HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1982-4-6 .. RESI.NTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: bl...\l\lJ \'\\~\ 11\ t\Ja~LL 3~1o mOA1\ ~ ~(N Describe rl'ol'k: 16)Cl , J I Cu..J . b[). , Asaesaors Map # /7-t>2.- 3'1-~" Subdivision: Ct.m:er: Addz.e8S: City: n n n n ,Ve>:!,1 Addi ticn Remade 1. .'.fobilg Home Date of Application c;onn>actoI's_ c-raL 1-41 C) .l..)P( ) \ _c..... , ~ Plumbing I Electrical. I Mschar.iC.::ll Canstrul1tio?z Lender T= Lot # I~",..... . Rcce-:.pt ,Ij. ~~fI~ .., Pr.one: Zip: Value Address ~~ ~oL CJ=-.. (JW. \~. Lf8 ~ --... Si~d; j)~ Dats: 4-tLJ-~a. b~ {\u.a~ '\\ ~ta. . ----.. iLn"'lb11 O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I1ISP,:CTION: To be rrade after all. insulation a:--.d ... required vapor barriers azo6 in p laCQ . but eefore any lath, gypsum board or UXIZ.Z. aovering is appl.ied, and befor-s any insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU dryuzLZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASoRRY: Steel Location, b<>>uI beam3, grouting or verticals in aacoroda:nce !.lith U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOT/E..: After instaltation is ccmpl.et;.d. D D CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: After' forms are ereoted bu t prior to pouring .:xm...--rets. SIDEWtLK & DRrlEWAY: For all con- crete paving w-ithin street right- of-wcy~ to be made after aU exca- vating currpZete & form WOl'k & ::uD- base material. in plaoe. Phone .0 I I~ i..s tJuJ respcntri,bility of tfts permit holdsr to S66 that all. i1Wpeations ar6 r.-.ade at tha proper timE.~ tr.at .:teah .=dd:ress is readabLe jrom tM street, and that the psrmit aard is locatBd at the jront of tM proper'ty. .Bui"!.ding [)f.vicio'!": approt:ed pZan. shal.l remain on thG Bu~Zding Sit:; at all. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcaol'de1'J state yOUI' City designated job 1tUmber~ job at!d:rC8S~ type of i713pec-:icn raquestcd. ar.d when you ;Jill. be ready for i7t8pcction~ Contractors or Ot.mer'8 name and pho718 numba. RequBsts receil."ed cefcre '1:00 <Z'l ,-in b. mads th4: sam. day. roqu.sts made, after 7:00 am r.>in be made tho nczt ,;orki... day, 'dQQ8 \ . Your City Desigr.ated Job Number 18: <(S q~"',J1:"'~';"r7'tR.,~~+:i.(;11_~ '0' SITE: INSPECTiON: To bs =dB aftar ercavation~ but prior to set up of forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICtL & /.fECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. D FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be ~6 afte1' trenches are excavated and forms are er6cted, but prior to pouring ccncretG' UND!RGROW!D PLUMBING. SEWER. itI.1TER, DHAINAGE: To be m:::r4.e prior to fil.- Ur.g trenches. o o UNDERPLOOR Pr,(]l.fBINC & MEC8ANICAL: To be made pri01' to instaLlation of fLoor i118Ulation or decking. POST AND BF:AM: To be ~ pl'ior to instaLLation of [toOl' insulation 01' doa..... . ROUGH PU1MBIHG" Er,ECTRICAL ? ,'.fECH- AN"reAL: No '.JOrk is to be cOl."ered .ur.tiL these inspections have beer. made and approved. PIRE:PLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tior.. D PRAl~ING: ,'.lust b6 NUf.Leoted after appl'oval. of rough plUlT".bing~ alectri- .cal & mechan~aL. AU roOfing bracing & ch~ys~ st.;!. Trr.J.8t be . compl.eted. No wrk i8 to be con- ....cealed until this inspection has .' be~ made and approved. D D D ....- D D :TNeE: r.rher: complete -- Provide gates or movable sectiens through P.U.E. . I DE:.tOLITION OR :,JOVED 3UILDIijCS :J Sa:n..i -:ary setJer :!apped ~t ~opc:rty lir.e :J Septi:! tank ;r..i."?,zd c:I"'.d. f'iUad :.nth ~...:eZ :J Final - fIIi'ten cOcve ite.