HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1982-5-13 . . j #0 ',,-..k'~..... .;~ . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON e7477 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY May 13, 1982 223 NORTH /II. STREET SUITE 0 Mr. Tom Large Daren Engle Real Estate 1749 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 *"'"'' Dear Mr. Large: Please find enclosed a copy of our previous letter to you dated February 18, 1982. In response to that letter, you telephoned and infomed me that the sign in question was not a "readerboard" sign, but was instead a permanent sign. I have discussed this matter with Sally Johnson, Department of Public Works, City of Springfield. Their records'do not indicate any permit issued for this pemanent sign. Please take steps to contact Sally Johnson at the Department of Public Works regarding this matter and to obtain the necessary permit for this sign. Consistent with your representations and consistent with the City of Springfield Code requirements, this sign will not be utilized as a "readerboard" sign but will be a permanent sign for use by a business in the shopping area. Thank you for your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. Sincerely, "HAR1>IS, HAROLD & LEAHY ,S-i5<flp MC\-\f\ %t- Joseph J. Leahy Office of City Attorney JJL:bkh enc. cc: Sally Johnson .;'....... .~ . busi.nesses in a residenti.rea should be treat~~ ~Yth~~.rato'rs in a manner to :: make them as compatible as possible with j:heir close, residential neighbors. The ":".., , ,.. . .~, .. . following graphic representation shows some of the generai sign regulations for 'this . "'. ". section, and 'is not intended to substitute fo~ specific regu"l~~iO~~ in this secti~n', ~ . -, ".,.~': ..,.....,.4 "':;~\.:':f'i: ;: . ."'.,.:.. ., ;'.".._-_. "': ....'...... . ~,~ ".' '.' . . .. t' .' TeMP"RAR.'( i T",~~~~';.,l " 10' 8'""". . ''''J ,.".... I'#- t.+e-,. 1 ~rN - ". . .'., . 32- .e- N#.. '::: ":<~l':~.'.;, . '. 4, j:' ~i},::',' .' <;.~\;.. '.. '.. . " ,. .' :::~~.~~\:~'~: :.-:... ':..:'. '. " /", ',::t~}i: . I. r .if, I :,;r ~ .' .," 1 ":-.I:.~ . I ~ '.' ~,,::~~,. " a,l!'::.:, . '::~~k~~~:~:: . &lISlN~$ " ~.... 'J, . ". ". " ~ '. ;,i:'. '..::~ 'i;. ". --' .' .' . ."' . '. , ' ',. :.~ ." " . '. ... :'~' ," .', . '., . : , '>." .:;~. '.~ ~... ., .,. . ,. " r ..' - . . , ~ , I" '\._ . .. , . ."~, .:'.' , \ '~." , .. '. " .".,' '. '. ..... ':~'.~.,{.. .... ~.-:.~. .,'.,.\,....., ,., . ...;;;;~;.'The following s.igns' shall be permitted on properties located within all areas which " :~,,:,. ':" :;":.' ," , ." '. 1. ",:,;l ~ . ..'; " ;,t. . . . .... :'{;,i.;:are not zoned MR, M-2 or M-3, or are not within the boundaries of a sign district '..:: ".: .::'?!,~~ :'.. ~ -:.':, ~.~. ::,~~.":-.:'. .., .-.' .,~. .......,;';.~...~ ~....(;.:\~. " ',.' ~ ',.'." ":','.:shown on the Sign District Map, part one. .'.. ,,,;C, . , .. . j':\~;..: ...'~ ..' '<'}:~;" -:..~: ';;:, ., ,'~ ....- - '. :,' ',:: ".' . . . .. '-' .' """, ~''-';''.' .,; '. "'..'.' " .:...;. ::"' ....,.';:; ;":.:." " ::~f,:" (l)Gen~;'a1. ,A,nSi9ns wi~hin residential ar~~ssh.~nbe.,sUbJ,ect,~~~","::."~~';}a :..%';;'~the following provisions: '.' .. ,....' ..:;:'jt@jk~i~ I >~JAi'<Ja) Please refer to sections 9-7.4(4) and(5) and.'9-7-18 of thi~ sign' ~:::::~f~ ,~~!a.!.;~}{;:~ .....". ""',. .'. ,~~. .~ -, ~ .., , . .,'i~<';:"if;:i"t'J :,~~:'~{'ordinance for signage illumination standards." ::;:0::::";:.:,:.,.,..... ',~:,: ':-:'... .'. ~.. :;~.:;:~t '.~;.~1':' . ..:~ . " . . ..\~ " :',' ,...,.....' ~.. . ~ ::-;:~::" ;~.'r,:.:t,... ,i . .~. .' .'';'.,.' . , : ~.' "'~:;'l"'{'" .