HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 3/24/2009
L1MBIRD Andrew
MOTT Gregory
Tuesday, March 24, 20099:48 AM
L1MBIRD Andrew ,
FW: Springfield PAPA 001-09: Amending Gateway Refinement Plan
_ i'
A~~ I
, . ,
Go ahead and place the email train from Ed into the record. Wherever your staff report mJntions correspondence or
comments from the public and interested parties be sure and identify that DLCD reviewed this proposal and had no
comments. ]1
gmott ]1
From: Ed Moore [mailto:ed.w.moore@state.or.us]
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:40 AM
To: MOTT Gregory; MOORE Ed W (OR)
Cc: UMBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: Springfield PAPA 001-09: Amending Gateway Refinement Plan
Greg, ,;
your correct, Gloria's comments are directed at Exhibit B. Given your clarification, ~e have no comments on
the proposed PAPA. "
Ed Moore AICP
So Willamette Valley
Regional Representative
DLCD Springfield Office
644 A Street
Springfield, OR 97478
ed.w.mooretalstate.or.us wWw.oreenn.eovfLeD
>>> On 2009.03.23 at 15:47, in message i:
<CIEID2BFDOE40040BA6444 74C38411 A6D5AOB78801@spifs030.Springfieldl.tiet>, MOTT Gregory
<gmott@ci.springfield.or.us> wrote: . I:
lTlfaIlks [orthe/lPPCl!tunity!Q'feview dipria's comment~,'I'ci:i.:1iSs~g heT c01I1II;1~ntsare Qirected at E.~bit1
Il3ig,9!!1:nit~c~~ofI[~9P..oSe<l~5~J1weht.'Thlitexh!blt!s,,~.2~d,inance:ad,optedby~olllcil in 2005 as part of,
fa remand.orden:Q,~xJ-:.lJBA.o~nl.:tproR()~a!Jo ~n4:the Gateway.Refi!1.e!!l.~.r!.tElanJ.to liIJ()\V.theQev~eI()P.!!l.e1ltJ
II /. .I
1 DatE! Received: 3 .7'(/;2&tJ?
Planner: IAL I
",-" ~-- ',..'" __":,;~"~>-*****'C"~'-_~*_**:*_' _..___*_,iflii~::,_---:,~"~.__,.l~".,__*",.:..~,_ _~, " ~ . _., .~_.,
:6fth~RivefBend:clll11P!l~:W~'r~ notpIClp'osing.to ch,allge'anyofthat,~)f(nnance; "';r provided it as context to
:the one policy in that documentthat requires trus siie,to lie redesignated; for nodaldeyelopment.Wearen'ot i
;proposingtochangethe,distribfiiion .0ftheunderlYlpgzonjngnor,are weprtlp6singt6'"Cliange the permitted .
:usesexcept to proliibits91l1e c()pPiercial activities that are, currently permitted butliWill be pr?hibited upon
redesignationas nodal overlay: "Th'ililks again. ", " 'J. .'.' ." .
Greg Mott. ., .~'
, ~ c+';'''!.'*; @
I o. ~ -*. ' '-' " _ ;'0, .,"" \ )t
, "" "', --.m ' ~ -~ +""1"" - ^ 'j'
From: Ed; Moore [mailto:ed.w.moore@stat~.or.m;] ,
'Sent:Monday; Marcp23, 2009 10:3 lAM . ,''.
,To: MOTT Gre 0'." . ,,. ., ' ,
;Subject: Fwd:S~r~lifieflpAPA'00i;Q9: Amending 'q'!teway Refrn~ii1yhiRla:;"
['- \i,.~;1) "~~-.;!: " " - " - . -::", :,:' ';' ~"-) - "'
Greg, . "..
I " '. . " '" . .
"1, ",'M~;'A~",,--"',"_- - ,0"';'0""':;" t'J:..,:> -',,^,j:1':~\""-4c... .",\", " ~~"l" ",..,'h'-:J"'"~* ,'. , ,
'As wediscussea;;let me laiow ifyou'would.likefueto submifthese suggestions'as;jJait. of the official record.'
don't see any of them as deal' stoppers; but per our IJO. surprises agr~errienf iu}d ii~.t!'n 'the. late. date that I '
. ',1*' _"~'A_._,.___..''',}, _ .-'n",""': , . ~*.--'~'''''''0p>%lJ. 'HI-f' .
received, the!llTdOli':'t f{el:W.~ife~ato'subIl).inh~m'i~cth~y~o,uldq~lay;youI adoptign;. , ' .
i. "" r ",-,' 'r ", :p:dt;; , j-'""'f ''''',v'"
;Ed;:, . '> <~~l~;;~~'~t~/~~~~::~ 't ".c; ::::, . i~,~,7:~:~.
