HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Board of Appeals 1985-10-21 .---:-- " . ..--- . . . . . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1985 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session at the Springfield City Council Chambers, 225 North 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday October 21, 1985, at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor John Lively presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lively, Councilmembers Christensen, Gassman, Gorman, Kelley, Larson and Simmons. Also present were the City Manager, the Finance Director-Recorder. the City Attorney, and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lively. I NVOCA TI ON The invocation was given by Reverend Gayle Sheller, Church of the Brethren. PUBLI C HEAR I NGS 1. Appeal of Board of A~peals Decision Relative to a Sign Code Variance Request. Clark Roeder D.M.D.. Apolicant (Aopeal #85-13). Details of the request were presented by Sally Johnson, Associate Planner, in her October 15, 1985 report. 8ecause the Board of Appeals did not approve the request for internal illumination, the applicant appealed the decision to the City Council. Given the RP zoning and the Metropolitan Plan residential designation of the property, the surrounding existing land uses and the intent of the Sign Code, staff recommended that Council support the Board of Appeals decision. A public hearing was held for public testimony. Ray Walter. Chairman, Board of Appeals, spoke in support of the denial. Bryce Jessen, Attorney representing Clark Roeder, 1717 Centennial, distributed photographs of the sign and location and addressed the variance conditions relating to exceptional and extraordinary circumstances and the variance compatability with abutting property owners and uses. Larry Robinson, designer. Ten-co Si9n and Neon, spoke in favor of the varlance and responded to Council's questions relating to sign strategies and uses. John Conroy, Administrative staff, McKenzie Willamette Hospital, spoke in favor of the variance and the medical support the clinic provided East Springfield. Dr. Steve Butdorf, spoke in favor of the variance and the need for medical care in the Thurston area. Dr. William Debuss, spoke in favor of the variance. Dr. Michael Mattice, spoke ln tavor of the variance. It was moved by Councilor Larson, with a second by Councilor Gassman, to uphold the Board of Appeal's decision based on the findings of fact, as follows: * .,J~ " ~ City of Springfield ... Regular Meeting Minutes October 21, 1985 . 1. The proposed sign's height of 15 feet is a dimension more often used in the Commercial Si9n District. Although the area in question has several professional offices, it is still largely residential. Therefore, an internally illuminated, 15 foot high sign may arlversely impact the residential aspects of the area. 2. No unique circumstances exist in regard to the property in question in terms of traffic speerl, building location and geography/topography of the property that would preclude allowing 15 foot high, internally illuminated signs for other office uses in the vicinity. ' 3. The area east of 58th Street along Main Street is designated Merlium Density Residential by the Metropolitan General Plan; therefore, allowing signs of a commercial nature in this area would be in conflict with the intent of the Plan. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. SprinQfielrl for DruQ Free Youth. Lori Arlams providerl a status report of the organization which included facts and -figures of drug use in Springfielrl and encouraged the City of Springfield to be a part of their coalition. Their next meeting was scheduled for November 14, at City Hall. 2. Welcome to Springfield Sign. Jim Trenary, Springfielrl Jaycees, ~ displayed the Jaycees final drawing of a sign they proposed to erect in ,.., East Springfield and requesterl Councils approval. It was moved by Councilor Larson, with a second by Councilor Simmons, to refer the request to the City's Design Review Committee for a response back to the Jaycees at the next Council meeting. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL a. Committee Reports. 1. Brief status reports were provided on the Joint Social Services, Lane Council of Governments and Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission. 2. Counctl LeQislative Committee. Scherluled to meet the following Thursday to discuss the League of Oregon Cities legislation. 3. Council Judiciary Committee - Municipal Judge's Compensation. Councilor Gassman reported,the Judiciary Committee had meet that evenin9 and was prepared to recommend a salary increase of 4% retroactive to July I, 1985. It was the consensus of Council that the recommendation be presented in written form for consideration at their next meeting. b. Committee Appointments. 1. Library Board. It was moverl by Councilor Simmons, with a second by ~ Councilor Larson, to appoint Nanette TenEyck to fill the vacancy. '\" ,.:.'..ri >r),j'. . . .. . . ,! "', ;, '. ,1. " .,' ':.%) ~,/ :,/ . _ _ . ,,:>:(;.l;"',~t\~..'~:",:.~ .', ~ '~'b \ ,...f'....~ .,.\1 I'" '.. - ,.. . ,0 " "';'~ , " ':,' ( (.. , '.' \ t .~ l(li " r '''f. ' .. I :1"" . . \ . , . .,r; " "'~,r.,' ..'""'~t';I~~: :- '~." ~ d',',' ',' .,:.l,.':,}/...:':~.~;,;~./"~";~'" -, . .' .,' .': .' ..'. ,,~, ., '. "<",',,/., , , .. I" . "...,.'..,...,1,:. .~l:.f"~.~,~~{"t' ';':~ '. . ',' . ( ,_' r',~. ':."..: ! ': ' .~){.tITY OF SPRINGFIELD . .. . . . . '. .., .' ';':fi1i'9.ffice of ~ommunity & Economic Development ..." ,Planning and Development Department ',:\:"~,~\'Y.,~,',,:','.;,'I>{,',,.,"'."........':'.,l~ ,.,.,:'.. '. t..:....:.:;:... .,,~"', . '. .,:...~.,. ".', ..' .".-~,.,. "I' , , ~ .' , , -"'\' ,'" . ': ;:.." >': \ .... ,'- ' ':iSK:'.\.!-'r.. ...'. ," " '. :," .',:~' ;. BOARD OF APPEALS ' : :".' "'" ll\\. ;;/ . ;--, . ,...1 ' ii1:.i\:~~;;~:..;:.:,<, ":::" "...<: . . .;.':.,..,.....:~:,',:<., NOn.CE. .0FDECISio~ :'~.'..':.;'::" .' .... . ,':~52~!" '...,.'.;:. " "t...1' ' "'j,(~"" ,~f.l" \ j';'t"', 'l, ;"f. . . ' ... . ~'. .' - . , :' '. " ~, ,.'. "~ [... -. '. .... ~. ',":. ....'- '1'..- t. ,_~' ,I., ~ .'.' " I ('~... ~ , \ f." . 1 .'. 'r'" -I , '. ' .. .'j', ' ' , " ,.' . : , :. ~ ":. '-, :. " __ '. \ <i~~.,.,.\~:~., 't','." ..:. .',..,;'::',':..',~,. "'::", .....;.., ,.,\.~<~.,.. "_..:r~'.l~ !.,,"l"l" ,::lr.""APP~~CANT:.. ..... '. ". . Clark Roeder/Tenco Sign .and Ne?n'.-';:.': DATE: "]September",'12:, .1985, l\ltib ."~~:(!J,l",",\:",,.t.:.. '...' '; ',:'~';',.' . .\ '.:~ ~.". .. ~!.- "!1,", " I ,-,' '. ,I h~ '_ ' "'. ',{~,'f' . 1" I, ,:. 1....U,..;;,'. '~''':'ADD'RES'S'' :'''''''''';'.: "'5892 Main'Street "!~'"-'.i''' ., ',,,,"~'::.\'u"'} CASE NO....; 85-13"':',',':.:.'. .-':~,~::',.' J.~~. ... , . " ,I .....' ".,' .::t',l ~,' '. ". ,\- ',')0.' ... . . I " ')';':\"":":';'~~:'~}.'