HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2008-12-11 12/11/08 TED 12:01 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1@002 ~"l;ti."J:':'Nlej;li~1 '.. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTIi STRE;oT SPRINGFloLD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)72&-3753 FAX (541)726.3689 www.c/.sprinnfield.or.us ! i I i I - IDGH-EFFICIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS I OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (O~(c) Perinit No.: C;., 8' -l4fbJ Jurisdiction C 11,,/ of 7."~ I bL9 ~ Site' Address: 57 3.Y P1,'ner...1 Subdivision/Lot: / ()f ,.;)4'5- , and/or Map and Tax Lot: S....s(l'" {VI..4./""" "-- By my signature below, I certify that a minimum of P fifty (50) percent, *%seventy-fiv ~ (75) percent,of the permanently installed lighting fixtures in the above mentioned building have been in: taIled with compact or linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that has a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens per i lput watt. (Oregon Re~idential Specialty Code NII07.2)1 * Check the 75% box if the additional measure selected to comply with ORSCNIIOl.l md Table NIIOl.1 (2) requires 75% of lighting fixtures to have energy efficient lamps. Signed: =-~~4 - Owner/Genend CODtraCforJAutho~lzed Agent, Date: /2-(( '-08" Prin t Name: -;;: ;,-" Drr.. 7.Je Contractor's CCB # q~Z' Expiration Date: 7..2?~ I>"t . I ORSC Section NIl 07,2, High.Efficiency Lightiilg Systems, A minimwn of fifty (SO) percent of the pen!nanently installed' ligh~g fixtures, seventy"five (75%) percent, if the selected additional energy code measures in,the Table * 101.1(2) requiles greater lightiilg efficiency,shall be installed with compact or linear fluorescent, or a lightiilg source that ha~ a minimum effi<:acy of 40 ilumens per input watt. Screw-in compact fluorescent lamps comply with ,this requirement. . 1 Thl Buiiding official shall be notified in Writing ~t the final insnection that a minimum of the required pere ',ntage of the perently insiaUcd lightiilg fixtures are compact or linear fluorescent, or a minimum efficacy of ~O lum, lS per input watt, I