HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/8/2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Minor Modification SPRINGFIELD . Applicant Name: Springfield School District 19 (Conlacl: Jeff DeFranco) Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant's -'Rep.: Carol Schirmer ICompany: IAddress: I Property Owner: Springfield School District 19 (Contact: Jeff DeFranco) !company: IAddress: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-35-31 ITAX LOT NOeS): 10200,10300,10301 I Property Address: Gateways High School - 665 Main Streel, Springfield 97477 ISize of Property: 18,181 Acres 0 Sauare Feet ~ I Proposed Name of Proiect: Gateways Hgh School Parking Lot Imorovements , I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: See Altached Narrative. I Existinq Use: Parking ISignatures: Please sign and rint ypur name and date in the a propriate box on the next paqe.1 Phone: 541-726-3204 Fax: 525 Mill Streel, Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541-686-4540 x I Schirmer + Associales, LLC Fax: 541-686-4577 375 Wesl 4th A venue, Suite 20 I Eugene, OR 9740 I Phone: 541-726-3204 Fax: 525 Mill Street, Springfield, OR 97477 . -. . . Associated Applications: SLy, 'Z<roct.- 'D 1<' - \tW, (z.-cmq.- ~I <;z (<;.p~ At-'<,,~) Icase No.: 0a..c ~_ ti)02L Date: G,/ <t5 /r:.91 Reviewed by: ~ IAPPlication Fee: $ IL4/ 6\:) ITechnical Fee; $ I~ 7.0 \' !postaqe Fee: $0 ITOTAL FEES: $ J ~0~,' D\ PROJECT NUMBER: 'P!Z. ~o--o~ -00u/CJ I'~ " ,- ,~,'.,; ;""'1,;>1."';'.,:O'':':i: . .^-:.-~:<., "'2'<' -+" ~.:-'_^6<;>'.. ',' ''&F. /"<~.,., .... ;'~_ ,~ ',i"" ,:;:-;:: ' "'....-"B:;:."''''- ~ A,r; t+;'.- -j'L 9 LUu C/3..:;C 74Ci>" Date Reeelved: 1 J JUN -,8 2009 . ;;.' . Origin<ll SubmittaL Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Signatures Applicant: Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Si~ture -.1... 'Ntc \ l- Print Date: b / B J 2-009 If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Signature Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian C-M.'2Hj ea.. Date: Date Received: JUN - ,8 ZCG9 Original Submittal , 2 of 10 Site Plan Review Minor Modification Submittal Requirements Checklist o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. ~ Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application Form ~ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with SDC 5.17-125, Site Plan Review Criteria. ~ Copy of the Deed ~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ~ Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY CITY STAFF. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PLANNER ASSIGNED TO YOUR APPLICATION MAY REQUEST ANY INFORMATION ON THIS LIST DURING COMPLETENESS REVIEW IF IT IS NOT SUBMITTED WITH THE ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL AND IS NECESSARY FOR REVIEWING THE APPLICATION. ~ Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached - the plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ~ Eight (8) Copies of the Modified Plan Sets Including the Following: ~ All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date 'of preparation. ~ All plan sets must be folded to 8V," by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer ~ Vicinity Map ~ The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicat~ present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. ; Date Received: ~ JU:: - 8 2~~9 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Origll'\S! 8uDrni.t\sl..w_, ~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ The 100-year floodplain and flood way boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ~ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Site Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer ~ Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings ~ Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs ~ Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping ~ Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces ~ Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district ~ On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation ~ Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed ~ Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces ~ Location of existing and proposed transit facilities ~ Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses ~ Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, ir:lcluding the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity. The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted. , Date Received: ~ c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed 'Civil Engineer ..... X ,.,"~ J;........ ., t: i.:.~:;:J Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian O"i('j"~il "'''''I"...;5,:of 10 , .1"(; .-'....aU .1.L..(.':I_.....4_____o_ ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed easements ~ Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including ownership and maintenance status, if applicable. ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting ~ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities ~ Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails ~ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points d. Grading, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer [8J Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system ~ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations ~ Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ~ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) ~ Amount of proposed cut and fill e. Landscape Plan ~ Drawn by a Landscape Architect ~ Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage ~ Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 ~ Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system ~ Location and type of street trees ~ List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting f. Architectural Plans ~ Exterior elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the development site, including height ~ Conceptual floor plans Date Received: g. On-Site Lighting Plan JUN - B 2009 , J Original Submiltal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 10 . . . ~ ~ Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing a nd attached ~ Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area ~ Photometric test report for each light source ~ Additional Materials That May be Required ~ Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 ~ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ~ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ~ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district ~ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ~ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ~ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review ~ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development ~ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 ~ An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer f)~t€i If.i~r:l!lljv~d: JUN ~ 6 2009 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~LD" ( of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Departmen't Publ'ic Works Department " . RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000431 Date: 06/08/2009 2:54:16PM Paid By SCHRIMER & ASSOC LLC Item Total: <':~eck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 1,241.00 62.05 $1,303.05 Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00022 DRC2009-00022 Description CTY Site Plan. Minor Mod + 5% Technology Fee Payments: Type of Puyment Check Amount Paid tj 2006 In Person Payment Total: $1,303.05 $1,303,05 Cate Received: JUN - 8 2009 .~ Original Submittal cReceintl Page I of I 6/8/2009 . L.ll t' OF ~rW.N(yJiIELD VI,--u~.I.1 i MAP DRC2008-00018 665 Main Street rr -.,...-'----1 I ~c ~'I r-.. - Ii- [[[[J ~ rn ~ T (0 \'- -11iJ-ST I- en iE l!) en Main S' c c. ."-/1 ~ll J!. Map 17-03-35-31 Tax Lot 10200, 10300,10301 North + . Date Received: JUN - 8 2009 Original Submittal TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date: June 8. 2009 To: Cltv of Sorinafield Plannlna Deoartment Company: From: Jeff Sakacsl Project: Gatewavs Hiah School Quantity Date Drawina Name 1 Site Plan Review Written Statement 8 Sets Site Plan Review Drawings 1 Deed 1 Title Report 1 8Y, x 11 Site Plan 3 Stormwater Reports il For your use o For approval o As requested o For your review and comment REMARKS Other Schirmer + Associates, LLC Sincerely, 9-"f? Jeff Sakacsi -- + LAND USE PLANNING + SITE DESIGN + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Diilte Received: 1 8 ~. JGN - m9 OrIginal Subrr.lttal 375 West 4th, Suite 201, Eugene. OR 97401 Phone: 541.686.4540 Fax: 541.686.4577 WVoIW.schirmerassociates.com ~ 'l.I.."tAnUClllTlm II' , I ' ~ SITE PLAN REVIEW MINOR MODIFICATION APPLICATION Gateways High School Parking Lot Improvements 665 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 Assessor's Map 17-03.35-31 17-03.35-31 17.03.35-31 Tax Map 10200 10300 10301 June 8, 2009 JUN " 8 Z:09 1 Dat~ R~ooived: OrIglnai Submittal ~ ~ + LAND USE PLANNING + SITE DESIGN + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 375 West 4th. Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541.686.4540 Fax: 541.686.4577 WN\N.schirmerassociates.com LANOSUPtAftCHITECTS.. 11,1 , I, I ~ \ June 5, 2009 Planning Department City of Springlield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Narrative The client is proposing improvements to the existing parking lot that serves both Gateways High School and The A3 School. The site is flat with no physicalleatures present or any susceptibility to flooding and currently consists entirely of asphalt with painted striping for parking. The project site is zoned for Mixed Use Commercial and is part of the Downtown Exception Node. Parking is an allowed use in these areas. The proposed development will comply with all applicable public and private design and construction design standards. The new layout will create a total of 36 regular parking spaces with 1 ADA space. The proposed design of the project will direct vehicles utilizing the site through the alley between'6th and 7'h Streets. The (2) curb cuts on 7'h Street and the (1) curb cut on South A Street wiWbe closed thus eliminating traffic conflict areas. Improvements to the site will include new grading, surlacing and the addition of (2) inliltration planters to treat storm water on site along with interpretive signage to educate visitors on this storm water management technique. Planting areas are being added along the perimeter of the site to visually enhance and screen the parking lot with the addition of shrubs, perennials, groundcover and approximately (29) trees. Lighting will be added to both promote safety and guide visitors along pedestrian paths. . Site Assessment of Existing Conditions See Site Assessment Plan The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank 01 all watercourse and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map. The site is not located within a watercourse. The 1 OO'year floodplain and flood way boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter 01 Map Revision. The site is not located within a IOO-year floodplain according toFEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map 41039C1142F. Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A-Geotechnical report prepared by and Engineer must be submitted concurrently il the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table. . According to the Soil Survey of Lane County, the site is composed of 76.Malabon-Urban Land Complex. The soil is listed as 50 percent Malabon and similar soils and 45 percent Urban Land. The depth to the water table is listed at more then 80 inches with the Frequency of Flooding and Frequency of Ponding listed as none. A vailable Water Capacity is listed as high. Site Plan See Site Plan Improvement and Public Utilities Plan See Grading and Storm Drainage Plan ~ , JUN - 8 2009. ~ Date Received: Ori':j\l'!a\ submittal Gateways High School Parking Lot Improvements Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application 2 ~ Grading, Paving & Slormwaler Management Plan See Grading and Storm Drainage System Plan Landscape Plan See Landscape Plan and Irrigation Plan Archilectural Plans Project is for parking lot improvements only. No Architecture plans necessary. On-Site Lighting Plan See Lighting Plan Additional Materials That May Be Required Where a multi.family development is proposed... No multi-development is proposed as part of this project. Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW. The site is not located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any WOL W or within 100 feet of any top of bank of any direct tributaries of WOLW. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present. None necessary as there are no unstable soils or any high water table present. Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district. Site is tocated within the Downtown Exemption Zone. No additional standards necessary. If live or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19- 100, There are no trees proposed to be removed on the project site. A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division 01 State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property. The site is an asphalt parking lot; there are no wetlands on site. Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted lor review. KPFF is submitting permits to ODOT. Where any grading filing or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development. There is so little cut and fill activity that an LDAP is not required. Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100. These conditions do apply to the projecl. An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7.100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's Urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer. No annexation application necessary as part of the project cate Recwved: JUN - 8 2009 j ,~ , 1 3 ' --'> Gateways High School Parking Lot Improvements Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application Original Submittal , ) . '::, If you need any other information or have any questions please don't hesitate to call. RespectIully submitted, Schirmer + Associates, LLC . ,'~'M' M; M' === CASCADE TITLE CO. *0263072* STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS ATTN: JESSE WILLOR 1201 OAK STREET, SUITE 100 EUGENE, OR 97401 EMAIL: JESSE.WILLOR@KPFFCIVILPDX.COM Our No: CT-0263072 Date: JUNE 5, 2009 Charge: 5200.00 Government Service Fee: $25.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H E D . Date Received: and as of: JUNE 01, 2009 AT 8:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: JUN - 8 2009 " .,; SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT ~19 Said property is subject to the following on record matters: Original Submittal 1. Judgment in the State Circuit Court, against Liberty Northwest Insurance Co. and Springfield School District No. 19, in favor of Jeri L. Hanson, docketed August 23, 1999, Judgment No.1, Case No. 16-99-15253, in the amount of 5225.60 court costs, plus $3,587.50 attorney fees, plus interes~. 2. Right-of-Way Underground Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, by instrument recorded October 19, 2006, Reception No. 2006-076072, Lane County Official Records. 3. Ordinance No. 6210, An Ordinance Approving the Springfield Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report; and Adopting a Severability Clause, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded December 7, 2007, Reception No. 2007-081042, Lane County Deeds and Records. 4. Deed Restriction/Rescrictive Covenant Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Springfield School District No. 19 and the City of Springfield, recorded November 21, 2008, Reception No. 2008-062957, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0313864, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 35 3 1, #10300, Code 19-99, 2008-2009, EXEMPT. Taxes, Account No. 0313872, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 35 .3 1, #10301, Code 19-99, 2008-2009, EXEMPT. Taxes, Accou n t No. 0313856, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 35 3 I, #10200, Code 19- 9 9, 2008-2009, EXEMPT. continued- MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUG~NE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-MAIL: info@cascadetit1e.com * FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascacle Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: ar/Title Officer: KURT BEATY Date ReCWIII$d: JUN - 8 2009 Original SubmittaL ,i , , PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: Lots 11, 12, and 13, Block 64, MAUDE'S SUBDIVISION, Springfield, Oregon, as platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: The fractional South half of Block 64, EXCEPT Lots 11, 12, and 13 thereof, of MAUDE'S SUBDIVISION OF THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD, Lane County, Oregon, as platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 3, Lane County Or.egon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Oat@ ~~eelVl'Jd: JUN a 8 2009 Original Submittal . .. ~ 4-2- 99 2534 , , r ~I \Cj, .v DO:\' R, CARTER P.O.BOX 8116 . SPRL'\GHELD. 