~ifi ..' . ,(bl ~11~:9~S snall be 10catedcompletelr wi't;~~_;~~~~~o~er~t 1,~e in ",.r:'~J :;~~1 ~manner that proh.ibits venicl es frOl11 c~ing within tWo (21 feet, ?f. any portion of tfie:":;;;I;f! '~~1'";-Si'g~-' .',' .;:f:,~:;;',': ..<< .~,,""'" ,,'.' -, . >>.~ .,~~~}" ' (c) ;No readerboard signs shall bepermitted in this ciistrict. ::-'.;?': " ':;');:i.~~:. (2)' Sinql e ;'dupl ex and multi pl e family dwell i nQ di Stticts.'-, The "fol ;o~;ng; .' . , '. " . :..:::f;;:\r....'. ,f."; . ".l'& . ~ -Jo'." . " '~(~" . . .', . . ~ ~.:J ~'.: - ",,;~", . , .:~,:' > "'," , . " .~ '. " . .. . . ~ "'. . ',' '~ . '. signs ,ti.f~: .' ."'"..' . ,:rOtU' :....~ home shall be allowed: . .'. ,!.; " . .... " ." '-' .... " f:'f~,~~:'. ..../..:t\,... .,:;'J'.~.t~..;:::.;,.'~/ (a). Each dwelling unit may have one non-illuminated, ~-mounted " "', -. ".. ., , "?-";"'':I " :;;-.J.:'<~ I, . ->', indicating the name'o'f the oc:~~ant and occupation, ., .,... . . :.~' >:-. ~--'Ef~'1 (b) Each multiple family dwelling property shall be limited to one" 4IJl: .non-illuminated identification~.,s.ign not exCe~~i~9 tweiv~ (12)squar~ feet in surface' :~;~~f _',>:'area.' Such,si gn shall be ei ther g. round-mo~~ted . to extend. not mo. re than fi ve l5: . _ "..:.,t ~ \..~: .. ' . . .:->t :1Ja-.,b~ ~,b~~;;,~~x . <~ ~,1:J~~::~~ ~. ~"~' '.~.. ~ ~"'.:~2~J~;!~~.:O:;t;'~t..~.22 .~ _~L~1~~~~.s:~\: 1~t~.~~:~~2~)~~.\~.;,.~~~ .,~~.,:t~~~i(.",.:, ~ ~ :,~~~;~~~~l .'.to'." occupation sign '~ot e~ceeding one and one.:.t.alf' (l~) square feet - in surface'ar~a ...... c ~, other sign district, . regardless of its zoning, is -' -... subject to the regulations of that .,.{district. The following graphic representation shows some of the general sign regulations ~this district, and is not intended ~o_~ubstitu~e for specific regulations in this section. '.;.i ',..~' . '. , , IOQ-&/~ . '].{)o GO WThL- IN4IMUM. h UlHe:R '5'eN~ I~ ~. 'f'" , '- :,0' tN>X. / ,'/ The following signs shall be permitted on properties located within areas zoned as ""'lIl'>:Jt\ :~':~;4.\j.~ . either MR, M-2 or M-3 and notwithin another sign district. This sign district is not "!~~~~1 i.~':"'/; shown on the Sign District Maps. (1) 'General. All signs shall be located'completely within the property line .' ',in a manner .f Jhe sign. \..... that prohibits vehicles from coming within two (2) feet of any portion of ~ .~. . .,'. . .(2) Identity Siqns. Each separate occupancy may have one pole or roof -- mounted identJty sign, not more than thirty (30) feet total height above grade; . -., .' . such sign shall not exceed one hundred (JOO) square feet of surface area for any 'one face or two hundred (200) square feet of surface area for two or more faces. ,Such sign shall be' separate and not part of any other sign allowed on this property. (3)W"all Siqn'. The total surface area of all wall signs shall be limited to not more than one(1l square foot for each lineal foot of Q.uildina Dorimt:>+er. ~.': ~ .' {;.. . .j w~for each occupancy area. . hei ght above, grade. Thes~ signs shall be no more than thirty (30) feet total .. : 9-7-"11 . ResidelitialDisttict. I.n the residential districts, signs should be designed \.~. . ""'i ~ - ~ . . " T",1- ~s:f:~r: ~;-:-:::.-:: ~f this CO~~ that i.::""-~~'.J .1 (~: -.;; , , , '.~Jl .,;',11 ....1'1 'j',1 for pedestrians or vehicles moving at residential speeds. The occasional .s~all, neighborhood grocery is well-known to the neighborhood that patronizes it, ?r.d i't i~f':'~" V":'s ~'n""". -:.:.....,- '. -' ,.. -.....-. ~ -.- 21 .4...:.........~~-"'- .'__ l.,...O . .:: .t:, ~,~.-=Jt:l--,,,,,,,:.'~-;,'~~':4 "" .'- ...~.