HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2000-4-5 - ~. . . ~. ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ST ATE OF OREGON} } ss, County of Lane } I, Steve Graham, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: * I. I state that I am the Plumbing Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2, I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I posted at each portal of the structure conunonly known as 6053 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17023433, Tax Lot 01300 a copy of the original attached Certified Letter addressed to Equity Limited Partnership, 3424 Virginia Avenue, Springfield, Oregon 97478 on AprilS, 2000, /~? STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane /. ~. On AprilS, 2000, Steve Graham personally appeared before me'Z:Vh cknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. ~ ' Before me: -L/J~ /,1IttY Notary Public for Oreg'fj . :...'... ' .' .. ... ~ ", ....... OFFICIAL SEAL BRENDA JONES NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 054360 MY (CM'o"; ;:' " miRES MAY 21,2000 MyConunission Expires: 0~n, ;}tYoo __c::;.:.:.....-<O'"":I:/,...:. -, .., . SPRINALD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 April 5,20.0.0. CERTIFIED MAIL , Equity Limited Partnership 3424 Virginia Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Building At 60.53 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the structure located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessor's Map #17023433, Tax Lot 01300, for reasons specified below, a substandard and unsafe building as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Regional Land Information Database records reveal that you are the owner of this property, Section 20.3 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurally inadequate or are dangerous to human life as unsafe, Section 1{)0.1 of the Housing Code specifies conditions constituting a substandard building, The following items include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structure identified above, classifying it as a substandard and unsafe building: . "/. " I: The property is not currently served with water service, The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water. .; 2, The property is not currently served with electrical service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68 degrees F, at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms, The Code further states that where there is electrical power available within 30.0. feet of the premises of the building, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. .... J . .... . . ... Notice and Order 6053 Main April 5, 2000 " 3, Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower, Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities, SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 5,0.0.2(1)(4) and (10.), 4.410. & 4.416 of the Springfield City Code, Improper storage and removal of dead organic matter and debris; used materials and stored, damaged and/or inoperable vehicles, REQUIRED CORRECTION: Because the improper storage and dispositio,n of waste creates a potentially serious public health hazard, dead organic matter and debris must be stored in covered leak proof containers and be removed a minimum of once every seven (7) days, In an effort to eliminate.conditions that may adversely affect community economic stability and to promote pleasant neighborhoods, all used materials must be stored within a legally permitted building or removed from the property, It is unlawful to park, store, leave or permit the parking or storing of any licensed or unlicensed motor vehicle which is in a rusted, wrecked, partially dismantled, inoperable or abandoned condition, whether attended or not, or any destruction derby vehicles or race cars of any kind, upon any public or private property within the city, unless completely enclosed within a legally permitted building that is wholly or entirely enclosed,-except for doors for use for ingress or behind a solid 6' fence, , " i DEAQLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: Seven (7) days from the date of this letter for all garbage and debris to be in compliance with the above standards, Thirty (30.) days from the dat~ of this letter for all used materials and stored, damaged and/or inoperable vehicle{to be removed from the property, Once the property has been vacated, occupancy may not take place until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are corrected and have been inspected and approved by this office, Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30.) days from the date of .', , . .' .- . ~ Notice and Order 6053 Main April 5, 2000 " service of this Notice and Order, Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to, an administrative hearing and determination or this matter, Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated, If you have any questions, you may contact me at 726-3663, ~i CerelY,~ . k;" pin -'l,oo'~ David Gadomski Electrical Inspector cc: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Tom Marx, Building Inspector Jackie Murdoch, Code Enforcement Officer DG/kw '.' "'. / .P 137 834 326 ~' . Receipt for Certified Mail ,to No Insurance Coverage Provided UM'mlS1MU Do not use for International Mail l'O!._snya (See Reversel IS'",~....;j,., L;"';l..J rl\rkKk;p IStree'aod-No'~Lf1.4 "i("'xf~"""" IPoo., SlaleandZIPCode 1"\. n,j.j ~Cln(\11-;,J.1 LlfL'1fi'- -"..1 E, I Postage . $.... \ ~3 I Ceflilicd Fee I I <50 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee ;;; I Return Receipt Showing en to Whom & Dale Delivered ~ IRelurn Receipt Showing to Whom, c: Dale, and Addressee's Address , ..., I TOTAL Postage o &Fees g Postmark or Date M E o u. (/) '" I 1.1~ $;}.c,i STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAil FEE. AfJD CHARGES FOR AElY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES fsee Irontl. 