HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Planning Commission Interviews AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: SPRIN G FIE LD Statl' Phone No: C I T Y C 0 UN elL Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEW May 29, 2007 Work Session Development Services Greg Mott~/ 726-3774 () Nrr' 120 Minutes ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct interview ofthe Planning Commission candidates: Ms. Justine D. Michaud, Mr. Michael J. Walker, Ms. Terri A. Leezer, Ms. Sheri E. Moore, Ms. Laura J. McNamara, and Mr. Eric T. Smith. ISSUE STATEMENT: There are six candidates for three positions. The incumbents, Mr. David Cole and Ms. Gayle Decker will have completed a 4 year term on June 2, 2007 and informed the Development Services Director that they would not seek re-appointment. Incumbent, Mr. Steve Moe will have completed two 4-year terms on June 5,2007. Planning Commissioners are unable to serve a third 4-year term. ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: 1. Interview Agenda 2. Interview Questions 3. Application 4. Planning Commission Roster The City received six applications for three vacancies during a one month recruitment process. Ms. Justine D. Michaud resides at 1512 T Street and is employed by Village Health Services, 1755 Coburg Road, Eugene. Mr. Michael J. Walker resides at 555 16th Street and is employed by Ad Pro Northwest, 659 A Street, Springfield. Ms. Terri A. Leezer resides at 555 16th Street and is owner of Ad Pro Northwest at 659 "A" Street; Springfield. Ms. Sheri E. Moore resides at 1955 16th Street and is a retired School Teacher from Marcola School District. Ms. Laura J. McNamara resides at 470 "T" Street and is employed by Orthopedic Healthcare, NW at 1200 Hilyard Street, Eugene. Mr. Eric T. Smith resided at 1351 Lawnridge Avenue and is owner of AquIla & Priscillas at 1843 Pioneer Parkway, Springfield. The Springfield Planning Commission is a seven member volunteer Commission appointed by the City Council. The members serve four-year terms. Of the ~even members, two appointments may live outside the City limits and two appointments may be involved in the Real Estate profession. Positions are "at-large", and do not represent specific geographic areas. Currently none of the Planning CommiSSIoners live outside the City limits, or work in Real Estate. The Council decision on appointments is scheduled for regular meeting of June 4, 2007. Agenda - City Council Interview of Planning Commission Candidate 5:40-5:45 Council review and adjust interview questions 5:45 - 6:00 Interview of JUSTINE D. MICHAUD 6:00 - 6:15 Interview of MICHEALJ. WALKER 6:15 - 6:30 Interview of TERRI A. LEEZER 6:30 - 6:40 BREAK 6:40 - 6:55 Interview of SHERI E. MOORE 6:55 -7:10 Interview of LAURA J. MCNAMARA 7:10-7:25 Interview of ERIC T. SMITH 7:25 - 7:40 Council discussion/deliberation Attachment 1-1 Planning Commission Interview Questions 1. The Planning Commission generally meets two evenings each month and additional evening meetings are sometimes necessary. There are also materials to be reviewed in advance of these meetings that may take a couple of hours to read. Given your work and/or family demands. can you fully participate as a Commission member? 2. How familiar are you with planning laws and pOlicies and the purpose they serve in Springfield's land use decision making process? If your experience with these laws is limited, what actions would you take to become familiar so that you can function fully as a Planning Commissioner? 3. Many of the land use laws applied by the Planning Commission are state or federally mandated. During a Planning Commission hearing how would you reconcile your own personal opinions with the applicant's interests when those interests do not comply with the land use laws? 4. What is your general understanding of the relationship between the Planning Commission and City Staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council? 5. What roll do you think the Planning Commission should have with the revitalization of downtown? 6. How would you recommend balancing the community's need for attractive commercial and industrial development with the rights of property owners? 7. The State of Oregon is performing the first comprehensive review of the Oregon land use system since adoption of Senate Bill 1 00 in the 1980's. It's being called "The Big Look. II If you had 2 minutes to testify before the statewide task force charged with performing "The Big Look" what would you advise them?' Attachment 2-1 Rev. Justine D. Michaud, MA, HHC '1512 T Street Springfield, OR 97477 Greg Mott, Planning Manger qty Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 May 11, 2007 . Dear Greg, Attached ismy application for the Planning Commission. I have taken the liberty of also including my resume, so the City Council members would have a better picture of the depth and breadth of my experience and education. I desire to bring a long-term view to city planning while doing my best to balance the needs of those in the present who will leave what we create to future generations. If selected for this position, I will do my best to perform it while keeping a sense of fairness, humor and flexibility striving to find win-'\Vin, collaborative outcomes serving the common good for the City of Springfield.' ,.. . . Please let me know of any meetings I will need to attend as a result of submitting my . application, so I can plan to be there. Thank you for considering me for this important civic responsibility. Best regards, kJ -~,0f---::'~./ Rev. Justine D. Michaud, , HHC President, Vill'age Health Services, Eugene, OR . Managing Member, Dawnstine Consulting, LLC Managing Member, Common Sense Solutions, LLC .~+... ATTACHMENT 3::-1 .~ ( . APPLICA TION REC'D MAY 15 2007 City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board /Commission / Committee Please print or type: Board I Commission f Committee applying for: o l S (A separate ap , tion must be completed for each board I commission I committee) Name: JUS +1 (\{., - 1). (Y\ l.c....'~~A . rY1 tl . liN C First I Middle initial Last Home address: /5 (l... . T S-trw - Street -5'f'Ir'j-h alA ~ ~ 1 'i T\ City -Evening phone: rs \/1 )7 q '~o~ S to '. ~. Zip Day Phone:(?.{IJ b~q -3Q\ r[-'{ . . .' Do you live within the Springfield city limits? ~ Yes ~' If yes, how long? -/ '-/ U--( , o No . ~ If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? DYes ONo Ward number (city residents only): '- DYes ~No DYes ~ No ~ Yes Are you a Springfield property owner? Are you a Springfield business owner? Are you a registered voter? D No . , t1td~e.Mt. cJ..1V\-l{., ovl\U' Occupation: H ~ [ I~-l ~ (, H~~~ c o\.v.(\s..Vv,-r Place of employment: . J ~ .f-1fU'J..+~ ~Vl ~A :t f\;tU+ M-th (Y\ I 1\ i.s~ CV' Business address: u. o cf . ell ) (Over, please) 3-2 . . . ~~ . :::,L1CA T10Nfor a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board ICommission I Committee Please print or type: 1. What experience I training I qualifications do you have for, this particular board I commission I committee? J. ht.-.!! If ~q ~ C\V\ ~k +Iv.. (f ,,~f (,CM}C-Nl iJ~6-f Ll!N4- aJ ~MI.(, -fINJUJ A JJ, fr.nSIJd.. '7;;; W ~\VS 1 ~a...oJ P~1 c-~+" fk-i\l~~ .1 4:'""" t... b~{~~ (j '-Jf\a-r, .ldILpY-41to) G~ jJ4J - . \ t ~ I~ "~,,,J.L Su~o,y) fa.~~ -Ilvv1 ~l!.yJ U lav.AJJ. C(fM~ ~~ . 2. What speCific contribution do you hope to make? l ~ucz. kej.c - .c....a..e'YJ 't. lee I(.t.,s vA ~..J.f... /'L.U~ ---Lh-f k~ /"" + \L {~ ~.t../ TY"I ("" r l~' ( ..ut)' r(' S' nf' h 6VV OU;{ (I ~ LJ (.4 c(-u:d,(' ra+ -1& \" ~ . . . , . +I~~ uJG~ ~ ~..( ~1. 0, (1n'\~, c...~I) t-luNA.'fh..v.X c;/.(({ i, iYV) ~ -f(j~ Ic.o udA./v] --I~vVlaw~ 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration.) 1 ,~~~ t-k~ Iv-{P fA ,1 $.e-{JJQ,t"l/l IJ f 1tJu,J3\JP--vtt 1l-1eJ.vj N~w91- '" ['i->fVfk fic~Ai'{~ (.1:1rjf~+",1 -k-i~ GNJ 1Yij"'f c b<1t~ I.. dl f~ (./I {,~I'I-(~ 1- UKfcl'l ("vG'/'"ll4l.j IJlval1~')O /AJutt...J(JlI"- , /) ~ . ,.,.. ) C . a..r-.ccv{f4.l~ 'V(NY\j(\tyU.~"YJ L~--I,s L,/l.Nh.. .J, l-/t--o ,f1.JIIf-}(;f.J) v.J-,tK,0, 0vl/1U~LI,i+ . 