'Ed Mo~r~ AIel' er':'~'F",,'F'" F." -"tr::"':"
:So Willam~tte Valley ., ' ,r .'
:Regional Representative' " +,.':
DLCD Springfield Office '~: F
'644 A Street'". ,< ':f" C',' e r
. "'1 .
- . . . ),' 1
:Spri.ngfield, O~'p7478i""h I
971.239.9453" , .. , eM"
ed.w.moore@~tate.ori"us<rriailtb~ed.w:rh'o~r~@s~te:~r.u~:I":;":''. f" ,
~"reg"" g"""~Q<h':II~""re~,""/L~;: < .,; , :'" < <l"'~'f'" . . .
~i" ::;;;;;;;~';~~::'.:::::;~;;;~::;;_":t;l:ri~ C~;~.':' .1
;My cOmmeIlts:are:ontheamendIDe,nts B., [ lis a' ,suggesteddeletion;a:Suggested additiori'is in :
i5?ld;,~\;:j':"~3~;::':5':;;'" ;;',.'~' ",:.,:,;' ~';:~'~/~::l~:i~:'.:: ," '"':~
Residential Element'P'olicyand Implementatiol1 Actions'::",' e:> . C " .. ,,:1
;Action 2: r recomlhendi"revising' as follows to ensUre'consistency w{ti{ Goal ,I O:.Housmg, O:AR660, division'
:8; and theneeded)ipl1sillg statutes in Of,Sfhapter (97:, .,-'.' ..'.y;j , ',~'::T;;;'?:"., e l
r~- ~~ ,\"'::'" ,~,.,"~ ";,t~'-6<:>,;~.::_~,,;,s~'~'~::;~." ,.'l1:~"~,'::,~'~;~LY--'-"" "-;~~,<_:~g!~"",,, ~""l ," \t~J;"'::,:':'~)~~l<' / ',,;~'.,= " . 'j
f"Ensure availabiliti Clf [adeqiiate] need.ed supplies ofland fQf low-;'medjum-,',atidliigh;.density fl;sidential,. ,f
ideY~16pme~t ~~I~~IOWin;,.foi~~::;~:'~.;~te mix ~~~9~:rciat e~~)9yment~id(eSidentia: us~s." .
tAdeqiia~e!: is!oo yague'a!id undefine~. This policy ,sh9uldQe clearly consistent ,~ith Spnngfield's , .
'obligation to ensure ),supply ofhll1d in the .UGB to meet the housingn.eeds of all of its residents according :.
(ii~ h~OUSing}~~~t?~,~;~alYS:~*:fr', e " ,e: ::::L, ".,. )~~\F '., . '. I
IAction 1.~&:. 'I recommend ievI~jpg"tK~)<i!>!septe.n~easfollows for SQp~j~~11'Sy.,~h_t1j~_gQal) O:!:Iousil1g,_:i
2 . II
Date Received:
Planner: AL
~ ^~ t"-
";.." ,,'.-
0'1.z.>o ,
P1R61;b;~diii,'l!O~]~ail~i:ili11~~edel~o~ing s~tu1esTri 6RS~ chapter:T91/'c~~~ "~ -~";
,~:.' .:;~,;:;\:';.:.';:':j\;;X:';:?G:;:~-;j};/(i-;;_D:~: 't+: ',. .,",_ -, :',y".:'i _ _ _ _ - , - ", __'. _ ,,_ " _ _ _ _ ': __ _> ~~:- ,::;:,_;~,,\:> 'I
:"In addition to" meeting the ~tandardsof the SDC, at the time of Master PIan appioyalr tile Cii)rCouncil may i
attach specific conditions on'iilldevelbpinent within the MSor MoCi'ori~sii1clud;rlg but not limited to !