~8 are cc::oleted .; ~ . ~ .. .... ar~ when ~emo~~~~r. ts complete 01' 8~~~:- ture moved and pr~~3es :!Zeaned up. I Mobi le Hemes ~ alocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections .- sewer ar.d wa-:er ~ ElectricaZ Conr.ection - Blocking, set-up --.J and pLwnbing cOrlnections nr....st be approved before requesting elec-:rical ir.spec=io~ =:J Accessol"".:i Building :J Pinal - Aft~r ?::il'cr:.es~ 8kirting~ deckss e~. a:re ccmpl~t&d. D All project cor.ditions~ such as the installation of street trees~' co~lation of the required Zandscc:pir.g~ etc. ~ tr.U8t be satisfied befere tr.e BUIWnlG FINAL can be re(p.est;ad. . o FIliAL PW/(/JI/lG o FINAL ME~8A.'lICAL o FINAL F:LECTRICAL ,0 o PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection r.rust be requested efte!' the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical InspectionG have been made and approved. .ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBr.E~ ADJUST.'!ENT TO BE l.L1DE ,tT NO C:JST TO CITY I Pa.~e .1 of 2 I JOB NO."6~' , Zon., Lot Sq. Ft:;. ::: at lot C~erag;: # of Stories Total lieight T""~"':J. ....~hy lITEM Main CcJoaae t:'Q1"!lr?1't rl.ccessor:.r TOTAL VALUE IS.D.C. (vc:'-u(:) 1.S = Eui Zding Permi t State SuPcharge TotaL Cha......gss lITEM I Fi-.-tures Residential 11 bath) Sanitary Sewer lWater I P!imlbing Permi t Stats Su:rcharge TotaL Charaes lITEM 1 Res. Sa. fto. New/Extend Ci'l'cuits Tt!J11[)01'ary Service I Etecmca! Permit State Surcharae" Tota! Charces lITEM I Purna:ce HTU'S I E=haust Hoed I Vent Fan iJOodstove Permi t Issuanca Mechanical Permit State Surcha:rae TntnZ Ckrl"ap-s SQ.FTG i NO., i I I SOLAR AcfsS Occu~ Grou..,:" I NO'j I I I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~ri~ Devosit Storage I ,\faintetuzn::8 I Paz'mit I Total Cha.l'oas I Curb",,:; ! SideLIa Ik IF~e I EZsctl"ica l Lahti Z. ! Mobile Home I TOTAL AMOU.'1T DUE:" NO., I I I I WTTYFE Interier Corner Panhandle CUt-de-sac x Value FEE: CHARGE FEE CHARGE FEE CHARGE I~Lj~ I I /5.l/'61' Pege 2 R EQ,- L-cod~ . sedrooms: T:,'r;e/COT'.at: I Lot Facee - I I P.L. INorth lEast ISouth IWeet I Enerau SoW'ces I Heat I I II II Tupe Setbacks I "ouee , Caraqe I I I Access. I I I Water Heat~~ Ranqe Firevlace WoO<i;;tOT;e Fees I I I I I I I I, I I I ,. Building Value & Permit This permit i:; gl"a71ted em the express condition that the s:l"id. .zonstruction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crd:nance, regulating the ccnstT"..tcticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~ces. I PLan Check Fee: IDate Pq-:.d, I Reqdpt #, IS-:.g,:ed, Plumbing Permit No person chall construct, instalZ, aZter or change any new cr ~;sting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do plwr.bing work to propert-:f which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I, Electrica I Permi t i I I I , . Where State La1,} requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Ele[!m.cal Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shaU roOt be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. I I I I I I i I I I. I Mechanical Permit Ptan E=am1..ner uat;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAlofINED t,1ul completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info;rmation hereon is true a".d correct, and I f".uother certify that any ar.d aU work perfofflled shall. be done in ac~or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and thz La:.;s of tho ... State of Oregon partaining to the work described herein, c:n.d that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rro.de of any structure <Jithout permission of the 3uilding !/":- vision:. I further certify tha.t only contraators ar.d e:trpl:;yees who are in ~liance with ORS 701.05& witt be used on this project ~~df2~' j'l,..gnza ~- ~ -P.:J._ Date