d
land uses to be consistent with the olanned function.:caoacitv and
performance standards of affected transoortation facilities.
I' '
, I ~
4. Subseouent Site Plan Review aoolications for sites within the
Master Plan boundaries shall be in comoliance with the aooroved
trio monitorinl! olan. ~
I / I.
Date Received: N/~/d#I'l
Planner: AL / '
Add new Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.7:
Page 10 of 13,
- . r
5. Anv oroDosal that would increase the number of allowable PM
Peak-Hour vehicle trios for the MS and MVC area IJevond the
limits soecified in section 3 above shall be orocessed '~s a
refmement ulan amendment. a zonin!! man amendm'lmt or Master
Plan ann'roval nursuant to SDC 37.040 or modification oursuant
to SDC 37.040 and 37.060(3) and re!!ardless of which tvoe of
orocess is soue-ht. each shall demonstrate comoliance with
aoolicable nrovisions of the Transoortation Plannin~ Rule for
such Dronosal. ~
Delete Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action'14.0 through 14.8 (no
change since April 21, 2003 Council approval): Ii
r _ '
k "
11.0 A DeveL..... "",1 :'.rea PlaB (OAP) ~haU }j~ i.yy' a-ved, ,mder a
Type II reviey, pro~."., prior to developmeBt approval fur aBY
POrtiOB of tbe ar....:. ...i.;I::J a~ ~be "MeKeuzie Catey,'ay:~mR Site" OB
tbe RefiBemeBt PlaB .Diagram, aBd sball Bot be apprilve~ uBless it is
"'o"'.;.~.,"'~ ..'itb aB "u . .i-tCP. ~k~ iBtent oCthe DAf is tL ..,-",ide
re~olutioB of significant deveL..... ",,"'; iss'u.es at a seale aB\llevel of
speeificity that ",-.. ;"'~,rmediate :3 :k~ r:DP and Site PI~~ levels. AU
DAP's ,-k.::I cOBform to the foIL.".:c.,..-."'i"';,-,...,"'~* Ii
'l4.-1 C1J>'s ~b,H address the foIL.,:..,;; developmcBt issiJes, at a
p .~._ .~,., . J'
"",,,,,1HBt , Ii
a) '~l'.,.,.,:.:.,,,, of adeE)uate cireulatioB for tbe De'/eL.....'....; AreaaBd
'I '
its adjoL:";;; p' uperties, iBeludiBg dedieatioBor "';;;;ri: or.:way far
future streets and pathways SbOWB OB the approved CDP;
b) Pro','ision of coordinated ~,.~,,,,.ion of publie faeilities to serve the
site and sUff6unJ:";;; pr-op.,n;"'j ..uti ' ~
e) Ineu'"po, ation, to tht ""'..,.;""'''''''' .eh~",~ prQetieabl:, ~~f;:atufttI
assets identitid ~ :his Refmement Plan, and on the app"roved CDP.
14.2 DAP's sball inelude the foHowiBg iBfilFfBation, at ill! ",.,,,,',,,,,,,,,
, I
All signifieant :l':1 f~lltures, iBeluding draiBageways, eEJjting
vegetation, and 6'.1>" ",.!tunlI assets a. ;':,,,,';';;;I)d in this Ref"""""...",,"l
:t"1'ItI2'; . -
Proposed building faotprints;
Propased open ......".... and landscaped areas;, ','
Engineering studies of aBY ideBtified n"~' al hllZards, e;g., for
d~,l'<lo....,. t within the 100 year floodplaiB; Pr:ilased a~eess and
eireulation, ineludiBg roads, drfns, parlciBg areas, aBd bicycle and
pedestrian patbwHys; an~::O 3:J-:r proposed laBd uses. j
11.3 If the DAP eomplies with all Site Plan Review standllrds of the
,SDC, subSelJ:ueBt peF'mitted uses that eonfoFfB to the DrtP ~hall Bot
l'elJuire additional site plan review. (Ihis impk",,~..;...,.:.,: Altion is
inteBded to ~implify th~ ':",.,,~lapment approvalpl'oeess ~~r large,
Date ~eceited:~~r
Planner: At
, '
Page 11 of 13
III 0/05
. I~
phased deveL r "', ".1s bl' allowiBg a suffieiently detailedDAP to meet
both DAP and Site Plan . -..-;.-~...~",;.;.j i
14.~ DAP's shall be eonsistent with the approved ':t'P, ':HId
wit!: ~o!::: ;:Jlieies of the Metro Plan ,and of this RefiBement
PItm.- i'
!<l.g g7o: Pbns fill' pORions of a development area shall~i
eonfflrm ,,-7011 aB a.....JWed DAP, proyided, however, that
the DAP may be modified as permitteil ::: :;:;.;..I~mentati~n
action 11.6.
11.6 Substantial modifieations :;f ~/.J!!: :1;..::1 ~e review~d
under Typ.:: .:I pFaeedure, iB aeeordan,,~ '/I:'-h fJtiele 3 ~fthe
SDG. ' ii
11.7 Thl ...:..:........ Denlopment I.rea for I\mR d~.;",,,,~~,,J nea shall
he S BeFe~.
l~Al The min.,,,,,,,,, size for Development f.reas may be I
redueed, if appF6ved by the DeveL.....,_..~ Serviees Direetor,
iB iBdividual iBstanees where insuffici..",;,,.,,,.,,,t land; ,
ownership p,.~"-.,,J, lot e~..f.",...-,.~~~..,-iIF-ill.t""'::"'.. ~"':.ffiug
uses prohibit eonsoli!iafton of pareels to aehieve a 5 aer~
DeyeL.....~..~ l\rea.
Amend Residential Element PoJicy and Implementation Action 15.1:
Development density may be transferred from natural assets
and recreational pathways identified in the Natural Ass~ts,
Open Space/Scenic Areas, and Recreation Element, or from
proposed shared open spaces, to buildable portions of tll,e
development area, provided that the gross density of the:1 '
development area does not exceed 20 dula, and the net density
en-to!::,: ~=:Jdable ..,.-;:~.. does not exeeed 25 do/a the maximum,
density oermitted in the underlvine zone.
