HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2004-7-23 . 225 Fifth Streel, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line ~~ . CITY OF ~J:'K1NGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00923 ISSUED: 07/23/2004 APPLIED: 07/23/2004 EXPIRES: 01/27/2005 VALUE: Status Issued ., SITE ADDRESS: 5807 Main St ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702334103700 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Electrical Work Only TYPE OF USE: Addition Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Limited Energy Owner: POWELL-MCMINNVILLE LLC Address: 737 MARKETS ST KIRKLAND W A 98033 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Electrical Contractor DATATEC INDUSTRIES INC License 146022 Expiration Date 09/18/2004 Phone 503-287-7122 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: # of Stories: Heigbt of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupaut Load: n/a 'DMJ;LOPMENTINFORMATION I Frontyard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compacl: Street Improvements: NO.T1r.E: Stor?, Sewer ,\~a"~~~:RMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK Special Instructibn. HIS PERMIT IS NOT AUTHORIZED UNOER T Notes: COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR. _JI\I "n" ,",^V DCQlnn T.... ___ I PUBLIC Il\u "u v J;l.JENTS I " .. , .Il EN.IIO.J:OreQOi"c.W requires you to f II Sidewalk Type: 0. ~W 'UI"~ duol,ldU ~y the Oregon Utility !'Iotlf,calDownspoutslDrams,; rules are set forth In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001. 0090. You may obtain copies of tile rules by calling the center. (Note: the telephone ~llmht=lr fnr tho fl..,.,......"'.... 114:1:.... l\ I _ .,~. .. I I Center is 1-8-00-332-2344-1....--..~" Valuation Descriotion . '. Description Type of Coustruction $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project Paee 1 ofl . . CITY OF I)rKmGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00923 ISSUED: 07/23/2004 APPLIED: 07/23/2004 EXPIRES: 01127/2005 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 54 I -726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line [.."'"". Paid I Fee Descriplion + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Low Voltage - Commercial Indus Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $4.50 $3.15 $45.00 7123/04 7/23/04 7/23/04 1200400000000001134 1200400000000001134 1200400000000001134 Total Amount Paid $52.65 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. [..~'W~\~,"\'d T...~oections I Low Voltage: Prior to cover. By signature, 1 state aud agree, that 1 have carefully examined the completed applicalion and do hereby certify that all iuformation bereon is true and correct, and I further certify tbat any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Spriugfield and the Laws of the Slale of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I furtber certify that only contractors and employees wbo are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used 'on tbis project. I further agree to ensure thai all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from tbe street, that Ihe permit card is located at the front of the property, and tbe approved set of plans will remain on the site al all times during construction. I' Owner or Contraclors Signature Date Pa2e 2 of2 _ 225 Rifth Street " ,Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone . Job/Journal Number COM2004-00923 COM2004-00923 COM2004-00923 Payments: Type of Payment Cash 7/23/2004 RECEIPT #: G........