HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2008-12-19 -'-"~.L.L(VO Htu l,,:Ul FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD !ill 002 r~i.f 'jlj);ti.-r:l:111 'l~~ l:l ifll(!ltl.:t e{~ DEVELOPMENTSERV1CESDEPARTMENT ~ ! I I " IllGH-EFFIClENCY LIGHnNG SYSTEMS , OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (ORS~) 225 FIFTIf STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 PHONE (S41)72fi:.3753 FAX (541}726.3689 WWW.cI.Sprlf1{r(iefd.or.us Pernlit No.: (-~..: 1'-11:'1 /.~I."A -"'S7' IJ.... Site Addres's; -, U J ,Jurisdiction SubdivisionfLot: , and/or Map an~'Tax !-oJ: :2Lf4 ' 4" S'~ I.:!'JL.APlh...... , , "1--- By my signature below, I certify that a minimum of P fifty (50) percent, *~seve~ty-fiv~(75) percent,of the permanently installed lighting fixtures in the above mentioned bUilding have been in~talled with compact or 'linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that has a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens per i Iput watt. (Or~gon Residential Specialty Code NI ]07.2)1 . * Check the 75% box if the additional measure selected to comp]ywith 0RSC N1101.1 ;nd Tab]e NIl aLl (2) requires 75% oflighting fixtures to have energy efficient lamps. Signed: ~~ ---- Owner/General~Dtractor/AuthorIzed Agent, ,Date; /;) -/~~ Print Name: /.:>.., (/J,..-,..,;: 'r-c.." d Contractor's CCB # Q"P..2or _Expiration Date; 7 -.;t., _...., , " ,1_ ' I ORSC Section Nl107,2. High-Efficiency Lighting Systems, A minimum offifty (50) percent ofthepe~ently Instailed' lighting fixtures, seventy-five (75%) percent, if the selected additional energy code measwes in,the Table ~ 1101.1(2) requires greater ligh\ing efficieocy, shall be installed with COmpact or linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that ha1 a minimum eftkacy of 40 ,lumens per input watt. Screw-in compact f1uoresceo! lamps comply with this requirement. , ' , Th: Building official shail be notified in writing at the final insnectiQ!! that a minimum of the required perctntage of the pelF"ently insiaIJed lighting fixtures are compact or linear f1uorescen!, or a minimum efficacy of 40 lUmens per input watt, I. , ,I C;\*igh.EfficiellCY Inter.doc