Add new Residential Element Policy and Implementation Action 19.0:
Densitv bonuses allowed under Residential Element
Imolementation Actions 15.1 and 16.3 mav be allowed.
consistent with an aooroved Master Plan oursuant to SDC
Article 37 within the McKenzie-Gatewav MDR Site.
Amend Commercial Element Policy and Implementation Action 5.0 (revised since April
21,2003 Council approval):
- -_. ---'---._-~.----~. .._ .~u_ .' .....L___.__.._....,...'"
Provide for future aoorooriatelv olanned Mixed Use: Community)
Commercial and nodal develooment desi,!!"llated areas'iieigiiiloFhood
-- - -~ ----~-,:
..o......~.-~ial develapment in the Medium Density Residential
development are{ejist of Ga!i!~iin1i~a_~ witIliimeCitV Liinits a9
Page 12 of 13
Date Receiv~d:~/;~/.!ihL-
Planner: AL '
, ,
. ._..__..____~___..,_.__. . 'T'_ ... ""__
\ dieMckenzie"Gatewa~MDRs'ite asil!lmtifiedin TransPlan at:;
\ notential nodal develonment site.!l'} 1,
Amend Commercial Element Policy and Implementation Action 5.1:
No more thaB 3 aeres ofNClIges eaB be zOBed as part ofthe Medium
DeB9ity R-e.:,L,-<-:...1 area. This rezoBing shaD Bat b, A..;,lIved IIBal at"
least 25 pereeBt of the aBtieipated total dwcu:..,;;......:~s iB, the area OFe
eOB9truetcd. The Beighborllood.".......rcial area shall lie sited ina
, ,
10eaaoB tllat prcsentcd the lcast traffie, Baise, aDd lightiBg cODflicts
with adja"",~ ..esideDtialllses. (propertie9 iw/eDtoried i~ the Historie
. . - I
Resollrces Eleme,Dt 09 significaDtFe90llrees 'mAY b, "...,~,J to NC aDd
&Fe-~"......t from this provisioD.) Rezonin!! of land within the citv
limits aUhe McKenzie-Gatewav MDR site to Mixed Use Commercial
("MUC") and Medical Services ("MS") shall be allowedito imnlement
the Mixed Use and/or Communitv Commercial nlan desi!!llations.
Zone chan!!es shall demonstrate the abilitv to meet the demand for
commercial lands identified in the Snrimmeld Commercial Lands
Studv (SCLS) nolicv I-B. Commercial uses allowed in zonin!! districts
, nursuant to GRP Policv 5.0 above shall be subiect to Master Plan
annroval and shall be nlanned in a manner to minimize 'traffic. noise,
and li!!htin!! conflicts with adiacent residential uses. ii
Amend Transportation Element Policy and Implementation Action 13.0:
Future transportation system development in the McKehzie-Gateway
Campus Industrial and the 180 acre MDR sites should ti'ccur as
needed in conjunction with CI and MDR, MUC and MS'development.
Amend Public Facilities Element Policy and Implem~ntation Action 2.2: I
, j~
Require the consideration ofthe'use ofstonn drainage facilities that
store and retain runoff in the McKenzie-Gateway Camd'us Industrial
site, and within the citv limits in the proposed ]\ffiR a..,;;' ,_9t of Came
Farm Road Slluth McKenzie-Gatewav MDR Site. Req~ire the
consideration of the use and enhancement of natural storm water
drainage features as part of the overaU storm w"ater syst~ms in those
Page I3 of 13
Date Receiv~d:~/;;2../~'
Planner: Aq
~ ;f "
::~ >
~, ~
Ii TransPlan
Nodal Development Areas
for the
Eugene-Springfield Metro Area
10 AlllRiATRO
E1'r.~NE 41111'ORT U
Areas identified as nodal development areas are considered
to have potential for this type of land use pattern. Other
areas not designated for nodal development may also be
found to have potential for nodal development.
) (, :[4;,
~? '~ii
" ~*
1 mile
2 miles
Note: This map is illustrative and should be used for
reference only. The map depicts approximate location
existing and proposed public facilities and land uses,
December 2001
Map produced by lane Council of Governments
Date. f~eceived: )./IJ/iM'"
Planner: AL
Conditions of Riv~rBend
Master Plan Approval
6/19/2006 City Council Approval
As Amended by Ord. 6174 & 6175
6/19/06 Amended Master Plan/Zone Change Conditions
Page loflS '
. j;
Datel ~16ceived' )f~/~?
Planner: AL
1) . Condition of Approval: In order to protect the high natural resource values of this
portion of the site, the riparian area boundary in the northeastern portion of the p}operty shall be
redrawn to include the existing riparian and/or significant upland vegetation identified and
mapped in the McKenzie River Corridor Evaluation and mapped on the Master Plan Sheet 1.3.
The corridor width shall encompass the zone between the top of bank and the upland side of this
existing' significant riparian vegetation. . Ii
2) Condition of Approval: The adjusted overall riparian corridor width for the
property shall be a minimum of75 feet from the top of the bank of the McKenzi~ River,
with an average buffer of at least 100 feet from the top of bank of the McKenzie lliver.
The entire McKenzie River Riparian Area boundary shall be labeled accurately tin a
Final Master Plan document and appear on all future plans submitted to the CityJ; The
entire McKenzie River Riparian Area boundary shall be demarcated with a permiment
monumentation system or otherwise delineated with permanent site design featu~es, in a
manner approved by the City of Springfield. :~'
3) Condition of Approval: Removal of riverside revetment and other ripJian
restoration shall be designed to allow for additional future stream, stream bank, ~d
riparian restoration work, such as setback revetments placed upland. Such additi9nal
future restoration work shall constitute a Type I Master Plan amendment. !: '
4) Condition of Approval: 'To ensure the protection ofMcKenzi~ River ri~arian area
functions, regardless of whether the lot to be developed has frontage on the rived all future
development abutting the riparian area setback shall be subject to the requirement of SDC
. I
5) , Condition of Approval: Restoration! enhancement plans for the entire riparian
corridor width shall be submitted for review concurrently with Subdivision and Site
Plan applications. The details of the Riparian Restoration and Habitat Enhancerrlent
Design shall be reviewed upon submittal of Site Plan and/or Subdivision applications,
Approval of the plan shall include but not be limited to the requirement that the Ji
applicant includes cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa ssp. balsamifera) and ash 1;
(Fraxinus latifolia) in the riparian restoration planting plan, Cottonwoods may be
clustered in the northern, wider end of the riparian area. The planting plan shall also be
consistent with the revised proposal set forth in the settlement agreement betweeh the
Jaquas and PeaceHealth dated January 28, 2005. Additional conditions regarding plant
selection and placement may be placed on the fmal approval. ' "
6) Condition of Approval: All exterior lighting placed within 50 feet of a'b.y
riparian, wetland, or similarly protected area shall be equipped with full cutoff optics to
prevent glare. Light fixtures placed to illuminate the multiuse path within the riparian
area setback shall not exceed 15 feet in height.
