HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 4/27/2009 . . :~l{1lf _ GUAkD PUBLISHING COMPlNV I: ~?'lJtJ~{- /{/d, ~?sq(5 P,O, BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 ,~fb~(j-lf~16Lf EUGENE, OREGON 97440 I' ~g~ 4196804 Notice Legal Notice Advertising '. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATTN BRENDA JONES CC LESLIE WILSON 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss, I, Ghio Imburgio , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as;defined in ORS 193,010 and 193,020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) in the following issues: April 11, 2009 ~ ,. U/ .-./ , - Al Subscribed an\d affirm~~!9"6e jis AP~~1009 / :-//O/l"Y\(7/ /, (j!j/_~ ~h ;' Notary Public o(Oregon My commission expires: December 15, 2012 Account #: INVOICE Case: Amt Due: 1000218 4196804 April 21, 2009 $214.92 i!' I' ji Ii i 1-. T-" ",;.:::_-:".~=-7~ .' . _ '~_~DATE,:;'T1ME;":AND)LOCATlON J--.l"~i;l,OF SFRrNGFIEl.D.7i""~ OF.~THE;;;HfARINGS,:~;'Planillng-. ~~~ ,/' OREGON'"'' "'~4 ":f'. coinmisSJcin:APi'i1 21;'2009,~atthe' :,p~DEVE,LOPMEHT ,SERVIC~...:_~ _ hourfot~~7:00 :p.m.;. CU::y'~Coijncn: ,,)t:!i"I!"\'';;OEPARTMENT~' IJ:.if. \ Mayll1f/i2_009\at'the'hll:~r.:o"'7:!HI ;iJ,~~UBlIC HEARING NOTICE:,~':, p.m.' AIl;lleiiriiigs!tiijbi!!coiiduct: :;;!,.,~,CITY OF SPRINGFIELD""": ,I, 'ed:at:SpringJield.City1Hall Coun. Jl,,;;" ~LANNING' COMMISSION tI~ j rei!}: Chamliers,":22_5 ~ F'tfth~ street, ,,~~ ._';:h, AND CITY COUNCil::,. ,c.'" l Sprin!Jfield;~oregon;~i.<i,[.fr:':;..~ ~J,cASE'NUMB~:1~20~.OOOOl' }~i"AD~ITlO~~-: ~~!NFOR~l"19N_: ~ APPLICANT: City of Spnnglield 1 I,The 1 applicatlo~;-:-: ~1 ,_documents I '.INATUB~ QF,TH!,~Pp~lfAI19N:, ~d~e-vNenceT,~p_in'tt:!~dl~y:orIori ~ry.elTlentnPI~!f.:Amendmentll !1iehalf,of'tlie {applicant ;andHhe Post-ACknowledgement :!f;"-'1~ plan I . appli~t1on i critena! are ~ avallab.l_e A!n~, n,~I!I,"~ ,Prop.,sa1 .;;,W ,i,ill1P",'e-_ l~fP_r lin,SPed i,- n,at, ".c,_;,y- '~,',Hall: atino_ m~nt _~a'k!Nooal~Develo~ment costa,nd: wilr be ,provided "at'.-a <n:erlay{;District,fOri-a:p~rtron.of ~asOnable cosl':Sevenli:lays:prt- the ,Gat~w._~~ ,_Refi, lnement, plan, ar~ <or ~ to \Jhe" hearin!i',a-~Co,_ '~py 0, to the ea.''''iv.:hrch ,!r!lclud_~'t tl!e~ Sa_cred Ista~<OHeport._ wilb~~~ .similarly "t!~M1I~ei:J!ear~_Center~and eam- available. The Plannmg1Com-iiliS:' p~Zifhers~~ie~~~a-liSHdentJ-_ ~si?ri .di!Cision ~_ ,advlsory~to' tile fi~d,'lrJ.i.t~e~~~p!~!~~\~1an City _Council. /I.nd.the,citylCoun- alid,JransPlan,as:afs_ite,thatmay cil action wll1 constitutethe,flnal. ~j.pprilp~ate'ifo:r:.~od1lrd~i!jnil' dei::islon"on this propoSaI:Ji~,i)-.