4, What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? j l,,1~k w {;~It'\.j-~ cVi.tl...ol,..r .J-~_ Vour1 v1 ~I.J~ oy..f-ed.. 1 ~-{, V(~ ~~" J.e~.t WI f ~ Grrv\ --r; ~ ."' () t~P\VlJ. rw+- ff (,/ V I C, I rIz h1 ,),rrYlJ-h/"'U. 7/u.. (ifi, .If , po f{LJ iN ~f1 ~ QvM I (-f <: h uf; J c~A 'J /tJ(j'M.A I, 41 r:. ~,p 4-..tf if flu. #M1 de f7v.J) lrt\ 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly. Sub<;ommittees may meet more frequently, Meetings generally last one and one-half hOL!rs, It is highly recommencted you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings. . ~ Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) 0 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) .f3I Evenings 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? ~Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 RadiolTV 0 Mail notice o Board I cOl11mission I committee member 0 Other o Word of mouth sl/slol .. I Date .c::> Retum this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 ... Printed on recycled paper \1 3~3 Questions for Planning Commission Applicants 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? I have lived in Springfield for a year and own a business in Eugene. I plan to live here for the rest of my life, so I am interested in partIcipating in the civic life of this area. Because I have traveled extensively and spent time living on both the East and . West Coasts, I also have some perspective about best (and worst) city planning practices. I would like to bring whatever wisdom I have gained to the decision- making process about development of Springfield as it prepares for the future. 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and howcan you, as a Planning , Commissioner, helpto realize that future? , Weare entering an era of declining access to oil and as a result the way we build our 'cities will have to change to accommodate this reality. I see a vibrant, local economy , with more dense housing, green, community oriented development that is planned around a walking, biking, and mass transit planning more than an expansion of car- oriented, isolated single family housing suburb development. '-.., 'I think the job of planning is to look 30-50 years into the future and use that vision to guide planning for today that is still useful for future generations. 3., Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions. I have been the member of several ncrn--profit board of directors (Triangle Community Center, Founding President, Women in Sales, President, Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund, Board member, Healing Harvest, Board Vice-President). I am also a partner in a health care clinic (Village Health Services, President). It has been my experience to practice deep listening, patience and truthful firmness as the keys to authentic collaboration that creates win-win solutions to issues that need resolution. If people feel valued, respeCted, heard and experience consistent fairness in decision- making, then the process of making decisions runs more smoothly. It has taken me awhile to learn to become an elder who can cultivate good council to those who ask for my advice and input. Of course, groups can get into heated debate, yet at the end of the day if we keep the overall goals in mind, disagreements can happen while everyone's best interests are still served. 3-4 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with . neighborhood preservation or environmental values. ' , ' , I think long ~ange economic, commercial and residential development planning are essential when viewed in the context of the Springfield/Eugene region. We should look at what industries we want to attract, how likely those jobs are to stay , , here (and not be outsourced), how they add to an economy that will need alternative energy and relocalization of the economic base to be viable into the future. Springfield has an excellent preservation example in the Washburne District to follow for the rest of the city. If the city can define district character and build on the charm and distinctiveness of those districts, it can become a must see, destination for local people and tourism. I think there is great opportunity for SpringfieldlEugene to develop alternative energy; high quality organic food (fresh and preserved), sustainable building designs & practices; low impact, efficient , public transportation; high density, attractive living downtown; visual & performing arts; antiques; world class integrative health care and an innovative, socially responsible financial services industry. , . "-,,;;,^, The educational system needs to retool to train people for more hands-on technical jobs as well. W ewill always need plumbers, electricians, carpenters, mechanics, painters, roofers, craftsmen of all types to perform jobs here. The health care sector will remain strong as an employer as the Baby Boom generation ages and Sacred Heart Riverbend becomes a regional medical center. We should look at what the needs will be for people coming to this area from the region should that campus become as well known as the Mayo Clinic. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adopted plan or the Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the conflicts? I would study the adopted plan and the Development Code to see what variance is being requested. I am a common sense sort of person, so the issue would depend on how far a field the proposed development was in terms of the overall adopted plan: I think we need to balance flexibility with economic reality and the desire to keep moving forward as a city. I strive to find win-win solutions for all concerned, so it takes the willingness to practice excellent listening and communication skills. If all parties feel respected, heard and fairly treated less problems result and more sustainable progress is realized. 3-5 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? 'To be honest, I do not know enough about the current process to comment on this question. When I am more familiar with what is working and what is not ) " working, I would be in a better position to offer ideas. 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? Yes. My business is starting its second year and is in a good position for me to carve out some time for civic duty. I have a flexible schedule and I am fairly effecttve with my time. I will do my best to fulfill the requirements of the position. ' h ..-.:.,,;....'J".- ' 3-6 Dawnstine Consulting, LLC Visionaries & Social Architects , March 31, 2007 Common Sense Solutions, LLC Business & Personal Consulting Executive Summary . Visit Eugene/Springfield... Where Visionaries Live and Practice Creating our Future Become a national destination for how a small city/twin city redesigns itself to meet the needs of the future by providing a cleaner environment, local vibrant economy, alternatives to oil-based economy design, local food, local energy, interdependent, peaceful living. Let us plan the future before it happens to us! Oregon Economic Vision & Business Focus Innovative energy solutions ' Practical, life-long education Vibrant, local, sustainable economies Effective, collaborative, patient-centered health care High quality locally produced food Socially conscious financial services Eugene/Springfield Economic System .,-Strong within the geographic boundaries Local, high circulation of money that is reinvested within the community Interdependent, largely closed system, less need to import goods from long distances Answers need for less outward growth ' Reinvigorates existing property use Provides a central place for diverse, passionate communities to synergize projects Authentic Collaboration* & Practical Wisdom** Revitalizes Downtown The University of Oregon, Cities of Eugene & Springfield, Chambers of Commerce use the principles of authentic collaboration and practical wisdom to create vibrant , downtowns for both cities. The centerpiece for Eugene and Springfield is designing and building two community specific innovation centers in the heart of each downtown. The Oregon Center for Innovation (OCI)...A place where all paths cross and flourish. OCI beconies the energetic nexus located in the heart of the city that unifies and energizes the community. 3-7 The design ofOCIwill come from studying the Women's Rural Entrepreneurial Network (WREN) located in Bethlehem, NH. This thirteen+ year old organization contains a business incubation & training center, cooperative retail, and art gallery in one place. ' They specialize in training and inspiring women who want to create their own businesses, providing them with the knowledge, capital and marketing to insure success. WREN receives memberships, donations, grants, and percentage of sales as funding sources. OCI builds on WREN's best practices and experience. OCI is a place where the strength of Eugene/Springfield;s ideological and cultural diversity is centered. For Eugene, it provides a permanent home for Saturday Market, artist work & gallery space, urban permaculture living, high quality healthy & culturally diverse eateries, music, dance, social activism, interfaith quiet/prayer space and cooperative retail space. For Springfield, further exploration would be needed to determine what constituencies need to collaborate on the design of OCI for this city. OCI houses an interactive, living history museum that describes the e~olution of the city and its distinct districts. OCI teaches city revitalization utilizing practical, sustainable, , local strong economy, and permaculture principles to other city visionaries & leaders. . ' Tourism & Transportation Define parts of the City as a collection of districts with distinct character (such as the University District designation in Eugene & Washburn District in Springfield). Provide clean, low impact public transportation that takes people on tours of the city leaving from and returning to the existing bus stations and the airport. These shuttle tours can be 'cute, quaint or quirky vehicles (like the cable cars in San Francisco, horse drawn carriages in New York's Central Park or the Duck amphibious vehicles in Boston). ... -~:;'~.'. Honor and explain the history of each area while highlighting the strengths that come from the interaction & synergy of this collective character (or is that collection of characters!). ' Funding the Future Locally-owned banks and credit unions form the Fair Credit Card Company (Fe3) FC3 provides credit cards at reasonable interest rates, returning profits from transaction fees and company investments to a local community investment fund (after administrative costs and prudent investment reserves are set aside). The local community investment fund serves several purposes: provides funding for local business incubation & lending, public works projects, social programs, addictions treatment, local farming, etc. while allowing everyone who uses the card to become an "angel investor". People feel good about investing in their community without having to change their behavior. This plan obviates the need to raise taxes, while providing people with access to and education about fair credit. 3-8 Consultation with educational, economic, legal, banking, accounting, tax, insurance, , credit processing, local business & local government visionary professionals determine how to organize this company as a consortium project actUalized by different banking and credit institutions. This project fosters fair collaboration and mutual benefit for ,business, while at the same time providing people a way to choose and learn how responsible use of fair credit works. People can choose affInity cards to fund specific projects and social problems (i.e. Pothole repair & street maintenance, addiction treatment, corrections system redesign, business incubation, pernlaculture building) that are not adequately addressed by current taxation designs. '. According to Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari.com, we need to teach people enough about our current economic system so that they realize why it is not working. For example, the top 20 US banks earned $84 Billion, while US households had a deficit of $342 Billion. Fitts also states that for $1 deposited in a bank, $162 of loans can be created. FC3 allows processing fees and interest payments to be re-circulated in the local community, rather than transported out of the community to credit card operations , located in states that have repealed usury laws (South Dakota, Delaware). FC3 is the road , to relief from predatory lending practices. Local, high rate of circulation of money allows people to trade the same money over and over for the goods and services they desire. This practice strengthens interdependency and trust. Local strong employment lowers crime rates, addiction and domestic violence problems because it alleviates despair by providing hope that pays well. ", Next Steps Hire Dawnstine Consulting, LLC & Common Sense Solutions, LLC to help you actualize this vision. Pay us what you think it is worth. Donate an equal amount to charity. Do something nice for yourself. Do something nice for someone else. Pay it forward. We (Dawn Gandalf & Justine Michaud) can be reached at our health care clinic, Village Health Services 541-684-3988 or by cell phone at 541-221-3705. Look at www.villagehealthservices.com to see our model for primary, preventative, patient- centered, coordinated health care. * Authentic Collaboration combines hierarchical, collaborative, cooperative, collective, communal, and tribal organization systems providing the opportunity for people to be their authentic selves telling their truth, making deciSIons based on seven principles. These principles are: integrity, peace, ease & flow, honesty, mutual re;pect, beauty and love. c **Practical Wisdom uses common sense and experience to make decisions based on what is most beneficial to the greatest number of people affected by that decision for the next 7 generations. 3-9 . Rev, Justine D.Michaud, M.A., H.H.C. '1512 T Street Springfield,. OR 97477 (541) 684-3988 office (541) 221-3705 cell (541) 741-0656 home Justine@villagehealthservices,com CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCA TION INSTITUTE FOR INTEGRATIVE NUTRITION, New York, NY Holistic Health Counselor, American Society of Drugless Practitioners Completion of Certification: June, 2006 ALL-FAITH'S SEMINARY INTERNATIONAL, New York, NY Interfaith minister credential program, ordination in New Light Temple August, 2005 THE UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD, Hartford, Connecticut Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, AP A-Accredited Program Psy~D. Candidate, Clinical Psychology: Anticipated completion: September 2009 Master of Arts in Psychology Clinical Practice: May 2002 ' , Research interests: Health Psychology, Trauma Treatment, Palliative care, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation ' ' UNNERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE Major: Biologi~al Sciences -]:.,-.- . Bachelor of Science with Honors in Research: June 1977 SPECIALTY TRAINING Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Advanced training workshop, September, 2001 Seeking Safety: Two day training workshop, March 2004 Substance Use Treatment with Queer Youth: One day workshop, April 2004 Post-traumatic Stress Workshops: Three Day trauma treatment conference organized by Bessel van der Kolk, Boston, MA June 2003 & 2004 California State University, Fullerton Master's of Business Administration course work- 2 semesters 1978-1979 . CONTINUING EDUCATION Connecticut Psychological Association, Annual Convention 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Pain Society of Oregon, monthly meetings 2006, 2007 ' 3-10 , ,Justme D, Michaud, M:A. 2 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Village Health Services, Eugene, OR (June 2006 to present) Holistic Health Counselor , " ' Clinical Population: Adults and adolescents who wish to make changes regarding their health status with an emphasis on preventative medicine. Responsibilities: Holistic diabetic treatment team member, healthy cooking classes leader. Counseling includes career, spirituality, relationships, physical activity and food choices, Home surveys to improve enviromnental health also performed. Jin Shin Jyutsu is incorporated into this work when appropriate and some clients only receive this Japanese energy healing modality with spiritual counseling depending on individual needs, , ' , CedarcrestHospital, Newington, CT (Ju1y2003-May 2004) Psychology Doctoral Student (Supervisor: Dr. Richard Stillson) Clinical Population: Low income adults from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds who have mental illness and/or substance abuse problems treated at this inpatient hospital Responsibilities: . -Conduct psychological assessments and write comprehensive evaluations -Provide individual & group therapy using DBT, CBT, Behavioral Planning, and Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy -Co-authored and conducted hospital Wide Cultural Competency training workshops Gaylord Hospital, Wallingford, CT (September 2002-May 2003, and 2005) " Psychology Doctoral Student (Supervisors: Richard Delaney, Ph.D, and John Cline, Ph,D.) Clinical Population: Patients with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), spinal cord. injury, MS, GBS, and medical/pulmonary rehabilitation. Responsibilities: , -Conduct supportive group and individual ilierapy as part of an integrated multidisciplinary team -Neurobehavioral management , -Lead health education groups on smoking cessation and substance use/abuse -Provide short-term supportive family therapy -Teach guided imagery and stress management techniques Greater Bridgeport Community Mental Health Center, Bridgeport, CT (2001-2002) Psychology