7) Condition of Approval: The applicant shall modifY the Master Plan Phasing
Proposal Sheet 1.8 to include the installation of all riparian restoration as specifi~d in
Sheets LA.!, LA.2, LA.3, LAA and LA.5 and accompanying detail sheets, as well as
any additional landscaping as described in the revised proposal set forth in the Ii
settlement agreement between the Jaquas and PeaceHealth dated January 28, 2005, in
the in the initial phase of development. The completion of the restoration in the ~ite
Date ReC~ived:_'~l&/~
Planner: f,\L
. Ii
6/19/06 Amended MasterPlan/Zone Change Conditions
Page 2 ofl5
Plan Review area shall be' done prior to hospital occupancy. The restoration in tile
Subdivision area outside of the Site Plan Review boundary shall be completed Ot,1
bonded or insured through other fmancial security approved by the Developmentl
Services Director prior to fmal plat approval.
8) Condition of Approval: This Master Plan approval decision does not specifically
authorize any felling of trees from the subject property. A Tree Felling applicatibn shall be
submitted to the City concurrently with the Site Plan and Subdivision applicatiori~. A detailed
analysis and review of the applicant's tree felling proposal will occur at that time'! Trees within
groves included in the Natural Resources Inventory and those identified as Gate~ay Refinement
Plan Natural Assets will be reasonably retained consistent with GRP Natural Ass'bts
Implementation Action 8A.Mitigation of trees removed shall be consistent withl:the Springfield
Development Code and this condition. Detailed development plans will be reviewed when
submitted to determine whether additional trees can be retained in the area of the\proposed
O.C.V.! parking lot. Limited tree felling within the Douglas,frr grove 500-600 f~~t from the river
will be approved in the general location shown in the VegetationlRevegetation Plan to allow for
construction of the hospital in the proposed location, provided that: I:
. Replacement trees are provided such that the overall size of the grove, is pot reduced in
area. Replacement tree specifications will be determiried upon review of the Tree Felling
application and approval shall be conditioned to ensure that replacement!planting will be
an adequate substitute for the loss of approximately 33,343 square feet of canopy
proposed to be removed from the Douglas frr grove, !,
. Since replacement trees will not perform the same "older" tree functionslimmediately, ,
new plantings of trees and understory vegetation will also be required to 'rnhance the
existing grove. ' , Ii
. The required replacement planting shall be in the immediate vicinity of the grove and
extend the grove out along the river frontage. Ifsited to the west of the ~~isting grove,
the coniferous trees would serve the double function of screening the surface parking
from the river, 'as required by the Gateway Refinement Plan, i:
. Douglas frr and other coniferous species shall be included in the riparian:'setback
restoration planting such that the setback area adjacent to the, grove will ~xtend the grove
and maintain/enhance riparian functions. Extending the grove closer to the river would
provide a greater degree of riparian function enhancement. ' ' ii
9) Condition of Approval: Lawns which require routine mowing, irrigati~n, fertilizer, and
herbicide or pesticide application shall be prohibited in riparian areas SDC 32.119 (7).
10) Condition of Approval: Invasive plant species shall be removed to the ~eatest extent
possible and replanted with native and regionally appropriate vegetation SDC 31;i240 (3).
11) Condition of Approval: Avoid/reduce soil compaction to the maximuni extent
practicable and amend soils in all landscape areas with a minimum of 2 inches oi certified
c~mpost to moderate stoimwater flows, provide filtration' of ninoff, and promotei'groundwater
recharge (SDC 32.110 (5) and SDC 32.110 (7)). 1:
rI2)_JCo~diti;;; o"rApp~~~al: The City Council hereby iD.iti~tes th~'apPI[cat~~ of the Noda~.
t O,verlay Plan Designation a~!he el!tire!y' oftheMcKenz~ .G:a!eway MQ,R~Si!.e as identified in th{
LGateway,RefmementPJ1Ul. '.' ,
6/19/06 Amended Master Plan/Zone Change Conditions
Page 3 of 15 '
D~te Receiv~d: :z./I:t-~f
~. I I
Planner: AL Ii
13) Condition of Approval: To mitigate for the exemption to SDC 40.100(2) to allow the
proposed off-street parking lot to be located abutting RiverBend Drive, the Final 'Master Plan ,
shall indicate either building frontage or pedestrian amenities along the entire RiverBend frontage
of the lot containing proposed Building C. Acceptable pedestrian amenities are listed in SDC
40.110(7) and shall be selected with attention to providing screening of the parkmg lot from the
public rights-of-way and shall incorporate the acceptable pedestrian amenities SDC 40.11O(7)(b)2
and SDC 40.110(7)(b)7 at the southwest corner of the intersection, The Final M~ster Plan shall
also indicate that there will be a maximum 10-foot setback along this frontage a~d future building
design shall conform to the provisions of design standards ofSDC 40.100(1). "
14) Condition of Approval: In order to mitigate for providing an exceptio~, to the vehicle
parking and circulation standards of SDC 41.040(3) the standards of SDC 40.090 shall be applied
to the proposed parking garage #2 regardless of its location and the parking lot shown at the
southeast corner of St. Joseph Place and RiverBend shall be removed.
15) Condition of Approval: Any bike/pedestrian connection shown on the Master Plan that
connects one right-of-way to either another right-of-way or one or more of the multi-use paths
along the McKenzie River, MLK Blvd. or Game Farm Road South shall be constructed as an
"Accessway" in accordance with the standards of SDC 32.040. The paving width for these
facilities shall be a minimum of 12 feet.
16) Condition of Approval: The Final Master Plan shall include a direct a~cesssway
connecting the terminus of Cardinljl Way at RiverBend Drive and the multi-use trail along the
river along the south side of the htlspital structure.