"building height and setback~, .The .sta}1dards, conditions, and proced~efor ~ee'ded housing shall be clear .
land objective ahd shall'riot have. the effect, either alone or cumulatively,:ofdlscoullaging needed housing
,through unreaso?able'costordeiay.'!.'~" ." :c,c"Cdcnll~. . .
lThis PO~iCY should ~ake clear that there is a l~ton the standards ah~;~:k(li'ti~;;;"tat City. Council may
, _" -. ".. '" '" . " .". . ...." _" '.:., . . .~ .,-,,",r '" _ . ,.
:impose on approval of needed housing in this plan area. As written,it suggests thar th(: city may use any
;st'!lldardS and i~pose any~~ndition:;n needed hou:ing,qevelopmeqt.J > "Ii,.
!Action 15. I: Asdrafted,thi~ '~'qensiiY transfer" provision decreasis r~s;dentiaI ~e~ityon development sites
;that contain natural resources err 'opeirspace. The" policy provides that housing units may be moved froin
;unbuildable Go,~r 5 res01lr~e!~eiis"r79~ea~io~aIpath"w~ys; or shaf(ldfpeIlispace; t~b~ildable afeas of the
:development, at the same maxImum denSIty as the base zone. Ho.wever,JlItless,tht: CIty re-zones more land'
! _ --' .. _'-'- -... ..,',,'-. ',"-,'.. ," _.;, ", ","""' "- ,. '''''f~}' f . <<'. '~""""". >- ..' '.",; .'.... ". . ,':'. : '",' ,,' '.dL "_~ .. .M "".'
in ,the dexd,?pin~l!-t area to Jesiqel)ti<!l;, there is no pl~c~Jo,'put the)ransferred liiiits;~ the buildable part of the :
'site'can cirrrently'be;developedup to tI1e maximuin density for, the basezone3he:bnIy way to truly" transfer:
~dei1sity fromo~epttofakit~.to.u;,otheristo taketh~,~;UcMated ri~ber;6fuhits~futilieunbuildable area '
': _, ':':j,- -1' >,y> sf"'~<::-_:i_:":+~:,:'"::::f#"':': "i,:i;, '-, ";':', ,"':'~' : i. '. ~ij:i:;"",,,,,,!y_>d;'::-:,::T;-'f/{~: j.::: ." \i "_" ;',' .: " :':' <:
'and transfer tl1e!ll'tocthe'Duilqable';"are,a;"wliich int;,ans:alIo\0rigCa)iiglier'density in th,ebuilgable portion of
i:~~i~~~~~~' ;l%~~~f~;~~jJ:~~~)~~ :a~n~~~~~~~6lt~~W~::S~~~~'~~n~~8~:~r:~e~:S~'~one I
:stapdard.tm~i~ what~om:cities'!yn~re~lations do.H"'''' 1":"':" -' . !
" l"~ :i}1hl'" . ,~\ "', ~ r;;""
"":%',~:" !
> rty,'" ;
, '. v:;//0+t;~:'A\".?;:_,'". :.::" ,
,Gloria Gardinerl Urbaii;Pljlnnih!rSpe:ciaIist,
,Planning ServiceSDivi~iori" ~="' '~I" 'I \ I-'
;Oregon Dept. of.r;an~""C:9g~erVaiioll~i!Pd Development,., ..,'% . Id' :. ::!
,635 Capitol ~1:re-eiNE"SI!i!e;1501,Sa!~il1; OR 91301-2:~.40='=""=:~:i:;,
Offjce:(503}373-0050 ext.282,1 F~": (503) 378-5518'.'" ",w'",;
· gloria. gardii1er@state:of .Us~ln<rilib! glpga. gardiner@stiiie:gf.lis>
. " " -',,~ "". .,i'"."'"y,,:,~,~.,,-- . . ,:-i""":,.h,x,,;+"_:"('; :.F'--P"" ':"'."'.:, '.' ". __'" u; "Y'''.:
, l~:Q[~gO!(gQyi'LCJ:)<htti:J://www.orel!on:l!ov/LCD~..",.:",;,~~...:2..!