~"'_ ~/,. ",.. ",......' ,....'J,.,it.". ,..,.I,-._,{.~.::,';.'_. ,.'~ ,"..,.., 'I:.I.'{I:' \~\~,~'I:,,~ ...;....~' \.,., '.."', . ,'. -' I~.. "......::.,' ,'-',~. . .' . " ",' .' - j' . . -1 . .:i,.f,WARIANCE REQUEST:" Height and lighting standards for fri!estanding signs in the' ;:, '.:' . :,,t. .:.:'J,\\;!.jl,~"", :", '. ' I' ' Residential Sign District. . /.....,.. ' ,.' ., j....';.. ~..~~.~..~.~;~;{t.~~- \,;~' ;'.:' , . .: ., , '. ',,:'.' .' :' "\.. ., .,.. " ,.: / :' . 'I,CITY REFERENCE: Section 9-7-11 (4) of the Springfield Sign Ordinance, ....".: .'. ". "('..~:.:). ~):;.:..:.'.~;~,[,~~,.'..':":. . , .'. '.~'..". '. .' ,', ,',!'i. \':At.the Board of Appeals Meeting held on September 12, 1985; the Board of Appeals . .".;. :>(... i'fj..:.re'ndered the following decision regarding the above referenced variance request: . ,..; ,'.; .,\,.,;.;'; ',:;t,\;.;;r'{":,:' -. ' t ,-. . :' . .'. . . : :,c':!.(:" ;';~'"."'XXXX APPROVED '.. , . DENIED" " ..' . ,....:::. ,'{,~~.:/ , ' " ' , , ':;1F;sPECIAL CONDITIONS: _' " '" " ":(;. ~ . . ,'" '1" ; .~-.;! . 'l" \", :' ' .,',", ' \ .';'f"''l:",;.':The sign must be limited to ten (10) feet maximum total height. '..' ,...." 't.;;::> :~-,:>"i~"~'The sign must be externally 'illuminated with the fighting directed away from I'",. '../~~~1-.C~'l:L Main Street. . .~.'~;. "~'#i:'l - ~I~ ::'. . ' . . \ - :. ~~. . I' ..,! j .', FINDINGS OF FACT: . ' .'1"" . .'>'\. \';"". '~ i<~"Residential Sign District requirements are based, in part, upon".. .vehicles (,.:;: {'moving at residential speeds..." Traffic speeds are-fast and mixed residential . './ .It.l}".:uses exist to a greater degree than in most residential neighborhoods. . ,I",. ". ,,-, -:.. 2:.... The Professional Center is located close to commercial zoning where larger and ,..........:.. higher signs are permitted (180 square feet/20 feet in height.). Therefore, :."i1 ~'ia sign which is smaller than allowed in commercial, but larger than allowed '",,' .> in residential zoning would provide for an appropriate tra'nsitional sign in this "'-:,1\\1 . mixed residential use area. ' . '>#t..:' ..:.. ' .,' , . ' " ie. . '" .I' .<,::,3:. A larger sign would not adversely 'affect'public safety'.if placed in the area "'. i:,);;;;,::;-indicated on the submitted site plan. . '~"" " '.". ~'l"r" J~"":.', \. I /. .... ~., ',.: ,.':':~~'.~':~" ':~:~;:f:4. "'The proposed'"sign's height of 15 feet is la'dimensionmore appropriate for'the' . r' ::,~~"":\;~::::' Commercial Sign District. Although the area in question has several professional . ,,\,',:. .~,;;'t.;':'::'offices, it is still largely residential. Therfore, an internally illuminated' ., --'.,.. (, ,1",'" . sign this high'may adversely: impact, the: residential aspects of' the area." . ... '1' '.' "".' , '" .... ". ' ., . ..' . '..." ,'.:" " , , ;;.." ,:.t:. \ , , . '.. ~ . . ,\".:.~.,. '. ,225 North 5th Street . A.:~~ . Ray Walter, Chairman '. Board of ~peals . Springfiel~, Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 ..'... " ~\ r" ~".t..:, -"., ':.. ' .... . .~.u;.:;''''-'_''''''''__~_ . .... . '~I '.,; . '.1.. . ,. '<t - .,,' :'::"1':" '. .. '. . ~ '-. ..:..,."\~:_ t.~~..'I'" ,~". "'".;., '<~'~~.f9j!t"~~r~~i.._ ",..., , ',~;. ':", . . -..~;' , "; :~. ~~'~~ " ..: ~... ,. '- . ~ r;-~ " "-....:.:~.~.~..,- .'-.;' . . ..:' ~. .~ _.;.!J5:-L:.:...:..,-;..__.....:::,. ...... ~~: " :. i' ';.....