01\ 97-1.77 Gr~nl(>r'5}l:uJIC ::1",1 AddrH~ SPIlil"IGFlELD SCHOOl. DISTRlCf 619 525 .\ULL STHEET SPRL'\GH[LV, OR 97~7tt Cralll~'S ;";~m~ ~1l.1.\.ldus' AI\<-, r<<"orl!ul~TtI"','I...: EVERGREEN L\"O TITLE CO. 1'.0. UOX 931 SPRIi'\(;fLELB.OI{ ')7.J77 Unlll ~ cllJ.nKc L' "'4"<""'<>' ~U \3.\ \lJ.I~I.Ll<ut:< sb.lU b<' !.till 10 ,be ,,,nil";'" ~dill....,. SAMF.,\S GRA~TEE 99029652 ~~APR.02:'99llo.."'REC 10.00 ~~~R.02'991102PFUljO 10.00 2~~~PR.OZ'991102MT FUN!) :'0.00 ; , 1 HIU:KO. HT.l%77 ESCRO\\' NO. SJ"n.E~l!"& T,\X ACCr. NO. )1}S';' 31):'51 )IlN~ Jllll7! M"r:-:O. 11 OJ JS:U ?lOOItl)IlOlO,WII0200 WARRANlf' DEED ~ STAnrrORYt'ORI\I (lNOIVIDU,\I. OR CORPORATlqNJ = ~ 5 ~ , " >> U ~ KNOW AU ME,\' or THESE PRESENTS, TIlai DON R. CARTER. dB C & B F'drkirg hudnoftir calle.l grantor, fur the (Q1l$iduo/ion hereilUlfter ~aied. to glUnlvr paid by SI'RJl'\GfIELll SCHOOL DlSTRICf #19 hercinafler€l:l1rd CrimEit', docs hi:rrl>y grlJ/lt, bargiJin, seU lJ1Id WnJI('f ulllol/us(Jid gramee and grarrtee's hdn, iuccenun and I/ssigm, thw CI?i1ain real property, wilh (/Ie unemenls, hereditaments and appurtenances thereur,tu bcfonging or apputaining, si!uwrd in the County of LA,NE and State of Oregon, described mfollows. lo.wit: 2 ~ ;:; G SEE EXlllllIT A WHJCH IS I\L\DE A PART HEREOF BY nus REFERE:'-:CE To [fUI'I'U/U] If I JIvld tllt' .Hlml! IJllfo the said gruntee {JIld granlu's heirs, sllcce.s$o/"S and assigns JUTI'rrr. ,Iud said gralllor had,.... "o,'eilafllf LO and .....ith said grantee alld griJ.1f1u's heirs, JuarHOn and assigns, (hat grantor is [<<wfuU, seiU'd iI/ fa simple of the obOl'e groJlfcd premises, jru from all em::umDrarrces exct"ptnone il.TlCl Subject to WI)' /lnJ {If( ,'USClnwts, us/ncliol/!; fwd COI'cnunts of record alld ,hm granlor wilf lI"(/rmllt and lorewr defend the swd pnmius and e~'cry part and parul thruof agaimr the lawful claims and demam:!s oj all persons whomsoever, except tlwu'duimillg ul/der the ubo"l: dcuribed encumbrances. The tme and llclllut c()flsidtraJioJI paid for dlis transfer, jtaUd in terms of dol/ars, is S575,OOO.00. */i/Jwrl'er, the tJclllaJ c/J'I!JiduaJion COf/Sllts of or includes olher propenyor value given ar promis/:d which is (thl' w!/lIltlpart oj t/ir) c//lUideratio/1 (indicale which). .. (The sentence b,uween the symbols., if nol applicable should be ddrud. See O/(S 93.030.) in construing tltis dl:~d and where the contexl so reql1ins, the singular i.'ldlUles the plural Wid all grammalicCJ1 chunges shall be implied to make the pro~'isions hereof apply t:qJUJ1ty ill corporaJionJ arul to individuals. la WitneSJ U"hercf>/. the grflJltf>r hus executed ihis imtrumrnJ !.his .:') I day of _~nrch . 19 ---5l5li if a corporau gromor, if "as mused i1;r numB to be signed fUjJ jeaJ q/JueJ by ilS o/flars, duly cutJUJril.td therel.; by ouk, of ifs board of director:;. TillS 1r.;~'Tl)lHin':j';r" Il.L . -, -tlSEOf Tin; 1'1l0PElHY IlCSCRmF.:D IK 11lJS I;-.'ST"RlJ:\.lE1\T ]:"0 VIOLIoHOr-;' OF ,\PPLlCABLE LA~D~{ LAWS UL.\TIQ . E..FORE SlGr.;~G OR ACCEPn'lG nus lt6TRUr.U::-OT. TilE l't:!tSON ACQUUU1'IG fEE TI11.E fO T PRQp K TII THE i\I'PROPRJATE CITY OH COU:'fn PLAf'!';}.....G DEPAln-;\a;."rTO VEIUFY APPROVED ~~ ;jf7~' '50' LAW""TS -'G""Sf ',,,",'''G ORroRI~cqrRACTICE5~:::;::OR5 '"I''' ji5t' t(, tJ\RTelt /; GLORIA. L GARONER I " NOTARVPUBUC-OREGON COMMlS$ION NO 05S127 Ur COlJ.MISSION EXPIRES APk 22. 2000 s'rATli.OFOREGO:-;. COll....-yV OF" 1...:ll1C" "oj. nIIS~TRUM[~~f\\"AS' 'K;.IOW!:.f:DVEDUE. roi<OtEO' ""~h~:j' / /AU ';6'1::/-I.i, <---~~..ft.. ..._....:- '_./. ~rM'1C<jnuniuiQDUJO!res:_ /f-.j:; 7)n r;utuyf'ui>ir:f.... dcoll ,19-99--. BV uO.'! R. CARTER i Otilt~ ~8e"lvfJcI: I , JUN~8 2009 Original Submittal " III 4-2- 99 ,t)4 CL1'- 296 71 PROPE:R1'Y PAGE 1 OF' 99029652 Pl\RCEL I Lots I, 2. 3. -1, II. 1.2. 13. Block 64, 11(\UDf,'S SUODIVISIG.N. Springfielu. Oregon, u5 platted and recorded in Dook 3, Page 3. Lane County Or~gon Plat Records. 1n Lane county. Oregol). PARCEL II The fract10nal South half (South 1/2) of Block Sixty four (64) ey.cept Lot.s Eleven (Ill. Twelve (12) Clnd Thirteen (13) t.hereof. of !IAUDE'S SUBDIVISION OF TIlE TOWII OF SPRINGFIELD, Lane County Oregon. as platted and recorded in Rook 3. page 3; Lane County Oregon Plat Records. in Lane County, Oregon. Stil(e or Oregon CO\JnlY of lane - 55. I, :hcCOun.."Cte,:".,r.l\-"":;lI..., It,il'j.,),.j C<.",..ly.":'~~'(""y,uhIYll1"III"'W1!h", ;r.~tf_'~.c~l .....~ ,ecei,..,d 10< record... '99APR 2ill\11:1I nc",l 2534R L""" CrJ"":. OffiCIAL H~(c,d, L.:o"" Cr",n'yC..,~ 1>, fl.;.p /l ~J'.y -.~ C.x.r,'yCk',l ....--.--- ,...... 'j.. :"'"i:.. " "1; ~. ::. l! l! i ~ M 'I ~ " 'N u 11 r Date Received: . .~~}{ ':fW~~ f.\~:?; JUN - 8 2009 :.1/./ ~;.f:.:! . ,:,';',: ". ~.". Original Submittal 'k'.'.. .',"./:'.:; Ii ~;n.:~ :: i.: 1lJ I~J il] , I i I -"1 fl '- I.-.!o I I I- I ~~' ,I I r~ rl r~ (1 ;[ II I T'~' :I_e. II I !I~' fl '[ I I .';' I,", I I I ,_, i ;' , >OJ I!'" ~ .... i I ~ .:. "j I"" ~ ~ -, ".' ~ I -) !jt_:. I Stormwater Drainage Report . for Gateways High School Parking Lot. Prepared For: Springfield School District 19 525 Mill Street 'Springfield, Oregon 97477 Prepared By: KPFF Consulting Engineers 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Springfield, Oregon , EXPIRES: 05/301" 'f. KPFF Project No, 308842 June 2009 Dt'.Ite Re!lo~lved: . ...1...."