Ii ;>/; . /
Date Receiyed' i;~/~7
Planner; AL
L1MBIRD Andrew
MOTT Gregory
Monday, March 23, 2009 10:38 AM
L1MBIRD Andrew "
FW: Springfield PAPA 001-09: Amending Gateway Refinement P'ian
And~ i:
The comments below are a response to the,information we provid~d to DLCD with the nciti~e; these are from Gloria
Gardiner. Let me know quickly if you have any concerns. II
From: Ed Moore [mailto:ed.w.moore@state.or.us]
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 10:31 AM
To: MOTT Gregory
Subject: Fwd: Springfield PAPA 001-09: Amending Gateway Refinement Plan
As ~e discussed, let me know if you would iike me to subinit these suggestions as p~ of the official record.
don't see any of them as deal stoppers; but per our no SUlJlrises agreement and given the late date that I
received them I don't feel the need to submit them ifthey would delay your adoption!!
Ed Moore AICP
So Willamette Valley
Regional Representative
OLCO Springfield Office
644 A Street
Springfield, OR 97478
~d_w_moorefa)state.or.us I www.ore~mn.Q"ov fLCO
>>> On 2009.03.20 at 12:26, in message <49C38B8A.6954.00FC.0IaJlcd.state_or.uJ~ Gloria Gardi~er wrote:
;HCEd~ Sorryilly,cciiillrt~Ilis<iresolat~;Monday 3/23:istheJax de~dliIle. - -1--
t . J_ ".~om', ;',~ ~ }, "d'" ,~;~~, :~1'-_~;-~:::-~:': _,:-~ ,-"'- " ".-~ :'A)>.", "~t";_-': :' ~::~/, ' ,,'" t_ '
iMy commentsllreontheamendw_el1tsin f:x1Vbit };3., [;,l is a sug'geste~ de]etion;,a ~~ggestedaddition is in
[bold. .>;\ \ - , . - --II
i . , .~i,.'..__.. ","
"" "~_";--_:' t( ~~- "
Residenti~"Eiemeni'policv.aIid Imnlementation Actfo'Ils.
Date Received'
Planner: AL
3/.73/ .)LxJt;
, /
. .
.~ ..~. -,. ~"'''' "N",'"'''' '~', W,~,.,,_ -~--oT:>',~-" w'~. '-,_ ._, -. ",'-::" . - ... ,~ - ~.~_,;:;I'\-':w~y~~~,~~~~,,:_,:_;__~,__--,w*_~,w,"'''_~'~~,~-'-- ._-C'~'-'~-:
Action 2: lTecorirmendrevisirigas,[cilIows,to'ensure consistency:with(]oal'10:Hotising; OAR 660, division'
i8,ahd the:nt:gil~dholislfilfSfut1it~S!iri ()l~S"ch~pt~i,)9!:;;i '",' " '.",; .'J' '. I
"'::I;;;:+~';(_:':~~",,, ,_,_-~.::,:,\_, ,'~I :'~~:->i; -;i-;';,:""":;:;~-Y::":>::;l:"~-:"'-{', _ ,,' t
'iEnsureavailabi~ity.oD[a4equateJneeded .s~pplie~ Of lang/pi 10:V7, medium-,andbhig117?ensi~ residential
;development while';llIowmgfor an appropnate mix o[col)l1Ilerclal, emploYl11entand.resldentlal uses.i'
~ ' -?; (:'f.;"~:i.-" r;': -,~>,;,s:"cl'f:,':~' "'''','... ' . P.. __ '-c,:,: :~_i;~<>_>~,,;,, ',<_ ~;; Jfi:".':;~
, . ,', _ .'. .,. .' .:' w -,," <',: ....:,' "'_' '1. - >_'" "'.,.": ".' .', ... "".I"""'",r, ,."'~;~"'_,,"Y'o' - "
'''Adequate:' isJoo yagueand unaefmed: This p~liC"yslioi.&fbe clear1ycon~lstentwithSpringfield's
1. .,,- ,-" "','.. ",,-" '0:':,"":" _",. -"-:"-', >!."-cc.-- ,',~. .....~., _'_;::'_'_' ,",,"_'''', ::'_ .,'~. _",__,,-,,""" .,~::.a e."" _,,"
obligation to ensUre a supply ofland intheUGB tomeettl1e housing. needs of all qf its'residenFs according ,
to itshou~ing hindneedsall~~~is.' .. '; . .... ... .1 '. '. . .
