HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Historic Commission Applicant Interview AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: May 29,2007 Work Session Development Services, f\t ",1 A Kitti Gale/MetZger~~ 'lJ\.'\)\ 541-726-3632 10 minutes ITEM TITLE: HISTORIC COMMISSION APPLICANT INTERVIEW ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct an interview of one applicant re-applying for a vacancy on the Springfield Historic Commission. Council is requested to confirm its selection and make the official appointment on June 4, 2007, in regular session. The Historic Commission has one opening on its seven-member Commission. The recruitment for this opening began May 2, 2007, . and closed May 18,2007. One candidate has applied, John Tuttle. r Attachment 1 - Interview Schedule Attachment 2 - Profiles of Current Historic Commissioners Attachment 3 - Candidate Application Section IX, 3.8 of the Springfield City Council Operating Policies and Procedures, states that the ". . . Mayor and Council will hold formal interviews of applicants for positions on the Budget Committee, Historic Commission, and Planning Commission and a recommendation from these bodies is not necessary although they . may have a representative present to participate in the interview process. . ." ISSUE STATEMENT: ATT ACHMENTS: DISCUSSION / FINANCIAL IMP ACT: Springfield Code 1-10-1, Historic Commission Charge, requires that the 7-member Commission shall be residents; electors; property owners within Springfield; appointees of other Springfield public agencies such as Willamalane Park & Recreation and School District # 19; or, specialists with expertise in such fields as architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or archaeology who live within the Metro-Area General Plan boundaries. For state certified funding it is recommended that a majority of the Commission have professional qualifications. The vacancy on the Commission is that of John Tuttle. Commissioner Tuttle has just finished his first four-year appointment on the Commission and is seeking his second term that will extend through April 30, 2011. Interview Schedule and Questions April 9. 2007 Tentative start time: 5:30 p.m. 5:30 Council discussion and preparation of interview questions 5:32 Interview of John Tuttle' 5:40 Council discussion and deliberation City Council Interview Questions 04/29/2007 1. What has been your impression of the Springfield Historic Commissio'n? 2. How have your special skills benefited the Commission? 3. Why do you think historic preservation is important to a City like Springfield? . 4. Why are you interested in serving 'a second term on the Commission? 5. What has been your approach to development plans that are in conflict with the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance? 6. What can the Historic Commission do to foster citizen awareness of historic preservation? 7. The Historic Commission will begin meeting the second Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. As you know, occasionally there are special meetings and projects such as Historic Preservation Week activities in April and May. Will you be able to meet the time requirements of the Commission? 8. Do you have any questions for the Council? ATTACHMENT 1 mSTORIC COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP PROFILE 05-21-2007 CHAIR, ROXIE METZLER - - - Roxie, a Springfield area resident, is currently serving a second four-year term. Roxie is a retired teacher recommended by Springfield School District #19. She is a resident property owner living on Deerhorn Road near Walterville. She is an Oral Historian with a Master Degree from the University of Oregon in Special Education. Roxie is a previous Springfield Museum Board member as well as a volunteer with Sand Mountain Society and Friends of Huckleberry Mountain. She previously served one term on the Commission from 1994 to 1998. Roxie was appointed to the Commission again in August 2002 to complete a partial term and then went on to server her second, four-year term that expires 12/31/2010. VICE CHAIR, TED CORBlN - - - Ted, a Eugene resident, is an Intern Architect in a Eugene firm. He holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Oregon. He has . undergraduate teaching assistant experience