HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-1-1 . . -- RESIDENTIAL -- CO~BINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT - SPRINGFIElD_ errr .').': SPHJ;'IGFI~LD 22S :"::J.rml 5TH ~-:.'?EE7 SPRl::CFIE!.D, 0REC.().'1 97477 3uild~r4 Diuisio~ 720-:3753 ~~ (Po 15>- JIlIJ",.{.M. .--li. \/.711" , c:OV(Cl . Subd:'IJ':"sion: Job !'ocation: .4..a..or. !/ap' 11- 1) J.. - 3 t.f - 3tJ T= Lot # 02. fl tJ() + cA~.../J1tUrJ.~ Mdrsa. rf? 1- 1 tf?77 14,' i,C (a~ t/,r, City (h.~/!a !l)nB1" !Xl n n u~ if.-./..h. tJ~ 1'1<""", # a/"1 ~'1,,/. / ' 9' '7 (/'" 7 ., Zip ~ '..:".~' Dssazoi1:s Work .7.., ~ ~ .J' fovc- Addi tion .~"",od. l Addrs.. L1'scd GeMraZ, Co~trac'tOrs llamr 3s.-r It./ I'lumbing ~ZBCtricaZ. ucchar.i.ccl. Wtl/1;V-L- -:I!. wcro-v( Ccnstru...-tion Lender RECEIPT ,~ " ... 1'\tektll\ lea. ~tfl\\ \~ IS. 10 . 'l~ ~ I~. 'D 4. *' i.L Aut~ol""i::ed Ci t":! Agent E:z:pires Phone 1# Z-Zthz- f3.r--7~c:2- - REQUIRED INSPECTIeNS It is tbe respcnsibili~ of the permit ~lder t~ se~ th~t all i~sp~ions are made at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street. and tha': th~ permit card is located at the front of the property. 6 .~l manholes and cleanouts are tQ be adj~st!d at no cost to the City O SIn: nZSPEC'!'!CN: To be made after 0 FIREPLACE: Prior to placing faCing~ W'OO~STOvtS: After installation ~ excavation, but prior to se't up or materials and before tra:ning inspe<:- is comple'ted. forr..s. tion. o o o o o o o o UHDERStAB PLUMBING. EL!:Ci!=!.ICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work i:s covered. D FR.~HI!{G: Mus't be requested after 0 approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanica.l. All roofing, bracing t chim:l.eys, etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- 0 cealed. until th.is inspection has be.n made and approved. rOOTnlG & FOUUDATION: To be made after 'trenc~!!s a:e e::cavated and farms ~ eM!ct~d, but prier to pouring conc:'ete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBIUG. SEYtR\ WATER. DRAWAGE::: To oe made prior'to fil- ling 1;renches. D INStlLATIONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after all insulation and required vapor barroiers are in place but before a."'y lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and beforeE] any insula'tion is concealed. .' j..... ~ . '). ,'" tJUCE:RnOOR ?!.UliBtNG ~ M'E'':HANICAL: To be mAae prior to installation of floor insul..uiQn or decking. POST & BtAM: ins'tallation or -jecking. o .);. J~\ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be Tll3.de~..' ~l.. 4tter all drywall is in p~ce,' ,.,..;~,r.' ,,~ .. bu't prier to any taping. .,~~.~. , , ..", ..~. "., MASONRY: Steel loc3.tion, bond~.. '. .... 083mS, grouting cr verticals in accordance with U.8.C. See'tion 2"tS. To be ~de prior to o~ floor insulation ROUGH PLUH9!~G. ELECTRICAL t HECH- MIcr.'\!.: :'0 'Jerk is to be covered ~these inspections have been . made and approved.. D CURB & APPROAC~ APRON: After forms are erec~ed but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIvt7;AY: For all con- crete paving within stree! righ't- .of-way, te be cade after all exca- vating c:l'mplete & form work & sub- base materbl in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indicatee in ;la~~ or by no- tice from .Bu~l,~ins.. I~'\Pe.cj.tQ~. .!. . .7t..d- .".,oi' ..l.., .... '.' . ..~-I FINAL PLUMBING All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, c~pl~tion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. D nUAL :e.UILOn:G: The Final Building Inspection mus't be requested a::er the Final Plumb in;; Elcct~ical. 3nd Mechanical Inspections have ~een ma~e ~d approved. F!NAL EL~CT!=!.ICAL No occupancy of the premises c3n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and. appro\'ed. anc. a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS StE..."f ISSUED BY THE BUILDn:G DIVI- SION A~D POST~D ON THE PREMISES, D FINAL MECHA~ICAL ?