HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1997-2-3
(541) 726-3753
FAX (541) 726.3689
rebruary 3, 1997
Wayne and Evaline White
PO 80x 1194
Crcswell, Oregon 97426
RE: Street Addrcss Change
,Dear Mr. and Mrs, White:
At the request of tile Springfield Public Works Department. your property located al Lnne County
Rererence Number 17023432, Tax Lot Number 00200. commonly known as 145 58th Place, has been
changed. The street name of 58th Place is not listed as a legal street name, and the City docs not have on
file a street dedication for 58th Place. Since your property takes access from Main Street, YOllr new street
address will b~ Main Street, Springfield, Oregon.
I will notify the following companies andlor agencies of this new address by sending them a copy of this
Springfield Police Departmcnt
Springfield rire Dcpartmcnt
U.S. Post Omce
U.S. West Communications
Northwest Natural Gas
TCI Cablc
United Parcel Service
Springfield Utility iloard
Lane Council of Governments
911 Dispatch, Public Sarety
Lane COllllty Elections Department
Rainbow Water District
Springfield News/Register Guard
This changc will becomc eCrective 30 days rrom the date or this letter (March 6, 1997), Please chrmge your
street address numbers on your home and on your mail box by lhis date. lfyoll have any questions, please
Ceel Crcc to phone me at 726-3790.
~J\~ J
Lisa Hopper ~
iluilding SaCety Coordinator
cc: Don Rogers, City Surveyor
Leitha Zeller, Springfield Maintenance Division