- . '(~ ': .~,\. .":~<;:C:.',\;~.,' :. .<:. j;':-l'-i'iF;J~':":\~,, , . " '~",.,'."....,.f"1' '. --.(~," '. .' '" . ~ - '''. , . . .' .' .' c~:::" ."> " , . . , number of pedestrian doorways and display.windows." . A business may have more than one . , ". principal. entrance provi~ed that.. each i~entified f~On:t face,has appro,x~matelY the number of doorways and dlsplay wlndows.'.. :. '. '.:'., '. same '.\ I; . "~"""':r"~..- ~..' ..... . Projectinq Siqn. A s,ign oth'er'.than:)::'WalJ;.sigri which projects beyond the .l;....~. . .'.'..'.'"":'"'....-.:.......... --:" . ..' . . . front face to which it is attached. "Projection"'means the distance which a sign ,..... . extends from the front face to which it is attached. . ./ .. . .. '. .!r: Reader Board Siqns. ..'. . 0"" " A sign which is .characterized by changeable copy, regardless of. the method of attachment. .' :,' )"to .' ,""1;..' . Theater marquee signs are not defined as' reader boards. .'^ '.' ....,. " . . Requlatorv/Warninq Siqns. A sign erected by the City; county, or state :; government to insure safe and efficient control of vehicular and pedestrian movement " .. ' ~"" ." \. ~" \., . by means such as traffic lights, stop signs, railroad crossing signs; yield signs, . '. . . .' , . .: jt'~' .. .' . . '.. '.' " hazard sign~, hiflhWay./~"denltificaV'on q.nd dire~~ion~l s'gTl~s. ;,/;'.;":.:S"OFC<.--C-nV2- t:C..h7rrL._ F.o 0 :r":> ,(I '-.:.. ~.( IVi '--" vt 'c::--L.<-c; , (...<-. ...--V " t . 1- ,{" . .... : r !;N,_.~ Ia-T,-"""C---: ""'V ' ..,..,r/.- or:5> .........-c..v v<--c..-r . _:: . ',".i'Roof Line.. he top etlge of the roof. or the top oJ/the parapet, whichever '. ~~:..!~r:ms t~~\oP,line of ~he building silhouette:' "'~r;=,~r.: ...,.>7.~,::.,-. Seasonal or Holidav Siqns. Signs such asChristmas'decorations; those";; '. .used for an historical holiday and installed fora limited 'period of time. , '-;~.' ' -. ^- -:-- premice G'i!lR fI.':'l. j: ;:':lOd, f'elr~..tc...J:..~,...~ ,,~.:.9ti~.s,.....; ~~- ~ .-- - .- . Secondary,'SiQ" .~r'oOT), in addition to the identitysign, designedprimarily to. identify or........;,:;J.,..,.:'; ...., - ,........ - .' :.;,;.;.r.-"'~...:.'r~.~<.. ,5" .....-"....~:;':;~ J!~?~:y. .;.\.+~~'. .,. ';.advcrtis8 a l~~:;,.;..:,.:,...., f"i._:.~ :lJ ~ .)i&t~....;~+C" ann ppdp-~t~ians that is not ;rtpnt;f';~h'~ " ..... I oy tile identity sign. '::; h;&~ I..il~p"'4,: ( , G.') '1)tJi~tn. - V)-\~v(.( dc:/&,,'~~K ,..Setback. Themini~~m h~rizontal dist~,nC~'" b~twe~'n a "b~i1d:~ng and a 'hi9~:a:~~ ~(!] '., . '.. +~.._;, ;..:~.~.~::.:i,~~:.:. -,' -" , '. '.' '~>;. ,: ~ .., .. ~':::;- '.,' ::<.:;:r.,.~C'" '.,i'.-',.. - . '., ':':f~!; "" . ,.... . , . " Sign. Any.structuf'alor wall-based ~medium including its.~omponent P~.rts," ..i'.i ,.i.:,~. . . . ' :. :;ir': '. .' .:. "',;'., . ":~::'~:: """"i, :...1::; which is used or intended to be use~to attract attention to the ~ubject matter f~r. '::.' ;".'. . . -. ,'. -.":." - .....'..: ~ '.:' -,~ 'j' ,:{";;: . .' adV=~t~=in~i ::-:-:;::~;.iC~::~~e;-~-~::~_e;~sTance measur~d ';;~~ t~e a~j~cent s~r~et:"~~:de:"~~~~r . or right-of-way line or a lot line. ~>or upper surface of the nearest street curb to the top of the sign as specified herein. Siqn Structure. The supports, uprights, braces and framework of the sign. ;:'.'_~..:...1:,.:~"'ace ~\"e~. The sum. in Squ"T~ f'?9t, of the entire area of each sign .';.; ~" ~:.: .~ '.. <: ~ ".'. C. ~ .. . .. . , --,' . :;:j'(4AJ CnJ.tte-fJ'CTll? . . ..' ,.., ~ " .... ..' '." \...- .'.. :,,~ ~ '.. "~"~"~".: '~1'., .,/;.~.''-...~_~,,_~i~li:~ ,.~~, _._' _......I~...,_..,"""...,_~~.~,'.. ...."--..\-'iL...'>>.~~;l'Ol;_D'