~gc 1 l)f 2 PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUtST: Call 726-3769 (rec~rder)state you~ City designated job numoer. job adcre~s. tiPe or inspection requested and when you will be re3dy for inspec- tion, Con'tractors or Owners name and phone n~~bers. Req~ests received before 7:00 a,m, will be made the saxe duy. requests maae after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY OESIC:lA!EO JOB "UM9!' IS, f / /)7/7 f1" f~; It. ~_.. """ .. . I P.Jge '2 I . I JOB :;L'}!EER :Sl...D'7 '1 I ZONE ::t:!I1+: I .:-:'!'i":~'.:::a ;\.ac:. 5=~:Ja ;:)o.~' I I I I I I ',I 1 \ I OCCT,'PANCY GRO!!P REFERENCE Nl'!'BERS TYPE/CONST1l.UCTION L-cor; i! . BEDROOl'S Lot Square !'tg J', t. I ,,., r~ /'Ii. ~ ~ A~ Ty,e .,._ 'I w _,.JI""I ~~t'~:er~d: ; . rntsricJo ~o'mz..H#'(gh~ " ~ >, 'f t I... ft. ~::'~LC :'0:;70Qral:'''U . .... - - """'h-- : ~, . ";1 '. '.,.,,, _ ;.1.;. ','\ '. .... .... Setbacks LO~ P.r.. NO!'9:h E.ast South ,West Fa!!es: I Rouae I i i i FEES I 'Jaraf1€: Acc-:;'SJ I I : , i EI:ergy So:,,:'~e3 :~'atel" He!lter .~Cl1'.gB ?oo~ I I ,~~ \,; "t. '. '. ..... .~p. 1:'1':". ':"it'! Sq. Feg. C-arage Sq4 Ft;g. Ca1701"~ I Sq. Ftq. A:c:e:;so:-y ISo. no: BUILDING VALIre;Pr:R.'-fIT .. , I I I 1~ i I I I TJrts permit is grant~ on tns ezt'r63s c:;ndi:-:.on tha~ ths said. construction t1hat~J in at; rfls~sct~J confor: ~ the tCdi:zar.!1BB adapted by thB Ci";'J o:~ Sp~ng:"iBld, i.ncl.udin,g thB Zoning Ordinance, re~.ll.at';ng ~r.B aon- stro..lC~on. and use of ao.J.ildingsJ ani."'IaY ;.S IT.l.s-par.c.sd or rtrJOksd a't arr:y tims up.on vioZati.;n of ~ prc"Ji- Biens of Raid Jrdinances. . . '" ;:: ;:: = VaL!l.s pgmit ~es R~R ,Cjurf!J""m~ TOTAL CH.4RCES Pl.a:n Cheek !'s, !)a~e Paid Receipt # IS~stem Dev~~ent Char3e b.S=9al:ie "~ ,:)J.... PLU/IBING Pf:!1HIT INO. I I I I I fEE I CHARGE No p#J'son shaH construct, inst::zZl, ::zHer ~'l' C'han;B any new or er:.sting plumbi~ or ar:.:.nagB 8yS';l1rrt in whole or in partJ unlsss such pszoso'!: is :h, :,gal possessor of 'a vaLid pl!.imbllr's 1.iasr..aBJ e:::ae'?t that a person may do plumbing l...'Ork to prc~lIr~ wi:ich is """"d. !ea.ssd or apsratsd by the ""L~t. :"::1;:'mooQ'S !'1+'(}r," St/1"".Jiclt Sanitar!' SrJtrr SUBTOT.4L Stat, Surcharg. TOTAL CHARGF:S I INQ. I I I i ELECTRICAL PF:RMIT I FEE I CHARGE SUSTOTAL f/hgre Stats Lat.' requires that tits sZaomcc:Z !Jork be dens by an etsatri.cal C~ntractor, ti!a ,z.sat:"".:ca~ per... ticn of thie psnrrit shaLL not be valid !l71~! .he ~- boL has b.... aigMd by the E:l.sctric.::! C071t=:or. The EZeamcaZ Saf.t:y LabJ dces not :oequ::re ::: ?srson to obtain a licsnsc as an '314atri.c-'.:at ar.:!./ or else- meaZ CO'l~tar to ma.k.e an eZsct.,..:,~l ~s,;.:tl.::tion on propfl'l'ty which is ormod by himss~f' or a ,-::&:ber of his immsdit::~ f'ami~ which is not -:.r.:mdsd :-:r sate, lease or rant. So. Poot,"tCe !!ebJ 0%" E."':tensionlCi1"':Uil I' , T ...,...~. _..,' Co:o:st:ouC':ioJ'l ,I S~t-'l Surchart7. TOTAL CHARr.ES I l":o. I I I I I MECHA.UC.4L PE1IMIT . ..F:F: I I 1 I-~ :~,' r I , CH,4RGE p."""""~o<t ... 9'r'U'S F:;::hauet Hood 1 I I J I~ SUBTOTAL Vsnt Fan 1I0Dd Stove/Heater Stat:a Szuoehar-t1e TO'!AL CHA.llGES ., I F:,7CROACHJ.fE!rr ,Se~ty Deposit I St~rage :',,'aincnanO's I Pormit 1 TOTAL AHOU!lT D!!E 1C'.L..oeut I Sid"""Zk I Ft!'llcz I ~lec'tJ4i~ l Labs l. I i I i Pl.an E:rxmrL.~Bl' Date I J I HAW C.1REF11LLY F:J!AHINF:D the """,!,l.stsd appLicati07l far pormit. and dJJ Ii huraby certif,Y that all in/.......IiIY... ~,:m Mrec:m is trua and correct,. ::::nd I . further cert~fy that art.y and all r.:ork porfarmed shalt. be dons 't.1t acco~ I ~ da=e IJtih the Ordinanoe. of the City of. Spri,7lIJfis!d.. and tho taz.>e of tlul I ~ State of O'l'Cgcm pertaining to ths wo:ok dsscribBd herBinJ and that NO OC- ~ CUPANCY will be /Tad. of any st2"'.Acture without permission. of ths Building ~ Di'.Jiswn. I i"DthQf> certify that o!'tLy O'ontrootors and ~lcyeB8 who arfl I ~ in aompliance lJi.:h OES 701.055 rJizt. bs ussd em ~hia project. j ~ . . ~ . ItOTAL AI'.Outrr DUF: ,:)1.anea LJa:e Building Division appl"O".J6d pLaot shalZ. r€17t:'in on tr.ll Building 5i=6 at all . times. J" ..._ , .. . .' _ __ ~.. _ '--', c".. ,-- -. :;:~;':~ :;:~~~'~:?::.::'~;;:.:DT;:;.'::...:;:',~.?:;'~":':