1. If you wanllhis rllceipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to Ihli right of the rl!turn address leaving the receipt '.lttached and presenl lhe article at a pllst olfice SetViCll window cr hand it to vaurrllralcarrierlnOUlr:lchargel. " ~ ~ ~ 2. If yeu do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article. dale, delach artd retain the receipt, and mail the ar:icle. '" '" 3. If you want a return receipl. write the certified mail nURlber and your nIlme and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, lInd attach it to rhe Irani of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits, Otherwise. affix to hack of artjcJl'. EndolSf front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED a~jacl!nt to the number. ~ o " ..., 5. Enlerfees lor the servicas relluested in thaappropriat,space son the front of Ihlsreceipt. If retum receipt is reljuested, check theepplicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. ,0 o ~ E o u. <Jl "- 4. If you want delivery restrict:!d to the addrl!ls$el!, Of to an authorized 8gent of the llddressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the fronl of the artide. 6. SlIve this receipt and present it if ynu make inquiry. ~ u.s. GPO: 1991-302.916 i r"( . . . '- AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON} } ss, County of Lane } I, Kaye Wilson, being firsl duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am the Secretary for the Community Services Division, Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon, 2, I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and mailed the original of the attached Certified Letter to Equity Limited Partnership, 3424 Virginia Avenue, Springfield, Oregon 97478, on April 5, 2000 by delivering said letter at the U.S, Post Office with postage fully prepaid thereon, 4fJ.J,~ ST ATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On April 5, 2000 Kaye Wilson personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act. r:2 /I , Before me: l~~ Notary Public for Orelff D&, ; ~ ,- OFFICIAL SEA\. BRENDA JONES , NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO, 054360 MY COMMIS:,IDN EXPIRES M~Y ll. 1000 J. i?- r7--;;Mo My Commission Expires: ..:--" Jrus Page calls all Queries and .plates for Property Reports . Page 1 of5 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address: 6053 MAIN ST Map & T axLot #: 17023433 1300 A & T Account #: 140556 Vicinity Map Special Interest Code: Detail Map Site Address State Plane Coordinates X-Coord: 1363676 Y-Coord: 876195 Site Address Information House Suffix Predir. 6053 Mailing City SPRINGFIELD Create Date: 1986-09-25 Land Use and Zoning Land Use Code and Description: Use Code and Description: Parent Zone 1: Zoning Jurisdiction: Zone Acres: Street Name PostDir. Street Type Unit Type Unit MAIN ST State Zip Code Zip+4 Carrier Route OR 97478 5402 C041 Update Date: Caution: Somo zoning and/or IMd use information contained in this raport may not be :lccurate, Plonse confirm zoning information with the local JUrisdiction. Code: Description: 1111 SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING 5 SINGLE FAMILY Spr 1,30 ",/Main Jeport, cfin?&Map= 170.23433&Lot=0. 130.0.&account= 140556%20.&house=60.53&Prc04/04/20.0.0. This Page calls all Queries and .plates for Property Reports Boundary Information General Incorporated City Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: Census Tract: Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: Transportation Analysis Zone: Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Willamette Greenway: Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: Soil Map Unit Number: Schools District: Elementary School: Middle School: High School: Service Districts L TD Service Area: L TD Ride Source: Ambulance District: Emerald People's Utility District: Political Districts Election Precinct: County Commissioner District: State Representative District: City Council Ward: EWEB Commissioner District: SPR SPR M 1801 4 1960 029 1.31 57063,6 32 Code: 19 282 313 668 Name: SPRINGFIELD MR,VERNON AGNES STEWART THURSTON . ,Page 2 of5 YES Y 102606 2 42 SP6 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIA SPRINGFIELD ",/Main Jeport, cfm? &Map= 170.2343 3&Lot=0. l30.0.&account= 140.S56%20&house=6053&Pr 0.4/0.4/20.0.0. .' This Page calls all Queries and .plates for Property Reports Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number: 140556 Property Owner Owner1 Name: EQUITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Owner Address: 3424 VIRGINIA AVE SPRINGFIELD City Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: Taxpayer Address: OREGON State UNITED STATES Country EQUITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3424 VIRGINIA AVE OREGON State UNITED STATES Country SPRINGFIELD City Remarks: Converted Record Property Legal Description Township: Range: Subdivision Type: Subdivision Name: LotfTractlUnit Number: Section: Subdivision Number: Recording Number: Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Market 57,600 53,830 51,270 47,470 33,710 Improvement Value Real Market 87,360 87,360 88,540 84,440 58,760 1999 199B 1997 1996 1995 88,292 o . Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) o Exempt Property Value (EPV) o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Taxable Value 1999 Tax Year Current Exemptions Tax Year 1999 Account Status .. Active Amount .. Taxable .. Locally Assessed r Pending Seg/Merge . Page 3 of5 97478 Zip Code 97478 Zip Code Quarter: Division/Phase: Total Value Real Market Assessed 144,960 88,292 141,190 85,720 139,810 83,223 131,910 131,910 92,470 92,470 1460.16 Certified Tax Amount Description ",/Main Jeport, din? &Map= 1702343 3&Lot=0. 13 o.O&account= 140.5 56%20&house=6053&Pr 0.4/0.4/2000 Land Characteristics Code General Information Property Class: Account Type: Category: Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: Fire Acres: Tax Code Area (Levy Code): 01900 View Taxina District Information from Lane Countv DeDartment of Assessment and Taxation's site. ~ This Page calls all Queries and .plates for Property Reports r Delinquency r Delayed Foreclosure r Bankruptcy r Code Split Indicator Description 101 RP LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS 1.37 Sales Information Sales Date Sales Price 12-28-1999 60,000 11-13-1992 50,000 05-02-1989 Manufactured Structures Grantor ISAAC WALTER G BERRYMAN, RICHARD BERRYMAN, LARRY EST Model Year: Serial Number: Make: Plate Number: Model: Building 1 Characteristics Property I D: Occupancy: Building Type: Class: Year Built: Depreciation: Floor Basement First Second Attic 140556 DUPLEX 71 PLEX P3 1947 Map and TL: Roofstyle: Roof Cover: Heating: Exterior Wall: Neighborhood Code: Base Area Finished Area 1017 1020 TOTAL 2037 . Page 4 of 5 Instrument # 19-99010533 92-06483700 89-03273500 170234331300 GABLE WOOD SHINGLES OTHER SHINGLE-WOOD 41430 Prop Class: 101 Bedrooms: 5 Full Baths: 2 Half Baths: 0 Fireplaces: NO Parkina Area Bsmt Gar sqfi: 1017 Att Gar sqfi: 1020 Att Port sqfi: Det Gar sqfi: Driveway Sqfi: 2037 Paved Patio Sqfi: "./Main Jeporl,cfm?&Map= 170.23433&Lot=0. 13 o.o.&account= 140.5 56%20.&house=60.53&Pr 0.4/0.4/20.0.0. ., . . This Page calls all Queries an.plates for Property Reports . Page S ofS Heating: BASEBOARD Exterior Wall: OTHER Neighborhood Code: 41430 Base Area Finished Area Healing: OTHER Exterior Wall: STUCCO Neighborhood Code: 41430 ' Base Are,! Finished Area Building 2 Characteristics Property ID: 140556 Occupancy: SINGLE FAMILY , , 11 STAT 110 OR 120, BUilding Type: SEE QUALlT Class: Year Built: Depreciation: Floor Basement First Second Attic 1 1940 TOTAL Building 3 Characteristics Property ID: 140556 Occupancy: SINGLE FAMILY . . 11 STAT 110 OR 120, BUilding Type: SEE QUALlT Class: 1 Year Built: 1940 Depreciation: Floor Basement First Second Attic TOTAL New Prooertv Search Map and TL: Roofstyle: Roof Cover: Prop Class: Bedrooms: 101 1 1 170234331300 GABLE COMP SHINGLE MEDIUM Full Baths: Half Baths: 0 Fireplaces: NO Parkino Area 295 Bsmt Gar sqft: 295 Att Gar sqft: Att Port sqft: Det Gar sqft: Driveway Sqft: 295 Paved Patio Sqft: 295 Map and TL: Roofstyle: Roof Cover: Prop Class: Bedrooms: 101 1 1 170234331300 GABLE COMP SHINGLE MEDIUM Full Baths: Half Baths: 0 Fireplaces: NO Parkino Area 356 Bsmt Gar sqft: 356 Att Gar sqft: Att Port sqft: Det Gar sqft: Driveway Sqft: 356 Paved Patio Sqft: 408 356 Main Menu Search Results "./Main Jeport, cfin? &Map= 170.2343 3&Lot=0. 130.0.&account= l40.S56%20.&house=60.S3&Pr 0.4/0.4/20.0.0. ii ,." . AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON} } ss, County of Lane } . I, Dave Gadomski, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: I. I state that I am the Electrical Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon, 2, I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I photographed Steve Graham, Inspector for the City of Springfield Community Services Division, posting at each portal a notice informing the public that the building is deemed unsafe for human occupancy and a copy of the attached Certified Letter to Equity Limited Partnership, 3424 Virginia Avenue, Springfield, Oregon 97478 on April 5, 2000. STATE OF OREGON, County ofLanc J2:J?g~_d_~ On April 5, 2000, Dave Gadomski personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. Before me: . .,l, OfFICIAL SEAL 'BIlENDA JONES NOTAfI{ PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO, OS4360 Ml COMM1~"'jU EXPIRES MAY Zl. 1000 .-. (J~ b.,ob' My Commission Expires: 0- :f1.?fJOo 'r- .. ~ . /' , " "', ~ . . .\ . ~0XW1kf'/;, .~' : ',I ",( ,J \ f'VI, ,\ I r;!lfrl/~1 , 'I . ";;'[~ " ",'~~ I. \,,~,'1..., r.' oj I., . " ~j.ll~\l.ilJ\ ::~~/lHJjItl '\. .-...11 ~ ==- t.) O~ .' a:x:a u ,.5 'S c:" 0 ~~ ==- t- :.0;(1. t: c::>> 0 ~g :; Ell:: -- .u n: ' ~ ..... .... u 0 "I ~ c.:;>> 0 ~C)~ II _ "''-:0 ;~-'c~:'>:' ~ g~~ . . .. ." . . ~ ,. . . ..... ,. . . .........'1'-.' ~Gfl~l~l~u 00 Nor OCt1IY 1114.lIlUI(t!ltl"~", t-1t M.~)(O''"'l lilt"" """"'<1 ,", \1i\,r.., . . . I , ,. \ ~ r .' . . J~ 1t;:;I:, ~'~"_ I .. Inn It 1., .. "'1 '\- "