HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 4/6/2009
L1MBIRD Andrew
Allen Johnson [alj25@qwestofficenet]
Monday, April 06, 20092:29 PM
L1MBIRD Andrew
Re: EMX environmental assessment
If there's no opposition, then don't bother.
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:19 AM
Subject: RE: EMX environmental assessment
OK I will print them out as time permits and insert them in the file.
On a side note, do we have any particular reason to expect there will be an appeal on the N'odallmplementation or is
this just a precaution? Thanks
From: Allen Johnson [mailto:alj25@qwestoffice.net]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 5:24 PM
To: UMBIRD Andrew; MOTT Gregory
Cc: GRILE Bill; Bill Van Vactor
Subject: Re: EMX environmental assessment
Andy, et al.: In order to be able to use it if there is an appeal, we'll need the complete hard copy of the EA,
including appendices. At the public hearing, you have to wheel the hard copy into the hearing room and let the
deciding body know that it is there. We'll have quite a few 3-ring binders by the time:.we are done. The same
documents can be used for different proceedings, but they have to be "placed before"the deciding body at the
appropriate time in each proceeding.. A typical hard-copy record for a UGB expansion runs to several
thousand pages.
Gre_oory ;
Cc: GRILE Bill; Bill Van Vactor
Sent: Friday, April 03, 20094:25 PM
Subject: RE: EMX environmental assessment
Gentlemen: I have inserted a hard copy of the Environmental Assessment in the Riverbend Nodal Development
Overlay file, but to save paper just the two-page list of Appendices with a written notation ;'Incorporated Herein by
Reference". If you would like the Appendices included in their entirety, pl~ase let me knoW., Thanks
From: MOTT Gregory
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 3:23 PM
To: 'Allen Johnson'
Cc: GRILE Bill; Bill Van Vactor; UMBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: EMX environmental assessment
Date Received: 0 ~_1
Planner; AL /'..,
Thanks;AI. I'm forwarding this to Andy Limbird, assigned planner, so that he can act on yo~r recommendations.
From: Allen Johnson [mailto:alj25@qwestoffice.net]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 10:38 AM
To: MOTT Gregory
Cc: GRILE Bill; Bill Van Vactor
Subject: EMX environmental assessment
Just took a look at the environmental assessment for the Gateway EMX. The whole thing can be downloaded
from L TD's website and should probably go into the record of the Riverbend Nodal Development amendment
as well as the records for the TPR amendments and maybe the UGB adoption. You c.an find it by following the
EMX link on your department's web page. Chapters 3 and 4 mention that the EMX preferred alternative and
the Riverbend Master Plan implement nodal development and the alternative measures requirements of the
TPR. See, e.g., - Cumulative Effects .
Date t~eceiJed:
Planner: A~,
fh/Jh 7 .
L1MBIRD Andrew
L1MBIRD Andrew
Monday, April 06, 2009 11 :20 AM
'Allen Johnson'
RE: EMX environmental assessment
OK I will print them out as time permits and insert them in the file.
On a side note, do we have any particular reason to expect there will be an appeal on the N&dallmplementation or is
this just a precaution? Thanks
From: Allen Johnson [mailto:alj25@qwestoffice.net]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 5:24 PM
. To: UMBIRD Andrew; MoTT Gregory
Cc: GRILE Bill; Bill Van Vactor
Subject: Re: EMX environmental assessment
Andy, et al.: In order to be able to use it if there is an appeal, we'll need the complete ,'hard copy ofthe EA,
including appendices. At the public hearing, you have to wheel the hard copy into th~ hearing room and let the
deciding body know that it is there. We'll have quite a few 3-ring binders by the time We are done. The same
documents can be used for different proceedings, but they have to be "placed before" the deciding body at the
appropriate time in each proceeding.. A typical hard-copy record for a UGB expansiqp runs to several thousand
To: MOTT Greaory ; 'Allen
Cc: GRILE Bill; Bill Van Vactor
Sent: Friday, April 03, 20094:25 PM
Subject: RE: EMX environmental assessment
Gentlemen: I have inserted a hard copy of the Environmental Assessment in the Riverbend :'Nodal Development Overlay
file, but to save paper just the two-page list of Appendices with a written notation "Incorporated Herein by Reference".
If you would like the Appendices included in their entirety, please let me know. Thanks'.
From: MOTT Gregory
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 3:23 PM
To: 'Allen Johnson'
Cc: GRILE Bill; Bill Van Vactor; UMBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: EMX environmental assessment
Thanks, AI. I'm forwarding this to Andy Limbird, assigned planner, so that he can act on you'r recommendations.
. i
From: Allen Johnson [mailta:alj25@qwestoffice.net]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 10:38 AM
To: MOTT Gregory
Date ReC~ived:~~of
Planner: ~L
Cc: GRILE Bill; Bill Van Vactor
Subject: EMX environmental assessment
Greg: !
Just took a look at the environmental assessment for the Gateway EMX. The whole thing can be downloaded
from LTD's website and should probably go into the record of the Riverbend Nodal Development amendment
as well as the records for the TPR amendments and maybe the UGB adoption. You dill find it by following the
EMX link on your department's web page. Chapters 3 and 4 mention that the EMX preferred alternative and the
Riverbend Master Plan implement nodal development and the alternative measures requirements of the TPR.
I. ffi "
See, e.g., - Cumu atlve E ects
Date Received: 1p&1
Planner: . AL