HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1983-5-2
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":::'1:::::,:;:,;., c/o Daren Engel Real Estate .';'" . ,~" ...,' ." , ... '.
""[;"''':'':1749 Main Street " .....,.' ;,"
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;,~;('''i:,.~C 'oc~upancy InSpec~~on at 5846 M~'i~'~~re~t :'S'prin,gfie 1 d. OregOn, .;' " :,'.1:,\,::,.".,:,:'.''':' ::~':".;...,:"::;:::~;':;;
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" '., At your request the Springfield Buildi.~g Division conducted an Occupancy InspeCtion. ,',.'
., . . .of the small structure which was temporarily used as' an insurance off.ice at 5846 ..,;~:
Main Street, Springfield, Oregon....' : ',,;. . ';,:..'i '."" .,-:', .j:,",.... ':,:;' ":-~;.:.,,,..;.
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., '. rhe continued use of the structure as an office will categorizethatusag'e as a B-? .~: :.."
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The following items shall be installed, repaired,or replaced in order to conform to' . "'.
the appl icable codes for that occupancy. ':." :, '.' ..' ::": ',' :'
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Exterior walls located 'less than a distance of 20 feet from the pro[lertyline "';' "
'shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Openings in . ,.
these walls located less than 10 feet from the property 1 ine shall be protected : ,
by a fire assembly having a one-hour fire protection rating. Openings shall not .,.,." ['
bepermi tted if the property 1 i ne is 1 ess than 5' feet from these wall s. Tabl e
5-A S S C" ,.' .:' . . , " , '. ' .,.
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2) The exi sti ng woodroof coveri ng has ouF 1 i ved its function for adequately pro-
viding moisture protection. Total replacement of the roof covering will be'
necessary. Combustible wood roof coverings for a B-2 Occupancy shall be used
only if there is a minimum of 10 feet from the roof edge to the adjacent property
1 i ne. S. S. C. 1704 . " .
3) The bathroom shall be provided with an exterior window at'least 3 square feet in
area, fully openable; or a mechanically operated exhaust system, connected to the
1 ight switch, capable of providing a complete change of air every 15 minutes.
. 4) Glazed panels located closer than 48 inches to a door and the panel within the
door subject to human impact shall be a "safety'glass" type panel. S.S.C. 5401
5) The change in the landing level at doorways shall be not more than 1 inch lower
than the threshold.of the door. S.S.C. 3303 (i)
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225 North 5th Street .
Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 5031726,3753.,
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Mr. Tom Large
Occupancy Inspection
5846 Main Street
May: 2, -1983" ; .
Page 2.
6) The deteriorated roof If1 oor supports and flooring of the uti 1 ity porch area shall
be repaired or demolished. S.S.C. 2501 (b)
1) Grounding type duplex receptacles shall be properly grounded when installed
on non-grounded circuits; or be replaced with standard non-grounding type
receptacles. E.S.S.C. 250-50 (p)
2) An insulated connecting link shall be installed in the pull chain to the 1amp-
holder above the kitchen sink. E.S.S.C. 250-42
3) The main service ground conductor shall terminate in an approved grounding clamp
attached to a cold water pipe. E.S.S.C. 250-8
, .
4) Install metallic raceway protection on the exposed cable serving the water
heater. E.S.S.C. 336 (b)
1) All openings into the drainage or vent system not connected to plumbing fixtures
shall be permanently plugged or capped in an approved manner. P.S.C. 314
2)' The water heater relief valve shall be piped to the outside of the bui1din9 with
the end of the pipe turned downward. P.S.C. 1007 (e)
3) A 3/4 inch gate valve shall be provided on the discharge side of the water meter.
P.S.C. 1005
4) Water closet bowls for public use shall be elongated bowls equipped with open
front seats. P.S.C.901
The two structures are currently connected to one drainage septic system. To insure
the functional and sanitary ability of this system, written certification must be
secured from Lane County Sanitation Department acknowledging that the septic system
is presently operative and will continue to function properly.
The above items are requirements 6n1y for the existing building. Other items such
as parking, site improvements, sidewalks, etc., have not been addressed as part of
this initial inspection and might be requried as part of Site Plan Review.
Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753.
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David J. Puent - ~.
Building Inspector
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