HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-3-16 .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Asaessor= Map # 1_ n _0;) ..::>,<1-3..:.2.. ,~:'- 5:?Yr' -71~~ ;0...jJ.~.:'7~, Describe I,'ork: -<="1/ .~ et'VY-e-vY- Job Location: Subdivision: Q.mer: I ,'/1,1 ...!;l . /.u;~ ~~ZA-.-/ #1'-1 if -71Gt'~ ""J/? V cut... Address: City: n n fX1 n Nm,' Addi ticn Remodel ,'1obi le Homa Date of Application .3-/b-!r1 l.:on't"l'ac't"ol'S Generatc'\th<-<. .~.t, ::::~atff)V\i~~ (j~l/. Uechar.ic.::.l \ Construction L~ndel' Tc:r Lot # /':t'170?) .. /\ I /u /L'~ (\\) '. v,.., . Rcce:pe.ii lP I I '-r' J }.Y'\. ~ . I] ?-r~-87 lt77r?17 p ~??~3 71fc..7>7 . t , .J ~~- 1// U Phone: '7C/6- {)1.//7 Zip: 9''7 <( 7 f Value 1J cJZSoJ '10\' 111\ " "l/r() j rM- 0(0 d* :5,-/0,("/ I Signed: Date: Expires. Phone ,{" J'f'. 'lcJ 9-2. I I d-/q I~- / I I ( Address Liac. if "")10 .,- ; \ 'tJ<1,t:::., ~\ \c s+ . ff/l7/%''7 ?f 44N?J()() It is the responcibi"Lity of the permit holder to see that atz inapections are r.1ade at the proper tim€~ that each .:;.dd:resB is rea:iab:i: from ths streetJ and that the permi t eaPd is 1.oc:ated at the front of the property. ~Bui!.ding DitJi::wr. approved plan shall remain rm tJu; Bu::.lding Sit~ at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR nlSPECTIO" REQUE~AlL 726-3769 ~ecol'der) state yOUI' City designated job mo;:berJ job a.di.rcss, type of ir.:;pec-=.icn requested aJ':d wh.en you wal be {",,<.<.(..I.Y J"L :.._.,.._~~, Contl'actors or Owners name end Fhor.e number. Requests received cetcrlJ 7:00 c:-:: :..'iU be made the same dc.y, requests made afta' 7:00 am tJiZZ bz made the next :.JOrking day. RP.~li~~1 T~~"p.~tir.n~ O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be made after excavation, bu.t prior to set up of forms. D. UllDERSLAB PLU,~fBIllG, ELEC'i'RIC,lL & MECHA,'/Tr.':'L: To be made before any . work is .::ovcred. ,..~ ?:, fl71 FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rrade l.!.J after trenches are excavated and forms Gtl'e erectedJ but prior 1;0 pouring ccncret~. WWSRGRDUHD PLUMBING} SEWEP, W.1TE!1 DRAINAGE: To be ma.:ie prior to fil- Zir.g trenches. o o VNDERFLOOF? PLUI.:snlC & NFr.,f{4NTCA[,: To be made prior to installation of 11001' insuLation 01' decking. POST AND BEAN: To be l1'.ade proior to ins1;allaticn of floor insv,l.atior. 01' decking. D ROUGH PLU,','BI!lG. Er.ECTP.ICAT. & MECH- ANICAL: No :.JOrk is to bc c01)cred ,untiL these inspectior.s hatJ~ beer. made and approved. O FIREPLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec~ tiar.., ~ pi, FRANI'iIC.. Must be requested after ~ approtJal. of rough plwr.bingJ electri- cal & mcchani.::al.. All roOfing bracing & chimncysJ et~. nr~st be ,compl.eted. No wrk is to be CGn- ,,0 cecled until thia inspecticn ha:; ." bec.n made and app1'Ot,'ed. o yOU!' City Desigr.atcd Job Number Is: O INSULATION/VAPO.9. BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insuZ:=tion w.d , ,. rcquired vapor barriers are in place . , but before any lathJ gypsum bca:t'd 01' lXlLZ couering is appl.iedJ and before any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after alL d.ry1.xz.U is in place, but prior to 'any taping. D ~SONRY: Steel. location~ bona beamsJ grouting 0'1' vertiaals in accordance tr;th U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTO'lE: After instaUation is ccmpleted. o D CURB & APPROACH AP.t?ON: Afte:o forms are crected but prior to pouring con.::rete. 'SIDEWALK & DRIr'EWAY: For aU con- arete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after al.l exca- vating complete & form work & suO- , base material in place. D o :ENCE: When aompl~te -- Prouide gates or movable secticns through P.U.E. . ];10/70',' r DDIOLITIOl,l OR ;'.:OV:;:: BUILDI.7GS ~ SanitGtl'y seJer ::apped =t p:.op<::rt;,. li-r:.e :J Septi~ tank p:.<.-:;p;.;d cmd fiUe~ uith GTa:::et I Final - !rnen ab....