Doctoral Student (Supervisor: Ellen Nasper, Ph.D.) Clinical Population: Persistently and severely mentally ill, low income adults from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds treated through outpatient, inpatient and mobile crisis units. Responsibilities: -Lead weekly Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills groups -Administer: psychological testing batteries and report to referring clinicians -Provide individual therapy using DBT, CBT and psychodynamic methods -Conduct extensive in-depth psychosocial histories with clients -Coordinate assertive, proactive case management 3-11 Justine D. Michaud, M,A. ' 3 , , . '." . ~ . Bread and Roses, AIDS care residence, Georgetown, CT ' - (1995-1999) V olunteer Caregiver, Cook, Fund-raiser Clinical Population: Adults with AIDS from diverse communities requiringhospiCe and respite care. Responsibilities: -Provide client and family support through listening and sharing meals together -Served on fundraising committee: Christmas toy drives, card sales, direct mail, etc. ,Internal Change Youth Group, Stratford, CT (1996-1999) , , Adult Mentor, Group Leader Population Served: Adolescents with family and school problems Responsibilities: -Facilitated groups of up to 50 adolescents in discussions about drugs, suicide, sex, conflict resolution, anger management; life and goal planillng, spirituality -Taught meditation and guided imagery skills -Liaison between parents, adolescents and colIlIIlunity leaders Triangle Community Center, Norwalk, CT ' (1989-1997) Founding Board President, Fundraising Chair, Women's Group Facilitator - Population Served: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered adults, adolescents and their supporters, Responsibilities: , -FOlmed alliances with key constituents to galvanize support and raise funds to open the center -Presided over Board of Directors for 3 years , -Directed fundraising campaigns for this self-supported, member-based all volunteer group -Facilitated women~,~ rap group , -Coordinated oral-lllstory project RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Analytical Systems, Inc., Laguna Hills, CA (1979-1981) Research Chemist Responsibilities: -Conducted product improvement research on Taxi-Lab, a thin-layer chromatography drug screening system University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA (1977 -1979) Laboratory Research Associate, Department of Developmental and Cell Biology (Professor: Joseph Arditti, Ph,D.) Responsibilities: -Designed, developed and conducted research projects concerning native California orchids -Co-authored five scientific publications -Operated scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipment 3-12 . :' Justine D. Michaud, M.A. 4 TEACHING EXPERIENCE' University Of Bridgeport, IDEAL Program, Bridgeport, CT (July 2003-2006) Adjunct Profes~or of Psychology (Program Director: Eileen Sheridan, M.A.) . Responsibilities: -Teach an Introduction to Psychology course in a compressed four hour, five class format -Evaluate students via objective testing, research projects, and written assignments . University of Hartford Graduate Institute of Professional Psychology, Hartford, CT Writing Mentor (Supervisor: Sylvester Briggs, Ph.D.) (2002-2003) Responsibilities: . , , ' -Teach writing techniques to 1st year doctoral students ' -Review and edit student assignments Analytical Systems, Inc., Laguna Hills, CA (1980-1982) Associate Director of Education and Customer Services Responsibilities: " ' -Developed and conducted customer technical training programs Y2 to 3 days in length throughout US and Europe. -Supervised and trained educational and customer representatives University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA Teaching Assistant, Department of Developmental and Cell Biology (1977-1978) (Professor: Joseph Arditti, Ph.D,) Responsibilities: . -Conducted Plant Physiology lab sessions . '.'j-.- -Tutored students BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, Village Health, Inc., Eugene, OR . ' (2006-present) President, Marketing Director, Community Relations, Product Manager Responsibilities: -The President makes all business decisions with the Vice-President regarding practice management, strategic and financial planning - The Marketing Director for Village Health Services is responsible for planning,' implementing and assessing the effectiveness of all aspects of the marketing plan. -Community Relations Manager who is responsible for representing Village Health Services to businesses, agencies, and organizations in our service area. - Product Manager for holistic health products sold at or recommended by Village Health Services, Duties include: 1, Working with Circore Management Consultants to design and create ,any brochures, cards, ads or internet tools necessary. Consult regarding media plan. 2: Create the yearly marketing plan including: print, radio, or TV ad placements; 3-13 Justine D. Michaud,MA ' 5 " health fairs, publIc education, Day of Service and trade show venues; target list of businesses, agencies and organizations with which to network. 3. Staff and attend health fairs, public education events, Days of Service and trade ' shows. Coordinate follow~up of people who receive services at these events or those who wish t? receive on-going information about Village Health Services. '. 4.' Regularly attend networking groups: Business Network International, Women's Business Network, Pain Society of Oregon, Women Business Leaders, etc, . 5., - , Coach practitioners on marketing their individual practices. Go with them to referral sources to teach them how to market themselves and Village Health Services as they talk to others. 6. Research and evaluate trends, news, and legislation that affects our business, now and in the future. 7. Contact and network with other holistic health centers: Heaftspring Wellnessin Corvallis, Sabita Holistic Center in CT, Tamarack Wellness, Footloose, Pearl Day Spa, Gervais in Eugene, Women's Health Center/OHSU in Portland, OR. 8. Initiate and coordinate production of a regular newsletter. ' 9. Evaluate holistic health care products to determine which ones Village Health Services wishes to recommend or sell. ' 10, Develop innovative programs, like the Wellness Membership program, that encourages patients/clients to learn about different health services while being able access those services easily via a monthly fee. 11. Contact and network with benefit planners, health insurance companies, banks, and human resource departments about our vision of patient-:centered, preventative wellness care. 12, 'Meet with newspaper, yellow pages, radio, TV representatives to coordinate media presence for Village Health Services. Dawnstine Consulting, LLC, Eugene, OR (2007-present) Co-owner and Managing Member Responsibilities: -Consult with health care professionals on market trends, practice management, corporate wellness programs and hospital based integrative we1lness centers ' -Consult with stakeholders in the health care market place about trends, especially wellness products and services, as well as patient centered care -Create new Village Health branches and franchise operations to other locations Common Sense Solutions, LLC, Stratford, CT (1989-present) Owner and Managing Member Responsibilities: -Conduct personal & business coaching sessions -Provide business operations improvement consulting to profit and non-profit businesses -Create and execute marketing and selling of products for the industrial maintenance market ,'in business, industrial and government settings. -Act as facilitator between maintenance, purchasing and materials management to develop cost saving, efficient maintenance and repair operation strategies. 3-:14 , Justine D, Michaud, M,A. 6 , -Teach diversity compliance, safety and technical workshops , . ;.Coordinate trade exhibits -Manage business/fmancial plans -Market products to protect us from hannful effects of technology and improve the environment with regard to electro-pollution and toxins Creative Source Book, Norwalk, CT (1988-1989) Sales Representative , Responsibilities: -Advertising sales and design for this directory of creative talent in Connecticut Marion Laboratories, Inc.