., _. . JU;~ ~ 8 2009 "'~ Original Submittal t-. iLJ L, U 11=. :I I i ;Ei I I lEi L .._ I: I. i'l I _ h " IL I 1[':'-' . ,'. : ~l 1',-'.,; I; , i ~i I -' . , ! hi I:"' i i 1-' I I I i: i I . I I I '. .1 :[ i~ Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................"......................................,....,.....".....................,...................,.........1 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS ..................................;.......................".....",,;,........,.................................................1 ~.1 Description of Pre-Development Site............................................ ..............................................1 . 2.2 Pre-Development Drainage ........................................................................................................1 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT.........:.............:.....:..,:...........................................;,.....,....................................1 3.1 . Description of Proposed Development ...............................:.......................................................1 . 3.2 Site Grading Plan....,................ ........ ......,.. ...........:..... ........................ .........................................1 4, HYDROLOGIC ANAL YSIS....................................................................................:........................,..........,....1 . 4.1 .Computer Modeling ....................:....................................................................,..........................1 4.2 .' Post-Development................... ........ ..........:............ ....... ......:........ ....... ........... ..,'.........................2 5. PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS.....,:...:...:....,..,........:..:........................:"...................,..2 5.1 Water Quality...... ........ .'.. ......... ............. ...................... ............ ........................,............................2 . 5.2 Conveyance.....................,':............:................,.....,..........................,.............................. .......,....3 6. PROJECT OVERVIEW ...................................................................................."..........:...............:.....:....:.......3 " J , . "{i!t~ ~6e8h'id: I I . JUN ;: B 20D9 Original 3ubmltt(l1 ~~I I] I 1.J LB IJ I I I - I -'=j, . IJ i] ii -I 1---- 1-' II~. 1_, r= !] I -'I 1---'-';" , 1-] I . II ~.~ I -'-- k:: !~~:: !I-'! . ; -1 '1-00" i' -'1 ',-'" . Aooendices APPENDIX A: DRAWINGS' Basin Maps Grading and stormdrainage Plan . Details APPENDIX B: HYDROLOGY , APPENDIX C: CONVEYANl;:E CALCULATIONS . . APPENDIXD: WATER QUALITYCALCULATIONS ) , I I D~te ~@fWived:I' JUN ,,6 2009 .~ Orlglnsl Subml!lel . I ~"1 I, --, I , I _.~ J ] ] : -] 1""'- I-l , IJ IJ --l ~, -l ! ,=:. I -- I I , -c' I:.l I I C' I I 'I-c' .\J r-j I"T' [-.- II I fC ,Il :rn 1-] I'" GATEWAYS HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . . basin will overflow into the catch basin, which will be set six (6) inches above the bottom of the basin. The basin bottoms are graded flat to achieve an even dispersion across the basin. . Details for the filtration basin and planter are on sheets C5.1 and C5.2 of the plans, which is included in Appendix A. The complete water quality calculations and worksheets for the filtration basins are in Appendix D of this report. 5.2.. Conveyance The conveyance system is designed to convey the stormwater runoff peak flows of 25-year storm event or greater. Pipe sizes and slopes shown on plans reflect the results of the calculations. The complete conveyance 'calculations and worksheets are in Appendix C of this report. 6. PROJECT OVERVIEW This Stormwater Draimige Report as prepared by KPFF Consulting Engineers (KPFF) describes the concepts and design intent for stormwater management for GatewaysHigh School Parking Lot in Eugene, Oregon. Olllt@ ~!ite@;\(ed: JUN 1: B ZCj9 I L: ::f Or/glnllll Submlllsl " KPFF Project No 308842 Springfield, Oregon Storm Drainage Report June 2009 3 I , :;1 ' I -.~ . , -""I , I II -:~ II , :] I, -'. ~ J" I . I,~ 1 I I~ I'] i C:-' II I'~' I I i -:r~ , -'-1 ,IT I'] ~l 'T' Appendix A: Drawings . ~1 T' ~-1 :1-'" I,] 111_0_ . I I~:] --1 I~-'-- .' II ~1 ' re- rl r- " IJ. f' r Oat. ~fleeived: 'J JIi',,! = R i"!1l1 '; .. ~ ... -V..\.;J Orlglna! Subm.ittal n--~ ; ....,..- I~I]; -rrt. _ ';m: """\1l__ , o , ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ / , o " ,,- ~ ~ / , ~ " ~ . ,~ 0, ~~ ''; "0 ~~ -/ ~~ / ~o o.!! c;:;;: . I ,1,',,, I. , -(.' I:' , . . . I ..' 'r , "'I. '.\ \ " .. I " .J I -'.1 ., ) ---../-c , , >'1' ,.' j' , " I ..:{: ,. "I .'-'_ ...../ .s. .1 ',.\". I "J" , ,. '." .' \. 4. \ \.... .';.... E-< (i] (i] ~ E-< rJJ :c: E-< '.0 ,"','" ". '::'-~~;~':~?;:.~:': . ,-:.", ".,- .... ....; .,...... "., "-'~' . - . .:.... .' ..,0" :',':-:~T::.'~-,,~ ",. ?-jr- '. .... 'I' ./~ ~...' " J,...... ~ : - ,I.;. . . .' (.' '. .' . , .'. . ;_--:c_~_>~<~:..~ -,-<156" '. '. .' . BASIN; .' . -_~6~_~~":~'~__.;..~~~~.~~7~~4.' ~ --- " -- --~---..: '..:..:,. ..' ~----~.~ ", '-:"'- -- , --- --- ~.:..., ,." ,'--:" --- "-'..: .;"" --- . '.-.-, """.;.. '.',' --~ -- c-._ SOUTH . A. STR.EET ~-- .---- .\ 'C, -- --- . '''/i(el.t~. -- -- ~ -~- --- ---.... --- --- -- ". - ~~--. ~ -- - - - - --. i III / III //111// 1'/ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I I GATEWAY II _ LEARNING _ / CENTER I / (EXISTING] I I I ~ ~ ~ I:'...: .:<'.:''-'<:>J' I ~. ." .'