~ tiO!l~':~irh.e, ~N~I, 0_D, eveloP"m"ent _CONTACT, 'PERSO,", :!An, d", Urn- pv~aY~IS<:a~..:!ide:ntifie(Jiiri:,the blr:dat (S4I) n6:3781:sendwrit! a~opted1:t;l:Inc~p~a.I,'}.);D.~velo~', te!lJeS!i!T1'Ony,_by :re9ular;i'nail. to:_ ment Plan for.the subject area}':;-;! D~eloprrient1tServices"; Depart. ~/~!T[HQ~~qtUSE5:~Undeny~ . ment/;lCIty't of~Sprin!ifield,~225 109" aonrng ..:.J~i$ict..tJ?;.(~DR,J i RftMS!re~'Springfield,~Oregon_ M~LC/~~~~{ CC)ti 1s lu,', 'h,an, :ng~i:e I, ~74.7, 7; ;r'J o,r i1l! by ",,\ email ..".to:_ Howeyer;'" certain ~ uses j' listed:'in " aliinblnl@Ci.springfield.or :US; ~ or Springfield J: Oevelop:l11ent:: COde attend':" the 'meetings ',' and ~ state ~e:ctIll.!f-3.H~10._B'are,p'rohiblti!d your r'vi~;~Ptease '.referenc_e In lUte: N/l.da~,~evelo.pl!lent \ oy~r': PI~n!li~g ,Case_l~~)1WI~09001;on I~y ." Distnct;. ' rndudrng ~ but r not_ ai_I iwrftten ~ testlmonyi'o The ~ he~r~ Il~~ed~ :to :.'vehicle~and""heaVy lngs1will'.be'~cOnducted,injaccor~: ~ulpme-:rt: Silles,~rental_s,'seivlce; dance with"SDe Section 5.2-10D:lfl and parts stores.,\~1~~:.i:it-,:;Il"'~, ;C!FAILU_RE'TO:RAISEISSU~'F;ijr- q:APPllCABlfJI~CRtTERIA:~;ln ure"Of an isSue to be fciised a~_ the ~.ilc~[ng:_~J dec.lsi.o~.~on . !~~e, ~7, h~ilri_~g~; _In: p_~l"SOnor,bY, letter ,~or tJons,:. the ~ Plannrng I, Comml~sl_on mlure;. to,1 provide 1 stateme!rtS' OX and:, the\ CItY') Coiinci.1 ~- shall; aJ:Iopt evidiiilce: Suffic!ent' to~afforil ,the fi.l!d/n~;tha6demoliStritejcon: declsioIiJnaker.,aj,""":opportiJilttY .to furma,~ce, ~~. the. f~II!>~lrig: ,:p ,The ~~p~M'~ !ii':~~hl!' isSU~?- prel:1ud_es ,M~roj~I~;12)!App!u;ab!~';~~tate appe.!llto)he_~~~iU~'Board of. i ~t~e.s;~iand~3)Ii1Apphcapte App~I~.on tha! ~e.--,'i.tr,",~r1l-~, Stat_~wld~~~~n~l~grG~and ,,%~ ~i!",t<-fU~t",i,~~;:<i;,~)i_~,:j,~ i '~nlstratt'~ RlIles.'.iil~:-lf.';ff, .. ~No.4196&l47 APril 11. 2009 ~'~l "",.SUBJECT~''iPROPERtV-<-,,~OCA. ""....... ....,.,..--...... ~q"" :noN:'f Aff_ecteO :iare~'i, I;:; loCate<i. ilo~,of\-fesid~n_~a,I:propertles::on Wa~ide_, ~.Loop;.)I: east~of;~ Game Farm) Rl:jad;;' west 'of] tlnl; McKen- ~ie:; Riv~r. 'land~. SoUth 'i of :~Oead': rriOndF~tr Ferry:tWRoad?~Map 1 hO~714'QO.~:lTax',' Lo~ .tl9<lD;;; and Map-.;17-0~~2'00,~Tax .ILots~-100; 200.1:1Ij903;",:j904;\:'j.340F34D3'<~.& 3f~(to:ooo;'~~~};rlr~~!',,":'4':"~ -.-. ]-----....-...~n-...~ . Ii' OFFICIAL SEAL .' '. TAMARA ANN CLARK . '\ ./ II' NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON ..... ,COMMISSION NO. 435086 , . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC, IS, 2012. --------- ~._-_.._'~--- I ' - . I: " 1~7~;.~ Ii t I . Date Received: Planner: AL