HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 5/11/2009 I i I I I L1MBIRD Andrew MOTT Gregory Monday, May 11, 2009 7:33 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IllilpLEMENTATION I' Sounds good; you probably should include the NDO does limit some uses based on inconsist~ncieswith the intentofthe designation. . I! , 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: I: .1: Ii II I' Further to Gino's request, I drafted the following paragraph for the AIS: Ii Upon implementation, the NOD designation will allow for a greater mix of housing types J~d slightly higher dwelling densities (12 to 24 units 'per acre) in areas zoned Medium Den~ity Residential (MDR). For ~roperties zoned mixed use or commercial, the NOD designation will provide for higher floor area ratios (FARs), enhan~ed pedestrian and transit ~1 ' facilities, and special development standards for buildings fronting onto public streets. I: I, i: II Ii II " From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Friday, May OS, 2009 3: 14 PM To: MOTT Gregory Subject: FW: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Let me know what you think. Thanks Andy From: GRIMALDI Gino Sent: Friday, May OS, 2009 2:52 PM To: SOWA Amy Cc: UMBIRD Andrew; MOTT Gregory; DONOVAN James; GRILE Bill; MARX Sandra Subject: RE: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Andy, II Everything looks great. I was wondering if it would be possible to include in the AIS a brief description of the impact of . I implementing the NDO district. .' ': 1) " Thanks, Gino From:SOWA Amy Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 1:02 PM To: GRIMALDI Gino Cc: UMBIRD Andrew; MOTT Gregory; DONOVAN James; GRILE Bill; MARX Sandra . Subject: RE: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Gino, This is ready for your review for the May 18 agenda. Amy 1 Ii 'I Date ReceiV~d: 5/ /,Jvv1 Planner: AL: I , " I I From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:33 AM To: MOTT Gregory; DONOVAN James; GRILEBill Cc: SOWA Amy Subject: RE: DRAFT'AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Importance: High :j II it' , Thanks' Greg, I have looked over the edits and made a few minor tweaks to ensure the AIS fits on one page. It should be ready for Gino's review. S:\AIS\2009-CounciI\2009-0S-18\RS DSD Riverbend Nodallmolementation From: MOTT Gregory Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 5:19 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; GRILE Bill . Subject: RE: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Ii 'I Ii I' II II Ii !I I made some changes to the AIS and staff report; I made the ordinance title on the AIS the s~ime as the Ordinance; I II changed all acreage references to 168from 170; that's about it, but look at them then forward to Amy. Thanks, . {, Andy, gmott From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 05,200910:00 AM To: MOTT Gregory; DONOVAN James; GRILE Bill Subject: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Importance: High Ii , I' " Ii 1: , " i; The AIS, staff report, and attachments for the May 18'h City Council meeting are available fol review here: S:\AIS\2009-Council\2009-0Sc18\RS DSD Riverbend Nodallmolementation Ii , i' I' I have added a few sentences outlining the verbal testimony submitted at.the PC public hea~ing, but I haven't made other substantive changes to the staff report. The draft ordinance is being reviewed by Joe ~nda final version will be . r inserted when it's complete. II ;i Andy I: , -II 2 I II .1 Date. ReceiJ~d:4/// J<'o9 Planner; AU / ' Ii L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: . Subject: SOWAAmy Thursday, May 07, 2009 1 :07 PM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Andy, Since this is just .the first reading of the ordinance, I have scheduled the second reading and adoption for June 1 under ,I the Consent Calendar for now. Let me know if that works. Amy From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:33 AM To: MOTT GregorY; DONOVAN James; GRILE Bill Cc: SOWA Amy Subject: RE: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Importance: High Thanks Greg, I have looked over the edits and made a few minor tweaks to ensure the AIS fits on one page. It should be ready for Gino's review. S:\AIS\2009"Council\2009-05-18\RS DSD Riverbend Nodal 1m ole mentation From: MOTT Gregory Sent: Tuesday, May 05,20095:19 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; GRILE Bill Subject: RE: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT" RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Andy, I made some changes to the AIS and staff report; I made the ordinance title on the AIS the same as the Ordinance; I changed all acreage references to 168 from' 170; that's about it, but look at the,[11 then forw~rd to Amy. Thanks, gmott From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 10:00 AM To: MOTT Gregory; DONOVAN James; GRILE Bill . Subject: DRAFT AIS AND STAFF REPORT - RIVERBEND NODAL IMPLEMENTATION Importance: High The AIS, staff report, and attachments for the May 18th City Council meeting are available for review here: S:\AIS\2009-Council\2009"05-18\RS DSD Riverbend Nodallmolementation I have added a few sentences outlining the verbal testimony submitted at the PC public hearing, but I haven't made other substantive changes to the staff report. The draft ordinance is being reviewed by Joe and a final version will be inserted when it's complete. ' Date ~ecejved: ~/7/Jn.1 Planner: AL Andy 1