HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1966-10-18 . ... -C~ ry or SPRINGFIELD rWP.DJ NG nEPAft1'l1ENT 840 N~rih 7th Street . l'": " NOTICE ..... _. ~ "- - """'" To the Occupant of: Siffl~'g,~.. orogon City Code, Chapter II, Article 10, SectIon 1, requires thut all persons malritolning plumbin9 upon property whose naarest boundry line Is ,within ('n" hundred and twoney (120) feet of a public sewer lateral InUBI: cormact to Raid SGWl1lr lateral. At'the dOlt:6 of thin Ilr'lt:ic:o we rInd that no connection for the above address hos bf'i.'n moda to the newly accepted:sewer lateral serving your arCA. ' ' . You are heroby given thIrty (30).days from the date of this notice to obtain a se'/lor tap pennit and to CQnnect to the sewer. In the event that yt'lU lJrG nelt the propcr'tv owner, please notify this office, either by phone or m,lll, gIving us the name and address of the prest?l,t eMilel'. (Phpne: 746-1674). Furthermore, lof YOlJ !l;N{l IltlclJred a scwor perm It pr lor to receipt of this n()tl(;(~, p'lt!,j~e disregard this ()I'der. ". "("',? Dated: : -oet7"'18.'f966"'H~.'~' .. ". , . , . " ".'l ," Yours tnlly, Joseph F. Reeves, Jr. o !I'ector of' Bu 11 d I n9 & Zon I n9 JFR/JJ