~ Kansas City, MO , (1983-1988) Professional Area Manager Responsibilities: ' -Responsible for sales of medical diagnostic products sold to hospitals, diagnostic labs, and ' physicians in CT, RI, NY, NJ, and MA. ' -Trained and motivated distributor reps -Created and implemented sales contests -Conducted on-site customer training and seminars. -Interviewed and trained new sales associates -Achieved 100%+ of quota 1983-1986; Million Dollar Sales Club . jf Analytical Systems, Inc., Laguna Hills, CA Assistant Marketing Director , Responsibilities: -Authored technical papers and bimonthly customer newsletter -Designed exhibits, planned advertising and direct mail campaigns -Coordinated distributor representation throughout US and Europe (1982-1983) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIA TIONSILEADERSHIP ROLES Healing Harvest, Vice President, Board of Directors, 2006 to present Pain Society of Oregon, Member 2006 to present Business Network International, Educational Coordinator, member 2006 to present Women's Business Network, member 2006 to present University of Hartford Graduate Institute of Professional Psychology, Class Rep., 2000-2001 American Psychological Association, Student Affiliate, 2000-present Connecticut Psychological Association, Student Affiliate, 2000-present Connecticut Psychological Association, Diversity Task Force member, 2003-present Founding President of Triangle Community Center 1989-1991 Past President of Women In Sales Association, 1985-1987 Connecticut Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF) Board Member, 1992-1995 Connecticut Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, PAC Director, 1988-1991 Business and Industry Council, Greater Bridgeport, 1991-1993 Milford Chamber of Commerce, 1998-2000 Executive Women's Golf Association, 1997-2005 3-15 , ' Justine D. Michaud, M.A. 7 HONORS AND A WARDS , .' } , Sales Agent of the Year-Chromate Illdustrial Corp, 1998 Triangle Community Center Volunteer of the Year, 1991, 1996 Sales Leader of the Year Award, Women in Sales Association, 1986 Outstanding Achievement Award, Danbury Area Women's Network, 1986 University of California, Irvine Dean's List, 1975 PUBLICATIONS . . . . , ' ' Miranda, K & Michaud, J.D. (2001-2002). Sexual minorities: coping in a heterocentric world, ,Research report used'by University of Hartford professor as class reading assignment and also published online. Michaud, J. D. (1984, June 24). Ex-Californian's views of the east. New York Times, CN 26, Michaud,J. D. & Jones, D. W. (1980). Thin-layer chromatography for broad spectrum drug detection. American Laboratory, November, Arditti, J., Michaud, J. D. &Oliva, A. (1981). Seed germination of North American orchids. 1. Native California and related species of Calypso, Epipactis, Goodyera, Piperia, and , , Platnthera, Bot. Gaz., 142(4),442-453. Healey, P., Michaud, J. D. & Arditti, J. (1980). Morphometry of orchid seeds. III. Native California and related species of Goodyera, Piperia, Plantanthera, and Spiranthes. American Journal of Botany, ,67(4),508-518. '. Arditti, J., Michaud, J.D. & Healey P. (1980). Morphology of orchid seeds, II. Native California and related species of Calypso, Cephalanthera, Corallorhiza, and Epipactis. American Journal of Botany, 67(3),347-360. Arditti, J., Michaud, J. D. & Healey P. (1979). Morphology of orchid seeds. 1. Paphiopedilum and native California and related species of Cypripedium. American Journal of Botany, 66(10),1128-1137. . , Michaud, J. D, & Vorce, W. R. (1977). Germination of Native California orchids in vitro as a conservation measure. Journal of Undergraduate Research in the Biological Sciences, ' University of California, Irvine 7(169-184). "'Professional References Available Upon Request'" 3-16 '< , e' APPLICA TION FlIeD MAY 15 2007, City Manager's Office' 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 . for a . ' , ' City of Springfield' " . ,"'., '.', ,'. ,"," " ' ' Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee Please print or type: " Board I Commission I Committee applying for: "fJtIJ-N/JIJJ4 &JMIJ ' (A separate application must be completed for each board I commission I committee) J, First Home address: ,', ~ 16 M '5f . )ltci4d Middle initial . ~r;€r Affi. t eic! City , Evening phone: SSrzt ,.- B ). s8 ~lfyeS,hOWIOng?ls:I~~S D NOQ If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth ' boundary? ' DYes 0 No '/~ Last . ~?~,7 Ip . Name: Street Day phone: . S)4 ---8 ~ ~ f) Do you live within the Springfield city limits? Ward number (city residents only): '3 , Are you a Springfield property owner? . ,0 Yes ~~ Are you a Springfield business owner? DYes ~ Are you a registered voter? ~ o No Occupation: '(~AifJ> Place of employment: !tJ I!to )j6f2,MtveJ Business address: tbr;q A-- STtQpj- Education: ~ ~/}:;dn-f~ /~rY 2:J~W-(ti-~rL (Over, please) 3-17 , , . .- . , .' ...'." . ." . ". , .' " . . .' .' . , ' , " . . . . . ' ' . . .' , . . .~~ :;':'Ll9ATlON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Bo~rd 1 Commission ICommiffee Please print or type: 2. . .' . , ' 3, Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. , will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration:)' . ' ~4t1,-f ' tjJl0:~1 ;/J,cfJ-i Jlt ~'2VLd~Y (!j~VJ-' . ' I)' , ' , , (Lack of previous involvement , ' 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? ~A1J 5, Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently, Meetings generally last one and one-half hours, It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings. ~IY morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noonc1:30 pm) ~e afternoon (4-6 pm) 0 Evenings 6, How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 Radiorrv o Board I commission / committee member 0' Mail notice 0 Word of mouth - /' 'l!---?kf! Gr Other ~,jf~:;,'12-,- Sils--/o1 I Date q ReturR this application to the City Manager:s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please cal,1 the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 3-18 . ' ... Printed on recycled paper \.1 " ...., ' , ' ". . . .' .' . . Questions for Planning Commission Applicants' . . ~. . > . . , ' , ' " ' . . . ' , ' " . . " ' , ' 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? ' 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning , Commissioner, help to realize that future? , , d3. Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions. " ' 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhood preservation or environmental values. , , , ' , ' 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adopted plan or the Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the conflicts? 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning ,Commissioner? This means about two m'eetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. . 3-19 .<7ic~ , , Questions for Planning Commission Applicants ., 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? I have lived in Springfield since 1992 and have watched it grow. I also work in Springfield and am very interested in improving the businesses and residential, areas. I believe that if we work together we can revitalize Springfield and attract more businesses and folks that want to raise their family in a quality environment. 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? I believe that Springfield has the possibility to rethink, redo and rebuild. I think the Planning Commission position will enable me to work with local and out of the area, interested busines~es bring a more aggressive business model that will provide, more family wagejobs and make Springfield a City folks will be proud of. 3, Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions. . ' I have worked in a Sales capacity since 1970. That has enabled me to work with , various businesses, finding out what their goals and dreams were for their , business and how best to meet those goals. I have worked with Presidents of companies, sole proprietorships and all the way down to the guys who fasten 'equipment together to make their products, All along the way helping these folks make decisions to improve their businesses. ' 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with' neighborhood preservation or environmental value. I would look to the community for feedback on what, how and when they want ' the improvements. I would consider what the economic impact would be if development were allow~d, and what, type of preservation or concession the developer had in mind, and then bring back that information to the community. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adapted plan or the Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the conflicts? , First, I would consider how the development plan would provide jobs or services for the community and then determine if the current Code should be revised or enforced. . 