from the University of Utah in Architectural History curriculum arid a Graduate Teaching Fellow at the University of Oregon, which included coordination and support for two major exhibits. Ted is currently serving his second term that extends to 09/21/2010. SECRETARY, KURIGILL'-:': - Kuri, a Springfield resident, was recently appointed to the Commission November of 2006. She is a Springfield property owner who commutes to Salem, Oregon where she is employed as State Preservationist for Oregon Historic Cemeteries. Kuri assumed theremainingterm.ofCommissioner Dennis, which will expire 09/30/2007. TAMA TOClllHARA- - - Tama, a Eugene resident, is a Heritage Research Preservationist for the State Historic Preservation Office in Salem (SHPO). She has an M.A. in Historic Preservation Planning from Cornell University. Tama was appointed to the Commission April 2004, and is serving her first term, which expires 9/30/2007. MAREN TOMBLlN - - - Maren, a Springfield resident and properly owner within the Washburne Historic District, isa designer for Pivot Architecture. She holds a Masters of Architecture degree and has a background in preservation from Dubuque, Iowa. She was appointed to the Commission in February 2005 and her current term expires 04/03/2010. PAULA GUTHRIE - - - Recently appointed to the COlnmission on Apri116, 2007. Paula is a Computer System Administrator for the City of Springfield. She is a Eugene resident that has been an active volunteer at the Springfield Museum, the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, the Oregon Genealogical Society, Lane Community College's ACCESS Group and LCC's Transitions to Success panel. One of Paula's goals is to help preserve and maintain the historical components of Springfield as well as continue to survey historic homes in all areas of the City and move forward to help the owners and the Historic Commission preserve and maintain them. She is finishing the term of James McNett that will expire 04/03/2010 JOHN TUTTLE - - - His first term expired on April 30, 2007 and he is seeking a second, four-year term. John, a Springfield reSIdent an9. property owner within the Washburne Historic District, has a background in architecture from the University of Oregon Class of 88. John specializes in home design from his Springfield office. ATTACHMENT 2 ~ APPLICA TJON fora City of Springfield . . , . Citizen ~dvisory Board! Commission / Committee REC'D MAY 18 2eu? City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . (541) 726-3700 I Please print or type: Board / Commission / Committee applying for: : 1-1/ S :-;0 r /? Co iN? tv1 ,. S S I" 01/> (A separate application must be completed for each board I commission I committee) - vv I (/1.,+ f (e.. . Name: ~. (/ fA /11 First Middle initial Last Street -5)0 y- t ~ ct. t:'~ lifl . . City' ., ,v. . - ... -; _.~, ... .:C Evening phone: -7i-/7- ' i g"C;:!.~ c? /L.-/'77 Zip . Home address: GS6 0' ~-r~ Day phone: "726 - ~ 12 / Do you live within the Springfield city limits? IX( Yes q 'If yes, how lOng?... ,'.~i~.'.y/;:S .- , o No. q If no, do you live inside Sprin,gfield's urban growth boundary? - ,- ' DYes . 0 No Ward number (city residents only): 3 Are you a Springfield property owner? [gf Yes o No' Are you a Springfield business owner? ~ Yes o No Are you a registered voter? ~ Yes o No Occupation: rlt?l11e .tJ of? 5,',! cf f/1 d - .----- . Place of employment: Jc;/;{/} / u -ff/e f){;/.5/(J h v Business address: . -3 :2- c; 5" -h-r S I- SPY-i}"}; .C~ fa cf-J<-/'77 I r . \ ") ,4 f-(?U -fe clZ:. v e .. tJ" fY / Education: t3atl'1e IDt" ,(' , - ATTACHMENT 3 3-1 ~~ . :::;;-'CA TION for 8 City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board< Commission / Comm1ltee Please print or type: 1. What experience I training I qualifications do you have for this particular board I commission I committee? I J /2- -r-e i-- VV7.j' , ~' y e C~ I".>' vu i'/h /...;. is f,,"'}./ c- OCl YVH1/1 ( S S (G-r-y'J , J ' 6" " (A. L icT"i d-""""-' ,err tJ .1 '3' S ; !Tn "" ,tf.. ('1 e {' " ? I b t.1r- Iz. Co CJ' /~ / (l {/ ~ /1/ ~ VVI e-c..-L t . 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? .' (! G",t),., ,,' e...:.J. n.e. i -5 {1 he0- 1.0...0 tJ c;~( t'l i/?' I y-e VVl ~ VI T a InA ~ a -e v v e::-' en? /:::; t:f- (-.. /'..5 (1)-.it I;; C1 ?Vt .d ,) -e i is. . 