17) Condition of Approval: The Final Master Plan shall indicate building ~nvelopes along
the full frontage of St. Joseph Place. Buildings within these envelopes shall create a continuous
building edge. The tinallocation of Buildings A and B shall be within the buildkg envelopes.
18) Condition of Approval: Buildings A and B shall not be setback from St. Joseph Place.
19) Condition of Approval: If phased development is proposed for the MDR area east of
Baldy View Lane, the initial phase and each additional phase must contain a future development
plan demonstrating that the overall minimum density of730 dwelling units for the Master Plan
area. If the entire Master Plan MDR area east of Baldy View Lane is developed 'in one single
phase, the minimum density shall be 610 dwelling units for that development. ~
19.5) Condition of Approval: The MDR property located at the southwest corner of
RiverBendDrive and St. Joseph's Place shall be developed with residential density of no less
than projected in the 1995 Metropolitan Residential Land and Housing Study, including the
proportion of units assigned to the adjacent former MDR property which was regesignated to CC
and rezoned MS in the 2006 'RiverBend Master Plan amendment (Tax Lot 100, Assessor's Map
20) Condition of Approval: Any future development applications for the RiverBend Master
'Plan development on MDR zoned property east of Baldy View Lane must contain an overall
public street and bike/pedestrian infrastructure plan for the entire MDR site showing a continuous
loop road as demonstrated conceptually in the Master Plan and must contain int~rnallocal streets
that connect to this loop road in a grid network. The maximum block length forithe blocks shall
be 350 feet as measured centerline to centerline. I;"
6/19/06 Amended Master Plan/Zone Change Conditions
Page 4 of15
Date Recei~ed: ~//1~9
Planner: AL
21) Condition of Approval: Accessways shall connect from the termination of local streets
in the MDR local street grid to the multi-use trail. I' '
22) Condition of Approval: Developments in areas zoned MDR shall comply with the
interior parking lot'landsc.aping standards ofSDC 16.I 10, A l11inimumofsevenfand one half
percent of the interior of all surface parking lots in the MS and MVC.districts shkll be landscaped
with large canopy trees (evergreen and deciduous) to provide shade and canopy ~oveiage for
rainfall interception to reduce stormwater runoff. Landscaped islands (raised, ldwered, or
continuous with surface grade) containing at least one large canopy tree shall bel'provided at the
ends of each parking row. The perimeter of each parking stall shall be no more than 45 feet from
an approved landscape area. Each landscape island surrounded by impervious strraces shall be at
least 8 feet in width, exclusive of curbs, with a minimum area of 120 square feet! Tree species
shall be selected to provide abundant shade, be heat and pollution tolerant and effective at
. . - I
intercepting rainwater and effectively cast shade over a majority of the pavemenf-
23) Condition of Approval: To accommodate required parking lot trees ~p water quality
swales, the Director may approve a higher percentage of compact parking spaces than the 30
percent allowed by SDC 3 1.190 (7) for parking lots that exceed the minimum interior landscaping
requirements established ill Condition 22. In addition, the required wheel stops 1nay be
eliminated when the planter is widened 2 feet beyond the minimum dimension ~d when a 6 inch
curb protects the planted area and/or sidewalk 31.190 (3). Ii
24) Condition of Approval: ,!nterior parking lot landscaping shall delineat~ and defme
circulation movements of motorists and pedestrians. To heighten entryway visibility and improve
parking lot circulation, an 8-foot wide landscape area shalf be located on both sides of a driveway
. l[
throat., I'
. ~
25) Condition of Approval: Riparian Area Planting Plans, Landscape PlarJls and
Revegetation Plans that accompany future Site Plan Review and or Subdivision ~pplications shall
include large scale coniferous evergreen trees (mature height equal to or greater'i:han building
height) to provide a visual and noise buffer between the riparian corridor and th~ developed areas
of the site; to provide wildlife habitat within the riparian area; and to augment the existing tree
groves with replacement trees to mitigate the proposed felling. The trees may b~ clustered to
retain, enhance and frame views of the river corridor. I[
26) Condition of Approval: The Final Master Plan shall identifY the ripari1m vegetation in
the northwest portion of the site. This area shall be evaiuated'bya qualified Ii
environmentallbiological specialist and assessed for potential impacts due to de~elopment,
enhancement potential and requirements, and long-term maintenance recomme~dations during
the required forthcoming Subdivision and/or Site Plan Review process. If it is determined by the
Director that it is not practicable to ,preserVe this vegetation, the vegetation may ~e removed, If it
is determined to be practicable the feature shall be incorporated into the site design. Preservation
of the existing riparian vegetation shall beeredited towards the required parkingflot and/or other
site landscaping requirements at Site Plan Review.
27) Condition of Approval: Any security fencing along the river frontage shall be designed
in such a way to allow public access to the river and to the riparian area as requJed by the
, . \ .
Gateway Refmement Plan. ,
28) Condition of Approval: Future subdivision applications for the Master Plan site shall
include 12 on-street (or bay) public parking spaces along Baldy View Lane and/6r the loop road
6/19106 Amended Master Plan/Zone Change Conditions
Page 5 of15
Date Rebeived'
,Planner:l: AL
, I
, east of Baldy View Lane to provide vehicle parking to accommodate citizens wJb wish to access
the McKenzie River via the riverside multi-use path. The general location and proposed number
of spaces shall be shown on the Final Master Plan. At least 6 parking spaces sha!1 be made
available with the initial Subdivision application. System Development Charge credits are
available for actual costs of improvements for these 12 vehicle parking spaces. Th addition, a
portion of the general parking lot shall not be restricted to "hospital use only" in ,~rder to provide
additional access to the trail. "
28.5) Condition of Approval: Subsequent to Master Plan approval or Maste~:Plan amendment
approval by the City Council, the applicant shall submit a Final Master Plan to tlie City.