,Action 12.6: I ieCOInII1endre~ising, thel~t sent~riceas f61i;wsifor consistency ;i~~ the Goal'lO:H.ousing,
OAR 660, division 8;' mid the neeileilhousing statutes)1l.0RSchapter 197:' ....,1. ,
!', /,-'<" ~,^,~,/:~~J~:;:'>;,-~:\.:-, <'~~~;~:','4',~"'", -:~>;T-' ,-_,',_ _. -.. _, ',1'~:,~" "':-~:L ,,- j " .. "~
i"In,addition to,ll)eeting.t)1e.standar4,sbfthe SDC, at the time ofMasterPI~ appro~al,.theCitYC;:ouncilmay
attach specific conditjons on all.develoP!llent witllint~~M~ or}vlYC;: ~on:sinclud~ng but not liInit~d to
9uildiltg iI.~ight and;~etbacks. !Ii,~ s~andl!~ds, c~n~itions, and p~oced;ur~1!oi~eededhousing shaII.be . . I
;cIear. and'.ob j ective;tnd.'shaU not,h~ve' the.'err,~ct~~~t~~.;<~1!l1l~.9~.c.Il11.';!a;i;~.I~;f?fd~S~OU~l!~ill~.'lleede.d '
housmg.through.unr.easo.l1able. cpst or Ilelay., ,.....:."". ..,. .', ....~........, . .,
iThis policy shouldmake.clearthat ~ere.isaJimit!?:nth.eWrAll.4,.ard~.ai1d.conditions that (';itY; COlm.cil may. .,
!impos~ori'approvi?.1 ofneeoedhousifig'inthis plan ro;~a::e.:.s.~tt~?,,it suggests.thaf.t?c ci~[nay.use.any
!~~dardsan9 ,imp~sieJ:~:c~:~:iti~~Si~.~..lle,eded.h?,~:~~~;~eIO~?~nt'. 'ti'. ..... .:.~:;i{c. ..... w." . .;'
Action 15,1:. Asdrafted,Jhis"densitytransfer"provis!o!i de.C('eases residentiali:l~iisj.iYor 4.evelopment
;sites that contai!l'llatIra!'resOlirces oi:open space. The policy'provides ,that )1oysil1g units may be moved . I
from unbuildable Goal'Sresourceareas, recreational pathways, or shared open space, to'buildableareas of
:the development, atthe same maxilluIin:;de11$ity as the b~e zone, ,However, l)hles~: the~ity ~e~zOl;es ~ore
hmd in the i1evelopmeritareaito residential, there is no place to put the transferred'iinits; the buildable part of
,_ ". !tn","
the site can currently be developed up to the maximum density for the base :lone. Tihe only. way' to truly
transfer density from one part(jfasite fa another isto,takethecalcuiatea numbeI-: tif units for the .
,unbuildable area andtrarisferth~m to tl1ebuildable area, which means allowing a Higher densitym the
.buildable portion of the'site'(re.';clustering th~~l1owed'housing OIithe buildable p~rtionof the site and .'
;jJreservingthe unbuildableportions fr~mdevelopmellt),'sotlJat the site's pveral1 dJl)sity.doesn't .fall'below
.thebase zonestandard,i,This'iswhat somecities',PUDiregulations.do.' ., II... .
L' -, < . - - --__'''_/'~-,,--;'<",''-,f>-:'~: /"<;:;'1"'': --\_0-J;L<'1f~~S>_~;~-L_<i"1Lq~",/ - _ j--;---
~. "5 ~/ K, 0'/:0 :
r,-., _ -~ "_~_r '", ~,,{~"~ ::,~ _' ..', _ ", _ ""..'-
iGloriaGardinel'l Urban Plamllng'.Speciali~t.
'Plani1ing,Services'Division'. .,. .
bregon Dept. of LaJ1d.9oll~ervati6nandDevelopniellt.r:/""
63SGapitolStie'et'NE,Suite' 1.S01 S~le!p, OR 973 Q L~2S40i..i
;9ftlce: (S03)j73-0050'ex'C2~~.IFax:; (S03) 378-SS1 8 ,"
l!loria.2:ardinei!aJ$tife:oLus.l.wWw.6reion,!!OvILCD' " ,
Date Rebeived'
P " .
lanner;ll AL