HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 2000-4-21 . -Oregon John A. Kitzhaber, M.D., Governor . Department of Consumer and Business Services Building Codes Division 1535 Edgewater Streel NW PO Box 14470 Salem, OR 97309 (503) 378-4133 FAX (503) 378-2322 TTY (503) 373-1358 http://www.ebs.state.or.us/external/bed APRIL 21, 20.0.0. DAVID PUENT BUILDING OFFICIAL 225 FIFTH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ~ - - ---- /r-{--- RE: DRUG LAB REGISTRATION We have received notification from the Health Division that the following property was declared "unfit for use" because of involvement or suspected involvement in the manufacture of illegal drugs, , I', :'1 ".'1 ',,1 Address: " , ~... , '- ' ,\ /::..r .,:'~~;. "6053 Main Street Springfield OR _ r~, \ q 1.... 11 ~. '... , ,II J .'1 . County: ' , , Lane Property owner: Walter G, Isaac 60.53 Main Street Springfield OR 97477 Larry Dean Farris Equity Limited Partnership 3424 Virginia Street Springfield OR 97478 cf~L L~__ LOUANN RAHMIG <f Administrative Specialist c: Loualln Rahmig Interested Parties " , ~ 'f 'r' . County Assessor (',.,'..' '," ',;:' Lane'C6 Environ Health. ' f' .'!L 2",(;,: J , , @ . . . . r Iy 0)3 rV\CI.... l f'\ st-, . . ~,..... .' 'I , . . . I I I I "\ , ,~ I . , t J... d ,~ - . . . . . . . I ..'.... 'fUI".tllll"".".'. I I DANGEROUS BUilDING DO NOT OCCUpy I \'.A~'\Ir~I""'" '<lOC<"" "'" llM[~ j 1.. fll ytNf (I" L'ftM: "'" 'IV"'. I ":O"~~",....~I\ .~l'.~~'~},JI r-~ ... II ..;:~ '1 t I I . . \ 0', Fold at~lin'e over 'top of 'env~lope to the ~ right of the' return a~dress - ; ":...,.,,,,; . ':':;';,'.;"1:,.,','" ( i" , ' , ; "-""a.~N"- .-r.L.';"'r,-o ??: 6 '5 .,'. :2 II~<;', if '.:.. , i " ,..-!,.;.':;,:t-... ""-,,,u'I"'A J/~2 . "<~, \ (i'?R 5",0 J , , ~-~~y,/ r ilOR ' . ,If. . ," . ", J,; IlJUr' ":;?:Cj~;Ng\/;;~':~-" U APR 2 1. -:~ I '!,'<":lr,i ..- i if ~ 1,',1, "'rllIlIlIll~~"II.-J1 "11" iJll,'di 1,1,;11,',1. ;,t1,.f ..:,--c-"'- .::::-~..<- - r' i OJ ~ . :~ ( d ~ " '" r:f) \f\ () :J ,', '" SENDER: " I also wish to receive the .., -Comple1eltams 1 and/or 2 for addItional 88MC88. (-' .. .Complete Ilems 3. 48, and 4b. following services (for an ~ -Print your name and address on the reverae of Ihis form 80 that we can retum this extra fee): , cardto~u. ." Ii ~ -Attach fa form to the front of the mallpleC8. or on the back If Bpace 'does not 1. 0 Addressee's Address 1 f permit. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery " -Wrlte.Rerum R8CSIpt Requ8St8d" on the maJ1plece below the article number. :; -The Return Receipt will show to whom Ihe article was delivered and the date" D. c delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 1 0 .., 3, Article Addressed to: /4a, Article NJmber c," il L' tl b k ? 1?J'7 <631-/ ::'2& a: 'il. EQ~~ ,E E " M.). t;:d ..." 'S (' 4b, Service Type ~ 8 :l if2 '\' V'; r(\ r0 "-- o Registered ~ertlfled a: lli .. o Express Mall o Insured c "' ~V:^0~.JJ, Ou OJ II: o Return Receipt for Merchandise o COD ::l Q ~ Q r Date of Delivery -,2 .. ~-q'74'7~- ::l z ~ II: 5. Received By: (Print Name) J 8. Addressee's Address (Only If requested ... ffi c and fee Is paid) _ ' ~ II: ~ 8, Signature: (Addressee or Agent) I ::l I ~ X ,i .! PS Form 3811, December 1994 Domestic Return Receipt ! 10:::595.97.8-0179 ,I ~'."'J""":",'jtj~I"".'J:/"""J' EVELOPMENT SERVICES 'BUSINESS LICENSING 225 FiFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 . .- ~SP.~:G~':D_'" Z 730'054 126 ,~ ~ 1',,;,;./(\ __\ I~" 14~O ) ~~~J MAIL '* ,~ " ,- h :::~~~~r?t:~:.~i~ . "/~~-~~ ~~1 ;;9,;~ . ~ 1l c ~ ~ (\') i="IRSl NOTICE \.A APR ~:120[O ') SECuNl) NOTICE' ~PR I 0:;"); . RETURN !Jt "I747i!1-6~68 24 ~III"II..I;.I".III.I;;I;II;-;1 . ,~..d ", . _-------'.._"."-'-.._~"._._........,."""" / ssaJppe lIJ111aJ QLP !O lq()1.l cllll 0) <)tlOl8Aua JO (10) JaAQ auq III PIO::l 'j '" " ." ;; I , t?~ Sl:!liDER: \l -Complete Items 1 and/or 2 for addItional &eMcee. -Comp/eteltems 3. 48, and 4b. -Prim your name and address on the r&Y8l'88 ofthJ. form 10 thai we can return thie card to you. -Attach this fann to the front of the mal/piece, or on the back II &pace do88 no1 permit. .Wrlte-R6tum Receipt Requested. on the mallplece below the article number. -The Return ReceIpt wlll show to whom the artide was delivered and the date delivered. " ,= c '0 ii i'ii. ,~ i z a ~' a., $ o '" ,,!! 3. Article Addressed to: 1...........'0 F...........;~ ~'1a....j y';a.rM~ ..5rY';n<yc:....,u, bY'./~ '17'17<( 5. Received By: (Print Name) 6, Signature: (Addressee or Agent) X PS Fonn 3811, December 1994 'i I I also wlsh to receive the 1 following services (for an " extra fee): 11 : 1. 0 Addressee's Address !:, 2. 0 Restricted Delivery ell Consult poatmester for fee, a ' 14e. Article Number 1 : z. 7 ~C> 0'54 I~'" a: E, 4b, Service Type ~ g 'I o Registered Ul-'C9rt1fled a: II m, o Express Mail 0 Insured .5 ", o Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 COD ~ 0' 7, Date or Delivery _ ::I' o ..., ... , c .. ~ 8, Addressee's Address (Only If requested and fee is psJd) 102595-97,B.()179 Domestic Return Receipt' t J/ " ~,/ . '-. '-. . \