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? I have not seen any of the above documents, but, if they are not in plain English, easy enough for all to understand, then my suggestion would be to translate them to plain English to speed up the planning and development process. As far as the planning and development, I am very interested in positive growth, a safe city that one will be proud of to call Home. I think with the Glenwood area redevelopment and possibly a Convention Center, Springfield will be a destination that will attract tourist dollars, quality citizens, and a pride that will send a message west of 1-5. 3-20 , ' , , , . . " '. . . . . . , ' . '.' . . . '. .' . . . , - ' 7.- Can you 'commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about tow meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, pJusoccasional joint meetings., Yes. .' 3-21 :. . ., ' . ' APPLICA TION RECTI ,M A Y 14 2007 City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 fora City of Springfield. ',' ,'." ' , Citizen Advisory ~oard / Commiss~on / Committee Please print or type: . Board / Commission I Committee applying for: ..y " ~,' , Name: -' e--r V" t First ,ii, l&tV2-t/r' Middle initial Last Home address: ' 555 /011. S"+r~-+) sP ,i nCi+'c...1 d. Street ' " -CIty q7t/7i Zip Day,phone: 5t.1I- 74-1- 771{ Evening phone: S Sf / - ;<?,L) - ?S5:f , Do you live within the Springfield city limits? @Yes c:; If yes, how long? / yr. .0 No ~ If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth , boundary? DYes ONo Ward number(city residents only):' .2 Are you a Springfield property owner? ~Yes o No Are you a Springfield business owner? G'Yes' o No Are you a registered voter? ' ltr'Yes o No Occupation: Se. {f [;rr.p !oy~ Place of employment: tl!{ Pro X)')('+!11 ()NP Business address: (;;,51' A-5tr?d-, S-,or'I/.1Q+;eld ,QR. Cf7'-177 I v "--' . Education: Corqpl e:I- d 14 -J( , (Over, please) 3-22 ( " , ' ' " , , ". " " ' ." . , . . " . . , .. . , " . ,. - .".. . APPLlCA TION for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee Page 2 ~~ Please print or type: . '. .' . . , 1, What experience I training I qualifications do you have for this particular board I commission I committee? / hav~ 5c.tue:<--:--(t1fl/ ' (/(Jfl a~"I-t-<-" . - (})erfr 0+ ~i ./5' I(,.u.+;~ C/f.4f\bt1-' Gr,pJJ-::!:t.,r:..,. l5;c/r. 3. Briefly describe your inv'olvement in relevant community groups and activities" (Lack of previous involvement, will not necessarily disqualify you .from consideration,) , S'pr:I'j+r:Vld r.Aall1h(~r GrCb7~>T - C:). (!Ja,'" 5 {l ,"( '^ c:TIr:.-( d ('}.a Itth~rb \I.. u.a+ ill' v -604 r v{ v , .. 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? ' . r d b n na T {'c.,1 .,. it I ()f e.- h us i 11 e.S-)~ .3 r c1(t)-+~ " ,5, Most boards I commissions I corrmiittees meet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently, Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings, [i;}Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) 0 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) GrEvenings 6, How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad D. Newspaper article o Board I commission I committee member o RadiolTV '0 Mail notice 0 Word of mouth [kJOther Sid f..';;'k: e/I\ r'l1aj(l( I ?:. '~ ' ~(1/tva ' . 'b!;/-v , . APplicant's~nature ,5"- l(jtJ7 Date q Returr:l this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 3-23 , ft Printed on recycled paper~ \.1 ." . .. . ., " , , - " , . .. . . ' , . . '. . . , . . .' . .' '.. . . . . . . , , , , , ,Questions for Planning Commission Applicants, , , , , ' ,1:" What is your personal interest in applying for the position? ' Both my home and my business are in Springfield. 'I am very passionate about Springfield and care about Springfield's present and future. 2, What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? ' I see Springfield being a nationally known destination. A place where people come to visit and look to relocate. A Convention Center that allows National and , International conventions to be held. Something for everyone. Expanding our boundaries to include the outlying areas. . , '3. Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions. ' ' , I have worked with the Springfield Chamber Greeters for seven years and on many committees that have made numerous improvements in the Springfield , area. Currently as co-chair we are working to bring the National Ambassadors Convention t6 Springfield. As a business owner I work with different businesses both locally and nationally, to assist them ,in achieve their marketing goals. 4. ' Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhood preservation or environmental value. " After careful research to balance the needs of the community I would then see how the development will impact the area and how it will affect the future of Springfield. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adapted plan or the . Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the , conflicts? I would carefully review all of the documents involved and research to see if there have been any similar conflicts to see if a precedence has been set. I would then weigh the needs of the community to see if we need to go in a different direction. 6. ' Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? In my opinion as I have never dealt with the actual documents I can only address the planning, My thoughts are: Springfield needs to have a family friendly downtown, we need a convention center to further our business growth, we need to become a destination with room for families to grow, 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about tow meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. Yes. 3-24 ' " ' APPLICA TION for aREC'D MAY 1 5 2007 City of Springfield, Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / 'Committee City Manager's Office " 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 Please print or type: 1 ,1 '(A separate applicatio ustbe completed for each board I commission I committee) . , Home address: ;q 55- E o Middle initial / h \rL StreR f /J!oote Last' 'Name: ':::5/'er-,' ' First Street i2Pt"lIe lei Evening phone: 5V/- 6 SY - 0 I R / ,. Cj7(j77 Zip Day phon~: 5c.j/~ 7r.j/ - 2:5 oY , Do you live within the Springfield city limits? 0' Yes ~ If yes, how long? ;22 JrS. o No ,.; If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? DYes D No Ward number (city residents only): -3 ,.'. J~ . Are you a Springfield property owner? lZl Yes D No Are you a Springfield business owner? 'D Yes R1' No Are you a registered voter? RJ Yes DNa Occupation: e/'ff} *a{l~r Place of employment: &(1) f IIplo 'j fj' {IV- ;J/a;-2f f' , Sc;: DO / /s ~../{ Business address: , Education: U (}'-Ufr5:5 of CJtY'-!t1, (Jlo)/-e [ o-fSc/ellC!R- OeqI'Q J (Over, please) 3-25 ~~' , , . , , , , APpLICATION for a City of Springfield CitizenAdvisory Board.l Commission / Committee Page 2 ' ' " Please print or type: , , . . '. .' . " , . . 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? ,-r'/ 'r JJe . herd c. pducalo/J. '7 ei7)oy , . ' 5 of Q~,1-(/,C' testJ Jd''ot1 , 5J~/i'1J/J/'(jIJPdf3. " I",: " 3, Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities, (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration:) No(\e, , , ' 4, What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? 1"1'11 I P- O (}(J.!-i of~, !W.tt) I , 5, Most boards / commissions I committees meet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently, Meetings , generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings, . o Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) zr Late afternoon (4-6 pm) C0[ Evenings' 6, How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad KJ Newspaper article 0 RadiorrY D. Board / S mmission / c?mmittee member o Mail notice 0 Word of mouth ~ Other G i! kLi/l1 b'f,1Cl,JItRJ 5-/:2-07 Date qReturR this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office' at 726-3700 , ft Printed on recycled paper \1 3-26 Questions for Planning Commission Applicants' 1. What is your personal, interest in applying for the position? 2. ' What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? " , 3. ' Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions. -4. Descrlbe.how.you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhood preservation or environmental values." ' 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adopted plan or the , Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the conflicts? ' 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning 'Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. ,3-27 , , , , ' , , PLANNING COMMISSION QUESTIONS FOR APPLICANtS Sheri Moore . '" . ,", . . ' : ' , , ' . . ' . . . . - . . 1. I have recently retired from teaching and now have some time to volunteer. I am very impressed with the direction Springfield is heading. I am proud to be a , member of the community and would like to do whatever I can to help Springfield continue to improve. 