. .... ~ 1:':'.;:",<':; ." f/ I 11/ II / /1 I /11 / /,... ',:.." ::,: . . . . . . . . -.' ';".~'" '. . '. '-C.'; t ", 1;3 (i] .~ E-< rJJ :c: E-< t:-- '--"-: .-, . '. ,;.~. ;', '. ",.,~ ~ .:.:-- ':.. .' .... '. ,~ ....-.. ~. ./[,""'.. / r ,'. .... :. / . ;"":'.': .... 'Ir~-:.\ .' .' ~,;y>// . ,.;~:CY:-\'?~".:f>~( '-'-" . :'.;.:':,' f / ? '/ .'/ . .~e--:" ',." :'.' --- ., ," .. . ,", ',' . .,;' .',,' :.,',: '.".;:".' " .'~ '. :'. I ".'- "'.' .' . ~'>:<<'.?..~,._:_~:.;~'~' ...-'\ . ~~,,')~ "\c~ " -;-:---............. , I: " " , , -.," .. ...J o ~I 1H I... 0)0 ~i ~~ Oat@ Re~ejve( I: ~ ~ z ~ ~ ... z ~ '" ~ 9 a; o ~ '" ~ . .' . .: '. . . . .' . . .. , ~~-~-;~;_c~____~~_ '.r- . , i JUN = 6 2::9 ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ I I ~ !; Original 6ubmllti..I_ -5HEE-T NO. SCALE M1.0 " II I 20 0 10 20 r-".-.- t INCH - 20 FEET " , '. I; ----~ - . I- w ~ I- 'iE '" w "- ,,4. '" i!:~ ~ 0 ~ o~~o "@ ~v",\J) -.:0 Q,""-<i-O!f 0 ~"" cP .-~ . ~'2S1r~ .;~~..,. '~__~':1:<~ _'~ " e II _:~".,t;c;-'j' ~ Cil 0::: E-< rJJ :r: E-< ID ~ Cil 0::: E-< rJJ :r: E-< r-- m iii. >-"- to", .~ l~ . ~ IP ~ ~ I. . I~o ~I'!!~ .. (iiL; ~ e i '1 . JEAN MARIE BUILDING (EXISTING) A3 BUILDING (EXISTING] GATEWAY LEARNING CENTER (EX1STING) 1m ~o ,,'. Iro I~ 1111 '-I ,. I . p. :[DJ ,if; liP i[IIU II' 11,0 [[ lLU 11- ;r Tij III :[lll~ lfr'; .m b I~J ~r~ , I"'" - ~.,.- I " I I. I , I I I I- \ : : \ i I I \ I , I I \ . \ : ' = \ I C----. - --___ _~ . 3+00 I 3+81 I ~ . 1+00 ...},TliiV-___----.:.+OO _..... ~ _......--- _ __ _ -+----- _ ___ _ _ _ _ ----l roo i' ,: .;~~~C~l1~:. -c-----~~i~,---~ .c ~T~;:.^"~.. .1.1,..... U L,= ' , ~ r----, {(I Jl--U- I \\ ___J \ M"fRVlnl~_?~ . - B~2 ( ((~(_' _ ,~"___ / ' \ \ r -PERVlOtJ$..v<<-5F-__ BASIN 3 I I \.... --- IMPERVlOUS",6473 SF ------, PERVIOUS=2244 SF // {I -~,-~-n-~~h~_n___________ ______ ____ ~'---~-\~'~~~~us.~:~~~/~ ..J / ------ ---- \ I ------ // '" -- ~5S-"/ " ~ --~ 8!>;eL.\Nf: . r-~ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ So (JTI.T J1A ST'D~ ,----___ . . <'-CET \ .- '- o . ~ -- r-~ -------~~-./ \ \ '-- ...J o o~ ~~ ~~ II- ~~ ~o. Date ReCehlt9d: jUN~B2D[g g ---- --- ---- --- -- -- -- .. " , z e < f ~ ~ / , ~ " ~ 1; fu ~ ~ . . z -- -- ~-- --- --- -- "-- ~, ....'\.......r---\-____ Original Submittal o . ,~ "" no o. ~g 0/ .8 00 '" '/ ;;;" ;; ~o O.! i'Li.: ! SHEET NO. SCALE 20 0 10 20 ~-- 1 INCH - 20 FEET '" -; -, --..... .-=-=--~.;..- .--'-~~~ ~ W W I " M2.0 d . , . ~ ~ i!! ~ ~ g ~ ~ Z ~ .... Z ~ o ~ ~ C> t;; o ~ t. lie' I~', . (] r (j r n I[ :11 '[~ !- in IlL I 1 I~. i~l i.:. " I -...-------~--.-.- ----~~~--- . - , -1 I ,~ I ! 1 Appendix B: Hydrology I I I '1 I . ' 1<" 1" -' f . e~te !!f~e~jv~d: 1 . ! J!RI " 8 tOC9 Original Sl.lbmittf'i1 I. I' I I ' I~ in Ii I~ II Ii r , I , :1 i' il ii, I \ Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Gateways Highschool Parking Lot Designer: JJW Dale:06/07/2009 Basin:-Pre Developed Basin 1 User.Supplied Data t\i P.ervious'AreaK't ';;;::if1"~;(:~'JW;'ij>' '!)if[tF':f('~L Pervious Area, SF Pervious A~ea, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = . Time of Concentration, T c, minutes - 'f~~i;-.g;,~ti~1~';:;;'li!1I?:t'2;,::tt!,ir:;,~i;;;glmperviouS'Area\f~'?,fk;P;%@ki%j:ilq27~,*,*,~~Z 1~1W.I!'~1~~iOI Impervious Area, SF I ImperVious Area, Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Note: minimum Tc is five minutes ';;i'!t:&\llj:{;'<-;g;"i,%!';f,i-j;[i''fT' 1~~18t475-1r 1 0.421 1.G.li>_981 Calculated Data t~~alc"Ulatlofi's-;are1fBrith~e1C0-S:2S::.W:,;stofm~:f4~8IinClieS:6f;'raii'i1in;241h'oiTrs1iiriani'NRCS~Tvpe;,1Ai(jiStfibutiorlif~~~~~ Jl / ~. Total Project Area, Acres Peak Fiow Rate. Qpeak, cfs Runoff Hydrograph 0.60 . 0.50 I , ,I 0.40 J!! " ::: 0.30 o " , '" 0.20 I' I: " 0.10 0.00 o 500 I I 0.424127641 0.541. .1000 Total Runoff Volume, V. cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours \ .1500 2000 Time, minutes 7.0261 7.831 .2500 J I ~iat~ ~~egjved: . JUN " S 200$ Orid!""l &ul'lI\1ltlal , ~ ,. , I, I, I: 11--1 r"' 'I-'J !r- II-J 1---. I] Bureau of Environmental Services -SBUH Calculation Worksheet IJ Project Name: Gateways Highschool Parking Lot Designer: JJW Date:0617/2009 Basin: Post Developed Basin 1 User-Supolied Data I re'! Pervious 'Area ~;&k,gM:1f;&}\ Pervious Area. SF PerVious-Area, Acres Pe-rvious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = Time of Concentration, .Te, minutes ;Ti&Z;;<:ji:;;Etr:$j~&~::.=~~~~;;'~r~;Zi":~~:Z~:~S~~;:~:~~i'f,'~~i~1N~.~:s0D--' I ~ 0.03 Impervious Area, Acres I~~~-~~~~;ao Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp .I=~~ Note: minimum Tc is five minutes >!j:::~:~;f:<\i[5i;')itt~,J'~'-,:;i;):Y:-;;:' -1 -~ I~CalcUlatio-ils<a.re~:fo-r~th-e\COS~25'viistorm:1'4:8iiifclies7"""of{raii'iTIn124ih"ourslirnaiilNRCSYTVDe'l1AYdisti'ihi1tionl&b~;:';u4lriili'ffl';{i~~a01w;aj Calculafed Data J Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs 0.0424012861 0.041 , Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours 5291 7.831 i ~l . -~ Runoff Hydrograph , O.or 0.04 0.04 0.03 :! 0.03 u '" 0 0 " 0.02 '" 0.02 0.01 0.01 / 0.00 0 500 I "1 t ~~ , 1 , 111-1 -"", 1-1 r~, r:- Ir1 f'. fl II.n~. ~IU I-l 11-'- 1 . Il r" ill 11-'- I, - Ii ~ lJ \ 1000 1500 Time, minutes 2000 2500 JH'./ - 1\ ~1/lRil Vili - lJ ....uwJ , \ r I , ! fi'i.'. t~ la -I"~ "lilcr!. ~;;\ '" ";~\;,, 1f""!;!' Original SUbmittal ,I -l r- IIIJ 1-, r- I --, I :1 I I I I , I~-- II I r- II I' -_ II I Ir- ~l I ~4 ! -- ., " II] I ~ rl, r-' rl r- rl II[: " I I Ir rl [~ I~-,~ rl Ir" Il 'i-r. Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Gate~aY5 Highschool Parking lot Designer: JJW Dale:06/07/2009 Basin: Post Developed Basin 2 use~-S~I!f!lie~/D~"~~ _ ._,. ._ ",_ . I ;f;Pervlous, Area:Wtjj;:k:"i.:;j"R':~:J&~~-<;ge;;~::2~;'>?c'2' Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (pt) = Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes ~iXg;t:'~Mgr;~~~~*iillgi?~ii~!::t;'ij;g~lmpervious 'Area:W;I%fn'::.~!t4~liKt;~yi~?~i't:;:%2_t'fu~:t'&!t;i~,1 1~g;w.J;:j~27441 Impervious Area, SF 1~~i;W6r473U 0.061 Impervious Area, Acres L . 0.151 .1a2~~801 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp fil;g~~~981 =~~l Note: minimum Tc is five minutes fliCalctilatiorYs"fafe::f6Tthe1COS\2S:W:storin.:1t'4t8iinchesi6fi"rainlii'-124~hoiirsliii~ai'i'INRCS'~TvDe~1'Ardistribution~IIlp.Jl,'t~~~ Calculafed Dafa Total Project Area", Acres Peak Flo:-" Rate, Qpeak, cfs Runoff Hydrograph 0.15 $ u '" 0 0 , 0: 0.10 . 0.05 0.25 0.20 I / SOD 0.2115932051 0.231 Tata! Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours \ 1000 '1500 . Time, minutes 3.0831 7.831 2000 .2500 ClIltf!! ~fj ~ttIV~~: JU;'i " e ZOD9 Original Submittlill r~- Irj . I]]. IL R- 1:1 JI I~JI I ---I . ... Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Gateways Highschool Parking Lot Designer: J'JW . Date:06/07/2009 Basin: Post Developed Basin 3 Data .1] L_ I II ,[[ 11J II '-- , II 1'.1-- I I'l I~:I -ll --, . Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24'hours (?t) = Time of Concentration. Te,-minutes 1~2244 I 0.05 J~~~j~80 Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp 1lli:1!i.'l:Al..... 5~6 0.2'1 L 0.13 rS~iili98 Note: minimum Te is five minutes I~Calculatio.ns'"are:fcfr~ttfei.COS'2s;vrrst;5fm:!:l4:8anch-es:of,ra:iriliiiI24\!1ofii'sliri'ariiNRCSi;Tvoe11'A"distribution~:K':E~~"~jl Calculated Data T ctal Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs 0.1801193761 0.201 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff. hours 2.6391 7.B3 Runoff Hydrograph . 0.25 .-ll I ~~ . II !I ~=~ ii ~ 1_- : Iii -1 I ~= IIJ I'] I 1-- ,f= I[j, LJ 0.20 , 0.15 J!! 0 '" 0 c 0 0: 0.10 0.05 } /~ \ 0.00 o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes r, ~at~ ~~r.f ived: 1 JUN .. 8 2009 Original Submittal. I ~. if I- i' -. : I 1,- Ii I - I: I. : 'j I I I i I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Gateways Highschool Parking Lot Designer: JJW Oate:06/7/2009 Basin: Post Developed Basin 1 Dafa Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres. PerVious Area Curve Number, CNperv Predpitation in 24 hours (Pt) =. . Time of Concentration, Tce, minutes 1~:;r~~'~;1 1K.~'!:~80 Impervious Area, SF . Impervious Area, Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp 1~~~~[722fl 0.021 Note: minimum Tc is five minutes I .- ImC3IciJlation'5Tafl1!lfor:fh-E!Tviater;o-':iatltv,-sto-mr:~0;83',inchesT6ffiaifliirH24;hliurslinranlNRCSi:Tv-oe11'Avdisfritlutii5ri'~~~~1 Calculated Data I Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs 0.0424012861 0.001 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time t9 Peak Runoff, hours 411 7.831 , , I I: .1 I I I Runoff Hydrograph . 0.00 0.00 ! I I, J 0.00 0.00 J!! u ., o o , a:: 0.00 II 0.00 ~ , I 0.00 ~ ~' ,~ 0.00 o 500 1000 1500 Time, minutes 2000 r I 2500 Date ~@!J;elved: Jl;;~ - 8 ZOOS 1 Original Submittal \ Bureau of Environmental Services'. SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Gateways Highschool Parking Lot Designer: JJW Oate:06/07/2009 Basin: Post Developed,Basin 2 Data Pervious Area, SF Pervious Anaa, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) = Time of Concentration. Te, minutes 1~d&~27Mt 0061' '-"'80 Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area; Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Note: ,minimum Te is five minutes ~= F" Ca/culafed Data l!fiCalcUlatioi"'-s;are;tci'~;th-e1COS:water;airamv:~st(ffi1f:;"O!83linctiesrof;raiiflift~24ftiocrrS!inran: NRCSjJ"v~DeWtl.Ydistribiition'"'~r~~j Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs . , I I I I I, I 0.03 Runoff Hydrograph 0.03 0.02 , " 0 1; '" 0.02 0 c ~ " 0.01 0.01 0.00 I: , , 1'-. / o 500 0.2115932051 0.031 "-'-- , 1000 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feel Time to Peak Runoff, hours \ 1500 2000 Time, minutes r , 3471 7.831 2500 Date Received: 1 I J:J;; - 8 2009 Original Submitt;>i IJ I , I I It :r. - i~ Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Gateways Highschool Parking Lot Designer: JJW Oalo:06/07/2009 Basin: Post Developed Sa.sin 3 Data > Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (pt) = Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes I~Jllilic~:z'fi22441 I 0.051 IMC,'llI!'C~801 Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres. Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp 1_l<d5:602", 0.131 Note: minimum Tc is five minutes Calculafed Data lte'Calc1ilatio"ns:aie;for;theiCOS;water!aualitV:sto1'fri::;1D:S3iin'i:;hesTof;rainJlffl24tho"u7s1infan'iNRCS~Tviie.l1 A'fdisti'iotitionl~~~'j~~J Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, efs Runoff Hydrograph 0.02 0.02 ./l 0 '" 0 c , '" 0.01 0.01 0,00 F 0.03 II / o 500 0.1801193761 0.02J ~ I . Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic' feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours 3001 7.831 \ 1000 1500 Time, minutes 2000. 2500 Date Rae elved: 1 JUN - 8 2009 . Original Submittal l,.:: II. I [, u. L.' . I I .rl' I[ tl I_w I I [1 ' II ' il~- IJ ,,[ : e_ ,i I [ I' . . Appendix C: . Conveyance Calculations , -I i:-" J J J I '"I , - Ir.. . ',) ! I'. :] ! f' ~- . IfJ . r "ate ~6!:'liIjved: ., ! j 'j JUN ~ g 2:J~3, OrIginal Submitl'" I ,: II-JII!, ,,1: I -' !f~ ir:; I, lJ I.. , I- if:i 'j' II . [,J !' -I I- II~' J , I .1 _. i, .I 'I' , '-I. ". . :I l iI::' 1,.1 I il,. J I." . I I I, I'" ;, i 1\ ,j. II ;- ! ~ Gateways Highschool Parking Lot Eugene, Oregon Project: 308842 ,I I DESIGN SECTION SUB-BASIN OR STRUCTURE Basin 2 Basin 3 Pioe 1 conveyance-calcs-25-yr .xls Storm Drainage Conveyance Calculations 25-year DESIGN CALCULATIONS RUNOFF TOTAL TIME 0 Q MIN. CFS CFS I' 0.23 0.20 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.23 0.20 0.43 SLOPE alA % IN. 0.50 0.50 0.50 .1 CAPACITY Qf CFS B B 8 0.85 0.85. 