HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 6/12/2009 ~~"'-""""""DEED-81'&lU1DR't_ . .;1;1- 2aJ:::I.~ .. I. ES, NO PART QIF NN ST'EVEHs.NESS FORM MAY BE REPRClOUCt:::D IN ANY fORM OR BY ANY ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAl.. MEANS. e 1oC.'. 'I /' Division' of Chief Depuly Cle~k --.. Chanlin McCown Lane Counly Deeds and Records 200i.OA~i20 :Jb490 Jasper Rd ,g ~ _~::~~~r~~ 8 ~l'l~Il~~Jl(~WWllUWJ"'I.1111I11 $31.00 .%2 N 42n{l S t 07/10/2007 _~J1rin.giie]d. Or 97478 RPR-DEED Cnl:l Sln=& . 10:OB'13 An -~--- $10 00 CASHIER 07 ' ._: $11.00 $10.00 ':ff.'~P\lIR.J6t-.aCo~fIClRl1..MD.Ofl Abr~NtJJ:mto{....~ZI1'); 57th St Prop, LLC 362 N 42nd St Sorin2fie1d. Or 97478 RECORDER'S USE WiDless my hand and seal of County affixed. F u o UIIIII _". . _____....lIOm ."... '. to(NelNl.~ZIp): ---5..7I'h. Sr Pt'nl) u,r 362 N 42nd St Spr1ng!1eld, Or 9/4/~ NAME TTll..E By , Deputy. I Chanlin McCown WARRANTY DEED - STATI1TORY FORM conveysandwarrants~_...2.2t.P. St Prnn. T.r.r..: an Oreaon limited liahilitv,comnanv Grantor, " Grantee, !he foUowing described real property free of encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein, situaled in ..Li> n p County, Oregon.-IO-wil: Exhibit A (IF SPACE lNSUFFJCIENT, CON'T1NUE DESCRr~ ON REVERSE) The property is free from eneuml._._~, except (if none, so Stale): Countrywide loan #031257774 The true consideration for this conveyancc is $_-=0- Other orooertv or value . (Here, comply with the requirements 'of ORS 93.Q30.) BEfORE SIGNING OR ACCEI'T1NG THIS INSlllUMENT. THE PERSON TllANSROR- RING ROE TITIf SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS. IF ANY. UNOER CHAPTER 1. OREGON LAWS 2005 (BAllOT MEASURE 37 (2004)), THIS INSlllUMENT DOES NOT AllOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSlllUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LANO USE LAWS ANO REGUlA- TIONS. BEfORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSlllUMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING R:E T1TIf TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPRD- PRlATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING OEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. TO OETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOR- EST PRACTICES AS OERNED IN OAS 30,930 AND TO INOUIRE ABOUT THE RIGIITS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS. IF ANY. UNDER CHAPTER 1. OREGON LAWS 2005 (BAllOT MEASURE 37 (2004)), L STATE OF OREGON, County of A~ L- . ) ss. ;: This instrument was ocknl>wledged before me on __~3 - () "l . - 'J' by-Llt1O,V\\,'h--Mc. CO\.lJi'I _Ui:U~ I"\\:I\,;CIIVI:I '. This instrument was ocknowledged before me on . DATED ,j ul 'i' zoc-"f ' h sed' be ' ed d' seaI'f ' i :.+----=------+---: 1 a corporate grantor. It as cau Its name,to sign an Its . I any, affixed by an officer or other person duly authorized to do so by order of its board of directors, A~.4'C_ . Cho.V'lln Me CDvJi\ ~ by as of__ JijN--~.- . OFFlClALSEAL \ i NO~~I~~~N '. COMMISSION NO. ~ln4S MY COMMIS&lON EXPIRE8 MAY 2., 2011 --?P/nlt a. ~al Submlttar--' Notary Pu?Ii~ for o.:egon L _ 2'" ") f, , My collllllJSSlon explfeS _ J '1' ~ fd./( ,.~. . . " . EL T . 42339 Pap 1 ofl Legal n......:...: ". " ,',i,:" Exhibit A " ~ ..- c~..:--,:.... at a point in the ccotc:r ofComrty Road No. 452, said Point of'RP.gi.ming being on the West line ofD .,,,,.:.:..... Land Claim No. 61, ToWDShip 18 SoUth, Range 2 West of the ,. Willamelle Meridian and 1580.0 feet North of the S...L.>I....:.COI'IUlr1hereof; lhimccdue East 20,0 feet to l1li iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right-of-way; tIumco due East 374.4 feet to an iron pipe; 1hc:ncc North 350 35' West 289.0 feet to an iron pipe; 1bence due West 206.9 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road rigbt....!'..ol> 1heuceilue West 20,0 feet to the . r. of CowIty Road No, 452; :-.... due Soulh alcmg the .-:'_w of said Comrty Road and.the West line ofDomltion Land Claim No. 61,235.0 feet to the Point of B.: 'g. in Lane Cotmty, On:gon; EXCEPT that portion described in deed to Lane Comrty, a political L 3i ,:"':on of the S1ate of OrcgonRecmdedJuoe 9,1966, .......,.:..No. 50258, Lane Comrty Oregon ReConis.. ALSO EX~= ....