2. I see a community committed to being safe and progressive. A town that is growing, while maintaining a small town atmosphere. 'I see a vibrant~downtown with a strong art community and a strong Latino community. I see opportunities for Springfield to redefine itself and in the process face many challenges and overcome many obstacles. I would be an enthusiastic supporter of positive change without giving up that which is already great about Springfield. , 3. , worked for over twenty years with a school staff t~at every school year faced problems in budget, space' utilization, and scheduling. Every year, working to- gether, we came up with creative solutions. "ve also been a decision making member of boards and committees at my church . 4.' I think the cost' of development should, be shared with all involved. That means considering the environmental impact as well as the economic impact of , development. I don't believe preservation necessarily means staying the same. My husband and I have had many home remodeling and yard restoration pro- jects' over the years. The result has always been better for the home and the neighborhood. In the backyard of our current home, we removed two huge wal- nut trees. ,t was a dramatic change and a difficult decision to make but we have replaced them with twelve trees and eventually a pond. I see change as making something better. 5. The reason the code allows variances is that each plan is unique. In the event of a conflict, I would consider the merits of the proposed development and make a decision based on facts presented and the interests of the community. If there were extensive conflict with existing code, I would need supportive re- search and input from all parties involved to make an informed decision. 6. No. 7. Yes. 3-28 . f. '. r .' APPLICA TION 'RECTI MAY 14 2007 , City Manager's Office " 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 fora City of Springfield , Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committe!! , Please print or type: , Board / Commission I Committee applying for~ ,~ ' II' ~-' ( /I , ',(A separate application must be completec;i for ach board I commission I committee) :}. Middle initial , . (JII ~ f)Q vVl O\t/-Q , ,'Last . 7177 Name: lrll J{ fA First ' " Evening phone: Home address: " Day~~~~ '5L/r t;t I) ~) I) .14;:>rI\t'.-', 511. ,5)5- 8~3?r . Do you live within the Springfield city limits? ~ Yes'" If yes, how long? 2, ).'7_ " Y t () r") , 0 No Q If no, do you live irside Springfield's urban growth' boundary? DYes D No ,Ward number (city residents only): Are you a Springfield property owner? , DYes ~NO , Are you a Springfield business owner? DYes '~NO Are you a registered voter? ~ Yes o No occupation';?-1rfr/+ ((e9'7+ra-h ,)(j Place of emPIOym~nt DjhJt'I'~'L thaW)(~'f, i1J /JJ u ' I Business address /20(2 /J:20I cJ}^Y! ,2X+( t 'C) . () q Yol ~- h(J()/ ~ (J On/Ol bh ~D((?0 t ' , I (t=O II ff)/vll ~e v'1( Education: ,~h (Over, please) 3-29 . '".- .' < " ' , , . '. " . , , ' , , " , , , ' -,' ". " , ' , . , . , . , . , , , .. '. . ~ ~ ::;~/c,A nON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board I CommIssion / Committee .' Please print or type: ' . ' , . : . . . , , , . - . " , , . , , ' 1, What experience / training / qualifications do you have for this particular board / commission / committee? " /'I" r " ' ' ",,.....- , I I t,r Jet! C1 /111' I Y r I 4, What community topics concern you that relate to this board / commission / committee? Why do you want to become a member? - .,' b ~"~ ~;' d~r: ;::,:~eo; +:, aJ~,~'~a' _(q~~f .;; C1'~~' 1~i;J{~~~ hj I 'n " -- I ,,- I' (1 f~ \ ,LJ)S . cL eov,'rV(fll'ltn-Tcd ?J7h:111lC( b,l,'-k Most boards / commissions / committees meet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently, M e ings generally last one and one-half hours, It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings, ' ~ Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) 121 Noontime (.rlOq'3:1 :30 pm) 0 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) ~ Evenings \ "...J ;1''''- ?''Uf€' <\-;:.--\J. 'c.c... (-poSS, I?J...J ' If\( C'0l5,'e S1 ) 6, How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad ~ Newspaper article 0 Radiol1V 0 Mail notice 0 Word of mouth o Board / commission / committee member 0 Other sJG/o1 ' Date q ReturR this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 ft Printed on recycled paper \1 3-30 . . . ' . ... " , , , ' , ' , ' , , , , ..' ',' . '- . . .' , , , , Questions for Planning Commission Applicants ' .' .'. ) . 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? , -::fe~)bik('1, acftve;:n /Y1t. [tJfl)'~V/?I"+~~ !:;e/17~:r :x~vILe -fZ) , , C/fhe;:.? r 5 ve^fr~(d(/)1-tD ~- G;:e?lf'1 t?=- J=r"ncf":'e/d " , ~.,N~ hi lfptf? ~,/)e:l ~Jnd~- J-d rf>crlly 1,~~>4o ,be fCf,-rD~'fu+ J,rv~h. , z!What do you see In Springfield s future and how can you, as a Planning " " Commissio~er;_ help to realize that future? rJ (J7e Jc'-IIle... (i'-f~ -!+,c.-f COJJd-.:' Clo/?d ' c)'d). rtf/Je 1'7<'5S;b.Jd'L~ (j.re e.ocJ)t'6? I-Jheo ,'+.CPr>"If"6>.fD 00-- Qro....JIh-'f3ry~. /pj':S--hcal b:.>.Inclo'cs. -/-he [:xIJers(-1-j J ~evv()(dbh,t: (JI.tJd~nY'J-e"7+}brl we ~q.n '. ' O'lt'f,vi'L.- t'J6 fl1 oY-Y"''V'")\,).'')I'+'''j f,r'l{)vJ5 ,10 jy.,nds. :5- J"oft:... .h--~~t/,J ~r~+,4t,y-.,~E> Gb/1~ -+ 3. lJescribe your experience in working as a member of a group that m-akes j~INJift ."I/()r~ ' , , decisions. It? 01 !;/rXI,NVJ [--rreNt Ht?tVYl (Y1e.1/lt:erj dv-l1~. cl'-tiZ:~05)~ !/ic!Jde wrl'-h poll'ut? (y 'Fb~ r- (?r;)k-f f.3.rL:~s,u~~V.00 c/JVl, " ,. , , ,Pt,;; ~/V'1'n~ f1 -:::p:4~(If\1 5+~rF~ A-!,-{ Dr t15e~rch i ov~11 dii5Cv0/)17 ''5 :~vlrtd w'fh ~~rY/ (V1o{rY//x(ti o./Id {7fp.rJit~n1S~"le ti)~dL.ed GiS 0\ ~((1 l'Yltrr)~> t;f7d 4. D~scribenow you woul~ balance ~lfIe need roreconomic development with I{r>r t- '/)Il7jf;2 . neighborhood preservation or environmental values. '/ht, {fifle {().}n-fLt' ,l"lIQ5-tt: ' ~fC1C-I(nr '(r./'frtlM 'r-fq/ly J' t/7fd;'>)'I eyt..f:> -h -Me ,hle-'Vill Co/If)fl-hoi/7 ,oF , , , 'FcJPV (f1t1)'I;+ ,,~d p(C"rle . {{}IYl..nvhi2I,o-t . OJ1'revc.'haf1.d /7f1wiy:'tth~ )~JJ~C/)";o , I G'l)fJ\)nf' .}he..., D,b, In~ Dr: 6~iJrf d~n' Me. C?5 (#{'-/ ()Jt1d~e O/h-tV- 5. When a proposetP&velop~nt confli s With1;:1dopted ~n or the ' Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve ' the' ?bnflicts?~ dill hv)~&f1,J W3dl d uJ:iolrl -h> f}i/ r ovt r- 011/ , ' 'J/.'evl'v;;?"J1 5.1~7' fife! cbLv,rr?J:/Jh.fi't:v') 'X/'d,Y7( ~w:/?&r-: ,'( .' I " " ~ ,,5;; ,nS+eo; d ,){" b1Y.n J- 5t:1f Cfll 8qn-f,vL-.1h'Y7/L~r -/ fro- ,[-f,Ve dd-ei_ riM'./. J<~(/~J/d r~1!.{ 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of dfre.""- rflrt~ our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we Clt.Jt'0;J.'7?r .'Vw r1iview develoPlJlent proposals in Springfield? r . , ' I , /'Icp.-/f" !!Vi t,llv..0lt~r=~hle e.n(jh 17) C!. PI.......) (j:(J ,/j hr,'V7Ld (dr'LIJSar;. ,t-Ji)v~-{Jer< 0t.yeG?o,r_r~ IbA(",) .bt ~l(Vjh+ Q0/7d bf r)~Servl te... 7. Can you commit t~ time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. Ie I) I, 3-31 .,. .: . ,,' APPLICA TION fora , ' - , City of Springfield RECTI MAY 152007.' City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 , (541) 726-3700 , , Citizen 'Advisory Board / Commission! Committee , Please print or type: , Board / Commission / Committee applying for: '31- 4 tV AI {,J (~ c.. OM M, I .s s , 0 Ai (A separate application must be completed for each board I commission I committee) , ' Name: "2. R..1L. ' First Evening phone: __)-M t T )-/ Last' Av~_.sfeF'-'V 91- 'I?-1- City "Zip , ~ I ~ - 3 '-100, ---r . Middle initial , Home address: , '/ 3 S r , Street , ' Day phone: r t./ '-I - /'1-00 L A w IV R. \ Q ~ IE. Do you live within the Springfield city limits? l:8l Yes Q lf yes, how long? 1 ' Y G-AR.. ~ o No Q If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? ' DYes D No ':,.".- ,~. .... Ward number (city residents only): . ' .Are you a Springfield property owner? eLK Yes D No Are you a Springfield business owner? ~ Yes o No Are you a registered 'voter? ~Yes D No Occupation: ~~S T A..J'i....AtJ I" O""Nr;~ Business address: I ~ i ~ Place of employment: A G.VL.L--1 I ~ C. f{(.1 Sl.-L '-l.-U p (0,.) G-iL- l' . Education: -A~I ?,.oN..1r STAT6 (Over, please) 3-32 '-~ ~ . , . ' , ~.,' '. . . , . , " , , - , APPLlCA nON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee Page 2 ' Please print or type: 1, What experience I training I qualifications do you have for this particular board I commission I committee? ~,f€, A7TAu./JEy . -. , , ' 2, What specific contribution do you hope to make? -;€c ATTA<-J.