--ve ite::rs are ccnroleted ~ and when d~clitior. is complete 01' st~~- ~e moved and pr~ses ::le:=ned up. . Mobile Hcmes :::J Blocking and Set-:Ap :::J Plumbing connections s~er ar~ water :::J Electrical Connection - Bl.ocking J set-up and pZwnbing connections nr...;st be appl'ovec' beforc requesting electri::al inspectio~ ~ Ac::es::or'd Building I FinaL - After p:;rcr.es, skirting~ decksJ ~ etc. are comple;~d. D FIliAL PLUNBIllG All project conditions, auc~ as the instaLlation of street trees, c~~la;ion of the required 7Andsccpir..g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDIl,'C FINAL can be r2quest::d. c:J ::::J XJ ~ FINA.L !1Er.:HANICAL l.jC<\ FINAL ELECTHICAL Ie:; <K> FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final PZumbing ElectricalJ and Mechar.ical Inspectionn have been made and apppotJ~d. D ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOU'I'S nUST DE ACCESSIBLEJ ADJUST~!E:,1T TO BE !-:"1DE t.'!' !.'O C~ST TO CI'I'Y I Page 1 of 2 I JOB No..~16173 ! Zone: I,..J) e ILot Sq. Ft;. Ii of Lot Coverag< !# of Stones I Total Height' I I Topography I IITm Main I SQ.FTG I I I I Cc:r>ace CarrJor+; Accessol'U S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (VCl-UC) 1.5 r Sui lding Permi t State Surcharge Total Char-ges lITEM !Fi:::tuI'es I Residential (1 bath) i Sanitary SetJer I 1 Water ! I NO., I Plumbing Perd t State Surcr.llI'ge Tetal Chc:raes lITE;': .1 NO'1 I I I I .5€Zfwc~L~k I Res. Sa. fta. I NaJlExtend CiI'cuits I I Temporary Service EZe::tricaZ Permit S't::.te SUI':)harae Total Charces lITEM I F'urn:u:e PTU'S IIIC, , I I , j Ezhaust Hood j Vent Fan i . I W:)ods to~e Permit Issuance Me:::ha.nic::: Z. Permi t State Surcha:rae Tnti'll CharoP.!:J -- ENCROACHMENT -- :Sc~~rit~ Dzposit Storage Maintenan.::e Farmit Total C'naT'Ocs Curbcu.t Sidewalk ,1;'en:::e Electrical Label Nobile Home ':'OTAL AJ.!OU.'IT DUE:" SOLAR A.ESS Occupancu G~ WT TYPE Interior COPner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x I I I 12")~-j I I I I I 3g :J<f> /. ,',0/ 19'~ .0 Value FEE CHARGE FEE , * i I I I I L_.L~ ~ I li,):'- 1-1-\ .~o I l~a?'* I I I I I I CHARGE FEE CHARCE ~~51. REQ.- L-COG~ 1'1 1, . Bedroo~s : T;'peICor.st: I Lot Faces - Setbacks I P. L. House Garaae [North lEast ISouth IWest I fn.?ra:J Soarces j Heat I I II II II T;;~e I Access. I , I Water .'!p.atp1" Rant;c Fircvlaca ' Wooa:J tOL"e F2es Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the s~id.construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cny time upon uic- lation of any proauisions of said Ordir.ances. * I - I P1.an Check Fee: c:l "'- C.~ Date Paid: .J -/(~ -!(~ IRec<ipt #: /~ !Sig"ed: ,--",tt~ Plumbing Permir -').. * No pereon DhaZl construct, instal!, aLter or change any new ar e:::isting plumbing or drainage sY8te~ in ~hole or in part~ unless such person is the ZegaZ possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except trAt a person r.ay do plumbing work to property which is ol.med~ leased or operated by the appli- oont. Electrical Permit Where State La1JJ requires tr.at the electl'ical work; be done by an Electrical. Contractor~ the electrical portion of this pel'mit shall r~t be valid until thf:! ZaheZ has been signed by the Electrical (;ontractor. Mechanical Permit , * I I I r I , . ::t~{:;;?~~ !a~ 3'-/5--&7. JJar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t,1,.e completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true and correct, and I f'~rther certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfor:ned shall be do:-ze i:-z accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringficZd~ and th~ La-..;s of tha State of Oreg~n pertaining to the work cescribcd herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:-zly contractors w~d e~pZ~yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl'oj~ct ~~,"c;.~~~DC1 2/1~/9?-