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community grou'ps and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration.)" '.. .,- ..'. Lhc/D li../ e..::.f... c-u i'T'h ~. h bi./V'M ~ .., ",,- HIS -It.' f"'/Ll.:{(.:?,e~-.?5 ~ --<TO, S t d. II c: '1 ~ /10v )' f> c::.e. . . ,:j{ /r f 5' it"")- ~:- C ~ VI 7<'-'1"" . b t:' ,c{,'L?""- 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? . -;h e /1/5 {{if I c:.. (I t' Vv\ (/VI (S $ ( ;;./"YI 1'1 (7,,- S t;v'M, f ttYl' j\ OJ- ( f~T r i.7 ~ II') h'1 te..JE i n- ~y I . .../.'-- IV -L tl ((7)'1 Sf ;:"Lvu p( dL c: /:; ;,~ (tel'y) J . '-/7, ,,~t / VV'fft.-vT ,4 Vl/l c>)J-vr 11/1 0 J:..<. (Ty r'" /-/7. ' 'y'" / L ~~ "':{ ~. &4- Vi ,,'5 e . r. .Y 4'.) 'e! ".?) t~ fJd:. r . rj ~/,..z L~ t7 YV1 t'Vl '"5,,!:. I {/'>7 ;::. ~c (,1I./~" (,./e ~ ..v, 1h .0 t-L~' 1/;5' /'tf)-- r',- M <Z i6h b i/r.?.c ;,:!d,' ( c:.1 CZV/J E, 5, Most boards I commission~ ;'to';;i~1tte~~Lmeet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings c~ generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting 10(.110(/ r::. the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings. ~Vl ./.( /- tyv,:; ; o Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) 0 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) B Evenings /I-'.{/'<:. 6". How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 RadiolTV 0 Mail notice 0 Word of mouth ~ Board I commission I committee member o Other /....---, /d --;:tff(/~ ( <-f~:::J1 '1 t,1 7/t/' // Applicant's signature . ,mt-t~f /~ ~ ?-tJOi o Date q Returfol this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 'ft Printe.d on recycled paper ~., 3-2 Questions for Historic. Comm ission Applicants 050907 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Spring'field Historic Commission? . .? t/L/ I ~ tel t'7,1(.' &"y) (C~1 ,-,.-? ~ Cl See (' i./' ( ~ e.- c:-u / 7"'h ..?...... S c) t c "" tf /r- t1 ~'l d-;:(". C'i)yn I'yJ I , S / CJ yt ~ J"'.$. ,i.Ve h d- ve .(.t: N l N'7/, (.1/-7 d V] -t t C HtJ /2G:::E ' 7h~ r /;n;:> /.f.. C 7.5 (.0 LC. r C" h'1Y'V1 i..N'I f (7' . , . 2. What contributions do' you feel you can make to the Commission? What special skills do you haye to share with the Commission? /7/<k' ~ h j.'Jt,/r J.z 0 c.' 41,1'), k.C(..J <2 /--V) e ~1 -r /' ~ A lJ c:. eLTU.tn V..A. c.i. n I' ~ ;0 /-.~~ ;; S ;- C/';v? r=;;z.. h..-z ( I. i d f/' C..cJ i /)., /-7 < ~ h 6 d)- /1 t"/ A. .c;1VJ..--\,/1 /i- tn'\.h,'1 ,'Z;i L-v' ~''1/~, S' t.l e .5' ' 3. Why do 'you think'Historic-;,Rreservation is important to a City like Sp'ringfielq?...~Y~ A5J~-:c-,~~ 'l-V (.'f'n.d-e/1~ H!.s7.??-/L ~7~~fj hb~/)-/;/; , Ot/h un d..u ~. C~U t./ fC (6 ~ .e~;f ?LtJ11.~J.'1 '1 C ?"'v VJ a. 1'1 &-< m .c;l-.l""..Y' /i.(2:. '[";,,,',;-.J ^ e 5' tJ {., {- ~ e:5 1Jz .P.;;I' tv r/ ///' e::6{) i ~ c:: tJ ., "d ~ ~ r 5: if. t'vr a-... ~ ~ 'd/! .' L (.1"n S ; AL-u.A c..U t! / 5'';'' / t/;YJ J dJ f7--z-e ~tc;-:/l /1....,~ -'.-{ fi-)- c~ e Ie: rP l~ r a<-1 &' C i'L/1.-t..-..,t:; e. c' I}Y2 -Ii n J eJ. .5):; "';t' n ~j' /7 <e I~l /14:-S /L i-7 i-Z /~ {./ e I ~ -I" 1'7 ../J 'J . ( 1 ,..,./ (. ,I ^'-~ ,j/...)I e C~ 0 CL V PJ c-n~-.f - 4. When a citizen's development plans are'in conflict with the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance, how would you deal with tii'e' situati~n? ,9 G. (.l..)...,Q i/..Cl...U..Ji t ,"I 7h-e fiLS i. ::5G-iA-~'/7AiS '7h-e,-e c~ c ~rn ["// c.. -I- 1?z. ~ c....J-y> r.C'- Jo e: $'.:'")- h_~-~ ,,9-u..:.Y' ~ <.!.P I' 02. C'C} ~f /- t' ~\r1 ~ c.. ~ 7Jv /-/"$:le r ,. L- a.....,."., rn) oS l/ tl-n ./ s C. harr;)e A ~ -rJ"l ~ ;Ort' .!?Vf ': Uyt ._,/ 5jDr/C::J~s h-'5 hr-,; ~ r-,~ S d' Vr-c::e...s:,. ~/Ih-e-&'.( .l-1--l -;t7.-u C 7;7 LJ~e:. l-tf:?i,~d C:4A.? . rtJ-t...'h G /e:--. 3 ~J 1/1/& ~ I-c1M ?:~ ::>e1.--,;./'"", 77t../ /~ >'--e'VL g, 'c..- "d .::..Il-UA- C5UyY>&~!....TVl' ~ ",^,/l.,c^ vi.$' hrI e-yvr <0 <,("r/. . 5. What can the Historic Commission do to foster citizen awareness of historic preservation? ' 6e ~ r~ 5" cE/V1-- T /11 crcl[ r C i../"'YY1 f'l-'1 L.Nt r 7y - E n ,t ,-TV r ~'-# e ~t/ j.1 / / t:.- I n i/' tJ ;' t/ e- ?"]"1 <e~T ~- :.~ '7 )' '"" e' .:;. ~.&1:-<j 6. ,\he Historic Commission meets the s.@cong Mone-ay of every month at 5:30 pm with occasional 'special meetings. Can you meet the time requirements of the Historic Commission? ya..5-. 3-3