-/1E ? 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. ' (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration,) -,EE A1T~u..I~y 4, What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? s....... t;!- /!TT//c)-/ ~? .1> 5, Most boards (commissions I committees meet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently, Meetings generally last one and one-half hours, It is highly recommended you attend'a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings. o Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) 0 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) ~Evenings 6, How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 RadiofTV 0 Mail notice ~ord of mouth q Returm this apPI\~ ion to' the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 n please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 ission I committee member o Other vi .IYJ A- I I 0 :2-0-0 t- Dale , ... Pril1ted 011 recycled paper \1 3-33 Eric T. Smith (541) 515-3400 Planning Commission Application, Page 2 1. The experience I bring to the planning commission is one of a business owner who has opened many new business ventures in the past 10 years. I not only have experience in my own ventures, I experienced a lot of the planning and implementing process as the manager in charge of opening several Starbucks Coffee stores (in Oregon and in the Washington, D.C. area) as well as working with Outback Steakhouse to open new sites (in Arizona and Washington, D.C. 'area). I also have worked with the city during the permit stage in the construction of new business as well. My career has given me the opportunity to interact with a couple different city planning offices. In addition to my business background, I have experience in landscape design. I am passionate about physical aesthetics as they pertain to the physical geography in the area I live. ., - 2. I am hoping to contribute the passion I ,have as a member of the generation that will inherit the results of the decisions the planning commission makes today. I also offer the commission a keen interest in and love of the landscape and geography of our city. 'My contribution to the commission will also be a , Springfield business owner's perspective - not only as one who desires a great business environment, but also with the city's landscape and geography as well. . My work in landscape design will help balance a growth focused Metro General Plan with thought to the appearance of our city's layout and design. 3., Since living in Springfield, my involvement in community activities has been related primarily to the physical landscape of Oregon. I have coordinated a 60 person team in conjunction with the SOLV beach clean-up organization in Florence. I have also led a team as we worked with Eugene Parks and Open Space to renovate trials in the Spencer Butte Park. .. " ~t. \., , ' 4. I grew up in Tempe, Arizona. I have seen what a true urban sprawl looks like. I now live in the most beautiful area in the U.S. and I want to be a part of helping it grow responsibly. lam really excited about living in Springfield, raising my children in Springfield, and retiring in Springfield - I want to see it grow and prosper! I believe that taking control of our own growth boundary and enforcing high standards in the new real estate development, as well as re-development is paramount for our future success. I want to be an active member in seeing this come about and leave a real legacy for our next generation. 3-34 Questions for Planning Commission Applicants 5 t:,6 ATrACII~p , 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? , , . " - . . ,2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? 3. Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes , decisions. ' . '. . , .' . ." J. , - , 4; Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with "neighborhood preservation or environmental. values. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adopted plan or the Development Code, how would you, as a Planning COf'!1rJJissioner, resolve the conflicts? " 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield?' 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for eac::h meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. 3-35 Eric T. Smith _ ,(541) 515-3400 " Questions for Planning Commission Applicants 1. My personal interest in applying for the Springfield Planning Commission comes from a strong personal desire to see Springfield grow in a beautiful way. I want to see us grow responsibly with landscape integrity and keep our city a true gem in the Pacific Northwest. For years I have been interested in the development of real estate and through involvement with the planning commission, I will have the opportunity to evaluate the development of our city hands-on. My interest also stems from being an owner of my own home, a rental property, and a business all here in Springfield, as well as raising children here in Springfield. I have lived in several areas of the United States and in cities of all sizes, and I chose to settle here and raise a family here because I love the incredible things Springfield has to offer. ' ~ 2. I see our city growing considerably in the next 15 years. I want to help facilitate that as a business owner as well as a landscape designer. I want to see our city grow with the grace of a well planned and executed plan. . . - ". . - , ' , - ' , , 3.. My experience in working as a member of a group making decisions has been challenging and rewarding. I have been in groups deciding how to create a vision for a chUrch. I have also led groups deciding how to excite the staffs of 16 restaurants' employees about the next promotion. I am a patient man and value each member's view. I believe we only see in part and need a group of people to see something clearly. 4. To balance the need of economic development'and maintain environmental values we need to place a value on the physical geography of our city. As new development is proposed we keep a strict standard of landscape material and maintenance in each proposed new development. Again design is the most important factor in finding balance in growth versus preservation. 5. To resolve any conflicts regarding proposed development plans with existing plans I would like to get as much input from the community as possible. I would also like to use as many experts in the field as possible to explain the pros and cons of each plan. After reviewing the facts moving forward with the commission would be the fmal move. 6. I do not have any specific ideas for changes to the adopted planning or development review documents as this time. 7. I can commit the time necessary to be an effective Plalming Commissioner. I am really looking forward to helping shape our city for the future. Bi-weekly meetings and preparation will not be a problem. It would be an honor to serve our city, to give 20 hours a month is not too much to ask. 3-36 City of Springfield Planning Commission MAILING ADDRESS PHONE APPOINTMENT DATE Steve Moe 3698 Franklin Boulevard PO Box 847 Springfield, Oregon 97477 intercitv@aol.com Home: 726-7613 5/01/1999 Bill Carpenter Vice-Chair 680 T Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 wcarpenter@ioc,oro Home: 726-6286 4/20/1998 Frank Cross Chair 2580 D Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 westcross@comcast.net Home: 521~2909 5/4/2004 Lee Beyer 951 "S" Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 leelbever@comcast.net Home: 746-5889 4/16/2001 Johnny Kirschenmann' Home: 726-0798 1159 S. 68th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 iohnnvk@rexius.com 2/5/2007 , Gayle Decker Home: 747-0462 415 6ih Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 oirenedecker@comcast.net 6/02/2003 David Cole Home: 741-0444 PO Box 70142 (mailing add.) Eugene, Oregon 97401 1336 Modoc St. (residence) Springfield, Oregon 97477 stoneaoeeoineer@msn.com 6/02/2003 PUBLIC RE- APPOINTMENT DATE 6/05/2003 5/4/2004 10/2/2006 EXPIRATION DATE 6/05/2007 5/4/2008 5/4/2008 10/2/2010 2/5/2011 6/02/2007 6/02/2007 Note: Springfield Planning Commissioners serve four-year terms. Two members may reside outside the Springfield City limits and two members may be employed in real estate. None of the current Planning Commission resides outside the City limits and none of the Planning Commissioners work in Real Estate. CONTACTS: SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Bill Gri/e, Development Services Director 726-3671 Greg Mott, Planning Manager, Planning Commission Liaison 726-3774 Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary 726-3610 Edited 2fl12007 bj Attachment 4-1