0.85 DESIGN VEL. Vf FT/S KPFF Consulting Engineers By:JJW RUNOFF RATIO Q/Qf VEL. LENGTH AT Q/QF FEET 2.44 2.44 2.44 Q.27 ~----ss 0.23 1.96 15 ~ 0.50 2.44 8 Date Received: 1 \ JWJ - 8 2DJ9 Original Submittal 6/8/2009 I " i~] . ]. il] I. fl I . I '] . r [' 11 r- I i' "I' I ," , I' - II, , . II ~I . Appendix D: Water Quality Calculations -l . , u ., ; I .' J 'l r, 1[.' !." j 110. r Date Rsceived: ! . "/ I.. 1.1 " I. 1-' [I, I~' , " , , J~ ,~~ - " ~~:"t9' W:'ll u [...,.;;,,; Original $ubmiltal "I! "JI .1 I,^.. I( I ~" '). I 1 11 Ill. ,II i[.. ~I Ig I Ii' I [I l II { II i ii' ( r !I 'I Facility Design Data ~ . Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.1 Catchment ID:I BASIN 21 Run Time 6/8/20098:46:01 AM Catchment 10: BASIN 2 Date: 512812009 imported file BASIN 2.x!s - 6/8/2009 8:45:32 AM Project Name: Gatewav HS Parkina Lot In~tructions: 1. Identify which Stormwater Hierarchy Category-the facility. 2. Select Facility Type. 3. Identify facility shape of surface facility to more accurately estimate surface volume, except for Swales and sloped planters that use the PAC Sloped Facility Worksheet to enter data. 4. Select Iype of facility configuration. 5. Complete data entry for all highlighted cells. Catchment facility will meet Hierarchy yategory; ;f:':~~3~::Z,-:0- Goal Summary: Hierarchy Categorr RESULTS ~ox below needs iO display.. I Fadlitv . configurations allowed 8\\'1\11\t Requirement Pollution lO-yr (aka disposal) as a Reductionasa , Off-site flow to drainageway. river. orstonn-only pipe system. J 'PASS NIA ALL Facility Type = :Basi'ii1:'! :~~~::;;::~if*; '"" I' Facility Shape: Rectancij"eisaua'remt Facili~ PLANTER~.!~~~~\1 L6. Facility I~' Storage Depth 1 Bottom Area \ - GM Depth --~~A1 - -<< - GRO"N:~EO'UM u;pO~O' C:i.i:Jw- I . I "'t;! I Calculation Guide I Max" Rock star" Bottom Area 444 SF DATA FOR ABOVE GRADE STORAGE C.OMPONENT Facility Bottom Area = ~~'292~~"~;~ sf Bottom Width Facility Side Slope Storage Depth 1 Growing Medium Depth = r-~~!!,~ 8t€-<ti in F.reeboard Depth = ~:-%i~;~, 12:f; "~ in BELOW GRADE !nORAGE Rock Storage Bottom Area = 406 Rock Storage Depth = 0 sf in Surf~ce Capacity at Depth 1 = Infiltration Area at 75% Depth1 = GM Design Infiltration Rate = .Infiltration Capacity = I'RESUl TS Pollution Reduction 184 406 2.00 0.019 of SF inlhr ofs Rock Storage Capacity.= o of Nati~e Design Infiltration Rate = Infiltration Capacity = 2.50 0.023 in/hr cfs GM Infiltration Rate Used in PAC Overflow Volume PASS ,- 0 CF ~:5urf. Cap. Used Output File ! Peak cfs 2-vr 0.111 . 5-vr 10-vr 25-vr 0.140 1 0.1691 '0.197 1 ~:FACILlTY FACTS I --- Total Facility Area Including Freeboard = Sizing Ratio (Total Facility Area 1 Catchm~nt Area) = 811 SF 0.088 Originai ~u:Jmi1t..i Printed: 6/8/2009 8:46 AM ,i- I . 'f' i'/:I: I: I;~ ul. r IIII f :,' II ,il ". 'I I! I J Facility Design.Data Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.1 Project Name: Gatewav HS Parkinq Lot Catchment ID: Catchment ID:I BASIN 31 Run Time 6!8/2009 8:43:25 AM BASIN 3 Date: 5/28/2009 Instructions: 1. Identify which Stormwater Hierarchy Category the facility. 2. Select Facility Type. . 3. Identify facility shape of surface facility 10 more accurately estimate surface volume, except.for Swales and sloped planters that Lise the PAC Slope"d Facility Worksheet to enter.data. 4. Select type of facility configuration. 5."Complete data entry for all highlighted cells. Catchment facHity will meet Hierarchy Category: Goal Summary: ( .1 RESULTS box below needs to display.. J Facility . configurlltions Pollution IO~yr (aka disposal) as a I allowed Reductionasa Hierarchy 'Category SWMM Requirement J Off-sill' flow 10 dminugeway, river, or Storm-only pipe system. PASS NIA ALL Facility Type = ;prante'rW~'1atY;:t;~~L~t~ J Facility Shape: Rectan!:lIe/Sauare I: Facility Configuration: " Bottom PLANTER_I_BASIN/ A , SWALE . FOCII.itY '. [' Slo",. D.pth I Bottom 'Area ~ + -GM Depth T-.G~O:NG ~EDIUM- - ~:OJ. r.c':':I~"1 I . i",ki<' DATA FOR ABOVE GRADE STORAGE COMPONENT Facility Bottom Area = ,,"'ii,',174~.J~~r sf . Bottom Width = ~1:J:~i:;.174.0''fl~ft Facility Side Slope = - 0 to 1 Storage Depth 1 = 1"%$'", ;:6"L(1~:{:;: in Growing !-'tedium Depth = I!~'-'~ ~:.18t"~";:' in Freeboard Depth = N/A in " -~ I -.._--- BELOW GRADE STORAGF:. Rock Storage Bottom Area = 174 sf Rock Storage De~th = 0 in . I Calculation Guide I Max. Rock 510r. Bottom Area 174 SF , ,. Surface Capacity at Depth 1 = GMDesign Infiltration Rate = Infiltration Capacity = ~RESUL TS I Pollution Reduction !Output File '1 Peak Gfs I 87 2,00 0.008 GI infhr Gis Rock Storage Capacity = Native Design Infiltration Rate = Infiltration Capacity = o 2.50 0,010 c:f in/hr cIs GM Infiltration Rate Used in PAC Overflow Volume PASS J OCF ~ Surf. Cap. Used ~~.rPACYizl ~~<""-''''''''~ CUrrent data has b.een exported: 2.vr 5-vr 10-vr 25-vr 101521.0.176 . Basin 3 (planter).xls 6/8/20098:43;44 AM 0.103 0.127 ---- -- ioj IFACllITYFACTS --.---] I Total Facility Area Including Freeboard = 174 SF __SEi~_~atio (To~ Faci!~ty Area I Cat~ment Area) =~OR i I ! Ir.:\~t.. 9"Ptaju..."", U'lf t9 c'\~\Jt::;\l'~P~ ,. 'J'''.. ~ "":'9 blf\l W Q '~\r,,' . OrigInal Submittal Printed: 61812009 8:43 AM