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Permit Electrical 1995-7-6
. .. .' :.h~, 10llOV;ing pro'. . .. ~. '. ~'. ,.ny and d 1 ct as GUbmlP~, -J h' 'a.. ~;,'..;:"::':':~I Oas not require 8,11-;, . ;:'!J the fclfowin . . . 225 FIFTH STREET ' , PGcif," land Usa EfECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Zc:;h~._ LO~ /,,9%.~ 'j'1e;, INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-'t769,.-e --= City Job Number_ ~.$..$ . :... ,: ' OFFICE: 726-3759 _:.y.=~~.J..2. ' ", AuUlo:iZ&d ~gnature A' _' 3. 1.' LOCATION OF INSTALLATION~'^ \ I &)f;J7'S"~7/Jf?/'b'A) \ . , , LEGAL DESCRIPTION . .. 17~/!h ~.l~;~~f%J , , JOB DESCRIPTI~ . ./ ....:... / u7V~ /i::Pf ~~&2 . . ".". ~ Permits are non-transferable and expi~e if work is not started withiri 180 da'ys 'of issuance or if york is suspended for '180 days. 2. l,u...nACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY , E1e~tr1cal Contractwl1-:L (~?J , , ('~HZ t2.cI Address 1'111 City4t:..a;u> ,- , Supervisor Licen,se Number ",~kD T s: Expiration Date .. JD he . Constr Contr. Number '7.?<T-9 Expi'ration Date 12At/<... . ., Phone W I:H'S- ~ .. Sign~ture of Supervising Electrician ~/2~O ..io: v - "~- . D." owners NllfIe, L.!f'8.R~ _~ h~ Address ,~~.4A'-~~~' ,. City ~.$.'Phone' , O~IN~~~r . The, installation, is' beirig made on . property,! own.vhich is not intended for saile, 'lease 0'1:. rent. ' ., . . . ~,ers Si~ture: ,.' :~~~ I: . .-Y~<9~/~~~?~, . RECEIVED BY: ~~ COHPLETE PEE SCHEDULE'BELOV Cost * l' Sum ' A. New "",,,ident1al-Single or Multi-,Famlly per dvelling unit. Service. Included: Items 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 , sq. ft or portion thereof. , Each Hanuf"d Home or Hodular Dwelling Service or Feeder B. Services or Feeders Ins talla don, Al tera t ions or Relocation: 200 amps or less' 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts . Reconnect Only $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40-.00 C. Temporary Services or'Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 40.00 201 amps to :~OO amps $ 55.00 Over' 401 to 600 amps $.80.00 Over 600. amps. or 1000, volts..see "B" above Branch Circuits New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel . .' "' One Circuit ,Each Additional CircuiCor wJth Service ,.orFeedi!rPermit ,. .. :..........- $ 35.00 :%: ce> $ 2.00 E. Hisce11aneous (Service/feeder not included) -~ch installation 1,'uinp or, irr!gatioil _$40.00 Sign/Outl,lil~ ,L,ighdng . $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res . ~ ,20.00 . LiniHed_EnergyICom~ $36~60 5.. SUBTOTALOP'-ABOVE '-'?';- 5% 'StateSurchilrge I. 7'7 . . ; To/M{:':, ,:,:' /.t1!!> ;.\- '~PhMM'\(,\H>f ~7.S6