Approval of the Final Master Plan by the Development Services Director shall occur prior to
issuance of Tentative Subdivision or Tentative Site Plan approval or amended TJntative
Subdivision of Site Plan approval for development within the Master Plan area. Ii
29) Condition of Approval: Parking garages # I and #2, located north of th~ hospital, shall
be constructed prior to Certification of Occupancy for the hospital. I,
29.5) Condition of Approval: The height of the proposed hospital shall be limited to
approximately 137.3 feet at the top of the building penthouse exclusive of the erJergency medical
helistop above the penthouse and HV AC facilities. :;
30) Condition of Approval:' The requirements of SDC Section 32.020 (l)(~) and provisions
ofSDC Article 37 notwithstanding, the Public Works Director may require that ~ applicant
provide a traffic impact study to eValuate the potential impacts of any Subdivision or site
development application within the RiverBend Master Plan boundary. The scop~ and content of
any such study shall be as specified by the Public Works Director. ii
31) Condition of Approval: Requirements of the PeaceHealth River Bend Master Plan Trip
Monitoring Plan as presented in Exhibit B-1 shall be applied to subsequent land-~se approvals for
the PeaceHealth RiverBend Master Plan property. Ii
32) Condition of Approval: The fmal Master Plan shall show the number and location of
parking spaces proposed to serve the hospital development. The number of park!ng spaces
proposed shall be consistent with the conclusions regarding parking demand pre~ented in the
. II
approved Parking Program Report. :
, i
33) Condition of Approv:d: The final Master Plan 'shall show the number Jd location of
parking spaces proposed to serve each non-residential site development proposed in future phases
of development. The number of parking spaces proposed shall be consistent with the conclusions
regarding parking demand presented the approved Parking Program Report. 11
34) Condition of Approval: For areas within the City limits, depict RiverB~nd
Drive extended northward to the intersection ofDeadmond Ferry RoadlInternati6nal Way
, and St. Joseph Place eastward to connect with Baldy View Lane. I:
35) Condition of Approval: Upon a fmding of a demonstrated public ,purpose Jr as part
of a land use decision, the City may acquire right-of-way for RiverBend Drive northward
to the intersection ofDeadmond Ferry Road! International Way, PeaceHealth will then
construct RiverBend Drive northward to intersect with Deadmond Ferry ;,
RoadlInternational Way intersecti9n. In the event of such acquisition, PeaceHe~th shall
reimburse the City for all acquisition costs, court costs, relocation assistance and
Date Fied~ived: :;.!;J.~'1
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acquisition fees. To the extent that such improvements exceed the capacity required to
support the approved Master Plan, System Development Charge credits shall be available
as described in Sections 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 of the Annexation Agreement entered into
between the City of Springfield and PeaceHealth dated 5/29/02. To the extent ilikt
Systems Development Charge credits do not fully compensate PeaceHealth in the manner
described above, PeaceHealth may utilize the reserve strip provisions set forth iIi' SDC
Article 32 to recover such additional costs. Construction of the street connections shall
satisfY the obligations of Paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of the 5/29/02 Annexation Agreement.
Prior to the City's acquisition of the right-of-way n",cessary to construct these off-site
roadways, PeaceHealth may submit development applications that rely upon alternate
street connections to meet the transportation circulation needs of the proposed !'
development. However, once the right-of-way necessary for the RiverBend Drive/St.
Joseph Place extensions is acquired, any such development applications may be ~ltered as
necessary tbrough the City's application modification process to show the RiverBend/St.
Joseph Place extensions. The street connections shall then be constructed by peateHealth
as described above.
Prior to issuance of Final Site Plan Approval for the hospital, the applicant shall sign a non..
remonstrance agreement covering improvements to the sections of RiverBend DTive described
above. It is understood that said improvements may be constructed tbrough a Local Improvement
District, Reimbursement District or other such reimbursement arrangement.
Contributions by PeaceHealth made tbrough a reimbursement district that results in the full
construction of the above describ6d street extensions shall satisfY PeaceHealth'siobligations in the
above paragraphs of the Annexation Agreement. "
35.5) Condition of Approval: The RiverBend/St. Joseph Place intersection shall consider a
range of alternate intersection forms and shall be constructed with underground conduit crossings
of all approaches that are adequate to accommodate future traffic signal facilities.
36) Condition of Approval: The planned loop collector street serving the ~ast MDR zoned
residential area east of Baldy View Lane shall connect to and form the east leg of the proposed
Deadmond Ferry RoadlInternational Way intersection. Any alternate alignment-'shall be'
processed as a Type I Master Plan amendment pursuant to SDC 37 .060( I) wheti' reviewed and
approved by the City during a future Site Plan Review or Subdivision applicatioh.
37) Condition of Approval: Direct vehicular access to Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway
shall not be shown on the approved RiverBend Master Plan. The number, location and design of
such driveways, if any, shall be determined during the Subdivision and/or Site Plan Review
process for specific developments within the RiverBend Master Plan area.'
38) Condition of Approval: Direct access to St. Joseph Place shall be regdlated within the
designated retail node area. The number, location and design,of commercial sit~ driveways shall
be determined during the Subdivision and/or Site Plan Review process for specific developments
within the node area. "
39) Condition of Approval: Consistent with SDC 32.080 (2) the proposed:direct access
locations on RiverBend Drive are approved as follows:'
a) Proposed driveway to Parking Garage #2 located 250 feet south of St. Joseph Place-
Access shall be restricted to right in right out movements o'1ly. "
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b) Proposed access to internal driveway serving Building C located approxirhately 300 feet
south ofSt. Joseph Place - Full access with all turning movements allow6d; this
driveway shall be relocated southward to align with the below described driveway on the
east side of RiverBend Drive between Building D and the North MOB. I,
c), Propo~ed driveway on the east side of RiverBend Drive between BuildinJ D and the
North MOB - Full access with all turning movements allowed. II
d) Proposed driveway on the east side of RiverBend Drive located 400 feet ~orth of
Cardinal Way - Full access with all turning movements allowed. I'
e) OHVI and Emergency Department driveway opposite Cardinal Way - Full access with
all turning movements allowed, ,:
f) Central entrance/exit driveway to the large (employee) parking lot on east side - Full
access with all turning movements allowed from both sides of the street. I';
" " I
g) All other access points onto RiverBend Drive - The size, nature and location of the
access shall be determined during the Subdivision and/or Site Plan Revie~ process.
40) Condition of Approval: Except as otherwise conditioned in this decisio~, the number,
location and design of access points for commercial sites within the RiverBend Master Plan area
shall be determined during the Subdivision and/or Site Plan Review process. ~i
41) Condition of Approval: In accordance with SDC Article 32:020 (10) (b) (4) the
applicant shall execute an Improvement Agreement for full urban improvements illoni the east
side of Game Farm Road South abutting the site. :i .
42) Condition of Approval: The width of proposed on-street bicycle lanes ~:hall be not less
than 6- feet. i
43) Condition of Approval: The wid~ of motor vehicle travel lanes on proJbsed public
streets shall be not less than 12-feet wide unless otherwise approved by the Springfield Public
Works Director. In no case shall motor vehicle travel lanes be less than II-feet wide. Master
Plan Sheet 2.2a shall be revised to reflect the street cross sections shown in ExhiBit B-2. These
designs shall be considered conceptual until public improvement plans for the subject facilities.
are approved by the City. 'I;
44) Condition of Approval: The proposed right-of-way for Martin Luther King, Jr. ,-
Parkway shall be sufficient to accommodate a median at least 8-feet wide througJ!out'the section
within the RiverBend site. "
45) Condition of Approval: The iuverBend/Cardinal intersection shall be s(mstructed with
underground conduit crossings of all approaches that are adequate to accommodl!~e future traffic
signal facilities. " Ii
45.5) Condition of Approval: A straight roadway alignment shall be depi~ted for Baldy
View Lane. Proposed RiverBend site driveways taking access to/from Baldy View Lane
shall intersect the street at right angles. Ii
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46) Condition of Approval: The final master plan boundary shall include the St. Joseph
Place and RiverBend rights ~f way ex1ensions as well as all private property depi~ted in the
master plan amendment plan, including the MDR south of St, Joseph Place and tlje MDR area
west of the SUB facility, I:
47) Condition of Approval: During the Site Plan Review process the applidlmt shall
coordinate with Lane Transit District regarding paratransit services, Ii
, j,
48) Condition of Approval: For any future traffic analysis submitted as part of a
development application on the PeaceHealth RiverBend site that identifies a need:for and
proposes improvements to the Beltline/Gateway intersection, the proposed,improtements shall be
consistent with the preferred alternative designs contained in the 1-5/Beltline Road Interchange
. Proj ect Environmental Assessment. . ' I:
49) Condition of Approval: The Final Master Plan shall show a conceptuali future
accessway connecti<?n through the MDR site at the southern end of the property t9 a suitable
public right-of-way. Any future' Site Plan Review application or Subdivision application shall
. _ - - . v
accommodate thiS accessway. ii
50) Condition of Approval: A bike/pedestrian connection shall be establish~d through the
LDR property owned by PH between the MUC development and Deadmond Ferry Rd to provide
access between the MUC retail areil and the Campus Industrial area and adjacent' residential
properties to the north. The FinaJ<Master Plan shall show this linkage. The fmal location and
construction shall be a component of Site Plan Review for the structure identifiedl'as Building A.
51) Condition of Approval: The Final Master Plan shall indicate that the bitycle/pedestrian
path that connects the river multi-use path to the Maple Way/Baldy View tenninus is constructed
with the initial phase of development. ' ii
52) Condition of Approval: Future connection to the McKenzie River multi~use path shown
on the Bicycle Plan needs to be accommodated at th~ southeast corner of the MD~ area east of
Baldy View Lane. Provisions for this connection shall be shown on the Final M~er Plan and
implemented through a reservation or easement dedication during Subdivision in the MDR area.
, " I"
. 53) Condition of Approval: The routing, design and construction of the multi-use path and
other pedestrian paths within the riparian area shall preserve and protect the ripariim area natural
functions to the maximum extent and balance the need for recreation with resourc~ protection.
The multi-use path shall be located along the outer edge of the required riparian afea away from
the watercourse (SDC 31.240 (2)(g)) except as follows: ':
. The multi-use path shall be routed a minimum of 25 feet outside the canoty drip line of
the existing tree groves in the northeast portion of the riparian area; as shown in Master
Plan Sheet 1.5a and in confonnance with the recommendations of the McKenzie River
Corridor Evaluation. ',:
. The final alignment of the multi-use path shall be established after a detailed site analysis
oftopography, location of trees and other riparian vegetation and other existing
conditions. Ii
. All paths shalI be routed to avoid significant impact to existing tree grove~ in the riparian
area; to promote good visibility for safety and security and to provide ample access for
public recreation. . 1t
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. The route(s) shall be staked in the field and approved by the project arborist and an
authorized representative of the City of Springfield prior to approval. Any routing of
utilities in the path easement as allowed by SDC 31.240 (2)(g) shall be done in a manner
which avoids significant impact to existing tree groves in the riparian ar~a.
54) Condition of Approval: Provide 7-foot wide PUE's along all street fro~tages except
where additional easement width is required to provide minimum separation distimces between
utilities. Site-specific locations requiring additional easement width will be determined based
upon utility review during Site Plan Review or Subdivision Tentative Plan Review applications.
During future Subdivision and Site Plan Review applications in the MUC and/or'INDO areas
particularly along St. Joseph Place in the MUC area, alternate means of providing utility access
should be explored to allow for minimizing building setbacks. '
55) Condition of Approval: During the Subdivision and Site Plan Review processes for
. future site development, PUEs will be required within the development sites astransformer
locations are determined.
56) Condition of Approval: In the hospital, provide a Rescue Air supply SYstem, or a
functionally equivalent accommodation that is acceptable to the City of Springfibld Fire Marshal.
This system or functional accommodation will be capable of charging firefighter self contained
breathing apparatus or otherwise provide an approved air supply for firefighter usage in the event
of an emergency response to the hospital. This system or functional accommodation will be
located in stairwells or as otherwis~ directed by the Fire Marshall. This conditio,n of approval
shall be implemented during the b'uilding permit review stage ofthe project.
57) Condition of Approval: Provide equipment caches in stairways of high-rise that contain
fire fighting equipment to be used by fire crews. This condition of approval shall be implemented
during the building permit review stage of the project. ::
58) Condition of Approval: Install and maintain rappel anchors on the roof of the structure
located in accordance with Fire Department Operational needs. This condition df approval shall
be implemented during the building permit review stage of the project.
