HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/12/2009 '1 _ j., .' Jcity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Discretionary Use Required Project Infor-matio" (Applicant. complete this section) , ' ADDlicant Name: Sprin~field Fire and Life Safety IComDanv: ; IAddress: 225 Fifth Stree!- SPT!ngfi.eld OR 97477 ."",-.,... "'c, ....." . " .,.,o..,,,,,,",,,,~...-....,,". '.' ,.......><'..._--",,"'_...,...,.. ,,'" ._"",,,_,,".- ,". ~......""~a'''''';.-'.-'..',. ,""",.....-u,..."'. '_,'__"'"',,',......c. IADDlicant's ReD.: IcomDanv: . IAddress:' w.',',..'. . .......,,,,..-.,,,,,,,,,,.,<0,,,.<'. ,>"""",,;'",::,","~"""'-_'.,' ""","""i'''__'''_',"'~. ',;.",'.."...-_....""_'.",....".....,,,,'''...... ",,,,,,,,,,,,,;""'.'C".'l '...-....".';;."....,.".v"-.,."-'...~.,.". I ProDertv Owner: 57th St Property LLC I Phone: IComDanv: I Fax: !~~~,rli!ss:_" ",."",.,,.,?~: ~~~_~~I.~,g~~eld ?~1_~~'?.? ,.,-,_",,,,"-'_"'_O_"_.~.' ....." ""'_"'.'.__... . IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-02-04-11 ITAX LOT NOeS): 4600 I ProDertv Address: 72557th Street !~~:z.,:_?!~,r~~.em'.:"",_,,!,:.~. .. _."~,,~=o_..-"n._.'" ,_ . __r~..~cres [2JSauare F!E!U;:L~._. I Description of If you are filling In this fonn by hand, please attach your proposal descrlptlon:lo this application. ProDosal: Fire Station I Existina Use: SinJde family dweJling Si natures: Please sl Phone: 541-726-3737 Fax: 541-726-2297 " Phone: Fax: ,. Associated Applications: LRf ZWe'- CSl:>C1>1 ()\1' 1'1 ex) SiQns: 11-+0 :skrt' .4r.,::L'(\ s Case No.: DRc...20oCj-0002..3 I Date: l:,-!2-0q Reviewedbv: ~~\(,c. S~14< IAPPlication Fee: $ OQZ"i) ITeChnicalFee: $ 191 ,lj 0 Ip~stage Fee: $58~- ITOT~~E~S:l ,~1-4,,9-4 .4- <?-...ro. _ .__ !ROJEC!_~~t;1BER: PK~.'~.... ': -JASPeR, Date Received: JUN 1 2,2009 Original submitt~I' Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 U' Signatures Thlt1tJ".~.oo ~~~oo ,"." .~-:::~;~~: Signature ( ~ (; t' I-(b GA. 1M r4t (of, .Print Applicant: ! Owner: If the applicant Is not the owner, the .owner hereby grants pennlssion for the applicant 10 act in his/her behalf. t~/ Signature --;I)OVlAc..O l. \1\'\ c:.( tlb-L. Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Date: Co!9!0'3 I Date Received: JUN 1 2.2009 Original Submittal 20f4 ,. Discretionary Use Submittal Requirements Checklist" NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and'attach the explanation to this form. I! o o if g- O ~ o Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review application, where 'applicable " Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. Discretionary Use Application Form Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. , Copy of the Associated Site Plan Reduced to 8'h" by 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. 'I I :1 Narrative - explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Discretionary Use Criteria described in SDC 5.9-120. NOTE: Before the Planning Commission or Hearings Official can approve a Discretionary Use request, 'information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Discretionary Use Criteria must be addressed by the appli~ant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result In deniaL Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 Original Submittal Revised lil/08 Molly Markarian 4of4 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~~. Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00023 DRC2009-00023 DRC2009-00023 Payments: Type of Payment INT CHGS cReceiotl Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000445 Description CTY Discretionary Use . + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type 11I - $385 Paid By 420-01110-8600 I 0 FIRE JSP tj INT CHGF .~ c1~ ~~e^-e-~-f8"'- ~ Uk f "-6~ {- cd: 125' 5 T~ ~teJ 0'"'' of Springfield Official Receipt " L dopment Services Department Pub,lic Works Department '. Date: 06/12/2009 8:23:16AM Amount Due 3,82800 191.40 385.00 $4,404.40 Amount Paid In Person Payment Total: $4,404.40 $4,404.40 ....- -t-j'yC s,--\c~ ~ Page I of I ~c.~ Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 Original Submittal " 6/12/2009 June 10, 2009 Narrative for the JasperfNatron Fire Station Discretionary Use application. Springfield Fire and Life Safety is applying for a $5 million grant from FEMA, to fund construction of a new fire station in the Jasper/Natron area. The grant will be awarded in a competitive process among an estimated 5,000 applicants. The deadline for sJIbmittal of the grant application is July 10, 2009. The grants will be awarded this fall. According to the grant application guidelines, highest consideration will be given to applicants: 1. Who already own or have otherwise already acquired the land, and 2. Whose land is already zoned for the new or modified structure, and 3. Who have already obtained the permits for the project. I If approved, this DU application and the associated Land Drainage and Alteration Permit will represent conformance with #2 and #3. The city has an option to purchase the property and that represents conformance with #1. " The site is zone LDR (Low Density Residential) Zone. In this zone, a fire station requires a Discretionary Use approved by the Planning Commission and a subsequent Site Plan approved by the Planning Director. The fire station will contain 3 equipment bays and a staff of 3 firefighters. Although the specific design has not been finalized, the building will be similar to the new Fire Station 16,located near Main Street and 68th. The site design submitted with this DU is a conceptual design. It demonstrates how a typical station could fit on the site. This design will be revised during the _ design process and by any conditions placed on the DU. This site was selecte'd because it is: . Identified in the "Standards of Cover and Deployment Study, April200T as a site that can adequately serve the Jasper /Natron area, and . _ Inside the city limits, and . Available for purchase. ,Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 Original Submittal , , .. .. ...... . , .:'~2~;~' ~\ l . I I I I I I I I , ~ I I I , / / .' ! .' , I.. " I , " , , , ,. , . I -., . " '. ~ ;,,):{'{)('(}G).l:-?/tf~1m;TgT:-e' =" 0 . ','.,.}~; : :,::t!0J;.f . ..' .@, ,-' . '-:;'<'@. II ,U , :." ',. ,', ':P,,,~ I. . . :.... . , " ')\> t~t --<--- ~--=-~- ---------- -, ~zp Il\~.A'" --4-----;--- ---:~---;-_,___ '1- //'I'''r " ---. ':1' . .-,,-'~,\-. . .'gp' r~t';- ... '-'---------J- ----- -'f;"\'~ -1D h : ... >., '~l --\ ~~. . ,. i 1 :: :'.:~:- /7.;.>".......\~:'~.' .,,-~:,:..,:c _ "" ',~ ,;:~. ,:.,.' -. > 'I ... -..,-.'. ~ "'-'''';')\'1 --,... .- - ,. - ~ -< -.. ,-, ',- \1 ':" :'-.::,',',:~::o'''7::.,:,"'''_;''~':':-,_. . -'''-..:f~ .", .~. r ' '\ - ~". ,. . . ,-. t3 . 1"''''' .; ~- --":'L_~.......-::-"r:::::1.,~-'i ,-:.' '. ,.', _' .', ':. , .- \J~~).~.~l'~~r~~~ ~_.<:' SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ". ..<, Date Received: JUN 1 2.2009 . PROPOSED NEW STATION ~ ".2lI-~ i- l""r .... .:. SITE CONCEPT DIAGRAM JASPER,NATRON SITE ,l..:...-..........,.DEEIl-SIIITIITCA'/.......ii"~1 .,...-- 2m:l~ \~/I - , " \. ES, NO PART OF .,.,~SS FORM MAY BE REPflOOlJCI.o IN.,., FORM OR BY.,., Ei.eCTROO/lC OR MECHANICAl. MEANS. ~, / Division of Chief Depuly Cle~k Chanlin McCown Lene Counly Deeds and R d' :Jtllf'1U Jasper Rd eCor S ;; ~~i~~~~~~~8 ~lm~IHiJl00WWm~lJll'l'III'IIIII' .Snrin"field, Or 97478 RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=6 07/10/200710'08'13 An -~_....- $10 0 CASHIER 07 " ._: 0 $11.00 $10,00 'Sl"El"BISNtt'f',\~ ,,,,,.:, :~PORTl.ANO.OR e --.... 2~~7.~~m~ $31.00 ...._........_.~Z!P~ 57th St Prop, LLC 362 N 42nd St Snrin"field. Or 97478 RECOROER'S USE Wimess my hand and seal of County .dnxed ~ LA 0, UntIl ,t" . ..........".0... "... .. to(Jilllnla,AddnI:sa,ZIp): __S]th Sr _Prnr T.T,r 362 N 42nd St Spring!ield, Ur '1/lf/tl ....... lTT\.E By Deputy. Chanlin McCown WARRANTY DEED - STATI1TORY FORM conveysandwarrants~_21..tJl St Pron. LT.f:.:_an Oreaon limited liabilitv'comDrUlV Grantor, Grantee, the foUowing described real property free of encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein. situated in _J.arlP County, Oregon.