-10 THEREFROM that portion _.~ "J-.! to Lane Comrty, by instnuneot Recmded July 31, 2000, Reception No, 2000.043640, Lane Co1lllty Oregon Records. .~ : Date Received: JUN f 2 2009 Original Submittal . . I~ . ----. ---_..h~_ .. c:i '-' ~ 1= c z << -' :z ttl lli ~ DONALD L MCCABE 362 N. 42ND ST. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Grantor's Nam~ and Address CHANLIN MCCOWN 725 SOUTH 57m STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 GrlUltee's NllIIlt amd AddrtSS AfterrTCO~",lul'llto: EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO, P,O, BOX 931 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 UnW a cbanJt Is nquestfll. 8U tax A3tements AWl be R11ttothtrDDo~~. SAME AS GRANTEE " ~00J.068~50 111111111111\ 111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31,00 00461974200300688500020027 07/25/2003 01: 18 :37 PI1 Division of Chief Depw~Y Clerk Lane Count.y o..ds and Reeo,.ds RPR-DEED Cnl~1 Sl":8 CASHIERi08 S10,00 SII.00 S10.00 TITLEKO. ELT-42339 i':SCROW NO. SPU3-155SO TAX ACcr. NO. 0560928 MAP NO. ~ Z <l: E; <l: WARRANTY DEED, STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORA nON) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, TIuu DONALD L. MCCABE and CHERYL L. MCCABE, husband and wife lIereiTUlfter called g1YUUor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, to grantor paid by CHANLIN MCCOWN hereinafter called grantee, does hereby grant, bargmn, seU and convey unto the said granlee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, thai certain reoJproperry. with the tenements, herediJamems and oppurtelUJRces thereunto belonging or appertoining, siluated in the County of LANE and StlJJe of Oregon, described asfoUows, to-wit: 'SEE ATrACHED EXHIBIT "A" To Have and to Hold tile same unto the said granree and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. And said gramor hereby covenants to and wilh said grantee and graJitee's heirs, successors and assigns, that grantor is lawftdly seized in fee simple of the above granud premises, free from aU eMumbrances except 2003-2004 Real Property Taxes, a lien not yet due or payable. Subject to any and all easements, restrictions and covenarus 01 record and thot gramor will warrant and forever defend the said premises and every part and parcel thereof against the lawful claims and de11UlJUis of aU persons whomsoever, except thos~ claiming under the above described encumbrances. The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer, SUlJed in terms of dollilrs, is $182,000.00. *However, the acrual consideration consists oj or includes other property or value given or promised which is (the whole/pan oflhe) consideration (indicate which). * (The senltnce between the symbols., if nOl applicable should be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) . , '. Jn construing this deed 4nd where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and all grammatical change; shllll be implied to make lhe provisions hereof apply equally to corporations and to..jnJiividlUl!s. / . In Wilness Whereof, the grantor has executed this instrument this d 6 day of ~~ U t-V ' . . 20 07: if a corporate granJor, it has caused ils name to be signed and seal affIXed by its officers, duly tfthoriztd thereto by order of its board oj directors. . THIS INSTKUMEl'Io-r MLL NOT ALLOW USE: OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AA'D REGUUTIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS Th'"!>"I'JUlMR/'.'T, TIm PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE ~~Oy~~~~ WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COm.'TY PLANNING DEPARTMRfIl"T TO \-"ERIFV APPROVED l p~ LIMIT'ON LAWSClTS AGAINST '''''''''NG ORFORESTl'RAcrlCES ASOEFI>IED INORS.3""', OOi'ALD L. MCCABE STATE or ORF..GOX, COUl\'TY OF. ~ ,"" ?.-a3 . 20 .f!.3BY DONALD L. MCCABE and ( ...,. conuuis:;ion fXpires: <if - 2 &J -(t3 Date Re( :eived: ~ OFFICIAL SEAL " SONORA M JOHNSON' I ~ NOTARY PUBUC - OREGON ...