59) Condition of Approval: Provide access to and install hardened surfac~s capable of
supporting the imposed load of the ladder truck at all outside corners of the hospital and Medical
Office Buildings, This condition of approval shall be implemented during the building permit
review stage of the project. Demonstration of Fire apparatus access to these areiis shall be
demonstrated on the hospital Site Plan Review application. '
60) Condition of Approval: Establish a one-time training budget to train the City's fire
personnel. This training shall be specific to high-rise and high life hazard properties including
sufficient overtime funds to pay for replacement of personnel when attending th~ training.
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64) Condition of Approval: Unless otherwise approved, on a case-by-case basis, and at the
sole discretion of the City Engineer, all publicly maintained sanitary sewer facilities shall be
located within street rights-of-way, or in public easements immediately adjacent to the right-of-
65) Condition of Approval: The Final Master Plan and the Subdivision Tentative Plan shall
demonstrate how all of the parcels within the Master Plan are provided with sanitiuy sewer
service in a manner that is consistent with the City's design for the Trunk Sewer that is being
extended to serve the Gateway MDR area. The sanitary sewer service shall be designed to
minimize the number of service connections to the Trunk Sewer, Prior to or concUrrent with the
approval of occupancy permits for any permanent structure within the Master Plan area, the
Applicant shall design and construct a Trunk Sewer line within the alignment of $t. Joseph Place
and River Bend Drive at a size, depth and location sufficient to provide needed capacity and to
connect to those segments of the Trunk Sewer that are being constructed by the City.
66) Condition of Approval: <;:onsistent with the provisions of the May 29,2002 Annexation
Agreement between the City and p'eaceHealth, and concurrent with the construction of the
Cardinal Way extension, a public sanitary sewer main shall be installed within drdinal Way and
shall extend to the westerly boundary of the Master Plan. This public sanitary sewer main shall
be of adequate size and depth to serve the contributing sanitary sewer basin to th~ west, shown as
Basin 6 in the Sanitary Sewer Study prepared by KPFF, dated September 2003. "
66.1) The Final Master Plan shall demonstrate how the northeasterly MBR area, as well
as any abutting andlor tributary lands, can be provided with public sanitary sewer service.
The Final Master Plan shall also show the boundaries of the lands that can be served by
gravity via the City's existing sanitary sewer service and the boundaries of those' lands
that will need to be served by a future sanitary sewer lift station, as well as a proposed
location for the future lift station and proposed routing for future pressure and gravity
sewer mains needed to connect the lift station to the remainder of the public sanitary
sewer system.
66.2) Prior to or concurrent with Site Plan Review approval for any of the lands within
the northeasterly MDR area of the Master Plan that are within the servic~ area of the new
sanitary sewer lift station, the applicant shall design and construct the new lift station and
associated gravity and pressure mains located outside of the boundary of-the Master Plan,
In the event that the City Council determines that it is in the public interest to construct
the new sanitary sewer lift station and associated gravity and pressure m~ins prior to
receiving an application from the applicant for Site Plan Review approvl!l within the
northeasterly MDR area, the applicant shall pay to the City their share of the cost within
60 calendar days of receiving written notice from the City requesting said payment.
66.3) The cost to design and construct the new sanitary sewer lift station and associated
off-site gravity and pressure mains shall include all costs necessary to bring the lift
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; 11
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station and mains into service, including any land acquisition costs and attorneys' fees.
The costs for providing excess capacity in the lift station and associated ~ewer mains to
accommodate the off-site tributary areas are eligible for reimbursement and/or credits
pursuant to the City's current cost participation policy and Systems DevJlopment Charge
. '
(SDC) credit methodology, The applicant's share of the cost shall be proportional to the
projected population that Viii! be served by the new lift station based UPo? the service
area determined during the approval ofthe Final Master Plan andby utilizing the
following average population densities: I'i
I Zonin!!
I CI within tloodway areas
I CI outside of tloodway areas
Averal!e Population DensitY
30 people per acre ir
50 people per acre
14 peoyle per acre
20 people per acre
67) Condition of Approval: The applicant shall demonstrate that all anticir.ated wastewater
discharges will be in compliance with applicable discharge limitations and requir~mei1ts as
stipulated in Chapter 4, City of Springfield Municipal Code and the Industrial P1!~treatment
Program Administrative Rule 4.0503 prior to each Final Site Plan approval for all non-residential
building construction within the Master Plan boundary. i! '
68) Condition of Approval:. Storm drainage design shall comply with the most recent
edition of the Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures (EDSP) ,and Standard
Construction Specifications at the'date of Site Plan, Subdivision, and/or Public I~provement Plan
application acceptance. ' Ii
, I~
69) Condition of Approval: Unless otherwise approved, on a case-hy-case ,basis, and at the
sole discretion of the City Engineer, no water shall be allowed to be discharged iAto the proposed
open" drainage wayJocated in the eastern basin without first being treated per EDSP Section 3.00.
. . . ' I
70) Condition of Approval: All infiltration facilities shall comply with EDSP 4.16, EDSP
3.03.4, the requirementS of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, arid the Oregon
Administrative Rule 340-44. [I
71) Condition of Approval: All proposed water quality BMP's shall includ,~ pretreatment,
meet stormwater quality design standards outlined in EDSP 3,00, and; at the direction ofthe City
Engineer, shall be modified as necessary to adequately protect the City' s ground~ater.
72) Condition of Approval: The use of pervious pavement will be limited \0 non-vehicular
areas only. In addition, the City Engineer may limit the use, location, design, and types of
pervious pavements within the Master Plan to protect groundwater and other nattiral resources
and assets. . ii
73) Condition of Approval: The applicant shall provide a revised StOrlIl Drainage Master
Plan as part of the Final Master Plan review that analyzes the capacity needed fo~runofffrom the
MLK Parkway and Wayside Lane area. I:
74) Condition of Approval: Following accommodation of the stormwater f(,noffwithin the
public right-of-ways and all tributary off-site basins, including th~ balance ofthe:'tax lots 100 and
200 on assessors map 17-03-22, the MLK Parkway, and the Wayside Lane area, individual site
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plans must limit discharge.to a proportionate share, based on acreage, of the total, remaining
capacity of the two existing public stormwater facilities in Deadmond Feny Road. The Final
Master Plan must include the analysis for proportionate shares and set the discharge rates based
on the proposed lot layouts.'