-lC>-wit: Exhibit A (IF SPACE INSUFRCIENT, CONTINUE OESCR~ ON REVERSE) The property is free from enemnbrances, except (if none, so state): Countrywide loan #031257774 The true consideration for this conveyancc is $_..::0- _. (Here, comply with the requirements::ofORS 93.030.) Other nronertv Dr value DATED ..j u' _ '-1 "j'. z,Pc.l-__: if a _~ 1""- grantor, it has caused its name:'to be signed and its seal, if any, affixed by an officer or other person duly authorized to do so by order of its board of director.;. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPIlNG TIllS INSlllUMENT. TIlE PERSON 1llANSR:R- RING fH TITlE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOlfT TIlE PERSON'S RIGI!TS, IF AIf{, UNDER CHAPTER 1. OREGON LAWS 2005 (BAlLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). TII1S INSTRUMEIlT DOES NOT AllOW USE OF TIlE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIllS INSTRUMEIlT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LANO USE LAWS AND REGULA- TIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEI'l1NG TIllS INSlllUMENT, TIlE PERSON ACQUIRING fH TIlLE TO TIlE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH TIlE APPRCf- PRlATE CllY OR COUNTY PlANNING OEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. TO OETIRMINE AIf{ LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOR- EST PRAC11CES AS OEANEO IN ORS 30.930 ANO TO INQUIRE ABOlfT TIlE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS. IF AIf{. UNOER CHAPTER 1. OREGON LAWS 2005 (BAllOT MEASURE 37 (2004)), . L STATE OF OREGON, County of A,,,-, C- ) 55. '.. This insuument was acknowledged before me on __.:1:3 -() Q . - '.~_. by {'V\aVlI(b Me. CO_W i\ l,uale ,",ecelv~~. This instrument was acknowledged before me on by ____ as of '. ~..~ --~- c:.no.i'\ \1 n Me COvJf'\ ---.:~ I, - -----, -:-:lUN--t-+20Q9---- j . . 0FFIClAl. SEAL LORI A LETSOM . NOTARY PUSUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 4177 4B I8V COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 2.. 2011 f;ru ' a. ~al Submittal Notary Public for Oregon L . My commission expires __d.!:L.-.2Ql \ I' Ii' ~--. . . .. ELT-42339 Pese 1 ofl Legal r.,.....:...;..... ~ ,.5; Exhibit A .. ". ,... ..' Br.gjnnl"g at a point in the cc:uter ofCouuty Road No. 452, said Point ofB..":.,..,:..& being on the West line ofDcmation Land Claim No. 61, Towoship 18 SoUth, Range 2 W~ of the Willamelle Meridian lIIId 1580.0 feet North of the SoUlhwat c:omtlr lhereof; thence due East 20.0 feet to BD inm pipe on the odge of the Couuty Road right-of-way; 1hcnce ciUe East 374.4 feet to BD inm pipe; lhence North 350 35' West 289.0 feet to BD iron pipe; ;;......... due West 206.9 feet to BD iron pipe on the odge of tile Co1lllly Road right-of-way; lhm:e due West 20,0 feet to the . 1m.. of Colmty Road No. 452; tbaIce due SoUlh along the.....;:..::... of said Comrty Road lIIId the West line of Donation Land Claim No. 61,235.0 feet to the Point of B~60 in Lane Comrty, 0Iq0n; I . EA.--=- 1 that portion dcscribed in deed to Lane Couuty, apolitical sui. ji,:":on'ofthe State of Oregon Recmdcd Juoe 9, 1966, .........:.'" No. 50258, Lane Comrty Oregon Records.. Ii ALSO r.l1....r:.r 111-10 1~OM 1hat r ..;:._ .__ ,..,,-ed to Lane Comrty, by ~~_...... R....J.J July 31, 2000, Reception No. 200D-043640, Lane Comrty Oregon Records. 1. ,~ : Date Received: JUN I 2 2009 I, Original Submittal , ~~,._-~._..- ~ , , 200J.068~50 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31.00 0046197420113011&885001120112707/25/200301:\8:37 Pn RPR-DEED Cnt:1 Stn:8 CASHIER 08 SID.DO SII.OO SID.OD d u ~ 1= '" z "" -' :z ~ ~ ~ DONALD L. MCCABE 362 N. 42ND ST. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Grantor's Name and Address CHANLIN MCCOWN 725 SOUTH 57TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Grant~." NIIIU" IUld AddftSS Afkrn-eo~~tul'lllo: EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO. P.O. BOX 931 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 UnW a change b requested, aU lax statements tihaU be sent to the foUowing address, SAME AS GRANTEE Division of Chief Dep~.y Clerk Lane County D..d. and Records TITLE~O. ELT-42339 ESCROW NO. SJ'\I3.155SO TAX ACCT, NO, 0560928 MAP NO. ~ Z a; r:;; a; WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, TIwt DONALD L. MCCABE and CHERYL L. MCCABE, husband aDd wife hereinafter called graruor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, to grantor paid by CHANLIN MCCOWN hereinafter called gramee. does hereby grant, bargmnJ seU and convey unto the said grantee and gronlee's heirs, successors and assigns. thai certain real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereutJto belonging or appertaining. situated in the Coumy of LANB and SlDJe of Oregon, described as JoUows, to-wit: I 'SEE ATrl\CHE!l EXHIBIT "A" To Ha'Pt and to Hold tile same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns fore'P~r. And said grantor hereby CO'Pe1Ul1Jts to and wilh said grantee and gramte's heirs, successors and assigns, thlll grantor is lawfully seized in fee simple of the above granted premises, free from all encumbrances except . 2003-2004 Real Property Taxes, a lien nol yet due or payable. Subject to any and all easements, restrictions and covenanlS of record and that grantor will warrant and fon'Per defend the saUl pnmises and every part and parcel thereof against tM lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, except thos~ claiming under the above described encuifWrances. The true and actual consideralion paid for this tronsfer, SWIed in terms of dollars, is 5182,000.00. *Howel1er, the actual consideralion consisrs of or includes other property or value given or promised which is (the whole/parr oj the) consideration (indicate which).. (The sentence between the symbols *, if not iJpplicable should be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) I' " In construing this deed and where the conteIt so requires, the singular includes the plural and all granutUltical change; shall be implied to make the provisions hereof opply equally to corporations and r.o..jnJiividUJJls, 11_ /_ In Witness Whenof, the gramor has executed this instrument this d 6 doy of ,'"\!A!/I/ . " 2003; iJo corpOfllle gramor, it has caused us name to be signed and seal affued by us officers~-du~y fhorited thereto by order oj its board of direaors. I THIS LNSTRUMm..~f "'-'LL NUT ALWW USE OF THE PROPRRTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE lA.'\'D USE lit. WS AI'\'D REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TmS Th"STRlJMRI't.T. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE D CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COm.'TY PLAA"NING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED :EA."'Y LIMITSON LAWSiJITS AGAlNS!' FAR.\1ING ORFORESTPRACTICF.S ASDEflNEo INORS 30,930. STATE OF OREGO:'<l, COUNTY OF ~ I , 20 Boy DONALD L. MCCABE II.Dd ': ... 7-a3 ( .,ly commission expiRs: <l~ 2&J -03 Date Re( :eived: ."I! _ OFFICIAL SEAL If - SO~ORA M JOHNSON' _ ~ NOTARY PUBUC. OREGON . ~ COMMISSION NO, 32662-4 .. IIVCOMMlSSIONEXPIRESAlJGUST~.2p03 JUN 1 2 .2009 .)riginal Submitt~' , .. .. ELT - 42339 Page 1 of1 Legal Description Exhibit A " Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 452, said Point ofBeginniitg being on the West line of Donation Land Claim No. 61, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and 1580.0 feet North of the Southwest comer thereof; thence due East 20.0 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right-of-way; thenceidue East 374.4 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 350 35' West 289.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence due West 206.9 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right-of-way; thence due West 20.0 feet to the centerline of County Road No. 452; thence due South along the centerline of said County Road and the West line of Donation Land Claim No. 61,235.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT that portion described in deed to Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon Recorded June 9, 1966, reception No. 50258, Lane County Oregon R'ecords. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to Lane County, by instrument Recorded July 31, 2000, Reception No. 2000-043640, Lane County Oregon Records. Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 I; Original submittal Ii ID/ /0" )I~ .<~, WARJtA1"..'TV DEED TAX ACCT, NO. 560928 MAP NO. 18-02-04-11-04600 ALLEN M. CROCKER and KRISTIN M. CROCKER. Grantor, conveys and warrants to WPT 190396 10-71362 DONALD L. MCCABE and CHERYL L. MCCABB, husband and wife. Grantee, the following described real property situated in LANE County, OR, f;ee af encumbrances except as specifically se: forth herein, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE This conveyance is subject to and exce?ts: RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC IN STREETS, ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. COVENANTS. COND,ITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OF RECORD, The true consideration for this conveyance is $182,000,00. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF 1'HB PROPERTY DESCRIBlm IN THIS INSTRUMBN"l' IN VIOLATION OF APPLJ:CABLB LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BBP'ORB SIQNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FORBST PRACTICES AS DBPrN'BD IN ORS 30.930. :' This instrument was acknowledged before me on by ALLEN M, CROCKER and KRISTIN M, CROCKER. ~~t:~~~~~? / ,1ANIIARV ..n , 2003, ~ OFFICIAL SEAL . JOYCE SURFACE :" _ ' :, NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON , _./ COMMISSION flO. 349156 , , MY COMMISSION [XllIRES SEPT~MB~ 22, 2005 362 N 42ND STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 After recording return to: Western pioneer Title Co., p, O. Box 10146, Eugene, OR 97440 Until a change is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 Original Submittal EXHIBIT 'A' Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 452, said point I of beginning being on the West line of Donation Land Claim No. 61, Towns~ip 18 South. Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and 1580,0 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; thence due 'East 20,0 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right of waYj thence due East 374.4 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 3SG 35' West 289.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence due West 206.9 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right of way; thence due West 20.0 feet to the center line of County Road No, 452; thence due South along the center line of said County Road and the West line of Donation Land Claim No, 61, 235.0 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT that portion described in deed to Lane County,.a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, recorded June g, 1966, Reception No. 50256, ~ane County Oregon Deed Records. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion described in Warranty Deed to Lane County, recorded July 31, 2000, Reception No. 2000-043640, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 Original Submittal LII i OF SPRINlur.lJ!......D '.lLu~.l.l " MAP DRC2009-00023 725 57th Street c.--...... ",- t'ERHAEUSERRIJ G' 6IER-BR GI:A ~IE SITE" 1 Map 18"()2"()4-11 Tax Lot 4600 - North + 1.1111111 Date Received: JUN 1 2 2009 Original Submittal ..".., - r~ . '''t'i'''-..:+-'''''''~"", "(.' . t:!-::.i4..- ,(~. ''\I~rV . ~ I ' ,. 0 \ ~~~ :-.(t ,t r. ~,~ r.@\ \\ ~, <Y. i' I ;.r ?- ~- .!\ ~ci\. '0 ll' " __ . 1 J ;::.:.:f't .,.' ~ 11~:t.,- --.' ~,\ (I~ r '. ~D-~:"'\ ~ .' ~ ~~ , ~l:. :~. r.; ;:3~ ~ :::"'<..L """ ~J.' ; II'" ,-', "'-'= ~ ,'~-#-.~.~-..I ~ I ~ I I:~" _ '1Gi :rl:'~ . ". . _...._ __~~: - .... SPRINGFI~LD FIRE PEPARTMENT PRDPO&:D NEW j'rATION Ii' ..~~~~~ - ~ \ ~r'~~\ .t ~~ilL ~ ~it~\ .. GLACIER DR .a: ...... "'. "p .1:' 1 ~1! ,! I I I ~~~ U - 1 ~ ... ~ ": 100 200Ft ." Th.,.,rlno...rrt.ntletthllaecOfr\?lnylllltproduct Users W E ",umllllfnponllbllIty1'otlnyloltotdlimlg..rl,!ngfra'l"l I anyeJTOl', omlulonorpoliUonalInICtul'8cy<<lI'Ii.prodlJet, S ~ ''''': ~- . .c. ... ~. ~ - .' .....1' .~ .. ... r \. \ III JU" , . , lilt t ~ ! L ...i,,;:, Original Subrnitia,