~~- COMMISSION NO. 326624 , MYCOMMiSS1OHOO'IRESAllGUST2!I.2003 JUN 1 22009 Jriginal Submitt~1 .. ELT - 42339 Pagelofl Legal Description '" Exhibit A " Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 452, said Point of Beginn.ii1g being on the West line of Donation Land Claim No. 61, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the . ~ WiIlamette Meridian and 1580.0 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; thence due East 20.0 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right-of-way; thence due East 374.4 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 350 35' West 289.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence due West 206.9 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right-of-way; thence due West 20.0 feet to the centerline of County Road No. 452; thence due South along the centerline of said County Road and the West line of Donation Land Claim No. 61,235.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT that portion described in deed to Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon Recorded June 9, 1966, reception No. 50258, Lane County Oregon Records, ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to Lane County, by instrument Recorded July 3 1,2000, Reception No. 2000-043640, Lane County Oregon Records. Date Received: J~N 1 2 2009 Original Submittal. " I D/ /cf )I~ WARRANTY DEED TAX ACCT. NO. 560928 MAP NO. 18-02-04-11-04600 ALLEN M. CROCKER and KRISTIN M. CROCKER, Grantor, conveys and warrants to " WPT 190396 10-71362 DONALD t.. MCCABE and CHERYL L. MCCAaB, husband and wife, Grantee. the following described real property situated in LANE County, OR, free of encumbrances except as specifically se~ forth herein, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE This conveyance is subject to and exce?ts: RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC IN STREETS, ROADS AND HIGHWAYS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EA.s:EMENTS OF RECORD. The true consideration for this conveyance is $182,000.00. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF T1IB PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INS...A...."""'..... :IN VIOLATION OF APPLJ:CABLB LAND USE LAWS AND R.B:GULATIONS. BEFORE~! SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INS~^~~~.A, THE PERSON ACQUIRING PBE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CRECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNJ:NG DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVRD USES AND TO DE'l'ERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST PARMING OR PORBST PRACTICES AS DEPINED IN ORS 30.930. This instrument was acknowledged before me on by ALLEN M. CROCKER and KRISTIN M. CROCKER. ~~t:~~~~~?/ .1ANlIARV d.5 , 2003, _ OFFICIAL SEAL JOYCE SURFACE .~ . : NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON ",,,/ COMMISSIQNNO.J49156 . MY COMMISSIOtlEXAAES?EPTEMBERn2005 , Until a change is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: 362 N 42ND STREET, SPRINGFIELD, DR 97478 After recording return to: Western pioneer Title Co. " P. O. Box 10146, Eugene, OR 97440 Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 Original Submittal . EXHIBIT 'A' Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 452, said point of beginning being on the West line of Donation Land Claim No. 61, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and 1580.0 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; thence due-East 20.0 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right of way; thence due East 374.4 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 3S~ 35' West 289.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence due West 206.9 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the county Road right of way; thence due West 20.0 feet to the center line of County Road No. 452; thence due South along the center line of said County Road and the West line of Donation Land Claim.No. 61, 235.0 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion described in deed ~o Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, recorded June 9, 1966, Reception No. 50258, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion described in Warranty Deed to Lane County, recorded July 31, 2000, Reception No. 2000-043640, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 Original Submittal