HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 6/8/2009 4-2-99 2534 .' r ~I ,CJ. /v' J)O:'J R. CARTER P.O.ROX 806 SPR1\"GFlELD.Olt 9un G'-:lnlu..-'sibIDc",,,I'\i.ldr~~ SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL OISTRJCT 319 525 \1ll.L STltEET SPRLr'GFlELD, Olt 97';7~ Grunh-e's :-;~m" ~I\,I ,\,ldu,., '\'(1<" rc{l)rdtn~nl""lt...' E"'r:RGREEN L\i'\D TITLE CO. 1'.0. nox 931 SPRINGFlElU. Ol~ 97~71 Un"l.. rlunJ;~ "' n-q".-.l<<l, :1111", \l.:ol~Wl:ub sh.lU oc ,><,,,110 ,be r~ll<,>,,;"~ "dill<",-" SAMF: AS GRA;,\TEE 99029652 ~~A?R. 02' 991102REC 10.00 ~~W1PR.02'99lt02PFUNO 10.00 ~~~PR.02'991102MT FUND 2(l.DO , , j lITU: 1\0. ELT.19l>77 ESCROW NO. SI"J").E'}$tol) T,\X ACCT. NO. )I3S~b 31),57 )D~&4 )!)ll7l MAI'":\O. 17QJJ5Jl9!OOlll)OOI1l3l)III}lOO W,VtRANTY DEED. STATlrrORY FORl\1 {lNDJYIDU,U. OR CORPORATION) ? 5 ~ 5 ~ u ~ ;; " u < KNOW ALL MEX Ui' THESE PRESENTS, That DON R. CART[!{ . dn C & B Farkirg hudlllJfler ~alled gWIIIQr, fur rht comideratio11 hereinafter $laJed, to groUllJr paid by SI'RJi\"GJolELlJ SCHOOL DlSTRIC"f :t19 fll:rrinuflu called gnUllcr, does hucby gralll, bargllill, sell (Utd conl'r.' 1JI111) 1M said granletl and grantee's hdno, 5UUeSJUrs and ussigm, Ihal certain rwl properfJ. ",j/h the lent-menls, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bffonging or appertaining. sifua/rd in the County of Ul'y.E and Stale oj Oregol1, d~cribt:d us joUo,,"s, IO-K.it: SEE EXlllUIT ,\ Wt-OCH IS I\lADE- A PART IITREOF BY nus REFERR-":CE Tu lIUI'e wid to /lo/d llie .wiIle un/a the said grl1ntu alld grantee's luirS, successors and l15SiglIS fvrr?l'u. Alld said grlllJIOr Ii..,d,)' <'o"nuwtJ tv and with said granite and Crtmfl'C'S htin. fucceS5or'i (l/ld assigns, (hal gf(lJl(or is lawfully uiud ill fa silllple oj Ehe abo..e granted premisn, fru from aft encumlJrancn cxcrptoone and Subject '0 011)' Imd (Ill <'UiemwU, ftsEnetiolls and cOl'enWlIs of record lUld IhlJl gran{(jr will ~'arralll and forever defend IlIe said pnmiies and ew;ry part and fUlrcef Ihueof agaiml the lawful claims wul demaflds of all penons It'holl1wel'eF, excepr-,hose.duiming under Ehe ul;o~.~ described encumbrances. The lrue and uC(IJuf cU/fsidera/iim paid for ,his rronsfer, ita/ed in (urns of dollars, iJ." $575,000.00. "1J1J1~el'er, the jJcWuJ c()lB.iduat;.m {Orlsists of or includes olher property or value gil'en or promised which is (the wlllJltlpart oj tI,..) cumidaa/ioll (indicate which". (The sentena between the synrboh -, if nol applicable should be ddetJ'd. See OKS 9].030.) In (omrming Ihis drt:d and where the eontes' so requirn, the 51ngufar i,'1cludes the plum} Wid a1l glammnliral chun8t's shalf be implied to make the prm'is;ons hereof apply eqUllily fo corpormiOlu arul 10 imli1idlUltS. /0 WimesJ llJureoj. tire grolltor has Iw!culcd thh imtrumrnt this f~ I doy of. ~"'fch . ]9 --5J51i if 0 wrporau glolltor, ;/ has cauu:d Us name to be signed and seal q/Jir:ed by ils officcr!, duly autJwrized theretv by order of ils. board of director!. TillS If\3'Tl)IJMl~i''T Wll.l. -::.~.- ~f TII!,; I'IWPEnTY llI::SCltlBED IK 11I1S r.;S1ll1J:\.l:FJ\T L'i VIOl..AHOr\' OF ,\PPLlCAllU,: L.AI'D (," If LAWS. ULHI9. EFORE SIGt\L~G OR ACCEPTL'lG nu.s IN!:.TRUr.U::'lT, "".1:: pERSON ACQUIRING fEE TInJ: TOT PROP IOULIJ. 'K \ J lllE APPROPRIATE ClTI' OR COl':'f11' PL-AJ\'NL"lC [}EP,\unu:.,'-rTO VERil"Y APPROVj:;O U:I)' I:' 'SO=-> LA\\'SLJITS AG.\I1"ST t',\JU,U:"/G 01< FOREST PRACTICES ASOEFIKEP I:'<ORS )u.9)1J. ~ OFFICtAl,.SEAl t GLORIA. L OARDNER "0 NOTARYPUBUC_ORE. GON 1 COMM!SSJONN0053127 Ur COMMISSION EXPIRES APR. 22. 2000 ...."TATE. OFORF.GO=->. COL'.....,V OF I=c b.. TIIlSjH:)'l'RUMC\T \\ >'s /-~/. c.... . ~ - '" ~1Jt;U-7Pul ....f'H :.K~O~ED U~FORE ME O."l-Mar....-.... '"'~ / , 19.99-, IlY VO:'t R. CARTER ,7') ~r"" ro....;..'..u,.a, 1"..1 J nn r<:tlln iJ~ti ~l!e~lv~d: I J ,,' " JUNc&8 2009 Original Submittal m 4-2- 99 ELT-29G77 PROPE:R'I'Y PAGt: J OF 1 99029652 FTIRCEJ.., I 2).,34 P Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 11. 1.2, 13, Block 64. IUIUOE'S SUBDIVISION. Springfield, Oregon, as platted and recorded in Dook 3, Page 3. Lane County Dregol1 plat Records, 1n Lane Coun~y. Gregoll. PARCBL II TIle fractional Soutll half (South 1/2) of 8lock Six~y four {64} except Lots Eleven U 1). Twelve. t 12) and Thirteen! 13') thereof. of IIAUDE'S SUBDIVISION OF TilE TOWN or SPRIHGFI8LD. Lane Cotinty Or8g0l1, as platt.ed and recorded in Book 3, Page 3~ Lane County Oregon Plat Records. 1n Lane County, Oregon. Stale of Oro<:g<Jn CQunty of Lane - 5S. I, ~h,-, Coomy C1~r:'. II" ",--:d lor t~e S<l,u Ccu<:ly. ~.~ xrci;y cUllly lh..llh~ Wllh,,, ;r,~I'~r~.c~' w"'~ rece.,""d 10' record <>1 '93APR 2Ml1:1I ",'..J 2534R L,,'e CCJu..,:;: OFHClAl Hcccrd. L"",,~ C'."''''yC''r~ u, fl.;y /1 ~J7.y - C<.."'OlyCklk --- {i ~ t . I .~ f j r Dat~Received: JUN - 8 2009 Origimil Submittal i.: