HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2009-4-17 i .tiRINUI.La . n~ ~IFTH STREET SPRJNGPle.D. Oil Q7~77 PHONe (/141)7'25-3753 FAll (ll4fl"'.'3S1J'l WVNI.cI..prfng//ftd.CI.1II mGH-EFFICIENCY LlGnJ.um SYSTEMS OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (ORSC) l'ermlt No.: C~ .2aJ:!>8 / ~J g Jurisdiction Site Address: 9St/- ..s S6 Zft'.sT: ,?//.?-~ B,,!? 97?''7A S..bdivlsionlLot: L'b&~'''', K.;t ...!oif-' /2- Wid/or Map and Tax Lot: " I By my sillUatun: below, I certify that a minimum of~fty (SO) percent, *0 scycnty.five (75) percent,'of the pennanently installed lighting fIXtures in the above mentioned building have been inSl8lled with compact or lineiU' fl\lorescent, or a lighting source that has a minimwnefficacy of 40 lumens per input watt. (Oregon Residential Specialty Code NII07.2)1 * Check the 75% box if the additional measure selected to comply with oase NIIOl.land Table NIl 0l.1(2) requires 75% of lighting fixe-.n-es to have energy efficient lamps. Signed: n./ P-:'--"" Date: "7". / ;?~O ~ "'" Owucr/GIBeral C~l1tractQr/A\lthorb::l;:d ACent Pri.nt~_ 1 Namt~""",.vl! ~/V;;;-... Contractor's CCB # C:::~6Y" 2- Expliation Date: /.:z - IJ!I..;(' I I ORSC Socii"" Nl107.2. High.Efficiency Llgb1il1g Sy.tems,. A mlnllllUm oftlfty(50) percent afthop~yinotal1ed lighting fixtur..., .oventy.five (75%) percent, utile ~ol~c~ addiliawd en.rgy code IllCuurea In the Tablll NllOl.1(l) requltcs il'eater lighting olliciellOY, .hall be i.nataUod with compact or linear tluorescent, or a lighting .ource that bas I mlnimllm efficacy of 40 lume"" per lllput watt. S<:n:w.in compact fluorescent lamps comply withtllia requinmwnt. rie Buil<l!llg allicial,ahall be nolltled in wrllinjj at the!inR1 it]Rn.ctin~ thaI a mioimum of me required percenrage o{the pcrrilanent!y inaralled lii!lm.g lixtur.. ",e eompact or Iin~ar fiuore.eent, or a llIlrlirnurn efficacy of 40 IUltlClU por iIlput watt. r.::\Hfoh_RffidEflIN.lnttt,d~ T.e ;j9\1d a13I~Nr~dS 30 AlIO ~L~e9U ~e:~T. 600~/Lt/~e