75) Condition of Approval: Except for those portions of the Master Plan arb that are
served by open drainageways in addition to treatment swales within parking lots,i'a minimum of
85% of the non-building rooftop impervious area for each Site Plan shall be treated for
stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods, or other methods that may be deemed
equivalent, on a case-by-case basis, and at the sole discretion of the City Engineer. The Final
Master Plan shall designate the areas of the Master Plan that are subject to this Condition.
76) Condition of Approval: Infiltration facilities shall not be permitted under paved
surfaces, within public right-of-way, within public utility easements, within drip lines of all
protected tree groves, within riparian areas, or within] O-feet of any proposed buildings or
property lines,
77) Condition of Approval: The maximum allowable discharge rate for the Western Basin
at the RiverBend site shall be limited to 45 cubic feet per second (cfs) until downstream
improvements have been made that modifY or remove'the restriction. All future site plan
applications within the Western Basin shall include a storm drainage report accounting for that
development's runoff contribution, as well as other preceding developments, and calculate the
capacity remaining of the original 45 cfs available from development within the Western Basin.
Accounting for the additional 7.81lcres for the North Campus and associated rights of way, and
using the approved flow restriction of 0.55 cfs per acre within the Western Basin, ,the capacity of
45 cfs will be fully developed when approximately ]04.5 acres of the Western Basin's total of
] ]2.9 acres has been developed. That is, 8.4 acres remain undeveloped (] ]2.9-] 04.5=8.4) until
downstream improvements are completed. Downstream capacity improvements ~eeded to
accommodate development that exceeds the 45 cfs available shall take the form of City-approved
Public Improvement Projects. '
78) Condition of Approval: The stormwater runoff associated with the western basin of the
Master Plan and its tributary areas to the west and south shall discharge into the City's existing
stormwater system in Deadmond Feny Road. An acceptable preliminary design of the new off-
site stormwater system needed to connect the Master Plan area to the existing CitY, system shall
be determined prior to tentative approval of the first subdivision application for any land within
the Master Plan boundary,
79) Condition of Approval: Pursuant to the Annexation Agreement between the City of
Springfield and PeaceHealth, dated 5/29/02, the proposed eastern basin open draU;ilge '
conveyance system shall be constructed by the applicant and accepted by the City 'prior to or
concurrent with any tributary development approval. The design must be consistent with SDC
32.] ] 0(7) and must be constructed completely to existing storm water facilities or fo a new
discharge point in the McKenzie River. The applicant's design team shall include'a qualified
envirorunentaVbiological specialist and the design must be assessed for potential ubpacts due to
future development, grading within the floodplain, fish habitat and riparian requirements,
potential wetland impacts, construction requirements for sustaining wildlife habitat, and long-
term maintenance requirements. The City of Springfield reserves the right to utilize peer review
of the conclusions and reconunendations presented by the applicant's design team., PeaceHealth
shall be responsible for all work and fmancing associated with the design, construction, and
permitting of the conveyance system, including all costs associated with obtaining ,easements.
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System Development Credits for the off-site construction of this drainage system will be
available consistent with the 5/29/02 Annexation Agreement.
80) Condition of Approval:, All development within the Master Plan boundary shall be
constructed in compliance with SDC Article 27 with respect to flood protection. :For the purposes
of this Condition of Approval, the base (lOO-year) flood plain shall be taken as t:h~ 100-year flood
plain identified in the Corrected Effective Model (CEM) in the McKenzie River Floodplain
Assessment prepared by David Evans Associates and dated November 6, 2002, 0; the FEMA
Flood Insurance Study for the McKenzie River, whichever shows the greatest extent of flooding
impacts. ' ii
81) Condition of Approval: RiverBend Drive shall be built to the 500-yeaf floodplain
elevation from the intersection ofMLK Parkway to the hospital. Game Farm Ro~d will be
utilized for emergency access from the north and south during the 500-year floodl;events. The
Final Master Plan shall demonstrate how emergency access from Game Farm Road to the MLK
ParkwaylRiverBend Drive intersection will be provided at the 500-yr floodplain ~levation as part
of the development of the initial Phase of development of the Master Plan. ::
82) Condition of Approval:' In the event that compliance with the conditio~s of approval
contained herein results in modifications of the applicant's Conceptual Mass Grading Plan such
that the City Engineer determines that there may be a significant change in the impacts of
flooding, the Final Master Plan shall include a revised McKenzie River Floodplam Assessment to
address the potential flooding impacts resulting from those modifications. It
, ,
, I'
83) Condition of Approval: The project construction engineering team shall include a
geotechnical engineering firm which will be required to have a 'representative on-site to observe
trenching, excavation, cut and fill operations during the development of the projett as may be
required by the Public Works Director or the City's Building Official. :;
84) Condition of Approval: Prior to approval of each site plan associated with future phases
of the Master Plan, a geotechnical evaluation similar to the Phase III Geotechnical Investigation
and Seismic Hazard Study, submitted by Foundation Engineering, Inc. for the strJlctures
associated with the initial phase of construction, shall be submitted for review and approval by
the City of Springfield. These new studies shall provide geotechnical design crit~ria, feasibility,
and recommendations for the construction of each of the buildings associated with the Site Plans
for future phases of development. '
85) Condition of Approval: Prior to approval of the first Subdivision application within the
Master Plan boundary, the applicant and the City shall enter into an agreement pr~viding for the
long-term access and maintenance of the proposed public landscaping areas, publIC access ways
and paths, and open public storm drainage systems. "
86) Condition of Approval: The Site Plan submitted for the PeaceHealth hJspital shall
implement the noise mitigation recommendations from the BRC Noise Analysis, demonstrating
, that the noise associated with the cooling tower is mitigated properly and that it is"in compliance
with DEQ regulations. '11
87). Condition of Approval: Unless subsequent noise assessments are appro~ed at Site Plan
Review, the p~o?osed heliport associated with the PeaceHealth hosp.ital shall onlyi:be used for
. short term actIvIty and shall not be used as the home port for the helIcopter. J
Date Received: zf!(}-9-tJ'1
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88) Condition of Approval: Prior to Master Plan approval, PeaceHealth shall consult with
Willamalane and shall submit to the City an assessment of the need for the publid' parks and
recreation facilities. The assessment shall be prepared by a landscape architect of other qualified
parks and recreation planning professional. ::
, ,
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