~..,'!..I;I~.,_ ~. i -.,..". -,.... t, Ij, J Jiily of Springfield Official Receipt Wvelopment Services Department Public Works' Department 1200400000000001134 Date: 07/23/2004 Description Low Voltage - Commercial Indus + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By JOE ELLING Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received njm In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 1:36:16PM Amount Due 45.00 3.15 4.50 $52.65 Amount Paid $52.65 $52.65 '-' . I IJ e' . ~& 225 HI"D STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(54I)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3681A::~-i'o...:", ,. '. '. . ~~::~~~~~~ 1(:~:~!~~~:~~~~~.._, 1. ~'roCATION.J)F:-INSTAEIiA110N.';~;jJ}j:!f;'-'!i~ 3. ,';CO~EETE'1i'EE:S~~,~: . :f'".\?,~i1>:4.'i';;~l", ..::.:...c5'.i.-.-,'il....'.;~~.;;.'l:;.""''f<{~~.:.a.~~~i;~,-!;;:':!'''''~.!iJ! ~'t.~t~~;2-~.t(5:~::oSi:~,;...,U..~..::.'f<;,.'tJ.t'I~~"'"'~~t';L. -<y; :!..d'..~-''<; ..~~7.:~~~~::t.~ 5 6 0'1 m IJJ f1 ,sT: ~ 'pI'; 'tIP C~.d d ","",,,,.,,.,,",,;. ',""""'~',~,,,".n'''''', .-"'.ws=;":~~~,,Z .!? ,'" -'o:~~:~~'-, LEGAL DESCRIPTION U. A. '~~~~;~~~~l~~~~g~J~!;~~~~~::~:.';p~~~: ~~'N', ' }ki~~~~to~4" I...... .....-. "=>," ....1/1 0 37^O ~6 :9 .L....L..U...... ,~~ -r:::J u Service Included ~ JOB DESCRIPTION 1000 sq. ft. or less $10 . Each additional 5:08r~gfM'faw requireS you. ~o '0 poibon~ db the Oregon IltlhW 19.00 ml~'!N rules adopte Y f rth c . \ !'i\W6'1f.~amelhose rules are set 0 . ~'9'g2Wjffi~meMfoUgh OAR 952~091;..00 ~ a obtain copies UIL"'" ./.v'S tr ,o09n xeu_m,." y '-"'-'-..'1>.1 ~'.-"I..~t.'hOne ~'''''''.~. ,,,.,,,---e.,,..,, B. ~s~vFm:'-~;~Bi&i~We{MJP1fi:\' 'n:': ' ..- ,~ttrR~I~~ti6~~~~~~~ ~";rd';;;~"f6'fth'el()fe-g6\i4jt ; 0 til\lll&\"""~'.i;ll!i"\;j;,"~Jfu'e] 200 Amps oOe#lter is 1-8Q0-332-2344). $ 63.00 . 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 75.00 401 Amps to 600 Amps $125.00 60 I Amps to 1000 Amps $163,00 Over 1000 AmpsNo1ts $,375.00 Reconnect Only . $ 50,00 &t~l+-C.n\\''''UIIt,''frf)'f '-15"" Dtf.'Tn- W/;(-<' PermitS are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Suspended for 180 days: !7~!''''''" ~.....~.?> .. "l\.~'?'~::?1\"Z::'$',;;,:m'?!!,:li;!r:Y.'o\<...{'''~~PT''';:'=1!St ;.~~~T~~ :'CO/llTRAGTOR'IlVSTAI.;DA.TIONONJ;Y~; 2. kU>i;g;.ihtjr":"'!l;;;:,;',~ii.~~'\..~~~~t';~:X~,!5'.~0,i=-~t:il'~~ Electrical Contractor '])A1"A-7ec.. I~d, IAle.. Address 'J 3 i21AJ ~~t:"L l.?,,,\ . j,J.:r . City CM~C...ld Phone'f73-~OlS'-'fOa:J Supervisor License Number :2. 'i 1 'i? /.... E p,. Expiration Date J 0/ () I J ::l 004- , Constr. Contr. Number J 4-!'-' 0 ::t 2. ocr--/.1!KI 01). SCZ:;;J~ ( ("" Owners Name WMc. ,^~e.~-S e,"~P-- / Expiration Date Address City Phone J -" .' OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale. lease or rent. Owners Signature: Inspection Request: 726-3769 ::;.n:~.w;o;::;..t~$c-';:w~:'tS"""~~--"-;,!,,, ''''";<!(~'~;~-~J:;'tR.......,.~.~,~. ,<~~~'~~:t\o~O:W.!} c. ~fTe~po!a!Yl.S.e~"lC~S,'9rJ Feed~rs;;:\t:ll;~'~;m~~~ritr-~.>> .~,.r;rf~i:..~~r.t'*~~ . ~. Jf.','.~~r.:... .,,,,~...,,-....'~.~..t-..~..l"-'.:..."',~~"'~,,,,~,,\'!! '-"';;~'<!;--"'.""-~~= Installation~ Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less $ 50.00 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 69.00 .~~ Each Additional Circuit or with Service or Feed~r Permit $ 3.00 &~~,o:,~} .~~"",,~~,'~~~"'7w~:t'-"'~'h"'1f~~4~i'~~~~:;!.'::~'~""~' ""'7J~" E "'Mi' "II"'" ~. "'(S"'''''''''"''d ,"e'._ . ',,'ccl'>>"-ded" ''''E''''\i'<<I''-' 11 .'" ' . (j~ see aneous~ er\']CIcuee er":notm u )':+ ac : nsta a on. ;S:.~,;,uJ."~3".Q?.!i'ii-~i..::.:."~;;--~~:$..i:>;..".:':~'ftz.C20:'i~.."p~.:,.:.;::.~~":t.~~~L~ Pump or inigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited EnergyIResidentia1 Limited Energy/Commercial $ 50.00 $ 50,00 $ 25,00 $ 45.00 '15',00 x Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcbarges ~_"_'M_~~' . . __ _ '"' 4.' '/..SUBTOTAi!0'EtrnoV'ffifi'r' / I 0'-" ~%f,:p.~.~m::.$J.~ii:~:':;J;~~'" ,'.. -., -S . ,::.'J../,C;- 4,56 ,~;; . ~S- 7% State Surcharge 10"10 Administrative Fee TOTAL Shared Drive(T:)lBuilding Forms/Electrical Permit Application 1-D3.doc '-